HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180035 Ver 1_PCN Form Submission_20180108Action History (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) �brrrit by Anonymous User 1/7/2018 9:22:03 AM (Start Event) Accept by Carpenter,Kristi 1/8/2018 2:55:20 PM (DOT Initial Review) • The task was assigned to Carpenter,Kristi . The due date is: January 11, 2018 5:00 PM 1 /7/2018 9:22 AM E-PCN Submittal ��� �lulslaa af Water Resources Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) December 15, 2017 Ver 2.2 * Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk below are required. You will not be ab/e to submit the form until all mandatory questions are ans�red. Also, if at any point you wish to print a copy of the E-PCN, all you need to do is right-click on the document and you can print a copy of the form. Below is a link to the online help file. http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/0/doc/603610/Page1.aspx A. Processing Information County(or Counties) where the project is located:* Rockingham Is this project a public transportation project? *(') C�' Yes C' No Is this a NCDOT Project?* r Yes C' No (NCDOT only) T.I.P. or state project number: B-5352 (Replacement of Bridge No. 131 on US 220 NB over Norfolk Southern Railroad) WBS # 46066.1.1 (for NCDOT use only) 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps:* �J Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization?* r% Nationwide Permit (NWP) � Regional General Permit (RGP) Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 23 - Categorical Exclusions NWP Number Other: List all MNnurrbers you are applying for not on the drop down list. 1c. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR:* check all that apply ri 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r 401 Water Quality Certification - E�ress r Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit r Riparian Buffer Authorization * 1d. Is this notification solelyfor the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: �' Yes C•' No For the record only for Corps Permit: �' Yes C�' No 1e. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from rritigation bank or in-lieu fee program C� Yes l" No Acceptance Letter Attachment Gick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent I B-5352 - STR - RO 03.pdf 63.52KB FlLE TYFE MJST BE FflF 1f. Is the project located in anyof NC's twentycoastal counties?* C' Yes �' No 1h. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed?* C' Yes C' No Link to trout information: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory-Permit-PrograrrUAgency-Coordination/Trout.aspx B. Applicant Information 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* � NCDOT 1b. PrimaryContact Email:* jsmason@ncdot.gov 1c. PrimaryContact Phone:* (xxx)xxx-xxxx (919)707-6136 1d. Who is applying for the permit? rJ Owner r Applicant (other than owner) r Agent/Consultant (Check all that apply) 2. Owner I nformation 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Responsible party: (for Corporations) 2d.Address Street Address Address Line 2 �� FUstal / Zip Code State / Rovince / F�gion Country 2e. Telephone Number: (xxx)xxx-xxxx 2f. Fax Number: (xxx)xxx-x�cx 2g. Email Address:* pharris@ncdot.gov C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information i 1a. Name of project:* B-5352 (Replacement of Bridge No. 131 on US 220 NB over Norfolk Southern Railroad) 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) 1c. Nearest municipality/town:* Mayodan 1d. Driving directions* If it is a new project and can not easily be found in a GPS rrapping system Rease provide directions. From Raleigh, take I-40W to Ebt 2126 (I-73N). Continue on I-73N to US-220N. Follow US 220N to bridge over railroad, just north of Mayodan. 2. Project Identification 2a. Propertyldentification Number: (t�vc RN or parcel ID) 2b. Propertysize: (in acres) 2c. Project Address Street Address Address Line 2 �� Fbstal / Zip Code State / Rovince / F�gion Country 2d. Site coordinates in decimal degrees Please collect site coordinates in decimal degrees. Use between 4-6 digits (unless you are using a survey-grade GPS device) after the decimal place as appropriate, based on howthe location was determined. (For example, most mobile phones with GPS provide locational precision in decimal degrees to map coordinates to 5 or 6 digits after the decimal place.) Latitude:* Longitude:* 36.441624 -79.930376 ex:34.208504 -77.796371 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* UT of Mayo River near Stoneville 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* WS-IV Surface Water Lookup 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Roanoke RiverBasin Lookup 4. Project Description 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* US 220 is classified as a Rural Freeway (Future Interstate) in the Statewide Functional Classification System and is a National Highway System route. US 220 is slated to become the I-73/I-74 corridor. Land use within the project vicinity includes Forested Land, Agricultural Land, Lov�Density Residential, and Commercial. 4b. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) qick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fle lype rrust be pdF 4c. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 ezcerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) C7ick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fle type rrust be pdF 4d. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 4e. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: (interrrittent and perennial) 77 4f. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* To replace a structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridge. 4g. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect imapacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The purpose of this project is to replace the ewsting three-span, 121-foot steel girder bridge on the northbound lanes of US-220 with a three-span, 162-foot pre-stressed concrete girder bridge on the existing alignment. An on- site detour will occur, where northbound traffic will cross over the median and be diverted to the interior southbound US-220 lane over the bridge adjacent to Bridge No. 131, then cross back over to the northbound lanes north of the construction site. 4h. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent B-5352 Roadway_11x17_FINAL.pdf B-5352_Permit Drawings_20170912.pdf Fle type rrust be pdF 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 3.61 MB 2.49MB 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the propertyor proposed impact areas?* C� Yes �' No �' Unknown Comments: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* C' Preliminary l" Approved C' Unknown C� N/A Corps AID Number: Exarrple: SAV�2017-99999 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Othe r: Dwayne Huneycutt BakerEngineering 5d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. Site Visit 4/10/12 by Thomas Brown (No JD issued) 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fle type rrust be FDF 6. Project History 6a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* C' Yes C•' No C' Unknown 7. Future Project Plans 7a. Is this a phased project?* C' Yes C•' No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? This includes other separate and distant crossing for linear projects that require Department of the Army authorization but don't require pre-construction notification. D. Proposed I m pacts I nventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): � Wetlands I7 Streams-tributaries r Buffers � Open Waters r Pond Construction 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. Site #- Reason for 3b.lmpact 3c. Type of impact* 3d. Stream name * 3e. Stream 3f. Type of 3g. Stream 3h. Impact impact* type* Type* Jurisdiction* width* length* 1. 1@ 36" Steel, 1@ P Fill SA(UT of UT of Mayo Intermittent Both 8 77 18" RCP F2rrrenent (Pj or River near F2rennial (Fffl) or Average (feet) (linearfeet) N�p label (e.g. 13�ad Q'ossing 1) Terrporary (� Stoneville) interrrittent (If� "" All Perennial or Intermittent streams must be verified by DWR or delegated local government. 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 77 3i. Total temporarystream impacts: 0 3i. Total stream and tributary impacts: 77 3j. Comments: E. Impact Justification and Mitigation � 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project:* Project does not include bridge spanning over water body. However, rip rap is placed on the bridge sloping abutments to act as slope stabilization and prevent erosion. Runoff from the bridge is captured on the low side of the bridge in shoulder berm gutter and traffic bearing 2GI's (Grated Inlets). Grated Inlets attached to 15-inch Corrugated Steel Pipes will direct stormwater away from the road; the pipe outfalls will have rip rap pads to dissipate the stormwater. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques:* NCDOT Best Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities and Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters will be employed. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? C� Yes l" No 2c. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): r DWR rJ Corps 2d. If yes, which mitigation option(s) will be used for this project? r Mitigation bank r% Payment to in-lieu fee program r Permittee Responsible Mitigation 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. r7 Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: (linear feet) 77 linear ft@ 2:1 ; 154 linear ft 4c. If using stream mitigation, what is the stream temperature: warm 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWR only): (square feet) 0 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 0 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 0 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 0 4h. Comments F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) �`* Recent changes to the stormwater rules have required updates to this section .*"* I 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? C� Yes C' No 1 b. All buffer impacts and high ground impacts require diffuse flow or other form of stormwater treatment. If the project is subject to a state implemented riparian buffer protection program, include a plan that fully documents how diffuse flow will be maintained. All Stormwater Control Measures (SCM)s must be designed in accordance with the NC Stormwater Design Manual. Associated supplement forms and other documentation shall be provided. What type of SCM are you providing? r Level Spreader r Vegetated Conveyance (lower SMNT) r Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) r Other SCM that removes minimum 30% nitrogen (check all that apply) For a list of options to meet the diffuse flow requirements, click here. Diffus Flow Documentation Gick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fle type rrust be FDF 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* C•' Yes C' No G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* r Yes l" No 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State (North Carolina) Environmental PolicyAct (NEPA/SEPA)?* C� Yes �' No 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPAor SEPAfinal approval letter.)* C•' Yes �' No NEPAor SEPAFinal Approval Letter C7ick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent FlLE IYFE MJST BE FDF 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? * C' Yes C•' No 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application?* C' Yes �' No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water qualit�i?* C' Yes �' No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. i Due to the minimal transportation impact resulting from this bridge replacement, this project will neither influence nearby land uses nor stimulate growth. Therefore, a detailed indirect or cumulative effects study will not be necessary. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project? * C' Yes C' No C•' �1/A 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* C' Yes C' No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* C� Yes C' No 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. I Raleigh 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* C' Yes C•' No 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8?* C� Yes C' No [' Unknown 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat?* NCNHP Data Explorer, USFWS Website, NCDOT Surveys (No habitat for Roanoke logperch or James spinymussel and No Effect for both; Habitat for smooth coneflower, last surveyed 8/17/2015, No Effect. Surveys will be re-done prior to construction; No habitat for bald eagle; NCDOT Programmatic B.O. for NLEB). 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* C' Yes �' No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* NMFS County Index 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) Link to the State Historic Preservation Office Historic Properties Map (does not include archaeological data: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/ 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina historyand archaeology)?* C' Yes �' No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* NEPA Documentation 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload Gick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fle rrust be FDF 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) Link to the FEMA Floodplain Maps: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/search 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* C' Yes r No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* FEMA Maps Miscellaneous Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. Qick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Fle rrust be f�F Signature * fJ By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: ■ I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; ■ I agree that submission of this PCN form is a"transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic i Transactions AcY'); ■ I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions AcY'); ■ I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND ■ I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name:* Colin Mellor Signature Col� �ella,� Date : current_date Initial Review Is this project a public transportation project? *(?) C� Yes C' No Change only if needed. Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* C� Yes C' No BIMS # Assigned* 20180035 Version#* Reviewing Office* Central Office - (919) 707-9000 Select Project Reviewer* April Norton:eads\arnorton Is a payment required for this project?* C� No payment required f Fee received C' Fee needed - send electronic notification t.;� Environmental Quality ROY COOPER December 20, 2017 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit North Caralina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: B-5352, Replace Bridge 131 on US 220 (Northbound Lane) over Norfolk Southern Railroad, Rockingham County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the compensatory stream mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on December 4, 2017, the impacts are located in CU 03010103 of the Roanoke River basin in the Central Piedmont (CP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Roanoke 03010103 Cp Cold Impacts (feedacres) 0 Stream Cool 0 Wetlands Warm �panan Non- Coastal , Ri�arian Marsh 77.0 0 Buffer (Sq. Ft.) Zone 1 I Zone 2 �Some of the stream impacts may be proposed to be mitigated at a 1:1 mitigation ratio. See pernut application for details. The impacts aud associated mitigation needs were under projected by the NCDOT in the 2017 impact data. DMS will commit to implement sufficient compensatory stream mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Section F.3.c.iii of the In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, +��; " V " Jan _ B. Stan�ll Credit Management Supervisor cc: Mr. David Bailey, USACE — Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NCDWR File: B-5352 %'Nothing Compares.ti_ State of North Carolina I Environmenta! Quality 217 West Jones Street I 1601 Mail Service Center I Ra�eigh, Narth Carolina 2 769 9-16 01 9l9 707 Sb00 � 0 N •, � V � � O V \ � See Sheet 9A For Index of Sheets See Sheet 9B For Conventionol Symbols See Sheet iC- 9 for Survey Control Sheet BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-5352 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -L- Sta. 13+70.56 TO GREENSBORO ����� �� � ���� �������� �1l �v ����� �� .i1J���'LJ� �YV' 1��� ROCI�I1�lGHAM COUI�TY LOCATI011L• BRIDGE 1110.131 0111 US 220 111BL OVER 1VORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVIIVG, A1�lD STRUCTURE MOUNTAIN RUN I CREEK �� i % -L- US 220 � O� Op P� S.� O va ti- BRIDGE NO. 131 BEGIN BRIDGE � MOUNTAIN -L- Sta. 21+38.22 RUN CREEK END BRIDGE -L- Sta. 23+00.22 THIS PROJECT IS A CONTROLLED-ACCESS PROJECT WITH ACCESS BEING LIMITED TO INTERCHANGES _ � � NC GRID NAD 83T1SRS 2007 END TIP PROJECT B-5352 END CONSTRUCTION -L- Sta.28+92.62 - - -- ------ —_---___ _�_ ____ -- _- � -- -- ----- ---- ---- -----�- __ TO VIRGINIA --- ---- ----- --- — --- STATE LINE � — — -- — — — — � �------� �---- � � � f I/ ' I Il � I I I I I I I I I / �� � N � � m BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY.• State Line ----- ----- County Line Township Line City Line Reservation Line Property Line Existing Iron Pin � Property Corner � Property Monument E�, Parcel/Sequence Number iz3 Existing Fence Line -x x x- Proposed Woven Wire Fence e Proposed Chain Link Fence e Proposed Barbed Wire Fence � Existing Wetland Boundary - - - -��a- - - - Proposed Wetland Boundary ��a Existing Endangered Animal Boundary E°a Existing Endangered Plant Boundary E°a Existing Historic Property Boundary �Pa Known Contamination Area: Soil - � -- � Potential Contamination Area: Soil - � -- � Known Contamination Area: Water � � Potential Contamination Area: Water - � � Contaminated Site: Known or Potential �' � BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE.• Gas Pump Vent or U/G Tank Cap O Sign � Well �, Small Mine 'SZ� Foundation 0 Area Outline 0 Cemetery 0 Building � School � Church � Dam HYDROLOGY.• $tream or Body of Water Hydro, Pool or Reservoir � � � — J Jurisdictional Stream �S — Buffer Zone 1 sz i Buffer Zone 2 sz z Flow Arrow � - -- Disappearing Stream �--- $pring �__..�, � Wetland � Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch � � .�,� False $ump � ����iLe �ll' ����� ����1Le���9 �� �Y ����� �ll' ��`iJ1 � VV ��� CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS Note: Not to Scale *S. U.E. = Subsurface Utility Engineering RAILROADS.• Standard Gauge �-�--� CSX TRNySPORTATION RR Signal Milepost u,�Po r j5 Switch � sw�cn RR Abandoned � � � � RR Dismantled RIGHT OF Wf1Y.