HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060052 Ver 1_More Info Received_20061120WARD AND SMITH, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT' LAW FRANK H. SHEFFIELD, JR. <252) 672-5507 Fax (252) 672-5477 fhs@wardandsmith.com November 16, 2006 COPY VIA TELECOPIER ORIGINAL VIA U.S. MAII., Mr. Dave Timpy Department of the Army Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 RE: Peninsula at Topsail Island Project Topsail Township, Pender County Surf City, North Carolina Our File 050823-00005-001 NOV 2 0 2006 Dear Dave: f)L`aWR' y~~+l``k GuAi.T4 bYE7t,.p~Oc Fv`~[I STOR1iWATFR $RANCi~4 With reference to the meeting in your offices on November 1, 2006, with you, Keith Harris, and Jim Gregson concerning the permitting of The Peninsula at Topsail Island Project ("Project"), at your suggestion we hereby respond to the letter dated Apri14, 2006, from Lillette Granade to J. R. Triplett requesting additional information and justifications for the proposed project. This letter also responds to the letter dated Apri120, 2006, from Keith Harris to J. R. Triplett which provided comments from various regulatory agencies and the public in response to an earlier public notice. Please note that my letter dated August 23, 2006, to Jim Gregson was intended to respond to the information requests in the two referenced letters. Since our original application was a joint CAMA/Corps of Engineers application, we understood that submitting that letter to Jim Gregson as part of an amended CAMA Major Development Permit Application was tantamount to responding to the Corps' requests for further information. In fact, our letter used headings that coincided with the paragraphs of Ms. Granade's letter and covered each of the sequencing steps to be considered in the issuance of a Section 404 permit. 1001 COLLEGF. COURT PO BOX 867 NEW BERN, NC 28563-0867 GREENVILLE NEW BERN RALEIGH WILMINGTON (252) 215-4000 (252) 672-5400 (919) 836-4260 (910) 794-4800 WARD AND SMITH, P. A. Mr. Dave Timpy November 16, 2006 Page 2 Nevertheless, we would like to incorporate the comments set forth in our August 23, 2006, letter by reference into this letter and offer these additional comments as supplemental to the information provided in that letter. For your convenience, we have enclosed another copy of the LAMA Plan for the Project dated August 7, 2006. Impacts on Local Water Quality. Potential adverse impacts on water quality in the adjoining canals have been addressed through modifications to the original design to slope all lots toward the center of the peninsula so that stormwater sheet flows from lots, streets and sidewalks will be directed to and treated by the wetlands in the interior and along the north side of the peninsula. There should be essentially no sheet flow of stormwater into the south side of the peninsula. By filtering the stormwater from the entire site through successive bands of existing 404 wetlands, created wetlands, and existing coastal wetlands along the northern perimeter of the site, surface stormwater should be fully filtered before reaching the canal on the north side. We anticipate that individual property owners will wish to construct bulkheads and private docks and will apply for permits for such docks individually. In order to minimize any potential adverse cumulative impacts associated with construction/operation of bulkheads, private docks and the attendant vessels, our client proposes to restrict property owners to one slip per lot via the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for the development. With this restriction, there can be a maximum of 28 vessels moored at the development. We believe this is a reasonable measure to balance the marine recreational needs of property owners with the need to protect the open shellfish waters adjacent to the site. It should be noted that a Stormwater Permit now has been issued for the Project. See attached. This Permit was received in the meantime since our November 1, 2006 meeting. This Permit indicates that the Project is designed in a manner to meet all state Coastal Stormwater Program requirements and properly manages stormwater from the site. Land Use Classification and Coastal Consistency. The Project received subdivision approval earlier from the Town of Surf City. However, given the recent design modifications, approval of an Amended Subdivision Application will be needed. Consideration of the client's Amended Subdivision Application is scheduled for consideration by the Town Board in December 2006. Town representatives preliminarily have indicated that approval of the modified Project is likely. We will request a Consistency