HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130412 Ver 1_Modifications_20180215Strickland, Bev From: Haupt, Mac Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2018 9:51 AM To: 'Aaron Aho'; Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) Cc: Goss, Stephanie; Jeffrey A. Fisher; Michael Scisco; Angela Allen Subject: RE: [External] Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: SAW -2017-00511 Hoosier Dam Removal Project INCOMPLETE NOTIFICATION Aaron, Thanks for sending the information. We will need a signed PCN (new version), you can send that to me by email. Also, in your February 7t" email I believe you stated you were still composing your response to comment #8. 1 don't believe we have received that yet. DWR will still be on hold for this PCN application until we receive those items. Thanks, Mac From: Aaron Aho[mailto:aaho@uniqueplacesllc.com] Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 1:41 PM To: Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.miI> Cc: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov>; Haupt, Mac <mac.haupt@ncdenr.gov>; Jeffrey A. Fisher <jeff@uniqueplacesllc.com>; Michael Scisco <mscisco@uniqueplacesllc.com>; Angela Allen <aallen@wildlandseng.com> Subject: [External] Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: SAW -2017-00511 Hoosier Dam Removal Project INCOMPLETE NOTIFICATION External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to FlAort Spam. Andrew, Here are the updated figures and PCN form addressing your latest request. The figures have been updated to reflect the PCN form designations and the PCN form has been updated to accurately reflect the figures. Also, there is an attached table for the wetland impacts. Let me know if this satisfies your needs and everything makes sense. Kind Regards, Aaron Aho Land and Resource Associate Unique Places LLC PO Box 52357 Durham, NC 27717 p919.491.1964 uniqueplacesllc.com On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 8:16 AM, Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil> wrote: Thanks, Aaron. Andrew Williams Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 919-554-4884 ext. 26 -----Original Message ----- From: Aaron Aho [mailto:aaho@uniqueplacesllc.com] Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 8:11 AM To: Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil> Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: SAW -2017-00511 Hoosier Dam Removal Project INCOMPLETE NOTIFICATION Andrew, In regard to your latest request, I should get you these updated figures and the updated PCN form today. Thanks, <Blockedhttps://mai Ifoogae.appspot.com/t?sender=aYWFobOBIbm lxdWVwbGFiZXNsbGMuY29t&type=zerocontent&g uid=Oe4571de-979d-4268-9356-Oacf0472322e> Aaron Aho Land and Resource Associate Unique Places LLC PO Box 52357 Durham, NC 27717 p919.491.1964 <tel:9194911964> unigueplacesllc.com <Blockedhttp://unigueplaceslIc.com/> On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 5:46 PM, Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil <mailto:Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil> > wrote: Aaron, Thanks for sending the updated information. It will be helpful in finalizing the project. I just want to make sure that all of the impacts in the plans are also listed on Page 6 of the PCN. Could you please cross reference the drawings with the impact tables? For example, place the label S1 on the impact map where the dam removal is. Conversely, you may just update page 6 of the PCN and state in the comment section (2h and 3i) impact S1 (Figure 5), Impact S2 (Figure 6), etc.. Please call me if you have questions. Thanks. Andrew Williams Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 <Blockedhttps://maps.google.com/?q=3331+Heritage+Trade+Drive,+Suite+105%OD+Wake+Forest,+North+Carolina+27 587&entry=gmai I&source=g> Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 <Blockedhttps://maps.google.com/?q=3331+Heritage+Trade+Drive,+Suite+105%OD+Wake+Forest,+North+Carolina+27 587&entry=gmai I&source=g> 919-554-4884 ext. 26 <tel:(919)%20554-4884> From: Aaron Aho[mailto:aaho@uniqueplacesllc.com <mailto:aaho@uniqueplacesllc.com> ] Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 5:08 PM To: Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil <mailto:Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil> > Cc: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov <mailto:stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> >; Haupt, Mac <mac.haupt@ncdenr.gov <mailto:mac.haupt@ncdenr.gov> >; Jeffrey A. Fisher <jeff@uniqueplacesllc.com <mailto:ieff@uniqueplacesllc.com> >; Michael Scisco <mscisco@uniqueplacesllc.com <maiIto: mscisco@unigueplacesllc.com> > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: SAW -2017-00511 Hoosier Dam Removal Project INCOMPLETE NOTIFICATION Andrew, See our response below in blue and also the attached documents that address document update needs. This should address everything except for #8, which we are still putting together. Please, let us know if this satisfies the points addressed. 