HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110023_Information Letter_20081229'6
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December 9, 2008
Mr Mike Bryant
Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge
Post Office Box 1969
Manteo, North Carolina 27954
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Subject Special Use Permit Issued by the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge
for the Groin/ Revetment at Oregon Inlet, Dare County, North Carolina
Reference: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Use Permit, issued
June 20, 1989.
Dear Mr Bryant
In the above referenced permit for the Construction of the Terminal Groin and Revetment at
Oregon Inlet issued by the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, it states,
"The purpose of these actions is to stop the southward migration of the northern portion
of Pea Island to protect the southern segment of the existing Herbert C Bonner bridge
and its southern approach of North Carolina Highway 12 "
In addition, condition number 16 indicates,
"(16) All or any part of this permit may be suspended or terminated by the Regional
Director for failure to comply with any or all terms and conditions of the grant, or for
abandonment A rebuttable presumption of abandonment is raised by deliberate failure
of the holder to use for any continuous 2 -year period the permit for the purpose for
which it was granted or renewed In the event of noncompliance or abandonment, the
Regional Director will notes in writing the permittee of his intention to suspend or
terminate such grant 60 days from the date of the notice, stating the reasons therefore,
unless prior to that time the permittee completes such corrective actions as are specified
in the notice The Regional Director may grant an extension of time within which to
complete corrective actions when warranted, in his judgment, by extenuating
circumstances not within the permittee s control, such as adverse weather conditions,
disturbance to wildlife during breeding periods or periods of peak concentration, or
other compelling reasons Failure to take corrective action within the 60-day period will
result in a determination by the Regional Director to suspend or terminate the permit
No administrative proceeding shall be required where the permit terminates under its
terms "
RALEIGH NC 27699-1598
It is the Department's interpretation of condition (16) that, after the existing Bonner Bridge has
been removed from service for at least two years, the USFWS could determine this to be
abandonment In this case, the Regional Director [of the US Fish and Wildlife Service] can send
a notice informing NCDOT of their [USFWS] intent to terminate the permit on the basis of
abandonment This action would then require the removal of the groin and restoration of the
land to its original condition, unless otherwise waived by the Regional Director
As outlined in a letter from the US Army Corps of Engineers dated September 18, 2008,
(see attached letter) the Corps identifies the need for the groin by stating,
"The terminal groin must remain in place to stabilize the existing location of Oregon
Inlet Removal of the terminal groin would allow Oregon Inlet to resume its historic
southerly migration and place the southern bridge abutment in danger of being exposed
due to erosion of the northern tap of Pea Island We are not able to identify a Navigation
Zone (multiple navigation spans) to NCDOT if the terminal groan does not remain in
place because the deep water through the inlet would likely migrate to a location south of
the southern bridge abutment The Wilmington Distract strongly recommends that the
terminal groan remain in place as an essential feature of the new Oregon Inlet Bridge "
It should be noted, also, that the installation of the terminal groin has led to the creation of
additional piping plover habitat that was recently designated as critical habitat for the wintering
piping plover by USFWS As has been discussed during recent meetings (in which USFWS staff
have participated) as part of consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation
Act, the terminal groin also currently serves as protection for both the historic features of the Pea
Island National Wildlife Refuge (eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic
Places) and the (former) Oregon Inlet U S Coast Guard Station (listed on the NRHP)
NCDOT proposes to replace the existing Bonner Bridge with a new structure that will occupy the
same easement as the current NC 12 in the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge Because the
purpose of the actions included in the original permit was to protect not only the existing Bonner
Bridge but also its southern approach, the Department does not feel that a modification of the
original permit is needed However, if you deem that a modification is necessary, this letter
serves to begin that process Please notify NCDOT in writing of your decision of whether a
modification is needed
Thank you for your assistance with this project If you have any questions or need additional
information, please contact Michael Turchy at maturchy@ncdot gov or (919) 715-1468 A copy
of this letter will also be posted at ttp //www ncdot org/planning/pe/naturalumt/Permit html
Gr go rpe, Ph /p, Manager
Probe ev opment And Environmental Analysis Branch
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cc w/attachment
Mr Bill Biddlecome, USACE
Mr Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ
Ms Kathy Matthews, USEPA
Ms Cathy Brittingham, NCDCM
Mr Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington
Mr Travis Wilson, NCWRC
Mr Gary Jordan, USFWS
Mr Ron Sechler, NMFS
Ms Anne Deaton, NCDMF
Mr David Henderson, P E , Hydraulics
Mr Tom Koch, P E, Structure Design
Mr Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental
Mr Victor Barbour, P E , Project Services Unit
Mr Jerry Jennings, P E, Division 1 Engineer
Mr Clay Willis, Division 1 Environmental Officer
Mr Jay Bennett, P E, Roadway Design
Mr Mated Alghandour, P E, Programming and TIP
Mr Art McMillan, P E, Highway Design
Mr Brian Yamamoto, P E, PDEA
Mr Drew Joyner, PE, Human Environment Unit Head
Mr Clarence W Coleman, P E, FHWA
Ms Lori Kroll, Counsel for Environmental and Transportation Issues
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P O BOX 1890
ATTENTION OF September 18, 2008
Project Management Branch
Mr Lyndo Tippett
Secretary of Transportation
North Carolina Department of Transportation
1501 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699
Dear Secretary Tippett
Recently, members of my staff have been in coordination with North Carolina Department of
