HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180069 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20180111DL� qnn FRED BAIRD BLACKLEY, ASLA ' L�. U DSCAPE ARCHITECT PAUTH DEKALB STREET _ �y SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA 28150 ` 208 (704) 484 1731 Transmittal 2 0 1 R �Ln a Q To: � D—K Attn: Project: -4OV _ Vv3S V1 `Pr6jec-"o: Date2) Q� k v 0 1 1 - Copies Item Description For: APPROVA� INFORMATION RECORD REQUEST REVIEW COMMENT USE Remarks: 1 Copy To: By: Via: US MAID AIRBORNE-- PICK UP UPS FAX HAND DELIVER OTHER 1 For: APPROVA� INFORMATION RECORD REQUEST REVIEW COMMENT USE Remarks: 1 Copy To: By: Via: US MAID AIRBORNE-- PICK UP UPS FAX HAND DELIVER OTHER 1 The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Please - provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non-refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $;A8:60 for 'Z -`t t% impacts of to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. Applications should be sent to: Division of Water Quality Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 I. Applicant Information 2 Owner/Applican nformat: Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: 3 — Fax Number: E-mail Address: A&VIWI I d'7— k IQ n-wi l , Lcmc Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: / Company Affiliation: Mailing Address:_ Telephone Number: E-mail Address: II. Project Information Fax Number: Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. 1. Location County: Nearest Town: Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): Directions to site please include road numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary if an adequate vicinity map is included):, s 2. Describe the existirAg lands use or. condition of the,, site qt t4e_time of this 3. Property size (acres): 5,011 4. Nearest body of wafer(gtr`eam/river/sound/ocean/lake):&A S 1� 5. D 6. List the type of equipment to be used to `constru it the project: 7. Amount of impact (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining wal s, etc.) below the normal pool lake lev 1 ins uare et or acres: 2 i� LE'2 b 8. a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) aye the normal poo lake level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: 12A a b. Please describe vegetation abovb the normal pool lake ward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): e- 06 and 5a feet land - F -;-- , cuf Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Lake (Rill Pond) FRED B. SLACKLEY, ASLA LANDSCAPE A?C,11TECT 04 SOUTH DEKALB ST. PH. 704,484 1731 SHELBY, NC 28150 Please aP roximatett sketch the: Wowing information tin this plan (please provide dfrnensions for each item, such as 10 'ft. x 100 ft)-, 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions)— JA Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond eleVatiun V 3..ocation of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Fu f Pond elevation 4) The location of any proposed. structures such as buildings;, retaining walls, docks, etc. J) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond Jelevation. B� Location of construction access corridors. 