HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180284 Ver 1_B-5771 Forsyth No NRHP Archaeological Sites Present Form_20180226Project Tracictng No.:
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- PRESENT FORM i� � � ��
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"¢ o�°_ '�' This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �;�•�..,.�;.;��
�� ��� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �.�4
Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group.
Project No.
F.A. No:
Federal Permit Required?
County: Forsyth
Document: State MCC
Funding: � State ❑ Federal
� Yes ❑ No Permit Type.• NWP3
Project Description: NCDOT's Division 9 proposes to replace Bridge No. 16 on SR 16ll (Main Street)
over Muddy Creek in Forsyth County. Bridge No. 16 was built in 1970, and is considered to be
structurally deficient and functionally obsolete; therefore, it has been scheduled to be replaced. The Area
of Potential Effects (APE) for the proj ect will be centered on the bridge and measure about 90 feet in
width (45 feet to either side of the centerline) and about 475 feet in length (roughly 178 feet from either
end of the bridge). Overall, the APE will encompass about 41,126 square feet (0.94 acre), inclusive of the
existing roadway and structure to be replaced.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject
project and determined:
� There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the
project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed)
❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project.
� Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources.
❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered
eligible for the National Register.
❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all
compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation
Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project.
Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions:
This project was received on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. A map review and site file search was
conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Thursday, June 30, 2016. An archaeological
survey has already been conducted along the north side of Muddy Creek at the location of Bridge No. 16
on SR 1611 (Main Street) (see Abbott 1984 [Biblio# 1641]). Three (3) archaeological sites have been
recorded within one-half (1/2) mile of the proposed project, two of which were as a result of the
aforementioned survey and occur within the floodplain near Bridge No. 16. Digital copies of HPO's
maps (Rural Hall Quadrangle) as well as the HPOWEB GIS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were
last reviewed on Monday, July 18, 2016. There is one (1) known historic architectural resource (the 1784
Bethania Grist Mill) located within or adjacent to the APE for which intact archaeological deposits may
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
be anticipated within the footprint of the proposed project. The APE falls within the Bethania Historic
District Boundary Increase (FY2044 — a mid-18"' century Moravian settlement), the limits of which are
shared with the National Historic Landmark (NHL) designation for the Bethania Historic District as well.
In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and aerial
photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factars that may have contributed to
historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope,
agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological
As stated in the Survey Required Form, "Although this is a State-funded project, a Federal permit will be
required. Permanent and/or temporary utility and/or drainage easements as well as additional ROW will
be necessary. Based on the description of the proposed project, activities may take place beyond the
NCDOT's existing ROW along SR 1611 (Main Street). From an environmental perspective, the APE
falls within the bottomlands of Muddy Creek, within the north-central part of the Piedmont physiographic
region, and is composed of two (2) soil types: Chewacla loam (Ch) and Congaree complex soils (Co).
The APE consists of both somewhat poorly drained soils (i.e. Ch) and well-drained soils (i.e. Co). Based
on the results of Abbott's (1984) survey far the HDR/Tobaccoville Interceptor (i.e. a utility line),
preservation of archaeological resources can be anticipated within such an environmental setting. The
Office of State Archaeology (OSA) has reviewed several projects within the vicinity of Bridge No. 16 for
environmental compliance, including a reconnaissance survey of the Muddy Creek Basin (Davis and
Marshall 1988), the aforementioned water line to the R.J. Reynolds Plant in Tobaccoville (Abbott 1984),
and the Bethania Town Lot Archaeological Survey (Hartley 1993), all of which garnered varying degrees
of archaeological input. The proposed project is situated within the actual limits of the Bethania Historic
District that has also been granted National Historic Landmark status. More importantly, this section of
Muddy Creek was dammed to provide power for the 1784 Bethania Grist Mill. The ruins of the mill
complex are supposedly visible aboveground in the form of stone and timber remains of the dam with the
mill pond bottom lying upstream, earthwork sections of the race, two visible cellar holes lying along the
race, and a mill building cellar lying at the end of the race. The remains of the dam, race, and building
ruins of the mill complex lie in a narrow open bottom and against a ridge slope along Muddy Creek on
the east side of the Bethania-Tobaccoville Road (i.e. SR 1611 [Main Street]). Justification for the NRHP
Boundary Increase was based on the need to include the pivotal 1784 Bethania Grist Mill site and its
surroundings. Whether remains of the 1784 Bethania Grist Mill are present within the APE has not been
determined. In addition one (1) known prehistoric archaeological site (31FY754) considered eligible for
the NRHP is located a mere 300 feet west of Bridge No. 16. Discovered over 30 years ago, a refinement
of the site's boundary may be necessary to determine if it extends within the APE for the proposed
project. Based on the information provided, an archaeological survey is, therefore, recommended for the
proposed project. A visual inspection of the entire APE should be conducted, followed then by
systematic archaeological excavations within areas of moderate to high archaeological probability, with a
focus on potentially refining the limits of Site 31FY754 and re-establishing the location of any extant
remains of the late-18t'` century Bethania Grist Mill in regards to the Proposed APE. None of the property
within the APE that requires further investigation is owned by the State of North Carolina so a State
Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) permit should not be necessary. Should the description
of this project change or design plans be made available prior to construction, additional consultation
regarding archaeology will be required."
