HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 2_Aquatic Life Monitoring Below_20170217Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2206 Aquatic Life Monitoring The Tillery Hydroel Duke Energy elow is Plant Environmental Services DUKE ENERGY. 2017 Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.0 APPEP Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Executive Summary Table of Contents Page ii iv 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-7 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-10 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 6-1 APPENDIX A - DAILY AVERAGE DISSOLVED OXYGEN, MINIMUM DISSOLVED OXYGElt AND DAILY MINIMUM FLOW COLLECTED NEAR TZ1 (USGS GAGING STATION NO. 0212378405 AT HWY 731 BRIDGE) AND AT TZ2 FROM MAY 1 — NOVEMBER 30, 2008 AND 2016 APPENDIX B - TAXONOMIC LISTING OF BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM SITES TZ1 AND TZ2 IN THE PEE DEE RIVER BELOW TILLERY DAM DURING JULY 2008 AND JULY 2016 AND THE TAXON'S ASSOCIATED BIOTIC INDEX TOLERANCE VALUE (T.V.)'. List of Tables List of Tables Table Page 2-1 Geographical Positioning System locations, channel widths and habitat characteristics of sampling Sites used in the aquatic life monitoring plan belowthe Tillery Dam.....................................................................................2-2 4-1 Total and EPT richness/abundance scoring metrics for Sites TZ1 and TZ2 in the Pee Dee River below Tillery Dam during July 2008 and July 2016 ........ 4-1 4-2 Tolerance value, trophic status and number of fish collected from Sites TZ1 and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016 ..............4-3 4-3 Catch rates (fish/hour) for electrofishing samples (Ndurn backpack) collected at Sites TZ1 and TZ2 below Tillery Damust 2008 andJuly 2016...............................Aft --------....... ---------- ------------------.4-4 Biomass collection r tes (grams/hour) or electrofishing samples pram and backpack) collected at Sites TZ1 and TZ2 elow Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016 ..............................--......................................4-5 4-5 Catch rates (fish/haul) for seine hauls collected at Sites TZ1 and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016 .................................... 4-6 4-6 Biomass collection rates (grams/haul) for seine hauls collected at Sites TZl and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016 .. ............ 4-6 4-7 Characteristics of the fish community below the Tillery Dam at Sites TZ 1 and TZ2 during 2008 and 2016................................................................ 4-7 4-8 Individual lengths (1 specimen collected), mean lengths (total length, mm) and size ranges (minimum and maximum) of fish collected below Tillery Dam durin 2008 and 2016-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4-9 4-9 Variances from NC 401 WQ Certificate for the monitoring period May 1 — November 30 (NA = Not Applicable) .............................................. 4-11 4-10 Temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, pH, and turbidity values collected during the macroinvertebrate and fish community assessment below Tillery Dam during 2016 .................................................. 4-12 11 Fi ure 2-1 4-2 4-3 List of Figures List of Figures Page Aquatic life monitoring sample Sites (TZ1 and TZ2) on the Pee Dee River below the Tillery Development ............................2-1 Dissolved oxygen levels collected every 15 November 30, 2016 near TZ1..................... Dissolved oxygen levels collected from May 1 through ...................................... 4-15 from May 1 through k................................4-16 ui Executive Summary Executive Summary On September 30, 2008, Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) received a 401 Water Quality Certificate (WQC; No. 3730, MOD 1) from the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) as required by the relicensing of the Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project for the Blewett Falls and Tillery Developments (Project No. 2206). The 401 WQC was incorporated into the New License issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC 2015) to Duke Energy on April 1, 2015. Section 7 of the WQC requires Duke Energy to conduct aquatic life monitoring in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery Development. The Aquatic Life Monitoring Plan was submitted to the FERC on December 8, 2015, and approved on January 6, 2016 (FERC 2016). Two sites (TZ1 and TZ2) within an eight kilometer (kll^ch from the Tillery Dam to the confluence of the Rocky River were monitored in accordance with the plan. This report documents the condition of the aquatic communityfish and macroinvertebrates) post implementation of the new terms and conditions outlined in the 401 WQC compared to the baseline assessment of the aquatic community that existed prior to the implementation of the 401 WQC. In 2016, a total of 76 macroinvertebrate taxa were collected at Site TZ I, and a total of 60 macroinvertebrate taxa were collected at Site TZ2. The bioc ification scores for Site TZ1 and TZ2 were Good -Fair in 2016. A total of 347 fish representing 17 taxa were collected at Site TZ1, and a total of 237 fish represent' 6 taxa were collected from Site TZ2. The fish community at Site TZ1 consists primarily o rth American catfish and minnow species. The fish community at Site TZ2 consists primarily of North American catfish, sunfish and darter species. There were no fish with signs of disease, fin erosion, lesions or tumors, and only a low number of Green Sunfish present at Site TZ2 (signs of environmental stressors). 1V Introduction 1.0 Introduction On September 30, 2008, Duke Energy received a 401 Water Quality Certificate (WQC; No. 3730, MOD 1) from the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) as required by the relicensing of the Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project for the Blewett Falls and Tillery Developments (Project No. 2206). The 401 WQC was incorporated into the New License issued by the FERC to Duke Energy on April 1, 2015. The New License required Duke Energy to develo quatic Life Monitoring Plan (ALMP) in consultation with the following resourc cies: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), South Carolina D me Natural Resources (SCDNR), North Carolina Division of Water Resources R), the ish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries S ice (NMFS). The res ce agencies along with Duke Energy comprise the Aquatic Life Monitoring Team ( T). The ALMP was submitted to FERC for approval on December 15 and approved on January 6, 2016 (FERC 2016). The ALMP requires Duke Energy to conduct aquatic life monitoring in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery Development to document the condition of the aquatic community on three year intervals for at least four cycles (i.e., 2016, 2019, 2022, and 2025) ending in 20251. Two sites (TZ1 and TZ2,' Figure 2-1) within an eight km reach from the Tillery Dam to the confluence of the Rocky River were monitored to document the condition of the aquatic community follow in implementation of the dissolved oxygen (DO) and instream flow requirements of the N rise. This report documents the condition of the aquatic community (fish and macroinvertebrate) during the first monitoring year post license implementation (i.e., 2016) and compares the results to the baseline assessment conducted in 2008. After the fourth monitoring cycle (i.e., 2025) a determination will be made by the ALMT as to whether the New License requirements have contributed to an improvement in the aquatic community or whether other environmental factors (e.&, nonnative species competition and predation, basin wide sedimentation or other water quality issues) are affecting the community. A bioclassification ranking of "Good -Fair" will be considered the minimum threshold in assessing a positive 1 The 401 WQC defines the final sampling period occurring in year 2020. This date anticipated issuance of the New License prior to 2015. Therefore, monitoring on three-year intervals for at least four cycles would extend the last monitoring period to 2025. 