1. In several locations within the PCN, including the PCN supplemental narrative and attached plans sheets, the project is referred to as a "bank" or "mitigation bank". Please clarify whether or not the applicant is proposing this as a mitigation bank. A mitigation bank is not being proposed. The property was purchased by Rocky River Hydro, LLC on December 31, 2012. At the time, the plan was to remove the dam in order to establish a mitigation bank. Efforts were made in that direction, thus some of the consultation documents talk about a mitigation bank, but the effort was abandoned in July 2016 when a NFWF grant was approved to remove the dam. These consultation documents are still relevant to our purposes of removing the dam and remain in their original wording but the purpose is to remove the dam for the positive environmental impact and not as a mitigation bank. 2. Please provide specific control measures to be implemented to alleviate any severe or long term impacts to the Cape Fear Shiner critical habitat, as mentioned in the supplemental narrative (page 2). A Biological Assessment has been submitted to USFWS regarding specific control measures to alleviate severe or long term impacts to the Cape Fear shiner. We have attached a copy of this for you with this submittal. 3. Page 3 of the supplemental narrative mentions the stabilization of streambanks, post -dam removal and stabilization of stream bed using grade control structures. Streambank and streambed impacts are shown/mentioned at the location of the old crib dam. It is unclear if any additional stream bank/stream bed work will take place within the footprint of the project area. If so, please specify the location, type and amount of impacts associated with any additional streambank and grade control structures along other sections of the project area. If so, these impacts should be listed in the PCN. After the completion of dewatering of the impoundment, and inspection of the stream upstream and downstream, it was determined that instream habitat structures would not be necessary for this project. The bed material is heterogeneous and several bedrock seams act as grade control for the project. This language has been updated in the supplemental narrative. Streambank grading will occur along the area upstream of the dam if mechanical sediment removal is required by permit as part of this project. This area will be stabilized with erosion control matting and seeded according to the plans and specifications for the project. This area is shown in the grading plan with proposed contours and has been included in a temporary impact on the PCN in Figure 5. Similar stabilization will occur on the streambanks at the Hoosier Dam location. This is shown in the grading plan (Sheets 1.1— 1.4) and called out in Figure 5 of the PCN. 4. Section 133e of the supplemental narrative mentions the removal of the rock dam (crib dam). Please indicate if any temporary impacts (fill for pump around or for double handling material) will be necessary. If so, please indicate the location, and amount (linear feet and/or acres) on the plans. No temporary fill of material will be required. Material will be taken from the channel and placed above the ordinary high water mark along the stream banks during deconstruction. From there it will be placed in the permanent stockpile areas shown on the plans. Temporary impacts associated with grading and placing of rock along the toe of banks is shown on the construction plans and in Figure 6 of the PCN. 5. Section 133e of the supplemental narrative mentions the removal of the powerhouse and dam and the construction of a causeway abutting the dam. Please indicate the causeway location on the proposed plans and indicted the amount of fill within jurisdictional areas. The causeway is shown on Sheet 1.3 of the construction plans (hatched with a gravel pattern) with a call out of the cubic yardage of fill required. This is noted as a temporary impact on the PCN in Figure 5. 6. The supplemental narrative mentions dam material falling on the downstream side of the dam during demolition. This may result in temporary fill at this location. Please estimate the location, amount of fill (cubic yards and acreage) and the method of removal for any of this material. It should be shown as a temporary impact on the PCN. This is the causeway mentioned in Question 5, above. The temporary fill is estimated at 1,880 Cubic Yards. The area is inclusive of where material may fall during demolition. Material will be removed mechanically according to Stage 3 of the dam removal in the construction plans. This has been shown as a temporary impact on the PCN in Figure 7. Page 5 of the supplemental narrative mentions habitat structure implementation. Specific structures include rocky riffle and lunker logs (instream). Please provide a plan sheet showing the location of these structures and the amount of fill associated with them. These should be accounted for on the PCN. Please see Question 3. This approach has been adjusted since dewatering. Unique Places and the design team feel it is the best approach for the Cape Fear shiner and sensitive mussel species to impact as little of the riverbed as necessary to create a stable and thriving habitat. 