HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089745_Mixing Zone Study_20180101Final Mixing Zone Study for Consolidated Drinking Water Treatment Plant Process Wastewater Discharge to Wallace Creek Prepared for: �L - �+ Marine • Camp Lejeune Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid -Atlantic Prepared by: LBC AH/BC Navy JV, LLC (Operating in North Carolina as AH— AH Environmental Engineering, PC) Contract: N62470 -14-D-9022 Delivery Order: WE15 December 2017 Final Mixing Zone Study for Consolidated Drinking Water Treatment Plant Process Wastewater Discharge to Wallace Creek MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND MID -ATLANTIC NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Contracting Officer's Representative: David J. Cotnoir, PE Prepared by: AH Environmental Engineering, PC 201 N. Front Street, Suite 501 ���0101 a rjj���i .. R Wilmington, NC 28401�•`R. `� ti (910) 362-0023 NC Firm License: C-3533 SEAL — 0 — Contract: N62470 -14-D-9022 r Deliver Order: WE15 Y H. December 2017 2j• y?i MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK ,f MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................V EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................vii 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1-1 1.1 OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................1-2 1.2 APPROACH..............................................................................................1-2 1.3 BACKGROUND..........................................................................................1-3 1.4 REPORT ORGANIZATION...........................................................................1-5 2. SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED..............................................................2-1 2.1 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS...................................................................2-1 2.1.1 Pilot Treatability Study................................................................2-1 2.1.2 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate........................................2-2 2.1.3 Ogden NF Membrane WTP Concentrate....................................2-5 2.1.4 Projected Concentrate Values Based on Existing WTP Influent..2-6 2.2 RECEIVING WATER CHARACTERISTICS......................................................2-7 2.2.1 Historic Data...............................................................................2-7 2.2.2 Field Collected Data....................................................................2-8 2.3 CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN...................................................................2-9 3. CORMIX MODELING......................................................................................3-1 3.1 MODEL DEVELOPMENT.............................................................................3-1 3.1.1 Create a Test Model...................................................................3-1 3.1.2 Discharge Diffuser Header Alignment.........................................3-2 3.1.3 Identify Most Conservative Model Scenario (Base Model) ..........3-3 3.1.4 Summary of Base Model.............................................................3-7 3.2 DIFFUSER CONFIGURATION EVALUATIONS.................................................3-7 3.2.1 Discharge Port Spacing..............................................................3-8 3.2.2 Discharge Port Diameter, Number of Ports, and Diffuser Length 3-8 3.2.3 Discharge Port Vertical Angle.....................................................3-9 3.3 EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL DISCHARGE LOCATIONS ................................ 3-1 1 4. CONCLUSIONS..............................................................................................4-1 4.1 PROPOSED DIFFUSER LOCATION AND DESIGN...........................................4-1 4.2 PROPOSED RMZ......................................................................................4-2 4.3 TDZ DEFINITION.......................................................................................4-3 4.4 ANALYSIS OF COCS..................................................................................4-3 5. REFERENCES................................................................................................5-1 AH Environmental Engineering, PC j Final, December 2017 119-WE15 2j• y?i MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK ,f MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE 2015 Pilot Treatability Study NF Membrane Concentrate Water Quality APPENDICES A. Laboratory Report for COJ WTP Concentrate (20 Pages) B. Laboratory Report for Existing WTP Influent (12 Pages) TABLE OF CONTENTS C. Critical CORMIX Model Prediction Files and Model Session Reports (15 Pages) TABLES TABLE PAGE Table 1-1 Proposed WTP Process Waste Streams Discharged to NPDES AH Environmental Engineering, PC jj Final, December 2017 119-WE15 PermittedOutfall..................................................................................1-4 Table 2-1 2015 Pilot Treatability Study NF Membrane Concentrate Water Quality Summary.............................................................................................2-2 Table 2-2 Summary of NPDES Permit Compliance Data for the COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate (October 2014 to September 2017) ....... 2-3 Table 2-3 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate Total Metals Data....................2-4 Table 2-4 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate Radiological Data....................2-5 Table 2-5 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate General Chemistry Data .......... 2-5 Table 2-6 Summary of NPDES Permit Compliance Data for the Ogden NF Membrane WTP Concentrate (October 2014 to September 2017) ....... 2-6 Table 2-7 Existing WTP Influent & Projected Concentrate Values .......................2-7 Table 2-8 Combined Summary of NCDEQ and UNCW Water Quality Data for Wallace Creek (1998 to 2009).............................................................2-8 Table 2-9 Summary of Field Measured Parameters at the Mouth of Wallace Creek on 27 April 2016..................................................................................2-9 Table 3-1 Test Model Inputs................................................................................3-2 Table 3-2 Model Results for Flow Condition Evaluation.......................................3-4 Table 3-3 Model Results for Ambient Velocity Evaluation....................................3-5 Table 3-4 Evaluation of Plume Buoyancy............................................................3-6 Table 3-5 Summary of Base Model Characteristics.............................................3-7 Table 3-6 Summary of Discharge Port Spacing Analysis.....................................3-8 Table 3-7 Evaluation of Diffuser Configurations...................................................3-9 Table 3-8 Evaluation of Diffuser Port Vertical Angles.........................................3-10 Table 3-9 Summary of Potential Discharge Location Geometry .........................3-11 Table 3-10 Summary of Discharge Location Evaluation......................................3-11 Table 3-11 Estimated 10:1 RMZ Dimensions and Areas.....................................3-12 Table 4-1 Summary of CoC Evaluation................................................................4-4 AH Environmental Engineering, PC jj Final, December 2017 119-WE15 2j• y?i MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK ,f MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE Figure 3-1 FIGURES FIGURE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Figure 1-1 Map of Potential Discharge Diffuser Locations.....................................1-1 Figure 1-2 Concentrate Waste Clarifier Schematic...............................................1-4 Figure 3-1 Evaluation of Ambient Velocity's Effect on Mixing................................3-5 Figure 3-2 Preliminary Discharge Diffuser Design Schematic.............................3-10 Figure 3-3 Map of Mixing Zones at Potential Diffuser Locations ..........................3-12 Figure 4-1 Map of Proposed Diffuser and Associated RMZ..................................4-2 AH Environmental Engineering, PC 119-WE15 Final, December 2017 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE This page left blank intentionally. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 119-WE15 TABLE OF CONTENTS Final, December 2017 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AWWTP Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant AH AH Environmental Engineering, PC BRL below reporting limit °C degrees Celsius CAMLEJ Camp Lejeune CFPUA Cape Fear Public Utility Authority CHAS Castle Hayne aquifer system CIP clean -in-place CoC contaminant of concern COJ City of Jacksonville CORMIX Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System DO dissolved oxygen EAA Engineering Alternatives Analysis ECHO Enforcement and Compliance History Online EPA Environmental Protection Agency ft2 square feet ft/sec feet per second gpm gallons per minute IC25 sample concentration that causes a 25 percent reduction in a specified indicator kg/m3 kilogram per cubic meter Lq discharge length scale MCB Marine Corps Base MG million gallon MGD million gallons per day mg/L milligrams per liter MIDLANT Mid -Atlantic ms/cm millisiemens per centimeter N nitrogen N/A not applicable NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command NC North Carolina NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ND not detected AH Environmental Engineering, PC v Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS NF nanofiltration No. number NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NSW Nutrient Sensitive Water NTU nephelometric turbidity unit P phosphorus pCi/L picocuries per liter ppth parts per thousand PSU practical salinity units RMZ regulatory mixing zone STORET Storage and Retrieval and Water Quality Exchange SU standard unit TDS total dissolved solids TDZ toxic dilution zone Temp. temperature TKN total Kjeldahl nitrogen TOC total organic carbon TSS total suspended solids UNCW University of North Carolina at Wilmington USGS United States Geologic Survey WQS water quality standard WTP water treatment plant AH Environmental Engineering, PC vi Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK OP MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AH/BC Navy JV, LLC (operating in North Carolina [NC] as AH Environmental Engineer- ing, PC [AH]) conducted a mixing zone study for the proposed Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune (CAMLEJ) consolidated drinking water treatment plant (WTP) process wastewater discharge to Wallace Creek. This mixing zone study will be sub- mitted along with and in support of MCB CAMLEJ's National Pollutant Discharge Elim- ination System (NPDES) permit application. AH used Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) v8.OGT software to develop and evaluate model scenarios to achieve the following study objectives: • Identify a WTP process wastewater discharge location near the mouth of Wallace Creek • Develop a preliminary discharge diffuser design • Define a regulatory mixing zone at the proposed discharge location • Determine the dilution at the edge of a toxic dilution zone for toxic contaminants Refer to Figure 1-1 for a map that shows the potential discharge locations. AH recom- mends Location Number (No.) 2 for the proposed concentrate discharge to the mouth of Wallace Creek. Each potential discharge location provided adequate mixing with Location No. 1 demonstrating the greatest mixing, and Location No. 3 demonstrating the least mixing. Mixing at Location No. 2 was approximately the average of the other two locations. Location No. 2 would allow for significantly reduced construction costs and complexity relative to Location No. 1. Location Nos. 2 and 3 entailed similar construction complex- ity and costs. AH recommends a preliminary diffuser design with the following features (refer to Fig- ure 3-2 for a schematic of the recommended diffuser and Figure 4-1 for a map showing the recommended diffuser within Wallace Creek): AH Environmental Engineering, PC vii Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • 90 -foot long diffuser header with ten (10) 2.5 -inch diameter discharge ports (diffuser header diameter of 12 inches, consistent with concentrate force main diameter per the Engineering Alternatives Analysis [EAA]) • Diffuser located approximately 300 feet from the shoreline • Diffuser header oriented approximately parallel to the ambient flow direction and northern shoreline - Diffuser header alignment angle = 00 • Diffuser discharge ports oriented horizontally and normal to the diffuser header - Diffuser discharge port vertical angle = 00 - Diffuser discharge port horizontal angle = 900 • Diffuser discharge port height above channel bottom = 2.0 feet AH proposes a mixing zone with the following geometry (refer to Figure 4-1 for a map showing the recommended diffuser and proposed regulatory mixing zone): • 190 feet x 130 feet • 24,700 square feet (ft2) AH Environmental Engineering, PC viii Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 1 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid -Atlantic (MIDLANT) retained AH/BC Navy JV, LLC (operating in North Carolina [NC] as AH Environmental Engineer- ing, PC [AH]) to conduct a mixing zone study for the proposed Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune (CAMLEJ) consolidated drinking water treatment plant (WTP) process wastewater discharge to Wallace Creek. This work was completed under NAVFAC Contract N62470 -14-D-9022, Delivery Order WE15. AH also completed an Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) and a National Pollutant Discharge Elimina- tion System (NPDES) wastewater discharge permit application under the same delivery order. This study evaluated three potential discharge diffuser locations near the mouth of Wallace Creek. Figure 1-1 provides a map of these locations. Figure 1-1 Map of Potential Discharge Diffuser Locations • Potential Discharge Diffuser Location Alternatives so ? 11 j4 7 8� 6 11 7 �� 3 so MORGAN \ Pile $ BAY FI R 2.5s 15ft 4M '21 Location No. t 11 N10 10 h. V�aNYaG z Location No. 2 9 �g -* y non 11 3 3 0 r arm (ruins) �PtCUPOLA 4 h http:11W1r charts.noaa2gov/1 nteraptiveC4ak 1 5 FIXED BRIDGE HOR CL 19 FT ' VERT CL7Fr Location No. 3 UVHD PIPE e O CLSFT 0 TOW/ERSJ \� 0 0,�01. Miles AH Environmental Engineering, PC 1-1 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) classifies Wallace Creek as SB' waters and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NWS). 1.1 OBJECTIVES AH conducted this study in pursuit of the following objectives: • Identify a WTP process wastewater discharge location near the mouth of Wallace Creek • Develop a preliminary discharge diffuser design • Define a regulatory mixing zone (RMZ) at the proposed discharge location that provides 10:1 dilution • Define a toxic dilution zone (TDZ) for toxic contaminants The proposed mixing zone must be sufficient to dilute process wastewater (and asso- ciated contaminants of concern [CoCs]) to meet all pertinent NC water quality stand- ards (WQSs) at the edge (boundary) of the mixing zone. This mixing zone study will be submitted along with and in support of MCB CAMLEJ's NPDES permit application. 1.2 APPROACH AH compiled existing and field -collected characteristic data on the anticipated effluent and the receiving water to develop a range of mixing zone model scenarios. Iteratively, AH varied certain key model inputs to identify the most conservative model, then used that model to define a RMZ that provided 10:1 dilution of the effluent. Model scenarios were developed and evaluated with Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) v10.0GT mixing zone modeling software, developed by MixZon, Inc. Tidal salt waters protected for all SC uses in addition to primary recreation. Primary recreational activi- ties include swimming, skin diving, water skiing, and similar uses involving human body contact with wa- ter where such activities take place in an organized manner or on a frequent basis. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 1-2 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 1 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE INTRODUCTION 1.3 BACKGROUND The proposed project includes construction of a new WTP that utilizes nanofiltration (NF) membrane technology. The proposed project includes the following components: • Construction of a new NF membrane WTP with design treatment capacity of 8.0 million gallons per day (MGD). The new NF membrane WTP will serve the Hadnot Point water system (during normal water system operations). • Demolition of the existing Hadnot Point lime softening WTP (Building 20; design treatment capacity of 5.0 MGD) after startup of the new NF membrane WTP. The existing Holcomb Boulevard lime softening WTP (Building 670; design treatment capacity of 5.0 MGD) will remain in service. • Project Scheduling: - Estimated start of construction: October 2018 - Estimated end of construction: April 2021 The proposed NF membrane WTP will generate multiple process wastewaters. The following wastewaters are proposed for discharge at the outfall location recommended by this report: • NF membrane concentrate • NF membrane feed-to-waste/flush • Bypass treatment greensand filter backwash • Raw water strainer backwash The following process wastewaters will be discharged to the existing sanitary sewer: • Concentrate treatment clarifier residuals (underflow) • Neutralized NF membrane clean -in-place (CIP) solution • Process area trench drains Table 1-1 summarizes the proposed WTP process wastewater that will be discharged at the proposed outfall. The wastewater will be pumped to the outfall by constant speed pumps (one duty, one standby); therefore, the discharge to the outfall will either be 0.0 MGD or 2.4 MGD. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 1-3 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 1 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE INTRODUCTION Table 1-1 Proposed WTP Process Waste Streams Discharged to NPDES Permitted Outfall A concentrate clarifier will treat the four process waste streams identified in Table 1-1, with re -aerated supernatant pumped at a constant flow rate of 2.4 MGD (1,667 gallons per minute [gpm]) to the proposed NPDES permitted outfall'. Figure 1-2 provides a schematic of this process. Refer to the EAA (AH, 2017) for more project background information. Figure 1-2 From WTP A — B — C — D — Concentrate Waste Clarifier Schematic Concentrate Waste Clarifier Oxygen To Outfall Diffuser F�10.0 or 2.4 MGD A= NF Membrane Concentrate B = NF Membrane Feed-to-Waste/Flush C = Greensand Filter Backwash Waste (Bypass Treatment) D = Raw Water Strainer Backwash To WWTP 2 The maximum (design) daily volume of process waste sent to the concentrate treatment clarifier is 2.1 million gallons; however, regardless of daily process waste volume generated, the clarifier supernatant will be pumped at a constant flow rate of 2.4 MGD (1,667 gpm). AH Environmental Engineering, PC 1-4 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 Average Daily F- Waste Stream Volume Generated (million gallons [MG]) NF membrane concentrate 0.480 NF membrane feed-to-waste/flush 0.105 Bypass treatment greensand filter backwash waste 0.045 Raw water strainer backwash waste < 0.100 Total 0.730 A concentrate clarifier will treat the four process waste streams identified in Table 1-1, with re -aerated supernatant pumped at a constant flow rate of 2.4 MGD (1,667 gallons per minute [gpm]) to the proposed NPDES permitted outfall'. Figure 1-2 provides a schematic of this process. Refer to the EAA (AH, 2017) for more project background information. Figure 1-2 From WTP A — B — C — D — Concentrate Waste Clarifier Schematic Concentrate Waste Clarifier Oxygen To Outfall Diffuser F�10.0 or 2.4 MGD A= NF Membrane Concentrate B = NF Membrane Feed-to-Waste/Flush C = Greensand Filter Backwash Waste (Bypass Treatment) D = Raw Water Strainer Backwash To WWTP 2 The maximum (design) daily volume of process waste sent to the concentrate treatment clarifier is 2.1 million gallons; however, regardless of daily process waste volume generated, the clarifier supernatant will be pumped at a constant flow rate of 2.4 MGD (1,667 gpm). AH Environmental Engineering, PC 1-4 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 1 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE INTRODUCTION 1.4 REPORT ORGANIZATION Following the introduction, this report presents information in the following sections: • Section 2 summarizes the data collected in support of this study. • Section 3 describes the model development process and the various evaluations conducted. • Section 4 presents conclusions and analysis of four CoCs. • Section 5 is a list of references used in developing this report. Appendices provide the following supplemental information: • Appendix A contains a laboratory report for the City of Jacksonville (COJ) NF membrane WTP concentrate sampling. • Appendix B provides the laboratory report from the sampling and analysis of the raw water influent at the existing Building 20 and Building 670 WTPs. • Appendix C contains CORMIX prediction files and model session reports for critical model evaluations presented in this study. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 1-5 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE This page left blank intentionally. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION AH Environmental Engineering, PC 1-6 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 2 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED 2. SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED During this study, AH considered existing effluent and receiving water quality data from multiple sources, as well as field data collected under this project's scope of work. 2.1 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Sources of representative effluent data included the following: • Pilot Treatability Study report at MCB CAMLEJ (AH, November 2015) • NPDES permit compliance monitoring results from the COJ NF membrane WTP • Water quality sampling of the COJ NF membrane concentrate conducted by AH (March 2016) • NPDES permit compliance monitoring results from the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's (CFPUA) Ogden NF membrane WTP • Water quality sampling of the MCB CAMLEJ raw water (used to project concentrate water quality characteristics) 2.1.1 Pilot Treatability Study Table 2-1 summarizes NF membrane concentrate water quality data collected during a pilot treatability study conducted by AH in 2015. The treatability study was conducted with a 20 gpm pilot WTP that treated source water with greensand filtration pretreat- ment followed by NF membrane treatment. The source water for this study was the existing Holcomb Boulevard WTP source water: a 2.0 MG raw water tank supplied by a network of 18 wells that withdraw from the Castle Hayne aquifer system (CHAS). AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-1 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 2 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED Table 2-1 2015 Pilot Treatability Study NF Membrane Concentrate Water Quality Summary Parameter Average Result' Maximum Number (No.) of Result Data Points Magnesium (milligrams per liter [mg/L]) 9.1 9.1 1 Calcium (mg/L) 1 400 400 1 Iron (mg/L) Not ted2 Not Applicable 10 (ND) N Manganese (mg/L) 0.19 0.19 1 Sulfate (mg/L 131 190 9 79 94 9 Silica (mg/L 1.53 9 Bromide (mg/L) _ 1.8 9 Total Hardness (mg/L as calcium 1,160 1,400 carbonate [CaCO3]) 7.6 7.7 9 pH (standard units [SU]) Total Dissolved Solids TDS) ((mg/L 1,300 1,300 1 Conductivity (millisiemens per 1.87 >2.0 9 centimeter [mS/cm]) _ _ Total organic carbon (TOC) (mg/L) 9.0 I 11.0 9 J Notes: 1. The values are average values for data collected from April to June 2015. 2. Iron and manganese were effectively removed by pretreatment (greensand filtration). No iron was detected in the feed water to the membranes or the concentrate. 3. Of the nine bromide results, six were ND. To average these values, each ND result was assumed to be one-half the reporting limit. The reporting limit varied from 0.20 mg/L to 4.1 mg/L. 2.1.2 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate In preliminary meetings between MCB CAMLEJ and NCDEQ, the latter requested col- lection of additional data on NF membrane concentrate toxicity and ammonia concen- trations. To fulfill this request, MCB CAMLEJ coordinated with the COJ to gather water quality data on COTs NF membrane WTP concentrate. The COJ NF membrane con- centrate was considered representative of the proposed MCB CAMLEJ concentrate due to similar treatment technology and because each withdraws its raw water from the same aquifer system (CHAS). The COJ NF membrane recovery rate is approxi- mately 75 percent according to WTP operators. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-2 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 2 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED COJ NPDES Permit Compliance Data AH obtained 36 months (monthly sampling from October 2014 to September 2017) of the COJ's NPDES permit compliance monitoring results for their NF membrane WTP concentrate from the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Enforce- ment and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database. Table 2-2 summarizes these data. Table 2-2 Summary of NPDES Permit Compliance Data for the COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate (October 2014 to September 2017) Un -Ionized Total N Total P Salinity pH Temp. Ammonia, (mg/L as (mg/L as (ppth) (SU) (°C) NH3 N ) P ) (mg/L as N)' Minimum 0.8 7.1 18.5 0.0097 0.8 0.0 Average 1.1 7.7 19.9 0.0353 1.5 0.1 951h Percentile 1.2 7.8 21.5 0.0520 2.3 0.3 Maximum 1.3 7.9 22.1 0.0609 3.0 0.4 Applicable 6.8 0.233 5.0 0.5 WQS or See to See (acute) (summer) (summer) Criteria notes2 8.53 notes4 0.035 10.0 1.0 (chronic)5 (winter)6 (winter)6 Abbreviations: N - nitrogen Temp. - temperature P - phosphorus °C - degrees Celsius ppth - parts per thousand Notes: 1. Un -ionized ammonia was calculated from measured values of total ammonia (NH3 + NH4') in the concentrate, and historic average values of salinity, pH, and temperature in the receiving water, Wallace Creek (refer to Section 2.2.1). 2. Effluent salinity shall not result in removal of the functions of a primary nursery area per 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 02B .0220 and .0222 Tidal Salt Water Quality Standards for Class SC and SB Waters, respectively. 3. WQS per 15A NCAC 02B.0220 and .0222. 4. Temperature shall not be increased above the natural water temperature by more than 0.8 °C during the months of June, July, and August nor more than 2.2 °C during other months and in no cases to exceed 32 °C due to the discharge of heated liquids. 5. EPA's Saltwater Ambient Water Quality Criteria for ammonia. 6. Expected discharge limits for total nitrogen per NCDEQ guidance received via email 12 November 2015. COJ WTP Concentrate Sampling Data AH collected water quality samples of the COJ NF membrane WTP concentrate in March 2016. These samples were analyzed for chronic toxicity, ammonia, metals, and AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-3 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 2 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED a number of other parameters. Appendix A contains the laboratory report for these analyses. A five -point multi -concentration chronic toxicity test using Americamysis bahia (mysid shrimp) was performed on the COJ concentrate at dilutions of 40:1, 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, and 2.5:1. The IC253 for the indicators Survival and Growth did not correspond to any of the dilutions tested (i.e., none of the dilutions tested caused a reduction in Survival or Growth of 25 percent or more). Therefore, the IC25 for this sample corresponded to an effluent concentration greater than 40 percent (2.5:1 dilution = 40 percent effluent + 60 percent diluent). Note that the RMZ proposed in this study conservatively achieves 10:1 dilution. Tables 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 summarize other analytical data resulting from AH's March 2016 sampling effort. Table 2-3 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate Total Metals Data (7 March 2016) Parar Aluminum (mg/L) Arsenic (mg/L)2 _Barium (mg/L) _Calcium (mg/L) Copper (mg/L)2 Iron (mg/L) _Lead (mg/L)2 _Magnesium (mg/L) _Manganese (mg/L) Silicon (mg/L) Sodium (mg/L) Zinc (mg/L)2 Teter' Result Reporting Limit Below Reporting 0.1 Limit (BRL) BRL 0.01 BRL 0.01 200 10 BRL 0.013 0.58 0.1 BRL 0.005 34 0.1 0.043 0.01 47 25 190 25 BRL 0.03 Notes: 1. The data presented in this table are total metals data. 2. WQSs per 15A NCAC 02B .0220 and .0222 (applicable to the dissolved form of the metal): a. Arsenic = 0.069 mg/L (acute), 0.035 mg/L (chronic) b. Copper = 0.0048 mg/L (acute), 0.0031 mg/L (chronic) c. Lead = 0.210 mg/L (acute), 0.0081 mg/L (chronic) d. Zinc = 0.090 mg/L (acute), 0.081 mg/L (chronic) 3. The reporting limit for copper (0.010 mg/L total copper) is greater than the WQSs of 0.0048 mg/L dissolved (acute) and 0.0031 mg/L dissolved (chronic). 3 The IC25 is the sample concentration that causes a 25 percent reduction in a specified indicator. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-4 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 2 SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED Table 2-4 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate Radiological Data (7 March 2016) Parameter Result Detection Limit Radium -226 (picocuries per liter [pCi/L]) 0.6 0.2 Radium -228 (pCi/L) ND 0.8 Combined Radium -226/228 (pCi/L) 0.6 N/A Gross Beta (pCi/L)' 56.6 4.6 Note: 1. Per 15A NCAC 02B .0220 and .0222, the annual average activity level (based on at least one sample collected per quarter) for gross beta particle activity shall not exceed 50 pCi/L. Table 2-5 COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate General Chemistry Data (7 March 2016) Parameter Result Reporting Limit Total Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+) as N (mg/L) 0.69 0.1 Un -Ionized Ammonia (NH3) as N at pH 7.8, 1.0 ppth salinity, and 19.3 °C; calculated (mg/L)' Nitrate/Nitrite as N (mg/L) 0.019 BRL - 0.1 0.5 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) as N (mg/L) 1.2 Total Nitrogen as N (mg/L) 1.2 0.6 pH (SU) 7.8 - Total Phosphorus as P (mg/L) 0.43 0.05 Chloride (mg/L) 27 1 Fluoride (mg/L) 2.3 0.1 Sulfate (mg/L) BRL 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 (mg/L) 1,000 5 Carbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 (mg/L) BRL 5 Hydroxide Alkalinity as CaCO3 (mg/L) BRL 5 Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 to pH 4.5 (mg/L) 1,000 5 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (mg/L) BRL 3.1 TDS (mg/L) 1,200 50 Note: 1. EPA's Saltwater Ambient Water Quality Criteria for ammonia are 0.233 mg/L (acute) and 0.035 mg/L (chronic) as un -ionized ammonia (NH3 as N). 2.1.3 Ogden NF Membrane WTP Concentrate The CFPUA's Ogden NF membrane concentrate was considered representative of the proposed MCB CAMLEJ concentrate due to similar treatment technology and because each withdraws its raw water from the CHAS. The CFPUA NF membrane recovery rate is between 75 and 80 percent according to WTP operators. The CFPUA data presented AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-5 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 2 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED herein were not used in the analysis of CoCs (specifically copper) in Section 4.4 of this study; however, these data validate the values ultimately used in that analysis. AH used the data presented in Section 2.1.4 for copper in the Section 4.4 CoC analysis. AH obtained 36 months (monthly sampling from October 2014 to September 2017) of the Ogden WTP NPDES permit compliance monitoring results for its NF membrane WTP concentrate from the EPA's ECHO database. Table 2-6 summarizes NPDES per- mit compliance data for the following parameters: copper, fluoride, and zinc. Table 2-6 Summary of NPDES Permit Compliance Data for the Ogden NF Membrane WTP Concentrate (October 2014 to September 2017) Total Copper' Minimum BRL Average 0.002 Percentile Maximum 0.004 0.008 Total Fluoride I Total Zinc' 0.46 BRL 0.64 0.002 0.79 0.82 0.014 0.018 Notes: 1. WQSs per 15A NCAC 02B .0220 and .0222 (applicable to the dissolved form of the metal): a. Copper = 0.0048 mg/L (acute), 0.0031 mg/L (chronic) b. Zinc = 0.090 mg/L (acute), 0.081 mg/L (chronic) 2.1.4 Projected Concentrate Values Based on Existing WTP Influent AH sampled the influent raw water feeding the two main MCB CAMLEJ WTPs (Building 20 and Building 670) from 9 October to 13 October 2017 for total and dissolved copper, lead, nickel, and zinc. Grab samples were collected from each well rotation (five total samples). A well rotation is a number of wells typically run together as a group. Based on the analytical results, AH calculated projected average and maximum concentrate values for each parameter. Average concentrate values assumed an 85% membrane recovery rate (concentration factor of 6.67). Maximum values assumed an 87.5% re- covery rate (concentration factor of 8.0). Table 2-7 summarizes the results. Appendix B provides the laboratory report for the sampling effort. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-6 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 2 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED Table 2-7 Existing WTP Influent & Projected Concentrate Values Influent Projected Parameter Concentration (mg/L) Concentrate Value (mg/L) Averaae Maximum Average I Maximum Total Dissolved' Copper 0.0010 0.0017 0.0064 0.0138 Lead 0.0001 0.0001 0.0009 0.0010 Nickel ND ND N/A N/A Zinc 0.0082 0.0116 0.0545 0.0928 Copper 0.0005 0.0011 0.0036 0.0086 Lead ND ND N/A N/A Nickel ND ND Zinc 0.0061 0.0096 0.0405 0.0770 Notes: 1. WQSs per 15A NCAC 02B .0220 and .0222 (applicable to the dissolved form of the metal): a. Copper = 0.0048 mg/L (acute), 0.0031 mg/L (chronic) b. Lead = 0.210 mg/L (acute), 0.008 mg/L (chronic) c. Nickel = 0.074 mg/L (acute), 0.0082 (chronic) d. Zinc = 0.090 mg/L (acute), 0.081 mg/L (chronic) 2.2 RECEIVING WATER CHARACTERISTICS AH reviewed the following sources to compile receiving water characteristic data near the mouth of Wallace Creek: • 2000 to 2002 water quality data collected by the NCDEQ (obtained from the United States EPA Storage and Retrieval and Water Quality Exchange [STORET]) • 1998 to 2009 water quality data collected by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) (monitoring effort funded by MCB CAMLEJ) • Water quality monitoring conducted by AH in the vicinity of the potential diffuser locations on 27 April 2016 2.2.1 Historic Data Table 2-8 is a combined summary of the NCDEQ (2000 to 2002) data and the UNCW (1998 to 2009) data on salinity, pH, temperature, and ammonia. This data set was gen- erated from over 200 total monitoring events conducted near the mouth of Wallace Creek. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-7 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 2 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED Table 2-8 Combined Summary of NCDEQ and UNCW Water Quality Data for Wallace Creek (1998 to 2009) Un -Ionized Salinity pH Temp. Ammonia, (ppth) (SU) (°C) NH3 (mg/L as N)' Notes: 1. Un -ionized ammonia was calculated from measured values of total ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), salinity, pH, and temperature. 2.2.2 Field Collected Data AH collected samples and measured multiple water quality parameters from a boat in Wallace Creek. A peristaltic pump was used to draw water from just below the surface and from multiple depths. Grab samples were collected from just below the surface for ammonia analysis at Lo- cation No. 1 (refer to Figure 1-1) on 27 April 2016. The samples were collected during the outgoing tide (three hours before low slack tide), low slack tide, and incoming tide (three hours after low slack tide). Total ammonia (NH3 + NH4+ as nitrogen) was less than the reporting limit (0.10 mg/L) for all three samples. AH also measured the follow- ing water quality parameters using a multiparameter sonde and a flow cell: • Temperature • pH • TDS • Conductivity • Dissolved Oxygen (DO) • Flow velocity Field measurements were taken with each ammonia sample and at two other potential discharge diffuser locations (refer to Figure 1-1). Measurements were taken at multiple depths (two -foot increments) and at various tide stages. Depth ranged from approxi- mately five feet at Location No. 3 to ten feet at Location No. 2. Generally, the measured AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-8 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 minimum 'I.0 5t'' Percentile 3.1 1.0 5.0 U.000U 0.0000 7.2 7.6 J Average 13.1 7.8 20.3 J 0.0014 95th Percentile 21.2 8.5 30.2 0.0034 Maximum 24.6 8.9 33.5 0.0264 Notes: 1. Un -ionized ammonia was calculated from measured values of total ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), salinity, pH, and temperature. 2.2.2 Field Collected Data AH collected samples and measured multiple water quality parameters from a boat in Wallace Creek. A peristaltic pump was used to draw water from just below the surface and from multiple depths. Grab samples were collected from just below the surface for ammonia analysis at Lo- cation No. 1 (refer to Figure 1-1) on 27 April 2016. The samples were collected during the outgoing tide (three hours before low slack tide), low slack tide, and incoming tide (three hours after low slack tide). Total ammonia (NH3 + NH4+ as nitrogen) was less than the reporting limit (0.10 mg/L) for all three samples. AH also measured the follow- ing water quality parameters using a multiparameter sonde and a flow cell: • Temperature • pH • TDS • Conductivity • Dissolved Oxygen (DO) • Flow velocity Field measurements were taken with each ammonia sample and at two other potential discharge diffuser locations (refer to Figure 1-1). Measurements were taken at multiple depths (two -foot increments) and at various tide stages. Depth ranged from approxi- mately five feet at Location No. 3 to ten feet at Location No. 2. Generally, the measured AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-8 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 2 SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED parameters did not vary significantly between locations, or with depth or tide stage. Table 2-9 summarizes the April 2016 measurements. Table 2-9 Summary of Field Measured Parameters at the Mouth of Wallace Creek on 27 April 2016 Parameter Location No. 1 Location No. 2 Location No. 3 Average Temperature (°C) 23.2 24.6 24.1 Average pH 8.0 Average DO (mg/L) 8.1 Average Turbidity (nephelometric turbidity units 2.0 [NTU]) Average Calculated Salinity 15.4 (practical salinity units [PSU]) 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.2 3.6 12.9 14.7 14.9 Average TDS (mg/L) 15,090 14,900 14,880 Average Conductivity (mS/cm) 24.3 24.0 24.0 Maximum Velocity (feet per 0.40 second [ft/sec])' Minimum Velocity (ft/sec)' 0.05 0.30 not recorded2 0.10 not recorded2 Note: 1. Values were rounded up to the nearest 0.05 ft/sec. 2. Velocity was not recorded at Location No. 3. AH assumed the velocity at this location was equal to the velocity at Location No. 2 for this mixing zone study. 2.3 CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN AH identified the following CoCs based on the data presented in this section and guid- ance from NCDEQ: • Un -Ionized Ammonia (at NCDEQ's request) • Copper (Projected concentrate value based on existing WTP influent was in excess of WQS; refer to Table 2-7) • Gross beta activity (COJ effluent sample result in excess of the WQS; refer to Table 2-4) Section 4.4 offers predictions of the concentrations of these CoCs at the edges (bound- aries) of the RMZ and TDZ proposed in Section 4.2 and Section 4.3 of this study, re- spectively. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-9 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE This page left blank intentionally. SECTION 2 SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTED AH Environmental Engineering, PC 2-10 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 3 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CORMIX MODELING 3. CORMIX MODELING AH was tasked to perform CORMIX model simulations under worst-case ambient con- ditions to evaluate the following key design points: • Potential discharge locations — AH modeled three locations, each with different channel widths and depths. • Preliminary discharge diffuser configurations — AH modeled various diffuser orientations, port orientations, number of ports, and port diameters. 3.1 MODEL DEVELOPMENT AH developed the worst-case Base Model following the procedures outlined in this sec- tion. 3.1.1 Create a Test Model The first step in the model development process was to create a Test Model that could be used to iteratively evaluate various receiving water conditions and identify the most conservative scenario. The most conservative scenario would become the worst-case Base Model for evaluation of potential discharge locations and diffuser configurations. AH assumed initial values for several of the Test Model inputs. These values were varied in subsequent model runs to determine the preferred discharge diffuser config- uration and location. AH assigned assumed values to the following model inputs to create the Test Model: • Discharge location characteristics (channel depth and width, distance from nearest bank, and channel roughness coefficient) • Effluent flow rate and density • Discharge diffuser orientation with respect to the ambient flow direction • Discharge diffuser length, port height above channel bottom, number of ports, port diameter, port vertical angle • Dilution factor Table 3-1 summarizes the Test Model inputs used in this study. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-1 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE Table 3-1 Test Model Inputs SECTION 3 CORMIX MODELING Input Parameter Test Model Value Simulation Type' CORMIX II Dilution 10:1 Effluent Flow Rate 2.4 MGD Effluent Density2 999.1 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3) Average Channel Depth3 5.0 feet Channel Depth at Discharge Location3 6.0 feet Channel Width3 1,000 feet Diffuser Distance from Nearest Banka 180 feet Darcy -Weisbach Friction Factor4 0.04 Diffuser Port Height Above Channel Bottom 2.0 feet Diffuser Port Diameter 3.0 inches Number of Diffuser Ports 8 Diffuser Port Vertical Angles 00 Diffuser Header Length 70 feet Diffuser Header Alignment Angle6 00 Discharge Port Horizontal Angle' 900 Notes: 1. CORMIX I simulates single -port discharges. CORMIX II simulates multiport diffusers. 2. Effluent density was calculated from the average temperature and salinity values presented in Table 2-2, a Summary of NPDES Permit Compliance Data for the COJ NF Membrane WTP Concentrate (October 2014 to September 2017). 3. Values approximate the conditions at Potential Discharge Diffuser Location No. 3, which was arbitrarily selected for test model development. Depths were estimated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Raster Navigational Chart 11542. Channel width and diffuser distance from bank were estimated using 2012 orthoimagery of MCB CAMLEJ. Distance from nearest bank was based on diffuser distance from the northern shoreline of Wallace Creek. 4. Darcy -Weisbach friction factor was set equal to the value used in the mixing zone study conducted in support of the MCB CAMLEJ Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWWTP) NPDES permitting effort (effluent discharge to the mouth of French Creek). 5. A discharge port vertical angle of 01 means the port discharges in a horizontal direction (into the xy-plane). 6. A diffuser header alignment angle of 01 orients the discharge diffuser header parallel to the ambient flow direction and channel bank. An alignment angle of 901 orients the diffuser header normal (perpendicular) to the ambient flow and channel bank. 7. A discharge port horizontal angle of 00 means that the diffuser discharge port is oriented to discharge in the same direction as the ambient flow. A horizontal discharge angle of 901 means that the diffuser port is oriented discharge normal to the ambient flow. 3.1.2 Discharge Diffuser Header Alignment AH selected a discharge diffuser header alignment angle of 0° for preliminary design of the proposed discharge diffuser header. According to Wastewater Management for Coastal Cities: The Ocean Disposal Option (Gunnerson, 1988), perpendicular diffuser header orientation (alignment angle = 900) provides optimal initial dilution when the AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-2 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 3 CORMIX MODELING ambient flow velocity is significant. However, for ambient conditions where velocity is low and current direction is not well-defined, parallel orientation (to the likely ambient flow direction) provides a more robust design. If adequate initial dilution can be achieved when the current is parallel to the diffuser header, improved dilution can be expected for other current directions. Parallel discharge header orientation also results in a minimum impact to the creek cross-section with respect to other orientations (header alignment angle greater than 00). All evaluations herein and the preliminary discharge diffuser port design use a horizon- tal discharge angle of 901. For unsteady flow conditions (i.e., where tidal reversal oc- curs), diffuser ports must be oriented vertically (vertical angle of 900) or normally (hori- zontal angle of 900) to the ambient flow. Alternative horizontal angles would result in adverse conditions in tide cycles where the ambient flow is in opposition to the dis- charge flow. 3.1.3 Identify Most Conservative Model Scenario (Base Model) AH ran the following sets of simulations to identify the most conservative (worst-case) model scenario (Base Model). The Base Model was then used to evaluate potential discharge locations and diffuser configurations (varying diffuser header lengths, num- ber of discharge ports, port diameter, and port vertical angle). • Ambient flow condition evaluation: compared steady-state and unsteady ambient flow conditions range of ambient velocities • Ambient velocity evaluation: based on ambient flow condition evaluation results, analyzed smaller range of ambient velocities to identify most conservative scenario • Plume buoyancy evaluation: compared positively buoyant effluent to negatively buoyant effluent for the most conservative ambient flow condition and velocity Each simulation utilized the Test Model as described in Section 3.1.1. Ambient Flow Condition Evaluation To determine which ambient flow condition was most critical, AH ran CORMIX II simu- lations for steady-state and unsteady (tidal) flow conditions over a range of ambient AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-3 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 3 CORMIX MODELING velocities. The range of velocities was based on field measured velocities (refer to Ta- ble 2-9). For the unsteady flow condition analyses, the minimum modeled velocity was assumed to occur 30 minutes after low -slack tide and the maximum velocity was as- sumed to occur 3 hours after the low -slack tide. Intermediate velocities were linearly interpolated at 30 -minute intervals. Table 3-2 summarizes the results of the flow con- dition evaluation. Table 3-2 Model Results for Flow Condition Evaluation Time (hours Ambient Computed Horizontal Distance from Port Opening after slack) Velocity to Achieve 10:1 Dilution (feet) ( f/ This evaluation of ambient flow condition indicated that the unsteady (tidal) analysis is more conservative over the range of ambient velocities measured in the field. There- fore, AH selected unsteady flow conditions for the Base Model. Ambient Velocity Evaluation The flow condition evaluation results presented in Table 3-2 indicated that the most conservative scenario occurs under unsteady, tidal conditions, approximately one hour after a slack tide. AH conducted a more refined set of model runs (CORMIX II, unsteady conditions) for a range of velocities interpolated every 0.1 hours between 0.4 hours to 1.6 hours after slack tide. Table 3-3 presents the results of the ambient velocity evalu- ation. Figure 3-1 represents these data graphically. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-4 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 t sec) Steady -State Analysis I Unsteady Analysis 0.5 0.05 6.7 6.7 1 0.10 84.2 142.3 1.5 0.15 60.0 86.8 2 0.19 58.6 83.9 2.5 0.24 47.3 62.9 3 0.29 42.5 54.8 This evaluation of ambient flow condition indicated that the unsteady (tidal) analysis is more conservative over the range of ambient velocities measured in the field. There- fore, AH selected unsteady flow conditions for the Base Model. Ambient Velocity Evaluation The flow condition evaluation results presented in Table 3-2 indicated that the most conservative scenario occurs under unsteady, tidal conditions, approximately one hour after a slack tide. AH conducted a more refined set of model runs (CORMIX II, unsteady conditions) for a range of velocities interpolated every 0.1 hours between 0.4 hours to 1.6 hours after slack tide. Table 3-3 presents the results of the ambient velocity evalu- ation. Figure 3-1 represents these data graphically. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-4 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 3 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CORMIX MODELING Table 3-3 Model Results for Ambient Velocity Evaluation Time (hours after slack) Ambient Velocity (ft/sec) Computed Horizontal Distance from Port Opening to Achieve 10:1 Dilution (feet) 0.5 0.05 6.7 0.6 0.06 7.3 0.7 0.07 7.8 0.8 0.08 8.4 0.9 0.09 9.0 1 0.10 142.3 1.1 0.11 121.7 1.2 0.12 107.6 1.3 0.13 97.9 1.4 0.14 91.2 1.5 0.15 86.8 Figure 3-1 Evaluation of Ambient Velocity's Effect on Mixing 150 E❑ ❑ , 140 120 m 0 rn r 100 a ,T 80 NQS 60 L o 2 rn 40 m 20 Cn CL CL E I 0 0 0 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 Ambient Velocity (ftlsec) 0.14 0.16 The ambient velocity evaluation results indicated that, for unsteady, tidal receiving wa- ters, there exists a critical time after tidal reversal (with an associated velocity), that results in the least favorable mixing conditions. This time/velocity will vary depending on discharge location and diffuser configuration; therefore, this critical point must be determined to develop the proposed mixing zone. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-5 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 3 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CORMIX MODELING Plume Buoyancy Evaluation Next, AH ran multiple CORMIX II simulations for unsteady flow conditions to compare the effects of relative buoyancy on mixing. Buoyancy was evaluated to test the sensi- tivity of the discharge to seasonal effects (ambient water temperature) and weather- related ambient water quality variation (salinity). Densities of the effluent and ambient waters were calculated using the temperature and salinity data presented in Section 2. Average effluent density was set to 999.1 kg/m3 and mixing was compared at high and low values of ambient density. AH calculated ambient density using the data presented in Table 2-8. The high ambient density (1,016.5 kg/m3) was calculated using the 95th percentile salinity (21.2 ppth) and the 5th percentile temperature (7.6 °C). The low am- bient density (997.9 kg /M3) was calculated using the fifth percentile salinity (3.1 ppth) and the 95th percentile temperature (30.2 °C). Table 3-4 summarizes the results of the plume buoyancy evaluation. Table 3-4 Evaluation of Plume Buoyancy The results of this test suggested that for the given scenario, plume buoyancy (the density of the plume relative to the density of the receiving water) has negligible influ- ence on initial mixing. Therefore, either a negatively buoyant plume or a positively buoy- ant plume could be used in the Base Model. AH selected the positively buoyant plume because the average effluent density (999.1 kg/m3) was less than the average ambient density (1,008.1 kg /M3) calculated using the average salinity (13.1 ppth) and the aver- age temperature (20.3 °C). AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-6 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 Computed Horizontal Distance from Port Opening to Time Ambient Achieve 10:1 Dilution (feet) (hours after Velocity Negatively Buoyant Plume Positively Buoyant Plume slack) (ft/sec) (Ambient Density = (Ambient Density = 997.9 kg/m3) 1016.5 kg/m3) 0.5 0.05 6.7 6.7 1 0.10 142.3 142.3 1.5 0.15 86.7 86.8 2 0.19 83.9 83.9 2.5 0.24 62.9 62.9 3 0.29 54.8 54.8 The results of this test suggested that for the given scenario, plume buoyancy (the density of the plume relative to the density of the receiving water) has negligible influ- ence on initial mixing. Therefore, either a negatively buoyant plume or a positively buoy- ant plume could be used in the Base Model. AH selected the positively buoyant plume because the average effluent density (999.1 kg/m3) was less than the average ambient density (1,008.1 kg /M3) calculated using the average salinity (13.1 ppth) and the aver- age temperature (20.3 °C). AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-6 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE 3.1.4 Summary of Base Model SECTION 3 CORMIX MODELING Table 3-5 summarizes the characteristics of the worst-case Base Model used for further evaluation of various preliminary discharge diffuser configurations and three potential discharge locations. Table 3-5 Summary of Base Model Characteristics Input Parameter Base Model Value Simulation Mode CORMIX II (multiport) Ambient Flow Condition Unsteady (tidal) Dilution 10:1 Effluent Flow Rate 2.4 MGD Effluent Density 999.1 kg/m3 Darcy -Weisbach Friction Factor 0.04 Receiving Water Density 1,016.5 kg/m3 Receiving Water Velocity' Diffuser Header Alignment Angle2 Discharge Port Horizontal Angle3 0.05 ft/sec — 0.3 ft/sec 00 900 Notes: 1. Minimum and maximum velocity values were based on field measurements taken in April 2016 at the mouth of Wallace Creek (refer to Table 2-9). 2. A diffuser header alignment angle of 0° orients the discharge diffuser header parallel to the ambient flow direction. 3. A discharge port horizontal angle of 90° means that the diffuser discharge port is oriented normal to the ambient flow. 3.2 DIFFUSER CONFIGURATION EVALUATIONS Section 3.1.2 identified the preferred diffuser header orientation (with respect to ambi- ent flow direction). The simulations presented in this section evaluate other character- istics of the discharge diffuser including diffuser length, number of ports, port diameter, and port vertical angle. The objective of these evaluations was to identify a preliminary diffuser configuration that meets the following design criteria: • Minimize the area of the RMZ (while achieving 10:1 dilution) • Achieve port discharge velocity greater than or equal to three meters per second (9.84 ft/sec)4 at concentrate discharge of 2.4 MGD • Optimize diffuser length to reduce overall footprint in Wallace Creek 4 The EPA's Technical Support Document for Water Quality -Based Toxics Control (1991) recommends for new discharges a discharge port exit velocity greater than or equal to three meters per second. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-7 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 3 CORMIX MODELING AH used the Base Model summarized in Section 3.1.4 and channel geometry associ- ated with Location 3 (arbitrarily selected during test model development) for each of the following analyses. 3.2.1 Discharge Port Spacing AH ran a series of model simulations to determine a preliminary design port spacing distance. AH modeled port spacing distances from five (5) feet to 20 feet. AH ran each simulation at the critical time after tidal reversal (and associated ambient velocity), that resulted in the least favorable mixing conditions for that spacing distance. For this anal- ysis, AH assumed a diffuser with eight 3.0 -inch discharge ports, and a vertical angle of 00. Table 3-6 summarize the results of the model runs. Table 3-6 Summary of Discharge Port Spacing Analysis Port Time (hours Ambient Spacing after slack) Velocity (feet) (ft/sec) 5.0 1.4 0.14 7.5 1.1 0.11 10.0 1.0 0.10 12.5 0.9 0.09 15.0 0.8 0.08 17.5 0.8 0.08 20.0 0.7 0.07 Computed Horizontal Distance from Port Opening to Achieve 10:1 Dilution (feet) 161.2 161.0 142.3 137.5 141.9 125.8 143.2 The model results indicate that discharge port spacing greater than or equal to ten feet provides appreciably better mixing than port spacing less than ten feet. AH set the preliminary design discharge port spacing to ten feet. This spacing distance was used for the remainder of the diffuser configuration evaluations. 3.2.2 Discharge Port Diameter, Number of Ports, and Diffuser Length With the discharge port spacing set to ten feet, port diameter and discharge velocity (greater than or equal to 9.84 ft/sec) control the number of ports and the diffuser length. AH simulated various diffuser configurations at the critical time after tidal reversal (and AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-8 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 3 CORMIX MODELING associated ambient velocity) that resulted in the least favorable mixing conditions for that configuration. Table 3-7 summarizes the results of the various diffusers simulated. Table 3-7 Evaluation of Diffuser Configurations Port Diffuser Number Time (hours Ambient Discharge Horizontal Diameter Length of Ports after Velocity Velocity Distance (inches)' (feet) (ft/sec) (ft/sec) (feet)' slack) 2.0 16 150 0.7 0.07 10.6 125.3 2.5 10 90 0.9 0.09 10.9 120.3 3.0 7 60 1.1 0.11 10.8 126.4 4.0 4 30 1.6 0.15 10.6 136.5 Notes: 1. The discharge port diameters evaluated represent readily available discharge port sizes (typically duckbill check valves). 2. This value represents the computed horizontal distance from the diffuser discharge port opening to achieve 10:1 dilution. Based on this evaluation, AH recommends a 90 -foot long diffuser header with ten 2.5 - inch diameter discharge ports spaced ten feet apart. 3.2.3 Discharge Port Vertical Angle The discharge port vertical angle is the angle that defines the port orientation with re- spect to the xy-plane. For example, a port vertical angle of 00 indicates a port that discharges into the xy-plane. A port vertical angle of 90° represents a port that dis- charges in the positive z -direction (vertically upward). AH ran model simulations of the 90 -foot long diffuser header recommended in Section 3.2.2 and varied the discharge port vertical angle. Table 3-8 summarizes the results of this evaluation. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-9 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 3 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CORMIX MODELING Table 3-8 Evaluation of Diffuser Port Vertical Angles Port Vertical Angle (degrees) Computed Horizontal Distance from Port Opening to Achieve 10:1 Dilution (feet) 0 120.3 15 126.9 30 150.9 45 209.5 60 N/A' 75 90 N/A' N/Al Notes: 1. Dilution of 10:1 was not encountered within the predicted plume region (i.e., 10:1 dilution could not be achieved in the region modeled). Results from this modeling exercise suggested that orienting the diffuser discharge horizontally (in the xy-plane) provides the greatest initial mixing. In shallow waters (such as Wallace Creek), vertical port orientation can cause surface boundary impingement that limits initial mixing. Further modeling suggested that to accommodate vertically oriented diffuser ports, the receiving water depth would need to be greater than ap- proximately 14 feet (the maximum channel depth at any of the potential discharge lo- cations was approximately ten feet). Figure 3-2 shows a schematic of the 90 -foot dif- fuser. Figure 3-2 Preliminary Discharge Diffuser Design Schematic .x -,x, - Nearest Bank Dh5char - Head UtgOing ae 9e er TiDischarge Port {typ.) a V Ax�z \Discharge into creek (typ.) 'nc°rhino Tide AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-10 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS ANWASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 3 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CORMIX MODELING 3.3 EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL DISCHARGE LOCATIONS Section 1 of this report identifies three potential discharge diffuser locations (refer to Figure 1-1 for a map of these locations). The simulations and results presented in this section demonstrate how the channel geometry at each location (summarized in Table 3-9) affects initial mixing. Table 3-9 Summary of Potential Discharge Location Geometry Input Parameter Location No.1 Location Location No.2 No.3 Average Channel Depth' 7.0 feet 6.0 feet 5.0 feet Channel Depth at Discharge Location' 9.0 feet 7.0 feet 6.0 feet Channel Width2 1,900 feet 1,100 feet 1,000 feet Diffuser Distance from Nearest Bank2 700 feet 300 feet 180 feet Notes: 1. Depths were estimated from NOAA Raster Navigational Chart 11542. 