Field investigations for the replacement of Bridge No. 16 on SR 16ll (Main Street) occurred on
Wednesday, October 26, 2016, and were comprised of a pedestrian survey and systematic shovel testing
to locate and assess potentially significant archaeological remains that could be damaged or destroyed by
the proposed project as described above. The entire extent of the project's APE was visually inspected in
order to determine the need for excavations. One (1) transect consisting of four (4) shovel tests was
positioned within the Northwest Quadrant in order to determine whether materials associated with Site
31FY754 were present within the APE. No shovel testing occurred within the other three quadrants
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
Project Tracking No.:
because of a combination of low-lying, somewhat poorly drained soil conditions, extensively disturbed
contexts, previous survey (see Abbott 1984), and steeply sloping topography. All shovel tests were
negative for cultural material; no archaeological resources were recovered. According to the Soil Survey
for Forsyth County (1976), the typical profile far the soil type to be encountered near Site 31FY754 (i.e.
Chewacla loam [Ch]) consists primarily of layers of loam and clay loam followed by silty clay loam and
loamy sand. Based on the soil profiles observed in the field, the Northwest Quadrant of the APE has
undergone a signiiicant amount of disturbance with many of the layers either consisting of fill material or
having been redeposited from when a branch of the nearby utility line, running parallel to the road, was
constructed. No evidence of Site 31FY754 extending into the APE was discovered. Please refer to the
Shovel Test Discussion for detailed descriptions (soil strata, color, and texture) of each shovel test.
To the best of our knowledge based on field observations and background research, there are no extant
remains of the 1784 Bethania Grist Mill located within the project's APE. A reconnaissance of the
bottomlands along Muddy Creek as well as the creek bed itself was conducted. In addition, the National
Register folder for the Histaric District Boundary Increase, on file at the State Historic Preservation
Office, was examined, the contents of which included the nomination form, various maps, photographs,
and hand-drawn diagrams/sketches of the mill complex as seen in 1989. Although not observed in the
iield, the remains of the 1784 Bethania Grist Mill are believed to be located approximately 500 feet
outside the project's APE within a wooded section north of the sewer line easement running parallel to
Muddy Creek. The remains have been partially buried by fill placed there by the staff at Long Creek
Club (aka Bethania Golf Club); the depth at which the structure is buried is not known.
What was observed in the field, and closer to the project's APE (in the Northeast and Southeast
Quadrants), were the remnants of a previous road alignment for SR 1611 (Main Street/Bethania-
Tobaccoville Road). Two (2) bridge abutments on either bank of Muddy Creek mark the location of an
earlier crossing of the drainage. Road traces within the Northeast and Southeast Quadrants were also
noted. Although the current bridge was constructed in 1970, its alignment is consistent with an aerial
from 1965, suggesting that it was a replace-in-place project at the time. The old, or previous, road
alignment is consistent with mapping from the 1920s as seen in the Rural Delivery Routes Map of
Forsyth County. Therefore, sometime between the 1920s and the early 1960s, the orientation of SR 1611
was realigned with a new crossing about 200 feet downstream from (or west o fl the older 1920s crossing.
Present-day Bethania contains a Historic Road System, in place since 1759 when the Town Lot was
established. Originally known as the Road to the Hollow, SR 1611 (the Bethania-Tobaccoville Road)
represents a paved section of this historic road system; however, much of the historic road system is still
unpaved. As suggested by the district's NRHP Nomination Form, the historic road system of Bethania, is
seen as a contributing element to the district's overall historic landscape. Within the Moravian
documents, Reuter himself stated that, "I should maintain my roads in an orderly manner and let them
steer the way" (22 Feb 1760). Although this section of unpaved road can be seen as a contributing
element to the Bethania Historic District Boundary Increase according to the nomination form, much of it
is situated beyond the limits of the projecYs APE and will not be impacted by the replacement of Bridge
No. 16.
