HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060052 Ver 1_Application_20060106~i_._.-~ ti Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, DlreCtor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 20060052 ~~'~~ .~~_ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management January 4, 2006 MEMORANDUM: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant: Project Location: Cyndi Karoly 401 /~IVetlands 2321 Crabtree Blvd. 1650 MSC Q~~r~ad~ ~ JAN 6 -,2006 Proposed Project: DENR • WATER i~Ul;l.iTY YIIETLANDS AND StpRMWATER BRANCh Doug Huggett, Major Permits Coordinator LAMA Application Review Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island Site located at the end of Atkinson Road, off N.C. Highway ~0, adjacent to Topsail Sound, in Surf City, Pender County. Applicant proposes to develop an 8.8 acre tract of land into a 37 lot residential subdivision including the construction of a single road with cul-de-sac and utilities. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by January 27, 2006. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Jim Gregson at (910) 796-7215, when appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX; 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper ,.r DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 2 p Q 6~ 0 5 2 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: The project site is located at the end of Atkinson Road, off N.C. Highway 50, adjacent to Topsail Sound, in Surf City, Pender County. Photo Index - 2000: 26-329 H-I, 6-10 1995: 25-312 H-I, 5-9 1989:4 173 16 Q-R, 10-14 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2431531 Y: 244774 GPS File: 5121317A 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 09/28/04 11/09/04 07/19/05 12/13/05 Was Applicant Present -Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received -Complete on 11/21/05 Office -Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan -Town of Surf City Classification From LUP -Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: ES (C) Water Dependent: No (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing -None Planned -Connection to municipal system (F) Type of Structures: Existing -None - Planned -Subdivision road and utilities (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DRF.l7C'rF.17 FTT,T.RT) (ITHFR (A) Vegetated Wetlands (404) - 82,974 sq. ft. (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands -open water (C) Other (Highground) 88,165 sq. ft. 86,784 sq. ft. (Restored to (Graded) wetland elevation) (D) Total Area Disturbed: 5.92 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing to develop an 8.8 acre tract of land into a 37 lot residential subdivision including the construction of a single road with cul-de-sac and utilities. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX; 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper M Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project site is located at the end of Atkinson Road, off N.C. Highway 50, adjacent to Topsail Sound, in Surf City, Pender County. To get to the site from Wilmington, take U.S. Highway 17 North to N.C. Hwy 210. Turn right onto N.C. Highway 210 and continue to the Surf City stop light at the intersection of N.C. Highway 50 and N.C. Highway 210. Turn right onto N.C. Highway 50 and travel south approximately 1.6 miles to Atkinson Road. The property is located at the end of Atkinson Road. The property is a peninsula of land, extending into the intertidal marsh area of Topsail Sound, consisting of: approximately 4.016 acres of high ground; 1.904 acres of delineated §404 Wetlands; and 0.921 acres of delineated Coastal Wetlands. Man-made canals averaging approximately 50-60 feet in width border the property to the north and south. Approximately two acres of the recorded tract is below the normal high water line (NHW) of the adjacent man-made canals. The western tip of the peninsula is bordered by Topsail Sound. The landward (eastern) end of the peninsula is bordered by existing residential structures. The property measures approximately 240 feet in width by approximately 1,300 feet in length. The average elevation of the property is approximately 5 feet above NHW. The high ground area of the project site consists of an area along the perimeter of the peninsula that varies in width from approximately 20 feet along the northern side of the peninsula to approximately 100 feet along the western tip. High ground vegetation along this band consists primarily of woody species such as Southern Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera), Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana), Hercules'-club (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis) with a ground cover of Salt Meadow Grass and Catbrier (Smilax bona-nox). Within the center of the peninsula, beginning approximately 180 feet west of the eastern property boundary, is an area of §404 Wetlands averaging approximately 100 feet in