HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080987 Ver 1_More Info Received_20090107 FW: 401 question Subject: FW: 401 question From: "Wheeler, Tracey L SAW" <Tracey.L.Wheeler@usace.army.mil> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 200913:42:19 -0500 To: <Ian.McMillan@ncmail.net>, "Kyle Barnes" <Kyle.Barnes@ncmail.net> Hey guys, I don't know where this ended up, but here is the response from Seymour Johnson. What do you think? Tracey Tracey L. Wheeler Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1000 Washington, NC 27889 (252) 975-1616 ex 24 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://regulatory,usacesurvey.com/ to complete the survey online. -----Original Message----- From: Busch, Laura M Civ USAF ACC 4 CES/CEAO [mailto:laura.busch@seymourjohnson.af.mil] Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 1:37 PM To: Wheeler, Tracey L SAW Subject: RE: 401 question Tracey - I think this is the one, let me know if not, Thanks, Laura Content-Description: Response DWQ 2nd Ltr.pdf Response DWQ 2nd Ltr.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Encoding: base64 1 of 1 1/14/20093:12 PM DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTER WING (ACe) SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE NC AUG 2 5 2008 Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Civil Engineer 1 095 Peterson A venue Seymour Johnson AFB NC 27531-2355 Ms. Tracey Wheeler Washington Regulatory Field Office, US Army Corps of Engineers POBox 1000 Washington NC 27889-1000 Dear Ms. Wheeler We received a copy of the comment letter sent to Mr. Lekson.,Field Cbie~ by the Division of Water Quality dated August, 18.2008. We would like to address their concerns, as numbered in the original letter: 1. The USAF has previously reviewed the MOA between the USACE. USAF, FAA. and other resources agencies. and agrees to Items A-P in Section 1. SJAFB also agrees with the Background Section, which recognizes the hazards of wildlife collisions during complex take-otf and landing procedures. Item G recognizes that there are circumstances where impacts to wetlands are unavoidable. and therefore the Section 404 permitting process exists. This section does not prohibit impacts to ~ it stipulates that avoidance and rnh'litlli7Jltion must be tried, and mitigation be accomplished ifunable to dO so. SJAPB bas detailed previous methods tried to discourage birds and why they have failed or why they were not practicable. The NCEEP has agreed to accept USAF payment for mitigation credits for impacting these wetlands. The USAF also agrees with Item L, that the FAA, USAF and WS personnel have the expertise necessary to deten:nine aircraft-wildlife strike potential of various land uses. SJAFBIUSDA wildlife biologists have identified species and seasonal popuIations of animals attracted. by the wetlands. The extent of the wildlife hazard to aviation is evident by the recorded number of strikes occurri.ng at the east end of Runway 26. Furthermore. Section IL Item E states: "The signatory agencies retain the discretion to adopt approaches on a case-by-case basis that differ from this MOA when they determine it is appropriate to do so." This situation warrants a case-by-case analysis. 2. SJAFB provided data on bird and wildlife strikes at the east end ofthenmway in the application. Additional information. was supplied in response to a letter from DWQ dated July gf:.,td !7bfbE't ;:''1: dfme'tlaa 30, 2008. At Attachment 1 are the Flight Safety slides on bird strikes briefed to the Vice Commander. chair of the Environmental, Safety, and Occupation Health Council, at the quarterly meeting held July 24. 2008. 3. The USAF is unable to completely address the DWQ's assertion that the Navy has a different perspective than SJAFB regarding wildlife interference around nmways, as we are not familiar with the specifics of the Navy's site plan. The Navy published its NOI to prepare an EIS to look at new sites for the OLF on April 29, 2008. This would indicate that the process is still in the early stages, and therefore site specific designs and architectural drawings have not been developed. It is unclear what factors were involved that allowed the Navy to determine that wildlife interference would not be an issue. It is the USAF's position that the decision to impact the wetlands located in close proximity to the portion of the SJAFB runway where aircraft are in the most critical phases of flight, should be determined on site specific information and not on general information offered by the Navy during preliminary planning. The USAF and the Navy fly different types of aircraft, with different flight characteristics (specifically take-off and landing). Large aircraft, such as the KC-135R based at 81AFB, have a longer glide slope when landing, and are in this critical phase for a longer period than small aircraft such as the F-15E. These type of aircraft would not be using the OLF. 4. The clear zone around the east end of the runway (approximately 210 acres) is currently a mowed field, designed to be free of any obstructions. SJAFB must follow strict USAF guidelines on grass height to prevent the attraction of foraging and nesting birds. This project will not alter the field surrounding the wetlands, thereby not making the area more attractive to Canada geese as the DWQ suggests; therefore we dispute the assumption that the geese would "likely" locate near the runway if the proposed project was permitted. If you have any questions on this matter please contact Mr. Donald Abrams at 919-722-5168. Sincerely ~~ DENNIS G. GOODSON, P.E. Attachment: Flight Safety Slides from Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Council Meeting 0, .t:: ~ ~ ~ ..c:: .0, Li: S ~ ~ . .... (.) t: ::::s o (.) S ...... C'O CD :t ...... C'OCO t:Q .0 '"- (,) ~ u: :t: g. "- o g~ CI) 0 res II I OC!S ~ ...... ~ 0 ~-e ~C") ...... ~ t: CD E t: e . .... :s Lii ~ :1 ~ ~~ ._ 'I- 0 ns~nsN CJ) . 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