HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070291 Ver 4_More Info Received_20090303 D1- Oa.q \ Vy LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. Environmental Consultants m. [g@~"nr '. . !~- ". ; ~ .:/ L":'.. . MAR J:Leo 4 we OENR - WATER Q['ALi 'Y TLANDSANOSTORMWATERBRANCH -- February 26, 2009 TO: Mr. Ronnie Smith U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Ave. Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: King's Bluff Pump Station; Action ID# SAW-2006-41503 Bladen County, NC Dear Ronnie: Thank you for your letter dated February 5, 2009 in which you request additional information for the King's Bluff Pump Station Expansion Project. Below is a response to each of your comIl).ents. 1. Permits for work within wetlands or other special aquatic sites are available only if the proposed work is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. Please provide additional information regarding off-site alternatives and detail the criteria reviewed and why they were deemed unsuitable for this project. The particular off-site alternative that should be addressed is the use of the City of Wilmington's water intake canal. If using the intake canal is not possible or practicable, please provide information that compares the logistics, costs, and other factors, in detail, of the proposed project to the off-site alternative. Alternatives pertaining to the design of this project were addressed in detail in the Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared for this project. The EA has been through 2 complete comment periods and is now published in the Environmental Bulletin. Subsequently, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was scheduled to be issued on March 2, 2009. An excerpt from the EA that addresses the intake desif:,'11 has been included as an attachment to this letter. The 3 primary alternatives evaluated were: . No Action Alternative . Construction of a Raw Water Intake Canal . Construction of a Parallel Raw Water Intake Pipe and Intake Screen Structure No Action Alternative: It was found that a No Action alternative would not meet the needs of projected demands and therefore not further evaluated. www.lmgroup.net · info@lmgroup.net. Phone: 910.452.0001 · Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 · P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 Construction of a Raw Water Intake Canal: Construction of an Authority owned canal was evaluated for feasibility as well as utilizing the canal for the Cape Fear Public Utility (fomlerly City of Wilmington). The CFPUA canal was investigated and deemed not to have sufficient capacity to serve both the Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority (LCFWSA) capacity as well as the CFPUA capacity without substantial expansion to the canal. Therefore, this option was deemed not feasible. The findings of the EA indicated that construction of a new canal for the LCFWSA would create a pennanent impact of approximately 2.2 acres to the existing wetlands, which would be 45 feet wide by 900 feet long. It would also require 30 foot wide buffers along each side of the canal for routine dredging operations to keep the canal clean and functional. Additionally, a new intake structure would be required with dimensions 45 feet wide by 25 feet long, to provide a means of conveying the raw water from the canal to the existing pump station wetwell. Based on the topography and physical location of the pump station, this structure would need to be constructed in wetlands and would create additional, pennanent impact as such. Therefore, this altemative was deemed to have significantly more environmental impact that the parallel pipeline altemative and is not recommended. Construction of a Parallel Raw Water Intake Pipe and Screen Structure: Construction of a parallel pipeline was deemed the most effective solution and to have the least environmental impact. This option would require an approximate 50 foot wide temporal)' construction corridor for installation of the 60" diameter pipeline, however, once constructed, only a 10' wide corridor would need to be permanently maintained over the center of the pipeline. This would result a pennanent impact of only 0.2 acres for this option. Therefore, this altemative was recommended for this project. 2. Please consider boring the intake pipe under the wetlands and a portion of the river. We understand that impacts cannot be completely avoided because the intake pipe needs to be in the river. However, boring the pqJe would avoid all proposed wetland impacts and possibly reduce the amount of river impacts. Please explain if directionally boring is not practicable because of logistics, costs, and other factors or if boring would not be the least environmentally damaging alternative. The size of the intake pipe required and the gravity fed conveyance method excludes the use of boring or directional drilling for this project. Specifics are noted as follows: · The required pipe size for this intake at 60" inside diameter would require installation of a pipeline (utilizing High Density Polyethylene Pipe or HOPE) of approximately 72" outside diameter. This is due to the significant wall thicknesses associated with HOPE. This size of HOPE is not commercially available and is therefore not a viable option. Additionally, our investigations indicated that this size of pipe generally exceeds the ability of commercially available equipment needed to for such an activity. · Standard bore & jack methods are generally limited in length and diameter. 