HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171343 Ver 1_More Info Requested_20180122l Goss, Stephanie From: Goss, Stephanie Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 10:54 AM To: 'Gates House' Cc: Dow, Jeremiah J Subject: RE: [External] Re: Gates House Streambank Stabilization Heather, Please explain how you propose to construct your project including the installation of the retaining wall and addition of earthen fill. Basically, I need an impact map/plan which indicates the stream, Zone,1 and Zone 2 in relation to your house and a detailed drawing of the retaining wall including the height of the wall and length in square'feet. Basically, I need a detailed drawing of exactly what will be built on your site. Stephanie Z. Goss Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 276og 919-791-4256 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina public Records Lac,- and may be disclosed to third parties From: Gates House[mailto:gatesfamily2002@gmaii.comI Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2018 8:37 PM To: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Re: Gates House Streambank Stabilization 'CUTtGDN: External email: Do not "ciick;links o'ropen attachments unless'';verified:"Serid:all suspicious'emai(,:as an`;attaehment'.to3;: fix. . W... . re orta am nc, ov. Ms. Goss, After receiving our Request for Additional Information and notification. that our application was on -hold, I was uncertain exactly what additional information was needed. I, contacted Jeremiah Dow as instructed and he visited our property just before the holidays. He indicated that what was needed was information on how our contractor would mitigate any downstream effects .of the construction. Below is what our contractor would do to ensure minimal runoff from the. project. "We would install and maintain silt fence and silt fence outlets as required. We would also seed and install excelsior matting on slopes adjacent to wall." Please let me know if this satisfies the information request or if more detail is required. Thank you, Heather Gates 1109 Ashford Ln Cary, NC 27511, Cell/Text: 919-523-4608 (]nNov 22.2017.2:3QPIVI-U5OO.Goss, Stephanie .vvnota: Heather, Thank you for your response. | will review this next xveekHappy Thanksgiving! ' ` Stephanie Z. Goss Senior Specialist� ' ' Division ofW. xtecBeaonroen ` Raleigh Regional Uffico 3800`BarcettDrive Raleigh,,NC 276nu 919 -791 -4? -56 ' ' E-mail correspondence to and from this address may bpsubject totbo | \ North Carolina Public Records Law and ozu�bedisclosed 10third parties ' From: Gates House Smnt Tuesday,Novennbe[21,2O17Z:3OPIVI .To: Goss, Stephanie ^Subject: [External] Re: Gates House 5treannbankStabi|ization _ / . ` | ' � | Ma. Goma. | Please find responses toyour questions be|ovv 2 1) There are lots of overgrown, invasive plants along the stream banks. We will clean those out. As far as the actual stream bed, we do not have any plans to alter that. 2) We have not made a final decision on material. There are still some factors we are unsure of, namely what is allowed and cost. We were considering boulders with riprap and the standard concrete landscaping blocks. Please let me know if there is a material we should not use. 3) Our retaining, structure will be approximately 65' long and 4-5' high (depending on ground elevation), for about 325 sqft. I had' eyeballed the length at 100' for our application, but we measured it today and it's :only about 65 feet. The,stream itself,varies from about 5' wide to about 3 feet. We will only be stabilizing one side of the stream. 4) I've attached a few pictures of our stream as well as an overview picture. showing the location where the other pictures were taken. Please let me know if you need any additional information or pictures. Best Regards, Heather Gates Cell/Text: 919-523-4608 On Nov 20, 2017, 11:00 AM -0500, Goss, Stephanie, wrote: I Heather, I have begun reviewing your application for the above referenced site. Please provide the following information in order for project approval: What specifically will be done for the stream restoration and where will this restoration be on the site map? What materials will you be using for stabilization-riprap? t' Please outline in square feet on a map of the property for the referenced impacts i.e. how many square feet of rip rap will you be using and specifically where will, the rip rap be? How many sq feet will be restored and please indicate on map. Please include pictures as they help a lot. Thank you and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Stephanie Z. Goss EnAronmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 276og 919-791-4256 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties 4