Determination from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management once Town approval of the Amended Subdivision Application occurs. We believe the Project is fully consistent with local land use plans and LAMA permitting requirements. Demonstration of Avoidance and Minimization, Design Alternatives and Miti atg ion_ We refer you to my letter dated August 23, 2006 for information concerning how these aspects of Section 404 permitting requirements have been addressed. To the best of our knowledge, the Project has incorporated each and every suggestion made by both DENR and Corps of Engineers permitting staff concerning the potential environmental impacts of the development. WARD AND SMITH, P. A. Mr. Dave Timpy November 16, 2006 Page 3 Conclusion. In summary, the proposed Project now involves filling less than one-half acre of wetlands (0.399 acres), restoration of greater than one-half acre of wetlands (0.698 acres), a mitigation ratio of greater than 1:1, strict management of stormwater throughout the site by directing all sheet flow through wetlands on the site, protection of adjoining open shell fish waters on both sides of the peninsula, and severe limits on the number of slips to minimize any potential impacts from marine activities. We request that the Corps of Engineers publish a new notice of this Project so the reviewing agencies and the public will have the opportunity to comment on the Project as currently proposed following the extensive design modifications in response to regulatory agency suggestions. Thank you for your time and attention to this permit application. Yours very truly, Frank H. Sheffield, Jr. FHS:fhs NBMAIN\703251\1 Enclosures cc: Mr. Keith Harris Mr. Jim Gregson Ms. Noelle Lutheran Ms. Cyndi Karoly Ms. Linda Lewis Mr. J.R. Triplett Mr. Parrish Sasser Mr. Charles F. Riggs r~ 4 :39 PM CHARLES. F. RIGGS. RLS Mt7V-15-06 0 910 455 9033 P. 02 j~{ * r ~~ r. Qr WA T~'~ . • ~~ , Q~ Michael F. P.seley, t7overnor *,~ ~ North William 0, Ross Jr„Secretary C,eroliro Ikpartment of &nvirnnmont and Nitura! Raaeurcea O Y Alan W, Klirnek, P.E. I]inclor Division of Water QuRlity November 9, 20013 Mr, Lawson S. Triplett, Jr. Red Apppfa Group, LLC Post Offtce Box 689 Shallatte, NC 28459 Subject: Stormwater Permit Mo. SW8 0~09Z8 The Peninsula at Toppsail Island Low Density Subdivlslort Parrnit Pander County Dear. Mr, Triplett; The Wilmin~tan Regional Office received a complete 5tormwater Management Permit Applica#lon or The Peninsula at Topsail island on November 7', 20p6, Staff review of the plans and speclflcations has determined that the pproject, as ppro osed, will comply with the Stormwater Re ulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.9~00, We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 064178, ~ated Navsrnber 9, 2006, for the construction of the subject project. This perrnit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded antl shall be subjec# tq the conditions and limitations as specified therein, and does not supercede any o#her agency permit that may be required, ~ , . If any parts, requirements, ar (imitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the ri$ t to retjuest an adjudicetorryy hearing upon written request within sixty (60} days i ~ followingg receipt of this permit. fih(s request must be in the form of a written petittion, canfarmin to Chapter 1508 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filetl with the Offlce of Administra~ive Hearings, P,O, Drawer 27447', Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. unless such demands are made this permit shall be frnal and binding. 1f you have an questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact either Gary Beecher or me at (910) 796-7215. Sincere ' ~.J.~ ' Edward Beck l~eggis~nal Supervisor Surtace Water Protection Section iNBlgb; S:IW4~SISTORMWATERIPERMITIOB0128.Nov06 Cc: Charles Riggs (Charles Riggs & Associates, Inc,) Pander County Building InspQCtions Division of Gaaatal Management Gary Btiecher (DWO) Wilmington Regional Office , Control files ,., .}~•.i ~~;. .~ ,..:.,. .:.,: n>~" r ~: ~~~ North t^~rolina bivirion ar Wxtcr Quality 127 Centinal Rrivo Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (91D) 796.721 S Customer Service Wilmington Kegioml Office Internet: ~~~e qunlltY.Org l±rx (910) 350-1404 1.871.623-e~ag An Equal OppartunltylAffittnalive Action Employer -50°+6 Recyc1ed1109~ Poet Coneumer papa r N051-15-@6 @4 :4@ PM CHARLES. F.RIGGS.RLS 91@ 455 9@33 P. 03 Stat° Stormwater Management syatmms ..::z, ' ~a 't Nye. 8 y ~- °. ~, STATE OF NOR'~H CARQLINA . . ,, •Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES dIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE 9TORMWATER MANA~CEMENT PERMIT ,; LOW DENSITY DEVELOPMENT ~.