1, �17 I n5fvql Ar 74r *y ir 06 owl -OIL Ufa ti. iL —� f,4 F P- p LOGI� E-Mi'VALi.- APPF'()X 50, LF C)N AFFIF-r,�-,DA"I'lH I P l r, DIK NSTALL AND MAINTAIN 1 r MDf- - L_ YJ N C 'lb] Em 10 CALE: lol j I z. I A fl" ri'DRY JJRf , �fl'h UfAIPING ItEROPED l, -L DA (JI", I F'•.,^a," L 1 D R 1 1--lE -NM---, -F- I cl) 5 5 N F P- p LOGI� E-Mi'VALi.- APPF'()X 50, LF C)N AFFIF-r,�-,DA"I'lH I P l r, DIK NSTALL AND MAINTAIN 1 r MDf- - L_ YJ N C 'lb] Em 10 CALE: lol j I LS ,GR 0 7g r57, L A FREE) B. BLACKLEY. A5LA LAl',ID&C.-APE ARGHITECT 704,484.17,31 5(1-),l- '--3l,"-"')l-JTH DIEKALB 51 -FEET 'DHELJYT"� 11ORTH GAROLINA 2�,:')15'-" V TO WACO 12 1 5TALLION PR VICINITY t)KEIFGH NT,5 "0 1, I'll p R V M E N T PL- A H 2 F I k x'll Cl I 0 (L 10 WOODBRIDGE AREA 11-111`5 01HAVIIIlG 15 THE PROPERTY CIF FRED D. BLACK LET, A5.L.A Al"ID 15 Iic)-r -,, I o F,, -F PE,'rpeDr)ukc"Lr) op, concr) iH wHol-If OR 1H PART WITH(DUT PERM15510N.- IT 1`3 NOT TO ME U51fr) ON ANY OTHER Pf4Z0l'llr'GT AND 15 T(D BE RETURFIED UP(,'Yilll REQUE5T. A t C E E T I C) F z. LS ,GR 0 7g r57, L A FREE) B. BLACKLEY. A5LA LAl',ID&C.-APE ARGHITECT 704,484.17,31 5(1-),l- '--3l,"-"')l-JTH DIEKALB 51 -FEET 'DHELJYT"� 11ORTH GAROLINA 2�,:')15'-" V TO WACO 12 1 5TALLION PR VICINITY t)KEIFGH NT,5 "0 1, I'll p R V M E N T PL- A H 2 F I k x'll Cl I 0 (L 10 WOODBRIDGE AREA 11-111`5 01HAVIIIlG 15 THE PROPERTY CIF FRED D. BLACK LET, A5.L.A Al"ID 15 Iic)-r -,, I o F,, -F PE,'rpeDr)ukc"Lr) op, concr) iH wHol-If OR 1H PART WITH(DUT PERM15510N.- IT 1`3 NOT TO ME U51fr) ON ANY OTHER Pf4Z0l'llr'GT AND 15 T(D BE RETURFIED UP(,'Yilll REQUE5T. A t C E E T I C) F P, UI-,, I � I III PLYWOOD FEERGLAM', 08 5TRUG GXG POW, 08 5TRUG >6 srW,--- WG RAFTE 2xG CEM 01CO BEAI,-! NOTCH PC) WGURE wl 4 x 10 5,iff A M NOTCH PO SECURE wl lxC; FACIA W P051 4,,�6 '5tM-1 �hllrl ALTERNATE 12' 2-- 2X65 W11H ?C, - ------ ./,a J 12, ()1 P C-) 5 T PERlt-,I�TEF\ 5AND F R 0 f 0 mODULAR 5Y�3TFM P.1--;- MAHUf AC/-ITJF�,P�,) Lf A550GIATIT) \NITHI DC,,:K, -SEE SHORELHE NPROVEMEW NAN 0 K IFIAN, FRC)f'C,�ED '-a EAVAI-L m0f)ULARI DL-OCK 5Y5TEM PER f'lAHU,17ACTUPr.P'�',, 5FIEL& KG F' Iia QQ Wel Wo HW` BA! Lin T A Won! 5RAW A5 VENI '3JAiP IM APPETER 5XV FLYWOU .1 11-c IP �,-- 1, Of"PWAL FIM. -DOWN STAIF. �ALK Of DlOuK 011M TO 010"W" n JjojxA,AR 51 (Wcr, V, H&VAAC REEKS At ;ll -,l) RvpAF of WE zq , F "IRED B. BLAGKLEY,, A5LA Nk - - LM,05C,APE ARr,,',HITEC.T 704.4841731 504 SAWTH UOALB 5TRETT 1WELB)", NORTH CIAROLINA TRESTO qlmmm.mx� PLANcz) <D H ("D VV A" R` P R 0 P E R T Y 1111. 22- T 1-f A M C) 111 R (1) A ED DRAW41(- 15 -49 PROPERTY OF' FRED 8. BLACKLEY. ABLA AND 15 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IM WHOLE OR 11 PART WRHOLH PERM155OR R15 NOT TO BE U5E-P ON MY OTHER FROjECT AND 15 TO BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST, E31 �fu,;Mi;Wo PLANcz) <D H ("D VV A" R` P R 0 P E R T Y 1111. 