HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_FERC Issues Certificate for ACP_20171114October 30, 2017 Jennifer Burdette 1601 Mail Service Ctr. Raleigh, NC 27699-1600 RE: FERC Issues Certificate for Atlantic Coast Pipeline Dear Ms. Burdette: On Friday, October 13, Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC (Atlantic) received a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessityfrom the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to construct, operate and maintain the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. This certificate is the result of an extensive environmental review and public input process that began in November 2014. Atlantic will construct the ACP, a new, underground 600 -mile interstate natural gas transmission pipeline. The pipeline will begin in Harrison County, West Virginia, travel southeast through Virginia and proceed south to Robeson County, North Carolina. In West Virginia and Virginia the pipeline will be 42 inches in diameter. In North Carolina, the pipeline will be 36 - inches in diameter. Three extensions are planned in Virginia, including a 20 -inch diameter lateral to Chesapeake and 16 -inch diameter laterals in both Brunswick and Greensville Counties. Compressor stations, which help maintain the flow of gas, will be positioned in Lewis County, West Virginia; Buckingham County, Virginia; and Northampton County, North Carolina. The ACP will be capable of delivering about 1.5 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas. The abundant supply of natural gas thatwould flow safely and reliablythrough this pipeline is needed by utilities within the project area to generate electricity, heat homes and businesses and meet a growing domestic demand for energy. Atlantic will begin work on the ACP this fall. The first phase of the project will be tree felling within the area of construction disturbance. Landowners will be notified prior to tree felling activities on their property. The clearing of trees, brush and debris will occur shortly after tree felling as long as weather permits. The next phase will begin in the spring of 2018 and will include major pipeline construction and restoration work on several sections of the 600 -mile route as well as construction on the three compressor stations. The third phase of construction will begin in the spring of 2019 on the remaining sections of the route. Enclosed is a Project At -A -Glance fact sheet. Atlantic will host a series of Construction Open Houses and the dates, times and locations of those events will be published as details are finalized. For additional information • Visit the ACP Website at www.atlanticcoastpipeline.com • Check out the project Facebook page at Atlantic Coast Pipeline • Call our toll-free General Information number at 844-215-1819 • Or, Email the ACP Project Team atACpipeline@dominionenergy.com Safety is our number one priority on this and all projects. The ACP will be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the highest safety standards. We look forward to continuing to work with you and all other stakeholders as construction begins on this project. Sincerely, Aro Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC by: Brian Wright, Authorized Representative Enclosures The abundant supply of natural gas that will flow safely and reliably through the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) is needed by utilities within the project area to generate electricity, heat homes and businesses and meet a growing domestic demand for energy. The ACP will begin in Harrison County, West Virginia, travel southeast through Virginia and then proceed south to Robeson County, North Carolina. A project overview map is available on page 2 of this document. Project Details Length: Approximately 600 miles Pipe: West Virginia: 42 -inch diameter Virginia: 42 -inch diameter North Carolina: 36 -inch diameter Lateral Extensions Chesapeake: 20 -inch diameter Brunswick: 16 -inch diameter Greensville: 16 -inch diameter Capacity: 1.5 million dekatherms (equivalent to 1.5 billion cubic feet/day) Compressor Station Locations: 1. Lewis County, West Virginia 2. Buckingham County, Virginia 3. Northampton County, North Carolina Schedule .. FERC Certificate October 2017 Construction Open Houses 2018 Construction 2017-2019 In-service Late 2019 Community and Economic Benefits Construction and operation of the ACP will result in a number of community and economic benefits in West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina. Within the three -state area, the project will provide additional opportunities for new manufacturing, greater stability in energy prices, and air quality improvements through increased use of cleaner -burning natural gas as a fuel source for electric generation. The ACP will have significant economic impacts in the region. During construction, ACP is estimated to generate $2.7 billion in total economic activity and support 17,240 jobs. Additionally, capital expenditures during construction will generate $4.2 million annually in total tax revenue paid to local governments. Atlantic will pay property taxes to every locality through which it passes. Cumulatively, these payments could result in nearly $30 million annually by 2022. The lower cost of natural gas to fuel power generation lowers energy bills. Virginia and North Carolina electricity consumers could save up to $377 million annually. The complete reports are available on the ACP website at www.atianticcoastpipetine.com. Project Contact Vehicles Contact the ACP Project Team • Visit the ACP website at: www.atianticcoastpipetine.com • Visit ACP on Facebook at: Atlantic Coast Pipeline • Call the landowner toll-free number: 888-895-8716 • Call the general inquiry toll-free number: 844-215-1819 • Email: ACpipelineea DominionEnergy.com Atlantic Coast Pipeline x Harrison Project est Virgin-i Overview Pui.., �" Map Lawfs R,F"7 ` Upshur Randolph e •-+" Shenandoah t National ERM onongaTela Park National�.� - Forest .''.I, ,.... Highland s. AP-1 • � Augusta �- —Barii u ,Ino � � _.., • � 7.y George�Washi�gfon ore'� reo Nonr e .. nr x Nels"o`n National sst n Buckingham i - �Jeflemon IB Forest �.� ,.: .., erla A Pnnce Edward NottowayDinwiddie Q,t AP.q AP-3. ., •n,. �� �;y I, " ,. Greensvifle p •Blue Ridge - i S. r r r • Parkwa - n'" ` ' Brunswick Southamp�n .11 Chesap ake'�' -!; Great. 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