2. Channel width and diffuser distance from bank were estimated using 2012 orthoimagery of MCB CAMLEJ. Distance from nearest bank was based on proposed diffuser locations along the inside edge of the main channel within Wallace Creek. AH evaluated the potential discharge diffuser locations using the Base Model and the preliminary diffuser design presented in Section 3.2. Each location simulation was eval- uated at the critical time after tidal reversal (and associated ambient velocity), that re- sulted in the least favorable mixing conditions for that location. Table 3-10 summarizes the results of this evaluation. Table 3-10 Summary of Discharge Location Evaluation Time (hours Ambient Computed Horizontal Location No. after slack) Velocity (ft/sec) Distance from Port Opening to Achieve 10:1 Dilution (feet) 1 2 3 0.8 0.08 59.2 0.9 0.09 84.1 0.9 0.09 120.3 The model also provided values for the distances in the x- and y- direction from the discharge where 10:1 dilution was achieved. Using those values and diffuser length, AH estimate the xy-dimensions and plan area of the 10:1 RMZ associated with each AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-11 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 3 CORMIX MODELING potential discharge location. Table 3-11 presents the RMZ dimensions and areas cal- culated for each location. Table 3-11 Estimated 10:1 RMZ Dimensions and Areas Location No. X -Dimension Y -Dimension Plan Area (feet) (feet) (square feet [ft2]) 1 118 58 6,844 2 125 83 10,375 3 131 119 15,589 The rectangular polygons shown on the map in Figure 3-3 are scaled representations of the calculated mixing zones at each potential discharge location. Figure 3-3 Map of Mixing Zones at Potential Diffuser Locations The results of this evaluation indicate that the deeper channel associated with Location No.1 results in better initial mixing. However, none of the estimated mixing zones oc- cupy a significant portion of Wallace Creek. Appendix C contains prediction files and model session reports for the evaluation conducted for each location. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 3-12 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS r WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 4 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CONCLUSIONS 4. CONCLUSIONS This mixing zone study was completed in support of MCB CAMLEJ's NPDES permit application to discharge NF membrane WTP concentrate to the mouth of Wallace Creek. AH developed a worst-case Base Model (as discussed in Section 3) and used that model to evaluate multiple diffuser configurations and three potential discharge diffuser locations. This section summarizes the recommended preliminary diffuser lo- cation and design, and provides a brief analysis of three CoCs. 4.1 PROPOSED DIFFUSER LOCATION AND DESIGN AH recommends installing the proposed discharge diffuser at Location No. 2. Though Location No. 1 provides the best initial mixing, Location No. 2 offers adequate initial mixing with considerably reduced construction costs and complexity. AH recommends a preliminary diffuser design with the following features (refer to Fig- ure 3-2 for a schematic of the recommended diffuser and Figure 4-1 for a map showing the recommended diffuser within Wallace Creek): • 90 -foot long diffuser header with ten (10) 2.5 -inch diameter discharge ports (diffuser header diameter of 12 inches, consistent with concentrate force main diameter per the EAA) • Diffuser located approximately 300 feet from the shoreline • Diffuser header oriented approximately parallel to the ambient flow direction and northern shoreline — Diffuser header alignment angle = 0° • Diffuser discharge ports oriented horizontally and normal to the diffuser header — Diffuser discharge port vertical angle = 0° — Diffuser discharge port horizontal angle = 90° • Diffuser discharge port height above channel bottom = 2.0 feet AH Environmental Engineering, PC 4-1 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 4 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CONCLUSIONS 4.2 PROPOSED RMZ AH proposes a 10:1 RMZ based on the results of the evaluations summarized in Sec- tion 3.2 and 3.3, and assuming the discharge diffuser will be installed at Location No. 2. The calculated 10:1 RMZ dimensions for this location were 125 feet by 83 feet (10,375 ft2). To account for uncertainties inherent in computer modeling of natural sys- tems, AH applied a factor of safety of 1.5 to the calculated dimensions and rounded the product up to the nearest ten feet for a proposed RMZ with the following geometry: 190 feet x 130 feet • 24,700 ft2 Figure 4-1 is a map showing the proposed discharge diffuser with a scaled represen- tation of the proposed RMZ. Figure 4-1 Map of Proposed Diffuser and Associated RMZ AH Environmental Engineering, PC 4-2 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 4 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE CONCLUSIONS 4.3 TDZ DEFINITION Per EPA guidance, AH also defined a TDZ for toxic contaminants as the most restrictive of the following: • Ten percent of the RMZ (approximately 15 feet from the diffuser) • Five times the local water depth (approximately 35 feet from the diffuser) • 50 times the discharge length scale (Lq); where, Lq is the square root of any discharge outlet cross-sectional area (approximately 9.2 feet from the diffuser) 50 times Lq is the most restrictive definition with a horizontal distance from the diffuser of 9.2 feet. 4.4 ANALYSIS OF COCS AH used the effluent and receiving water data presented in Section 2 and the proposed dilution factor (10:1) to predict the concentration of the following CoCs at the edges of the RMZ and TDZ: • Un -ionized ammonia (at NCDEQ's request) • Copper (Projected concentrate value based on existing WTP influent was in excess of WQS; refer to Table 2-7) • Gross beta activity (COJ effluent sample result in excess of the WQS; refer to Table 2-4) Concentration at the edge (boundary) of the mixing zone was calculated using the fol- lowing equation: Ceffluent S Cambient Ledge — S. + Cambient where Cedge is the concentration at the edge (boundary) of the mixing zone, Cffluent is the effluent concentration, Cambient is the background concentration, and Sis dilution. The CoC evaluation objective was to show that the CoC concentrations were less than the chronic and acute WQSs/criteria at the edges of the RMZ and TDZ, respectively. Table 4-1 summarizes the results of the CoC evaluation. Refer to Section 2 of this study for the origins of the maximum effluent and ambient concentrations presented in this table. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 4-3 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 4 CONCLUSIONS Table 4-1 Summary of CoC Evaluation Assumed Assumed Predicted Predicted Parameter Effluent Ambient Concentration Concentration Concentration Concentration at Edge of TDZ at Edge of RMZ (S=4.4) (S=10) Un -Ionized 0.0520' 0.0034' 0.0144 0.0083 Ammonia (mg/L, Water Quality Criteria 0.233 (acute)2 0.035 (chronic)2 NH3 as N) Dissolved 0.00863 0.0014 0.0027 0.0018 Copper (mg/L) WQS 0.0048 (acute)5 0.0031 (chronic)5 Gross Beta 2836 2.07 N/A 30.1 (pCi/L) WQS N/A 506 Notes: 1. 95th percentile value for assumed effluent and ambient concentrations from Tables 2-2 (COJ NPDES Permit compliance data) and 2-8 (historic Wallace Creek data), respectively. 2. EPA's Saltwater Ambient Water Quality Criteria for ammonia. 3. Maximum projected concentrate dissolved copper value based on existing WTP influent sampling (refer to Table 2-7). 4. The NCDEQ Wallace Creek data included total copper monitoring (16 events). Each event produced a result below the reporting limit of 0.002; therefore, the ambient total copper concentration was assumed to be half the reporting limit. Dissolved copper data was not available; however, the use of total copper for this value is conservative. 5. WQSs per 15A NCAC 02B.0220 and .0222 for dissolved copper. 6. Result of single grab sample collected of COJ NF membrane concentrate multiplied by a safety factor of five (5). Refer to Section 2.1.2. 7. No ambient data were available for gross beta concentration in Wallace Creek. In general, gross beta data for surface waters is limited; however, a United States Geologic Survey (USGS) study conducted in the early 1960s monitored 36 United States rivers (111 total samples) for various radioactive parameters including gross beta activity. The results of the study published in Geologic Survey Water -Supply Paper 1535-0 indicated the range of gross beta in natural waterways ranged from approximately 0.3 to 2.0 pCi/L (Mallory, 1969). 8. Per 15A NCAC 02B .0220 and .0222, the annual average activity level (based on at least one sample collected per quarter) for gross beta particle activity shall not exceed 50 pCi/L. Although this study considers the TDZ, the proposed discharge is not expected to be toxic. Refer to Section for the results of a five -point multi -concentration chronic toxicity test performed on the COJ concentrate, which is considered representative of the proposed NF membrane concentrate. None of the dilutions tested (40:1, 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, and 2.5:1) caused a reduction in Survival or Growth greater than or equal to 25 percent (i.e., the IC25 for this sample corresponded to an effluent concentration greater than 40 percent). Note that the RMZ proposed in this study conservatively achieves 10:1 dilution (effluent concentration equal to 10 percent). The predicted un -ionized ammonia (NH3 as N) concentration at the edge of the TDZ is well below the EPA's acute water quality criterion. The concentration at the edge of the RMZ is also well below the chronic water quality criterion. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 4-4 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 4 CONCLUSIONS The predicted total copper concentrations at the edges of the RMZ and TDZ are close to, but lower than, the chronic and acute WQSs, respectively. An assumption was made that the ambient copper concentration was equal to half the analytical reporting limit because no monitoring result was reportable. Use of total copper when the WQSs are stated as dissolved copper adds another degree of conservatism to this evaluation. For evaluation of gross beta activity, AH had a single data point for gross beta activity in the effluent and no data for the receiving water. Therefore, a factor of safety of five was applied to the effluent value and the maximum value was selected from a nation- wide dataset of surface water gross beta activity. Using these conservative assump- tions, the predicted gross beta activity at the edge of the mixing zone was below the WQS. Of the three CoCs, copper is the most limiting pollutant expected to be present in the process wastewater proposed for discharge to Wallace Creek. Comparing the pre- dicted copper concentration at the edge of the RMZ to the WQS for copper suggests that a 10:1 RMZ is appropriate for the proposed discharge. In summary, the proposed diffuser location, preliminary design, and associated pro- posed mixing zone satisfy the stated objectives of this study. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 4-5 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE This page left blank intentionally. SECTION 4 CONCLUSIONS AH Environmental Engineering, PC 4-6 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK SECTION 5 MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE REFERENCES 5. REFERENCES AH Environmental Engineering, PC. Engineering Alternatives Analysis for Consoli- dated Drinking Water Treatment Plant Process Wastewater Discharge, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Revised Draft Report, November 2017. AH Environmental Engineering, PC. Pilot Treatability Study for Consolidated Drinking Water Membrane Filtration Plant, Marine Corps Installations East -Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Final Report, November 2015. CH2M Hill, Inc. Meeting Summary: P1043 Hadnot Point WTP Replacement MCB Camp Lejeune, NC Project Definition Workshop. January 2017. CH2M Hill, Inc. P1043 Hadnot Point WTP Replacement Supplementary Data in Sup- port of NPDES Permit Application. August 2017. CH2M Hill, Inc. Technical Memorandum: Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune Field Sampling. July 2017. David and Floyd, Inc. Computer Modeling Analysis of Plant Outfall, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Revised Report, June 1995. Doneker, Robert L. and Jirka, Gerhard H. CORMIX User Manual: A Hydrodynamic Mixing Zone Model and Decision Support System for Pollutant Discharges into Surface Waters. Washington, DC: United States Environmental Protection Agency. December 2007. Gunnerson, Charles G. and French, Jonathan A. (eds.). Wastewater Management for Coastal Cities: The Ocean Disposal Option. Springer. 1996. Mallin, Michael A. New River Estuary Water Quality Data (1998 to 2009). Personal Communication (Email) with David Cotnoir, NAVFAC MIDLANT Water Program Manager. February 2016. Mallory, Jr., E.C., et. al. Geologic Survey of Water -Supply Paper 1535-0: Water Load of Uranium, Radium, and Gross Beta Activity at Selected Gaging Stations, Water Year 1960-61. United States Department of the Interior. 1969. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA Raster Navigational Chart 11542: New River. Office of Coast Survey. August 2014. North Carolina Administrative Code. 15A NCAC 02B .0220. Tidal Salt Water Quality Standards for Class SC Waters. January 1, 2015. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 5-1 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 MIXING ZONE STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATED DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS 0 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE TO WALLACE CREEK MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE SECTION 5 REFERENCES North Carolina Administrative Code. 15A NCAC O2B .0222. Tidal Salt Water Quality Standards for Class SB Waters. May 1, 2007. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Surface Water Quality Data at Station ID 21NCO1WQ-P440O0O0 (2000 to 2002). https://www.epa.gov/wa- terdata/storage-and-retrieval-and-water-quality-exchange. Accessed February 2016. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Technical Guidance Manual for Per- forming Waste Load Allocations, Book lll: Estuaries. August 1992. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Technical Support Document for Wa- ter Quality -Based Toxics Control. March 1991. AH Environmental Engineering, PC 5-2 Final, December 2017 119-WE15 APPENDIX A Laboratory Report for COJ WTP Concentrate (2O PAGES AH Environmental Engineering, PC LP R I S M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. AH Environmental - Wilmington NC Brandon Ashton 201 Front St. Suite 501 Wilmington, NC 28401 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinkinq Water Cert No. 37735 VA Certification No. 460211 DOD ELAP: L -A -B Accredited Certificate No. L2307 ISO/IEC 17025: L -A -B Accredited Certificate No. L2307 Project: WTP Effluent Discharge Project No.: WTP Effluent Discharge Lab Submittal Date: 03/08/2016 Prism Work Order: 6030139 Case Narrative 03/29/2016 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Narrative Notes: This is a Revised Report and supercedes the original laboratory report dated 03/28/2016. The subcontract data from ETT Environmental, Inc. for toxicity testing has been included with the report. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. a,_1 Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Data Qualifiers Key Reference: Reviewed By Terri W. Cole For Angela D. Overcash Project Manager HT Sample received and analyzed outside of the hold time. BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference * Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 1 of 20 Sample Receipt Summary fflyaR I S M Full -Service Analytical R 03/29/2016 Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Prism Work Order: 6030139 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received COS WTP #1 6030139-01 Water 03/07/16 03/08/16 Samples were received at 6.5 degrees C. See case narrative for further information. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 2 of 20 /P R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. AH Environmental - Wilmington NC Attn: Brandon Ashton 201 Front St. Suite 501 Wilmington, NC 28401 Project: WTP Effluent Discharge Project No.: WTP Effluent Discharge Sample Matrix: Water Laboratory Report 03/29/2016 Client Sample ID: COS WTP #1 Prism Sample ID: 6030139-01 Prism Work Order: 6030139 Time Collected: 03/07/16 09:00 Time Submitted: 03/08/16 14:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Anions by Ion Chromatography BRL mg/L 0.10 0.023 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Chloride 27 mg/L 1.0 0.20 1 *300.0 3/15/16 13:41 CDE P6CO242 Fluoride 2.3 mg/L 0.10 0.037 1 *300.0 3/15/16 13:41 CDE P6CO242 Sulfate BRL mg/L 1.0 0.24 1 *300.0 3/15/16 13:41 CDE P6CO242 General Chemistry Parameters BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0021 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Total Nitrogen 1.2 mg/L 0.60 0.13 1 *Total Nitrogen 3/11/16 9:50 CLB [CALC] Nitrate/Nitrite as N BRL mg/L 0.10 0.0012 1 *SM4500-NO3 F 3/10/16 11:44 CLB P6C0161 pH 7.8 HT pH Units 0.10 0.010 1 *SM4500-H B 3/8/16 15:31 EGC P6C0135 Phosphorus -Total 0.43 mg/L 0.050 0.013 1 *SM4500-P F 3/22/16 9:16 CLB P6C0340 Total Alkalinity to pH 4.5 1000 mg/L 5.0 0.77 1 *SM2320 B 3/18/16 10:00 CLB P6C0314 Total Dissolved Solids 1200 mg/L 50 1.4 1 *SM2540 C 3/11/16 11:05 EGC P6C0198 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 1.2 mg/L 0.50 0.13 1 *351.2 3/11/16 9:50 CLB P6C0173 Total Suspended Solids BRL mg/L 3.1 0.80 1 *SM 2540 D 3/10/16 10:15 SLS P6C0182 Ammonia as N 0.69 mg/L 0.10 0.034 1 *SM4500-NH3 G 3/15/16 9:35 CLB P6CO234 Carbonate Alkalinity BRL mg/L 5.0 0.59 1 *SM2320 B 3/18/16 10:00 CLB P6C0317 Bicarbonate Alkalinity 1000 mg/L 5.0 0.59 1 *SM2320 B 3/18/16 10:00 CLB P6C0318 Total Metals Aluminum BRL mg/L 0.10 0.023 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Arsenic BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0018 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Barium BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0032 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Calcium 200 mg/L 10 3.0 50 *200.7 3/15/16 15:53 bgm P6C0187 Copper BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0021 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Iron 0.58 mg/L 0.10 0.020 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Lead BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00070 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Magnesium 34 mg/L 0.10 0.010 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Manganese 0.043 mg/L 0.010 0.0019 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 Silicon 47 mg/L 25 0.23 50 *200.7 3/15/16 15:53 bgm P6C0187 Sodium 190 mg/L 25 1.1 50 *200.7 3/15/16 15:53 bgm P6C0187 Zinc BRL mg/L 0.030 0.0073 1 *200.7 3/11/16 20:16 bgm P6C0187 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 3 of 20 ,ot P R I S M EService Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. AH Environmental - Wilmington NC Attn: Brandon Ashton 201 Front St. Suite 501 Wilmington, NC 28401 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P6CO187 - 200.7 Project: WTP Effluent Discharge Project No: WTP Effluent Discharge Level II QC Report 3/29/16 Prism Work Order: 6030139 Time Submitted: 3/8/2016 2:20:OOPM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P6C0187-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/11/16 Aluminum BRL 0.10 mg/L Arsenic BRL 0.010 mg/L Barium BRL 0.010 mg/L Calcium BRL 0.20 mg/L Copper BRL 0.010 mg/L Iron BRL 0.10 mg/L Lead BRL 0.0050 mg/L Magnesium BRL 0.10 mg/L Manganese BRL 0.010 mg/L Silicon BRL 0.50 mg/L Sodium BRL 0.50 mg/L Zinc BRL 0.030 mg/L LCS (P6C0187-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/11/16 Aluminum 4.98 0.10 mg/L 5.000 100 85-115 Arsenic 0.253 0.010 mg/L 0.2500 101 85-115 Barium 0.250 0.010 mg/L 0.2500 100 85-115 Calcium 5.06 0.20 mg/L 5.000 101 85-115 Copper 0.247 0.010 mg/L 0.2500 99 85-115 Iron 5.08 0.10 mg/L 5.000 102 85-115 Lead 0.255 0.0050 mg/L 0.2500 102 85-115 Magnesium 5.05 0.10 mg/L 5.000 101 85-115 Manganese 0.252 0.010 mg/L 0.2500 101 85-115 Silicon 5.04 0.50 mg/L 5.000 101 85-115 Sodium 4.96 0.50 mg/L 5.000 99 85-115 Zinc 0.261 0.030 mg/L 0.2500 104 85-115 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 4 of 20 /PRISM Full-Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. AH Environmental - Wilmington NC Project: WTP Effluent Discharge Attn: Brandon Ashton 201 Front St. Suite 501 Project No: WTP Effluent Wilmington, NC 28401 Discharge Anions by Ion Chromatography - Quality Control Level II QC Report 3/29/16 Prism Work Order: 6030139 Time Submitted: 3/8/2016 2:20:OOPM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P6CO242 - NO PREP Blank (P6CO242-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/16 Chloride BRL 1.0 mg/L Fluoride BRL 0.10 mg/L Sulfate BRL 1.0 mg/L LCS (P6CO242-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/16 Chloride 39.6 1.0 mg/L 40.00 99 90-110 Fluoride 4.06 0.10 mg/L 4.000 102 90-110 Sulfate 39.4 1.0 mg/L 40.20 98 90-110 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 5 of 20 /PRISM Full-Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. AH Environmental - Wilmington NC Project: WTP Effluent Discharge Attn: Brandon Ashton 201 Front St. Suite 501 Project No: WTP Effluent Wilmington, NC 28401 Discharge General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Level II QC Report 3/29/16 Prism Work Order: 6030139 Time Submitted: 3/8/2016 2:20:OOPM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P6CO135 - NO PREP LCS (P6C0135-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/16 pH 6.85 pH Units 6.880 100 98.5-101.5 Batch P6UM - NO PREP Blank (P6C01 61 -BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/10/16 Nitrate/Nitrite as N BRL 0.10 mg/L LCS (P6C0161-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/10/16 Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.960 0.10 mg/L 1.000 96 90-110 Batch P6CO173 - 351.2 Blank (P6C0173-BLK1) Prepared: 03/10/16 Analyzed: 03/11/16 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen BRL 0.50 mg/L LCS (P6C0173-BSI) Prepared: 03/10/16 Analyzed: 03/11/16 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 9.77 2.0 mg/L 10.00 98 90-110 Batch P6CO182 - NO PREP Blank (P6C0182-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/10/16 Total Suspended Solids BRL 5.0 mg/L LCS (P6C0182-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/10/16 Total Suspended Solids 460 5.0 mg/L 477.0 96 90-110 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 6 of 20 /PRISM Full-Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. AH Environmental - Wilmington NC Project: WTP Effluent Discharge Attn: Brandon Ashton 201 Front St. Suite 501 Project No: WTP Effluent Wilmington, NC 28401 Discharge General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Level II QC Report 3/29/16 Prism Work Order: 6030139 Time Submitted: 3/8/2016 2:20:OOPM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P6CO198 - NO PREP Blank (P6C0198-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/11/16 Total Dissolved Solids BRL 50 mg/L LCS (P6C0198-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/11/16 Total Dissolved Solids 1000 50 mg/L 1000 100 90-110 Batch P6CO234 - NO PREP Blank (P6CO234-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/16 Ammonia as N BRL 0.10 mg/L LCS (P6CO234-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/16 Ammonia as N 2.45 0.10 mg/L 2.500 98 90-110 Batch P6CO314 - NO PREP Blank (P6C0314-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/18/16 Total Alkalinity to pH 4.5 BRL 5.0 mg/L LCS (P6C0314-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/18/16 Total Alkalinity to pH 4.5 249 5.0 mg/L 250.0 100 90-110 Batch MUM - NO PREP Blank (P6C0317-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/18/16 Carbonate Alkalinity BRL 5.0 mg/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 7 of 20 Level II QC Report PRISMFull -Service Analytical 3/29/16 Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. AH Environmental - Wilmington NC Project: WTP Effluent Discharge Prism Work Order: 6030139 Attn: Brandon Ashton Time Submitted: 3/8/2016 2:20:OOPM 201 Front St. Suite 501 Project No: WTP Effluent Wilmington, NC 28401 Discharge General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P6CO318 - NO PREP Blank (P6C0318-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/18/16 Bicarbonate Alkalinity BRL 5.0 mg/L LCS (P6C0318-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/18/16 Bicarbonate Alkalinity 249 5.0 mg/L 250.0 100 90-110 Batch P6CO340 - SM4500-PB5 Blank (P6C0340-BLK1) Phosphorus -Total LCS (P6C0340-BSI) Phosphorus -Total Prep Method: 351.2 Lab Number Batch BRL 2.04 Initial Prepared: 03/21/16 Analyzed: 03/22/16 0.050 mg/L Prepared: 03/21/16 Analyzed: 03/22/16 0.050 mg/L 2.000 102 90-110 Sample Extraction Data Final Date/Time 6030139-01 P6C0173 25 mL 25 mL 03/10/16 12:00 Prep Method: SM4500-PB5 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 6030139-01 P6C0340 50 mL 50 mL 03/21/16 12:53 Prep Method: 200.7 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 6030139-01 P6C0187 50 mL 50 mL 03/11/16 7:35 6030139-01 P6C0187 50 mL 50 mL 03/11/16 7:35 Subcontracted Analyses The following analyses were subcontracted to Florida Radiochemistry Services, Inc. Lab Number Analysis 6030139-01 Radiological (Sub) This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 8 of 20 *Lj z 0 z 0 rn � m 0 c ®®a Cl' m -4 Li 0 0 0 T ® 0 N 0 w m A ® 0 o D z0 II C7 D Z m 3 ®3 , C m 0 > n o A 11 z o m C7 m 22 v ® 0 Gjzzo > 0 m G7 00 v q � 0 � m c c Z, N PD cp n ® ® ® fn z r 0 ® o I I O ® cq re c Pt9 r R � C O ® ® 0 C _0 0 G li 0 Cl) 11 O ® ® 641 0 CD0 O n N ® ® D D 0 ®. r CD 0 l l ® "0 CD n m CL (/) B C/) 0 w 0 MR Q Q O N n 3 W N 3 -0 CL U) c �= v c �� CD CD 0 T� 3 TO � OC �C CD c s0 eD ®. to N0) D CL �® w T w N ,< ® O CD Cj� CL CD IDI 3 I RLQ e CD N �, M ZY . D) �1 CD FLD N o N rt � t ChwmmT M C 3 r r : m �. I. m X0. H U) Sll IRD Z k C/) CD 9 m- -W a m 0, rn CA Z m 3 Q2 CDCL f41 mm_.CD v m M N N CD R� zp Pte'"m ". D I-9 A 9) m o co p '. rn n 6 Oz w 0 A ® a O N M 1 N C Z N CD CD ® (D f7 n L1 �- co M4 O> 5— — N r- ®Cn y N Fn -:E N -i Tm ro m N N �� 0 n d m �a m m c II jI ® M i( ChwmmT M C 3 r r : m �. I. m X0. H U) Sll IRD Z k C/) CD 9 m- -W a m 0, rn CA Z m 3 Q2 CDCL f41 mm_.CD v m M N N CD R� zp Pte'"m ". D I-9 A 9) m o co p '. co n 6 Oz w 0 A ® a O N M 1 N C Z N CD CD ® (D f7 n L1 �- co O O a X a O> 5— — N r- ®Cn y N Fn -:E N -i Tm ro m N N �� 0 n d m �a m m c ChwmmT M C 3 r r : m �. I. m X0. H U) Sll IRD Z k C/) CD 9 m- -W a m 0, rn CA Z m 3 Q2 CDCL f41 mm_.CD v m M N N CD R� N I- O� .a w mad m 0 1 T ° N z A; m 0 0 D I-9 A 9) m o co p m W N 6 0 C4 0 ;u n CD N 6D n 6 Oz w 0 A ® a O N M 1 N C Z N CD CD ® (D f7 n L1 �- co O O a X a O> 5— — N r- ®Cn y N Fn -:E N Gl CCD 0 A m N N �� 0 n d m r b 2 m7 D .' oC7 m j x -M 0 x 70 C' t - = 0 z m m �. 3 t= y m Ci? fig -_ 9of20 o0 . 5 o c � n v y W e N r b 2 m7 D .' oC7 m j x -M 0 x 70 C' t - = 0 z m m �. 3 t= y m Ci? fig -_ 9of20 . 5 CD 0 II jI IY i( m ID 0 CA (D C O m ® c q� € m i ® ( M CS c 0 CD D m ICD ®rte z>10 r b 2 m7 D .' oC7 m j x -M 0 x 70 C' t - = 0 z m m �. 3 t= y m Ci? fig -_ 9of20 . 5 II jI IY i( q� i 0 Mn CD r b 2 m7 D .' oC7 m j x -M 0 x 70 C' t - = 0 z m m �. 3 t= y m Ci? fig -_ 9of20 Florida Radiochemistry , Contact: Michael J. Naumann 5456 Heffner Ave., Suite 201 Orlando, FL 32812 Phone: (407) 382-7733 Fax: (407)382-7744 Certification 1. D. 4 12709 Work 1: d-160311 Report ., 03/24/11 Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Sringrook Rd PO Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28217 Attention; Angela D. ®vercash I do hereby affirm that this record contains no willful misrepresentations and that this information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further certify that the methods and quality control measures used to produce these laboratory results were implemented in accordance with the requirements of this laboratory's certification and NELAC Standards. The test results in this report relate only to the samples received. Signe/, C�CCLe Date ichael . Naumann - President Page 1 of 3 Page 10 of 20 � Florida IZa.di®cherrlistl-y Services, Inc. Sample Login Client: Prism Laboratories, Inc. Date /"Time Received 03/15/16 12:35 Client Contact: Angela D. ®vercash Project I.D. 6030139 Lab Sample I.D. Client Sample I.D. Sample Date/Time 1603116-01 6030139-01 03/07/16 09:00 COS WTP #1 Analysis Results Work order # 1603116 Analysis Requested Gb, Ra226, Ra220 Cross Beta 56.6 Error +/- 3.0 MDL 4.6 EPA Method 900.0 Prep Date 03/16/16 Prep Time 00:20 Analysis Date 03/17/16 Analysis Time 06:49 Analyst MJN Radium 226 0.6 Radium 220 0.011 Error +/- 0.2 Error +/- 0.5 MDL 0.2 MDL 0.0 EPA Method 903.1 EPA Method Ra -05 Prep Date 03/16/16 Prep Date 03/16/16 Prep Time 00:17 Prep Time 00:17 Analysis Date 03/23/16 Analysis Date 03/23/16 Analysis Time 11:52 Analysis Time 12:10 Analyst MJN Analyst SN Units d pCi/I Units pCi/l A U next to a result indicates analyte not detected at the MDL level Page 2 of 3 Page 11 of 20 Florida Radiochemistry Services, Inc. Analyte Sample # Date Sample Amount Spike Spike /Dup Spike Spike Dup Analyzed Result Spiked Result Result % Rec. % Rpd Gross Beta 1602117-01 03/17/16 <1.7 10.1 11,6 11.6 115 0.0 Radium 226 1603112-01 03/23/16 <0.2 25.2 26.2 26,6 104 1,5 Radium 228 1603112-01 03/23/16 <0.8 6.7 7.3 7.4 109 1.4 1; , % RPD % Res. Gross Beta 17.8 82-125 Radium 226 23.4 78-125 Radium 228 23.9 67-125 Page 3 of 3 Page 12 of 20 re, 1+ Full -Service Analytical & Ne 4 RISM � Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. SUBCONTRACT ORDER Certification: LAC_ USACE Pris►n Laboratories, Inc. NC SC Other 6030139 N/A SENDING LABORATORY: RECEIVING LABORATORY: Prism Laboratories, Inc. Florida Radiochemistry Services, Inc. P. O. Box 240543 5456 HoMer Avenue, Suite 201 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Orlando, FL 32812 Phone: 800-529-6364 Phone :(407) 382-7733 Fax: 704-525-0409 Fax: - ProJect Manager. Angela D. Overcash Analysis Due Expires Laboratory ID Comments��b 1 Sample ID: 6030139-01 Water Sampled:03/07/16 09:00 0_ 5 Radiological (Sub) Containers .411pp1ieJ. P7 Released By 09/03/16 09:00 a Particles, Radium 228 & 226 kap 6a__ 3/ // Y rl Released By Date Received By Date Released By Date Received By Date Nap. Page 13 of 20 Tn f2t e f' (864) 877-6942. F ( � 13 7 M393 Rid. Bax 1x34146 GteenVffe, SC 29606 4 0raiflsrian QI Greer, SC 296,53 I I;x i Ix J. Client: AH ENVIRONMENTAL Facility: C®J WTP #1 NPDES #: N/A Test Date: Laboratory ID#: T46593 Test Reviewed and Approved By: Robert W. Kelley, Ph.D. QA/QC Officer Certification #E87819 Test results presented in this report conform to all requirements of NELAC, conducted under NELAC Certification Number E87819 Florida Dept. of Health. Included results pertain only to provided samples. 08 -Mar -16 Farhad Rostampour Laboratory Director SC ITEC Certification #23104 NCDENR Certification # 022 Page 14 of 20 Effluent Toxicity Report Form -Chronic Fathead Minnow Multi -Concentration TeOate:03/28/16 Facility: .4H Environmental NPDES # N000 Pipe #: 001 County: Laboratory: ETT Environmental x Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge x nature of La MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Environmental Sciences Branch Division of Water Quality NC DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 1Control fecunditv <50%, thus fecundity not used as 1 Test Initiation DatE 08 -Mar -16 / 1415 Avg WUSurv. % Eff. Repl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Control Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Fecundity (%) 2.51 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Fecundity (%) 0 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Fecundity 10 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Fecundity % F7771 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Fecundity 40 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Fecundity 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.47 0.97 1.48 1.04 1.53 1.44 1.03 1.78 50% 100% 50% 0% 50% 50% 33% 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.16 1.46 1.26 1.59 1.42 1.36 1.17 1.38 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 0% 0% 50% 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 1.45 0.84 1.41 1.37 1.55 0.80 1.43 1.54 0% 33% 0% 33% 1 33% 0% 0% 67% 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 1.36 1.46 1.40 1.60 1.22 1.36 1.79 1.22 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 25% 25% 100% Water Quality Data Day Control 0 1 pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fi Salinity (ppt) Temp (C) Init/Fin High Concentration pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fi Salinity (ppt) Temp (C) Init/Fin 8.2 / 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 V4 1.01 1.77 1.47 1.26 0.75 1.51 1.35 1.50 50% 75% 33% 50% 33% 25% 25% 100% Water Quality Data Day Control 0 1 pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fi Salinity (ppt) Temp (C) Init/Fin High Concentration pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fi Salinity (ppt) Temp (C) Init/Fin 8.2 / 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 7.6 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 F55 3 1.12 1.27 1.30 1.15 1.25 4.8 6.9 / 4.8 6.7 / 5.4 / 5.1 24.8 I 25.0 / 24.6 24.4 / Water Quality Data Day Control 0 1 pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fi Salinity (ppt) Temp (C) Init/Fin High Concentration pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fi Salinity (ppt) Temp (C) Init/Fin 8.2 / 8.3 / 7.8 8.2 / 8.0 8.3 / 8.0 8.1 / 7.6 8.2 / 7.9 8.4 / 8.1 / 8.2 7.0 / 6.7 / 4.6 7.1 / 4.7 5.8 / 4.6 6.7 / 4.8 6.9 / 4.8 6.7 / 5.4 / 5.1 24.8 I 25.0 / 24.6 24.4 / 24.5 25.4 / 24.8 1 25.0 / 25.4 25.4 I 25.7 25.9 / 26.0 / 26.0 25.3 I 25.9 25.5 / 25.7 25.3 / 26.0 25.1 / 25.9 25.3 / 25.9 25.4 I 26.0 25.6 / 26.0 / 26.0 % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity Sample 1 2 _ 3 Survival Growth Result Collection Start D Normal W 0.84 no 0.98 yes Pass Grab 3-7-16 3-9-16 3-11-16 Horn. Var. B= no no Composite (Durati NOEC 40.0% 40.0% ChV= > >40% Chlorine(mg/L) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 LOEC > 40.0% > 40.0% Temp at Receipt (°C) 0.1 0.2 2.1 ChV > 40.0% > 40.0% partially frozen Method Rank Sum Rank Sum Hardness Crit t/rsum 46 46 Control 50.0 mg/L Conc. Test Organisms 2.5% 95.00 65.00 Cultured In -Hous 5.0% 95.00 69.00 Outside Supplier X 10.0% 95.00 78.00 20.0%. 95.00 69.00 Hatch Date/Time 3-1-16 / AM 40.0% 72.00 60.00 DWQ Form AT -5 (8/03) Page 15 of 20 3 / 8.4 7.9 / 8.2 8.2 / 8.4 7.9 / 8.3 8.0 / 8.4 8.2 / 8.5 / 8.4 3 / 4.2 6.4 / 4.1 6.0 / 3.3 6.3 / 4.2 6.5 / 3.7 6.8 / 4.1 / 4.6 E25�0 0 / d�265. 24.6 24.4 / 24.5 25.4 I 24.8 5 % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity % survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity survival avg wt (mg) avg fecundity Sample 1 2 _ 3 Survival Growth Result Collection Start D Normal W 0.84 no 0.98 yes Pass Grab 3-7-16 3-9-16 3-11-16 Horn. Var. B= no no Composite (Durati NOEC 40.0% 40.0% ChV= > >40% Chlorine(mg/L) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 LOEC > 40.0% > 40.0% Temp at Receipt (°C) 0.1 0.2 2.1 ChV > 40.0% > 40.0% partially frozen Method Rank Sum Rank Sum Hardness Crit t/rsum 46 46 Control 50.0 mg/L Conc. Test Organisms 2.5% 95.00 65.00 Cultured In -Hous 5.0% 95.00 69.00 Outside Supplier X 10.0% 95.00 78.00 20.0%. 95.00 69.00 Hatch Date/Time 3-1-16 / AM 40.0% 72.00 60.00 DWQ Form AT -5 (8/03) Page 15 of 20 CHRONIC DEFINITIVE SURVIVAL , GROWTH AND FECUNDITY TEST StatisticalAnalyses Client: All ENVIRONMENTAL Sample Identification: C®J WTP #1 Test Date: 08 -Mar -2016 for Normality and Heterogeneity of Variance 21.8% Sample Use Teter Test Used Result Effect Control Sample Date Sample Use 31ity N/A V/A Sample A 07 -Mar -16 08 -Mar -16 09 -Mar -I6 ice N/A V/A Sample B 09 -Mar -16 10 -Mar -16 I1 -Mar -16 100.0% Sample 11 -Mar -16 12 -Mar -16 13 -Mar -16 14 -Mar -16 Tests for Differences in Survival, Groivth and Fecundity Test Type Used: Linear Interpolation % Effluent 21.8% 28.0% 8.8% PMSD: % MSD Effect Control 1 2.5% 5.0% 10.0% 20.0% 40.0% Survival 95.0% 100.0% 100.0% 97.4% 100.0% 97.4% %reduction 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.1% Growth 0.269 0.270 0.287 0.302 0.277 0.253 % reduction (smoothed) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 10.4% Variance 0.0034 0.0009 0.0002 0.0020 0.0024 0.0003 Fecundity 52.4% 42.9% 20.8% 31.3% 49.0% 4.8% % reduction (smoothed) 18.2% 35.7% 35.7% 35.7% 90.9% ecevtabilitp Criteria Value UDDer Limit Lower Unit CV:Coeff. of Variation 21.8% 28.0% 8.8% PMSD: % MSD 16.6% 37.0% 11.0% MSD:Min. Sign. Diff. 0.045 Acceptability criteria limits not exceeded IC25 Point Estimates Survival IC25= Growth IC25= Fecundity IC25= > 40.0% > 40.0% NA TEST RESULTS %Reduction per Linear Interpolation @CTC of 40.0% Survival effect 1.1% Growth effect 10.4% Fecundity effect NA Hypothesis Testing - Growth NCEC (Growth) ChV (Growth) > 40.0% 40.0% Maximum Effect 10.4% PASS Comments Control fecundity <50%, thus, fecundity not used as an endpoint. 1C�a?F iP c% ri la�rl�r��tt:� rt � tftt�li�ra + c�*R4 0.sa 0aa G rim Is E C, O_13 ro HS ' 0.12 1J9: 0-04 G .. Co -&01 ...215 A, 5ja3 c; 10Z"K 2s G4S AG.ri-A amiss e 0 Q o - Concentration -Response, Fecundity ,x'16 Control 2555 .5 -GC% 10_f=.. 2230% 4,na* i TMrI1 ;t t@jt.Cona'rticmflo feeun'Tltl Page 16 of 20 Lab# T46593 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Weight Fecundity 3 Survival Source rep Dead Lost Dead Lost Dead Lost Dead Lost Dead Lost Dead Lost Dead Lost mg N-Grav Gravid 1415 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.47 1 1 5 Units for Conc. B 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.97 0 0 4 25 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.48 0 1 5 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.04 1 1 5 control E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.53 1 0 5 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.44 1 1 5 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.03 1 1 5 H 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 01 01 01 1.781 1 1 2 4 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.16 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.46 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.26 1 1 5 VD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.59 1 1 5 2,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.42 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.36 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 0 0 5 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.38 1 1 5 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.45 3 0 5 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.84 2 1 3 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.41 2 0 5 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.37 2 1 5 $ E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.55 2 1 5 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.8 1 0 3 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.43 2 0 5 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,541 1 2 5 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.36 2 0 4 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.46 1 0 5 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 1 0 5 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 2 5 10 E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.22 2 0 4 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.36 0 2 4 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.79 2 2 5 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.22 1 0 5 AG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.01 1 1 4 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.77 1 3 5 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.47 2 1 5 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.26 2 2 5 20 E R0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 2 1 4 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.51 3 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.35 3 1 5 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 0 01 1.5 01 1 5 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 1.23 1 0 5 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.12 2 1 4 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.27 2 0 5 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 1 0 5 40 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.15 2 0 5 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.25 2 0 5 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.14 2 0 5 H 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.36 0 0 4 J 0 JG fJ JG AM JG JC JG fJ JG AM JG JQ Tndateredew 16time EE1 fed 8 renew 04:35 PM 04:36 PM 02:38 PM 11:03 AM 11:54 AM 25.6 26 02:07 PM 25.6 26 26 AM New t-p.'C 25.5 25.3 25.5 25.2 oid tem P. -c 25.9 25.7 26 25.9 Lab# T46593 Client AH ENVIRONMENT Sample ID COJ WTP #1 NPDES# NC County 0 Month 3 Start 8 fed Date 08 -Mar -16 Start & fed Time 1415 Started $ fed By AM Test organism Americamysisbahia Neo, born date 7 DAY Neo. born time ABS HATCH 3-1-16 Test Type NCCD Dilution Water INSTANT OCEAN Units for Conc. % %3rd BROOD Testvessels 400 ml Testvolume 150 ml Incubator# 1 Light 161t18dk Initial Temp °C 25 Artemia 750 Test method EPA 821-R-02.013:1007 Comments All reps have 5 organisms unless noted otherwise. CON TEMP INITIAL- 25.3 DAY 1 - 25.5 DAY 2 - 25.3 DAY 3- 25.1 DAY 4- 25.3 DAY 5 - 25.4 DAY 6- 25.6 Page 17 of 20 4- �J I I Page 18 of 20 py ai 5'� 4. to 0 Almrs o Ll Cy H -XliA�ll tip uo 0 P"H A enIlIQUOT qo 4,o(j OI OT 'agm rn LOOT VdE:Pl5AW bD OOOTvd2l:p"nqlud o ZOOTW2P n2Tqm -C[ ZOOT val:,aiqtlP'D LOOKva2l:P!5AFq as nOOZVd3:Tq96Vk)0tlWA aa j :,anST ZOOMI qum,(j (ouo 0-ni11vo,ugo CI t3 tQ TOO -CTOIi Ug N. zs El '4OSd IAOIJ- 8jP0dWU;3 o ;h . —'a jalmqw,72 JBUF&llqno UDIJUS T -it D1}sI)ICTUOIL02 OT luempos tQ 4k 44 rn 0 A f2l 77 E-1 02 I Page 18 of 20 5'� 4. o Ll Cy H I Page 18 of 20 'I Tc�l P"",Iuv PQ —"p O v O 0 bqq Eq 10 —Aluw 0 'a, Al no O Vd 16 10 ci o Ch I)TOIVSI-IKVCI OT to Aajj-glL r"v 14 tool vda:pv,�n ooGTvda:plDnqlua 10 so ZoojVaj:Daiq- -a LOOKvda:prAIAI -4 —ZO—OKVI-A -,,alq.. -Cl t -A zoozVda So o 74 24 *19TO U 21 luoul!Pas Oo., id O o &m4 'I Tc�l o PQ O O 0 bqq Eq 'I Tc�l o O 0 Eq Page 19 of 20 C(I olvsgolraeuromvl- � e --- aur OND Iunpi"m v5— snwouosrgpdnaDl v: viailu�IihnQ OT _ Qco LDOTKd3 Ps�Ud °` J 0001 FiJH T"aulud +✓ rlij Z00 Hdd:nn2lgwn •o -- n ; ZOOTHdl:ulgnp•D W b F' LOOWd$:PPKYI + in OOO9Vdd:nl96PuatTlu:I — � � OOOZyd"T�nT8bnnaii4ro3 ZOOZvd'd :nal.qum -a rA a Z00Z Vdg : a[gnp p ``� (auop-11InI�'u9aCI Tl ep"d V q-0 d. 