• Baseline Control Point Existing Right of Way Marker � Existing Right of Way Line - Proposed Right of Way Line � Proposed Right of Way Line with � Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed Right of Way Line with m ^ Concrete or Granite ILW Marker � Proposed Control of Access Line with � Concrete UA Marker Existing Control of Access —��— Proposed Control of Access �— Existing Easement Line E — Proposed Temporary Construction Easement - e Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement TDE Proposed Permanent Drainage Easement PDE Proposed Permanent Drainage /Utility Easement puE Proposed Permanent Utility Easement Pue Proposed Temporary Utility Easement rue Proposed Aerial Utility Easement que Proposed Permanent Easement with O Iron Pin and Cap Marker � ROADS AND RELATED FEATURES.• Existing Edge of Pavement Existing Curb Proposed Slope Stakes Cut --- �--- Proposed Slope Stakes Fill --- F--- Proposed Curb Ramp cR Existing Metal Guardrail ' ' ' Proposed Guardrail T T T T Existing Cable Guiderail n n � Proposed Cable Guiderail n n n n Equality Symbol � Pavement Removal � l�EGET�4TION.• Single Tree � Single Shrub � Hedge ^M^-�,.^�,.^-�,.^�"r Woods Line �"'-`"'-"''-"''-"'`' Orchard Vineyard EXISTING STRUCTURES.• MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall MINOR: Head and End Wall Pipe Cubert Footbridge Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB Paved Ditch Gutter Storm Sewer Manhole Storm Sewer UTILITIES.• POWER: Existing Power Pole Proposed Power Pole Existing Joint Use Pole Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhole Power Line Tower Power Transformer lYG Power Cable Hand Hole — H-Frame Pole lYG Power Line LO$ B(S.U.E.*) U�G Power Line LO$ C(S.U.E.*) U/G Power Line LO$ D($.U.E.*) TELEPHONE: €§ & 6 fl Vineyartl coNc — ) coNc Vlw C coNc N�V �--------� � CB OO � • • O ►� n �� Existing Telephone Pole f Proposed Telephone Pole � Telephone Manhole OO Telephone Pedestal ❑T Telephone Cell Tower � U/G Telephone Cable Hand Hole "H U�G Telephone Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) - - - -*- - - - U�G Telephone Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*) --�- -- U/G Telephone Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*) � U/G Telephone Conduit LOS B (S.U.E.*) - - - -�_- - - - U/G Telephone Conduit LOS C(S.U.E.*) ---�_- - U/G Telephone Conduit LOS D(S.U.E.*) *_ U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*) ----� F�- -- U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*) ---� ��- - U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*) ��° WATER: Water Manhole Water Meter Water Valve Water Hydrant I.VG Water Line LOS B(S.U.E*) WG Water Line LOS C(S.U.E*) I.VG Water Line LOS D(S.U.E*) Above Ground Water Line N: N Pedestal N Tower U/G N Cable Hand Hole U/G N Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*) U/G N Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*) U/G N Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*) lVG Fiber Optic Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*) WG Fiber Optic Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*) WG Fiber Optic Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*) GAS: Gas Valve Gas Meter U/G Gas Line LOS B(S.U.E.*) U/G Gas Line LOS C(S.U.E.*) U/G Gas Line LOS D(S.U.E.*) Above Ground Gas Line SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Cleanout U/G Sanitary Sewer Line Above Ground Sanitary Sewer SS Forced Main Line LOS B(S.U.E.*) SS Forced Main Line LOS C(S.U.E.*) SS Forced Main Line LOS D(S.U.E.*) MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole Utility Pole with Base Utility Located Object Utility Traffic $ignal Box Utility Unknown U/G Line LOS B(S.U.E.*) WG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil Underground Storage Tank, Approx. Loc. - A/G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil Geoenvironmental Boring U/G Test Hole LOS A(S.U.E.*) Abandoned According to Utility Records - End of Information � � ---�--- � eic cos �O O A/C Sanitory SeWer — — —FSS— — — Fss • a O ❑s ,�,� 0 usT 0 � m AATUR E.O.I. NCDOT BASELINE STATION B4621-I' N = 979845.6240 E = I726235.7640 � � BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-5352 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -L- Sta. 16 + 06.53 B-5352 S UR VEY C01�TROL SHEET MOUNTAIN � RUN CREEK��, � 5 �-Sf �� BM2 ELEV 709 ELEV BM700.28 -L- U� G. MUUNIAIN RUN CREEK TYPE STRTION NORTH EAST POT 1����.00 979721.99�1 1726338.�274 POT 33-�Oe�O 982018.9175 1726219e18�3 L 21�3�.�ID 128e69 98B857e13�3 17264�8e1554 L 21�3�.�ID 147vID� 98ID858e�764 1726426e441� L 21�43.0� 147.�� 98�871.059� 1726425 J 692 L 21�62.�� 128e66 98�889e0862 17264�6e4761 NOTES 1. THE CONTROL DATA FOR THIS PROJECT CAN BE FOUND ELECTRONICALLY BY SELECTING PROJECT CONTROL DATA AT: HTTP;//WWW.DOKDOT. STATE.NC US✓PRECONSTR UCT/KIGHWAY/LOCATION/PROJECT/ THE FILES TO BE FDUND ARE AS FOLLOWS: b5352_ls_control. txt SITE CALIBRATION INFORMATION HAS NOT BEEN PROVIDED FOR THIS PROJECT.IF FURTHER INFORMATION IS NEEDED, PLEASE CONTACT THE LOCATION AND SURVEYS UNIT. � INDICATES GEODETIC CONTROL MONUMENTS USED OR SET FOR HORIZONTAL PROJECT CONTROL BY THE NCDOT LOCATION AND SURVEYS UNIT. PROJECT CONTROL ESTABLISHED USING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM. Z n 0 m w z �n Z - cn c� - z � - �o N O O N NCDOT BASELINE� STATION B4621-2' N = 981065.9250 E = I726273.1680 END TIP PROJECT B-5352 END CONSTRUCTION -L- Sta. 28+17.76 ,Z � � . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ T_-_-_-_- ------------------- 1----- - ? 1 � � --------------- - �� BASELINE DATA PROIECT REFERENCE NO B-5352 Location an s� SHEET NO. 1 C-1 TO VIRGINIA STATE LINE NCDOT BASELINE STATION '8L-3' N = 961931.9202 m E = 1726225.6618 BM3 . ELEV 728.74 e� POINT OESC. NORTH EF1ST ELEVATION L STATION OFFSET 1 B4621-1 979845.6248 1726235.764� 7L0.44 11�28.75 95.74 LT 2 B4621-2 981065.9258 1726273.168� 711.94 23�45.49 4.67 RT 3 BL-3 981931.9202 1726225.6618 73ID.39 32•12.78 1.98 RT DATUM DESCRIPTION THE LOCALIZED COORDINATE SYSTEM DEVELOPED FOR THIS PROJECT IS BASED ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATES ESTABLISHED BY NCGS FOR MONUMENT "84621-2" WITH NAD 83/NSRS 2007 STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATES OF NORTHING: 981065.92501ft) EASTING: 1726273.1680(ftl ELEVATI�N: 711•94'(ftl THE AVERAGE COMBINED GRID FACTOR USED �N THIS PROJECT lCROUND TO GRI�I IS: 1.0000596193 THE N.C. LAMBERT GRID BEARING AND LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCE FROM "B4621-2" TO -L- STATION 16+06.53 IS S 02°35'59" E 738.97' ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL DISTANCES VERTICAL DATUM USED IS NAVD 88 BENCHMARK DATA BM1 ELEVATION = 7mID.28 ����,���,�< N 988382 E 17263�1 L STATION 16-61.8m 3 LEFT cHisE�Eo souARE oN a vaRo iN�Er �RaTE IN MEDIAN OP 220 SOUTH OF THE RAILRORD ........................................ BMZ ELEVATION - 7B9.4B N 98m866 E 1726272 L STATION 21�46.BB 7 LEFT cHisE�Eo sauaRE oN sE ww oF se� eRzo�E ........................................ BM3 ELEVATION = 728 Jq �����,�� N 9�1985 E 1726384 L STqTION 32•62 BID 83 RIGHT CHISELED SOURRE ON BRSE OF BUS 220 sTONEvi��E si�N ........................................ NOTE: DRAWING NOT TO SCALE N Z � > z c 0 � � a� `� N �'�1 � � 0 a � 0 � � �, � m � � � M 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 � i � Y � -L- US 220 Q � Z I L ti Q � ExisriNc GROUND � 6' 3' VARIES 2' Q Z 0.06 = ExisriNc EXISr MAX 0.08 ti� GROUND _ _ r �qRiqe�F � � r TYPICAL SECTION NO. lA -L- STA 15+5/.07 TO STA 16+92.70 - SBL MEDIAN -L- STA 26+37.53 TO STA 27+7/.52 - SBL MEDIAN TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 -L- STA 14+38.38 TO STA 2/+38.22 fBEGIN BRIDGEJ -L- STA 23+00.22 �END BRIDGEI TO SiA 28+92.62 EXISTING GROUND � �-L- US 220 /5' � m 6' 9' �� Z 6' � FDPS Z U ti C2 g n nR I�v EXIST /7" � � GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 B -L- STA 14+3838 TO STA I7+64.00 (RTJ - NBL MEDIAN -L- STA 16+92.70 TO SrA 2/+43.92 (LTJ - SBL MEDIAN -L- STA 22+86.8/ TO STA 26+37.53 (LTJ - SBL MEDIAN NOTES: lJ OVERLAY FROM -L- STA 14+38.38 TO STA 17+64.00 AND FROM -L- STA 25+67.00 TO STA 28+92.62 �1.5" S9.5C1 2J MILL NOTCH TO KEY-lN S9.5C FROM -L- STA 14+38.38 TO STA 14+8838 AND -L- STA 28+42.62 TO STA 28+92.62 3)TRANSITION FROM EXISrING TO rYPICAL SECTION N0.2 -LDET- STA 10+00.00 TO STA /2+//.95 41TRAN5/TION FROM TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 TO EXISTING -LDET- STA 13+43.58 TO STA 15+68.55 5J TRANSIrION FROM TYPICAL SECTION N0. 2 TO EXISTING -LDET- STA 18+g4.01 TO STA 2/+�8.23 0 61 TRANSITION FROM TYPICAL SECrION N0. 2 TO EXISTING -LDET- STA 22+4/75 TO STA 24+5852 N 7J EXCAVATE DETOUR CROSSOVER AS SHOWN ON DITCH DETAILS �SHEETS 4& 51 AND CROSS SECTIONS C 8J PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES ARE l:l UNLE55 SHOWN OTNERWISE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. Kimley >> Horn B-5352 2A-, ROADWAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN �'01 ENGINEER ENGINEER 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 IDOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT DESIGN (FINAL PAVEMENT DESlGN7 C� PROP. ?PPROX. l.5 ASPH?L7 CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE 7YPE 59.5C. AT AN AVERAGE RA7E OF l68 CBS.PER SO.YD. C rZ PROP. ?PPROX.3' DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRE7E SURFACE COURSE TYPE S9.SC. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF l68 LBS.PER SO.YD. lN EACH OF TWO LAYERS EXISTING PROP.VAR.DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE TYPE 59.5C,AT _-�GROUND C,3 �✓ AVERAGE RATE OF ll2 LBS.PER SO.YD.PER l"DEPTH TO BE PLACED �N LAYERS NOT TO EXCEEO 2"lN DEPTH Q� PROP.APPROX.25' ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE TYPE ll9AC,AT ?N AVERAGE RATE OF 285 LBS.PER SO.YD. U � /2' ? J Z U ti Q � EXIST EXIST - - - - - - � - TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1C -L- STA 14+3838 TO STA 17+64.00 (RTl D2 PROP.APPROX.4" ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE CWRSE TYPE ll9.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBSPER SQ. YO. D3 PROP. VQR. DEP7H ASPHAL7 CONCRETE lN7ERMEDIATE COURSE. TYPE //9.00. AT AN AVERAGE RA7E OF ll4 LBS. PER 50. YD. PER l' DEP7H. TO BE PLACED �N LAYERS NOT LE55 THAN 2%Z'lN DEPTH OR GREATER THAN 4"�N DEPTH E� PROP. APPROX. 5" ASPHALT CONCRE7E BASE COURSE TYPE B25.00. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 570 LBS.PER SQ.YD. E2 PROP. APPROX. l0' ASPHALT CONCRE7E BASE COURSE TYPE B25.00. AT ?N AVERAGE RATE OF 570 LBS. PER SQ. YD. lN EACH OF TWO LAYERS PROP. V.4R. DEPTH ASPN?L7 CONCRETE BASE COURSE. TYPE B25.00. AT E3 � AYERS�NO�TALES�FTHAfyL3'lN DEPT�HrOR GREA7ERrTHNy �.5" N OEPTH R PROP.SHOULDER BERM GUTTER % EARTH ,IIATERIAL U EXISJING PAVEMEN7 V M�LLING EXISTING PAVEMENT 0'70 /5" lSEE DETNL BELOV�'1 � VARIABLE DEP7H ASPHALT PAVEMEN7 lSEE DE7NL BELOWI EXISTING � _ - `GROUND 1 �ILL NOTCN V Cl O K�Y IN �--- �--- ---- �'�- --- t � �tt 50' oR � AS DIRECTED BY ENGIN ER PROFILE KEY-lN DETAIL U �� �� CJi �D3 E3 � � � � MM. 3" Ml� DETAIL SHOyyING METHOD OF wEDGING Z z PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. THIS SHEET IS FOR Kimley >>Horn 8-�55 EETNO 2B-1 D ETO U R C O N ST RU CT I O N O N LY 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 ROADWAY HYDRAULICS RALEIGH, NC 27601 ENGINEER ENGINEER FUNNEL DRAINS ON SOU7HBOUND LANE OF TRAVEL TO BE REPLACED PRIOR TO IMPLEMEN7/NG DE70UR �-r--i i NC GRID W NA� 83'NSRS 2007 � OUTLET PR07ECTlON J DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL � E57 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP �- RETAIN EXIST STRUCTURE ANCHOR UN�T UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � EST 7 SY GFD p W � � BM2 v � j� � � I� ENO FULL DEPTH ELEV = 709.40' ... � �- `- PAVED SHOULDER N 980866 E R26272 O O o END 6RADE � -LDET- 16+893/02B3'L71 -L- STATION 21+q5.89 6.97' LEFT � O TlE TO EX157 CHISELED SQU�RE ON SE � � � -LDET- Sto.13+43.58 = Q o aPPRoacN s�ae ww oF se� i33u>cF Q o `� -L- Sto.17+8027 (l5.13'LTJ N REraN Exisr F�uME � � lCLEAN OUT RETAIN EXISTING REMOVE AND RESE7 48' VEGE7A7/ONI -L- POT Sta. 10+00.00 360'LANE SHIFT BOX CULVER7 CHAIN LINK FENCE 15" W/ELBOWS �' OUTLE7 PR07ECTlON � M �NSTALL SHWLDER BER,U GUT7ER EST 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP ��GPS�� Bq62I-I � FROM STA 10+50 TO 16+86 -LDET- lLTI � i E57 7 SY GFD N -�- Stae II+28e�5 AND TlE TO EXISTING m PROP TEMPORARY "� OFF 95,74' LT -LDET- PRC Sfa. 12+7 2 �� taNE sr+iFr � � iNsra« PORrne�E ' / � OUTLET PROTECTION CONCRETE BARRIER \� EST 7 S�GFOL B �RlP � , ��s (TRAFFIC CONTROL l7EMl � Ex� REMOVE EXIST FUNNEL D�R `-�iN�Er _ �REu T�r3MPOR.ar�r -LDET- PC Sto. 19+08.08 sr��� R,w iNsra« rEMPORaFrr car-i BEGIN GRAD / � -LDET - PT Sta. 15+50.45 II / BEGI C _-�- °• �+//, = obz �S oez c�eaN our �xisr oircH ro oarucHr L- POT Sta.14+38.38 fl5�RT) REMOVE AND REPLACE GUARDRAIL o60 -� REMOVESrN�� w`_ EXISTING BU ED PIPES.REMOVE EXIST _ Sta. 16+49.84 (2.54' RTJ _ wW � _ II -LDET- PC Sfa.10+00.00 � ��� X RlP RAP AND\REPLACE Wl7H CL B Exi4hwc �_ - 3 AND REPLACE - RlP RAP lFOR�.M�NrENANCEI 'C` INSTALL TEAIPORARY C` � a II�� z I - EXISTING PAVED SHOULDER �� E57 75 TONS L B RlP RAP �Ai ac' W o PRIOR 70 /MPLEMENrING 06t8 E5T 05 SY GF�7 II � �-' GREU TL-3 ���� I � DETOUR SEE DETA/L 2 � 5'P.avEo BEGIN FUL -, R II �e� SHOU[DER z¢ t5" wi I LL REMOVE EXIST FUNNEL Woo�s EX S�V E w N z ex�s,wc R�w R P AP N �II E7- Sto.10+04.76 l54.�'LT) DRNN AND INLET � � �� �"1 EX6T � 15' W/ ��� o � � � �� ,��r , �E row000 � ��,� �� � � .�cP�ro I I � se�sows ��� �,,, uaN"a�2 � - D 43 a Q � � � �2 „ � _ - � oi 0 � `^ � ,�� w� ` ky �� ` oaz z �T � ��y � - - � � � _ iN[E7 om�4.��' F � � � w k�� a � PPaoxiMaTE / ��__ CAT-1 F �`'`r F �;�-, . F iB2G/ F F 25;1 B 9, • � �¢ � CATION OF J�� O —___—___� ___ � BRIDGE � � � � rzesr ____ - 9.67'PS iaesr � � � � --- -- --- ---- /2' i Q — — - � � 8:� �2, � GRADE T R 0621 us zzo ro cREENseoRo us 2zo sec �3. 06 �a'as, �3� N - -- - --- /2' 30.5' 4'PS 8:1 /2' 7' PiER - \ ', � 34' m �D1ry � _ �zesr -� ---- - ----- -_ =___— . ___� — � - r�rc _ _ — — T — - -- - - - �_ — N N wo"rH nRs �_ = ' � �`�---- _-- -- � � �- - . - �r2Gl� -- � -- — --- �� � -�-�------ L w � � �� � � � � � � � � �2' � us eeo Ne� _ ' �y I �2' � � � \ � �eRioc �isi Z �I _ __ __ _ GRADE 70 ORAIN 15"' 060 2a�es 26' o � o5ot \ NCReTE RiER � eRiocE � tn I_ RCP-IV � �5^ -- STEEL� PIER — --_ � - -- _— ra�Pave/ �— ��r-z=��T��������- — — � —�ae��- � r-� ��— � � � X W � � � � . .. .�.. . .. .. . ._ .. . T� � � 70E PR07EC7/0 I � � . ^�� 7/E TO EX157 .. . � J z� SEE 50 AlL l z= z. �� . .. I I � �TOE PFi(�rEC7/0�y� GUARDRAIL X �. 4° n . .. lU - I \ � z� m a�� �� w000s _� E57 55 �Y, PSRM REMWE GUARDRAIL ,� �P �� ? �, m a �o �- -- .. _ _. - � -- -- � I, �. ��'W o SEE DET L l �1 ti�p � x J � Ria anP � 4 � ���� w000s ��� � �� z 7a�� waoos � � I N IIwW cRaoE ro aiN �RA55 a � . � � � � waoos �� x_X� � � �� ��z? I - z� flQ � I� � m � � � RiP Rna X � �� � x— II�w��l � � � � ¢ � � � V � � � � aiw � � � � �� � / � \ \ C 98' WW 3. a EXiSiING �_ � I X .. G v� � . �-�— ?J.88 � i / R/� � \ �. � 48" WW WOO�S +42 L � 48 WWC \ � _ I z . � �S � � W �� 6I.6 '. 22+98.6a = � ' - � X r X—X 3�`< C EIP / EI o " PATH -- � EUISTING R/W 48" WW 28.55' E%I ING � - }Q] � MON d MON � � � / / � ``'2, EXIST R/W +72 L.. .. .D ~— . � � OODS EXIST RNJ �-% . � � � +44 L +18 C �- RIP RAP +30 L m i / q \ \ ,�'���+,� , 37' EXIST RN✓ EXIST ILW +21 L +49 L M 1D 147' o . 'o � � \ "i "r �� 149' �� � � � - � - EXIST RNJ . +45 L � 1 b a I � aa^ 3S ELEC z r RIP RAP 147, o SEE 7R.4fySPOR7ATlON MaVAGEMENT PLANS FOR +36 L Q� i � BEGINNING US 220 WORK ZONE LlMITS 15z �z TlE TO EXIST N lRDVyY 57D.DWG.I101D3.SHEET 4 OF 9 REMOVE EX157/NG 2Gl AND REPLACE m �� OZ � FOR MEDIAN CROSSOVER DETAlL51 yylTH TBJB V✓/ MH AND 7/E INTO � 1 STRUC7URE � -LDET- 57A 10+3q.24 EXISTING lB"CMP BMI P.M. McDEVITT +67 L ANCHOR UNIT � ELEV = 700.28' PATTY L. YOUNTS E%IST ILW m DB 889 PG 677 • s N 980382 E 1726301 " o � - PB 30 PG 22 _ � s�N �- +59 L -L- STATION 16+61.14 2.95' LEFT _ p 'o � 137, CHISELED SQUARE ON A YARD WLET GRATE IN o EXIST�RNJ � -� THE MEDIAN OF 220 SOUTH OF THE RAILROAD m �3 REMO✓E EXIST z o GUARDRA/L � o z RETAIN EXISTING 1 � �/ 0�1 i��, srsrEM � � RHONDA GAYE W. CRANE & � MARY MADELINE W. SHARON EiP �m oe �3e5 Pc a2e � PS" B4621-2 PB 64 PG 69 -- Sta, 23+q5,q9 � � 0 F 4e67' RT � A o -LDET - (1/�r = 55 MPH! � o o / Pl Sta 11+37.88 PI Sta l4+13J0 � �A p DETAIL 1 DETAIL 2 z ( NaturQl o p= 8'45' 38.2° �LTI 4= 8'45' 382" fRTJ A �^ � � TOE PROTECTION DITCH CLEAN-OUT o ��o� �o s�o�e� � Ho� �o s�a�a� E D= 3' l0' S92" D= 3' IO' 59.2" �� p z o <F`°�g No���oi ?'o F F`° g-- --- -- 3` a0 L= 275.22' L= 275.22' �4 �i ,�> o`\s°°e �.o��a d' o,�e� p 1.. °-' �,o��a S 56°' T= 137.88' T= 137.88' 1 � � a�;°a d ' -- - "' / R= I,800.00' R= I.800.00' rsRM oe��=x��ie e m �. 0 5 z.o Fr. / SE = SEE PLAIyS SE = SEE PLANS Y a= ,.o F, M°'.a= z.o ". RO = SEE PLANS RO = SEE PLANS 1 B= 2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= PSRM Type of Liner= Closs'B' Rip-Rap / � FROM STA.11+50 TO STA. 12+56 -LDET- (LT� FROM STA.18+16 TO STA. 19+71 -LDET- (LT) NFROM STA.12+96 TO STA.14+25 -LDET- (RT) . \ � rn SEE SHEET 7 FOR -LDET - PROFILE Z O w z � N \ ro rn I h O � o ' X J � �— N � O N 420' LANE SNIFT CLEAN OUT EXIST DITCH TO DAYLlGH7 EXISTING BURIED PIPES. REMOVE EXIST RlP RAP RlP RAP lFOR l�lAlN7ENANCEI E57 75 TONS CL B RlP RAP E57 /75 SY GFD EST 45 CY DDE SEE DETAIL 2.SHEET 2B-1 GRUBBS.TERRY LEE 1N57ALL PORTABLE DB 971PG 2346 CONCRE7E BARRIER rrRaFFic coNrRo� irEM� THIS SHEET IS FOR DETOUR CONSTRUCTION ONLY -LUt I - J70. Ll �ItS.ZJ = —L— Sto. 25+53.99 (1475' LTI V � -LDE� \ PRC Sta. 2/+83.30 � �� �� o � � � � � 1 � wz.�s � 3°30'34" W i � \ i � � m / � � \ � � � ICKMAN, TOMMY LEE � LEWIS,WENDELL C. DB 711 PG 141 - DB 839 PG 747 iseKo as m E D CO STRUCTlO "_, END GRADE —LDET — PT Sta. 2+58.5 = � —LDET— Sta.22+4/.7 = —L— POT Sfa.28+92.62 /5'RTJ ^' —L— Sta 26+7637 (l 6' RTJ iNsr,ut reMPo Rr w000s , �X-� ��� —L— POT Sfa. 33+00.00 p w000s GREU TL-3 X� i� � ExisTiNG a/w 4g' WW i�� /% j � M48 WW ���:—�:— �,t \ i ' �Ai . .. " \ '�� /% N fl is^Rcaoi � �� o�o �NSrALL \ � ��i Q REiAIIy � TEMPORARY ���� �9'B� �i� cn —r �P� CAT-1 __�� �� � - — — — � --- -- —_ � 's -- — �y _ --- -- --- —_ -�� r 99— - � — � -- Kimley >> Horn 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-5352 2B-2 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED �T� NC GRID NAD 83T�SRS 2007 w000s -------- -- _ --_ � _ _ - -- � /2' -- -- — — — -- us 22o se� i o�oi \ zs�esr m� 4'PS F C l22' 2Gl _ — --- \� — — -- --- — -- — -- — � _ _ _ � 0 N i —i4' � � � � � � � � � � � pl� — — — — — IS"RCP� _ — — — — — CON�� � � � � W �— F - - — . r � � - - . dl�c`{2� * T =— --_-- _ — --- _ —_ — _---- ---- � — - - � r , � � � � coN�' � � � � � � � � __ -- ------ � 7E,4�PORARY 070 F � 6.5'PS 8.