8. During several pre -applications meetings, compensatory mitigation was discussed. While the language within NWP 53 states that in general, compensatory mitigation will not be required, it does not preclude it completely. As such, during the pre -application meetings, monitoring of the existing on site wetlands was discussed. Methods discussed included creating and implementing a schedule for verifying hydrology indicators of the current wetlands and making routine wetland determinations for any newly formed wetlands. Please provide a statement and plan regarding the monitoring wetlands that will potentially be impacted by this project and those that may form, post dam removal. Please be aware that the Corps of Engineers may condition the permit verification to provide compensatory mitigation at a later date, depending upon the final amount of wetland loss (if any) associated with this project. We are still composing this response. 9. Please modify Figure 7 by using different labels, colors, hatching, etc. to distinguish between wetlands that you have classified as follows: a. functional/hydrological change b. likely removed from jurisdiction c. no change This has been updated in Figure 7 and labeled to correspond with the PCN and JD 10. Please clarify if the applicant is the entity known as 130 Chatham or Rocky River Hydro, LLC. Also, please provide a contact name, email address and phone number for the applicant. Unique Places, LLC is consulting on this project for Tim Sweeney. Mr. Sweeney is the managing member of both 130 of Chatham, LLC and Rocky River Hydro, LLC. Several of the consultation reports have been commissioned under 130 of Chatham, LLC for this project, however, Rocky River Hydro, LLC is the correct applicant for this project. Rocky River Hydro owns the two parcels immediately on either side of the Hoosier Dam and all direct impacts associated with demolition will occur on these two parcels. This is not the case with the upstream crib dam, which sits between a parcel owned by 130 of Chatham and another private landowner. Impacts will occur on 130 of Chatham property for the removal of the crib dam. Contact information: Tim Sweeney Phone: 919-632- 0161 <tel:(919)%20632-0161> 11. We recognize and appreciate that this project has been extensively coordinated with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the Cape Fear Shiner. However, please be aware that no activity is authorized under any NWP which "may affect" a listed species or critical habitat, unless ESA section 7 consultation addressing the effects of the proposed activity has been completed. Direct effects are the immediate effects on listed species and critical habitat caused by the NWP activity. Indirect effects are those effects on listed species and critical habitat that are caused by the NWP activity and are later in time, but still are reasonably certain to occur. We will coordinate with USFWS to complete Section 7 consultation. In cases where the non- Federal applicant has identified listed species or critical habitat that might be affected or is in the vicinity of the activity, and has so notified the Corps, the applicant shall not begin work until the Corps has provided notification that the proposed activity will have "no effect" on listed species or critical habitat, or until ESA section 7 consultation has been completed. Noted and understood 12. We recognize and appreciate that this project has been coordinated with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the dam and powerhouse. In cases where the district engineer determines that the activity may have the potential to cause effects to properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places, the activity is not authorized, until the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) have been satisfied. We will coordinate with SHPO to complete Section 106 consultation. For non-federal permittees, the district engineer will notify the prospective permittee within 45 days of receipt of a complete pre -construction notification whether NHPA section 106 consultation is required. If NHPA section 106 consultation is required, the district engineer will notify the non- Federal applicant that he or she cannot begin the activity until section 106 consultation is completed. Noted and understood Aaron Aho Land and Resource Associate Unique Places LLC PO Box 52357 Durham, NC 27717 p919.491.1964 <tel:9194911964> uniqueplacesllc.com On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 3:28 PM, Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil <mailto:Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil> > wrote: Mr. Aho: The Pre -construction notification (PCN) for the Rocky River Hydro, LLC Hoosier Dam Removal Project (SAW - 2017 -00511), received on December 21, 2017 is incomplete. In order for use to continue evaluating the proposed project, please provide/clarify the following information/issues: 1. In several locations within the PCN, including the PCN supplemental narrative and attached plans sheets, the project is referred to as a "bank" or "mitigation bank". Please clarify whether or not the applicant is proposing this as a mitigation bank. 2. Please provide specific control measures to be implemented to alleviate any severe or long term impacts to the Cape Fear Shiner critical habitat, as mentioned in the supplemental narrative (page 2). 