Additional research has revealed that there may have been a graveyard located along the "Road to the
Hollow," on the grounds of the Long Creek Golf Club between the pool/pool house and the road. Some
have suggested that it could extend into the woods beside the grassy area. No visible stones were
observed in the field. In his book God's Fields: Landscape, Religion, and Race in Moravian Wachovia,
Leland Ferguson stated that in 1958, a developer petitioned the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners
for permission to remove five gravestones, dating from 1800 to 1824, from an "abandoned burying
ground" near the old Bethania mill site. The commissioners approved the removal, and "today the old
Bethania Strangers Graveyard lies beneath the grass of a gold course." Unfortunately, the names on the
five stones, their disposition, and present location are unknown. In her book Bethania: The Village by the
Black Walnut Bottom, Beverly Hamel notes that in 1798, the Bethania congregation agreed not to allow
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
the burial of outsiders (i.e. non-Moravians) in their God's Acre, except in exceptional cases, as they had a
"burial place near their mill." Outsiders, or non-Moravians, were referred to as Strangers, hence the name
Strangers Graveyard. This particular cemetery was also documented by the WPA Cemetery Project in the
1930s. At that time, it was labelled as the Bethania Parish Graveyard "by the mill," "on the sand-clay
road which is an extension of the main street of Bethania, Forsyth County, NC, about three miles from
Bethania, on land belonging to Miss Kate Jones, across the road from her house." The WPA
documentation also states that "these gravestones were read several years ago (i.e. prior to 1937), at
which time they were covered with three inches of leaf mold. As the stones lie flat, they are probably
covered again. When the leaf mold was removed, most of the stones were found in good condition." The
cemetery's purported location is well outside the project's APE and will not be impacted by construction
activities; however, its proximity does warrant some caution were there to be any changes to the design.
As a result of this investigation, no archaeological sites were documented within the project's APE.
Additional fieldwork within the APE is unlikely to provide any significant or substantial amounts of
archaeological data. Therefore, it is recommended that additional archaeological work should not be
required. A finding of "No NRHP-Eligible or -Listed Archaeological Sites Present" within the APE is
considered appropriate in association with the proposed project. However, should the description of this
project or design plans change prior to construction, then additional consultation regarding archaeology
will be required. If archaeological materials are uncovered during project activities, then such resources
will be dealt with according to the procedures set forth for "unanticipated discoveries," to include
notification of NCDOT's Archaeology Group.
Shovel Test Discussion:
STP 1: 0-20cmbs, FILL material, mottled; 20-33cmbs, lOYR 6/6 and lOYR 7/3, silty clay; STP was
cored another 3 feet (same all the way down); became hydric at the bottom; no cultural material.
STP 2: 0-15cmbs, 2.SYR 4/6, silty clay; 15-20cmbs, lOYR 6/2, sand; below 20cmbs, hard/compact layer
of rock and gravel; possible cap to a utility line running parallel to the road; no cultural material.
STP 3: Was cored and later skipped because the same hard/compact layer of rock and gravel was present
with a sand lens at about 20cmbs, suggesting the presence of a buried utility line.
STP 4: 0-24cmbs, 2.SYR 4/6, silty clay; 24-42cmbs, micaceous silt; no cultural material.
See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info
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� Photos ❑Correspondence
November 10, 2016
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
Project Track:rr�g No.:
Figure 1: Rural Hall, NC (USGS 1951 [PR1971]).
Figure 2: Bethania Historic District Ai�nend�nent and Boundary Increase Map, showing presumed
locations of Site 31FY754 (5 XIV) and the 1784 Bethania Grist Mill (6a).
form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement.
s �f s
P� oject Tracking No.:
Figure 3: Rural delivery routes, Forsyth County, NC (United States Postal Sei-vice 1920) (online
resource: http:Udc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1734/rec/19, last accessed 9
Nov 2016).
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Photo 1: Northwest Quadrant, loolcing North.
form,)or Mir�or Trun.rportatian Projects us Oualified ir� the 1007 Pro�runimuXic Agreerr�ent.
P� oject Tracking No.:
Photo 2: Northwest Quadrant, looking South.
Photo 3: Abandoned Bridge Abutment, north bai�lc of Muddy Creek, looking East.
jorm for Minor Tr�m.ryortatian Projects ��s Qualified ire the 1007 Pi�ogramimiaXic Agreerr�ent.
P� oject Trackrng No.:
Pl�oto 4: Abandoned Bridge Abuhnent, south bank of Muddy Creek, looking West.
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