•/ — --- GRADE TO ORAIN —- US 220 TO MAR7INSU/LLE � " " " 26' oi c -—-———-—-— uS220NBL iNc � SRaoE ro oRwN LDET— I zvesr W CAT -1 - ---- - ._ — - _ - -- -- -- -- --- ---- — � RCP-IV � W -------------------- -- -- ------ i_ _-- - -- — � ���T— T�� �—T—��— TT- SEE TRANSPOR7ATl�JN MANAGEMENr PLANS FOR �� � --_-- �� ______ W �IIFUNNE� �-'�"'-` '�-`�''-`(- .. ._ .. ENDING US 220 WORK ZONE LlMlrS BM3 --��� � �`� Z - - � oRAiN �- -- -- fRDWY570.DWG.I101.03.SHEET 4OF 9 -8�-3 ELEV 728.74' —��� �� � � --� - ��� w000s d � FOR tiIEOIAN CROSSpVER DETAILS) -�- StO, 32+I2,i8 8 N 981985 E R26304 ��� �� 2 ti w000s aiP RaP =�c . � -LDET- STA 24+1/AL� o� ,�. ��� v RiP RAP � Rip RqP RiP RAP OFF Ie98' RT -�- S1Ari0N 32+6i.65 e2.69' RT � esr �� � �x WW x x� X x X x x x x x x x��w "10 -�x _ ��� CHISELED SQUARE ON BASE OF BUS 220 ������ �� �� � _ � � � � 48" W��Ai 96 CH ExiSTWG r+/w - ._ -. - -- X�� W — � � ��\ \�\ --- — — _ _ - _ - 2 _ — — — — — --- l9'BS7 —_______� � q8"WW \� \ � — — — — — — — 2�+86.1� 3 \ PEXTILE PLANT RD. SR 22/3 �� ���.. \\ � � i09.59' 20'GRAVEL¢ CH GATE I �__ � _ ___ ___ ______— �— � '� �� i w � \ / � ' — _ — — — _ — — — — — — 3}�--- 96"CNL rnorv � � �` _ �J I� � _ _ fD - � � � �i ' EiP �— Ci Exisriuc aiw R / 7-�� � \. � � ---���---��--��� � °p d �b ; a Q 3�.aa.�z w � I ��� --- coNc wa�K � � \ � f3Q t7� CS a �� � is9.aa� � � / e� I� �—�-� � ���� ��� "� RE,�OVE EA�IST l/yLET p� . '�, � � �' � � � � � \ � � AN�BREPLACE WIiH I I � � EST 65�SY PSRM � � � . . . . .. .. . . . .. . - .. . . � � � ( � j � V � \ re w MH i i sEE oErau � i � �� � � - woaos � _ isFo � DETAIL 1 � � ISBLK BUS �I / � , TOE PROTECTION \ � I � Ino� o s�ie� �s, � WOODS �P° � I I / � ry, o\\S\oQe \ � � / Natural F� � I I I // Ground d $�y, � I I I \ / \ _ PSRM � PATTY L YOUNTS � w � DB 1252 PG 1554 I - d= t.oF�. PB 30 PG 22 � � �� o STONE. EVELYN H. rypa of u�e.= Psana / // I DB 95E PG 316 / / �n FROM STA. 20 i 00 TO STA. 21 I 47 —LDET— �RT) � . / FROM $TA 22+01 TO $TA.23+50 —LDET— (LT) PRorEcrio 65 SY PSR DETAIL l � REMovE aNa RESEr EXISTING GUARORAIL � FOR DETOUR USAGE � � � SCALES,STERLING AND ERNA L. � - DB 604 PG 337 - P_M. McDEVITT ` ParTv �. vouNrs g -LDET- N�,= 55 MPHI DB 889 Pc s�� Pl Sta 20+45.96 PI Sto 23+2I.I8 PB 30 PG 22 0= 8' 45' 38.2° fRTJ p= 8' 45' 38.2" (LTJ D= 3' l0' S9.2" D= 3' IO' 59.2" L = 275.22' L = 275.22' T = 137.88' T = 137.88' R = 1,800.00' R = 1,800.00' SE = SEE PLANS SE = SEE PLANS RO = SEE PLANS RO = SEE PLAIyS SEE SHEET 7 FOR —LDET — PROFILE a 0 E � h 0 L N � � m 0 � 0 3 0 0 0 � N � � � m � N � � O O 0 3 0 0 0 � Q � Y �°1[° �°][�lE �]F I��]Eg°][°]�[ �.�]Eg�l[�J[�i � [�l[�%����1� �]F 1H[l[�C°u1H[�A��'� SUMMARY OF EARTHWORK I1V CUBIC YARDS EXCAVATION EMBANKMENT WASTE sinnoN STATION TOTAL EMBANKMENT BORROW UNCLASSIFIED UNDERCUT +� TOTAL PHASE I (DETOUR) SUMMARY NO.1 -LDET- 10+00.00 -LDET- 17+04.46 396 13 383 -LDET- 18+47.27 -LDET- 24+58.52 125 52 73 -LDET- ESTIMATED SHOULDER MATERIAL 313 313 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 1 SUBTOTAL 521 378 313 456 PHASE II (MAINLINE) SUMMARY N0.2 -L- 14+38.38 -L- 21+3822 383 196 187 -L- 23+00.22 -L- 28+92.62 274 691 417 -L- ESTIMATED SHOULDER MATERIAL 658 658 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 3 SUBTOTAL 657 1545 1075 187 PHASE III (REMOVE DETOUR) SUMMARY N0.3 -LDET- 10+00.00 -LDET- 17+04.46 33 7 26 -LDET- 18+47.27 -LDET- 24+58.52 46 8 38 -LDET- SHOULDER REMOVAL 261 261 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 3 SUBTOTAL 340 15 325 SUMMARY TOTAL 1518 1938 1388 968 LOSS DUE TO CLEARING & GRUBBING -600 600 EARTH WASTE TO REPLACE BORROW -456 -456 PROJECT TOTAL 918 1938 1532 512 EST.S% TO REPLACE TOPSOIL ON BORROW PIT 77 GRAND TOTAL 918 1938 1609 512 SAY 1000 1700 ESTIMATED SHALLOW UNDERCUT 100 CY ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DITCH EXCAVATION 150 CY ESTIMATED CLA55 IV SUBGRADE STABILIZATION 200 TONS ESTIMATED UNDERCUT EXCAVATION 350 CY ESTIMATED SELEGT GRANULAR MATERIAL 200 CY ESTIMATED GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION 500 SY �°1[° �°][�lE �]F I��]Eg°][°]�[ �.�]Eg�l[,�l�i� ��`V����l� �]F 1H[��]H[�A��Y� "N" = DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF LANE TO FACE OF GUARDRAIL. TOTAL SHOULDER WIDTH = DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF TRAVEL L4NE TO SHOULDER BREAK POINT. FLARE LENGTH = DISTANCE FROM LAST SKTION OF PARALLEL GUARDRAIL TO END OF GUARDRAIL. W= TOTAL WIDTH OF FLARE FROM BEGINNING OF TAPER TO END oF ��ARo�.��. GUARDRAIL SUMMARY G= GATING IMPACT ATTENUATOR TYPE TL-3 NG = NON-GATING IMPACT ATfENUATOR TYPE TL-3 LENGTH WARRANT POINT ��N" FLARE LENGTH W ANCHORS IMPACT REMOVE TOTAL SURVEY DIST. ATTENUATOR REMOVE qND RESET LINE BEG. STA END STA. LOCATION FROM SHOULDER TYPE TL-3 TERMINAL EXISTING EXISTING REMARKS SHOP DOUBLE APPROACH TR.4ILING WIDTH APPROACH TRP,ILING APPROACH TRAILING TEMP TEMP SECTIONS GUARDRAIL STRAIGHT CURVED FACED END END E.O.L CAT-1 B-77 GREU GUARDRAIL END END END END «`T-� 7�_3 Ep, G NG -L- 13+70.56 21+33.06 LT 762.50' 21+33.06 12' 15' 1 1 750' -L- 14+29.30 21+48.05 RT 718.75' 21+48.05 12' 15' 50' 1' 1 740' iie io EXIST GUARDRAIL -L- 14+31.33 21+37.58 RT (MED) 706.25' 21+37.58 6' 9' 50' 1' 1 729' Tie To E%IST GUARDRAIL -L- 15+51.08 21+26.08 LT (MED) 575.00' 21+26.08 6' 9' 125' 25' 2'-b" 0'-b" 575' rie ro EXIST GUARDRAIL -L- 22+97.86 28+91.61 RT (MED) 593.75' 22+97.86 6' 9' S0' 1' 1 613' Tie To E%IST GUARDRAIL -L- 23+06.42 27+68.92 LT (MED) 462.50' 23+ObA2 6' 9' 125' 2'-6" 463' iie ro EXIST GUARDRAIL -L- 23+08.34 25+64.59 RT 25625' 23+08.34 12' 15' 25' 0'-6" 1 275' iie ro E%IST GUARDRAIL SUBTOTAL 4075.00' LESS ANCHOR DEDUCTIONS CAT-1 1 @ 625' = 6.25' B-77 5 @ 18J5' = 93J5' TOTAL 3975.00' 1 5 4138' SAY 4000.00' -LDET- 10+00.00 10+06.25 LT 6.25' 10+00.00 6'-9" 9'-9" 1 Tennaorsnav cuneow.a; ne To exisr -LDET- 11+24.98 11+74.98 LT 50.00' 11+24.98 VARIES VARIES 50' 1' 1 TEn4PORARY GUARDRAIL;TIE TO EXIST -LDET- 15+40.26 15+90.26 RT 50.00' 15+90.26 VARIES VARIES 50' 1' 1 Tennaorsnav cuneo2a.a; ne To exisr -LDET- 18+47.57 20+62.07 RT 187.50' -LDET- 20+62.07 20+68.32 RT 6.25' 20+62.07 4' 8' 1 TEMPORARY GUARDRAIL -LDET- 23+29.75 23+36.00 LT 6.25' 23+36.00 6'-3" 9'-3" 1 TEMPORARY GUARDRAIL;TIE TO exisr -LDET- 23+95.86 24+45.86 LT 50.00' 24+45.86 VARIES VARIES 50' 1' 1 TEMPORARY GUARDRAIL; TIE TO exisT SUBTOTAL 168.75' LESS ANCHOR DEDUCTIONS TEMP CAT-1 3@ 6.25' = 18J5' TEMP GREU TL-3 3@ 50.00' = 150.00' TOTAL 0 3 3 187.50' ADDITIONAL GUARDRAIL POSTS = 5 EA SUMMARY OF SHOULDER BERM GUTTER LINE STATION TO STATION LOCATION LENGTH (LF) -L- 14+28.00 TO 14+42.00 RT 14 -L- 16+18.00 TO 16+46.00 RT 28 -L- 17+64.00 TO 21+22.47 RT 358.47 -L- 23+32.75 TO 25+67.00 RT 234.25 -LDET- 10+50.00 TO 16+86.00 LT 636.00 TOTAL 1270.72 SAY 1275 � 0 N � � c a 0 E � � o'` `i N ui M � m � 0 � � 0 3 a 0 0 � N � � � i m � N � � O 0 0 3 a 0 0 � Q � Y �°1[° �°][�lE �]F I��]Eg°][°]�[ �.�]Eg�l[,�l�i� ��`V����l� �]F 1H[��]H[�A��Y� REMOVAL OF EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT LINE STATION TO STATION LOCATION SQ. YDS. -L- 14+25 TO 21+26 LT 762 -L- 14+28 TO 14+42 RT 2 -L- 14+38 TO 21+14 RT (MED) 171 -L- 16+18 TO 16+46 RT 3 -L- 16+93 TO 21+44 LT (MED) 90 -L- 77+64 TO 21+22 RT 384 -L- 21+14 TO 21+68 RT 146 -L- 22+79 TO 23+31 RT 139 -L- 22+98 TO 26+38 LT (MED) 60 -L- 23+24 TO 28+93 RT (MED) 269 -L- 23+30 TO 25+67 RT 210 TEMP PAVEMENT -LDET- 10+34 TO 15+69 LTiRT 513 -LDET- 18+94 TO 24+11 LTiRT 567 TOTAL 3,316 SAY 3,400 CHAIN LINK FENCE, 48" FABRIC E _ [A-(8B + 16C + 16D�] + (B + 2C + 2D) - (B + C + D) F = (B + C + D) 12 2 A B C D E F STATION STATION LT or RT FABRIC END BRACE CORNER BRACE LINE BRACE LINE TERMINAL (LF) POST POST 14+31.24 -L- 14+61.18 -L- RT 30 2 1 2 3 16+08.03 -L- 16+47.97 -L- RT 40 2 3 2 17+90.29 -L- 18+20.28 -L- RT 30 2 1 2 3 21+09.23 -L- 21+48.46 -L- RT 148 2 3 5 7 10 23+08.74 -L- 23+55.81 -L- RT 103 2 1 1 8 4 TOTAL 351 10 4 8 22 22 SAY 360 10 4 8 22 22 �°1[° �°][�lE �]F I��]Eg°][°]�[ �.�]Eg�l[,�l�i� ��`V����l� �]F 1H[��]H[�A��Y� SUMMARY OF AGGREGATE SUBGRADE /STABILIZATI0111 Class IV Geotextile Class IV Aggregate Aggregate Shallow Stabilizer , Subgrade for Soil Aggregate LINE Station Station Type Thickness Undercut Stabilization Stabilization Aggregate Stabilization ASU/AST INCHES CY TONS SY TONS TONS CONTINGENCY 100 200 500** TOTAL CY/fONS�SY 100 200 500** *ASU = Aggregate Subgrade *AST = Aggregate Stabilization **Total square yards of "Geotextile for Soil $tabilization" is only the estimated quantity for ASU/AST and may only represent a portion of the geotextile quantity shown in the Item Sheets of the Proposal. � 0 N � � z O > � � O N \ � 0 -�- rvi �io.c -RR- POC Sta. � = 75° 3/' 9.3„ -L- , ` END BRIDGE � -L- Sta.23+00.22 \ END APPROACH _i _ c� � �r�vi���� ���� ��I/I. ��%/�� _ _ ,� _ _ , ; n T e-�� _ _ _ _ � BEGIN APPROACH -� SLAB -L - Sto. 2/+14.08 N 2° 57' 43.0" W BEGIN BRIOGE �s �Avco s�+ou�crr -L- Sfa.2/+38.22 sec - sHou�oER eERM currER DETAIL SHOWING BRIDGE /PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 0 0 -L- POT Sta. 10+00.00 -L- POT Sfa.13+70.56 J\ � � � .. .. .��v�:.v"��2r"z .. �,J � \ �'--�\ �� i � � EI o /. /:' \ � \ � . DETAIL 1 MEDIAN V DITCH --- �Na��o:<a�e, --- shaulder SFo�lder �� ao m o� < R'/p� l 2 \o gt FROM STA.15+50 TO STA.18+50 -L- FROM STA.19+25 TO STA. 20+00 -L- DETAIL 2 STANDARD BASE DITCH INo��o s<aiel NaNrol Notuml Gro�nd 1;� ry�� Ground d � Geoiex�ile g Min. D= 1 F�. Man.d= 1 F. B= 3 F. Type o! L'iner= Closs I R'ip-Rop FROM STA.21+40 TO STA.21+90 -L- �RTJ INSTALL SHOULDER BERM GUTTER FROM STA 14+28 TO 14+q2 -L- (RTJ 15" CSP W/ ELBOWS REMOVE FUNNELINLET AND FUNNEL DRNN 0 0 � � \ — �zMc;G� � -��:;M � DE7CUR PHASE REMOVE lS' PIPE FRJI.? ^A �,4f v --- SEE DF � DETOUR PNASE AND PLUG STRUCTURE 045/ ,i RETAIN SY Tc4, , �DETOJR P ..