width and running along the center of the peninsula for approximately 900 feet. This wetland area is vegetated primarily with Black Needle Rush (Juncus roemarianus), Salt Meadow Grass; cat-tail (Typha spp.), Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) and Broom Sedge (Andropogon spp.) along the eastern half, and Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Cat-tail, Red Bay (Persea borbonia) and Bullrush (Scirpus spp.) along the western half. The waterward edge of the peninsula, along the canals and Topsail Sound, is bordered by a band of coastal wetlands averaging approximately 30-40 feet in width. Atypical area of this band of coastal wetlands consists of a border of Smooth Cordgrass Marsh (Spartina alterniflora) along the water's edge averaging approximately 15 feet in width, transitioning to high marsh species consisting of Salt Meadow Grass (Spartina patens) and Sea Ox-eye (Borrichia frutescens), in bands averaging approximately 15-20 feet in width. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality classifies the waters of Topsail Sound and the man-made canals, in the vicinity of the project area, as "SA". The area is not designated as a Primary Nursery Area by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries and is Open to the harvesting of shellfish. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50~° Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island Page Three Based on review of file records, it appears that the peninsula was created in the late 1960's and early 1970's by the excavation of the two canals through marsh and the placement of the excavated material within the marsh area between the two canals. File records indicate that the canals were constructed under a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued in 1969 and from the State of North Carolina in 1970. The State permit was renewed in December of 1971 and reviewed again in February 1973 for a second renewal. Correspondence from the Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries, dated November 6, 1973, states that "since the original overall project involved considerable additional fill being placed in important marsh species, the renewal was objected to by the Division and was denied in February 1973". This permit denial in 1973 appears to be the reason the center of the peninsula was not filled and remains as §404 Wetlands today. This area, although vegetated with coastal wetland species, is not considered coastal wetlands due to the fact that the center portion of the peninsula, having been cut off by deposition of excavated material, is no longer under tidal influence. The following is a brief history of past permit activity at the site by the Division of Coastal Management: In 1989, Ruth A. King filed a CAMA Major Permit Application, requesting authorization to bulkhead the perimeter of the property and to fill the entire tract, raising the elevation by 2 feet. The application requested permission to fill approximately two acres of wetlands in the center of the peninsula. The §401 Water Quality Certification and CAMA Permit were subsequently denied. A modified CAMA Permit Application was completed in July 1990. In November 1991, CAMA Major Permit #142-91 was issued to Ruth A. King conditional upon the applicant receiving all required permits and approvals, including a §401 Water Quality Certification. The Division of Water Quality later denied the Certification. Mrs. King filed a takings claim against both the Environmental Management Commission and the Coastal Resources Commission. The claim was based on: (1) the EMC's denial of her application fora §401 Water Quality Certification to fill wetlands for the purposes of constructing an access road for a residential subdivision; and (2) the CRC's issuance of a CAMA Permit for the project that was conditioned on Mrs. King obtaining the §401 Certification prior to construction. By an order dated of June 6, 1997, the North Carolina Supreme Court denied Ruth King's petition for discretionary review. The Court of Appeals upheld the summary judgment in favor of the State agencies on Mrs. King's takings claim. On February 3, 1999, Mrs. King's son, Mr. Walter A. Warren, filed a CAMA Major Permit application for the development of the eight-acre tract of land into a 46-lot residentiaj subdivision. This proposal included the filling of approximately 0.39 acres of §404 Wetlands within the center of the property for access road and driveway construction. State Permit No. 129-99 was issued on December 22, 1999, authorizing the development as proposed. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality issued Water Quality Certification No. 990169 for the project on September 13, 1999. In accordance with the Water Quality Certification, State Permit No. 129-99 required that a conservation easement be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters preventing future wetland impacts. The permit required that these mechanisms be put in place within 30 days of the issuance of the permit. State Permit No. 129-99 was renewed on October 29, 2002 and expired on December 31, 2004. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 91 0-796-721 5 1 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island Page Four In February 2000, cone-lane gravel access road measuring approximately 10 feet in width was constructed on the property, resulting in the filling of a portion of the §404 Wetlands authorized for fill under State Permit 129- 99. In July of 2004, the property was sold to Red Apple Group, LLC. On August 27, 2004, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality issued a Notice of Violation to Red Apple Group, LLC and to Mr. Walter A. Warren for the failure to comply with the conditions of the §401 Water Quality Certification dated September 13,1999, which required that a conservation easement to be placed on the property within 30 days of the date of the §404 Permit, issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on October 21, 1999. On May 11, 2005, the Division of Coastal Management received an application from Red Apple Group, LLC for the development of the subject property. On June 6, 2005, the Division of Coastal Management issued a Notice of Violation to Mr. Walter A. Warren for violating the terms and conditions of State Permit No. 129-99, for the failure to record conservation easements on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters and for the construction of the gravel road approximately 10-15 feet northeast of the permitted alignment. On June 10, 2005, a letter was sent to Red Apple Group, LLC's agent, Charles Riggs, notifying him that the permit application, received on May 11, 2005, would not be processed until the Notice of Violation was resolved. After consultation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, it was determined that the removal of the gravel road way and wetland fill would be sufficient for resolving the Notice of Violation. Red Apple Group, LLC in early August 2005, removed the gravel road and wetland fill. The current revised application was received as complete from Red Apple Group, LLC on November 21, 2005. PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant's current proposal is to develop the 8.8 acre tract of land into a 37 lot residential subdivision including the construction of a single road with cul-de-sac and utilities. The development would include the filling of the entire §404 Wetland area (1.904 acres) along the center of the peninsula, as described above, for the development of the street /sidewalks, water, sewer and future dwellings. The proposed roadway would begin as an extension of Atkinson Road and would extend approximately 1,100 feet to the northeast, terminating in a cul-de-sac. The roadway would consist of a 20 feet wide paved asphalt surface with five feet wide concrete sidewalks along each side. Approximately 890 linear feet of the proposed road would be located within the footprint of the §404 Wetland area. Water and sewer lines would be constructed within the street right-of--way, with a proposed lift station, measuring approximately 40 feet by 40 feet, to be located adjacent to Lot 16. Sewer and water service would be provided by the Town of Surf City. The 37 residential lots would range in size from 6,755 square feet to 19,485 sq. ft. at a density of 4.18 units per acre. The Town of Surf City would process future lot development proposals by individual property owners under the CAMA Minor Permit Program. The applicant is proposing to mitigate for the wetland impacts by the restoration of approximately 1.992 acres of wetlands along the perimeter of the peninsula, between the proposed dwellings and the coastal wetland line. The application states that the development plan would provide a proper and well designed drainage plan with storm water sheet flow over the street and around the proposed dwellings and filtering through the wetlands. Please see the attached document entitled The Peninsula at Topsail Island Compensatory Mitigation Plan, prepared by Land Management Group, Inc., received in this office on December 22, 2005. The application also indicates that a low density approach would be utilized for the storm water plan and that a plan has not yet been submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality for review. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The proposed project would result in the filling of approximately 1.904 acres of §404 Wetlands for the development of the street, sidewalks, utilities and future dwellings. None of the proposed road or utility lines would be located within the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC. Approximately 1.992 acres of high ground would graded for wetland restoration activities and an additional two acres of high ground would be disturbed for overall site preparation and lot development. It is anticipated that future homeowners would request separate CAMA General Permits for individual dock construction into the canals and Topsail Sound and separate CAMA Minor Permits for individual lot development. Submitted by: Jim Gregson Date: December 22, 2005 Office: Wilmington 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper b'orm ACAI-1tiII"-I °%' 'APPLICATION (To !