22- T 1-f A M C) 111 R (1) A ED DRAW41(- 15 -49 PROPERTY OF' FRED 8. BLACKLEY. ABLA AND 15 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IM WHOLE OR 11 PART WRHOLH PERM155OR R15 NOT TO BE U5E-P ON MY OTHER FROjECT AND 15 TO BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST, DRAHAGE AMA f OWH5, 10 AIN)( f-,)041 _nLl ENGE,_ t�IAL!_ „x UQ )HE Ar PE TO WEAK 5TORAGL CON5TRUCT SEUMENT PTT OR TRAP 001 SL T FENCE, SILT FENCE NT 15 TRInAV REWEN11 x, Qzmc OR EUML L Y OAK P 5 CS '710R/GF. MEIwit T AU) FEKHE 1 ER twO ATTACH WTIBERI 7) P 05 f '41d I t i 25 G 0, 20 JOIN GA, POST AL if OOO PRIF&YE TRIA11V 51..1 VMAN! Qkwd /ALL ''JI Rfr) G,4LvAHL`F,`D 0 EXCIANG J051, 13114AM 5T (051 NTS W5T TO SWKWT R"� 0 DECKNG WIG) 400 BAN C2 - Win MW ATTAC41 rfUMER5 TC FLIS 04" 0 5/5' WG 2i"b Jol�f '_12* �,­ W ADGE GXG AM WAX) PRE 55W E 1 TXN T ELI -01V A iE AILI FA5'N!:11F1_15 u� L�_ "A�!"EV, ORTING (MbEl L,'Q(� C fV1.. I i 0 5 I1 n Up, 1, 12 %Qr WRUC) :L f:V FIFF��F OP WML WnR FOQW� ry Q MAIM A, ,:;z{V J01151 ('112", itd-A- A,C,001 FRCAFrL Flit ALL F,41EIFHER5 Hof DIF -PE -1) f. A4 yt=ut Oki WER RMA"ING OF wLorEs, o, ALiowAbw To a A C MOM At �n,w,TALL AMU HA1111011 c10 1-1,1 'I RL, A F H T E'S 41' Al TOE TO hAD 510HE N PACE tt! U� 0C HAX_) n� QU&N WTAVA r m 3 5/S" LAO; BUTs, Zk A ECKINGa s,(BEA 2ln ATTAW AlUFF5 0 P05T %QH 3 515 LAO 501C 02 PON ALL U, C_ RE55U, KAMP badQQ` � _W ,DF AffFcn,,ET) FIGA,1_ TAP,'Ft ! age 05UPPORTING CISERVATION DECT) DECKING .105 ZILL WDUEY FNY&r 1-0 ED fp.OPILA_ HARDWOOD, V GvG i a 4343 F005 pw w .momWK: ',-t f,I T 54HALL _�4JEH11 A U7111F AP" 06 AU DRAM On PROPER, DE"N't k! pu5HEC 1.URTNI YEWS` Mir _Q FREL A EBLACKLEY, A5LA LANDE)GAPE ARC.,h1TEkGT 704,454.1731 504 DEKALLEI) ,`.`.)TREET - 3 Y, "T t GAR,,0L11",A 28150 0 CARO V4 z Ali Bid _T R, A, P-,,, D P R TY A- kk_\ D E L The DRAWHAI 4,3 THE PROPERTY OF fRED B. BLACKLEY, ASLA ANIE) !`,� NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR C,0iflED 1N WHOLE OR IH FA.FlWITH0,LIT PER"ShOR IT 15 NOIT TO BE USED ON AHY C -,'IfTURNED UPON REQUEE�,T, THER PROJECT AND 15 TO BE F f D I D 3 i CIS 5MEET 3 c 3 KIFF r PAR vwx Fomc OR EQmL 'I RL, A F H T E'S 41' Al TOE TO hAD 510HE N PACE tt! U� 0C HAX_) n� QU&N WTAVA r m 3 5/S" LAO; BUTs, Zk A ECKINGa s,(BEA 2ln ATTAW AlUFF5 0 P05T %QH 3 515 LAO 501C 02 PON ALL U, C_ RE55U, KAMP badQQ` � _W ,DF AffFcn,,ET) FIGA,1_ TAP,'Ft ! age 05UPPORTING CISERVATION DECT) DECKING .105 ZILL WDUEY FNY&r 1-0 ED fp.OPILA_ HARDWOOD, V GvG i a 4343 F005 pw w .momWK: ',-t f,I T 54HALL _�4JEH11 A U7111F AP" 06 AU DRAM On PROPER, DE"N't k! pu5HEC 1.URTNI YEWS` Mir _Q FREL A EBLACKLEY, A5LA LANDE)GAPE ARC.,h1TEkGT 704,454.1731 504 DEKALLEI) ,`.`.)TREET - 3 Y, "T t GAR,,0L11",A 28150 0 CARO V4 z Ali Bid _T R, A, P-,,, D P R TY A- kk_\ D E L The DRAWHAI 4,3 THE PROPERTY OF fRED B. BLACKLEY, ASLA ANIE) !`,� NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR C,0iflED 1N WHOLE OR IH FA.FlWITH0,LIT PER"ShOR IT 15 NOIT TO BE USED ON AHY C -,'IfTURNED UPON REQUEE�,T, THER PROJECT AND 15 TO BE F f D I D 3 i CIS 5MEET 3 c 3