~ In accordance with the provisions of Article 2 7 of Chapter 743, General Statutes of ~~ f , North Carolina as amended, and other applidable taws, Rules end Regulations ~ PERMISSION iS HEREBY GRANTEp TO .' Mr. LawSOn S. Triplet!, Jr., Owner ;x;. Red Apple Getup, ~.LC ,,,. '~s. i 7'he Peninsula at Topsail Island ~ . . . Surf C1ty, Topsail Is/a~d .:~ Psnder County ~~. ~~ . FOR THE , construction, operation and maintenance of a 25% low density subdivision in liancQ with the com rovisfans of 15A NCAC 2H 10op aft r r h f th d t p { p , e e re erre o as e e ~:~ stormwster rules and the approved stormwater management piarr~' and . ~ :.a speclticatians; an other supporting data as attached and on file withi anti approved by ' ~ ~. i the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. ~ ~ , ;-, • Ttie Perrnlt shah be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be :. 5 subject to the following specific conditions and limitations: ; ~`~ I. DESIGN STANDARDS "~ 1. Each of the 28 tots it; limited to a maximum amount of built-upan Brea as , ~ ~~ indicated in Section 11.11 of this permit, That maximum is 1,252.fi4 square feet of built-upon area, as indicated in the approved plans, CAMA regulations may reduce the allowable built~upan area for those lots within the AEC, The roadways and lots must be graded so that eny stormwater will flow into the wetlands instead of into the waterway. 2. The overall tract built•upon areapercentage for the project must be maintained at 25% per the requirements of Section .1 Qp5 of the stormwater rules, 3. Approved plans and spe+rificatforts for projects covered by this permit are incorporated by reference and are~enfofceable parts of the permit. 4. Prr~'ects covered by this permit will maintain a minimum 30 feat wide vegetative fiuf~er between all impervious areas and surface waters. 5. The only runoff conveyance systems allowed wlU be vegetated conveyances such as swalea with minimum side slop~a of 3.1 (H:V} as deigned in the stormwater rules and approved by the division. . ;:' 6. Ail roof drains must terminate at least 30' from the mean high water mark, ~ ~ w Page 2 of ~ NOV-15-06 04:42 PM CHARLES. F.RIGGS.RLS '910 455 9033 P_O4 State alUrmwater Manaip0rt'~ent SyNtams ,L,~ { ivo.s ~ ~-ae ~ q' •' Ii. 'SCHEDULE 4F COMPi,IANCE 1. Swalss and other vegetated conveyyances shall be cons#ructed in #hair entirety, vegetated, and be operational for their Intended use prior to the construction of any built upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of ;s the swales or other vegetated conveyances wiA be repaired immediately. ; ~ . :; :~ 3. The permittee Shall at aA times provide the e~p~~ation and maintenance necessary to operate the ermitted starmwaf t t ; . ~ p er managemen sys ems at optimum efficiency to Include: ,.:~ a. Inspections b, Sediment removal. ~ c. Mewing, and ravegetating of the side slopes. :;~; ~' ;: ~ d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and , z, ,~: ~. ,..;~ specifications, .. ~- ` 4. The permitter shall submit to the Director and shall have received appproval for revised lans s ecifrcations and al l ti b t t i ~ , ~.~ p , , c ons pr r cu a o cons ruct on, for $ny modification to the a roved lans i l di t li d t th b t it li d pp p , nc u ng, u no e o, m ose ste ~ bsiaw: . a. Any revision to any of the items shown on the approved plans, including ~~ ~ .:;.~ the stormwater management system, design concept, built~upon area, : ,~ details, etc. : ~ .~; b. Project Hama change. c Transfer of ownershi ~. . p. d. Redesign.nr addition to the approved amount of built-upon area or to the drainage area. ~ r. Further subdivision, acquisition, or selling of the project eras. ; f. Filling in, altering or piping any vegetative conveyance shown on the -. approved plan, • . ~,•- ~' 5. The Director may determine that other revisions to the prof act should require a modification to the permit, > ; ,, i:~ 6. The permittee shalt submit all information requested by the Director or his representative within the time frame specified in the written information request. 7. No piping Sh~li ~~'allowed excepf that minimum iamount necessaryx to direct . runoff beneath an impervious surface such as a read and that minimum amount needed under driveways to provide access to lots. 8. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for th8 swales must follow the guidelines established In the North Caroiins~ Erosion and 5edirnent Control Planning and Design Manual. 9. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built-upon area deer not exceed the allowable built-upan~area. Qnce the lot transfer is complete, the built-upon area may Hat berevised without approval from the Division of Water ' Qualityy; and responsibility for meeting the built-upon area Ilmit is transferred to he individual property owner, provided that the permittee complies with the requirements of Section 11.11 and 11.12 of this permit. 't O. Within 30 days of completion of the project,~the permittee must certify in writing that the project's stormwater controls, and impervious surfaces have been constructedd within substantial intent of the approved plans and specif'lcatians. Any deviation from the approved plans must be Hated on the Certification. ,. 11. Deed restrictions are incorporated into this permit by reference and must be ~, ;;;; Page 3 of 5 ~ ~ ,` i~ ;,,~~.~ ~• NOV-15-06 04:43 PM CHARLES. F.RIGGS.RLS 910 455 9033 ; P. 05 . 9tufa 94ormwater Manr9amont 9ystam• iasrmit. No,~W$ rCnlt ~lOS07 28 !,: r .• ,~; s`l: . ~ • , ;~, ' Y recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds prior to the sale of any lot. „ ~' Recorded deed restrictions must Include, as a minimum, the following statements related to stormwater management: a. The following covenants are intended to ensure o~ngoin compliance with State stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 Ob~0128 . , as Issued by the Divlsion of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. b. The State of North Carolina ~Is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to malntain compliance with the stormwater Management Permit. :: c. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons .~ ~'`~ and parties claiming under them. ,F': ~ ` ` ~ d. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded ~"~' ~ ' ' without. the express written consent of the State of Nvrth Carolina ' `~ i , ~ Divlsion of Water Quality. ,. . Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take _. ,.: ~,, ~ - piece without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. ; ~ . f. The maximum built-upon area per lot is 1,252.64 square fast. This allotted ~ > ' ' •y, amount Includes any built-upon area constructed within the !ot pro~~rty boundaries, and that portion of the right-af-way between the front l'ot line . and the edge of the pavement. The roadways and lots must be graded so '' that any stormwater will flaw Into the wetlands instead of Into the ~ `~~ ' .'. waterway. ; Built upon area includes, but Is not limited to, structures, asphalt, a; ~`~ concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, and coquina, but does not include . raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimmin g pools. ~ ''1~ `"~ g. Filling in or piping of any~vegetative conveyances (ditches, swales, etc.) as$ociated wrth the development except for average driveway crossings, . ~. }~r is strictly prohibited by any persons. ;. h. t-ots within CAMA's Area cif Environmental Concern may havd the permitted built-upon area reduced due to CAMA jurisdiction within the '" ~' AEC. ~..; i, Each lot will maintain a SO' wide vegetated buffer between all impervious areas and surface~waters. ~ ~ . j. Ail roof drains shall terminate at least 30' from the mean high water mark. ~~: ~ ' !' ~~ 12, The permittee shall submit a copy of the recorded deed restrictions within 30 days of the date of recording, 13. If the permittee sets u an Architectural Review Committee or Board (ARC or ARB) to ~revi ew lans for com Ila ith th ' ~ ~ ~' '' . p nce w e restrictlon5, the plans reviewed must include all: proposed built-upon area {BUA). ~Any'app~ovals given by the ARC o ARB d t li i r o r o re eve the lot owner of the respenslblHty to malntain compliance with the permitted' BUA Limit. ~ ~ - ' 14. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does net meet one ;.;; ' ~; or mare of the minimum requirements of the ppermit. Within the time frame s ecifled in the notice, the ~ermittee shelf Submft a written time schedule to the Director far modifying the site to meet minimum re i m t Th ,,.i~. `; ~ ~? ~" '~ qu re en s. e permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and cQrtificatton its writing to the Directr~r that the chan es h 'b d ' ' g ave een ma e. 15, Afl stormws~tsr conveyances will be located in either dedicated right-of--way ,. ` '~ Page 4 pf 5 i ~ 1._ ` - ~~; ~:;. L~ MOV-15-06 04:45 PM CHARLES. F.RIGGS.RLS 910 455 9033 P. 06 } ~ ~! ' , state starmwator Management 5yttema . Permit No.sV418,Q~t #06dfZ8 . ' ublic or private), recorded common areas or recorded drainage easements. The flnai plats for the praject,will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved. plans. Iti. L3ENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Failure to abide b the conditions and limitations contained in this permit mayy subject the I~ermi~ee to an enforcement action b the Division of Water Qualityy, !n accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.6A to 143W215.6G. 2. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until revoked or terminated. 3, The permit may bs modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing, of a request fot a permit modificatlant revocation and re-issuance, or termination does not stay any permit condition. 4. The issuance of this permit,daes not prohibit the Director from reapenin and modifying the permit, revokm$ and reissuing the permit, or terminating t~e permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained m Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2M.700t}; and North C~ralina General Statute 143-215.1 et. al. 5. The permit Is not transferable to any parson ar entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. The Direc#ar may require modificatipn qr revocation and re-issuance of the permit to change the name and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary. A forma! permit request must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by the appropriate fee, documentation from both parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appnapriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits, and may or may not b$ approved. 6. The permitter iS responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division, approves the permit transfer request. Transfers to third parties by the permittee where the required documentation has not been submitted to and approved by the Division does not relieve the permittee of responsibility for transferring the permit. 7'. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittea from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, ar ordinances, which maybe imposed by other government agencies (local, state and federal), which have urisdictian. If any of those permits result In revisions to the plans, a permit mod fication must be submitted. 8. The parmittee grants permission to DENR Staff to enter the property durin business hours for the purposes of inspecting the starmwater management system and its components. 9. The permittee shall notify the Division of Water Quality of any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. Permit issued this the i3th day of November 2006, NOf~T ARaL1NA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C©MNIlSSION ,~_ ~~. for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director---~------------------- Divislan of Water Quality Ry Authority of the Environmental Management Gammission Wage 5 of 5 k ~f~~.~. r , ; NOV-15-06 04:47 PM CHARLES. F.RIGGS.RLS 910 455 9033 ' Iteo Pnld _ _ Fer ~_~__.__. _._...._._~._-- _... ~Gu~S o0 ~111d`c+t Nr-rll- C;trulina Depart+nent of 1"sitvirunrltertt a~ut Natural ltueuttrces Division of Water Quality ' S'T'~i~MWA'T'rlt MANAG£MLN'I' I'1rItM1'I' Al'1'1,1CA'1'lO1V PAI~XVI Thrs fora( n(ny G~~ ~lj+p~UlOfllL'ft f )J' use ns un ariXrurrl 1. CCNI?IiAL 1NI~OItMA'1'1C)iY P. i07 .:err:.:: ~ ~; ' k . ,; t . is ~. G' ~ i. l' ;.; ',~: y.. ~. .S:? ~. v ;~!:. ,,,, . .. f: ''}~ • .i ~,+ (.i s ,r: . ;.;;; ;:~~ .. i..:~ !. Al,i:+tJcn+tts nn»te (s~tecify the +t;-n~n of ti}e co+'}~oratlon, intllvidual, etc, WhU Awns the pr~~ject); ~, ,~ L ' ~. Print Owner/Signing [official's nflme anc[ ti a (person legnlly~ respo+usible !ur lnrility and co+nplin+tce)~ 3. Mani+tb Address }or pt:~•so+~ listed in itettt 2 move: r_lry; ~:t~1_a fix': ~......~_,_^.r .-.. __. st~le:~_._.1~G.._._. ~~~7:~_2~~_, - ~ 1 ~t~4_ ..~04 'I'elepho~ie Number: ~_ ~~ ~_) - ...,~..-' ----~- - --------._.---,_..~„_~-, ---. 4. I'raject N~uite (eu~dtvislon, fat:ilily, or eStNUlisluuenl na+ne - 6hou1~1 be causlstent witl+ project +rune un plats, a +~cifications tellers, operation a+ld tlttii1le11Rpce di;ieQUtp+tts, etc.): i S. Lucatioit of Pau ect street arlciress . j }~ ___ D,~1[ X50 _.---~~-~?---. __._._.. _.....--- ___ --------------- ..---..____-r_------- ~ ~ -- -~-----~ ------~~---- -- y~---- 6. Dir ctiorts to project (fro++i nr:arest +ri~jor i++lersecticnt). A t'1~s N ~~~ 7. Lrtlil+u~c,~,,,,~ ~'~~ ~:~ 4 ~_,_^ _.,..,. L~ngllucle:- ~~ ~~~ ~ _.._._ aI prujecl 8. Contact person w)ta ca+t autswer cjuestions c+bout the }?rojecl: N+utte;_~~.p1 ~~~C _.._~~...~~.G']..~~y.....~.~~?___.---- ~Celelthone PJtuuL,er: (._~ 1U~._ ~''~~~~GEt'~ ~7 n. 1'FRMrr INr(7RMA1'IUN: 1. S]~eclfy w1tiE~tf~~r project is (check nnc): _, Y ,._New _,. ~,_. _ Re~tervnl MuctiEication I~ormSWlJ-IL?1 Vetsinn 3.99 E'ugc 1 of4 p ~~~ `-' ~~~ Nov ~ ®Zoo6 qp~p pµD 5TfORI~N•R ~R dRA~~N . ;°~ t ~' ~.; i.: ~ 11. C li ~ (.i: ' ~ f. !'