~e cnaaapleted by all applicants) b. City, town, community or landmark ~i~.7' f C ? ~ ~ _._ _ .-. 1. APPLIC.AN~' • ^~-^~- c. ~txeet aaldress or secondary road number a. Landowner: _.N S ,_,H; g]iwaV~~O - Sasil_b. ~h~r.~ Dry J . R . Triplett d. IS proposed worts within city limits or planning Name Rid ADDI,~_ ~~.S2Ld.)~L LLC jurisdiction? / _ Yes No Address P - O. Box 689 e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g, river, creek, sound, bay) Topsail Sound _ Shallotte ~ ~C City state Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Zip 28459 pay Phone (_910)754-7104 _......~... 3. ~T,SCRIPTI+OPd AI'ID PLANNED USP pa,~ 9~ 10 X754-7108 OP PROPOSED PFtOJEC'I' b. Authorized Agent: Charles F. Riggs, P.L.S. Name Charles F. Riggs & Associates, Ir~~c .List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulklread, pier, and 202 Warlick Street excavation and/or filling activities. Address P.O. Box 1570 - Construction of street, sidewalk, waterline, sewerline, sewer pump City Jacksonville State NC ~~~ station, streetlights, Zip 2 8 5 4 1 llay Phone (9 10) -4 S 5 - 0 8 7 7 b ~ Qae proposed activity maintenance of ara existing projec.-t, new work, or bottr7 rJe~a ___._ Fax (910) 455-9033 c. Will tlae project be for public, private or commercial usc~ Privai-~ _ c. Project name (if any) The Peninsula __ a t Tops a i 1 Island d. (live s brief description of purpose, use, methods of _____ avnstnaction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach Mom:- rerrmr ,Vi1J be ;ara~ in name of Jmtdonner~tJ, aruf~or $d~ttiontrl pages I n s t a 11 a t i o n o f w a t e r project name. and s,PS.rP r ~~ _ha.cKha~. S'rLlr~ G t ri 1 c~ r 1 C of street by motor cLrader. Apply "'°"°""""`"""""'""""~ 6 " ABC and 2 " 12 . 2. LOCt1'I70I'd OF PROPO,SL+'+']~ _!_ ,._ ]PI~iU,JEC1' a. County Pender ..__ _--. -- Revised 03195 s~~ ~ of ~4 Fornt DCM-MP-1 ~ ~'„ ~, `'~i~~~,:, ~,'~ i~ j 4. 1JAND AND WATEH CHARACTEKISTICS 8,849 Acres including a. Size of entire tract a,-P~ hPl nw CAMA _, normal high water line b. Size of individuallot(s} 6,755 Sq• Ft. to 19,485 Sq. Ft. c. Approximate elevation of tract above MNW or NWL 5.0' d. Soil type(s) anal teAture(s) of tract Ney~~a~ Sand e. Vegetation on tract Phragmites australis , Spartina patens, Typha lati 1.i.c~, Polygonum spp.,and Juncus effusus f. Man-made features now on tract 10' wide Gravel Road g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification Of the site? (Conlulr the loon!l~md ure plm~.J ~~ Conservation Transitional Developed Community Rural _ /._ Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? R-5 i. 1s the proposed project consistent with the~tpplicable zoning? / -Yes No (A-rnch Zoning rnmPliance cYrfificara, tfa~pGcaohleJ Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes /~ No If yes, by whom? NLA ,~ rn. ]r~escrihe existing wastewater treatment facilities,. Project to utilize Town of Surf City Sewer System o,, Describe location and type of discharges to waters of ilae state. (For example, surface nanoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wa_sh down" and residential dischazges.)No Surf~e Runoff to State Waters , Low Dens' Approach will be utilized for Stormwater Plan o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Protect to utilize Town of Surf C' Water Svstem 5. ADDITIONA.I, INFORMATIUl'~i ]n addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: • A tx~py of the deed (with state ai~plicativn only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission fmm the owner to any out tl~e project. • Ain accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black inM on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7.1.020; for a detailed description.) k Is the project located in a National Registered historic District or dues i4 involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Ye`s ~ No Are there wetlands o the site? ~ Yes ~ No Coastal (marsh) ~ Other 4 0 4 If yes, bas a delineation been conducted? Yes (.tnnd, daau+eenarrrn-, ljarvilableJ Rehsed 03/95 Pl~se note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Flue-line print.S or other larger plats are acr_eptable only if an aldequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the S~~ 2 0~ ~4 1 Toren DCM-MF-I site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. ~~ti~l~~i~ 1i,: ~,i. ,11!`'1 `.a`~~lJ!`~~ 1 ~~wJ r1^T ~. ~ 'C0 G. CERTII~TCATION ANA PERIVII~SI~DN T~ ENTER QN I.,ANA ~ A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. o A list of the narxrex and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return rexxipts as proof that such owners have rvaceived a copy of the application and plats by e~tified rnail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Managerent. Upon signing this forur, the applicant further certifies [hat such notice has been provided. Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone SEE ATTACHMENT o A list of pre-rious state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. ~, A check for ~Z50 made payable to the I?epartnnent of Envirorunent, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) t,o cover the costs of processing the application. 4 A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. ~ A statement of compliance with the N.C. lErrvirorunental Policy Act (I*I.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to IO) If the project involves the expendit~rre of public funds or use of public land's; attach a statement documenting corpliance with dre North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. RcviseJ 03/95 1 understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained ~~ the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approvod Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related Uo this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. 'I7ris is the Z~~i day of ~~~+2 Z00 5 Print Name Ch rles F . Riggs Signature tandown~r or ~tutAer$~ g Please indicate atxachments pertaining to your proposed project. I?CM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ~/ DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCNf MP-4 Structures Information DCM MP-S Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the apace provided at the bottom of each form. SCI c'tv-~ 3 0 ~ ~~' vrm UCl~7<-i'v1LE'-2 ,:._ - . ~;,,, _ `~`;-, (1?xcept bridges and culverts) Attach lllis form tv Joint Application for CAM/1 14lajur '"'~"~"~""~"~ ~-'~" ' Permit, Form DCM-MP-I. De sure to complete a.ll 1~ ~~~~C:.1l~V.C_~.']~'>CCI!f`t other sections of the Joint Applicat.io^ that relate to this •~~•-~~•^~---~-'~--~-~ prvpvsed project. a. ~Anlwnt of material tv be excavatrtl Crvnl below Describe below the purpose of proposed excavativtt or 11111ti~' yr NWL ir.l cubic yards N A Gil activities. A,11 values lv be given in feet.. b. 'fyl~e vC material tv be e;ccavated N/A A.vern$e I~innl GzistLug T'rnlec[ Len~r6 1~idlL Ucplti I?epUe Access r_llannel (MLV~ or (NV,'L) Canal )3oat basin Boat ramp Rock groin lZock breakwater Other (Excluding ~horelinc e~abilizetion) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A' N/A N/A N/A N/A X17~'~~> :'fu>i:c> ~: YS.» Y ~~ r ~ N/A N/A ~~~~"' ' ': Y :.w.l 1 ::vf ~=• _ , , Af N/A N/A ~ A3 'Y . >. v ; ~ig . i>./~r.~ r_~.~.g~. 'N/A N/A 1?00' 205' c. hoe; [11e area to bc^ ezcavatecl include coastal wetlands (m;ush), submerged aquatic vepetativn (.SAVs) yr other wetland:? o'r's / No d.. l[igh~rvund r•;cavation in cubic yards _NJA a. Lvcatio^ of disposal arcs _ N/A b. Dinlrnsivns vC disposal area N/A c. Po you Claire line to_ disposal area? N/A if no, attach a leUer granting permission trout file Uwl]CC_ N/A d, Will a disposal area be available for future rtaaintena_rlce? Yes _ _ hlv N/A if yes, wlrere? N /A Fteti~aed 03/45 -.- -------.--- .-.--.- --- _ s~~ 4 0~ ~. l:: or-r n. llcn'[-11'11"-z e. Does the disposal area include atry coastal Fvetlancls (marsh), S/1Vs or other wetlattds? Yes / No f. Does the disposal include any area in [he wa[cr7 Yes _;~ No 3. SI-I~I~]LLNL S'JCA.I3ILIZ~.'~'IOI'`~i ~. _ a. -Type of shoreline stabilizaCion N A IIulkheacl iV_-/A JZ.iprap b. I_engtlt N/A If ye~.s, (l) ,'lnuntnt of material to be placccl in lJrr water __0 _ (7_) Dimensions of fill area -_---- -- 1Fa0' _ x 1190' __ _ ~ - (3) I'trrpose of fill _ strPat-, ~ir7Ps~Ja~ U ~~Y.~~~ ~_~ZUmn_~~t i o n b. .Will fill ruatrrial lie placed iu coastal wetlands (rn;t[sh), /1Vs ur otl-r_[ wetlands'? (I) 1.-imerrsiort`s of fill area 1b0'- x 1190' - _ (Z) t'trrl!osc of titl _~t,-P ~~r _ , ~_; ~PWa~~r dr~ye~a~_~ump s to t inn _ c. Average distance wa[enr~ard of A•IIIW or 1`IWI, d. Maximum distance waterward of MI~W or NYr'L J. i~r~1~1'1 ~~~Z!?_A_, e. Shoreline erosio^ during preceding Iz months (Source ojinjarn~arion) f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material N/A g. /mount of sill in cubic yards W be placed below water level (2) bulkhead backfill _ N/A 6. Type of fill material N/A i. Source of fill material N/A 4. ~THJLIZ 1~,L A.C"i'IVl'JC1~5 ' (Cxcluding Shoreline SlabiGzation) a. Will f I material be brought [o site'? ~'es No R~riz~d 03/95 a. I-Iow will e-cavated ur fiU u-a[erial be krl-t rnr site antl erusiurt ct!ulrollcd~? Fill material will be kept on site wit_h_ _ silt fences U. ~Vhal type of cunstrucliun equipnreut will be used (for ezarul~le, dragline, bacrJroe, or hydraulic tl reel g e)'? _Backhoe, bulldozer, motor grader c. Will wetlands I!e. cr-~sed iu [ran,pn1-ling eyuipmen4 lu pruje~t site? ~ 1'es ___.-- No Tf yC:, explain steps that wi]I be takers to lcsseu environ.rnentaJ itrrpact_S. _ N/A _ All wetlands to be crossed ~~_g.roposed to be filled _^_ The Peninsula at Topsail Island nt,PtR rrojc ri ~, 5 ige~a t ur r ~~~~~~~ I Uole [Jl'Ll~N I~ DEVEd.