HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024406_Annual Report_20171018DUKE ENERGY® October 18, 2017 Sergei Chernikov, PhD State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Complex NPDES Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Belews Creek Steam Station Duke Energy Carolinas 3194 Pine Hall Road Walnut Creek, NC 27609 RECEIVED/NCDEUDWR Subject: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Belews Creek Steam Station - #NC0024406 Bromide Reduction Evaluation Semi —Annual Report Dear Dr. Chernikov. OCT 27 2017 Water Quailay Permitting Section As required by Condition A. (14) of the subject NPDES permit attached are three copies of the Semi-annual status report summarizing Duke Energy's efforts to reduce bromide discharge and potential subsequent Total Trihalomethane (TTHM) formation in downstream municipal water treatment systems. Should you have questions regarding this report, please contact Joyce Dishmon at 336-623 0238 or Joyce.Dlshmon@duke-energy.com. Yours tru v.� Reginald D. Anderson General Manager III, Regulated Stations Belews Creek Steam Station Power Generating Carolinas East Attachments Belews Creek Steam Station Bromide Reduction Evaluation NPDES Perm it-NC0024406 Semi -Annual Progress Report October 2017 Pursuant to Condition A.(14) Bromide Reduction Evaluation of the NPDES Permit — NC0024406. Duke Energy submits this semi-annual progress report This report is required to summarize on-going investigations focused on minimizing bromide discharge at Outfall 003 as well as efforts aimed at reducing the formation of total trihalomethanes (TTHM) at downstream water treatment plants. • Duke Energy has worked cooperatively with DWR and the Town of Madison and City of Eden to address the bromide/TTHM issues since being advised of the municipality's issues with TTHM formation. • Bromide itself is not a health concern in surface waters. There is no water quality standard for bromide and no NPDES permit limit • Duke Energy has provided direct technical expertise and financial assistance to Madison and Eden to help address their respective TTHM issues. Town of Madison • No updated information new to report since the last submittal. City of Eden • City of Eden completed startup of the Chloramines Conversion System in August 2017. Belews Creek Steam Station • Duke Energy has completed a wastewater pilot treatment study at the FGD Wastewater Treatment System (WWTS) to demonstrate halide removal. The concentrated wastewater is being stored for a future solids fixation pilot study. Duke Energy notified NC DEQ of the pilot study in the March 8, 2017 letter titled "Pilot Studies — Notification". • Duke Energy has partnered with University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC -C) Civil and Engineering Dept. and the engineering firm AMEC Foster Wheeler to complete the next phase in the halide study. This phase, tentatively scheduled for the first quarter of 2018, will test UNC -C's previous lab work on the field demonstration scale. The goal is to produce test beds of fixated coal combustion byproduct material and FGD wastewater to monitor for halide sequestration. NC DEQ Division of Waste Management Section authorized Duke Energy to conduct the Paste Demonstration Project in the attached August 18, 2017 letter titled "Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Project Authorization." • Belews Creek is currently planning for 50% natural gas co -fire capabilities by 2019 and 2020 for Units 1 and 2, respectively. This modification to the operation of the station is a result of other factors but is expected to have an added benefit of decreasinng of total bromide discharge at Outfall 003. Waste Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY August 18, 2017 Sent by Email: Melonle martin2cduke-energy.com Ms. Melonie Martin, Environmental Services Duke Energy, Belews Creek Steam Station 3191 Pine Hall Road Walnut Cove, North Carolina 27042 Subject: Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Project, Authorization Permit No 8504 -INDUS-, Belews Creek Craig Rd Landfill Stokes County, FID 731354 Dear Ms Martin: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S REGAN Secrelaty MICHAEL SCOTT Direclor On August 4, 2017, the Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section (Section) received Duke Energy's letter, with attached plans and specifications, entitled; Belews Creek Paste Demonstration - Engineering Plan Revision, Belews Creek Steam Station, Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009, Stokes County Prepared by Duke Energy. August 2017. DIN 28276. Duke Energy's letter served as a request for authorization to construct, operate, maintain, and eventually close the Paste Demonstration Project (Project), as described in the plans and specifications. The proposed Project is designed to take place within the permitted limits of the Craig Road Landfill, Permit No. 8504 -INDUS-. The following are the stated Project objectives, 1. Demonstrating and verifying bromide sequestration and environmental performance at field -level including: a. Evaluating the quantity and quality of leachate generation b. Evaluating the quantity and quality of contact -water runoff 2. Evaluating paste process mixing, pumping, and placement 3. Evaluating short and long term paste physical characteristics. The Section has reviewed the request and hereby authorizes Duke Energy to conduct the Project as described in the submitted plans Furthermore, this authorization requires Duke Energy to notify or submit the appropriate documentation (by email) to the Section for the following Project milestones; 1. Commencement of construction of the Demonstration Project Pad, notification 2 Completion of the demonstration pad and process area construction, CQA submittal (as described in the plans). 3. Commissioning of paste processing equipment, notification 4. Commencement of paste mixing and paste deposition, notification. 5. Completion of paste mixing and paste deposition, Operations Report submittal (as described in the plans). State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center 1 217 West Jones Street I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 919 707 5200 Belews Creek Steam Station August 18, 2017 FID731354 Page 2 of 2 6. Completion of the demobilization of paste process equipment, notification. 7. Prior to decommissioning of Project cells, coordinate the specific decommissioning methods with and receive concurrence from Section. 8 Completion of decommissioning of Project cells, submittal of supporting documentation as required by Section concurrence. The documents regarding this issue can be found at; littp://edocs.deq.ne.gov/WasteManagei-nent/O/fol/559/Rowl.aspx. All changes to the authorized plans and specification, notifications and submittals, as well as any questions regarding this authorization, should be directed to Larry Frost at (828) 296- 4704 or larry.frostgncdenr.arov Sincerely, Digitally signed by Edward F. Mussler III P.E. Date: 2017.08.18 11:04:41 -04'00' Edward F. Musslci, III, P.E., Supervisor Permitting Branch, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ ec: Larry Frost — SWS/ARO Shawn McKee — SWS/RCO Elizabeth Werner — S WS/RCO