1-1 Introduction response of the benthic community to flow and DO improvements implemented during the New License term. Fish and benthic macroinvertebrate communities were assessed in accordance with the ALMP (Duke Energy 2015). Biotic indices, derived from standardized benthic macroinvertebrates collections, and selective fish community metrics will be used in assessing any changes in the environmental quality in this reach of the Pee Dee River. These indices provide a holistic approach to community health assessment b xvgrating various ecological principles associated with organism and community response to environmental degradations (e.g., reduced species diversity, dominance by tolerant species and reduced population size; Gray EM 1-2 Site Description 2.0 Monitoring Site Description Aquatic life monitoring was conducted at two sites (Sites TZ1 and TZ2) located in the eight km reach of the Pee Dee River below the Tillery Development (Figure 2-1). The length of each monitoring site was approximately 366 meters (m). Figure 2-1 Aquatic life monitoring sampling sites (TZ1 and TZ2) on the Pee Dee River below the Tillery Development. 2-1 Site Description Site TZ1 is located approximately 2.4 km below the Tillery Development, immediately downstream of NC Highway 731 Bridge (Figure 2-1). This upstream site is a shoal with shallow runs with bedrock outcrops, boulders, cobble intermixed with gravel and sand, and cobble and gravel bars present with some sand and silt deposition. Woody debris and rooted aquatic vegetation (Hydrilla sp., Podostemum sp., Potamogeton sp., and filamentous algae) are prevalent at this site (Table 2-1). The downstream Site, TZ2, located approximately 7.2 km downstream of the Tillery Development and just above the Rocky River confluence, also contains shoal and shallow run habitat (Figure 2-1). The substrate consists of bedroc utcrops and boulder, cobble intermixed with gravel and sand, and cobble/gravel/sand bars channel margins (Table 2-1). Woody debris and Sand and some silt deposition occur along rooted aquati etation (Hydrilla sp., Podostemum sp. and filamentous algae) are prevalent at this s' e. Table 2-1 Geographical Positioning System (GPS) locations, channel widths, and habitat characteristics of sample sites used in the aquatic life monitoring plan below the ' ry Dam. Transect GPS Latitude and Longitude AL Channel Width (m) Habitat Description TZ1 "166- hoal with bedrock outcrops, boulders, cobble termixed Shoal below with gravel and sand, and cobble and Tillery 35.198639 200 avel bars present with some sand and silt deposition. Development -80.06131 oody debris and rooted aquatic vegetation (Hydrilla and NC sp., Podostemum sp., Potamogeton sp. and Highway I filamentous algae) were prevalent. 731 Shoal with prehistoric fishing weir. Bedrock outcrops TZ2 and boulders, cobble intermixed with gravel and sand, 170 and cobble/ gravel/sand bars present. Sand and some Shoal aboveV5. silt deposition noted along channel margins. Woody Rocky River debris and rooted aquatic vegetation (Hydrilla sp., confluence Podostemum sp. and filamentous algae) were prevalent. 2-2 Monitoring Methods 3.0 Monitoring Methods 3.1 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Monitoring Benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring was conducted using the NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Standard Qualitative Method (SQM) for benthic macroinvertebrates (NCDEQ 2016). Ten qualitative samples were collected during each sampling event. The bioassessment and rating of the general environmental quality of the river is based upon benthic community structure attributes which include: total number of species, number of mayfly, stonefly, and caddisfly taxa and species tolerance values. Habitat Microhabitat Sample Method Number of Samples Type of Sample Coarse -mesh (500-1000 m) High current with structure Riffles Kick net 2 Single, disturbance Low current with structure Banks Dip net 3 Composite, disturbance Leaves Leafpacks Wash bucket 1 Composite, wash Vine -mesh (300 m) Aufwuchs Rock and logs U.S. Standard Sieve y Size No. 50 hh, 2 Composite, wash SandU.S. Standard Sieve Size No. 50 1 Composite (3), disturbance Visual Collections Large rock and logs (10-15 minutes) 1 Composite Samples were sorted in the field using a US tandard Sieve Size No. 50 a white enamel pan and a winnowing technique. All organisms were preserved in 95% denatured -ethanol and returned to the laboratory for identification to the lowest practical taxa level using standard taxonomic references and enumeration. A voucher and reference collection was established for each sampling location to validate taxonomic identification. Numerical abundance for each taxon was tabulated as Rare = 1 (1-2 specimens), Common = 3 (3-9 specimens), and Abundant = 10 (10 + specimens). Pollution tolerance values (T.V.) for each taxon was assigned based on criteria in NCDEQ Benthic IBI SOP (NCDEQ 2016). If an individual species does not have a T.V., but there was a T.V. for the genus level, then the genus level T.V. was used. 3-1 Monitoring Methods • The Biotic Index (BI) for each sample was calculated as: BI = Is ni * ai/N I=1 where N is the total number of individuals in the sample, ni is the number of individuals in the ith species (taxon), ai is the pollution tolerance value for the ith species, and S is the total number of species. The BI Value and the EPT Value (the number of Ephemeroptera [mayflies], Plecoptera [stoneflies], and Trichoptera [caddisflies] taxon) was assigned a score based on the expected score from the Piedmont Ecoregion as develope the NCDEQ Benthic IBI SOP (NCDEQ 2016). No seasonal correction values were ap these data as the sampling occurred during the summer months. The two indices (matr for each sample were averaged (with scores rounded upward) to produce the final numerica ing_ The NCDEQified numerical rounding approach was applied to the resulting BI and EPT if the scores differ by exactly one bioclassification. Bioclassification for each sample (site) as based on the final ranking: Excellent = 5, Good = 4, Good -Fair = 3, Fair = 2 and Poor = 1. There have been multiple taxonomic and T.V. re -,% since the 2008 baseline study was originally produced. All 2008 scores were calculated using the NCDWQ (2006) benthic IBI SOP, however, all benthic taxonomic SOP values presented in this report (i.e., tolerance values and scoring criteria), will use the NCDEQ 2016 Version 5.0 Benthic SOP values. All taxonomic identifications made for the benthic community in this report were provided by Pennington and Associates, LLC. Pennington and Whsociates is an approved vendor for macroinvertebrate identifications as certified by the NCDEQ. 3.2 Fish Community Motoring Fish community sampling efforts followed methods established for the shallow water study conducted during relicensing in 2004 (Progress Energy 2006b). Sampling gear types include: Smith -Root 5.0 GPP pram electrofisher, Midwest Lake Electrofishing Systems Infinity Xstream backpack electrofisher2 and a flat seine (6.1-m x 1.8-m with 0.32 cm mesh). The pram electrofisher was used to sample the wadeable, mid -channel by making a single 15 minute pass Z A Smith -Root Model 15 backpack electrofisher was used during the 2008 study. 3-2 Monitoring Methods through three linear transects within Site TZ1 and TZ2. The backpack electrofisher was used to sample each river bank, including any backwater areas, by making a single 15 minute pass through three linear transects within Site TZ1 and TZ2. Twelve seine hauls (i.e., one haul per 30.5 in of transect length) were made at sand, gravel, or cobble bars or riffles at each site with all collected samples combined into one common sample. For electrofishing sampling, pulsed DC current was used, with the voltage adjusted to produce 3-4 amps in the sampling field (depending upon the water conductivity). Riffle areas were sampled inte ely with the pram electrofisher by disturbing the substrate and holding dip nets on the downstream end of the riffle while electrofishing was performed. The total timeecorded for backpack and pram electrofishing, and the catch rates calculated in num er and weight of fish per hour. All electrofishing and seine samples were combined at each site to yi e total number of fish collected per sample site. In addition, catch -per-unit effort (C UE) data calculated for both electrofishers and seine hauls. Numerically abundant species within the fis community were defined as species or taxa comprising > 5% of the total fish abundance at each transect. All fish were identified to the lowest practicable taxa level. Fish were measured for total length to the nearest mi mm) and weighed to the nearest gram (g). Fish not identified in the field were pres ith % buffered formalin solution and transported to the laboratory for identification and ody measurement. All other collected fish were released alive to the sampling site. Fish were retained