HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180006 Ver 1_11-10-0014_NoPropsPresentAffected_20180102Project Tracking No. (Internal Use)
Project No
F.A. No:
Str. 018131
Federal (USACE) Permit Required?
Min. Criteria
Funding: � State ❑ Federal
� Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NW3
Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 131 on SR 1810 (Providence Mill Road).
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) reviewed the subject project and determined:
Historic Architecture/Landscapes
� There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential
� There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G
within the project's area of potential effects.
❑ There are no properties within the project's area of potential effects.
� There are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the
criteria for listing on the National Register.
� All properties greater than 50 years of age located in the APE have been considered and all compliance
for historic architecture with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has
been completed for this project.
� There are no historic properties present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as
"No Hislm�ic Pi�ape��ties Pre.ren� " foim jor iLlinor 7run.rporinllon P��ojects ns Ouu! f ed in �i�e 2007 Progrnmmnlic Agreemenl.
NCI�Ol'Archaeo(o�y & Hisioric Archirecrure Groups
Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions:
HPO GIS information, historic designations roster, and indexes was undertaken on October 18, 2011.
Based on this review, there are no existing NR, SL, LD, or DE properties in the Area of Potential Effects,
which is 40' either way from the centerline and 200' from each end. There is one SS property within the
APE, CT 587, Providence Mills. In addition, Catawba County GIS indicates that there are two
structures, a c. 1900 house and C. 1880 house within the vicinity. A survey will be required to assess
eligibility of these properties and effects.
A survey was conducted on February 8, 2012. CT 587, Providence Mills, is approximately 280'
northwest of the north end of the bridge. The deteriorating two-story brick mill building will not be
affected by this project as it sits outside of the project APE and no structures associated with the mill are
within the APE.
Several one-story frame houses that appear to be a mill village are located south of the bridge. Almost all
are outside of the APE limit and will not be affected by this project. A mobile home and one-story wood
frame house are located southeast of the south end of the bridge. Both structures are not historic or
National Register eligible. 627 Old Mill Road, built c. 1900, is southwest of the bridge location and is a
one-story frame house with a hipped roo£ 627 Old Mill Road is not NR eligible.
There are two c. 1880 houses that are outside of the APE for this project and will not be affected, 4184
and 4198 Providence Mill Road. Both are over 300' from the south end of the bridge.
There are no National Register listed or eligible properties within the APE for the project and this
completes the historic architecture review for this project. If design plans change, additional review will
be required.
See attached: Maps, photos.
Cultural Resources Specialist, NCDOT
�Jan� ���.�
"No Hismric Properiies Yre.ren�" jorm ja• A4i��or '1'ranspo�•m�ion Pi�ojec�s ns Ot�nliJied in �he 2007 Programmatic Agreeme�t�.
NCD07'Archaeo/ogy d Hisloric Ai�clulecl:u•e Gi•oi�ps
4184 and �198 Providence
HPO GIS Website. Mill Road
I3ridge No. 131, looicing north up Providence Mill Road.
•'No Fli.rlaric Properlies !'resenl " jorui for Mina• Trm�.sporinlion Projecls as Qttalifierf i�t (he 2007 Progran�u�nlic Agi eeuienl.
NCDOT Archueology R Hi.rtaric Archircclure Groiips
Bridge No. 131 looki��g south down Providence Mill Road.
CT587 Providence Mills, looking west. [3ridge is ciown 1'rovidence Mill l2oad to left.
"No Historic 1'roperiies Preaenl "Ja•m fm• Minor Trnns/�or(nlion Projects ns OuuliJied in /he 1007Yrogrammalic AgreemeN.
NCDOT Ard�neoingy & Hi.rmric Archilecho•e Groa��s
627 Old Mill Road. Providence Mills is behind trees iu background.
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4184 and 4198 Providence Mill Road, outside of APE.
"No Hisra�ic PropeiTies Pre,rem "Ja m far Minm• Trcrosportnlion Prajecls as Onalifiecl in !he 2007 Progrnimm�fic Agreemenl.
NCDOT Archneolog}+ R His�oric ArchilecRa�e Grorrps