HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140090 Ver 4_Re External A tale of two lakes_Phil1_20180302Wanucha, Dave
From: Suggs, Phillip H
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 11:13 AM
To: Wanucha, Dave
Subject: Re: [External] A tale of two lakes_Phil1
Lol. Yeah it did. Stay safe.
Sent from my iPad
On Mar 5, 2018, at 10:00 AM, Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.�ov> wrote:
Thanks Phil,
Lake pictures appear fine. The editorial seemed more like a commercial for NorthState.
Dave Wanucha
Division of Water Resources
Transportation Permitting Unit
NC Department of Environmental Quality
336-776-9703 office
336-403-5655 mobile
NC DEQ Winston Salem Regional Office
450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300
Winston Salem, NC 27105
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From: Suggs, Phillip H
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 7:42 AM
To: Euliss, Amy <aeuliss@ncdot.�ov>; Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.�ov>
Cc: Kiser, Marcus K<mkkiser@ncdot.�ov>; Guy, Jeremy M<Im�uy@ncdot.�ov>; Wyrick, Scott D
<sdwyrick@ ncdot.�ov>
Subject: RE: [External] A tale of two lakes
I took th�s� Thursday aft�rnoon off Linvill� Rd north of �us 40. I will ch�ck th� south sid� and g�t with proj�ct
p�rsonn�l this w��k to follow up.
No buck�t brigad�s hav� b��n vv�r� going on and that mm12 is right at th� L-lin� int�rs�ction vvith �us 40/421
so its c�nt�r�d wh�r� th� activ� work is right now.
From: Euliss, Amy
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2018 8:45 AM
To: Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.�ov>; Suggs, Phillip H<psu��s@ncdot.�ov>
Cc: Kiser, Marcus K<mkkiser@ncdot.�ov>; Guy, Jeremy M<Im�uy@ncdot.�ov>; Wyrick, Scott D
<sdwyrick@ ncdot.�ov>
Subject: RE: [External] A tale of two lakes
W� r�c�iv�d a copy of that �mail y�st�rday. W� hav�n°t had any s�dim�nt loss�s on th� U-2579� proj�ct that
warrant�d cl�anup in quit� a long tim�. I int�rpr�t�d his cl�anup r�f�r�nc� th� w�tlands that hav� form�d in
form�r Lak� Kath�rin� (at R�ynolda Villag�).
Amy Euliss
Division 9 Environmental Officer
North Carolina Department of Transportation
336 747 7802 office
aeuliss .ncdot.qov
375 Silas Creek Parkway
Winston Salem, NC 27127-7167
From: Wanucha, Dave
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2018 8:27 AM
To: Euliss, Amy <aeuliss@ncdot.�ov>; Suggs, Phillip H<psu��s@ncdot.�ov>
Subject: FW: [External] A tale of two lakes
Amy and Phil,
Ron received an email (see below) yesterday concerning EC issues related to the beltway project. You probably
already heard about it, but could you all double check the area he is referring to at mile marker 12 and let me
know if there are issues. Sounds like he observed a bucket brigade? Thanks.
Dave W.
Dave Wanucha
Division of Water Resources
Transportation Permitting Unit
NC Department of Environmental Quality
336-776-9703 office
336-403-5655 mobile
NC DEQ Winston Salem Regional Office
450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300
Winston Salem, NC 27105
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From: Boone, Ron
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2018 7:49 AM
To: Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.�ov>
Cc: Knight, Sherri <sherri.kni�ht@ncdenr.�ov>
Subject: FW: [External] A tale of two lakes
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NC D�partm�nt of Environm�ntal Ci.uality, Division of Wat�r R�sourc�s, Wat�r Ci.uality R�gional Op�rations
S�ction, Winston-Sal�m R�gional Offic�
450 W�st Han�s Mill Road, Suit� 300
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From: peter moss [mailto:petermoss383@�mail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 3:12 PM
To: letters@wsiournal.com
Cc: Gantt, Matt <matt.�antt@ncdenr.�ov>
Subject: [External] A tale of two lakes
Good morning.
It was the best of times...oh..never mind all that...
Silas Creek was dammed in 1917 to form Lake Katharine at the Reynolds Estate.
RJR's Whitaker Park construction mud ran downstream into this lake turning it into a swamp.
Well meaning students have attempted to dredge the swamp mud but have been defeated.
Salem Lake water supply is being dammed by mud from the new beltway highway project.
As with Swamp Katharine this mud is permanent.
Take a ride on 40 Business to K'ville and see the new orange in Salem Lake as you cross the bridge.
Today would be a rainy good day to visit mile marker 12 on Business 40 to see how the
lack erosion control device maintenance on the Beltway project is allowing tons of mud to foul our water supply.
The purported erosion control features at mile marker 12 are not working.
Salem Lake is becoming a giant mud catch basin and is Salem Swamp.
Will well meaning DOT workers attempt to save our water supply with dredge buckets?
Will NCDEQ staff be asking NCDOT what is wrong with the mud control plan at mile marker 12?
Thank you.
Peter M oss
Environmental Scientist
K'ville NC
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Salem Lake...red mud color added to enhance the image
perhaps this company on Lowery Street can help protect our lake:
http://www. nsenv.com/i ndex. ph p/2017/06/09/stone-mou nta i n-east-fort-roa ri n�-river-proiect/
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