60" or greater is considered a high-risk construction activity with a low success rate for accuracy. Typically lengths greater than 300-500 feet are unachievable, especially in the poor native soil conditions that exist at this site. The proposed pipe is approximately 900 feet in length and would present significant construction challenges based on current available equipment and construction methods. Additionally, bore & jack methods are "straight-line" installations and cannot be adjusted to account for topographical variations. It is also our opinion, that a standard bore & jack is not physically or logistically feasible to install either from the river or from the pump station side of the river. · Directional drilling can also result in local high points along the pipeline, which can accumulate air, reducing the effective diameter and ultimately restrict flow through the pipeline. Installation by open-cut eliminates this potential problem. · The use of HDPE pipe may also present issues with flotation of the pipe, as the buoyant force of an empty pipe may be greater than the weight of the poor, native soils above the 2 pipe. While this would likely only be an issue during construction, it has the potential to obstruct a proper initial installation. 3. Please explain why the intake pipe cannot be routed to the existing cleared right-ofway that is located south of the existing intake pipe. We understand that a permit has been issued to you for the construction of the pump station and wet well north of the existing pipe. However, please explain why the proposed pipe cannot be buried in a fashion where it can be under or over the existing intake pipe and installed in the existing cleared corridor. This alternative would be the least environmentally damaging alternative and may not require compensat01Y mitigation. The intake pipe was designed to be constructed on the opposite side of the walkway from the existing pipe for several reasons. First, both the existing and the proposed intake pipes are very large and if the proposed intake pipe was placed in the previously cleared corridor, it would have to cross under the existing intake to enter the wetwel1. Even this method would impact portions of the forested wetlands areas due to the size of the construction area required to construct the pipeline. This crossing would have to be extremely deep (approximately 45 feet) and within approximately 20' of the existing pump station structure. At this depth, the excavation for the pipeline would be 6-8 feet below the foundation of the pump station structure and has the potential undennine the adjacent pump station structure foundation. From a structural and geotechnical standpoint, this is a high-risk activity that could have a catastrophic impact on the facility structure. Further, maintenance on a pipeline at this depth would present a significant hurdle for the LCFWSA for future operations. Additionally, severe vertical changes in elevations to cross under the existing pipe and return to original grade in order to connect to the exiting wetwell has the potential to create areas for air to accumulate within the pipeline. As previously noted, trapped air can impede water flow and reduce the capacity of the pipeline. Therefore, we feel the proposed design is the most feasible alternative for construction, operation, and long-tenn maintenance of the facility. 4. Please describe, in detail, the methods that would be used to access and de-water the river during construction. Please describe the measures that would be taken to reduce or prevent downstream sedimentation. At the intake location, three intake screens will be constructed in the run of the river immediately adjacent to the three existing screens currently in operation. It is expected that the use of a barge will be required for access to the area in the river. The screens will likely be installed via a combination of sub-aqueous methods to include underwater construction and a possible coffer dam to minimize sediment leaving the site. Only a small portion of the pipeline will be below grade within the river as the screens will be constructed within the water column, therefore, minimal excavation is required for the screens themselves and is only required for the pipeline connecting to the screens. The minimal excavation in the river is not anticipated to create a significant sedimentation issue. 5. The proposed intake pipe would be buried 3 to 4 feet below the river bed The C01pS of Engineers Navigation Branch has reviewed the proposal and they have stated that utilities and pipelines are to be installed so that there is a minimum of 6 feet of cover. They also stated that the water intake pipe should be installed so the top of the pipe is at a depth of 16 feet below the low water level. Please provide revised site plans showing that the pipe would be buried 6 feet below the river bed and 16 feet below the low water level. A revised set of plans are enclosed for your review for compliance with these requirements. 