Transportation (NCDOT) concerning navigation requirements for the new Oregon Inlet Bridge The
bridge spans the federally authorized navigation channel at Oregon Inlet, which the Wilmington
District is responsible for maintaining This response confirms and clarifies out assessment and
recommendations related to these requirements
The Wilmington District has determined that the following constraints must be incorporated
into design of the replacement bridge to provide a reasonable assurance that safe navigation can be
maintained through Oregon Inlet over the structure's 50-year design life Please refer to the
enclosure for location of features described below
1) The terminal groin must remain in place to stabilize the existing location of Oregon Inlet
Removal of the terminal groin would allow Oregon Inlet to resume its historic southerly migration
and place the southern bridge abutment in danger of being exposed due to erosion of the northern tip
of Pea Island We are not able to identify a Navigation Zone (multiple navigation spans) to NCDOT
if the terminal groin does not remain in place because the deep water through the inlet would likely
migrate to a location south of the southern bridge abutment The Wilmington District strongly
recommends that the terminal groin remain in place as an essential feature of the new Oregon Inlet
2) The design vessel for the replacement bridge should be the Hopper Dredge Atchafalaya, which is
owned and operated by B+B Dredging, Portsmouth, VA Design characteristics of the bridge should
account for safe navigation of the Atchafalaya through the Navigation Zone and impact analysis of
the Atchafalaya to the bridge in the absence of a navigation fender system Specifications of the
vessel include Height 65-ft, Length 197-ft, Width 87-ft, Gross Tons 760 The height of each
navigation span should be 70-ft mean high water (MHW), or 70 38-ft NAVD88, to account for tide
and wave fluctuations
3) Prior to the installation of the Herbert C Bonner Bridge, Davis Slough was a deep water channel
west of Oregon Inlet Following NCDOT s installation of the Bonner Bridge, Range 1 of the
existing navigation channel became the prevailing deep water west of Oregon Inlet The existing
Bonner Bridge sub-structure acts as a flow restrictor in Davis Slough and helps prevent the shifting
of deep water channels within the inlet If the existing sub-sti ucture were removed or replaced with
less restrictive sub-structure, it is likely that Davis Slough would again become the prevailing deep
water channel Based on the above information, and assuming the terminal groin remains in place,
two options for Navigation Zones are provided below
a) 2,400 ft Navigation Zone from Station 21+00 through 45+00 Under this Navigation Zone
alignment, approximately 1,200 ft of the existing bridge (as shown on the enclosed pdf file), or
similar submerged sub-structure, must remain in-place to prevent Davis Slough from becoming the
prevailing interior channel Without this "Training Structure" it is likely that Davis Slough would
become the prevailing channel and the 2,400 ft Navigation Zone would be rendered useless to vessel
traffic for the remaining life of the bridge
b) 4,500 ft Navigation Zone from Station 00+00 through 45+00 Under this Navigation Zone
configuration, no Training Structure would be required However, the Navigation Zone must be
located from Station 00+00 through 45+00 (i e a vertical clearance of 70-ft MHW must be
maintained from Station 00+00 through 45+00)
My staff has recently attended several coordination meetings relating to the new Oregon Inlet
Bridge with the following agencies NCDOT, U S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Federal
Highway Administration and U S Coast Guard During these coordination meetings representatives
ofNCDOT have indicated that the new Oregon Inlet Bridge might be constructed prior to applying
for the U S Fish and Wildlife Special Use Permit (SUP) which would allow the Terminal Groin to
remain in place The Wilmington District is concerned that under this course of action, the
possibility exists that USFWS might deny the SUP application It is the opinion of my office that
without the terminal groin in place, Oregon Inlet will continue its migration to the south and render
the constructed Navigation Zone useless and most likely jeopardize the structural integrity of the
newly constructed southern bridge abutment Therefore, if NCDOT decides to wait for the new
bridge to be constructed prior to applying for the USFWS SUP, we would request that NCDOT
provide us a plan that ensures deep water will remain beneath the constructed navigation zone
I would like to thank you for the ongoing coordination with the Wilmington District on this
issue Coordination between the Wilmington District and NCDOT is essential and will surely benefit
the users of both land and water highways we are tasked with constructing and maintaining If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me
AMerson ?y?sc vage
olonel, US Army
District Commander
Honorable Richard Burr
United States Senate
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Honorable Elizabeth Dole
United States Senate
120 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Honorable Walter B Jones, Jr
United States House of Representatives
2333 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
BG Joseph Schrodel
Commander, South Atlantic Division
US Army Corps of Engineers
60 Forsyth Street, Rm I OM 15
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mr Tom Reeder, Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environment,
and Natural Resources
Post Office Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-7687
Mr Mike Bryant
U S Fish and Wildlife Service
Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge
Post Office Box 1969
Manteo, North Carolina 27954
Mr Michael Murray
U S Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Outer Banks Group
1401 National Park Drive
Manteo, North Carolina 27954
John F Sullivan, III, PE
Division Administrator
FHWA North Carolina Division
310 New Bern Avenue, Ste 410
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-1418
Tom Drda '
Federal Highway Administration
310 New Bern Avenue, Ste 410
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-1418
Lori Kroll
Counsel for Environmental and Transportation Issues
North Carolina Department of Transportation
1501 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699
Warren Judge
County of Dare
PO Box 1000
Manteo, North Carolina 27954
Bill H Brazier
Bridge Management Specialist
Fifth Coast Guard District
431 Crawford Street, Room 103
Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004