HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081839 Ver 1_Emails_20090120RE: Rutman Creek Restoration
Subject: RE: Rtatman Creek Restoration
From: "Christian Preziosi" <cpreziosi@lmgroup.net>
ate: Thu, 15 Jan 200 18:27:32 -0500
To: "Tammy.L.Hill" <Tammy.L.Hill@ncmail.net>
CC: "Kyle Barnes" <Kyle.Barnes@ncmail.net>, <matt.matthews@ncmail. net>, "Brent Manning"
Hello Tammy -
Thanks for your email. I called and left Kyle a voicemail this
afternoon to meet on-site regarding the intermittent-perennial stream
call. I believe this should not have any bearing on the 401 review as
the proposed plugs occur only within non-stream RPWs (ditches and
Also, we had received one letter from DWQ regarding a request for
clarification of the linear footage of fill/plugs (letter dated October
14 and signed by Ian McMillan). We provided this information on October
21. No other information was requested by DWQ.
The mitigation plan update that David forwarded today consisted of
extremely minor edits (namely referencing an updated RGL and WRAP
Technical Note as well as the removal of a footnote referencing
volunteer species that can be counted toward the success criteria). No
other changes were made to the restoration design or plug locations.
In light of these considerations, I hope that the 401 can be readily
processed so that Phase I of the Rutman Creek restoration project can be
initiated in February.
I appreciate you following up with this Tammy
email if we can do anything else.
Christian A. Preziosi
Land Management Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 2522
Wilmington, NC 28402
phone: 910.452.0001
fax: 910.452.0060
cell: 910.471.0515
email: cpreziosi@lmgroup.net
Feel free to call or
-----Original Message-----
From: Tammy.L.Hill [mailto:Tammy.L.Hill@ncmail.net
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:55 PM
To: Christian Preziosi
Cc: Kyle Barnes; matt.matthews@ncmail.net
Subject: Re: Rutman Creek Restoration
Hello again, Christian.
At our Rutman Creek site visit on July 29, 2008, Kyle Barnes of our
Washington office requested that LMG contact him to schedule an
intermittent-perennial stream call at the lower end of the project site
(enhancement area near the access road). It just came to my attention
that this stream call was never scheduled. Please contact Kyle at the
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RE: Rutman Creek Restoration
email above or 252-946-6481 to follow up.
As you know, we received the most recent revisions to the PCN and
mitigation plan via David Lekson today, so DWQ will be actively
reviewing the application package. I will keep you apprised of any
issues that could be dealt with in order to help expedite the process.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns regarding the
proposed mitigation project.
Warm regards,
Christian Preziosi wrote:
Hello Tammy -
Hope you have been well. Yes- we were able to obtain an access
agreement for the proposed reference wetland/zero-order stream areas
I the Cameron property (Site 1 in our Appendix E). This site has as I
pristine an area of hardwood flats as we've ever seen in eastern NC.
fact, this area is known as the 'Scranton Hardwoods' as referenced in
I Schafale and Weakely (1990). There are few, if any, hardwood flat
like this remaining in NC. Also, the site has other representative
wetland areas (non-riparian swamp forest, small stream swamp, and
zero-order stream) suitable for reference monitoring.
As you indicated, we will be using existing preservation areas of the
site for the bay forest reference wetlands. There are large,
undisturbed blocks in which we will be installing reference wells.
I Hope this information helps. We have ordered all the shallow
I wells for Phase I and the reference areas. These will be installed in
the beginning of February. We also have the plant deliveries (for
I) scheduled for February 16th.
We are hoping to have the 401 Certification as soon as possible
know if there is anything we can do to expedite the review.
Thanks for your help! Talk soon -
Christian A. Preziosi
Land Management Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 2522
Wilmington, NC 28402
phone: 910.452.0001
fax: 910.452.0060
cell: 910.471.0515
email: cpreziosi@lmgroup.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Tammy.L.Hill [mailto:Tammy.L.Hill@ncmail.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:23 AM
To: Christian Preziosi
Cc: Kyle Barnes; Eric Kulz; matt.matthews@ncmail.net
2 of3 1/26/2009 1:59 PM
RE: Rutman Creek Restoration
Subject: Rutman Creek Restoration
Hi, Christian.
We're reviewing the application for the 401 Certification for the
Creek project. Could you let me know the status of reference site
selection? The updated plan (dated 12/5/2008) indicates that, due to
fire and access issues, there was difficulty locating sites. Has any
progress been made on establishing reference points for monitoring?
Have you considered placing a reference well in the on-site
area to use as a reference for the bay forest restoration? Any
information you can provide will help us in our review process.
Feel free to email or call at your convenience.
Thanks, and have a great day,
Tammy Hill
Environmental Senior Specialist
NC Division of Water Quality (401/Wetlands)
2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250
Raleigh, NC 27604
919-715-9052 (voice)
919-733-6893 (fax)
Tammy. L,. Hil1C_,?ncmail . net
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