[''' i ~: ~ ., • ~ '; I'Y: I? ~,j :~. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ }. ,: ~.i~ N O V- I S- 0 6 0 4 4 9 P M CHARLES _ F_ R I G G S_ R L S 9 1 0 4 3 5 9 0 3 3 fi _ 0 8 2. If t~lla appffaadon la~being submtttej¢ as Ute result of a tvnewa! or rnodificauon to an existing prrm)e, ttst tht existing permit number_.,_-,__...L_. /~...._._.____ _ sort 1t7 issue dale (tf know[[)-__.-_ --..._.. .._._ ..-' _. _.--...__...~t._ 3. Sp4~c//lty the type of protect (check one): _,y~Low Density ~___---High Denalty ___--Redevelop ___,-,.-General Permlt ___,pthsr 4- Ad~ft[fonat ProJert ltwqulrements (chock sppllcahle blanks): C;AMA lvtaJor ~~Sedlmentwtlon/Erosion Control ~4o4/4f71 Permlt ,,_NFDiiS Stormwater I»fqq~'rmatlon on roqulrod state permits can be obtalnad by contacting the Customer Scrvtce Center at I-8'rT7-623•~6T98. III. IPROJL+CT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater wilt be treated. Atxo attach a detalted narrative (ond to testa pages) describing smrmweter management for rho project . 2. StnrwSwlster runoff from this protect drains to the „_ p~ r ~~•s~e={Z_ "River basin. 3. Tote! PtroJect Area _~~ I3~ { _ cares n. Project Bufit lJpon Area:__ "~' I . 8 qb ~( `~, n 1'S ,G~ 5. Hovai many drainage areas does project have?__~___.____„_ ' 6. Co ~ Ie[e the Following lnformatlon rear each dratnege eras. If there err: mots than two dra.lnage sraaa in [tae pmt ct, attach an addlttunal sheet with the informeuon.for each arse provided in the same format as tselow_ Sofas In rmatfon rainage Area Drainage Area 2 }2ecelvi Stream Nama Recetvt Scream Class Drafrtsa Area ,~ ,e; /~ t7 1 ~, Sa Bx:Jst[ m ous' Aree s~-t~ Pro a Im_pervlous'Area % Im tet~vs Area (rocs)) ~~ ~ - ~ - -- - _ -.. -_ _ . tm ervio s' Surface Araa ~ Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On-site 8 ildtngs Z ay .2 ~, On-site _ u _ On-site. P king ~~cj __ ` On-site S dewallcs they tarn•~fte pp O •site ~ ~ ~ Total: ~ v---~--- Totat: rm rv~ous arse ra ttsn»en as rttw cunt upon attar 1taCtvQing,•OfJt not ttmrte0 ro, btaUtiings. roads. parxing wtras, s1 )ks, gravel era~ss, ate. h i 1. ~; i `f ~. o-- i, t:>; ~.',:' 7. How was rho ofI'-site impervious area fistteef above derlvedT__ , _ j~~j4 i IV. bPED RESTRICTICINS AND PROTECTIVE C:OVENAN75 The Fo~lowtng ltallUZed dread rastrlerlons and protwctive covenants wee rrrqufrzd to 11e recorded for ttl! subdlv+tsions, outparccis and future development pr[or to the safe of any lot. If lot sizes vary stgniflCantly, a table listing each lot number, gtze and the allowable bullttapon area for ewch lot must be pmvlded as an attwchmana ~ tt • ~i 1. The Ibllowing covenants arts intended to ensutn ongoing rompllence with state stormweter m+nagsment perm![ nuatber as fssticd by the Division oI Water Qua11(y. T'riese ctav+eraenty may rest be ehaYtgrd or deleted wlrJfnur the consent of the State. !. `N Z. No ' tut titan ,,.,_ squttre fret W any lot shall he covered by structures pr Irttptrrvfoua matertata, i,„. tm~ervfous materfpla include asphalt, gravel, concrete. 6rlck, stone, slate or sJmller rneterlal but do not lnclutfa wood dec~Yng ttr the weer sur!sca olswlmm/ng pouts. - ~I;~~ 9. Swa/es shall not Ifs Riled in, ~ •~~,° "~~~ P/prd, or al[errd excnpr as necessary to provide drlvswafy cna=slogs, j; „ .1- - 4. BulJts uppn area In excess of the rm/tted amount pe reyulres a state stormwe[or management permit modlReatlon prlpr to con~tructlnn. ~` '~" `~ • '3>1 , All t7rtlttivd rutm/Yfrom autparcrls tarlltture devefopmenr shall he dtrccttat tnro the pertrrltted stormwater control ~ ~. r, i. - ~- ~ l~t; syst m. T/teac canner. [Ions ro rJre storm water contml system shalt De performed In w manner- thal main tales the integrity p; wed )aeerformwnca of the system as permitted. , # ,: i { i By ypur'afgnature below, you certlty that the recorded dead reserfctlons and protoctive covonancs for this protect j ~ shall fnc~ude sIt the applteabee ttwms roqufred above, that the covenants will be bSndinR on al!•pardea and petsans l,y clalmin under them. that tftey wilt run with the fend. that [Ste roqufred covenants cannot tae changed ter daloted ~ i wSthovt , oncurrence from the Stetc, and [hest they wi11 be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. ~ 4 V_ SkJPPLEMENT FORMS f ' . r fi Tha app ruble stets wtnrmwater menagnmont perrntt suppler.,enc form(s) listed below rnusC rte subrn tried for each ` i': 1. 9741P sp lfted for this project. Concoct the Stormwater and Cenerel Fermt[s Cleft at (919) 733-Sn83 for the status . _. _ ~~ , ' ~ ~~ ' ~,+ NOV-15-06 04:57 PM CHARLES. F.RIGGS.RLS 910 455 '9033 p. 03 ~ / Pemtit No. _ _ ~ ~ Y. ". r s (tv !