as necessary f voucher purposes in Duke Energy's fish reference collection. A modified North Carolina Index of Biotic Integrity (NCIBI) fish community metric was applied to these data to gain insight of the fish community structure at each sampling site. The collected fish speNInde were assigned tolerance and trophic feeding guild classifications based on designations uhe NCDWR for its NCIBI methodology (NCDWR 2013). The NCIBI is derived from thof Biotic Integrity originally formulated by Karr (1981) to measure the health and structure of stream fish communities. As discussed in the Study Plan for Aquatic Life Monitoring (approved by FERC January 6, 2016), the fish community data cannot be quantitatively scored with the NCIBI (i.e., numeric score with corresponding community health rating). The scoring methodology is based upon wadeable streams and has not been applied to large river systems, such as the Pee Dee River, with the specific array of sampling gear types and lack of comparable reference sites in this study 3-3 Monitoring Methods (NCDWR 2013). Neither reference condition nor accepted sampling methodologies have been established to apply the NCIBI in large river systems. Therefore, as agreed to by the ALMT, there will be no strict success criteria for judging the health of the fish community under this monitoring program (Duke Energy 2015). Three other attributes applied to these data (also approved by the ALMT) are the number of minnows (Cyprinidae), the number of North American catfish species, and the percentage of Green Sunfish. Young -of -year fish were included in the calculation of all of the fish community attributes listed below. The significance of each fish community metric or attribute is given below, as defined in NCDWR (2013): No 1. Number of taxa or species richness: The total number of species supported by a stream of a given size within a given region generally decreases with environm degradation. In addition, some streams with larger watersheds or drainage areas can be expec support more species than streams with smaller watersheds. In other instances, the number of species and watershed size are not correlated. 2. Number of individuals: The total number of stream of a given size in a given region decreases with environmental degrada n. ver, in some instances, nutrient enrichment or degradation may actually increase the number of fish supported by a stream. 3. Number of darter species (Etheosotoma and Percina species): Darters are sensitive to environmental degradation particularly as a result of their specific reproductive and habitat requirements. Darter habitats (e.g., riffle habitat) are degraded as a result of channelization, siltation, reduced oxygen levels, and fluctuating water levels. The collection of fewer than expected number s of rs can indicate some degree of habitat degradation. 4. Number of Simow sp . Many species of minnows are intolerant of habitat and chemical degradation. Because of their predominantly specialized insectivorous feeding habits, they also reflect the condition of the benthic community which may be harmed by sedimentation, sediment contamination, or varying water levels. Minnow species also typically inhabit shallow water habitats such as stream channel margins which can be affected by fluctuating water levels in regulated streams (Bain and Travnichek 1996). 5. Number of North American catfish species: The number of North American catfish species can provide insight into general environmental conditions present in a stream. Many 3-4 Monitoring Methods North American catfishes are omnivorous feeding generalists tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions. Conversely, madtom species inhabit shallow water areas and are insectivorous in feeding habits and generally reflect favorable stream environmental conditions. This attribute is not used in the NCIBI but used in this assessment to characterize the entire fish community present in the Pee Dee River. 6. Number of sucker species (includes all species within Catostomidae Family): Many suckers (especially Moxostoma and Scartomyzon species) are intolerant of habitat and chemical degradation, and because they are long-lived, provide a multiyear integrated perspective. They also reflect the condition of the benthic community which may be affected by sedimentation, sediment contamination, or flow fluctuations. 7. Number of sunfish species (includes Lepomis, Enneacanthus, Micropterus, and Pomoxis species): Sunfish species are particularly respo ve to habitat degradation such as the filling in of pools with sediment and loss of stream cover (e.g., woody debris). Conversely, most sunfish species (e.g., Bluegill, Redbreast Sunfish, and Largemouth Bass) are habitat and feeding generalists and show less sensitivity to flow fluctuations that other species who are more specialized in feeding or inhabit channel margin habitat (Bain and Tvnichek 1996). 8. Number of intolerant species: Intolerant species are those specialized habitat and feeding species most affected by environmental perturbations, and therefore should disappear, at least as viable populations by the time a stream degrades to "Fair". Intolerant species includes some speciewith a very restricted zoogeographic distribution or considered rare, threatened, or endang Of the 223 described species of freshwater fish in NC waters, only 55 species are considered i tolerant. 10 9. Percent tolerant individuals: Tolerant species are those which are often present in a stream Imp E in low or moderate numbers but as the stream degrades, they can become dominant (generally greater than 25-35% of the fish community). Of the 223 described species of freshwater fish found in North Carolina, 22 species are tolerant. The metric is calculated by the total number of individuals of tolerant species divided by the total number of collected fish. 10. Percent omnivores and herbivores: Omnivorous feeding species generally indicate degraded environmental conditions. Additionally, large numbers of herbivores can indicate canopy or riparian removal or modifications and/or nutrient enrichment with subsequent increased growth of attached algae and periphyton. 3-5 Monitoring Methods 11. Percent piscivores: Piscivorous feeding species represent the top of the food chain within the aquatic community and their presence usually indicates a healthy, functioning food chain. However, a very large percentage of piscivorous species or the complete absence of predators may indicate environmental perturbations or some other influencing factor. 12. Percent insectivores: Insectivorous feeding species, particularly those that specialize on the benthic invertebrate community (i.e., many minnow, sucker, and darter taxa) generally reflect a healthy river ecosystem. The presence of a large percentage of generalist insectivorous feeding species, particularly those that can feed on a variety of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, (e.g., Redbreast Sunfish and Bluegill) can indicate degraded environmental conditions and nutrient enrichment. '4 'W 13. Percent Green Sunfish: The percentage of Green Sunfish, a tolerant species, typically increases with degraded environmental conditions (i.e., generally > 5% of total fish collected would be considered unbalanced; Karr et. al 1986). This attribute is not included in the NCIBI 3 but used in this assessment to aid incharac rization of the fish community and environmental conditions. 14. Percentage of species with multiple age groups: This metric or attribute provides an indication of reproductive success and survivability of year classes through time. It also provides an indirect indicator of suitable habitat for reproduction and rearing of young. At least three individuals per species must have been collected to determine the presence of multiple age groups within the population. In some instances, professional judgment may also be used to dete Awproductive success of a particular species. 15. Numbnonnative species and percentage of nonnative species to native species: Nonnative speci e currently prevalent in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery Development, especially Smallmouth Buffalo. The presence of nonnative species can negatively affect native species abundance and population response due to predation, competition, or both factors interacting together. This attribute is not included in the NCIBI but is included in this fish community monitoring because of the large presence of nonnative species in the Pee Dee River. Native status is determined with NCDWR guidance. 