�.,. � � RET,GM1 b`"STEMS � DETOUR PHASE END OVERLAY � %� BEGIN GRADE � �/ -L- Sta.17+64.00 ,,s���S i � %� RETAM l5" i7CP FROPA - DE70UR PHASE � �� �, i RETAIN 2Gl FR04� �,�II o DETOUR PHASE CONVERT T ,.- �28" Q ��� W/ MH FRO�'� (NC + ;, � DETOUR PH ;� 7YP1 � TO ffil I i I � � 0 0 N Kimley >> Horn 421 FAYETTEVILLE $TREET, $UITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 � � __� NAD 83T1SR5 2007 RETAM EXIST BRIOGE TlE TO EXIST STRUCTURE � aNcr+oR uNrr FOR FiNA� rRaFFic PnrrERN REMOVE AND REPLACE GUARDRA/L �-CN � o ��7Ai� l 0451 -L- a:i � N 2° 57' 43.0" W 6� Ps 24 so:i F US 220 � - - - - - - F- - _— = — -- - - _— - - - - � -- ` - 8:1 6' PS 12' �� N� 6 PS 12' > 12' 0413) N � �--/ 0415 �042Tr/2' � � /2' l2' - e`� —' - - —' o4i7 9.67'PS 9.67'PS � F REMOVE AND REPLACE F �� I F F F -- �0401 �UARORA/L 15" RCP IV 1 -. F = NSTALL SNOULDER RFRM G(�i i R� - I � ,�_ �"�� 15" CSP W� - � •� ELBOWS FROM STA l6+18 TO �b+46 L lFT. �RF1 �F INNF� lNLE7�5 � REMOVE AND REPLACE �\ 15" CSP w/ � Q �+rL �PAh� 1I GUARDRAIL � ri ELBOWS _ REMOVE AND REPLACS 15" CSP W/ Oa 4 48"CHA/N UNK FENCE ...� �\ELBOWS �pq 2 � (TYP) � �n, \�' W +44 :ii LEr P , -�. ,., - 2 TONS �� +,r - ,� ,��u a^ � ;�c�v ..�1� b �N .. , � ,QL U .r SNGULDEl7 OERM GUTTER INTO EXl7/NG SHOULGER GERM GUTTER. DETAIL 3 STANDARD BASE DITCH � Hoi �o Smle� ural Noiural Ground zj ,�� Gro�nd D Min. D= 1 Ff. � B= 4 F. FROM STA.11+30 TO STA.13+07 -RR- (LT� � +16 �L� / EXIST R/W +21 L _ _ 149 ?l, , t � ~+ � Oa16j I- �9 /�/ � N +49 L I I () / — E%IST ILW i I Y 36 (L) aW r z� F� / our�Er PRorEcrioN EST 2 TONS CL B RlP R.-� � EST 7 SY GFD `� � INSTALL SHOULDER BERM GUT7ER FROM STA 17+54 TO 7/+77.47 -1.- (RTJ >— f�`,� \���Sf � �; � 0� ��,:; �2�v — � � EST l5 ,'�5 +45 L I RlP R,vr 147' I EST 30 Y G`^ S7D 3' BASE � C I/ cST 20 TONS �� N P R.=." EST 23 SY GFD +67L S= 4%, DDE c CY EXIST ILW SEE DETAIL 2 � OUTLET PPO C ., � EST l5 TO � C� FiP ',�- EST 30 SY GFD +9622�L� EXIST WW i i PLUG, FILL AND ABANDON EXlS7 24" RCP —� � 5-D » RAS� .. - — C.4%. ..__ _7t``'_ _ -RR r PT Sto. 12+82.54 � - TQ� �,.,— � � � -RR- POT Sta. /3+82.96 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-5352 4 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURE$ COMPLETED -RR- PC Sto. 11+28.74 L L' �,P ,R�:;�= E 0 SY GF R TNf� MPROVE � - FROM C __-� nE ro Exisr STRUCTURE ANCNOR UNIT FOR FINAL 7RAFFIC PAT7ERN —18" CSP W/ ELBOWS O � � + ���_� � -�- �"� 800 N 30 0429 �� � � �_ � �AN� � �rV�_. � =k �T PS ._ ,'� 50:/ � ---- F� ��� w _ � Ta W W � _ GI � R', � W \ ��A oaoa z V��: � q a�iE _ � ,I ,A�� B A JD 2-+' RCP Z �` � � 15" CS — � � � WiELB 5 Q � (0431` \ � � Q Fi Z � � -� � �0404� 1� 1 -� N � lT � O � N mi / OUTLE7 PROTECTIuid EST 2 70NS CL 8 RlP RAP EST 7 SY GFD a.6 -RR- Pl Sta /2+05.66 p = 3° 26' 47.3" �RTI D = 2° /4' 27./„ L = 153.80' T = 76.92' R = 2.556.86' SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEETS S-ITHRU S-? FOR STRUCTURE PLANS —�— —RR US 220 B-5352 RE��qC CROSS ��� lVT 0� BRIDGE /UOo /3/ SECTlOIV lIVDEX X—1 THRU X—l8 X—l9 THRU X 22 fE: EMBANKMENT COLUMN DOES NOT INCLUDE BACKFILL FOR UNDERCUT Station Uncl. Exc. Embt Station Uncl. Exc. L (cu. yd.) (cu. yd.) L (cu. yd.) 14+38.38 0 0 27+50.00 5 14+50.00 3 0 27+75.00 5 14+75.00 6 0 28+00.00 � 15+00.00 6 0 28+25.00 15+25.00 6 0 28+50.00 15+50.00 6 0 28+75.00 15+75.00 6 1 28+g2.62 16+00.00 7 2 16+25.00 11 2 16+50.00 11 2 LDET 16+75.00 8 2 10+00.00 17+00.00 12 1 10+25.00 17+25.00 15 1 10+50.00 17+50.00 14 1 10+75.00 17+64.00 10 0 11+00.00 17+75.00 10 0 11+25.00 18+00.00 22 0 11+50.00 18+25.00 22 0 11+75.00 18+50.00 23 0 12+00.00 18+75.00 23 1 12+25.00 19+00.00 21 1 12+50.00 19+25.00 20 2 12+75.00 19+50.00 19 2 13+00.00 19+75.00 18 2 13+25.00 20+00.00 15 2 13+50.00 20+25.00 14 2 13+75.00 20+50.00 13 2 14+00.00 20+75.00 11 3 14+25.00 21+00.00 9 5 14+50.00 21+25.00 16 86 14+75.00 21+38.22 6 43 15+00.00 L 23+00.22 23+25.00 23+50.00 23+75.00 24+00.00 24+25.00 24+50.00 24+75.00 25+00.00 25+25.00 25+50.00 25+67.00 25+75.00 26+00.00 26+25.00 26+50.00 26+75.00 27+00.00 27+25.00 (cu. yd.) 0 5 11 14 16 18 21 23 23 21 20 13 5 14 13 10 6 5 5 (cu. yd.) 0 101 159 92 54 47 48 41 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 15+25.00 15+50.00 15+75.00 16+00.00 16+25.00 16+50.00 16+75.00 17+00.00 17+04.46 Embt (cu. yd.) 4 2 n STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CROSS-SECTION SUMMARY Station Uncl. Exc. Embt Station Uncl. Exc. LDET (cu. yd.) (cu. yd.) 18+47.27 0 0 18+50.00 0 0 �Q��c nn n n PROJ.REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-5352 X-1A Approximate quantities only. Clearing and grubbing, unclassified excavation, borrow excavation, fine grading, and removal of existing asphalt pavement will be paid for at the lump sum price for "Grading." Embt I Station I Uncl. Exc. I Embt I Station I Uncl. Exc. I Embt c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y c a 0 ti W O � �� 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y C � O � � 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y C � O � � 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y C � O � � 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y C � O � � 4 O� N Ul � �1 m U � k O � � O � N � � � m N � M O O 0 3 � 0 0 � J� Q � Y � �j��lW�jv North Carolina Department of Transportation \ Storn�water ' � �,,.,,., .., Highway Stormwater Program ��- STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN �_— (Version 2.07; Released October 2016) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 46066.1.1 TIP No.: B-5352 County ies : Rockingham Page 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 46066.1.1 TIP Number: B-5352 Pro'ect T pe: Brid e Replacement Date: 9/1/2017 NCDOT Contact: Bill Elam, PE Contractor I Designer: Kimley-Horn & Associates Address: NCDOT Hydraulics Unit Address: z00 South Tryon Street 1020 Birch Ridge Drive Suite 200 Ralei h, NC 27610 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: 919-707-6718 Phone: 704-319-5683 Email: belam ncdot. ov Email: 'ason.lawin kimle -horn.com CitylTown: Stoneville County(ies): Rockingham River Basin s: Roanoke CAMA Count ? No Wetlands within Project Limits? No Pro'ect Description Project Length (lin. miles or feet): 0.286 Miles Surrounding Land Use: Rural, Industrial Pro osed Pro'ect Existin Site Project Built-Upon Area (ac.) 3.03 ac. 2.78 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: 2@ 12' wide lanes with 6' wide inside shoulder and 12' wide outside shoulder (on 2@ 12' wide lanes with 2' wide inside shoulder & 2' wide outside shoulder (on bridge). bridge). Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Design/Future: 30100 Year: 2040 Existing: 19336 Year: 2018 General Project Narrative: Replacement of Bridge No. 131 on NB US 221 Bypass over Norfolk Southern Railroad in Rockingham County. The existing bridge, overall length (OAL) = 121' and width = 29', (Description of Minimization of Water will be replaced with a bridge having an OAL = 162' and width of 42' (face of rail to face of rail). The new bridge is wider than the existing bridge to provide the required Quality Impacts) shoulders necessary for roadway and drainage. The bridge and approaches are being widened to provide the minimum lanes and shoulders for safe travel. To replace the bridge, a detour will be constructed across the median to shift traffic to SB US 221 Bypass Bridge. This detour will be removed and area allowed to re-vegetate once the NB bridge has been replaced. Roadside ditches that were affected due to the detour and mainline fill slopes will be replaced in kind. Rip rap is placed on the bridge sloping abutments to act as slope stabilization and prevent erosion. Runoff from the bridge is captured on the low side of the bridge in shoulder berm gutter and tra�c bearing 2G1's. Project does not include bridge spanning over water body. There is an existing 3 barrel box culvert near the beginning of the project that carries Mountain Run Creek under the roadway. However, no improvements will be made to the existing box culvert and no stream impacts are anticipated to Mountain Run Creek. The onlyjurisdictional impacts on the project that are anticipated are to an unnamed tributary to Mountain Run Creek in the southwest quadrant of the bridge replacement. The jurisdictional stream begins at the outfall of an existing 24" pipe flowing from a stormdrain system on the railroad ROW. Waterbod Information Surface Water Bod 1: Unnamed Tributa to Mountain Run Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 22-30-9 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Water Supply IV (WS-IV) Supplemental Classification: None Other Stream Classification: None Impairments: None Aquatic T&E Species? No Comments: N/A NRTR Stream ID: N/A Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? N/A Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? N/A Deck Drains Dischar e Over Water Bod ? N/A (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) � � 0 0 3 � � Y � N , N � m � � See Sheet 1A For Index of Sheets See Sheet 98 For Conventional Symbols See Sheet 9C- 9 for Survey Control Sl�et BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -L- Sta. 13 + 83.06 TO GREENSBORO S�'��°I� �l� ������"II� ����J���I�.,�I�T�1 11U'��� ���'l�� �°��ll' 1��I 1L�"1111 V'V' s���� ROCI�II�GHAM COU11tT�' LOCATI011t: BIZIDGE 11i0.131 0111 US 220 NBL OI�ER NORFOLK SOUTHER11t RAILROAD TYI'E OF WORK GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURE WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT MOUNTAIN RUN' CREEK f: )1 i� r�� � ° °� _�_ �� � � 0 US 220 � � BRIDGE NO. 131 �� SITE 1 BEGIN BRIDGE MOUNTA�N -L- Sta. 21-F 38.22 RUN CREEK END BRIDGE -L- Sta. 23+00.22 THIS PROJECT IS A CONTROLLED-ACCESS PROJECT WITH ACCESS BEING LIMITED TO INTERCHANGES THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISNED BY METHOD III PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 8 _ � � NC GRID NAD 83MSR5 2007 END TIP PROJECT 8-5352 END CONSTRUCTION -L- Sta. 28+92.62 TO VIRGINIA STATE LINE NO IMPACTS ON SHEET 5 GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH Kimley>>>Horn �DRAULICS ENGINEER PLANS PREPARBD FOR ADT 2018 = 19336 VPD THE NCDOT BY: °"` 50 25 0 50 100 ADT 2040 = 30100 VPD �� E o° °qr� � DHV = ����a LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-5352 = 0.255 MILE$ zo�s srnxn..3rcn sr�crkicnrioNs � V ��` '�o� PLAN$ p =$50�o JEFFREY W. MDORE; P.E. r.E. a ' a� LENGTH STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT B-5352 = 0.031 MILES PRa,��T E.