~e provided by DWQJ ~ ! . ~ . State of North Carolina , Department of Environment and Natui~al Resources Division of Water Quality ~ ' .~ 57'ORMWAT1wR MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLfCAT'ION FORM ~ r L ~ '.R; Gt~W DEN~YTY SUPPY.EMENT "r ! . This form may be phatornpied for use as an or/,gf rta? i ~ ~ ' ~,.. ~,. A low densi y project is one thak meets the appropriate criteria for built upon area and transports stormwater ~ ~1.; ; runoff prim 'ly through vegetated conveyances. Law density projects should not have a discrete stormwatvr ~~: . ' collection sy, m as defined by 1 SA NCAC 2H ,1002(18). Lpw density recluirerrtents and density factors can bt .' ~'~ ~ , l . 4 found in 15~ NCAC 2H .I005 through .tt)0?. ~;~~ . ~ ' It ~ ~~ . ~: ~ ; I. PROJ~CT INFORMATION `~~ ~' ' . Project Name : _..:~k~cr-...~~lt~.~'"Y " ~ a , ~~ ~ i ~ ~A~~ '" " ~ ~' ;: e ~ 7 ~.~1_ I~iG~~S PhoneNumher: ~~,t~ 4:~~-1~~3 1 ContactPersbn: "~l.l,..~ , ~ . 1 , ~ Number of Lfots:_~~_,,_~~ Allowable Built Upon Araa Per Lot*; ~'~ ~" .~., ~ ~.i .~~'~ *If lot sizes not uniform, attach a table indicating the number of lots, lot sizes and atlowe:ble built upon area ' for each lot, ;The attachment must include the project Warne, phase, page numbers and provide area subtotals 'i .,~ ~ I" and totals, 4 ~ ' ., ~;. ~ ' ~ k'. ~ UPON AREA II, BUIL i; See the Storr,Iiwatcr Management Permit Application for specific language that must be recorded in the decd ~. ~ ~~~ 1 restrictions Par all subdivisions. ;;y,' For uniform `tot sizes, complete the following calculation in the space provided below where: .. ~~' ' - SA Sig a Area -the total project arcs above Mean High Water. Wetlands may be excluded when the ~( ~' ~ d~elapment results in high density packets, k . • D)~ Density Factor -the appropriate percent built upon arcs divided by 100. • RA Read Area -the total impervious surface occupied by roadways. ' i~";~ ' . iaA Oxher Area -the total area of impervious surfaces such es clubhouses, tennis courts, sidewalks, etc, ~ i°.ii. r.' ' i . i f. • No. Lots, -the tats) number of lots in the subdivision. i ~ !`~ .. • l3UAlI,. 4 -the computed allowable built upon area for each lot including driveways and impervious ~ ~. ~ ~ . aurfaces ocated between the front lat line and the edge of pavement. ' ''' 4 ~.~' „ i i Farm SWU-](~4 Rev 3.9~ Page 1 of 2 i ~, ~ ~~•:v '~~~ i. !i.; : ~ ~:. ±~ti . ~.,, ;.~:;.. .• ~ ' "' r~ NOt+-15-06 04:5$ PM CHARLES. F. RIGGS. RLS No. Lots Lot ,~; :;. ,: ~; : . ~~: :~ 4' ;: i' ~' ; . F f. 3 s ~~ ;' i i. 910 455 9033 P.04 . r.., a ~i .~ .~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ '~" ~`1 ~r i ~-! ~ ~ i,a-~s .. L}~ ~ ~~ r ~UO r .; ;;- III. iiEQ[JfIREl~ ITEMS CHECKLIST ,~;~ ' Initial in ~ space provided to indicate that the following requirements have been met and supporting : ;~~' documontat~pn is provided as necessary. IF thv applicant has designated an agent an the Stormwator Management Permit Application Farm, the agent may initial below. `~'' ! ~ Applicants Initials ~~ .~ a. A 30 foot vegetative buffer is provided adjacent to surface waters. Projects in the Neese [.. River basin may require additional buffers. ;~„;: _ _ b. Deed tcstriotion language as required on form SWU-1Q1 shall be recorded as a restrictive ~r;; oovenant. A copy of the recorded document shall be provided to DWQ within 30 days of r' platting and ptlor to sale of any lots. ~ _~ c. Built upon area calculations are provided for the overall project and all lots. ~ ~~'; _ d. Project conforms to lnw density requirements within the ORW AFC (if applicable). ~ ~ [ 1 SA NCAC 2H , I t}d~7(Z)(b}] ~ ~ ,I i~ ~.~ ~. :. I r: ;. t: Form SWC3-1 D~1 RCV 3.99 Page 2 of 2 i. i ,~:; r „h:: ~r a ~.:. ' ~~ • I , wi NOV-15-06 04:56 PM CHARLES_F.RIGGS.RLS 910 455 9033 P. 01 . .' ~ ?. Haw was the aff•site impervious area listed above derived?•„-,_- • , _ hI iV. DI?Fp RLESTRiCTiONS ANI7 PROTECTIVE COVBNAN7'5 The foilo~,ving itnliciaed deed restrlctlans and protective covenants are required to bo rccordod far ail subdlvts ons, outparcels and future develapmen't prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary signit]eantly, a table listing a 'h Int number, size and the allowable built upon area for each lot must be provtdec! es an attdChrnent. !. Thr l~llowing covenants are intended [o ensure ongoing compliance with state starntwater management permit number ~ -- ____~ as lssried by the l7ivision of Water Quality. Thrse covenants may not be ehen~ed or deleted without the consent of the Slate, Z. No nA than squaw fret Of any lot shAl! be caven°d by structunrs or impervious matert8ls. lrnpe~ous materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, hrlclc, stone, slate ors/m1/ar materla! but do nvt tnclerth wood A '; .