16. The percentage of fish with disease, fin erosion, lesions, or tumors: This attribute provides insight into existing environmental conditions or stressors that may be contributing to the overall health of each fish species and the fish community as a whole. 3-6 Monitoring Methods 3.3 Other Environmental Measurements During each sampling event, in-situ water temperature, DO, pH, conductivity, and turbidity were measured with a laboratory and field -calibrated YSI® multi -parameter instrument. Sample sites were recorded with a GPS unit to sub -meter accuracy (Table 2-1). Continuous water quality monitoring sondes were deployed near both sites to measure water temperature and DO conditions during the period of summertime reservoir stratification (May through November). Temperature and DO were collected near TZ1 at the N.C. Hwy 731 Bridge United States Geological Survey (USGS) Gaging Station No. 0212378405. At site TZ2, a HOBO DO Data Logger -U26-001 was deployed and rotated out every two weeks. Gaging Station No. 0212378405 was calibrated by USGS staff, while opera\exiconditions ere performed for each HOBO data logger before each deployment. Streamfloight were also measured by the USGS stream gage near TZl. These parameters aid in evaluating the overall health and response of the aquatic community. 3-7 Results 4.0 Monitoring Results 4.1 Benthic Macroinvertebrates Community Results The benthic macroinvertebrate community was sampled on July 6 (Site TZ1) and July 7 (Site TZ2), 2016 under the established minimum flow of 330 cubic feet per second (cfs). A total of 76 taxa were collected at Site TZ 1 and a total of 60 taxa were collected at Site TZ2 (Appendix B). EPT taxa represented 29% (n = 22) and 37% (n = 11) of the macroinvertebrates collected at sites TZ1 and TZ2, respectively. Site TZ1 scored 3.4 (EPT Score), 3.0 (BI Score) and 3.2 (Site Score) with an overall bioclassification of Good -Fair. Site TZ2 scored 3.4 (EPT Score), 3.0 (BI Score) and 3.2 (Site Score) with an overall bioclassi �ation of G -Fair (Table 4-1). Table 4-1 Total and EPT richness/abundance scoring metrics or Sites TZ1 and TZ2 in the Pee Dee River below Tillery Dam during July 2008 and July 2016. Tzl TZ2 Richness/Abundance 2008 2016 2008 2016 Total taxa richness 46 76 56 60 EPT richness 22 22 EPT abundance \ 51 85 69 91 Biotic In 6.1 6.4 6 EPT sco 2 I " 3.4 2.4 3.4 BI score 3 3 Site score 2 3. 2.6 3.2 Bioclassification air Good -Fair Good -Fair Good -Fair 4.2 FiNfishmunity unity Results Thwas sampled on July 12 (Site TZ2) and July 13 (Site TZ1) 2016. Sampling effort at Site TZ1 consisted of 2.45 electrofishing hours (pram (1.35) and backpack (1.10)) and 12 seine hauls. Sampling effort at Site TZ2 consisted of 2.50 electrofishing hours (pram (0.98) and backpack (1.52)) and 12 seine hauls. Previously, Site TZ2 and TZ1 were sampled August 1 and 2, 2008 for 3.37 and 3.5 hours, respectively (Duke Energy 2014). A total of 347 and 237 fish representing 17 and 16 taxa were collected from Sites TZ1 and TZ2 during 2016, respectively (Table 4-2). No rare, threatened or endangered fish species have been collected to date. Catch rates (fish/hour) and biomass rates (grams/hour) varied by year and site (Table 4-3 and 4-4). 4-1 Results 4-2 Results Table 4-2 Tolerance value, trophic status and number of fish collected from Sites TZl and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during A 2008 and July 2016. Number Collected Number Collected TZl I TZ2 Scientific Name Common dame Tolerance Trophic Status 2008 2016 1 2008 2016 Lepisosteidae Gars Lepisosteus osseus Longnose Gar Tolerant Piscivore I1 Anguillidae Freshwater eels I - Anguilla rostrata American Eel Intermediate Piscivore 14 1 11 4 Catostomidae Suckers 1 I Erimyzon oblongus Creek Chub sucker Intermediate Omnivore - - I 1 Ictiobus bubalus Smalhnouth Buffalo Intermediate Omnivore 2 1 I Moxostoma macrolepidotum Shorthead Redhorse Intermediate Insectivor 1 1 I Scartomyzon sp. `Brassy" Jumprock Intermediate Insect 1 Clupeidae Shad Dorosoma petenense Threadfin Shad Intermediate® re 2 1 I Cyprinidae Carps andMnnows Clinostomusfunduloides Rosyside Dace Internee to Insectivore 1 Cyprinella analostana Satinfin Shiner Tolerant ' Insectivore 7 3 C. nivea Whitefin Shiner Intermediate Ins ore 4 29 1 12 - C.pyrrhomelas Fieryblack Shiner intolerant msec - - 3 Nocomis leptocephalus Bluehead Chub Intermediate Omnivor 2 29 2 Notropisamoenus Comely Shiner Intermediate Insectivore - 1 3 - Notropis hudsonius Spottail Shiner Intermediate Omn�ore 8 200 3 N. scepticus Sandbar Shiner Intermediate Insectivore 42 1 I Semotilusatromaculatus Creek Chub Tolerant Insect I 1 Ictaluridae N. American Catfishes 1 Ameiurusbrunneus Snail Bullhead 'Intermediate Insectivore 88 127 12 13 A. catus White Catfish Tolerant , Omnivore 1 - I 1 A. platycephalus Flat Bullhead "Tolerant Insectivore 13 45 10 37 ktaluruspunctatu ChannelCatfis Intermediate Omnivore 4 2 13 - Noturus insignis Margined Madj2& Intermediate Insectivore 3 5 1 86 22 Pylodictis olivaris Flathead Catfish Intermediate Piscivore - - 1 PoecifflilaelML Livebearers 1 Gambusia holbrooki Eastern Mosquitofish Tolerant Insectivore 4 1 2 9 MoronidaeTemperate s Morone americana White Perch Intermediate Piscivore 2 1 Centrarchidae asunfishes I Lepomisgibbosus Pumpkins"Intermediate Insectivore 1 L. gulosus Warmouth Intermediate Insectivore 1 1 I L. auritus Redbreast Sunfish Tolerant Insectivore 4 21 1 72 27 L. cyanellus Green Sunfish Tolerant Insectivore I 1 6 5 L. macrochirus Bluegill Intermediate Insectivore 38 22 Micropterus salmoides Largemouth Bass Intermediate Piscivore 9 7 1 7 1 Percidae Perches I 1 Etheostomaflabellare Fantail Darter Intermediate Insectivore - - 3 - Etheostoma olmstedi Tessellated Darter Intermediate Insectivore 2 7 1 113 79 Percaflavescens Yellow Perch Intermediate Piscivore 3 2 I 1 - - Percinacrassa Piedmont Darter Intolerant Insectivore 4 19 1 26 9 TO 347 630 237 4-3 Results Table 4-3 Catch rates (fish/hour) for electrofishing samples (pram and backpack) collected at Sites TZl and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016. "Brassy" Jumpro 1j0.3 j - - ,,,,,,,,,,,, �Fieryblack Shiner*4 - 0.8 Spottail Shine Number (fish/hour) Sandbar Shiner TZl TZ2 Taxa 2008 2016 2008 2016 Longnose Gar - - 1 0.3 - American Eel 4.2 0.4 1.1 - Shorthead Redhorse - 0.4 1 - - Smallmouth Buffalo - 0.8 1 I - - Threadfin Shad - 0.8 1 I - - Rosyside Dace 1 0.3 - Comely Shiner - I 6 - Satinfin Shiner - 9.4 1.2 Whitefin Shiner 12 11.8 1 1.2 - Bluehead Chub 0.6 8. Creek Chub 1 0.3 - Creek Chubsucker - - 1 0.3 - "Brassy" Jumpro 1j0.3 j - - ,,,,,,,,,,,, �Fieryblack Shiner*4 - 0.8 Spottail Shine ®' �,, 12 57.1 1.2 Sandbar Shiner I 5 1 - - Channel Catfish 2 0.9 - Flathead Catfish - - 1 - 0.4 Snail Bullhead 6.1 51.8 1 3.4 5.2 White Catfish - - 0.4 Flat Bullhead .9 18.4 1 2.9 14.8 Channel Catfish - 0.8 I 1 - - Margined Madtom 2.0 24.6 8.8 Eastern Mosquitofish _0.9 - 0.3 3.6 White Perch _0.3 0.6 - 1 - - Pumpkinseed 0.3 - 1 - I - Redbreast Sunfish 1.2 8.6 1 20.6 10.8 00reen Sunfish - - 1 1.7 2.0 IWaemouth 0.3- I Bluegill - - 10.9 8.8 Largemouth Bass 2.7 2.0 1 2.0 0.4 Fantail Darter - - 0.9 - Tessellated Darter 0.6 2.9 1 32.3 31.6 Yellow Perch 0.9 0.4 I 1 - - Piedmont Darter 12 7.8 j 7.4 3.6 4-4 Results Table 4-4 Biomass collection rates (grams/hour) for electrofishing samples (pram and backpack) collected at Sites TZl and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016. Taxa 2008 Weight (grams/hour) TZl TZ2 2016 2008 2016 Longnose Gar - - 1 2.3 - American Eel 115.4 4.1 60.6 - Shorthead Redhorse - 326.5 1 - Smallmouth Buffalo - 1804. - Threadfin Shad - 1 - Rosyside Dace - I 0.3 - Comely Shiner - - 1 2.0 Satinfin Shiner 24.9 Whitefin Shiner 3.9 4.5 I J&O - Bluehead Chub 12 0.8 Creek Chub- - 0.6 - Creek Chubsucke - 3 - "Brassy" Jumprock Fieblack Shiner - - 7.6 Spottail Shiner 652 - Sandbar Shiner I 9 1 - - Channel Catfish 20. - 13.7 - Flathead Catfish 0.0 1 - sk - 58.8 Snail Bullhead 974.5 .2 1 127.4 201.2 White Catfi 1.5 0 - 6.4 Flat Bu ead 127.9 IF 311.8 1 36.0 230.8 Charm tfish - I 891.8 1 - - Margined Madtom 8.3 15.1 184.9 58.0 Eastern Mosquitofish 1.2 - 0.3 0.8 hite Perch 16.9- mpkinsee 6.2 - 1 I - - Redbreast Sunfish 74.8 339.2 1 804.0 173.6 Green Sunfish - I - 1 11.4 31.6 Warmouth 18.4- I Bluegill - - 327.4 180.0 Largemouth Bass 12.2 11.0 1 45.1 1.6 Fantail Darter - - 3.4 - Tessellated Darter 1.5 2.9 1 69.4 44.8 Yellow Perch 45.4 I 15.5 1 - - Piedmont Darter 6.2 51.4 1 30.3 17.2 4-5 Results Table 4-5 Catch rates (fish/haul) for seine hauls collected at Sites TZl and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016. Mass (grams/haul) TZl 008 2016 Number Number Largemouth BatjZJ4.6 (fish/haul) TZl (fish/haul) TZ2 Taxa 2008 2016 2008 2016 Largemouth Bass - 0.2 1 - - Yellow Perch - 0.1 1 - Eastern Mosquitofish 0.3 - _1 0.7 Tessellated Darter 0.1 - i0k Satinfin Shiner - 0.1 Spottail Shiner - 0.4 I 03 Comely Shiner - 1 0.1 - Sandbar Shiner 2.6 j 0.1 - IM Table 4-6 Biomass collection rates (grams/haul) for seine hauls collected at Sites TZ1 and TZ2 below Tillery Dam during August 2008 and July 2016. Taxa Mass (grams/haul) TZl 008 2016 Mas s (grams/haul) TZ2 2008 2016 Largemouth BatjZJ4.6 0.8 1 - - Yellow Perch 1 - - I stem Mosqu _ I 0.1 0.1 Tessellated Darter - 1 - 0.1 Satinfm Shiner - 2.3 - 0.2 rSpottaA Shiner` - 0.7 1 _ 0.3 Comely Shiner k-71, - - j 0.1 - hiandbar Shiner 19.8 - - 4-6 Results Table 4-7 Characteristics of the fish community below the Tillery Dam at Sites TZl and TZ2 during 2008 and 2016. TZl TZ2 Metric 2008 2016 1 2008 2016 No. 1 Number of taxa or species richness 18 17 1 21 16 No. 2 Number of individuals 160 347 1 630 237 No. 3 Number of darter species 2 2 1 3 2 No. 4 Number of minnow species 2 4 6 4 No. 5 Number ofNorth American catfish i 5 4 4 5 species 1 No. 6 Number of sucker species 1 1 0 No. 7 Number of sunfish species 2 4 4 No. 8 Number of intolerant species L14% 1 LI 2 No. 9 Percent tolerant individuals 27% I 35% No. 10 Percent omnivore and herbivores 4% j 3 3% No. 11 Percent piscivores 3% 2% <1% No. 12 Percent insectivores 78 93% 1 61% 97% No. 13 Percent Green Sunfish 0 I 0 1 1% 2% No. 14 Percentage of species withtiple I 1 ° 59% 67% 50% age groups No. 15 Number of nonnative species an percentage of nonnative individuals to 3%) 4 /o) 1 3(2%) 2(3%) native individuals I No. 16 Percentage of fish with disease fin 1 I o erosion, lesions, or tumors The most abundant fish species within the aquatic community at Site TZ1 in 2016 were Satinfin Shiner, Whitefin Shiner, Sandbar Shiner, Snail Bullhead, Flat Bullhead, Redbreast Sunfish and Piedmont Darter representing 89% of the total catch. The most abundant fish species collected in both 2008 and 2016 was Snail Bullhead. Percent of tolerant species increased from 2008 and compromised 27% of the total 2016 fish community collected at Site TZ1 (Table 4-5). Fish species collected in low numbers at Site TZ1 in 2016 were Tessellated Darter, Spottail Shiner, American Eel, Shorthead Redhorse, Smallmouth Buffalo, Threadfin Shad, Channel Catfish, Margined Madtom, Largemouth Bass and Yellow Perch representing 11% of the total catch. Piedmont Darter was the only intolerant species collected at Site TZ1 both sample years, but was a numerically dominant species in 2016 (i.e., >5% total catch). North American catfishes, mainly Snail Bullheads and Flat Bullheads, were prevalent at Site TZl both 4-7 Results sample years. Insectivorous fish continued to dominate the trophic feeding guilds at Site TZ 1 due to the large number of bullheads collected both years as well as minnows collected during 2016. The number of fish species with multiple age groups present was similar to 2008 with 59% of species having multiple age groups (Table 4-8). Of the 17 species collected at Site TZ1 in 2016, four are considered non-native (i.e., Channel Catfish, Smallmouth Buffalo, Threadfin Shad and Yellow Perch) by the NCDEQ (NCDEQ 2017). Channel Catfish and Yellow Perch were the only non-native species collected during the 2008 sample (Table 4-2). None of the fish collected to date in TZ1 have showed signs of disease, fin erosion, lesions or tumors. The most abundant fish species within the aquatic community at Site TZ2 in 2016 were Margined Madtom, Flat Bullhead, Snail Bullhead, Redbreast Sunfish, Bluegill and Tessellated Darter. The single most abundant fish species collected in 2016 was Tessellated Darter (n = 79) compared to Spottail Shiner (n = 200) in 2008 which madup almost o o of the collected individuals. Tolerant species (i.e Satinfin Shiner, White Catfish, Flat ead, Eastern Mosquitofish, Redbreast Sunfish an Sunfish) comprised 35% of the fish community at Site TZ2 in 2016, which more than dou ed the 14% of tolerant species collected in 2008 (Table 4-5). Eleven species in 2008 and 10 species in 2016 consisted of leis than 10 individuals (Table 4-2). A small number of Piedmont Darters, an intolerant species, were collected at Site TZ2 both sample years. Insectivorous fish dominated the trophic feeding guilds at Site TZ2 both sample years which was comprised mainly of North American catfishes, sunfishes and perches. The numbe of fish species potentially having multiple age groups decreased from 67% in 2008 to dr 50% in 2016 (Table 4-8). In 2008 at Site TZ2 three non-native species (i.e., Green Sunfish, Channel Catfish and Comely Shiner) collected (NCDEQ 2017). In 2016 at Site TZ2 two non-native species (i.e., Flathead Catfish and Green Sunfish) were collected. None of the fish collected within Site TZ2 showe igns of disease, fin erosion, lesions or tumors in 2016, and in 2008 one Piedmont Darter was collected with a missing left pelvic fin (Duke Energy 2014). 4-8 Results Table 4-8 Individual lengths (1 specimen collected), mean lengths (total length, mm) and size ranges (minimum and maximum) of fish collected below Tillery Dam during 2008 and 2016. TZI I TZ2 Taxa 2008 2016 1 2008 2016 Longnose Gar - - 1 152 - Rosyside Dace - - L 47 - Comely Shiner - - 66(37-86) - Creek Chub - - - Creek Chubsucker - - 46 - "Brassy" Jumprock 120 - - White Perch 137 (130-143) 1 - American Eel 243 (141-298) 180 235 (200-300) k - Shorthead Redhorse - 41800 1 - - Smallmouth Buffalo - 2211 (1948-2473)1 I - Threadfin Shad - 66(65-67) 1 - I Satinfin Shiner - 71(60-112) - 69 (57-7 Whitefin Shiner 70(65-72) 71(57-97) 1 73(60-94) - Bluehead Chub 53(42-64) - 65(46-138) 42(39-45) Fieryblack Shine - 89(82-93) Spottail Shine - 71 (59-9 1 107 (93-11� 54(53-55) Sandbar Shiner - (84-108) 1 - I - Flathead Catfish - - - 245 _ Snail Bullhead101210 (31-248) 123 (52-204) 1 137 (43-209) 130 (36-215) White Catfish 74 - - 113 Flat Bullhead 94(26-220) 74(43-197) 86(30-195) _(14 Channel Catfish 129 (121-138) 1093 (1044-1141)1135 (121-146) - Margined Madt 97 (93-100) 90(79-98) 84(32-131) 85(43-104) Eastern Mosquito , 35 (20 - 32(21-42) 23(16-53) Redbreast Sunfish 29 (93-203) 117 (62-181) 1 117 (48-206) 89(55-140) Green Sunfish - - 61(34-112) 91(83-107) Pumpkinseed 102- I Wanuouth 135- Bluegill - - 107 (20-159) 97(62-131) Largemouth Bass_ 61(34-85) 70(45-92) 117 (47-233) 67 Fantail Darter - - 1 70(68-71) - Tessellated Darter 65(60-69) 43(36-55) 61(34-76) 51(33-77) Yellow Perch 162(135-187) 154(143-165) 1 - I - Piedmont Darter 79(71-85) 85(73-93) 1 70(47-86) 74(49-93) 4-9 Results 4.3 Environmental Results Continuous DO values were collected every 15 minutes near Site TZI by the USGS Gaging Station No. 0212378405 at HWY 731 Bridge (Figure 4-2) and by the HOBO data logger at Site TZ2 from May I through November 30, 2016 (Figure 4-3). The DO measured below the state instantaneous minimum standard of 4.0 mg/L for thirty minutes (i.e., 2300-2330 hours) on August 6, 20163 near Site TZI (i.e., Tillery Development downstream compliance point). Instantaneous DO values were documented at 3.9, 3.6 and 3.4 mg/L before increasing above the 4.0 mg/L standard at 2345 hours. These three variances below the minimum standard near Site TZI and 96 variances at Site TZ2 during 2016 are markedly fewer than the 2008 monitoring season with 5168 and 2779 variances, respectively (Table 4-9). The daily average DO remained above the state standard of 5.0 mg/L during 2016 at both sites, whic an improvement from the 2008 sample season where the daily average DO registered below 5.0 mg/L at Site TZI and TZ2 80 and I I instances, respectively (Table 4-9). River flows documented near)Site TZI at the USGS Gaging Station 0212378405 at HWY 731 Bridge remained above the minimum continuous flow of 330 cfs as required by the New License (Table 4-9, Appendix A; FERC 2015). In-situ water quality analysis were performed during each 2008 and 2016 fisheries and benthic sampling event (Table 4- TZl 14 12 .1 10 A 2 0 May June July August September October November 2016 Figure 4-2 Instantaneous dissolved oxygen data collected every 15 minutes from May 1 through November 30, 2016 near TZI. 3 FERC Docket No. P-2206-068, January 11, 2016 4-10 16 14 X12 8 = 10 on 'k 8 O 6 a 4 A 2 0 May TZ2 June July August September October November 2016 Results Figure 4-3 Dissolved oxygen levels collected every 15 minutes from May 1 through November 30, 2016 at TZ2. Table 4-9 Variances from NC Water Quality Standards for dissolved oxygen for the 2016 monitoring period May 1— November 30 (NA = Not Applicable). Environmental Parameters TZl TZ2 2008 2016 2008 2016 Dissolved Oxygen — daily X5168 0 i 11 0 average DissolvedOxygen—j 3 2779 96 instantaneous minimFlow— daily minimum0 INA NA 4-11 Results Table 4-10 Temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, pH and turbidity values collected during the macroinvertebrate and fish community assessments below the Tillery Development during 2016. Turbidity was not recorded on these dates 4-12 Temp DO sp. Cond Turb Site Sample Date (°C) (mg/]L) (µS/cm) pH (NTU) TZl Benthic 7/26/2008 23.5 7.6 111 7.4 1.0 TZ2 Benthic 7/27/2008 24.6 6.6 111 7.2 1.0 TZl Fish 8/2/2008 25.1 5.3 115 7.1 TZ2 Fish 8/1/2008 25.2 6.4 109 7.1 TZl Benthic 7/6/2016 25.3 7.0 88 7.2 1.6 TZ2 Benthic 7/7/2016 25.3 5.9 90 7.2 2.0 TZl Fish 7/13/2016 28.0 9.7 _ 85 7.7 1.5 TZ2 Fish 7/12/2016 25.3 6.2 1 91 41.0 4.4 Turbidity was not recorded on these dates 4-12 Discussion 5.0 Discussion The shallow water aquatic community in the mainstem Pee Dee River below the Tillery Development was surveyed for macroinvertebrates and fish during summer 2008 and 2016. Survey results collected during 2016 documents the first sample year of monitoring the aquatic community after implementation of the terms and conditions of the New License. 5.1 Benthic Macroinvertebrate The benthic community has shown improvement brd on the NCDEQ Benthic SOP criteria since implementation of the minimum flow regiO enhancements required by the New License. This is most evident at the upstream Site TZ1. Total taxa richness increased from 46 in 2008 to 76 in 2016, a 60 percent increase, and EPT richness has doubled from 11 in 2008 to 22 in 2016, a 100 percent increase (T ble 4-1). The bioclassification improved from Fair in 2008 to Good -Fair in 2016. Site TZ showed improvement as well. While the bioclassification was unchanged fro ood-Fair, the EPT richness changed from 14 to 22, a 64 percent increase (Table 4-1). 5.2 Fish Community As discussed in Section 3.0 above and in the Study Plan for Aquatic Life Monitoring, stream characteristics of the Pee Dee River currently restricts the ability of the NCIBI scoring system to rate the overall health of the river based on electrofishing and seine samples, however, metrics w.thin the NCIBI can help track the overall lth of the Pee Dee River over time. Duke Energy and the ALMT agreed to evaluate the fish criteria (and determine success) in a qualitative mneer. A qualitative assessment will provide trending information on the fish communities. '1% The following qualitative observations are noted: 1. In 2016, the total number of fish collected at Site TZ1 increased, but decreased at Site TZ2, and both sample locations collected fewer number of taxa. Factors that may have influenced the 2016 data include the increased stream flows over that in 2008 and the presence of Hydrilla downstream of the Tillery Development. Both increased flows and Hydrilla limit a sampler's ability to collect fish, which could potentially affect the number of individuals and taxa collected thus potentially creating a sampling bias. 2. During 2016, two intolerant fish species were collected within the sample sites, with Piedmont Darter being a numerically abundant fish species collected at Site TZ1. The incidence 6-1 Discussion rate of fish with signs of disease, fin erosion, lesions or tumors consisted of only one individual occurrence in 2008. In both years, there was a low number of Green Sunfish present. Increased numbers of intolerant species, little to no fish with signs of disease, fin erosion, lesions or tumors, and low number of Green Sunfish are considered positive results. 5.3 Environmental Baseline water quality results collected during 2008 indicated that DO conditions were below the state standards during generation and non -generation periods within Sites TZ1 and TZ2. In 2016, water quality data suggests improved conditions over those observed in 2008 at both sites TZ1 and TZ2. The fish and aquatic macroinvertebrate communities will be surveyed on three-year intervals for three more cycles (i.e., 2019, 2022 and 2025). Data collected during subsequent years will be compared to previous data collections (e.g., 2008 and 2016) to further assess the benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities in the Pee Dee River below Tillery Hydroelectric Plant. 6-2 References 6.0 References Bain, M. B., and V. H. Travnichek 1996. Assessing impacts and predicting restoration benefits of flow alterations in rivers developed for hydroelectric power production. Pages B543 - B552 in M. Leclerc, H. Capra, S. Valentin, A. Boudreault, and Y. C1t,4 (editors). Proceedings of the second IAHR Symposium on Habitat Hydraulics, Ecohydraulics 2000. Duke Energy. 2014. Yadkin -Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2206. Aquatic Life Monitoring Below Tillery Development. 26 pp. 2015. Study Plan for Aquatic Life Monitoring in Dee River Reach below the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant. Yadkin -Pee Dee oelectric Project FERC No. 2206. Final REV 2 (December 2015). IRV Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC Order Iss ew Licenses, Project No. 2206-030. Issued April 1, 2015. 174 .2016. Order Approving Aquatic Life Monitoring Plan Pursuant to 401 (A), Project No. 2206-056. Issued Januar 2016. Gray, J. S. 1989. Effects of environmental stress on species of rich assemblages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 37: 19-32. Karr, J. R. 1981. Assessment of biotic integrity using fish communities. Fisheries. 6:21-27. 1991. Biological integrity: A long -neglected aspecfwf water resources management. Ecological Applications 1:66-84. Karr, J.R., K.D. Fausch, P L. Angermeier, P. R. Yant, I. J. Schlosser. 1986. Assessing biological integrity in running waters a method and its rationale. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 5, September 1986, Champaign, IL. 33 pp. North Carolina Department f EnvirNnal Quality. 2016. Standard Operating Procedures for the Collection and Analysis ois Macroinvertebrates. February 2016 (Version 5.0). Division of Water Resources; Water sciences Section; Biological Assessment Unit April 4, 2016. North Carolina Departm of Environmental Quality. 2017. Native and Nonindigenous Freshwater Fish in North Carolina. https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water- resources/water-resources-data/water-sciences-home-pa%magical-assessment- branch/native-nonindigenous-fish. Accessed January 5, 2017. North Carolina Division of Water Resources 2006. Standard operating procedures for benthic macroinvertebrates. Biological Assessment Unit. July 2006. North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Environmental Sciences Section. July 26, 2006. 6-2 References North Carolina Division of Water Resources. 2013. Standard Operating Procedure Biological Monitoring. Stream fish community assessment program. Biological Assessment Unit. December 2013. North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, Environmental Sciences Section. December 01, 2013. 52 pp - 2008. Yadkin -Pee Dee Project for Tillery and Blewett Falls Reservoirs. Rockingham, Stanly, Anson, Richmond and Montgomery Counties. DWQ 02010437, Version 02. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project mber 2206. Water Quality Certification Mod 1. North Carolina 401 Water Certification. September 30, 2008. Progress Energy 2006a. Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Pro o. 2206. Pee Dee River instream flow study. Final report. Water Resources ng Group. Issue No. 5—Evaluate relationships between project operations/hydraulic aquatic habitat, water quality, and fish migrations. April 2006. 16 2006b. Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Proje No. 216. Shallow water fish, crayfish, and mussel surveys of the Pee Dee River and tributaries. Water Resources Group Issue No. 1— Describe Current Resident Riv r Aquatic Resources Of Project Area. April 2006. 1%, 61 2010. Yadkin -Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2206. Continuous water E quality monitoring in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants, May -October 2006-2009. 