��,nEER SICN.9TURE: y = 50 25 0 50 100 T = 23 /o RIGHT OF WAY DATE: ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER � V = 65 MPH TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-5352 = 0.286 MILES .NOPEMBER rs, 2016 CA'lHER1NE A. MURRE7.I., P.c. `�"r eo`~ PROFILE (NORIZONTAL) Vo� = 55 MPH raolecz nr:srcu exc,ixr�n oF TswMs * iTST =14% DUAL= 9% 10 5 0 70 z0 FUNC CLASS= RURAL FREEWAY LETTING DATE: � NOVEMBER 20, 2018 THAD R DUNCAN, P.E. � � � � � _I (FUTURE INTERSTATE) NCDor coxr�cr PROFILE (VERTICAL) "STATEWIDE TIER" srcn:�izurcE: rE 0 > � � � N M O O 3 8 � � � Y n O N N C m -�- rv� ��a.c -RR- POC Sto. � = 75' 3/' 93' -L- , � \ � ELC �r a-n e-n 'PR�ACH -L- - Sta.2lff A8 N 2' S7' 43A" y� 3EGl BRIDGE PS - PAVED SHOVLDER 'L- SJO.ZI'�'.�'B.PZ SBG - SHOULOER BER.(�1 DETAII SHOWING BRIDGE /PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP � * 0 -L- POT Sta. IO+OOAO I� \ ---�-------- ' ���L,�' - -�. - Z - -i--Z—^=-T-=E-- . \L J .�, g „�+,urti,�r.w� �r e�� - . .. q -.'�'� — , \ • \ �� �� DETAIL 1 MEOIAN V OITCH o >����, �u,��, � o � s„o�,�, ,,,, ��, �, a,� ` e� F�he�l ryF\a�e� FROM STA. 75 + 50 TO SiA. 18 r 50 ��1� FROM STA. 19 �-25 TO STA. 20+00 -l- DETAII 2 STANDAftD `6ASE DITCH Nnru.ai h'eniml G�ovn 7.� � 1� ��,..��d D G�o+�.-'_� 8 M'n�. D= I �i. nw.. d = i n. R= 3 H. rw^ <-rc�,�.- c.a,t i e�a n�n FRO,4l STA. 71 � AO TG STi�. 21 - 90 L(RT', -L- `��-.�,ti ; _ �� �_ •INSTy(L SHOULDEft B6R�1 GUTTfR— FROM STA l4+pg TO l4+qp -L- fRTI 75" CSP W/— ELDOwS ReMovE FuNNEc �N�ET - AND FUNNEL DRAIN ! / ✓ OUT LE7 PROT EC71ON E57 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP E57 7 SY Gf0 g � — !�- � IAEDlAN V Dl7CH SEE OETAIL I �_;� f�,..._ -L - US 220 � � _ - - - - - - REMaVE ExISTING FUNNEI ORAIN INLErS.FuNNEL ORAlNS.AND SriOULaER BER�FI GUTTER-CURB TRANS�TlONS. �NSTALL PROPOSED TB2G1'S QNU TlE NEW SHWLDER BERAI GUT7ER 1NT0 EXISTING SHOULDER OERAI GUTTER. DETAIL 3 STANDARD BASE DRCH i tio �o � �:oi C.o.ntl z � O ,L.� G ovM Miri. D- 1"f. � � � e- a c�. � � FROM STA. l i�� 30 TO STA. 13 - 0/ -RR- (LT� - REMwe z�� FRo� DETOUR P/lASE �REMWE l5"PIPE fROM DETOUR PHASE AND PLUG STRUCTURf 045/ W U e a � 1� i RETNN SYSTEM FROM J I - DEiOUR PHASE � ReraN srsrEMs S/'�hDE70UR PHASE . � / ,1 RE7AlN l5' RCP FRO,(I DfTWR PHASE aEraN zc� Fr+oM = CONVERT TBJo DETOUR PMASE WW/ MH Fr+pM � DETOUR PHASE -- TO ZGI F -INSTALL SNOULOER BERM GUTTER ��'kcPiv FR0.41 STA l6+1$ TO 16+q6 -L- �RT) REMGVE FUNNEL NyLET5 � is�cSe w� % AND FUNNEL ORAINS ELBOWS % + \ / J A F -!_: ouT�r PROTECTION E5T 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP EST 7 SY GFD CO LEGEND �DENOTES IMPAGTS IN SUkPACE `NATER 100' 0' 100' GRAPHIC SCALE �► I I S O N Kimley�>>Horn 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 R4LEIGH, NC 27601 ��_,i NC GRID NqD 83MSRS 2007 _ - - - -,- � F �, F REMO✓E FUNNEL INLET F F� RE.NO E Ex15T - M!0 FUNNfL DRAIIy �5" CSP w 24'R ANO l ELBOWS � EXIST JB \ li" CSP W.� � e�oows 4� � � F . --`".r.-- —�c--�c�--'-=- f'��r - � ' L OUTLET PRO7ECTION EST 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP O EST 7 SY GFD 2 S ITE 1 INSTALL SHOULDER BERM GL'T7ER FROIA �TA 17+6q TO 21+2247 -L- lRTJ y/ IMPACT ENLARGEMENT SCALE: 1" = 50' � our�r PRorEcrioN EST r5 TONS CL I RIP RAP E5T 30 Sl' GFO STD 3'BASE 017CH W/ EST 20 TONS CL l RlP RAP E57 23 SY GFD 5 = �i. ODE = 6 C✓ SEE OE7AlL 2 Ou71ET PR07fCTlON EST l5 TONS CL l RIP RAP E5T 30 SY CFO PLUG.FILL AMD ABANDJN EXlST 24'RCP STO 4' BASE DlTCH 5= 0.4%. DOE = 90 CY SEE DETAlL : -RR- PT Sto.12+8254 TRfNCHlF55 �NSTALLATION - 36'WELDED STEEL -RR- POT Sto.13+82.96 70E PAO7ECTlON SEE OFTlJL 2. SHEE7 5 PROIECT ftEFERENCE NO. SHECE NO. B-5352 4 R/W SHEEf NO. ROaDWAY HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGWEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT DRAWING SNEET 2 OF 8 -RR- PC Sto. 11+2874 OU7LET PROTECTION F_=T 4 TON.; CL B R/P RAP EST 10 Sr GFD RETNN DITCN — i�PROVEMENTs FROM DE70(/R 78" CSP W/ EIBOWS W 2 f-PLUQ FILL ANQ /�E7lvVCON ExIST 18" RC? \ � REbID✓E � \JB AND 2 RCP \ t5' CS J � W ELG 5 �� �.r - Z TCB-4 F r � U1 � � � �? m DUTLE7' PROTECTION EST 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP Esr � sr cFo 0 � N ti � I J � � W Z � W W N SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEETS S-ITHRU 5-? FOR STRUCTURE PLAA/5 O > � � � O O 3 8 � � � Y � O N N C m -L- POT Sta.22+16.89 = � E C -RR- POC Sto.11+9956 � -L- � = 75' 3/' 93' -L- , � �F �r a-n e-n 'PR�ACH -L- - Sta.2lff A8 N 2' S7' 43A" y� 3EGl BRIDGE PS - PAVED SHOVLDER 'L- SJO.ZI'�'.�'B.PZ SBG - SHOULOER BER.(�1 DETAII SHOWING BRIDGE /PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP � 0 -L- POT Sta. IO+OOAO I� \ -L- W U g ¢ -F a � �REMwe z�� FRo� �DETOUR P/lASE RENQVf l5"PIPE fRO.0 �_ _ / -,_.: � ".h -` �� �_ ��' . _ t _ � — IAEDlAN V Dl7CH � - - a� - SEE OETAIL I - - _ _ - � �' �,� � : -_ 'n`'-' _ � = ��-' . � -'r�- . L � t = � - ; .. - : __ � _ . _ . � -� __�� . —_—�------ — r � J' -�. - z - -�--T---�=-�-� _ _,_ _ _ _ _ - �' �NSTALL-SNDULDER BER.0 GUTTfR— �� -_ _ � FROAI� STA 14+28_TQ_14tq2 -L-. (RT) � � �`s""rr"r C _ u^ cse w� _— g a��"�- - ei¢Ows P�' - � rn • � . � ` -� REMOvf FuNNft �NtET.-- � � . ��Ml� FUNNEL ORAIN .. � ri � —�--"� � . \ , �� ;`�,\ .� �` : _ - �,. . . � , . 1�� � �V __ . -- - _ � DETAIL 1 MEOIAN V OITCH o >����, �u,��, � o � s„o�,�, ,.,,� r�:�� a,� ` e� F�he�l ryF\a�e� FROM STA. 75 + 50 TO SiA. 18 r 50 ��1� FROM STA. 19 �-25 TO STA. 20+00 -l- DETAII 2 STANDAftD `6ASE DITCH Nnru.ai h'eniml G�ovn 7.� � 1� ��,..��d D G�o+�.-'_� 8 M'n�. D= I �i. nw.. d = i n. R= 3 H. rw� <-r�,,,�.- ��a,t � R�P R�„ FRO,4l STA. 71 � AO TG STi�. 21 - 90 L(RT', OUT LE7 PROT EC71ON E57 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP E57 7 SY Gf0 REMaVE ExISTING FUNNEI ORAIN INLErS.FuNNEL ORAlNS.AND SriOULaER BER�FI GUTTER-CURB TRANS�TlONS. �NSTALL PROPOSED TB2G1'S QNU TlE NEW SHWLDER BERAI GUT7ER 1NT0 EXISTING SHOULDER OERAI GUTTER. DETAIL 3 STANDARD BASE DRCH i tio �o � �:oi C.o.ntl z � O ,L.� G ovM Miri. D- 1"f. � � � e- a c�. � � FROM STA. l i�� 30 TO STA. 13 - 0/ -RR- (LT� -L - � US 220 . � g O N Kimley�>>Horn 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 R4LEIGH, NC 27601 ��_,i NC GRID NqD 83MSRS 2007 OETOUR.. PHLSf AND = � � I � � PLUG STRUCTURf 0451 � . ��� I � . , . '� - RETNN SYSTEdI FROI.! J J RETNM SYSTEMS FP,OM � DETOUR PHASE DETOUR PHASE � � � S�./ y . . :7 � �� f �� - � � . - � -_ . - � RET A(N l5' RCP FRp.(I . �. _ ._,--`\ -DETOUR PHASE -=�: � - �-� � . . . . . _ _ _ .� _ _ __ . _ _ � . RET AlN 2Gl FROM - � -' - - � - - � _ � _ 2 DETOUP PMASE- - �: � � _= __- - - � a CONVERT�TGJc" _�4� -_ � . . _ W W/ MH FaOM _ _ - _ � �ETOUR PHASc -� -`��. - -- - _ TO ZGI - __ ' � .. �.,-yy�r- _ . . � . . - . - � _ _-_�,r - - _ �r MED�AN'W DITGH - - - �- �_ � - � -I--SEE DET-NL � - -- � T ;-_ � r �F ' INSTALL SIiWLDER BERM GU7TER 1— �-��� P.tN �:� �� � FRO.0 �STA 16+18 TO l6+46 -L- !RT) � R[MOVE FUNAIEL �INLE7S � 7s'�csP w� % AND FUNNEL.6AAIN5 .. - ElBOWS � � . � . +rr v . . ' - .✓ � pT �l 'v' .v ,- . \ ._, � -- \p F/ -+ . � . OUTLE7 PROTECTiON �J � � E5T 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP -- -� EST 7 SY GFD CO LEGEND �DENOTES IMPAGTS IN SUkPACE `NATER ioo� o• ioo- GRAPHIC SCALE �, F - -,- s F -rtrt- � z � � � � Q � N � m �-�' �.,. ��1��.:� � ' h��'+, - - - - - - F - - - - - - - F - - - - � F � R IA �� • x, �T -- �— REA�O✓E FUNNfL IIyLE7 �5�� rsr W jq /? . n�� t1N0 FURNEL ORAIfy � � gn,��� �' � � . � - �,r �T dG � GRAS��� '- � ' . . � . -li' CSP W � - � .. � ��aaws � _ - � �, � { ' � 41 � � � ` p� . KY�� ��u e � � � � . � OIITLET PROTECTION ' � OU(LET PROTECTION EST 2 TONS CL B RIP RAP O EST 7 SY GFD 2 S ITE INSTALL SHOULDER BERM GL'T7ER FROIA �TA 17+6q TO 21+2247 -L- lRTJ E57 15 TDNS CL I RlP RAP E5T 30 Sl' GFD STD 3'BASE 017CH W/ EST 20 TONS CL l RlP RAP � EST 23 SY GFD 5 = �i. ODE = 6 C✓ SEE OE7AlL 2 Ou71ET PR07fCTlON EST l5 TONS CL l RIP RAP t A 30 SY CFO PLUG.FILL AND ABANDJN EXlST 24'RCP STO 4' BASE DlTCH � 5= 0.4%. DOE = 90 CY � SEE DETAlL : -RR- PT Sto.12+8254 I TRfNCHlF55 �NSTALLATION - � 36'WELDED STEEL -RR- POT Sto.13+82.96 y/ IMPACT ENLARGEMENT SCALE: 1" = 50' 70E PAO7ECTlON SEE OFTlJL 2. SHEE7 5 PROIECT ftEFERENCE NO. B-5352 R/W SHEEf NO. ROaDWAY ENGINEER SHECE NO. 4 HYDRAULICS ENGWEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT DRAWING SNEET 3 OF 8 -RR- PC Sto. 11+287 our�r PaoTecr�oN F_=T 4 TON.; CL B R/P RAP EST 10 Sr GFD RETNN DITCN - i�PROVEMENTs FROM DE70(/R -78" GSP W/ ELBOwS �O + � �' _ ' . N 2 (n r-PLUG, FILL � qND I ABANIX)N j �,P� ` lt;: � _ i- ___ W � � 1 � � T9 W �1�`, ' - �n �1�� � w \ `� i � F i .'r,.