~ deckl~g or the water surface olswimmirig pools. 3, 5wal~s shall not he !!lied !n, piped, or alterad except as necessary to provide drl vrwpy ctnsslnlgs. 4. Bv11t-span area !n excess of the permitted amount requlrxs a stair. atarrnwatar. managemett perm![ modfflcatlan prior to rnnstrurtlon, i 5. A!1 p~rmltted runatffram autparcels ar future development shall be dinectMl into the perrnttted stotmwatGt corrtt»l syste~. 7'hes~se connections to the stormwater control system shall be perlbrnied in a manner that maintains the Integrity and p rtormance of the system as permitted- By your s~8tlature below, you certify that the• recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this protect shell include ell the applicable items required shave, that the rovenants will be binding on ail parklas gnd persons claiming Haar thtrrt, that they will run with the land, that tho required covenants cannot he charged or deleted without incurrence frorn'the State, and that they wi31 be recorded prior to the sale of nriy lot. V. Si~PPLEMENT FORMS The appii~cable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP spe~lfied Fur this prr~Ject, Contact rite stormwater and General Permits [Init at (A]9) 733-5D83 rur the status and avail$~blhty of these Forms, Form SWk.l-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement • Form 5W • 1D3 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form 5W - lD4 I,nw Density Supplement Form 5W • i05 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form 5W -iD6 Off-Site System Supplement Form SW -107 Underground Infiltration French Supplement Form 5 ~ 108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form-SW>~1-108 Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWl.~~lbt Vereian 3.99 ]'age 3 ors ~. MOV-15-06 04:55 Pf'1 CHARLES. F.RIGGS.RLS 910 455 '9033 P.02 • ~• ~~oAQtl, lAl,lt~(,ZU1R1zMt~j~'$ ` i. j.~ n ` ~. ~ Qnly c mplete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water ~al- D ~ I ;. ~ A rom~lete package includes all of the items tis#ed below. The complete a licatipn ~ ty i w~~' I submit~ed tp the apprvpria#e 17SNQ itegfonal Uffice. PP package sltoitld be .. 1. Pleaise indicate thak you knave provided the follpwing required information by irtitiaitng lJl the space prodded next to each item. , . Initials ~ ~ ~ gins! and one cagy of the Stdrtnw$ter Management Permit Applicatyort Form ~'"' ~. ~' • Cie tnpy of the applicable Supplement Foczn(s) far each flMi? - '"~--^- ~~ * P~rm3k application processing fee of $42D (payable to NCDF.i.#R) f, • D~tailed ztiarratlve deSCriptivn of stormwater treatment/utiarta ement + Two copies of plans and spetificativns, including: g ~. (; - Develvg>'nentll'rotect name -~--^~ ~ - ~rtgineer and Firm ,- . ... - .. . -Legend -North azraw }' - Sea]e'~ ~ ~ ~ ~' - ltevlslon number dz date ~; '. -Mean high water line ..€; . ; - DimenslQrted property/protect boundary • Location map with named streets or NCSR rtiumbers .~; • Original Cantb~trti, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished float elevations ~..~ • Details of roads, drainage features, callectiart systeuts, and stol'tiiwater control Measures ~ ' ~} -Wetlands delineated, ar a note or+ plans that none exist r; -Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations -Drainage areas delineated i -Vegetated buffers (where required) I ' ~ ~ ~: VII, AGENT AUI'Fiali~ATION ~ ~ , . • ~: j! ' F' { i If you w h to designate authority tv another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your . ; ~ ,~" ' behalf, pace complete this section. ~ k_ ~'~.~ '. ~ Designated agent (individual or firrm): C~ia(7.~~ ~Il (v{ ~'~ G' Rl~ ~1G~5 ~ 1~64c I/rc-~: t~~t, t ,' Mailing address;-~_~ l•l ~ ~__ ~, 0 ~ I~,c {'~7 b ` ty: -1~ ~ :~ Ci 11 a state 4 Zip:__ _ 2~I ~~F- I E' ~~ ~..... , Phone: ~,;:,,,..,, 10 ~r - l~ 8T7 Fax: t ~ 10 ) ~~ ~ ~ 4, ~3. ~, I ;, - .,....~ t a:. . 1r.~i :~:; VIII. Al?PLICATVT'S ~RTIFiC1~-TiON I I , ;, . 1+ ` ! !.,~ 1, (print or type nnrnc of perso~i listed in Grnera) Infarnmtiort, item ~) ~ 'Jr i 4~ j, ° +' . I;'1 certify that the information inciud~cl an this permit applicat;,an form is, to the best of my aw edge, catrect s=td ~~} ~. s `! that the p tact will be constructed in conformance with the apprQVed plans, that the requited deed reatrlctions and prate five cave is will be recur ed, and that the proposed project carnplies with the requirements of I5A ~ ~ +.,~ NCAC .000. II l;'~ ~i., Sigr-ature:~ T.., _._..._„~..~.-..~, Date; ` ~ ~__C3..,~.~ ~ ~~~~~ I ~ ~;` ' ~. i ~.,, f' ~~n~:. Farm SWU« l tIl YCrsion 3.94 Page 4 of 4 '~j .~;: