HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550893_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20171218Deccnlbel 18, 2017 Nls Lucy I-loward 3003 Harriman AVCIILIC Durham, NC 27705-5424 ROY COON R S RI G, N kECOV�b)bN,P'C/OVVV"1 R DEC 202017 Water Resources Permitting Section SubJect Compliance Evaluation Inspectlon Single Family wastewater Treatment SYstcnl Permit No. NCG550893 DL11ham C'olulty Dear Ms Howaid On December 14, 2017, Jane Bernard from the Raleigh Regional Office %kited _vout sulgle- fanllly residence (SFR) Wastewater treatment system to evaluate comphance v�rth the above permit to discharge wastewater The checked bores below shoe %vhat coudltlonS wcic noted at your facility ❑ In compliance: You are reminded to regularly maintain the chlorine dlsnitectlon and dechlorination systems, have the effluent sampled once a year, and have the septic tank pL1111pCCI OLIt every 3 to 5 years Your good record of operation and meeting the permit requirements is Im h1v conlnlended ❑ Your home is improperly plumbed: Some ofthe wastewatcl di')charge') arc goln", directly to the clivilonment \l 1tIlOLlt first paSSling t111011g11 the tlCatlllellt wstclll T1111) 1nluSt be collected immediately PlCasc SLlbnllt a schedule to this oil -ice within 20 days of receipt of this letter- that statesyOLlUnlan lir cormcctmg thlS de_ficlenc_v I he work li to he Completed within the next 3 Months ❑ Disinfection: Your system is lacking disinfection, either chlorine tahlets of a t!V light system Ncw rules put into place on August 1, 2007 icclun e all SIR systems to lim e, a means of disinfection (and dechlollnation ��hcn chlolinc tablet" are a"cd to dltinlfcct, mf' the svStcm Was 111Sta1lCd s111CC that CatC SInCC VOLll SY�tClll had 110 ChSinfectloll, the installation lS to include a chlorine Tablet dmSpenSela a contact chamber capablc of providing a 11llnunum 30 nnlnute contact tune, and lulothel tablet dispenser that will held dechlorinatlon tablets Pleasc subllllt a schedule to this oflice within 20 calendai dav, of receipt of this lettci that states voLul Klan for cors Cann(_) this CI❑cicnc� ❑ TI-entment tablets missin- oi• are wrong Lind: You arc responsible fol always having chlorine tablets and dechlOClllatloll tablets (IFLI 1CCIL111CC palt of yOLll' SYStCIll) 111 place They must be the kind tom wastcwatel ticatnncnt and not fol swllmnlulg pools "N , I , 1, "°o,Ih (`a� ilindI 1 i, ,' Iiiuu it (,io-ilr� ,- A.,�a ...w.,. r _,. 3 r .ryr,��q _ ,,;� u'`"s'y ,5,t^ as2 ^a`^+..:, • a.._ y •r..y«,9"'3'#"p t 2' �.,..s..,� � Ms Lucy Howard December 19, 2017 ❑ Pumping the septic tank: The septic tank should be pumped out every 3 to 5 years A pumping company can check the status periodically and determine when pumping is required M Failure to analyze the effluent: The effluent that is discharged from your system must be analyzed once each year See Part I(A) of your permit about his requirement A list of NC certified laboratories that provide this service was left at your residence during the inspection Make arrangements for sampling to be carried out within the .next 3 months, and submit results to this office within 3 weeks after the sampling has been done ❑ Locations of treatment units are unknown: Determine this and report to this office within 30 clays of receipt of this letter with a sketch or map ❑ Other: If you have questions or comments about this iiispection or the requirements to take corrective action, please contact Jane Bernard or ane at 919-791-4200 Licensed plumbers should be used to make plumbing changes within your home Contractors for installing disinfection or other equipment may be found in the Yellow Pages under Environmental Consultants Sincerely -,) ✓mss', ;' �f i4, 2�7 S Daniel Smith, Supervisor Water Quality Regional Supervisor Raleigh Regional Office Attachrnents* Inspection Reports ce- RRO/SWP Files Charles Weaver, NPDES Permitting Unit