3 6. According to the permit application, all disturbed areas will be returned to pre-construction grade. This is correct. All disturbed areas will be returned to pre-construction grade. 7. Where do you plan to dispose the excavated material the will be displaced by the proposed 60 inch pipe? Material displaced by the pipe will be temporarily placed within the designated work corridor. Once the pipe is in place, the corridor will be returned to natural grade and any excess material will be taken to uplands within the site. 8. The MOA requires that appropriate and practicable mitigation will be required for all unavoidable adverse impacts remaining after all appropriate and practicable minimization has been employed. You have proposed to preserve a section of the remaining on-site and the utilization of the North Carolina EEP for the restoration of 0.25 acres of riparian wetlands to compensate for the 0.18 acres of wetlands that will be permanently maintained. Please provide a map of the proposed preservation area and describe the acreage of the preservation area. Please provide a letter from the NCEEP stating that they are willing to accept your payment for the proposed impacts. Enclosed is a map showing two acres of the proposed wetland preservation. Additionally, the EEP acceptance letter is enclosed. I hope this response adequately addresses your concerns. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, - ~ .wtL-------- Kim Williams Wetland Scientist Enc\. C: Mr. Don Betz, Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority Ms. Emily McArthur, McKim & Creed Mr. Ken A veritte, DWQ Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ 4 NOIlV1S drmd I::131VM MVI::I ::l::ln18 SONI)I I- () W J o Za::: Oc.. i=z <(W I-W >- C/)a::: I- c..() N~ ~ CJ) OLL. 0 ::J 0 et: 9 a.zi1]~~m a:::<(LL::J~g WWW<(ON I- 9: c.. a::: . >- <(c...<(wOo::: > z<( >w()SI-::> S~et:w~o::: <(<(wCJ)-,(() et:~S~~~ LL-Oet:o... LL.-.J.-.JWU ::>w I-~ .-.J.-.J <( c:c.-.J > C/)<( > (9et: Z~ - ~I () Z - I o CD UOQ-SL91O ~ w ~ ~ 0 ~ ..J ~ ~ Z 0 <{ 0 Z Z ::i 0 ~ ~ >< >l a: W ~ ~ ~ ~ <t~ Ul~ a:a:;> ..J~ I- ~8~~ ~15 w 0 ~ 0 fH W I en a 0 5 ~ z / - ~-3" I"':::~:"".-J pnf} ;-') ~. .::=:l ....'if.] i~t L_ @ nnil iEiJ (:i'''~ 600~ )"l::IVnl::I83::l N co N co I II) N O~ ~~ 0"--" "'" ~ ~~ ~ c:. U a; ii co vI...."," ~'-oo E U1U~ 0 .!: I U -+-,+->I") -0 C:'-"'" v 001") V L. z...-... 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I- Cj a:: za::~ 0<(1- j:::w::) <(LL<( I- W (f) (f) 0... a:: -l 0<(W <( zu3: I- - W W ~ a:: (f) 0 ~~~ LLOa:: I..L.-lw :J I- -l <( CD 3: (f) o z S2 ~~ ~<( Wa: 9t~ OCl) ~o O~ -I N @ ! ~ 8 -'" a_ U ~~. ~~ H~ Viul ct~ DOn G:zs ;sge 00. z c I"J "E '<t"= .~N' ~z b ~~ ~: ~ 'l3l:lV^3Nl"~V 006tll 6OOllSl/l 'flMp ~ lOOSL9l"lO ~ :)\3}1V1NI\s6U!MllJO'00\1 ~OOlSL\HI:S ~~ r,Frosvstem nnnantement PROGRAM January 26, 2009 Don Betz LCFWSA 1107 New Pointe Blvd. Suite 17 Leland, NC 2451 Expiration of Acceptance: October 26, 2009 Project: Kings Bluff Pump Station # County: Bladen The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the pennit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. Itistheresponsibility of the applicantto contact these agencies. to detennine if payment to the NCEEP will beapproved~ Youtftosfais(YcompfywiH;;~U~oill~r,stite.'Je'deraI6rio~ai go.vemmenf p~idiifs~~l'egilili'ilohsfuraGtiidriiaHohs~~'ssoeiaied:'witlniie.propo~edactivltY:indiicimg 'sV2doS.:L52:AtfACttl).Promote Corripe~safory~Mitigaffo~ii'Jjyipti~atetViitigaB6in~aJ:ikS: This acceptance is valid for nine months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification/CAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the penn its to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that pennit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www.nceep.net. Based on the infonnation supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. River CU Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I Buffer II Basin Location (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non-Riparian Coastal Marsh Impact Cape Fear 03030005 0 0 0 0.721 0 0 0 0 Credits Cape Fear 03030005 0 0 0 1.442 0 0 0 0 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. If the regulatory agencies require mitigation credits greater than indicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for the additional mitigation, the applicant will need to submit a mitigation request to NCEEP for approval prior to pennit issuance. The mitigation will be perfonned in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Valerie Mitchener at (919) 715-1973. Sincerely, .. ~ rf n i1.. ~~ b. 'S3:c.~ \)"'- Willi~JD. Gilmore, PE Director 'cc: Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ Wetlands/40l Unit Ronnie Smith, USACE-Wilmington Ken A veritte, NCDWQ-Fayetteville Kim Williams, agent File RMtorinj... E~... Protedinj Our Stare- AVA milA North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652/919-715-0476 1 www.nceep.net , ~~ CJ ~ I ----.- b o N N .~ ~ C z >- Q l- I- _ <{ 0::: 1-0:::0 Ul<{f!: ClW:::> ZlL.<{ O::::Wo::: ~a..bU :::><{~ a.. 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