6-3 Appendices APPS A DAILY AVERAGE DISSOLVED OXYGEN, MINIMUM INSTANTANEO ISSOLVED OXYGEN AND DAILY MINIMFLOW COLLECTED NEAR TZ1 (USGS GAGING STATION NO. 02123784 HWY 731 BRIDGE) AND AT TZ2 FROM NO. 0212378405) AND AT TZ2 FROM 30, 2008 AND 2016 Appendix A - 1 Appendices Appendix A - 2 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Average Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum Minimum Flow Date TZl TZ2 TZl TZ2 TZl 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 1 -May ND 7.75 ND 7.76 ND 7.1 ND 6.32 ND 401 2 -May ND 8.32 11.41 8.27 ND 6.6 7.13 6.32 ND 393 3 -May ND 7.86 10.33 7.81 ND 7 6 6.24 ND 426 4 -May ND 8.74 8.9 8.24 ND 7.9 5.85 7.78 ND 19500 5 -May ND 9.47 9.01 9 ND 8.8 6 8.46 ND 418 6 -May ND 8.89 9.04 8.83 ND 6.8 5.9 6.62 ND 435 7 -May ND 8.98 7.32 9.02 ND 6.8 4ft 7.21 ND 480 8 -May ND 8.8 7.77 8.99 ND 6.8 6.06 6.79 ND 462 9 -May ND 8.59 8.24 8.69 ND 6.6 &5.33 6.31 ND 480 10 -May ND 8.66 9.72 9.05 ND 6.7 W3 6.53 ND 471 11 -May ND 8.8 8.86 9.17 ND 6.7 6.43 ND 453 12 -May ND 8.22 10.7 8.44 ND 6.2 5.ML, 6.04 ND 426 13 -May ND 7.97 9.51 8.24 ND 6 5.72 '4qb.66 ND 489 14 -May ND 8.28 7.4 8.33 ND 6.1 4.84 1.85 ND 489 15 -May ND 8.11 8.01 8.11 ND 5.7 .36 5. ND 418 16 -May ND 7.55 10.13 8.1 _ ND 5.7 5.03 6.04 ND 480 17 -May ND 6.98 9.03 7.12ND 5.4 5.25 5.07 ND 435 18 -May ND 7.52 7.73 7.77 ND 5.9 4.99 5.32 ND 435 19 -May ND 6.85 6.47 6.65 ND 5.9 4.67 5.08 ND 471 20 -May ND 6.7 7.12 6.72 ND 5.8 4.78 5.34 ND 480 21 -May ND 6.88 7.5 6.98 ND 5.8 4.74 5.87 ND 453 22 -May ND 7.4 7.5 7.33 ND 5.5 4.74 5.55 ND 489 23 -May ND 8.05 8.38 8.05 ND 7 4.44 7.38 ND 462 24 -May ND 7.48 8.42 7.72 ND 6 4.87 5.76 ND 480 25 -May ND 7.91 8.75 8.26 ND 6 4.6 6.15 ND 444 26 -May ND 7.44 7.96 7.86 ND 6 4.01 5.98 ND 462 27 -May ND 7.0 6.6 7.52 ND 6 4.38 5.75 ND 453 28 -May ND 7.69 9.39 8.45 ND 5.3 4.89 6.02 ND 462 29 -May ND 6.97 8.2 7.01 ND 5.2 4.38 4.03 ND 426 30 -May ND 6.76 7.41 7.02 ND 5 4.19 4.17 ND 435 31 -May ND 7 6.54 6.63 ND 5.3 4.55 4.5 ND 453 Appendix A - 2 Appendices Appendix A - 3 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Average Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum Minimum Flow Date TZl TZ2 TZl TZ2 TZl 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 1 -Jun ND 6.7 7.71 6.72 ND 5.3 4.1 4.3 ND 453 2 -Jun ND 6.44 7.98 6.74 ND 5.2 4.32 4.8 ND 462 3 -Jun ND 6.71 7.38 6.79 ND 5.4 4.45 4.87 ND 489 4 -Jun ND 7.47 7.45 8.23 ND 5.4 4.14 5.14 ND 519 5 -Jun ND 7.1 7.93 6.99 ND 5.6 4.3 4.69 ND 444 6 -Jun ND 6.7 7.77 7.13 ND 5.2 3.7 5.13 ND 462 7 -Jun ND 7.1 8.6 7.24 ND 5.7 3.88 4.93 ND 480 8 -Jun ND 6.17 7.24 6.54 ND 5.2 4.09 4.91 ND 528 9 -Jun ND 6.2 6.72 6.48 ND 5.2 4.19 4.65 ND 591 10 -Jun ND 6.32 6.62 6.65 ND 5.1 4.34 5.54 ND 509 11 -Jun ND 6.38 6.49 6.25 ND 5.5 4.43 4.4 ND 480 12 -Jun 4.3 6.53 7.64 6.49 3.21 5.3 4.27 4.66 ND 444 13 -Jun 5.52 6.44 6.3 6.4 2.49 5.1 4.04 3.91 ND 462 14 -Jun 4.58 6.47 6.53 6.5 2.34 5.4 4.27 4.27 ND 471 15 -Jun 4.89 6.77 6.43 6.87 2.4 5 4.11 4.49 ND 435 16 -Jun 4.64 6.39 6.49 6.5 2.31 5.2 4.06 4.63 ND 462 17 -Jun 4.67 6.37 6.2 6.34 2.47 5 3.99 3.83 ND 435 18 -Jun 4.55 6.29 6.37 6.14 2.68 4.9 3.98 3.34 ND 480 19 -Jun 4.85 6.29 6.5 5.64 2.77 5.1 3.88 2.72 ND 509 20 -Jun 4.8 6.27 6.7 6.48 2.73 5.1 3.28 4.46 ND 489 21 -Jun 4.92 6.83 6.43 7.08 2.64 5.4 3.78 4.32 ND 444 22 -Jun 4.67 6.37 5.72 6.31 2.5 5.3 3.14 4.36 ND 462 23 -Jun 4.18 6.52 6.35 6.51 2.65 5.3 3.36 4.26 ND 435 24 -Jun 4.41 6.38 6.34 6.44 2.33 5.3 3.36 4.19 ND 453 25 -Jun 4.31 6.36 4.91 6.21 2.31 5.2 3.48 4.26 ND 435 26 -Jun 3.51 6.21 6.69 6.23 2.09 5.1 3.45 3.96 ND 471 27 -Jun 4.35 6.1 6.01 5.97 2.31 4.9 3.48 4 ND 462 28 -Jun 3.64 6.31 6.01 6.06 2.12 5.2 3.22 4.27 ND 401 29 -Jun 4 6.36 6.76 6 2.14 5.1 3.79 4.04 ND 453 30 -Jun 4.45 6.24 6.7 5.77 2.74 5.3 3.92 4.03 ND 471 Appendix A - 3 Appendices Appendix A - 4 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Average Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum Minimum Flow Date TZl TZ2 TZl TZ2 TZl 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 1 -Jul 4.87 6.17 6.17 5.85 2.92 4.8 _ 3.54 4.03 ND 453 2 -Jul 3.86 6.21 5.9 6.07 2.43 5.1 3.26 4.02 ND 453 3 -Jul 3.92 6.03 5.99 5.85 2.34 4.7 2.41 3.91 ND 418 4 -Jul 3.8 5.93 6.43 5.59 1.56 4.9 3.16 3.74 ND 453 5 -Jul 4.32 5.46 6.05 5.29 2.26 4.6 .45 3.86 ND 444 6 -Jul 4 6.1 6.4 6.18 2.52 4.7 1 4.22 ND 569 7 -Jul 4.18 5.97 6.29 6.11 1.92 4.7 3.03 4.51 ND 426 8 -Jul 4.32 6.04 5.66 5.98 2.15 4.9 .72 4.62 ND 602 9 -Jul 4.39 5.84 6.44 5.84 2.45 5 4.59 ND 462 10 -Jul 4.91 5.59 5.31 5.6 2. 4.6 3. 4.37 ND 426 ® 11 -Jul 3.97 5.68 6.39 5.84 2.61 4.8 3.66 Ibi.51 ND 462 12 -Jul 4.63 6.13 6.34 6.28 2.36 4.4 2.63 ND 718 13 -Jul 4.55 6.13 5.93 6.45 2.18 53.2 4. ND 453 14 -Jul 4.38 5.76 5.8 .87 2.79 ® 5 3.15 4.45 6N D 453 15 -Jul 4.55 5.87 5.55 2.43 4.8 Fr.. 2.98 4.57 ND 462 16 -Jul 4.11 6.32 5.89 X64 5.4%,3.02 4.69 ND 435 17 -Jul 4.61 6.1 6.68 5. 4.9 .45 4.25 ND 471 18 -Jul 4.87 5.8 7.05 5JW 2.6 4.4 2.81 4.35 ND 480 19 -Jul 5.18 6.17JAN 6.23 6.26'%2.56,Al 4.9 2.90 4.67 ND 471 20 -Jul 4.53 6.4 6.1 6.35 V.�.61essw 5 91 4.62 ND 453 21 -Jul 4.34 6.0 6.3 5.97 2.45 _ 5.2 2.54 4.56 ND 453 22 -Jul 3.77 6.3 .93 6.07 1.71 4.6 2.44 4.63 ND 435 23 -Jul 3.69 .12 6.1311 6.19 1.67 4.9 2.81 4.89 ND 462 24 -Jul 3.88 5.57 5.75 2.1 5.2 2.5 4.69 ND 462 25-J 3.6 5. 5.55 5.88 1.68 4.8 2.21 4.61 ND 435 26 -Jul 3.67 6.48 7.49 6.45 1.22 5.2 3.45 4.71 ND 453 27 -Jul 4.62 6.09 5.81 6.34 2.1 5.2 3.02 5.08 ND 471 28 -Jul 3.38 6.04 5.65 6.08 1.51 5.2 2.42 4.93 ND 435 29 -Jul 3.5 .27 5.72 6.24 1.66 5 �2.9 4.42 ND 418 30 -Jul 3.24 6.1 6.04 6.02 1.61 5.1 2.88 4.46 ND 426 31 -Jul 3.57 6.21 7.55 6.35 1.68 5.3 3.82 4.94 ND 471 Appendix A - 4 Appendices Appendix A - 5 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Average Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum Minimum Flow Date TZl TZ2 TZl TZ2 TZl 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 1 -Aug 4.61 6.18 7.5 6.35 2.11 5.2 4.1 5.13 ND 444 2 -Aug 4.48 5.99_ 7.46.2 1.87 5.1 _ _ 4 5.13 ND 489 3 -Aug 3.7 6.28_ 5.97_ 6.39 2.04 5.5 _2.59 5.28 ND 480 4 -Aug 3.24 5.56_ 5.54_ 5.68 1.29 5.1 _2.52 5.1 ND 480 5 -Aug 2.96 5.99_ 6.03_ 5.92 1.26 5.3 _3.07 5.42 ND 10200 6 -Aug 3.53 5.74_ 6.04_ 5.73 1.23 3.4 3.13 4.82 ND 694 7 -Aug 3.11 5.94_ 6.43_ 5.78 1.4 4.5 3 4.45 ND 471 8 -Aug 3.42 6.08_ 6.98 6.02 1.41 5.3 3.11 4.61 ND 471 9 -Aug 4.18 6.12 6.35 6.06 1.64 5.2'j.3.32 5.32 ND 462 10 -Aug 3.74 5.77 6.36 5.91 1.9 ir 4.3 3.39 5.15 ND 462 11 -Aug 3.9 6.18 6.69 6.18 1.97 5.4 2.7 5 ND 782 12 -Aug 3.84 5.92 5.03 6.05 1.7 5.5 3.21 5.34 ND 489 13 -Aug 3.41 6.36 ND 6.43 1.65 5.6 5.54 ND 426 14 -Aug 5.01 6.27 ND 6.44 1.83 5.6 _ND ND N.49 ND 480 15 -Aug 5.18 6.35 ND_ 6.54 2.23 5.6 `ND 5. ND 480 16 -Aug 6.74 6.35 ND_ 6.49 4.56 5. ND 5.44 D 471 17 -Aug 5.93 6.26_ 4.94_{ 6.3 4.29 5. 4.92 5.34 ND 435 18 -Aug 5.03 6.44 2.41_ 6.63 4.48 5. 2.07 5.39 ND 453 19 -Aug 2.22 6.16 2.75 6.32 2.05 5.2 84 5.19 ND 471 20 -Aug 2.89 6.3 .7 6.47 1.94 5.3 5.27 ND 480 21 -Aug 4.04 6. 6.34 2.38 2. 5.17 ND 435 22 -Aug 3.31 4.4 6.75 1.92 5.3 .5 5.21 ND 409 23 -Aug 3.19 6. 6.24 6.66 1.96 5.2 3.09 5.24 ND 489 24 -Aug 4.39 6.06 26 1 2.17 d 5.2 3.22 5.24 ND 471 25 -Aug 3.86 6.28 2.38 _ 5.2 3.37 5.3 ND 453 26 -Aug 3.65 6.22 5. 6.62 2.51 �_ 5.2 5.22 ND 444 27 -Aug 3.76 6.1 4.46 .56 2.49 5.1 _2.83 5.31 ND 489 28 -Aug 4 6.26 7.1 2.67 _ 5.1 _3.41 5.35 ND 444 29 -Aug 6.25 6.22 6.67 Oft 3.61 5 _4.19 4.56 5.1 ND 426 30 -Aug 5.17 6.16 6 6.55 3.21 5 3.81 5.23 ND 489 31 -Aug 5.03 IW6 5.611 6.38 3.09 5.1 3.89 5.32 ND 480 Appendix A - 5 Appendices Appendix A - 6 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Average Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum Minimum Flow Date TZ1 TZ2 TZ1 TZ2 TZl 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 T 2008 2016 2008 2016 1 -Sep 4.17 6.22 5.51 6.5 3.26 5.1 3.4 5.23 ND 453 2 -Sep 4.32 5.83 4.97 5.9 2.94 _ 5.1 4.07 5.11 ND 528 3 -Sep 4.08 6.93 4.94 6.97 3.12 5.4 3.69 5.72 ND 453 4 -Sep 4.31 6.81 5.27 6.82 2.86 5.2 3.57 5.3 ND 426 5 -Sep 4.21 6.98 4.96 7.1 2.62 5.3 2.87 5.12 ND 444 6 -Sep 3.94 6.77 5.17 7.33 2.59 5.2 3.14 5.32 ND 426 7 -Sep 3.98 6.6 5.1 7 2.31 5.1 57 5.38 ND 435 8 -Sep 4.47 6.27 5.8_1 6. 75 2.7 5.1 .9 1 5.56 ND 462 9 -Sep 4.8 6.17 5.76 6.63 3.38 3.92 5.21 ND 453 10 -Sep 5.25 6.42 6.87 6.8 3.23 47 5.27 ND 426 11 -Sep 6.05 6.29 7.07 6.8 3.87 1 5.28 ND 444 12 -Sep 6.19 6.42 6.64 6.95 3.71 _ 5.3 4.1%k,5.75 ND 435 13 -Sep 5.97 6.49 6.9 6.99 3.97 5.1 4.4 77 ND 426 14 -Sep 6.26 6.44 6.57 6.98 4.11 4.8 4.75 69 ND 418 15 -Sep 5.92 6.53 6.98 6.95 4.16 _ ' 4.9 4.8 5.A ND 444 16 -Sep 6.68 6.56 6.91 7 4.89 ' 5.2W5.08 5.42 D 435 17 -Sep 6.93 6.72 6.82 7.08 5.9 5. 5.6 5.63 ND 409 18 -Sep 7.46 6.42 6.35 6.79 6.3 _ 4. 5.28 5.4 ND 418 19 -Sep 6.93 6.09 6.49 6.05 _ 4.8 28 5.32 ND 409 20 -Sep 7.07 5.96 _6.31 6.96 6.48 5.7 5 5.6 ND 444 21 -Sep 7.9 6.21 6.18 6.73 6.22 .�4 f 4.%.13 5.6 ND 426 22 -Sep 8.3 6.31 7.77 6.83 6.27 f 5 5.75 ND 444 23 -Sep ND 6.18 6.86 6.74 ND _ 4.9 5.63 5.74 ND 435 24 -Sep ND 6.15 7.37 6.71 ND _ m 4.9 5.41 5.67 ND 471 _ 25 -Sep ND 6.64 7.52 7.19 ND ' 5.1 5.29 5.78 ND 480 26 -Sep ND 6.27 6.97 6.67 ND 4.7 5.29 4.91 ND 453 27-S4 ND 6.7 6.82 ND 5.3 5.19 5.46 ND 519 28 -Sep ND 6.097 *6.18 6.26 ND 5.1 4.85 5.51 ND 549 29 -Sep ND 7.01 9 6.72 ND 5.1 5.18 ND 569 30 -Sep ND j1L 6.5 6. 6.65 ND _4.62 4.9 4.61 5.51 ND 480 Appendix A - 6 Appendices Appendix A - 7 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Average Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum Minimum Flow Date TZl TZ2 TZl TZ2 TZl 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 1 -Oct 5.88 6.49 7.11 _ 6.81 4.49 4.8 _4.81 5.35 ND 489 2 -Oct 6.64 6.65 7.65_ 6.87 4.32 5.1 _5.26 5.29 ND 509 3 -Oct 7.01 6.75 7.85_ 7.17 4.95 5.3 5.71 5.61 ND 519 4 -Oct 7.5 6.65 7.56_ 7.11 5.55 5.3 _5.85 5.65 ND 499 5 -Oct 6.81 6.91 7.58_ 7.19 5.37 5.5 5.67 5.83 ND 453 6 -Oct 7.62 7.04 7.18_ 7.36 5.31 5.6 5.84 6.22 ND 453 7 -Oct 9.19 6.1 6.79 6.4 6.69 5.561 5.93 ND 462 8 -Oct ND 6.41 7.23 6.7 ND 5.6 6 5.97 ND 509 9 -Oct ND 7.04 8.05 6.64 ND 6.2 5.95 5.53 ND 769 10 -Oct ND 7.36 7.61 7.7 ND 6.2 95 6.65 ND 519 11 -Oct ND 7.17 7.59_ 7.63 ND 5.9 6.5 ND 528 12 -Oct ND 7.59 7.75_ 7.89 5.6 5.1%, 5.84 ND 539 13 -Oct ND 7.52 8.37 7.92 ND 5.4 6.48 5.96 ND 549 14 -Oct ND 6.46 8.12 6.87 ND _ 5.4 7.17 5.84 ND 539 15 -Oct ND 7.66 7.63 8.09 N 5.4 .35 5.85 ND 539 16 -Oct ND 7.82 8.63 22 ND90 5.4 6.39 5.88 D 539 17 -Oct ND 7.15 8.6 .61 ND 5.3 ® 6.17 5.73 ND 509 18 -Oct ND 7.16 7.69_ 7.67 ND 5.2 6.13 5.75 ND 480 19 -Oct ND 7.07 8.18_ 7.63 ND 5.3 66 5.86 ND 519 20 -Oct ND 7.06 58 7.6 ND 5.3 5.8 ND 519 21 -Oct ND 7. 7.64 ND 6 7. 6.05 ND 453 22 -Oct ND 7.2 8.33 ND 6.6 .78 6.64 ND 453 23 -Oct ND 8. ND 9 ND 6.5 ND 7.05 ND 499 24 -Oct ND 7. 91 D 8.51 ND 6.2 ND 6.58 ND 509 25 -Oct ND 8.05 ND 8.6 ND 6.2 ND 6.53 ND 519 26 -Oct ND 8.3 ND 8.4 ND 6.2 ND 6.49 ND 509 27 -Oct ND 8.2 ND 8.4 ND 6.1 _ ND 6.5 ND 471 28 -Oct ND 8.2 ND 8.56 ND 6.1 _ ND 6.38 ND 499 29 -Oct ND 8.16 ND 8.56 ND 5.7 ND 6.16 ND 471 30 -Oct ND ' 8.09 ND 8.38 ND 5.8 ND 6.1 ND 499 31 -Oct ND 11W3 ND 7.77 ND 5.9 ND 6.18 ND 480 Appendix A - 7 Date 1 -Nov 2 -Nov 3 -Nov 4 -Nov 5 -Nov 6 -Nov 7 -Nov 8 -Nov 9 -Nov 10 -Nov 11 -Nov 12 -Nov 13 -Nov 14 -Nov 15 -Nov 16 -Nov 17 -Nov 18 -Nov 19 -Nov 20 -Nov 21 -Nov 22 -Nov 23 -Nov 24 -Nov 25 -Nov 26 -Nov 27-N 28 -Nov 29 -Nov 30 -Nov Dissolved Oxygen Daily Average Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum TZl TZ2 ND TZl ND TZ2 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 2008 2016 ND 8.04 ND _ 8.34 ND 5.9 _ND 6.24 ND 8.4 ND 8.72 ND 6 ND 6.35 ND 8.73 ND 8.96 ND 6.2 ND 6.35 ND 8.26 ND 8.42 ND 6.5 _ ND 6.75 ND 8.41 ND 8.48 ND 6.9 ND 7.17 ND 8.48 ND 8.67 ND 7.6 ND 7.38 ND 8.71 ND 8.76 ND 7.6 D 7.4 ND 8.31 ND 8.36 ND 7 D 7.02 ND 8.52 ND 8.58 ND 7 ND 7.01 ND 9.2 ND 8.97 ND 7.5 ND 7.16 ND 8.82 ND 8.87 ND 7.8 7.68 ND 9.07 ND 9.28;40 7.5 7.59 ND 8.63 ND 8.39 j ND ® 7.6 _N ND 7.4 ND 8.44 ND 8.85 --' ND _ 7.2 ND .39 ND 8.63 ND _ 8.48 N 7.4 D 7.16 ND 9.05 ND 9.21 ND 7.2 ND 7.37 ND 9.21 _ ND _ { 9.4 ND 7.5 ND 7.71 ND 9.36 ND _ 9.4 ND 7.4 ND 7.41 ND 9.31 ND 9.56 ND 7.6 ND 7.66 ND 9.63 _ ND 9.96 ND 7.9 ®ND 7.73 ND 9. _ ND 9.48 ND 7 ND ► 7.82 ND ND 9.94 ND 8.2 D 8.13 ND 9. ND ' 10.13 ND 8.2 ND 8.41 ND 9.45 ND ' 9.58 ND 8.2 ND 8.58 ND 9.7 ND 10.06 ND V8.3 7.9 ND 7.78 ND 9.83 ND 10.14 ND ND 7.77 ND 10. ND 10.57 ND 8.6 ND 8.36 ND 9.6 ND 9.32 ND 8.1 ND 8.16 ND 9.76 ND 9.45 ND 8 ND 8.12 ND 9.92 _ ND 9.98 ND 8.9 ND 8.76 Appendix A - 8 Appendices Minimum Flow TZl 2008 2016 ND 453 ND 462 ND 462 ND 409 ND 462 ND 444 ND 401 ND 444 ND 385 ND 409 ND 435 ND 418 ND 401 ND 401 ND 409 D 435 ND 409 ND 426 ND 361 ND 385 ND 377 ND 385 ND 401 ND 393 ND 393 ND 377 ND 435 ND 426 ND 377 ND 369 ItAPPENDIX B TAXONOMIC LISTING OF BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM SITES TZ1 AND TZ2 IN THE PEE DEE RIVER BELOW TILLERY DAM DURING JULY 2008 AND JULY 2016 AND THE TAXON'S ASSOCIATED BIOTIC INDEX LUE (T.V.)i. Appendix B - 1 TAXA T.V. 2008 TZl TZ2 2016 2008 2016 Nemertea Tetrastemmatidae Prostoma graecense 6.6 R PLATYHELMINTHES Turbellaria Tricladida Dugesiidae Girardia (Dugesia) tigrina 7.1 A MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula flumina 6.6 OA Sphaeriidae Musculium transversum «<2 Pisidium sp.It2 6 j R Sphaerium sp. R Unionidae Elliptio co mpl a 4.7 Elliptio s «<z — Villosa del bis <<<z Lampsilis radiata <<<z Mesogastropoda Hydrobiidae Amnicola limosa 4.1 Somatogyrus s <<<2 R leuroceridae Elimia catenaria C Leptoxis sp. 1.7 A Viviparidae Campeloma decis 5.8 A Basommatophora Ancylidae Ferrissia rivularis 6.6 Laevapex fuscus 6.6 j A Physidae Physella sp. 8.7 A Planorbidae Helisoma anceps 6.6 A Menetus dilatatus 7.6 — R _ R — A — A A R R — — Appendix B - 2 TAXA T.V. 2008 TZl TZ2 2016 2008 2016 ANNELIDA R — — <<<2 — ClitcHata <<<2 — R — — Oligochaeta R — — Tubiricida Ilyodrilus templtoni 9.3 R Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 9.4 C — C Naididae Nais sp. 8.7 — R Stylaria lacustris 8.4 R C Tubiricinae w.o.h.c. <<<2 Quistadrilus multisetosus <<<2 C — Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus sp. «<2 A Hirudinea Rhynchobdellida Glossiphoniidae Batrachobdella phalera < — Erpobdellidae Erpobdella/Mooreobdella sp 8. — Helobdella elongata<<< Is — Helobdella triserialis 9.3 C — Cambarus hobbso) Cladocera Daphnidae Ceriodaphnia Daphnia lumholtzi Daphnia sp. Sidaidae Sida crystillina Isopoda Asellidae Caecidotea sp. Amphipoda <<<2 R <<<2 — R — — <<<2 — R — — <<<2 — R — — <<<2 — R — — 8.4 A A A A Appendix B - 3 Argia sp. Enallagm4sp. Ischnura sGomphida Gomphus Macromiidae Macromia sp. Coruliidae Neurocordulia obsoleta Megaloptera Corydalidae Corydalus cornutus Trichoptera A 9.5 — 5.9 6.2 — 5.3 R 5.2 A R A TZl R — — TZ22016 TAXA T.V. 2008 2016 C C 2008 Hyalellidae Hyalella azteca 7.2 A A A A Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetidae Baetis intercalaris 5 — C — C Heterocloeon sp. 3.7— Iswaeon anoka 4.4 — — A Labiobaetis ephippiatus 3.5 C A — Labiobaetis propinquus 5.8 — — A Plauditus sp. <<<2 — R — Caenidae Caenis latipennis 6.8 — R Heptageniidae Maccaffertium sp. <<<2 — — Macaffertium modestum .5 — A — Maccaffertium smithae — — A Stenacron interpunctatum .4 C — Stenacron sp. z — — — A Leptoh idae Tricorythodes albiline 5 — A Tricorythodes robacki 5 — — A Tricorythode 5 A A — Odonata Argia sp. Enallagm4sp. Ischnura sGomphida Gomphus Macromiidae Macromia sp. Coruliidae Neurocordulia obsoleta Megaloptera Corydalidae Corydalus cornutus Trichoptera A 9.5 — 5.9 6.2 — 5.3 R 5.2 A R A A A R — — R R R R — — C C C C C Appendix B - 4 TAXA T.V. 2008 TZl 2016 2008 TZ22016 Glossosomatidae R R 4.7 Protoptila sp. 2.3 — — — R Hydropsychidae — — 8.8 — — R — Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.6 j A A A A Hydropsyche bidens «<2 — R — R Hydropsyche sp. «<2 R C — A Hydropsyche depravata gp. <<<2— Hydropsyche venularis 5.1 — — A Macrostemum carolina 3.4 — A C Hydroptilidae Hydroptila sp. 6.5 j C C C Orthotrichia sp. <<<z R — Leptoceridae Ceraclea maculata 6.2 — — — Ceraclea sp. 2.2 — Nectopsyche exquisita .3 — R Nectopsyche sp. — — — Oecetis sp. .1 C A Triaenodes s — R — R Triaenos injustz 2. C C Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis sp. 4 R — C Psychomyiida vpe diversa R C Dubirapia sp. Macronychus glabratus Stenelmis crenata Psephenidae Psephenus herricki Hydrophilidae Berosus sp. Diptera C A 5 C — R R 6.5 — — C — 5.5 R R 4.7 A C 7.8 C — R — 2.3 A — — — 8.8 — — R — Appendix B - 5 TAXA T.V. 2008 TZl 2016 2008 TZ22016 Chironomidae R C Ablabesmyia mallochi 7.4 R Ablabesmyia rhamphe gp. 6.8 R Cardiocladius obscurus 4.4 — Chironomus sp. 9.3 j C Cladotanytarsus sp. 4 Cricotopus sp. <<<z — Cricotopus bicinctus 8.7 A Cricotopus triannulatus <<<z — Cryptochironomus sp. 6.4 C Dicrotendipes neomodestus 7.9 Dicrotendipes fumidus 8.8 Orthocladius clarkei 5.6 Nanocladius distinctus 7.4 Pentaneura sp. <<<z — Polypedilum flavum .7 R Polypedilum halterale — Polypedilum scalaenum Procladius sp. — Pseudochironomus sp. kAk Rheotanytarsus exigum Stenochironomus sp. 6.3 Synorthocladius se iv 4.2 Tarrytarsus sp. Th7 emanniella xen 8 Tribelos jucundu 5.7 — mpididae Hemerodromia sp. 2 — Simuliidae Simulium dixiense 4.9 — Simulium vittat 9.1 — Simulium sp. 4.9 C Tabanidae — Tipulidae Tipula sp. 7.5 'Tolerance values were adopted from (NCDEQ 2016) where: R = Rare (1-2 individuals collected) C = Common (3-9 individuals collected) A = Abundant (10 or more individuals collected) — — Not collected C R C R C — R C R C — A C R A A — A A R A C C C A A — A C — R C — R — — Appendix B - 6 R R z Specimens that were not listed in the NCDEQ 2016 Version 5.0 Tolerance Values for Genera and Species of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates (denoted with <<< for the tolerance value) were not included in the calculations of NCIBI values. Appendix B - 7