(JP1~~1,1~'~' r., ,_, , . , , _. (Conslruclion and/ur Irutd disturbinf; ncli~~ilic;) - .; - ;, , Attach Utis form to Joint Application for CAAtA A-lajor Ir. I'ennit, I~ornt DCM-ItiII'-{. I3e sure lu cutuplele all other sections of Ute Joint Application lltat relate to lJtis proposed project. a. "hype and number of buildings, facilities, units or strictures proposed Proposed private -_ street , waterline , sewerli.ne , __ j, sewer pump station ~. Number of lots or parcels 37 _-_ c. Density (give the number of residential unit, and ILe uuiLs per acre) 37/8.849 Acres or ___ 4.18 units/Acre d. SUe of area to be graded, {filled yr disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. _ _ _____ 5.92 Acres e. If Ilte proposed project will disturb, orate Utan utte acre of land, the Division of Land Resours~s roust receive art erosion and sedilnenlation control plan al. least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the llivisiun of~.Laud Kesources? Wes ~ Nu IF yes, date subnriltr_d Submittal Pendir>~_ f. List the nlatcrials (such as naarl, pitver stone, asphalt, or coucrele) to be used fur pavcc) surfaces. 6" ABC fo.r base having "ll' wi.d th _ 2" I2 asphalt havina 7.0'widtll g. Give the percentage of fire tract within 75 feet of IvII-IW yr 1JWL, or within 575 feet in We case oC an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by .impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as havement, buildings, rovftvhs, yr lv Le rise<l +fvr vehicular driveways or packing. 10._5% I'rojecls tltal rr~tluire a C:A11~A ~9ajvr Development I'rrutit Wray al;;o teyuirc a Stonnwater Certification. {aas a site devclopntcnt Blatt bceu submitted to the hivision of r:nvirottwcnlal Management for review? _ - ~'es -~ No If }'es, dale snbtniUed submittal Pen ' n hcsr..ril-c ltrc-I-o.^.•e-J )nelhocJ of sewabe dislwsal. Project to utilize Town of Surf C_ Sewer System j. Ilavc Ilte facilities dcscribctl in -Item i. above rcr_eivecl slue yr Iocal alrproval'1 Yes __ (;mach n/~/.rr.Pr inrc r/nrurncnrnrinn~ lc. Describe Ivcativt- and t~~pe. of proposed rlisclrtrges to tivaters of lire 5t:ttC (fur example, surface runoff, sanitary wastetva.ter, industrial/comta-ercial eftluertl, "wash do`vn" and residential discharges). Uti_li.zing_the Low Denisty Approacl a_11 stormwater to sheet flow throt_ r~ r o l e c t. ------- - - Describe proposed lJrirtl;ing wafer supply source (c.g, ivcll, con-munity, public systatn, etc.) Town of Surf City m. ti5'ill -cvaler be inipoundcd? 1'es / No Ifye~, how trr:uty acres? N!A _ u. If the project is a oceanfront development, when was Lbe tot(s) plau.ed and recorded? N/A The Peninsula at Topsail Island /I,~trlit-nn ur-1'r~rjecl N - ------- Stl;«nl«re - -~Q~ . Urnlc Re~•iseQ 0J/95 400 copies of tltas public doctuttertt wFre jn~iltted at u tuht.l cost c-f $7.UU or $ .U2 per cvl:ry. + ~ f tzt:Yur~n ao Frornep~ryi< for PGNDER GUUhrTY Identify results a~nyer: (:~acl:-stlr:al PIN 47.34-14_5557-ODt NAll4E PHILLIPS NICK C , ET AL 204 EAST ADDR ~1OUN7ARJ VIEV CITY P,ALEIGH __ S'rATF_ NC 7_IP 27604_- _ PROP ADDR 133 ATKIIJSUN- ROAD PROP DESC LT 33 ATI:INSOn - SIiORES PCi 36/• DA~ t 2/2U; 7.004 BKPG 12547/306 GEO_FIN 4234 013 075 03: ACCOUNT F369933 ~ 7a TNSIi ~ 102 TNSN_UESC TOPSAIL ACRES 0.04 LAnro vnL 1zst4i SLUG VAL 1r13327 TOTAL VALV 309474 DEFERRED ~~' SU6DM51O VV M EOYU DIVISION TAX_CODES G01 C53 P,40 EXEMPT ALT PIN 145402 MAPN 4234 013 075 03. FIEAT SGZ_FT 2512 NHRHD 04 E;(EM_AMT FCL CLASS R IPERS VALUE I" il~C I V I 1 ~! ~'1 f,l . .~-- \,fi~ - C~ 4,/ ` ~~ \ ~„s' \ ._ i •.. i ~ 4~ fij~ ~ ~.~ , fi trig? j'T ~ ~.d' `~~ ,~ ,~ ~ ~ f f ;ti r:~t~l ~ - T `f 1?7 Flt c`-`~_ ,,\ J(- iu.~~F~ S, ~~~.7~i A ~~...._...~..~4..._~_~.~W~..,_......._~....._~.. - _._...__.._.__._. - --__..__-~ ~ . ~..~ 5salr (appron.) ~ s r t_.._....~.r...,.~._......_._... t r ~ r• 0 G7 hUp://vl>~ww.undersys.corn/pr>,dr-web/pender.htnTl 4/Z l /7.O~ 5 S~~ I~ a~ ~4 reuuer RdSturri to ktsrney~ayd. ;for. f~ElYt3L~(i COUtdT'Y.: + 4 ~ Yd~r. ~t Vt 1 Identify l~.esults ~,,''~ Layer: C~dastral PIN 4234-14-7618-00~ NAME JAMES JEFFREI J7:;~:.; G ET AL ADDR P O BOX 2391_ CITY SURF CITY STATE NG ZIP 28445 PROP_ADDR ATICINSON RD PROP_DESC LT 34 ATKINSOt\ 1~ SHORES PB 361 DATE 7!1/2004 ,~, SALE_PRICE 300W0 '~ ' J 33~ BKPG 2422/202 -~+ ,rte GEU_PIN 4234 013 075 03~ - ~ ~~' ACCOUNT 862824 TNSH 1D2 r~~ it 11VSH_DESC TOPSAIL 1?.r1~JT ~_~`~~ ,~ ACRES 0.03 LAND VAL 123610 BLDG VAL 0 ~ ^^•~" ~~ TOTAL VALU 123610 DEFERRED 0 SUBDM510 W M BOYD DIVISION TAX CODES G01 C53 R40 ~ - EXEMPT USE ALT PIN 45403 MAPN 4234 013 075 D3~ HEAT Std FT NBRHD 04 EXEM AMT ~+ ! 'IS'O ~~ f .~ '~ .~ `~ ' JR~~~. i ~~ ,Sn '"~1'O ,.' P(,L CLASS I.. PERS VALUE -'--- ---- f " ' Scale (approx-1 • ' .., ~3.,~. , w c 0 75 ICI ~ .J .-~ http://www.undersys.com/pndrweb/pender.htnll - 4/21 /2005 T ~~ o~ C~4 .