�� r.� �M1'D RCF V � � ,s� cs � � W ELb 5 Q �; �,J - �' � z T�CB-A F/ � r � NV1` � O � � m DUTLE7' PROTECTION EST 2 TONS CL B RlP RAP Esr � sr cFo SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEETS S-ITHRU 5-? FOR STRUCTURE PLAA/5 z 0 N � � N � M 0 O � O � � yi V � Y � 0 N � O rt N ti � J � ti w w z � W W � 2 V � � g � N RETAIN OITCH II,�PRWEMENTS FRO.N DETOUR CONVERT 7BJB FROM OETOUR — PhIASE TO 2Gl RET AlN i''--� �� i F — — — �15` CSP W/ / ELBOWS - - � F our�r PROTfCTlON— E5r 2 ToN CL B HIP RAP EST 7 St' GFD - REIAOVE FUNNEL INLET L PLUG,FILL AND ABANOON FUNNEL ORAIN REIAOVE FUNNEL �N[E7 AN PLUG. FILL AND ABANLt7N FUNNEL ORNN INSTqLL SHOULDER BERIA GUTTfR — FROM SiA23+3275 TO 25+fi7.Op -L- T1E TO EX157 SHOULOER BERAI 6UTTE -TDE PROiECTION EST 25 TONS CL B RIP RAP EST 55 SY GFO SEE DETAIL 2 RE.NOVE l5"RCP FRO.0 DETOUR PHASE � uEo�ary v arcH SEE DETAIL l %0005 S � � � � � __ - � � � �a� __� � � � iSHK� � I� � � � � _X�x 1 W000S ��x�X-i�{ _ ��; �,�,�'� - = f i REh�OVE ZGI FROM � � � DETWR PHASf ��� ig g5 � ���- � =� N\ r5r43.0•vV C? Q .cc��,,� fl ih uoN I `_ . .- . . - _ . . _ _ _ _X— '��� 2D'GRnVEt� CNL GA�E� c,v-- ---� � w� i 'I NO fl0 W flD O —L— US 220 -,-- _ _ ___ � I -L- POT S1o.33+00A0 Kimley �>> Horn P-O. BOX 33068 • RALEIGH, N.C. 27636-3068 PROIECT ftEFERENCE NO. B-5352 R/W SHEEf NO. ROaDWAY ENGINEER SHECE NO. 5 HYDRAULICS ENGWEER IDOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 8 ��-� NAD 83 SRb 2007 `�. 591. -iNf�; _- 25� - us Zzn ,ve� 2s esr �______--- ---- r----- ______________ — �� �� �` ��� �� _ � . ._ .. �F'�.. �:-. — � � � FEY71(.[ PZMyt R0. SR 2213 � � � ` HiP YOx p e��s.vru nip 4 p a�.ee \ 9.4-0 � _ �_—__—�---� q�,.WW _\ ---- �� � '�— -� � � _ � �, —�—�� �� � � �, P ��4� _ _ ` ` \ � 'I��/�-__\` �� . � � �` ` �� 5rp • . � \ \ �. \ \ iv000s � � l - � �'�; :`. I M PACTS O N S H E ET 5 LEGEND �DENOiES IMPACTS IN SUftFACE WATER ,00. o. ,00, CRAPHIC SCALE DETAII 7 MEDIAN V DITCH �..a�- o,�e�� �„� z Pa�... s� �Bo M1F\o°�a< FRON\ $iA. 2n � 25 TO STn. 27 �. 75 � L DETAIL 2 TOE PROTECTION � u, �,. s,oi.•; OP .-� �(EP cxoV�n ��p stov_ J arorzmne d= 1.0 F. ly�e al .�n�, - C�::_.'G' Rip�Rup FRO.M STA. 23 � 00 TO STA 2A � 25 -l- ;RT) SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L- PROFILE z O N > � � N � M O O � O � yi V � Y � 0 N � g � N RETAIN O�TCH II,�PRWEMENTS FRO.N DETOUR CONVERT 7BJB FROM OETOUR- PhIASE TO 2Gl RET AlN �� . F - - - � � 15' CSP 4Y -� / ELBOWS - / � F OU7[ET PROTECTION- E5T 2 ToN ' CL B HIP RAP E5T 7 SY.6FD RE.NOVE FllNNEL INLET L PLUG,FILL AND ABANOON FUNNEL ORAIN REIAOVE FUNNEL �N[E7 AN PLUG. FILL AND ABANLt7N FUNNEL ORNN INSTqLL SHOULDER BERIA GUTTfR — FROM SiA23+3275 TO 25+fi7.Op -L- riE ro Exisr snou�acR aERnl currE -TDE PROiECTION EST 25 TONS CL B RIP RAP EST 55 SY GFO SEE DETAIL 2 .NEDIAIy V OI7CH SEE DETAIL l Kimley �>> Horn P-O. BOX 33068 • RALEIGH, N.C. 27636-3068 PROIECT ftEFERENCE NO. B-5352 R/W SHEEf NO. ROaDWAY ENGINEER SHECE NO. 5 HYDRAULICS ENGWEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 5 OF 8 ��-� NAD 83 SRb 2007 . . _ ._ . . . ���� - � _. _ _- _ -REiIIOVE ZGl FROM - _ - � - ` � - � � � � :: � � -RE.NOVE l5"RCP FRO.N DETOI/R PHASE - �.,.-. _- � . - � - ' _�� �!� iY�� ���-. DETWR PHASE . - -- - � - � - .- ` .� _ . . � . . -. � � � N\ r5�'43.0•vV —L— US 2Z0 `�. 591. -iNf�; _- 25� - � I \ us Zzn ,ve� � ----------2s�esr �_ . . --�-------------- � -------- � , - _ _____________ ---_ r----- - - _ - � W.Ooas ��y. - -. - � � - - ?o L _ -�_ �_ - - � � = ,i25. =__�—�—�� --- ��� ^-_ - �. � �++J' \•..� IC'? \��t?�. �- ��^ l� � � �-. '_-�-=— - � _ i3 � � 4H�PRqP � � � ` 7 1 � � � mgy7 . � vn�jladP�' - = --' �—�c i 1 % �� i ! � - /'� i � � �h luN _�- �r`°```� � . - �.. �Y— �A-��S=�,X . �C` .. . E �Sryic I q � � � _ � - �-�C � J--lp ---J—_� � -------_— �� �.r�. '�_-tl t1�:e6.i��\ _t 's � � '� -T � i� �-�- � �r ( FExtILl.PtM'7RO.SR2213 -----����= ���-�W� \ 9.59' � 26aRWEA� \ CHL GPit�m � �- � -Ly_"� t---�--5-_____________ � � �_L"__�'_i__' ___ _t S \ �,��� . _ � . � �� r r __ ___' ,.. ' �� ^ � _ i 1 1 � W��_-�_�_n!_ . X 55�cra � _ �� �. �.—� � n.a uox � " � i � � t .; ��.7 �� � E � i �`�T- p � - _ r��s.�ru nin 1 ' ,��-� �� \ � . 1 � - � ���,�'O � �p �i�i.�•'7 fl` p � I i � a�.ee \ � '- '�,`��, �_ �` �,._. O \i/ � � C7 �` ��l � 1 t - � 9.4-0' � ��,,� _ \ ` I` - -� - � Ci`,�, O, , _ - ����—� �� �� '' �'�"1�.�-1"�^"`�� v�,r'w.+� � � � � �, �_ � � ` - W0005 � � ` _ _ 5Fp � `� \\\ . K,� ^' � . iv000s \ � � � � Q � � y __ ❑ � : ` . �,�? �.. _ ,�� �� I ` �_ C � NO I M PACTS O N S H E ET 5 LEGEND �DENOTE$ �MPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ,00. o. ,00, CRAPHIC SCALE DETAII 7 MEDIAN V DITCH �..a�- o,�e�� �„� z Pa�... s� �Bo M1F\o°�a< FRON\ $iA. 2n � 25 TO STn. 27 �. 75 � L DETAIL 2 TOE PROTECTION � u, �,. s,oi.•; OP .-� �(EP cxoV�n ��p stov_ J arorzmne d= 1.0 F. ly�e al .�n�, - C�::_.'G' Rip�Rup FRO.M STA. 23 � 00 TO STA 2A � 25 -l- ;RT) SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L- PROFILE Y PR0IECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO. ' �> ; `' -.�':? r �f �` �-L�-�� -}}- �-.{ -}}- -�-j-��� �-L�-+� 427 FAYtTTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600� RO��Wnr oESIGN HY�RAULIC$ �M� irn e > or ELEV - I �l� �-' E��� i , i i_ _i i i_�_i i i i_ �,.i_i ,_ ELEV ! U��e�� �� � � � �� � � � ENGIhEER ENGINEER i i i t t n - i t i i i i t t i� I- ` I i t � 11 rFl t i 1�r i t t. 11 rF '_ _I_I I I- -� � RALEIGH, NC 27501 ��l �r,O�E� E �(�b-III � r`i`- �I � IIo�6 E �/C4 _i^ � F ii� -f-Fw�41-H-� -- ��Tao i�+hi�i� �o�� �EFr � � �� t � � � ��� r � � I'���' I �-1 -�- T� :�i+a�o�� �� ��FT � t � I I I���' i r�� tEl�� t � � i��tu � � � �.w,.�.E. c=HIS�L�D S��UAFE U�J A YGRD INLE I GF� I E IfJ � � '� �, L 1 �� � i i � u iL i �� �u � Nt .y � � i HI-,ELED ���UA�E ��N ;E WW �_�F ��E'�L BRIDi';E THE MEDIAf�I GF �G SUUTH �2F THE RAILRUACI ' i� i i�� � i � � � � i i� i�� i� i �� i i � �-r � �-�,- � � ��,�=k�� I I!�� ��� � I������ I I� k�� I I i�� '�-:� kk1�-� ��� ��- L,vLFt � t,,�ae�� � � z ���h�� � � � � �- _, _ � FI ,C���' _��i��yu�ii���mii��ivuii�� i�_ �v ��c� u.�i' � 1-Fri�H1-Fri�-rH�-H i�-rl �1�-H�-rl ��-F ri7 rl� I FH�I �7 I� 17 rH1 Frit�H��H��r��-� ��-���I �� �ri�-rFf� r 1� rl ;�� r 1�-r� ;1-F ri7 rH 1-Fri�l �7-rri7 rH1-Fri�-rl �1�-H�-rl �1-F� ��� �: : �; i<C �qi �l' i 9" - � -r--i - r--i ---i - r-- - r--n� r--i - i --i - i - i i - i n -n i �. �,-. ' r : �,-. -i- - �,-. -,-r i-. -,-rn n - :_S- i - r--i ---i - r--i - r--� --r. �.i-! . 73O .� ll. �7.�-T�� ll_�7 C�� I_I_�7:C���-I--177 C�� I_I_�. �7 CC ll_��7 I � IJ_�7::C� I I ��7:_C� I � ��7:_C� I I �7..� .'� . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 7_C�� I I �7 LT� ll. �7 _CC_IJ_�7 C���--I�---�-��7 C�� I_I_.� _ ..� �-�',.. .� DOGUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �' -i-I-I-;�ri-� I-I-;�� I-I-i;�rl-I -I��r��l-'�;�Tr-�;��-I-I-���;�r-�t;�r I�r��� ��� �'� -rl-� I-I ;�Tr��-� I-I-;��-I-I-;�r I,-i1� �riTi- � uF(,IN L�i��D(-F_ �. �_ �-!. . Pl =�Z2'P2.00 UNLESS All SIGNATURES COMPIETED �. =i77_i�7�Li7Si�7 CC�71i�7:CLi7�777 CLi I_�-i�7 CG71i17 I Li I Ci17::CL� I I i17:_CLi I I i17:_CLi I I i77::C� .❑7 CLi-1-1 -. �.-�.-.- --�.-.-.-.- ....-' �i I CLi LCI �-, f,�., '/ l�je,';, �.-I-i_. E� _%l1.9�' t�N�' hRIDi;F �=k�#k�-k��k�i-k��k��b�k�-�k�-k��k�-k��k�=k��k���k� �'� '� � ��r� ,�� �,��a, ��, � �k�=k � - , ; ,-, �� ; vc = 220- , st�:; ,-%�o, �� y-r �r y-r 7- �r �-r �-r Tirr tr /t.% ��,.�- PERMIT DRAWING 1-17.-'�7���_I_L'�7 C��' I_I_!17 Cr� I�777 Cr� I I!�7 CC' I I_!17 I �' I I!17::C�I I I!17:_Cr' I� !17:_Cr' I I'�7. �I p 1- - i i ��7 CCS�, '7 Cr� I L' I_�� � K=/95 � ��. ,' = r, -i i I_I_��_�� i;_i�� ��I i�_I��_�� i i_!� � �� i i_���L� i i ��_�� i i ��_�� i.��_�� i i �; t IN h��t � �u i �� i i_! i_! __I 1�.0-, SHEET 6 OF 8 720 ,�_�_;�3�E_�_�_�3�E _E�33-E ,_E�33 E,_�_E�-7� ,_E�3�E ��3-EE��3-E �E�3� ��� ,�I�-�L, � to �,� J�+�)%� �� � I— �. 720 '-'- - � � �-r � �-� � �-� � � � _- �� IT;-r P! - l8�94.00 ���tl js ' � � � , �- � � � F/tb � � �� _ �=k��k�-k� k�-k��k��b�k�-�k�-k��k� k��k#� k��k��� � I ��, F�, � E� _ �03.6�- ,rtk� �r � �, �� � � �,_� �, �,_� �-�� --- _ --I- , i,v� i i;�,, _ ._ r_i F� ti -_-� - . i i i i i i � i � J�_ LL I I �.. .�. __ VC = 26�� � rn i_i_i�� rn i_i_i�� r n i ri �I �7 CrSI I.-1' . i_U n� r --- -- - b _. �, . niin�rniin�r i i �- i i- i i i i i i n n mrn� - -- - . . . . . . '._._'�. i�-i�� �� i i i � �r' i i ��T�, i i '��-�� i i .�� �� i . . �. �. .. . . . . . ' . .-' . . . rr it�� �r i i � I I K 157 !�)1.4041% �1 �� i � � ��O J.-17 CI I I i�7 C� I I �� p i I I I i�7- C�� I I 17-CI ' I I'�7-LI I I 7'�. � (')z. �+— (')2. ° r� �� cLL, I I�_��� C�L��� CLi L� i57 CG i I Ci77 Z�. ��O 5305 -� � ` � ��� � 1� � - ��„��� , 5305% / �s ���i i_i» ���i r» ��� ��-�� ��� � i��» , O0. 8769% I-u� �� u �_�� ��� �� � �� ��� � i i_�� Z ~��—� �� / ��� rn i n� r n i�� rr �� rr i�� p �� � i�� �u i l i�7] LLI LI�� C�LI I i�� CLi �� �i7 CG i I �: i]7 i_. %�� �—� I•)Ib0% �—� III---,,,---III ��--rr �� rHI � � _I :i-i�. i��}i , :i-!_! �, . . — (-�0.80Z r-10.84"/. 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Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 21+31.81 to 21+87.38 -L- 1@ 36" Steel, 1@ 18" RCP 0.01 77 TOTALS*: 0.01 77 0 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: 2016 09 09