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Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Bill Scott Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 1 of Z (� �Eo www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/ LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: 670A Lab ID: CA15950-01 Sampled: 10/09/17 09:45 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/07/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/17/17 10:57 10/20/17 12:02 Client ID: 6708 Lab ID: CA15950-02 Sampled: 10/11/17 09:10 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/09/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/17/17 10:57 10/20/17 12:06 Client ID: 670C Lab ID: CA15950-03 Sampled: 10/13/17 09:00 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/11/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/17/17 10:57 10/20/17 12:10 Client ID: 20A Lab ID: CA15950-04 Sampled: 10/09/17 10:05 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/07/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/17/17 10:57 10/20/17 12:13 Client ID: 20B Lab ID: CA15950-05 Sampled: 10/11/17 09:30 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/09/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/17/17 10:57 10/20/17 12:44 Client ID: 670A -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-06 Sampled: 10/09/17 09:45 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/07/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/18/17 08:10 10/18/17 14:26 Client ID: 67013 -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-07 Sampled: 10/11/17 09:10 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/09/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/18/17 08:10 10/18/17 14:49 Client ID: 670C -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-08 Sampled: 10/13/17 09:00 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/11/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/18/17 08:10 10/18/17 14:52 Client ID: 20A -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-09 Sampled: 10/09/17 10:05 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/07/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/18/17 08:10 10/18/17 14:56 Client ID: 2011 -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-30 Sampled: 10/11/17 09:30 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Parameter EPA 200.8 Hold Date/Time(s) 04/09/18 Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) 10/18/17 08:10 10/18/17 15:13 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 2 Of 12 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com Zinc - Dissolved 2.56 1 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of 12 SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY Client ID: 670A Lab ID: CA15950-01 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper- Total 1.61 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Total 11.5 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 670B Lab ID: CA15950-02 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper- Total 1.73 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Total 11.6 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 670C Lab ID: CA15950-03 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper- Total 0.74 1 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Total 8.39 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 20A Lab ID: CA15950-04 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper- Total 0.45 1 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Total 6.06 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 20B Lab ID: CA15950-05 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper- Total 0.29 1 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Lead - Total 0.13 1 0.13 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Total 3.33 1 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 670A -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-06 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper - Dissolved 0.52 1 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Dissolved 6.64 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 670B -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-07 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper - Dissolved 1.07 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Dissolved 9.62 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 670C -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-08 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper - Dissolved 0.41 1 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Dissolved 6.08 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 20A -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-09 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper - Dissolved 0.50 1 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Dissolved 5.49 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Client ID: 20111 -Dissolved Lab ID: CA15950-10 Anala Results Flag MDL 4 Units Method Notes Copper - Dissolved 0.20 1 0.10 1.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 Zinc - Dissolved 2.56 1 1.10 5.00 ug/L EPA 200.8 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of 12 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 670A Lab Sample ID:CA15950-01 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/09/17 09:45 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Description: 670B Lab Sample ID:CA15950-02 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/11/17 09:10 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.61 ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:02 ]DH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:02 ]DH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:02 ]DH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 11.5 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:02 ]DH Description: 670B Lab Sample ID:CA15950-02 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/11/17 09:10 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Description: 670C Lab Sample ID:CA15950-03 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/13/17 09:00 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 5911 Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper[7440-50-8]^ 1.73 ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:06 ]DH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:06 ]DH Nickel [7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:06 ]DH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 11.6 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:06 ]DH Description: 670C Lab Sample ID:CA15950-03 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/13/17 09:00 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 4 of 12 Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper [7440-50-8]^ 0.74 J ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7117020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:10 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:10 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:10 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 8.39 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7117020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:10 JDH Description: 20A 1.00 7317020 Lab Sample ID:CA15950-04 10/20/17 12:13 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water ug/L 1 Sampled: 10/09/17 10:05 5.00 Work Order: CA15950 EPA 200.8 Project: Camp Lejeune JDH Sampled By: Brandon Ashton FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 4 of 12 (Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper [7440-50-8]^ 0.45 J ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7117020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:13 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:13 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:13 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 6.06 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7117020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:13 JDH FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 4 of 12 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 20B Lab Sample ID:CA15950-05 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/11/17 09:30 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Description: 670A -Dissolved Lab Sample ID:CA15950-06 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/09/17 09:45 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper[7440-50-8]^ 0.29 J ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:44 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ 0.13 J ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:44 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ ND EPA 200.8 ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:44 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 3.33 J ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7317020 EPA 200.8 10/20/17 12:44 JDH Description: 670A -Dissolved Lab Sample ID:CA15950-06 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/09/17 09:45 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Description: 670B -Dissolved Lab Sample ID:CA15950-07 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/11/17 09:10 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper[7440-50-8]^ 0.52 J ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:26 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:26 JDH Nickel [7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:26 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 6.64 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:26 JDH Description: 670B -Dissolved Lab Sample ID:CA15950-07 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/11/17 09:10 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) of 12 Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper [7440-50-8]^ 1.07 ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7118007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:49 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:49 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:49 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 9.62 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7118007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:49 JDH Description: 670C -Dissolved 1.00 7318007 Lab Sample ID:CA15950-08 10/18/17 14:52 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water ug/L 1 Sampled: 10/13/17 09:00 5.00 Work Order: CA15950 EPA 200.8 Project: Camp Lejeune JDH Sampled By: Brandon Ashton FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) of 12 (Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper [7440-50-8]^ 0.41 J ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7118007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:52 JDH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:52 JDH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:52 JDH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 6.08 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7118007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:52 JDH FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Pager) of 12 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: 20A -Dissolved Lab Sample ID:CA15950-09 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/09/17 10:05 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Description: 20B -Dissolved Lab Sample ID:CA15950-10 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/11/17 09:30 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte fCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper[7440-50-B]^ 0.50 1 ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:56 ]DH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:56 ]DH Nickel[7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:56 ]DH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 5.49 ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 14:56 ]DH Description: 20B -Dissolved Lab Sample ID:CA15950-10 Received: 10/16/17 09:30 Matrix: Ground Water Sampled: 10/11/17 09:30 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Sampled By: Brandon Ashton FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 6 of Z Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte fCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL P L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Copper[7440-50-B]^ 0.20 J ug/L 1 0.10 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 15:13 ]DH Lead [7439-92-1]^ ND ug/L 1 0.13 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 15:13 ]DH Nickel [7440-02-0]^ ND ug/L 1 0.220 1.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 15:13 ]DH Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 2.56 J ug/L 1 1.10 5.00 7318007 EPA 200.8 10/18/17 15:13 ]DH FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 6 of Z (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 7117020 - EPA 3005A Blank (7117020-BLK3) Prepared: 10/17/2017 10:57 Analyzed: 10/20/2017 10:51 Batch 7118007 - EPA 3005A Blank (7318007-BLK3) Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 0.10 U 1.00 ug/L Result Lead 0.13 U 1.00 ug/L 209 Nickel 0.220 U 1.00 ug/L 105 Zinc 1.10 U 5.00 ug/L Nickel LCS (7717020 -BSI) ug/L 200 ug/L 97 Prepared: 10/17/2017 10:57 Analyzed: 10/20/2017 11:02 Batch 7118007 - EPA 3005A Blank (7318007-BLK3) Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 209 0.10 1.00 ug/L 200 105 85-115 U 1.00 Lead 194 Nickel 1.00 ug/L 200 ug/L 97 85-115 1.10 U Nickel 204 1.00 ug/L 200 102 85-115 Zinc 219 5.00 ug/L 200 109 85-115 Matrix Spike (7317020-MS1) Prepared: 10/17/2017 10:57 Analyzed: 10/20/2017 11:06 Source: CA15072-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 206 1.00 ug/L 200 3.28 101 70-130 Lead 189 1.00 ug/L 200 1.10 94 70-130 Nickel 198 1.00 ug/L 200 1.46 98 70-130 Zinc 221 5.00 ug/L 200 7.68 107 70-130 Matrix Spike Dup (7117020-MSDI) Prepared: 10/17/2017 10:57 Analyzed: 10/20/2017 11:10 Source: CA15072-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 203 1.00 ug/L 200 3.28 100 70-130 1 30 Lead 186 1.00 ug/L 200 1.10 92 70-130 2 30 Nickel 195 1.00 ug/L 200 1.46 97 70-130 2 30 Zinc 217 5.00 ug/L 200 7.68 104 70-130 2 30 Post Spike (7717020-PS3) Prepared: 10/17/2017 10:57 Analyzed: 10/20/2017 11:14 Source: CAI5072-03 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 0.20 0.001 mg/L 0.200 0.003 100 75-125 Lead 0.18 0.001 mg/L 0.200 0.001 91 75-125 Nickel 0.193 0.001 mg/L 0.200 0.001 96 75-125 Zinc 0.21 0.005 mg/L 0.200 0.008 103 75-125 Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 7118007 - EPA 3005A Blank (7318007-BLK3) Prepared: 10/18/2017 08:10 Analyzed: 10/18/2017 14:23 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 0.10 U 1.00 ug/L Lead 0.13 U 1.00 ug/L Nickel 0.220 U 1.00 ug/L Zinc 1.10 U 5.00 ug/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 7 Of 12 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals (Dissolved) by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 7718007 - EPA 3005A - Continued LCS (7118007-BS3) Prepared: 10/18/2017 08:10 Analyzed: 10/18/2017 14:30 Source: CA15950-06 Analyte Copper Lead Nickel Zinc Result Flao POL 0.19 0.001 0.18 0.001 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 214 1.00 ug/L 200 0.200 107 85-115 93 Lead 206 1.00 ug/L 200 75-125 103 85-115 Nickel 202 1.00 ug/L 200 101 85-115 Zinc 217 5.00 ug/L 200 108 85-115 Matrix Spike (7718007 -MSI) Prepared: 10/18/2017 08:10 Analyzed: 10/18/2017 14:34 Source: CA15950-06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 193 1.00 ug/L 200 0.52 96 70-130 Lead 179 1.00 ug/L 200 0.13 U 89 70-130 Nickel 193 1.00 ug/L 200 0.220 U 96 70-130 Zinc 219 5.00 ug/L 200 6.64 106 70-130 Matrix Spike Dup (7318007-MSDI) Prepared: 10/18/2017 08:10 Analyzed: 10/18/2017 14:38 Source: CA15950-06 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Copper 195 1.00 ug/L 200 0.52 97 70-130 1 30 Lead 183 1.00 ug/L 200 0.13 U 92 70-130 3 30 Nickel 194 1.00 ug/L 200 0.220 U 97 70-130 0.6 30 Zinc 215 5.00 ug/L 200 6.64 104 70-130 2 30 Post Spike (7]18007-PS3) Prepared: 10/18/2017 08:10 Analyzed: 10/18/2017 14:41 Source: CA15950-06 Analyte Copper Lead Nickel Zinc Result Flao POL 0.19 0.001 0.18 0.001 0.186 0.001 0.21 0.005 RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 8 Of 12 Spike Source %REC Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD mg/L 0.200 0.0005 92 75-125 mg/L 0.200 -0.000005 90 75-125 mg/L 0.200 0.00007 93 75-125 mg/L 0.200 0.007 100 75-125 RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 8 Of 12 (� �Eo www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 9 of Z -O 0 r m 3 3 m v V� N p � m z � 3 m ?) m y � a a m 3, a -o- v c m CD m O �m \ m c m 0 m 0 X o m 3 � Q 3 a 0 Q C 8 � 3 S � N �0 c S a c S a c, S a m a) c m 3 a N 0 < Q T d En Paae 10 of 12 0 o A o 3 3 W 3 Q 31 � m fD 31 m tD a ' D m m (D n a O D 0 CD m d m Q m a 3 3 3 C M w n w CD m d d� r� a n < V a a 0 v to e m y 1 m N z �� � j 3 N. z a p -moi _,.i m� C�>� � om �SE- o � o . d ra� a s 3 n � � A o Rj a a 0 0 0 0 on Oj d V 0 N cn r w m w O N O ao P 0 o�� d o n ET (P O P - O 3 O A �cC► c+'CC� (° o eu A c ro o m a - O N K �1 of m m. .. r KN m 0 r rn 0 �1 t1 U � 01 sy A6� u y ti :7 � a 7 � D O z � D (nm C7 0 m .0 o v a n C t0 N f O 0 O a N p N A m N CL x n D a O m N O N W N � r m � w o CMD cn (`\ -o- v c m CD _0 O \ m c m 0 m X C/) m 3 � Q 3 CD Q C �N m 7 Q d En Paae 10 of 12 Sample Preservation Verification ENCO Cary 0 Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Client: AH Environmental Consultants (AH001) Project #: [none] Logged In: 16 -Oct -17 09:53 Logged By: John C King CA15950-01 Cont Type Pres (pH) , Requirement pH Checked / , In Control pH Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 `P' / N / NA Y / / NA L, CAI 5950-02 Cont T e yP Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked/ In Control Date/Time PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 )/ N / NA "Y / / NA CAI 5950-03 Cont T e yP Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked/ In Control Date/Tirne PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 Y / N / NA Y /Uq / NA CAI 5950-04 Cont T e yP Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked/ In Control Date/Time PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 J / N / NA Y NA CAI 5950-05 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked/ In Control pH Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments A 250mLP+HNO3 <2 / N / NA Y / to / NA CAI 5950-06 Cont T e yP Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked/ In Control Date/Time PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments B 250mLP+HNO3 [F] <2 Y / N / NA Y / N / M. CAI 5950-07 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / In Control pH Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments B 250mLP+HNO3 [F] <2 Y / N / �14 Y / N / A CA15950-08 Cont yP Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked ! In Control Date/Time PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments B 250mLP+HNO3 [F] <2 Y / N / A Y / N / Nr CAI 5950-09 Cont Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / In Control pH Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments B 250mLP+HNO3 [F] <2 Y / N / bA Y / N / Page 11 of 12 age 1 0 Sample Preservation Verification ENCO Cary ENCO-� Work Order: CA15950 Project: Camp Lejeune Client: AH Environmental Consultants (AH001) Project #: [none] Logged In: 16 -Oct -17 09:53 CA15950-10 Logged By: John C King Cont Type Pres (pH) , Requirement pH Checked / . In Control pH Adjusted Date/Time Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments B 250mLP+HNO3 [F] <2 Y/ N/ A Y/ N/ A Reagent Name ID 1 2 Rea ent Name ID 3 4 Reaclent Name ID 5 6 Page 12 of :;a 2 c APPENDIX C Critical CORMIX Model Prediction Files and Session Reports (15 PAGES AH Environmental Engineering, PC APPENDIX C.1 Location No. 1 CORM IX Model Reports AH Environmental Engineering, PC CORMIX2 PREDICTION FILE: 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 CORMIX MIXING ZONE EXPERT SYSTEM Subsystem CORMIX2: Multiport Diffuser Discharges CORMIX Version 10.OGT HYDRO2 Version April 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE DESCRIPTION Site name/label: Wallace Creek Design case: Locl_PosBuoy_2.4MGD_10port_Unsteady _CORMIX2 FILE NAME: X:\...7\Loci_PosBuoy_2.4MGD_10port_Unsteady_CORMIX2.prd Time stamp: 10/24/2017--16:09:29 ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS (metric units) Bounded section BS = 579.12 AS = 1235.61 QA = 29.16 ICHREG= 1 HA = 2.13 HD = 2.74 Tidal Simulation at TIME = 0.800 h PERIOD= 12.40 h UAmax = 0.091 dUa/dt= 0.030 (m/s)/h UA = 0.024 F = 0.040 USTAR =0.1669E-02 UW = 0.000 UWSTAR=0.0000E+00 Uniform density environment STRCND= U RHOAM = 1016.5100 DIFFUSER DISCHARGE PARAMETERS (metric units) Diffuser type: DITYPE= unidirectional -parallel BANK = RIGHT DISTB = 213.36 YB1 = 213.36 YB2 = 213.36 LD = 27.43 NOPEN = 10 NRISER= 10 SPAC = 3.05 NPPERR = 1 DO = 0.063 AO = 0.003 HO = 0.61 SUBO 2.13 DOINP = 0.067 CRO = 0.900 Nozzle/port arrangement: unidirectional_without_fanning GAMMA = 0.00 THETA = 0.00 SIGMA = 90.00 BETA = 90.00 UO = 3.324 QO = 0.105 QOA =0.1051E+00 RH00 = 999.1000 DRHO0 =0.1741E+02 GPO =0.1680E+00 CO =0.1000E+02 CUNITS= ppb IPOLL = 1 KS =0.0000E+00 KD =0.0000E+00 FLUX VARIABLES - PER UNIT DIFFUSER LENGTH (metric units) q0 =0.3833E-02 m0 =0.1147E-01 j0 =0.5794E-03 SIGNJO= 1.0 Associated 2-d length scales (meters) 1Q=B = 0.001 1M = 1.65 lm = 22.87 lmp = 99999.00 lbp = 99999.00 la = 99999.00 FLUX VARIABLES - ENTIRE DIFFUSER (metric units) QO =0.1051E+00 MO =0.3145E+00 JO =0.1589E-01 Associated 3-d length scales (meters) LQ = 0.06 LM = 3.33 Lm = 25.05 Lb = 1343.63 Imp = 99999.00 Lbp = 99999.00 Tidal: Tu = 0.5736 h Lu = 34.937 Lmin = 6.464 NON -DIMENSIONAL PARAMETERS FRO = 251.73 FRDO = 32.19 R = 140.84 PL = 79.57 (slot) (port/nozzle) RECOMPUTED SOURCE CONDITIONS FOR RISER GROUPS: Properties of riser group with 1 ports/nozzles each: UO 3.324 DO = 0.063 AO = 0.003 THETA 0.00 FRO = 251.73 FRDO = 32.19 R = 140.84 (slot) (riser group) FLOW CLASSIFICATION 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2 Flow class (CORMIX2) = MU4 2 2 Applicable layer depth HS = 2.74 2 2 Limiting Dilution S=QA/Q0= 278.32 2 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 MIXING ZONE / TOXIC DILUTION / REGION OF INTEREST PARAMETERS CO =0.1000E+02 CUNITS= ppb NTOX = 0 NSTD = 1 CSTD =0.1000E+O1 REGMZ = 0 XINT = 5792.00 XMAX = 5792.00 X -Y -Z COORDINATE SYSTEM: ORIGIN is located at the bottom and the diffuser mid -point: 213.36 m from the RIGHT bank/shore. X-axis points downstream, Y-axis points to left, Z-axis points upward. NSTEP = 50 display intervals per module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MOD201: DIFFUSER DISCHARGE MODULE Due to complex near -field motions: EQUIVALENT SLOT DIFFUSER (2-D) GEOMETRY Profile definitions: BV = Gaussian 1/e (370) half -width, in vertical plane normal to trajectory BH top -hat half -width, in horizontal plane normal to trajectory S hydrodynamic centerline dilution C = centerline concentration (includes reaction effects, if any) Uc = Local centerline excess velocity (above ambient) TT = Cumulative travel time X Y Z S C BV BH UC IT 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.0 0.100E+02 0.00 13.72 3.324 .00000E+00 END OF MOD201: DIFFUSER DISCHARGE MODULE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MOD273: UNIDIRECTIONAL CROSS-FLOWING DIFFUSER (TEE) IN STRONG CURRENT Because of the strong ambient current the diffuser plume of this crossflowing discharge gets RAPIDLY DEFLECTED. A near-field zone is formed that is VERTICALLY FULLY MIXED over the entire layer depth. Full mixing is achieved at a downstream distance of about five (5) layer depths. Profile definitions: BV layer depth (vertically mixed) BH = top-hat half-width, measured horizontally in Y-direction S = hydrodynamic average (bulk) dilution C = average (bulk) concentration (includes reaction effects, if any) TT = Cumulative travel time X Y Z S C BV BH IT 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.0 0.100E+02 0.00 13.72 .00000E+00 0.55 2.29 0.64 4.6 0.216E+01 0.11 13.88 .23247E+02 1.10 4.57 0.67 6.0 0.166E+01 0.22 14.05 .46495E+02 1.65 6.86 0.70 7.1 0.142E+01 0.33 14.22 .69742E+02 2.19 9.15 0.73 7.9 0.127E+01 0.44 14.39 .92990E+02 2.74 11.44 0.76 8.6 0.117E+01 0.55 14.56 .11624E+03 3.29 13.72 0.79 9.2 0.109E+01 0.66 14.73 .13948E+03 3.84 16.01 0.82 9.7 0.103E+01 0.77 14.90 .16273E+03 ** WATER QUALITY STANDARD OR CCC HAS BEEN FOUND ** The pollutant concentration in the plume falls below water quality standard or CCC value of 0.100E+01 in the current prediction interval. This is the spatial extent of concentrations exceeding the water quality standard or CCC value. 4.39 18.30 0.85 10.2 0.985E+00 0.88 15.06 .18598E+03 4.94 20.59 0.88 10.6 0.945E+00 0.99 15.23 .20923E+03 5.49 22.87 0.91 11.0 0.911E+00 1.10 15.40 .23247E+03 6.04 25.16 0.94 11.3 0.882E+00 1.21 15.57 .25572E+03 6.58 27.45 0.98 11.7 0.857E+00 1.32 15.74 .27897E+03 7.13 29.74 1.01 12.0 0.835E+00 1.43 15.91 .30222E+03 7.68 32.02 1.04 12.3 0.815E+00 1.54 16.08 .32546E+03 8.23 34.31 1.07 12.5 0.797E+00 1.65 16.24 .34871E+03 8.78 36.60 1.10 12.8 0.781E+00 1.76 16.41 .37196E+03 9.33 38.89 1.13 13.1 0.766E+00 1.87 16.58 .39521E+03 9.88 41.17 1.16 13.3 0.752E+00 1.98 16.75 .41845E+03 10.42 43.46 1.19 13.5 0.740E+00 2.09 16.92 .44170E+03 10.82 45.10 1.21 13.7 0.731E+00 2.16 17.04 Cumulative travel time = 458.3663 sec ( 0.13 hrs) CORMIX prediction has been TERMINATED at last prediction interval. Limiting time due to TIDAL REVERSAL has been reached. END OF MOD273: UNIDIRECTIONAL CROSS-FLOWING DIFFUSER (TEE) IN STRONG CURRENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** End of NEAR-FIELD REGION (NFR) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORMIX2: Multipart Diffuser Discharges End of Prediction File 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 CORMIX SESSION REPORT: CORMIX MIXING ZONE EXPERT SYSTEM CORMIX Version 10.OGT HYDR02:Version- April,2017 SITE NAME/LABEL: Wallace Creek DESIGN CASE: Locl PosBuoy 2.4MGD 10port Unsteady CORMIX2 FILE NAME: X:\119-WE15 Camp Lejeune Membrane WTP Discharge Permitting\CORMIX\October 2017\LOCI POSBUoy 2.4MGD 10port Unsteady CORMIX2.prd Using subsystem CORMIX2: Multiport Diffuser Discharges Start of session: 10/24/2017--16:06:17 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA: AMBIENT PARAMETERS: Cross-section = bounded Width BS = 579.12 m Channel regularity ICHREG = 1 Ambient flowrate QA = 29.16 m^3/s Average depth HA = 2.13 m Depth at discharge HD = 2.74 m Darcy -Weisbach friction factor F = 0.04 Wind velocity UW = 0 m/s TIDAL SIMULATION at time Tsim = 0.8 hours Instantaneous ambient velocity UA = 0.0236 m/s Maximum tidal velocity UaMAX = 0.0915 m/s Rate of tidal reversal dUA/dt = 0.0295 (m/s)/hour Period of reversal T = 12.4 hours Stratification Type STRCND = U Surface density RHOAS = 1016.51 kg/m^3 Bottom density ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHOAB = 1016.51 kg/m^3 DISCHARGE PARAMETERS: Submerged Multiport Diffuser Discharge Diffuser type DITYPE = unidirectional parallel Diffuser length LD = 27.43 m Nearest bank = right Diffuser endpoints YB1 = 213.36 m; YB2 = 213.36 m Number of openings NOPEN = 10 Number of Risers NRISER = 10 Ports/Nozzles per Riser NPPERR = 1 Spacing between risers/openings SPAC = 3.05 m Port/Nozzle diameter DO = 0.0635 m with contraction ratio = 0.9 Equivalent slot width BO = 0.0010 m Total area of openings TAO = 0.0316 m^2 Discharge velocity UO = 3.32 m/s Total discharge flowrate QO = 0.10515 m^3/s Discharge port height HO = 0.61 m Nozzle arrangement RETYPE = unidirectional without fanning Diffuser alignment angle GAMMA = 0 deg Vertical discharge angle THETA = 0 deg Actual Vertical discharge angle THEAC = 0 deg Horizontal discharge angle SIGMA = 90 deg Relative orientation angle BETA = 90 deg Discharge density RHOO = 999.1000 kg/m^3 Density difference DRHO = 17.4100 kg/m^3 Buoyant acceleration GPO = 0.168 m/s^2 Discharge concentration CO = 10 ppb Surface heat exchange coeff. KS = 0 m/s Coefficient of decay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KD = 0 /s FLUX VARIABLES PER UNIT DIFFUSER LENGTH: Discharge (volume flux) qO = 0.003833 m^2/s Momentum flux m0 = 0.012740 m^3/s^2 Buoyancy flux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- j0 = 0.000644 m^3/s^3 DISCHARGE/ENVIRONMENT LENGTH SCALES: LQ 0.00 m Lm = 22.87 m LM 1.65 m lm' = 99999 m Lb' = 99999 m La = 99999 m UNSTEADY TIDAL SCALES: To = 0.5736 hours Lu = 34.94 m Lmin= 6.46 m (These refer to the actual discharge/environment length scales.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-DIMENSIONAL PARAMETERS: Slot Froude number FRO = 251.73 Port/nozzle Froude number FRDO = 32.19 Velocity ratio R = 140.84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIXING ZONE / TOXIC DILUTION ZONE / AREA OF INTEREST PARAMETERS: Toxic discharge = no Water quality standard specified = yes Water quality standard CSTD = 1 ppb Regulatory mixing zone = no Region of interest = 5792 m downstream HYDRODYNAMIC CLASSIFICATION: -------------------------- I FLOW CLASS = MU4 I ------------------------ This flow configuration applies to a layer corresponding to the full water depth at the discharge site. Applicable layer depth = water depth = 2.74 m Limiting Dilution S = (QA/QO)+ 1.0 = 278.3 MIXING ZONE EVALUATION (hydrodynamic and regulatory summary): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Y-Z Coordinate system: Origin is located at the BOTTOM below the port/diffuser center: 213.36 m from the right bank/shore. Number of display steps NSTEP = 50 per module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEAR-FIELD REGION (NFR) CONDITIONS : Note: The NFR is the zone of strong initial mixing. It has no regulatory implication. However, this information may be useful for the discharge designer because the mixing in the NFR is usually sensitive to the discharge design conditions. Pollutant concentration at NFR edge c = 0.7278 ppb Dilution at edge of NFR s = 13.7 NFR Location: x = 27.43 m (centerline coordinates) y = 114.37 m z = 2.74 m NFR plume dimensions: half -width (bh) = 22.14 m thickness (bv) = 2.74 m Cumulative travel time: 458.3663 sec. WARNING: The LIMITING DILUTION (given by ambient flow/discharge ratio) is = 0 This value is below the computed dilution of 13.74 at the end of the Near Field Region (NFR). Mixing for this discharge configuration is constrained by the ambient flow. Please carefully review the prediction file for additional warnings and information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buoyancy assessment: The effluent density is less than the surrounding ambient water density at the discharge level. Therefore, the effluent is POSITIVELY BUOYANT and will tend to rise towards the surface. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near-field instability behavior: The diffuser flow will experience instabilities with full vertical mixing in the near -field. There may be benthic impact of high pollutant concentrations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAR-FIELD MIXING SUMMARY: Plume becomes vertically fully mixed ALREADY IN NEAR -FIELD at 0 m downstream and continues as vertically mixed into the far -field. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUME BANK CONTACT SUMMARY: Plume in bounded section does not contact bank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNSTEADY TIDAL ASSESSMENT: Because of the unsteadiness of the ambient current during the tidal reversal, CORMIX predictions have been TERMINATED at: x = 10.82 m y = 45.10 m z = 1.21 m. For this condition AFTER TIDAL REVERSAL, mixed water from the previous half -cycle becomes re -entrained into the near field of the discharge, increasing pollutant concentrations compared to steady-state predictions. A pool of mixed water formed at slack tide will be advected downstream in this phase. ************************ TOXIC DILUTION ZONE SUMMARY ************************ No TDZ was specified for this simulation. REGULATORY MIXING ZONE SUMMARY *****•*+*+*+*+*+*+**.*+ No RMZ has been specified. However: The ambient water quality standard was encountered at the following plume position: Water quality standard = 1 ppb Corresponding dilution s = 10.0 Plume location: x = 4.21 m (centerline coordinates) y = 17.56 m z = 0.84 m Plume dimensions: half -width (bh) = 15.01 m thickness (bv) = 0.84 m ********************* FINAL DESIGN ADVICE AND COMMENTS ********************** CORMIX2 uses the TWO-DIMENSIONAL SLOT DIFFUSER CONCEPT to represent the actual three-dimensional diffuser geometry. Thus, it approximates the details of the merging process of the individual jets from each port/nozzle. In the present design, the spacing between adjacent ports/nozzles (or riser assemblies) is of the order of, or less than, the local water depth so that the slot diffuser approximation holds well. Nevertheless, if this is a final design, the user is advised to use a final CORMIXI (single port discharge) analysis, with discharge data for an individual diffuser jet/plume, in order to compare to the present near -field prediction. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMINDER: The user must take note that HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING by any known technique is NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE. Extensive comparison with field and laboratory data has shown that the CORMIX predictions on dilutions and concentrations (with associated plume geometries) are reliable for the majority of cases and are accurate to within about +-50o (standard deviation). As a further safeguard, CORMIX will not give predictions whenever it judges the design configuration as highly complex and uncertain for prediction. APPENDIX C.2 Location No. 2 CORM IX Model Reports AH Environmental Engineering, PC CORMIX2 PREDICTION FILE: 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 CORMIX MIXING ZONE EXPERT SYSTEM Subsystem CORMIX2: Multiport Diffuser Discharges CORMIX Version 10.OGT HYDRO2 Version April 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE DESCRIPTION Site name/label: Wallace Creek Design case: Loc2_PosBuoy_2.4MGD_10port_Unsteady _CORMIX2 FILE NAME: X:\...7\Loc2_PosBuoy_2.4MGD_10port_Unsteady_CORMIX2.prd Time stamp: 10/24/2017--16:09:06 ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS (metric units) Bounded section BS = 335.28 AS = 613.16 QA = 16.28 ICHREG= 1 HA = 1.83 HD = 2.13 Tidal Simulation at TIME = 0.900 h PERIOD= 12.40 h UAmax = 0.091 dUa/dt= 0.030 (m/s)/h UA = 0.027 F = 0.040 USTAR =0.1877E-02 UW = 0.000 UWSTAR=0.0000E+00 Uniform density environment STRCND= U RHOAM = 1016.5100 DIFFUSER DISCHARGE PARAMETERS (metric units) Diffuser type: DITYPE= unidirectional -parallel BANK = RIGHT DISTB = 91.44 YB1 = 91.44 YB2 = 91.44 LD = 27.43 NOPEN = 10 NRISER= 10 SPAC = 3.05 NPPERR = 1 DO = 0.063 AO = 0.003 HO = 0.61 SUBO 1.52 DOINP = 0.067 CRO = 0.900 Nozzle/port arrangement: unidirectional_without_fanning GAMMA = 0.00 THETA = 0.00 SIGMA = 90.00 BETA = 90.00 UO = 3.324 QO = 0.105 QOA =0.1051E+00 RH00 = 999.1000 DRHO0 =0.1741E+02 GPO =0.1680E+00 CO =0.1000E+02 CUNITS= ppb IPOLL = 1 KS =0.0000E+00 KD =0.0000E+00 FLUX VARIABLES - PER UNIT DIFFUSER LENGTH (metric units) q0 =0.3833E-02 m0 =0.1147E-01 j0 =0.5794E-03 SIGNJO= 1.0 Associated 2-d length scales (meters) 1Q=B = 0.001 1M = 1.65 lm = 18.07 lmp = 99999.00 lbp = 99999.00 la = 99999.00 FLUX VARIABLES - ENTIRE DIFFUSER (metric units) QO =0.1051E+00 MO =0.3145E+00 JO =0.1589E-01 Associated 3-d length scales (meters) LQ = 0.06 LM = 3.33 Lm = 22.27 Lb = 943.68 Imp = 99999.00 Lbp = 99999.00 Tidal: Tu = 0.5736 h Lu = 34.937 Lmin = 6.464 NON -DIMENSIONAL PARAMETERS FRO = 251.73 FRDO = 32.19 R = 125.19 PL = 79.57 (slot) (port/nozzle) RECOMPUTED SOURCE CONDITIONS FOR RISER GROUPS: Properties of riser group with 1 ports/nozzles each: UO 3.324 DO = 0.063 AO = 0.003 THETA 0.00 FRO = 251.73 FRDO = 32.19 R = 125.19 (slot) (riser group) FLOW CLASSIFICATION 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2 Flow class (CORMIX2) = MU4 2 2 Applicable layer depth HS = 2.13 2 2 Limiting Dilution S=QA/Q0= 155.82 2 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 MIXING ZONE / TOXIC DILUTION / REGION OF INTEREST PARAMETERS CO =0.1000E+02 CUNITS= ppb NTOX = 0 NSTD = 1 CSTD =0.1000E+O1 REGMZ = 0 XINT = 3353.00 XMAX = 3353.00 X -Y -Z COORDINATE SYSTEM: ORIGIN is located at the bottom and the diffuser mid -point: 91.44 m from the RIGHT bank/shore. X-axis points downstream, Y-axis points to left, Z-axis points upward. NSTEP = 50 display intervals per module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MOD201: DIFFUSER DISCHARGE MODULE Due to complex near -field motions: EQUIVALENT SLOT DIFFUSER (2-D) GEOMETRY Profile definitions: BV = Gaussian 1/e (370) half -width, in vertical plane normal to trajectory BH top -hat half -width, in horizontal plane normal to trajectory S hydrodynamic centerline dilution C = centerline concentration (includes reaction effects, if any) Uc = Local centerline excess velocity (above ambient) TT = Cumulative travel time X Y Z S C BV BH Uc IT 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.0 0.100E+02 0.00 13.72 3.324 .00000E+00 END OF MOD201: DIFFUSER DISCHARGE MODULE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MOD273: UNIDIRECTIONAL CROSS -FLOWING DIFFUSER (TEE) IN STRONG CURRENT Because of the strong ambient current the diffuser plume of this crossflowing discharge gets RAPIDLY DEFLECTED. A near -field zone is formed that is VERTICALLY FULLY MIXED over the entire layer depth. Full mixing is achieved at a downstream distance of about five (5) layer depths. Profile definitions: BV layer depth (vertically mixed) BH = top -hat half -width, measured horizontally in Y -direction S = hydrodynamic average (bulk) dilution C = average (bulk) concentration (includes reaction effects, if any) TT = Cumulative travel time X Y Z S C BV BH IT 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.0 0.100E+02 0.00 13.72 .00000E+00 0.49 2.32 0.63 4.2 0.239E+01 0.10 13.89 .18368E+02 0.98 4.65 0.65 5.4 0.184E+01 0.20 14.06 .36737E+02 1.46 6.97 0.67 6.3 0.158E+01 0.29 14.24 .55105E+02 1.95 9.30 0.69 7.0 0.142E+01 0.39 14.41 .73473E+02 2.44 11.62 0.71 7.6 0.131E+01 0.49 14.58 .91842E+02 2.93 13.94 0.74 8.2 0.122E+01 0.59 14.76 .11021E+03 3.41 16.27 0.76 8.6 0.116E+01 0.68 14.93 .12858E+03 3.90 18.59 0.78 9.0 0.111E+01 0.78 15.10 .14695E+03 4.39 20.91 0.80 9.4 0.106E+01 0.88 15.28 .16532E+03 4.88 23.24 0.82 9.8 0.103E+01 0.98 15.45 .18368E+03 ** WATER QUALITY STANDARD OR OCT HAS BEEN FOUND ** The pollutant concentration in the plume falls below water quality standard or CCC value of 0.100E+01 in the current prediction interval. This is the spatial extent of concentrations exceeding the water quality standard or CCC value. 5.36 25.56 0.84 10.1 0.994E+00 1.07 15.62 .20205E+03 5.85 27.89 0.86 10.4 0.966E+00 1.17 15.80 .22042E+03 6.34 30.21 0.88 10.6 0.941E+00 1.27 15.97 .23879E+03 6.83 32.53 0.90 10.9 0.919E+00 1.37 16.14 .25716E+03 7.32 34.86 0.92 11.1 0.899E+00 1.46 16.32 .27553E+03 7.80 37.18 0.94 11.4 0.881E+00 1.56 16.49 .29389E+03 8.29 39.50 0.96 11.6 0.864E+00 1.66 16.66 .31226E+03 8.78 41.83 0.99 11.8 0.849E+00 1.76 16.84 .33063E+03 9.27 44.15 1.01 12.0 0.835E+00 1.85 17.01 .34900E+03 9.75 46.48 1.03 12.2 0.822E+00 1.95 17.18 .36737E+03 10.24 48.80 1.05 12.4 0.810E+00 2.05 17.36 .38574E+03 10.73 51.12 1.07 12.5 0.798E+00 2.13 17.53 .40410E+03 11.22 53.45 1.07 12.7 0.787E+00 2.13 17.70 .42247E+03 11.70 55.77 1.07 12.9 0.777E+00 2.13 17.88 .44084E+03 12.19 58.09 1.07 13.0 0.767E+00 2.13 18.05 .45921E+03 12.68 60.42 1.07 13.2 0.758E+00 2.13 18.22 .47758E+03 13.17 62.74 1.07 13.3 0.749E+00 2.13 18.40 .49595E+03 13.66 65.07 1.07 13.5 0.741E+00 2.13 18.57 .51431E+03 13.69 65.24 1.07 13.5 0.740E+00 2.13 18.58 Cumulative travel time = 515.6620 sec ( 0.14 hrs) CORMIX prediction has been TERMINATED at last prediction interval. Limiting time due to TIDAL REVERSAL has been reached. END OF MOD273: UNIDIRECTIONAL CROSS -FLOWING DIFFUSER (TEE) IN STRONG CURRENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** End of NEAR -FIELD REGION (NFR) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORMIX2: Multipart Diffuser Discharges End of Prediction File 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 CORMIX SESSION REPORT: CORMIX MIXING ZONE EXPERT SYSTEM CORMIX Version 10.OGT HYDRO2:Version- April,2017 SITE NAME/LABEL: Wallace Creek DESIGN CASE: Loc2 PosBuoy 2.4MGD 10port Unsteady CORMIX2 FILE NAME: X:\119-WE15 Camp Lejeune Membrane WTP Discharge Permitting\CORMIX\October 2017\Loc2 POSBUoy 2.4MGD 10port Unsteady CORMIX2.prd Using subsystem CORMIX2: Multiport Diffuser Discharges Start of session: 10/24/2017--16:07:09 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA: AMBIENT PARAMETERS: Cross-section = bounded Width BS = 335.28 m Channel regularity ICHREG = 1 Ambient flowrate QA = 16.28 m^3/s Average depth HA = 1.83 m Depth at discharge HD = 2.13 m Darcy -Weisbach friction factor F = 0.04 Wind velocity UW = 0 m/s TIDAL SIMULATION at time Tsim = 0.9 hours Instantaneous ambient velocity UA = 0.0266 m/s Maximum tidal velocity UaMAX = 0.0915 m/s Rate of tidal reversal dUA/dt = 0.0295 (m/s)/hour Period of reversal T = 12.4 hours Stratification Type STRCND = U Surface density RHOAS = 1016.51 kg/m^3 Bottom density ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHOAB = 1016.51 kg/m^3 DISCHARGE PARAMETERS: Submerged Multiport Diffuser Discharge Diffuser type DITYPE = unidirectional parallel Diffuser length LD = 27.43 m Nearest bank = right Diffuser endpoints YB1 = 91.44 m; YB2 = 91.44 m Number of openings NOPEN = 10 Number of Risers NRISER = 10 Ports/Nozzles per Riser NPPERR = 1 Spacing between risers/openings SPAC = 3.05 m Port/Nozzle diameter DO = 0.0635 m with contraction ratio = 0.9 Equivalent slot width BO = 0.0010 m Total area of openings TAO = 0.0316 m^2 Discharge velocity UO = 3.32 m/s Total discharge flowrate QO = 0.10515 m^3/s Discharge port height HO = 0.61 m Nozzle arrangement RETYPE = unidirectional without fanning Diffuser alignment angle GAMMA = 0 deg Vertical discharge angle THETA = 0 deg Actual Vertical discharge angle THEAC = 0 deg Horizontal discharge angle SIGMA = 90 deg Relative orientation angle BETA = 90 deg Discharge density RHOO = 999.1000 kg/m^3 Density difference DRHO = 17.4100 kg/m^3 Buoyant acceleration GPO = 0.168 m/s^2 Discharge concentration CO = 10 ppb Surface heat exchange coeff. KS = 0 m/s Coefficient of decay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KD = 0 /s FLUX VARIABLES PER UNIT DIFFUSER LENGTH: Discharge (volume flux) q0 = 0.003833 m^2/s Momentum flux m0 = 0.012740 m^3/s^2 Buoyancy flux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- j0 = 0.000644 m^3/s^3 DISCHARGE/ENVIRONMENT LENGTH SCALES: LQ 0.00 m Lm = 18.07 m LM 1.65 m lm' = 99999 m Lb' = 99999 m La = 99999 m UNSTEADY TIDAL SCALES: To = 0.5736 hours Lu = 34.94 m Lmin= 6.46 m (These refer to the actual discharge/environment length scales.