__•~~. Return l~>,ll~tn~~~a~e'; !'or PENDfiSL CGI.IFA~'1' . l'll~r. 1. v(. ( ~d~^~nNl'y Itesu~ts ~~ f I~;` ~~~: layer: C~Id~stral - ~ % ~'~ ~'~ ` FIN 4234-14-7640-OOi - I NAME WARREN VI/ALTS , r`r,~c, ~~ ; ! ~~' '-~` o_ _ _ _- ~~:~, ADDR P O BOX 2611 - ~ ~~ ~ ~q'~ CETY ~URFCITY _ ~;~.~~ ~, srnT~ rlc __ 7_IP 28045 -4~ PROP_ADDR ATIQNSON RD ,~. ~~` ~ LT 3Z ATICIEJSO~ ~• 1 PROP DESC SHORES PB 3S/~ 1~~ VVV ~~ DATE /"I~ `~ ~:y SALE_PRICE I BKPG 293/273 ,~~ CF_O_PIN f 4234 013 075 03: ,n~ nr,COLINT 23064 ~ TTESIi 102 ' Fs,` 7TISF1_DESC TUPSPJL ~ ~~•, /'`c'~ CCRES 0-03 LAND VAL 126060 ~:. hod BLDG VAL 0 f'.1~)4~ ~----- TOTAL VALU 126060 DF_fERRED ~` ~ ,~ ~, ~% ~;~ iFa~l r s, `~ ~ ;= ''rte ~, ;-~ ; ~• ;? ~' ~ - ~1` LJ -' ~~ c', - ,: o ~ , ~, SVBDMSIO W M BOYD DIVISION TAX CODES G01 C53 R40 h ~~_. EXEMPT lISE ALT PIN (45101 IMnPN ~4Z34 U13 075 03: NEAT S4Z_FT MBRIiU [00 E)tEM AMT FCL CLASS ~R - ~- -- PERS_vnulE Scale (approx•) e s * 1.._...~...,..~._..__.__._._.J ~• . 0 73 r-.! I.- ------~ ! ~ http://v~rww.unders}~s.col~I!/pnel.rvreb/Nclader. h tlnl 4/2.1 /2005 ~~~d~~ x vuul.l Return lv rlornepa~e for FENDER t:OUr~ITY Identi fy Results )<.AIyCI . CadaStl'al PIN 4234-14-5738-00~ NAMF_ RED APPLE GROUP LLC r~1 -r'"' ADDR ' ~~ ~.-~- 712 VILLAGE RD , GW CITY SHALLOTS STATE NC ' ZIP 28470 --- PROP_ADDR ATKR~ISON RD PROP_DESC PT LTIBOFFN/ HVVY 50 TO SOUND PB DATE r7/13/ZO04 SALF__PRICE SS50000 BKPG 2429/264 -- GEO_PIN 4234 013 075 ACCOUNT 863432 TNSFI (107_ TNStJ_DESr. TOPSAIL ACRES 8.85 LAND VAL 934803 BLDG VAL f0 TOTAL_VALU 934803 DEFERRED SUBDIVISIO W M BOYD ,~ DIVISIO(~ TAX_CODES G01 C53 R40 EXEMPT USE ALT PIN 45381 MAPN 4234 013 075 HEAT SCR FT NBRHU 04 EXEM AMT PCL CLASS R PERS VALUE _ ,~ ~~_ ~ ~ http://www.uudersys.com/pndrweb/pender.h(rr~l l'i1~,C l VI 11 + ~~ t ~ \~ f~. ~_ -,~. `.` •, .~ it \~~ f:(~ v~.l\`I\ flu, :_ .cY \ ~4 t2~~ ! !i V IIR CCU Y ~.,_ cc. L I~"jt .~ ~ _ ~..~ Scale (approa_) 0 467 4/21 /200 i S 21 a~ ~4 ~~ ~~- Yagelotl Pender County Home Page Data Layers Background Layers Search for a property Searcfl using a Street Nanle . ZOOM TO TbRCEL IDENTIFY RESULTS Layer. Property Lines PIN 4234-14-3597-000 NAME BATTS JAMES HOWARD ET AL ADDR 129 SHAE S LANDING DR CITY SURF CRY STATE NC ZIP 28445 PROP_ADDR 129 SHAES LANDING RD PROP_DESC I_ 14 SHAES LANDING PB 31/3 PB 31/1 DATE 11/10/1997 SALE PRICE 90000 BKPG 1281/340 GEO_PIN 4234 013 069 14 ACCOUNT 587917 TNSH 102 TNSH DESC TOPSAIL ACRES 3.31 LAND VAL 178176 BLDG VAL 223860 TOTAL VALU 342036 SUBDMSIO SHAES LANDING ZONE R5 TAX_CODES GO1 C53 R40 EXEMPT USE ALT PIN 36250 MAPN 4234 013 069 14 HEAT SOFT 1754::: NBRHD 04 EXEM AMT PCL CLASS R PERS_VALVE DELREC MYDIS a ~ i 2 ) ~ F S 4 ~ ~ ..~ littp://www.undersys.com/pndrweb/pender. html l G_ -J 4/28/2005 `.. ~ ~~` ~`\ )~j 1n,rnrct l~S~E t Ot I Pender County Home Page Data Layers Background Layers Search for a property Search using a Street Name zoom Te cr~nc[~ IDENTIFY RESULTS Layer. Property Lines PIN 4234-14-4498-000 NAME STUMPO RONALD ET AL ADDR 11100 BRASS KETTLE RD STATE NC DP 27614 PROP ADDR 122 SIiAE'S LANDING PROP_DESC SHAES LANDING PB 31/37 PLAT 15 PAGE DATE 7/23/1999 SALE_PRICE 272500 BKPG 1495/181 GEO_PIN 4234 013 069 015 ACCDUNT 590793 TNSH 102 TNSH DESC TOPSAIL ACRES 0.22 LAND VAL 115082 BLDG_VAL 258025 TOTAL VALU 373107 DEFERRED 0 SUBDMSIO SFIAES LANDING ZONE R5 TAX CODES G01 C53 R40 ALT_PIN 36251 MAPN 4234 013 069 015 HFJ-T SG~FT 1864:::: NBRHD 04 EXEM_AMT PCL. CLASS R PERS VALUE DELREC MYDIS SRAT - ~~.` ras' ~ s~R.Y yea ~~ skr. `\ r ,~ ., ,~ ., ~~e~~~'~ ~' n 1 h„ Y ' i ~ I~~ i -1 http://www-undersys.nom/pndrweUipender.htrnl f 4/28/2005 saw Z~ o~ ~~- ~ : tlCyluCl Page 1 ot~ 1 Pender County Home Page I Data Layers I Background Layers I Search for a property ~ Search using a Street Name zoom r~ rnrcec~ h . _ _ G .. ~ _., .~ ,, ~, ...... ~ ~ Q ~,~ + '. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 4 t H M . .. ~ r. ~~~ :~ .. h ttp ://www. undersys. corn/p ndrweb/gender. ht~nl 4/28/2005 saw za- ~ ~4 ~ ~~ ~, `~ ~ AfLANflC OCdAN \ ~.~ ~~ ~\I ~1 ~$~ 8 1~ ~ ~ ~ 1 + ! d kk k ~a~~ ____ _ ___---~ _ ~ N.C. MCNWAY 30 AN --1 I r ~~ I I ~ ~Y ~ j ~~ j i a ~ ~; ~ .11RI RADLI6LS5 JY ~ ~ 1 ~ ' gg4'$R 3 f~~~~3~~ ~ 1 p !%~~~d~C ; i ~~a~~4 !I i i 1 €~ e~sne ~ 1 = 1 r, i 4 ®® qq ~IIaeetl~~~ 3 ~ ~ 9 ~ , s s' !- a ~ 3 3 ~ ~ ~~ ~ z ~~~~~~l~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~E~~~~L~ t~rYii~~i~i~r~~i~iYr~~~i~WrilriiGrGGW~r~r~~iG~~i~i ~ 3 ~ ~_ ff~~ . ~, r1~ ! ~ ~f - ~ e ._ -._._._. _. _._._._._._. _. ~ R ~ ~~ bl x ~ ~~~p=~g ~ ~~ ~a~ g$~ a s~ss~a_sQSs ~ ~~, c ~ - gg gg ~ ~ ~~ C9 6F t ~ E~ht ~ ~~i a ~o~a~e~voooii ~ a;~~ e ~" e - - _ w ~a~ M ~ ~wY ~ ~M a ~- ~. ~~~ z I BA~~ ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,IIRIII.W.06LC5 I ~~ ' { ~ $ ~ I ~R ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ a~ ~~~~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ Y z ~ ~ ~ :7 ~ S/ ~ ~8~~~Y3~Fj§Y3i ~~~'j~~c s8af88 ~~~ ~ ~4 i 8 ~ ~ CCG~iC88 t I' ~~~`am~c5a~5~E~:~~#dtt9 i ~~ 1 i 1 i ,_ ~ _ v -, _. t 1'i !0! i a ~" d ~~~ ~gjg-q qj$ 1 ~ioa '-3~.d ~ to ~ ~ 3~y S ~ a S~~ 9+^~^ ~ ~ ~~ ' ~m ~~s ~. ~ ~ ~ CC ~ ~ $~ s ~~ M R~ ~ ° u ~§ ° F ~ e tl i ~ ~ ~ R ~Y ~ b ~ b d ~ ~ ~ ? r px4 ~ ~ eg o ~ !