3. Page 3 of the supplemental narrative mentions the stabilization of streambanks, post -dam removal and stabilization of stream bed using grade control structures. Streambank and streambed impacts are shown/mentioned at the location of the old crib dam. It is unclear if any additional stream bank/stream bed work will take place within the footprint of the project area. If so, please specify the location, type and amount of impacts associated with any additional streambank and grade control structures along other sections of the project area. If so, these impacts should be listed in the PCN. 4. Section 133e of the supplemental narrative mentions the removal of the rock dam (crib dam). Please indicate if any temporary impacts (fill for pump around or for double handling material) will be necessary. If so, please indicate the location, and amount (linear feet and/or acres) on the plans. 5. Section 133e of the supplemental narrative mentions the removal of the powerhouse and dam and the construction of a causeway abutting the dam. Please indicate the causeway location on the proposed plans and indicted the amount of fill within jurisdictional areas. 6. The supplemental narrative mentions dam material falling on the downstream side of the dam during demolition. This may result in temporary fill at this location. Please estimate the location, amount of fill (cubic yards and acreage) and the method of removal for any of this material. It should be shown as a temporary impact on the PCN. 7. Page 5 of the supplemental narrative mentions habitat structure implementation. Specific structures include rocky riffle and lunker logs (instream). Please provide a plan sheet showing the location of these structures and the amount of fill associated with them. These should be accounted for on the PCN. 8. During several pre -applications meetings, compensatory mitigation was discussed. While the language within NWP 53 states that in general, compensatory mitigation will not be required, it does not preclude it completely. As such, during the pre -application meetings, monitoring of the existing on site wetlands was discussed. Methods discussed included creating and implementing a schedule for verifying hydrology indicators of the current wetlands and making routine wetland determinations for any newly formed wetlands. Please provide a statement and plan regarding the monitoring wetlands that will potentially be impacted by this project and those that may form, post dam removal. Please be aware that the Corps of Engineers may condition the permit verification to provide compensatory mitigation at a later date, depending upon the final amount of wetland loss (if any) associated with this project. 9. Please modify Figure 7 by using different labels, colors, hatching, etc. to distinguish between wetlands that you have classified as follows: a. functional/hydrological change b. likely removed from jurisdiction c. no change 10. Please clarify if the applicant is the entity known as 130 Chatham or Rocky River Hydro, LLC. Also, please provide a contact name, email address and phone number for the applicant. 11. We recognize and appreciate that this project has been extensively coordinated with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the Cape Fear Shiner. However, please be aware that no activity is authorized under any NWP which "may affect" a listed species or critical habitat, unless ESA section 7 consultation addressing the effects of the proposed activity has been completed. Direct effects are the immediate effects on listed species and critical habitat caused by the NWP activity. Indirect effects are those effects on listed species and critical habitat that are caused by the NWP activity and are later in time, but still are reasonably certain to occur. We will coordinate with USFWS to complete Section 7 consultation. In cases where the non- Federal applicant has identified listed species or critical habitat that might be affected or is in the vicinity of the activity, and has so notified the Corps, the applicant shall not begin work until the Corps has provided notification that the proposed activity will have "no effect" on listed species or critical habitat, or until ESA section 7 consultation has been completed. 12. We recognize and appreciate that this project has been coordinated with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the dam and powerhouse. In cases where the district engineer determines that the activity may have the potential to cause effects to properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places, the activity is not authorized, until the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) have been satisfied. We will coordinate with SHPO to complete Section 106 consultation. For non-federal permittees, the district engineer will notify the prospective permittee within 45 days of receipt of a complete pre - construction notification whether NHPA section 106 consultation is required. If NHPA section 106 consultation is required, the district engineer will notify the non- Federal applicant that he or she cannot begin the activity until section 106 consultation is completed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Thanks. Andrew Williams Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 <Blockedhttps://maps.google.com/?q=3331+Heritage+Trade+Drive,+Suite+105+%OD+Wake+Forest,+North+Carolina+2 7587&entry=gmai I&source=g> Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 919-554-4884 ext. 26 <tel:(919)%20554-4884>