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-DIMENSIONAL PARAMETERS: Slot Froude number FRO = 251.73 Port/nozzle Froude number FRDO = 32.19 Velocity ratio R = 125.19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIXING ZONE / TOXIC DILUTION ZONE / AREA OF INTEREST PARAMETERS: Toxic discharge = no Water quality standard specified = yes Water quality standard CSTD = 1 ppb Regulatory mixing zone = no Region of interest = 3353 m downstream HYDRODYNAMIC CLASSIFICATION: -------------------------- I FLOW CLASS = MU4 I ------------------------ This flow configuration applies to a layer corresponding to the full water depth at the discharge site. Applicable layer depth = water depth = 2.13 m Limiting Dilution S = (QA/QO)+ 1.0 = 155.8 MIXING ZONE EVALUATION (hydrodynamic and regulatory summary): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Y-Z Coordinate system: Origin is located at the BOTTOM below the port/diffuser center: 91.44 m from the right bank/shore. Number of display steps NSTEP = 50 per module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEAR-FIELD REGION (NFR) CONDITIONS : Note: The NFR is the zone of strong initial mixing. It has no regulatory implication. However, this information may be useful for the discharge designer because the mixing in the NFR is usually sensitive to the discharge design conditions. Pollutant concentration at NFR edge c = 0.7327 ppb Dilution at edge of NFR s = 13.6 NFR Location: x = 24.38 m (centerline coordinates) y = 116.19 m z = 2.13 m NFR plume dimensions: half -width (bh) = 22.38 m thickness (bv) = 2.13 m Cumulative travel time: 515.6620 sec. WARNING: The LIMITING DILUTION (given by ambient flow/discharge ratio) is = 0 This value is below the computed dilution of 13.65 at the end of the Near Field Region (NFR). Mixing for this discharge configuration is constrained by the ambient flow. Please carefully review the prediction file for additional warnings and information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buoyancy assessment: The effluent density is less than the surrounding ambient water density at the discharge level. Therefore, the effluent is POSITIVELY BUOYANT and will tend to rise towards the surface. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near-field instability behavior: The diffuser flow will experience instabilities with full vertical mixing in the near -field. There may be benthic impact of high pollutant concentrations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAR-FIELD MIXING SUMMARY: Plume becomes vertically fully mixed ALREADY IN NEAR -FIELD at 0 m downstream and continues as vertically mixed into the far -field. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUME BANK CONTACT SUMMARY: Plume in bounded section does not contact bank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNSTEADY TIDAL ASSESSMENT: Because of the unsteadiness of the ambient current during the tidal reversal, CORMIX predictions have been TERMINATED at: x = 13.69 m y = 65.24 m z = 1.07 m. For this condition AFTER TIDAL REVERSAL, mixed water from the previous half -cycle becomes re -entrained into the near field of the discharge, increasing pollutant concentrations compared to steady-state predictions. A pool of mixed water formed at slack tide will be advected downstream in this phase. ************************ TOXIC DILUTION ZONE SUMMARY ************************ No TDZ was specified for this simulation. REGULATORY MIXING ZONE SUMMARY *****•*+*+*+*+*+*+**.*+ No RMZ has been specified. However: The ambient water quality standard was encountered at the following plume position: Water quality standard = 1 ppb Corresponding dilution s = 10.0 Plume location: x = 5.27 m (centerline coordinates) y = 25.10 m z = 0.84 m Plume dimensions: half -width (bh) = 15.59 m thickness (bv) = 1.05 m ********************* FINAL DESIGN ADVICE AND COMMENTS ********************** CORMIX2 uses the TWO-DIMENSIONAL SLOT DIFFUSER CONCEPT to represent the actual three-dimensional diffuser geometry. Thus, it approximates the details of the merging process of the individual jets from each port/nozzle. In the present design, the spacing between adjacent ports/nozzles (or riser assemblies) is of the order of, or less than, the local water depth so that the slot diffuser approximation holds well. Nevertheless, if this is a final design, the user is advised to use a final CORMIXI (single port discharge) analysis, with discharge data for an individual diffuser jet/plume, in order to compare to the present near -field prediction. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMINDER: The user must take note that HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING by any known technique is NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE. Extensive comparison with field and laboratory data has shown that the CORMIX predictions on dilutions and concentrations (with associated plume geometries) are reliable for the majority of cases and are accurate to within about +-50o (standard deviation). As a further safeguard, CORMIX will not give predictions whenever it judges the design configuration as highly complex and uncertain for prediction. APPENDIX C.3 Location No. 3 CORM IX Model Reports AH Environmental Engineering, PC CORMIX2 PREDICTION FILE: 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 CORMIX MIXING ZONE EXPERT SYSTEM Subsystem CORMIX2: Multiport Diffuser Discharges CORMIX Version 10.OGT HYDRO2 Version April 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE DESCRIPTION Site name/label: Wallace Creek Design case: Loc3_PosBuoy_2.4MGD_10port_Unsteady _CORMIX2 FILE NAME: X:\...7\Loc3_PosBuoy_2.4MGD_10port_Unsteady_CORMIX2.prd Time stamp: 10/24/2017--16:08:32 ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS (metric units) Bounded section BS = 304.80 AS = 464.52 QA = 12.33 ICHREG= 1 HA = 1.52 HD = 1.83 Tidal Simulation at TIME = 0.900 h PERIOD= 12.40 h UAmax = 0.091 dUa/dt= 0.030 (m/s)/h UA = 0.027 F = 0.040 USTAR =0.1877E-02 UW = 0.000 UWSTAR=0.0000E+00 Uniform density environment STRCND= U RHOAM = 1016.5100 DIFFUSER DISCHARGE PARAMETERS (metric units) Diffuser type: DITYPE= unidirectional -parallel BANK = RIGHT DISTB = 54.86 YB1 = 54.86 YB2 = 54.86 LD = 27.43 NOPEN = 10 NRISER= 10 SPAC = 3.05 NPPERR = 1 DO = 0.063 AO = 0.003 HO = 0.61 SUBO 1.22 DOINP = 0.067 CRO = 0.900 Nozzle/port arrangement: unidirectional_without_fanning GAMMA = 0.00 THETA = 0.00 SIGMA = 90.00 BETA = 90.00 UO = 3.324 QO = 0.105 QOA =0.1051E+00 RH00 = 999.1000 DRHO0 =0.1741E+02 GPO =0.1680E+00 CO =0.1000E+02 CUNITS= ppb IPOLL = 1 KS =0.0000E+00 KD =0.0000E+00 FLUX VARIABLES - PER UNIT DIFFUSER LENGTH (metric units) q0 =0.3833E-02 m0 =0.1147E-01 j0 =0.5794E-03 SIGNJO= 1.0 Associated 2-d length scales (meters) 1Q=B = 0.001 1M = 1.65 lm = 18.07 lmp = 99999.00 lbp = 99999.00 la = 99999.00 FLUX VARIABLES - ENTIRE DIFFUSER (metric units) QO =0.1051E+00 MO =0.3145E+00 JO =0.1589E-01 Associated 3-d length scales (meters) LQ = 0.06 LM = 3.33 Lm = 22.27 Lb = 943.68 Imp = 99999.00 Lbp = 99999.00 Tidal: Tu = 0.5736 h Lu = 34.937 Lmin = 6.464 NON -DIMENSIONAL PARAMETERS FRO = 251.73 FRDO = 32.19 R = 125.19 PL = 79.57 (slot) (port/nozzle) RECOMPUTED SOURCE CONDITIONS FOR RISER GROUPS: Properties of riser group with 1 ports/nozzles each: UO 3.324 DO = 0.063 AO = 0.003 THETA 0.00 FRO = 251.73 FRDO = 32.19 R = 125.19 (slot) (riser group) FLOW CLASSIFICATION 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2 Flow class (CORMIX2) = MU4 2 2 Applicable layer depth HS = 1.83 2 2 Limiting Dilution S=QA/Q0= 118.29 2 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 MIXING ZONE / TOXIC DILUTION / REGION OF INTEREST PARAMETERS CO =0.1000E+02 CUNITS= ppb NTOX = 0 NSTD = 1 CSTD =0.1000E+O1 REGMZ = 0 XINT = 3050.00 XMAX = 3050.00 X -Y -Z COORDINATE SYSTEM: ORIGIN is located at the bottom and the diffuser mid -point: 54.86 m from the RIGHT bank/shore. X-axis points downstream, Y-axis points to left, Z-axis points upward. NSTEP = 50 display intervals per module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MOD201: DIFFUSER DISCHARGE MODULE Due to complex near -field motions: EQUIVALENT SLOT DIFFUSER (2-D) GEOMETRY Profile definitions: BV = Gaussian 1/e (370) half -width, in vertical plane normal to trajectory BH top -hat half -width, in horizontal plane normal to trajectory S hydrodynamic centerline dilution C = centerline concentration (includes reaction effects, if any) Uc = Local centerline excess velocity (above ambient) TT = Cumulative travel time X Y Z S C BV BH UC IT 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.0 0.100E+02 0.00 13.72 3.324 .00000E+00 END OF MOD201: DIFFUSER DISCHARGE MODULE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MOD273: UNIDIRECTIONAL CROSS -FLOWING DIFFUSER (TEE) IN STRONG CURRENT Because of the strong ambient current the diffuser plume of this crossflowing discharge gets RAPIDLY DEFLECTED. A near -field zone is formed that is VERTICALLY FULLY MIXED over the entire layer depth. Full mixing is achieved at a downstream distance of about five (5) layer depths. Profile definitions: BV layer depth (vertically mixed) BH = top -hat half -width, measured horizontally in Y -direction S = hydrodynamic average (bulk) dilution C = average (bulk) concentration (includes reaction effects, if any) TT = Cumulative travel time X Y Z S C BV BH IT 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.0 0.100E+02 0.00 13.72 .00000E+00 0.46 2.71 0.62 4.0 0.249E+01 0.09 13.94 .17220E+02 0.91 5.42 0.64 5.2 0.193E+01 0.18 14.16 .34441E+02 1.37 8.13 0.66 6.0 0.167E+01 0.28 14.38 .51661E+02 1.83 10.84 0.67 6.7 0.150E+01 0.37 14.61 .68881E+02 2.29 13.56 0.69 7.2 0.139E+01 0.46 14.83 .86102E+02 2.74 16.27 0.70 7.7 0.130E+01 0.55 15.05 .10332E+03 3.20 18.98 0.72 8.1 0.123E+01 0.64 15.27 .12054E+03 3.66 21.69 0.73 8.5 0.118E+01 0.73 15.50 .13776E+03 4.11 24.40 0.75 8.8 0.113E+01 0.82 15.72 .15498E+03 4.57 27.11 0.76 9.1 0.110E+01 0.91 15.94 .17220E+03 5.03 29.82 0.78 9.4 0.106E+01 1.01 16.16 .18942E+03 5.49 32.53 0.79 9.7 0.103E+01 1.10 16.39 .20664E+03 5.94 35.24 0.81 9.9 0.101E+01 1.19 16.61 .22386E+03 ** WATER QUALITY STANDARD OR CCC HAS BEEN FOUND ** The pollutant concentration in the plume falls below water quality standard or CCC value of 0.100E+01 in the current prediction interval. This is the spatial extent of concentrations exceeding the water quality standard or CCC value. 6.40 37.95 0.82 10.2 0.985E+00 1.28 16.83 .24108E+03 6.86 40.67 0.84 10.4 0.964E+00 1.37 17.05 .25831E+03 7.32 43.38 0.85 10.6 0.945E+00 1.46 17.28 .27553E+03 7.77 46.09 0.87 10.8 0.928E+00 1.55 17.50 .29275E+03 8.23 48.80 0.88 11.0 0.912E+00 1.65 17.72 .30997E+03 8.69 51.51 0.90 11.1 0.897E+00 1.74 17.95 .32719E+03 9.14 54.22 0.91 11.3 0.883E+00 1.83 18.17 .34441E+03 9.60 56.93 0.91 11.5 0.870E+00 1.83 18.39 .36163E+03 10.06 59.64 0.91 11.7 0.858E+00 1.83 18.61 .37885E+03 10.52 62.35 0.91 11.8 0.847E+00 1.83 18.84 .39607E+03 10.97 65.07 0.91 12.0 0.836E+00 1.83 19.06 .41329E+03 11.43 67.78 0.91 12.1 0.825E+00 1.83 19.28 .43051E+03 11.89 70.49 0.91 12.3 0.815E+00 1.83 19.50 .44773E+03 12.34 73.20 0.91 12.4 0.806E+00 1.83 19.73 .46495E+03 12.80 75.91 0.91 12.6 0.796E+00 1.83 19.95 .48217E+03 13.26 78.62 0.91 12.7 0.787E+00 1.83 20.17 .49939E+03 13.69 81.18 0.91 12.8 0.779E+00 1.83 20.38 Cumulative travel time = 515.6620 sec ( 0.14 hrs) CORMIX prediction has been TERMINATED at last prediction interval. Limiting time due to TIDAL REVERSAL has been reached. END OF MOD273: UNIDIRECTIONAL CROSS -FLOWING DIFFUSER (TEE) IN STRONG CURRENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** End of NEAR -FIELD REGION (NFR) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORMIX2: Multipart Diffuser Discharges End of Prediction File 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 CORMIX SESSION REPORT: CORMIX MIXING ZONE EXPERT SYSTEM CORMIX Version 10.OGT HYDRO2:Version- April,2017 SITE NAME/LABEL: Wallace Creek DESIGN CASE: Loc3 PosBuoy 2.4MGD 10port Unsteady CORMIX2 FILE NAME: X:\119-WE15 Camp Lejeune Membrane WTP Discharge Permitting\CORMIX\October 2017\Loc3 POSBUoy 2.4MGD 10port Unsteady CORMIX2.prd Using subsystem CORMIX2: Multiport Diffuser Discharges Start of session: 10/24/2017--16:07:43 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA: AMBIENT PARAMETERS: Cross-section = bounded Width BS = 304.80 m Channel regularity ICHREG = 1 Ambient flowrate QA = 12.33 m^3/s Average depth HA = 1.52 m Depth at discharge HD = 1.83 m Darcy -Weisbach friction factor F = 0.04 Wind velocity UW = 0 m/s TIDAL SIMULATION at time Tsim = 0.9 hours Instantaneous ambient velocity UA = 0.0266 m/s Maximum tidal velocity UaMAX = 0.0915 m/s Rate of tidal reversal dUA/dt = 0.0295 (m/s)/hour Period of reversal T = 12.4 hours Stratification Type STRCND = U Surface density RHOAS = 1016.51 kg/m^3 Bottom density ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHOAB = 1016.51 kg/m^3 DISCHARGE PARAMETERS: Submerged Multiport Diffuser Discharge Diffuser type DITYPE = unidirectional parallel Diffuser length LD = 27.43 m Nearest bank = right Diffuser endpoints YB1 = 54.86 m; YB2 = 54.86 m Number of openings NOPEN = 10 Number of Risers NRISER = 10 Ports/Nozzles per Riser NPPERR = 1 Spacing between risers/openings SPAC = 3.05 m Port/Nozzle diameter DO = 0.0635 m with contraction ratio = 0.9 Equivalent slot width BO = 0.0010 m Total area of openings TAO = 0.0316 m^2 Discharge velocity UO = 3.32 m/s Total discharge flowrate QO = 0.10515 m^3/s Discharge port height HO = 0.61 m Nozzle arrangement RETYPE = unidirectional without fanning Diffuser alignment angle GAMMA = 0 deg Vertical discharge angle THETA = 0 deg Actual Vertical discharge angle THEAC = 0 deg Horizontal discharge angle SIGMA = 90 deg Relative orientation angle BETA = 90 deg Discharge density RHOO = 999.1000 kg/m^3 Density difference DRHO = 17.4100 kg/m^3 Buoyant acceleration GPO = 0.168 m/s^2 Discharge concentration CO = 10 ppb Surface heat exchange coeff. KS = 0 m/s Coefficient of decay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KD = 0 /s FLUX VARIABLES PER UNIT DIFFUSER LENGTH: Discharge (volume flux) q0 = 0.003833 m^2/s Momentum flux m0 = 0.012740 m^3/s^2 Buoyancy flux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- j0 = 0.000644 m^3/s^3 DISCHARGE/ENVIRONMENT LENGTH SCALES: LQ 0.00 m Lm = 18.07 m LM 1.65 m lm' = 99999 m Lb' = 99999 m La = 99999 m UNSTEADY TIDAL SCALES: To = 0.5736 hours Lu = 34.94 m Lmin= 6.46 m (These refer to the actual discharge/environment length scales.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-DIMENSIONAL PARAMETERS: Slot Froude number FRO = 251.73 Port/nozzle Froude number FRDO = 32.19 Velocity ratio R = 125.19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIXING ZONE / TOXIC DILUTION ZONE / AREA OF INTEREST PARAMETERS: Toxic discharge = no Water quality standard specified = yes Water quality standard CSTD = 1 ppb Regulatory mixing zone = no Region of interest = 3050 m downstream HYDRODYNAMIC CLASSIFICATION: -------------------------- I FLOW CLASS = MU4 I ------------------------ This flow configuration applies to a layer corresponding to the full water depth at the discharge site. Applicable layer depth = water depth = 1.83 m Limiting Dilution S = (QA/QO)+ 1.0 = 118.3 MIXING ZONE EVALUATION (hydrodynamic and regulatory summary): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Y-Z Coordinate system: Origin is located at the BOTTOM below the port/diffuser center: 54.86 m from the right bank/shore. Number of display steps NSTEP = 50 per module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEAR-FIELD REGION (NFR) CONDITIONS : Note: The NFR is the zone of strong initial mixing. It has no regulatory implication. However, this information may be useful for the discharge designer because the mixing in the NFR is usually sensitive to the discharge design conditions. Pollutant concentration at NFR edge c = 0.7789 ppb Dilution at edge of NFR s = 12.8 NFR Location: x = 22.86 m (centerline coordinates) y = 135.55 m z = 1.83 m NFR plume dimensions: half -width (bh) = 24.85 m thickness (bv) = 1.83 m Cumulative travel time: 515.6620 sec. WARNING: The LIMITING DILUTION (given by ambient flow/discharge ratio) is = 0 This value is below the computed dilution of 12.84 at the end of the Near Field Region (NFR). Mixing for this discharge configuration is constrained by the ambient flow. Please carefully review the prediction file for additional warnings and information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buoyancy assessment: The effluent density is less than the surrounding ambient water density at the discharge level. Therefore, the effluent is POSITIVELY BUOYANT and will tend to rise towards the surface. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near-field instability behavior: The diffuser flow will experience instabilities with full vertical mixing in the near -field. There may be benthic impact of high pollutant concentrations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAR-FIELD MIXING SUMMARY: Plume becomes vertically fully mixed ALREADY IN NEAR -FIELD at 0 m downstream and continues as vertically mixed into the far -field. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUME BANK CONTACT SUMMARY: Plume in bounded section does not contact bank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNSTEADY TIDAL ASSESSMENT: Because of the unsteadiness of the ambient current during the tidal reversal, CORMIX predictions have been TERMINATED at: x = 13.69 m y = 81.18 m z = 0.91 m. For this condition AFTER TIDAL REVERSAL, mixed water from the previous half -cycle becomes re -entrained into the near field of the discharge, increasing pollutant concentrations compared to steady-state predictions. A pool of mixed water formed at slack tide will be advected downstream in this phase. ************************ TOXIC DILUTION ZONE SUMMARY ************************ No TDZ was specified for this simulation. REGULATORY MIXING ZONE SUMMARY *****•*+*+*+*+*+*+**.*+ No RMZ has been specified. However: The ambient water quality standard was encountered at the following plume position: Water quality standard = 1 ppb Corresponding dilution s = 10.0 Plume location: x = 6.10 m (centerline coordinates) y = 36.18 m z = 0.81 m Plume dimensions: half -width (bh) = 16.69 m thickness (bv) = 1.22 m ********************* FINAL DESIGN ADVICE AND COMMENTS ********************** CORMIX2 uses the TWO-DIMENSIONAL SLOT DIFFUSER CONCEPT to represent the actual three-dimensional diffuser geometry. Thus, it approximates the details of the merging process of the individual jets from each port/nozzle. In the present design, the spacing between adjacent ports/nozzles (or riser assemblies) is of the order of, or less than, the local water depth so that the slot diffuser approximation holds well. Nevertheless, if this is a final design, the user is advised to use a final CORMIXI (single port discharge) analysis, with discharge data for an individual diffuser jet/plume, in order to compare to the present near -field prediction. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMINDER: The user must take note that HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING by any known technique is NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE. Extensive comparison with field and laboratory data has shown that the CORMIX predictions on dilutions and concentrations (with associated plume geometries) are reliable for the majority of cases and are accurate to within about +-50o (standard deviation). As a further safeguard, CORMIX will not give predictions whenever it judges the design configuration as highly complex and uncertain for prediction.