~~ o~ ~ Y R __.__ __ ~ 8~~ .__ _ ___ __ ___ a~ • xotrlna ~] ____.__ °pov {7a ~a _ _ AI NJU ~~~ __ F -~. JNOJ ~.!) !'Irr p ~ ~ i i ~ •.. 7 i ~ i+ __._ __ . _ L '.',, , .11'1 3 « ~ 'l ~~ M .bfrl ~~~nQf 7rySdQf „J 3•~~~LM s z~ u o S~ ^ i ~ $ -~agi . R FF55 ~ ~a~rA~~y1 '~ •~~giis9 Vl irsb ~ ok„8: ~~ ~~ w 6~ U ar vi y A ~~T 2~ a~ ~4 ~ ~o 0 ~~~~~ d s sue- 2~ d~ ~~- 5}~~ 2`I of CQ 4- v,~~~~~ ~~~~~ °e ~,e~ e ~ ~~`~~ ~c ~4'~ o h o gib ~~~~~~~ O I~C e 0 J vc e~ 0 o~ j~~~'~~! h~~o~; ~~ S~ Q o C ~ ~ > ~j C o' W~Q~~I o .~ .,., 1 c _ _ ,: ~h ~ ~. r oe - ~ -: y _. vC - i '~ ` .: ~ ~ _~- 0 ' ' ,.r. ~ \\ ~ .. .~ .; Y--~ ~ . .. - ' • ~ ` `~ • ~ .ereby cer~`~f y f o d~ /3'O.QTH l~.eo~/~~;~ PE ~ i - f 6~ lbur ~''l ~ p ' brrEc cco~ y r/9 c je~oreyo T e o~r•,!?.F:hoonce er/rfic~bi . sd9e ood6e/Pf _ car/Eri9ir~eer of. ,/ockso~Yi//e A'brr`hloro/i~o ~~: ~ ~ is odfudyed ~a 6e lorrecf or-d suT~rceny` . . ~ of t/ye in5fruinP~Jr` !"ogei55er i~~i`h serf fico~~ ( be reyisf~r-ed, . ~` ! Yyi/Hess mY hone ~o s/,/~OOy/ f Sepi. /950. "' ~ ~ . ~ - _ c/ers4' up . /ate ar r. / .' - -~i1Ct1 ~t ~~ on the_.,.__--I l.. Uay of • i _ f . - ~r.d te~ir-terr_? in tf~c o ,~ of the Ttcti~ter.of I?ceds , .• _ ' -for Fcn • _ C 6n B (~'a. _~ - ~t - -. of Umcl[ for .1 - PLRfi l; C/J~i?~TY . ... y . - - ~ . ~ ~i ~~ `N' \ ~ { ~)'/ .. • ~ ., - ~~,' _ I _/ r Y \ / _~--- ~ i BG SSG ^.~ ` ' i • . ~~-. ir. /. . 'l - L . so¢.~i3 _ tet 53- e yto,~ f 9899'. ~ _ _ ! 2~Q~19~ R >• e wU - - ~ r i ~ L sand ~ :..I , 12 ,.~., '~~. t1/,.~% ,. .• _ ~ ~•- /S;'3~ ~~`y.;' ,t, is 4 ai 99 ;, ` ~ ~ ~ , 3) k ~ ~ ~ r~ r L ~ ,~ ~~ .( rl ,, ~ttt EA 1 PoUI , I~Ita v ~• B 1RU0 ~~, ~~£3 ~. ~~~•9 '~',' , ~ r~ {` . ~ 1 ~ s 52 5 1z ~ 54 t2 •, ,. ~ ,/; ' L ~ '~.r 171cJ1 Jnlel j i.i ~f~carr 3e - ~ >; The eiVlt9nce an , elta channAls ~ /~ _. .. ,. }`` 9re sllblcct to c eggs ~ ' 3197 •. ~ 1.~ - ~. /12 13 97 _ ., j jc-- r ... ,. .. _ r nFpfy / ~~ Id I ,~ ~ L t~>• / r 6 ~ 13 ~ 379s ,.~^ ~. ~ : , ,. 96 . ~. ~ , y y 12 ~r_ - /~ is lu /~ 1d ~ ~ ~~ ~ IZ l~ sand :. 95 a1g~ ~ ,: - ~ :g sand ~ , . IA ~r 6 l U 12 ~ 17 12 ,/ i . ,.i is ro 1 /' t z 1 I 14 3Tggooom.N Iz taed J`+ 3~g5ouon, N f Iz ' t3 ' r ~ : »747ooom.E ~~~ '49 z50 ?51 ~ ~ z52 R05 '53 ~ _'5i1 ~~'~~ npgnunt" E. ~'~Cr1ri`~ , ~L r Prepw.ed and published by the Defensr. Mopping Agency . `~~. Tal-ogrwphic Center, \1'w;hinglq n, D, C. LEGEND MAP INFORMATIOIJ AS OF 1972 - IN DEVELOPED ARf:AS. OhLlY iHROUr3H ROP.DS ARE CLASSIFIED RED TINT INL>J~_ATES BUIIT~VP AREAS Irl WHICH ONLY LArIDMARK BUILDINGS ARE SHOwN Mclrrs 1000 -.: 1 Y pOADS herd curl nce. henvy duly. divided Irip l+w nY+. w:rsressr_ws~ Herd urlnce, medium duty. Iwo Inns, v.idr. wish medico, strip ~ ___ __,~ Ih,ce Inn wid e _.__,-__ J ONES ••>'~•--,...L -. l H d roved I~ l~t 6 LANES Im ,,, dul l or sur nce. henvy duly, Inur or morn lone, wide g p _ y, ___ ee -,___-___._. Nerd surlnce, henvy duly, two Iwnes wide, three Innes •.vi de ~ LANES Unimproved d(r r ~_ ________ __ __ _ Herd mrrnce. medium duly, Inur n. coo a Innw svide er~~~®~ocEi Lec4 or Irwp ._ ___ ________ pnvtr mnrkera Inlvslw te: Fwd ernl; 51n1. _ _ ~ 95) ~tnp{ 7nl) BRIOC•ES _ pnilrond: Drnrv6ridge_ ! _~~ ~- Ho.~eonlnl control sln non ~ ~ Intr.millenl Inks __ __ ;~~\\C~.,, •, . Ovnrpwss; U:~derpn.s, + ~~ $nql devnl;om In melon: Intrnnulenl slren:n ___ '. _.~ f '`y _ _ ~_~_ ? RAILROADS Checked: Vnchecked " /Rt " /.•R Dwrn, Ewrrh<n, Mnsnnry- ----- -_ ... r, Single I.~.~ I.IvIYFIe end S d d Opnn pil mine nr quwrr y ~ Dilch~ In lermillnnl; Perenniwl _ -r "- lnn wr gouge +,~__~ _~;~ Mn. sh or s.vnmp . _ _ ~ BOUNDAnIFS took+: Lncmed object ~ ~ ~~ wreck: Sunken: E+nosed -.,q, ~4 Covnly (wish rnonumenll_ ---a---- puiLnngs or structv.es _ A • Rocks: $mrken; Awnsh _ ~ ,i:'; ~ "~ + ~ r cn pn nl. hm.H --- ^- cnvrd,: sdm^r ! .C Fnreshgre owls nnm e h i n d . ;j ~'~~'y d d n~/ 1111E RES Militmy seservnbon _ ~ C•m•lery ~_ _ L n c mn n s a _ Deplh nus'es wed snundmgs in mal es d ~. ~ 3 ~1 On.er .ese.unrnn __ - . -- . woods nr hrv,h•..ond _ ~~ Reel ~__ ~ _ ~e,k •; Po.er Irnnunis+ion line ,_. _ _ __,___ _, PM Orcl,nrd: Vineynrd T'-"~~ 11 limn of dwnper ligl.l, lighlhnuse __ _ _ / ' / Bench murk, monumented 792 levee _ •"•'•""" ~~~'~~~ ~ '~~~ Bench merle, ngn~monumeNed '• r1 3 I Snml __,_ __ ~- ,,...,~ Whorl, pier _ Sew .vwll _ , r----~{ ` / -7 SHEET 5452 ~ SEft1E5 Y / ~~ EDITIOtJ n 7-'L ~MATC ~0~~ / ~ t ''l~ • L / st~~ 30 ~F ~~- ~~ ~ L EDITION 7_DMATC SERIES V 142 .• sl ~o 76U zGI X62 35•ZG3 z64 el5 z r ~a'-KSnrr~'rllF .T71m rOIYSrprIE 16 L,. ~ _ _ G~ zGG, ~G7 zG8 "lt \ (~ \ , Slum S` and ~` `~ - ~ - ~ _~ ~-~ `~~~,~ ~ \t(/`~ ;~\ ~,~I~, \ ~~ ~ H lly Ride \ _ - o%~~ ' ,..,~ •_ - ~< T ~ ~`` g '_ :,.. ~~ ' ~ _ '.-_ ~ ~ n _ I . ~ ~--\ ` \ _ ~t \\ s ,. ~ ,raw j ,..._ ;; /Z ~ --~ \ r ! ~ ~ i ` Thvrotrgfzfave 7hicke/ ~uuzn p ~~ -" , ` 1 ` ~•' ~ ' -~- ~ ~ ~~` ~`n .=r N ` ;- '•, it-- i~, ~` :~: /_. rl µ'~ ri r / ~ V 4J n-- ~'-,\'" / ~... 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