HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170220 Ver 1_401_Certificate of Completion_379_20171017Rov coorsa �;,,,,���,,,,,� MICI-IAI3L S. RF.GAN �n�r��iiu�r Envir'anmrnlnl S.,IA1' LIMMF:RMAN (.?u c'�li l )� n�,-� ��-r�„� NCDWR Projecf No.: ZO �� Z� County: ��I� Appucanr: �� -nrrr �]Vlsron� � — �1-J-f2�1K��LlLLS __. Pr��jcct Namc: .�C._.� J7�j _ oV� . SQ.—Z"i IS �1��5 ICk �UA-�LYCi._ '2-�� D�dc of Issuancc of d01 Wntcr Qmilily Ccrliticatiun: __�. 9_ a � �_� ---- _— I- - -- Ccrlifir.jle of Completiun Upon compleliun of ��II wnrk ;ipproved �vi�hin the d01 Waler Qunlily Certilica�ion or ��pplic�ble Bullcr Rules, and any subsequem modilica�ions, the applicani is raµiired io return this certificate to Ihe �701 Transportation Pennillin� Unii, Nurlh Carolina Divisiun ol' Waler Rusourcev, 1G17 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC', _'7G99-IG17. This form mpy be returned �o NCDWR by ihe applieont. Ihe applicanl's aulhori�ad agen�. or the prnject engineer. 1� is not necessary to send ceniticntes li�om all uf Ihcse. dpplicnnP.c Cerlrficnlin�i .�' 9 ��" • . L_�._{�(ij_. /w,! /.S _. , herehv st:ile lhal, lo Ihe besl of mp :dnlilics, duc c.irc and diliecncc �vas used in Ihe observaiion uf ihe construclion such ihai [he conslruclion �vas observed lo be buil� �rithin subs�antiul compli�nce and intent of the 401 W�ler Qu�ilily Cerlilicution �ind I3ulfer Rules, the approved plams and specificaiions, �ncl oiher supporting materi;ils. si�nann���� y///��� �.�o�J nare:/D —l.� -�/ % �- - — :Igeu!'s ' lificaRrn� I, , hereby statu �h�iL �o the besl of my nbililies, due care and dilieence was used in Ihe obseivaiion uf [hc construc�ion such diat the construction tiv;is ubserved to be built wilhin subslaniial compliance and intcnl of the d01 W�Icr Qunlity Certi�ica�iun and f3ul'fer Rules, tl�e appruved plans and sp�citicalions, nnd otlirr suppurting ma�cri;ils. Signaiurc: . _ . . . _. Ua�e: Engineer'.s Ce�liftcrrliou P;u'litil I'inal I, . as a duh� registered Prolossional E;nginecr in lhe Suue uf Norlh Carolina, h�rving been awhorized lo obscrve (periodicallv, �veckly, full iime) the canslruction of Ihe project lur Ihe Pemiiuee hereby state Ihat, In �he bes� ol'my abilities, due c.ue and diligence �vas used in the ubscrv��ion of ihc eonstruction such ihai the consU'uctiun was obscived io be buili �vithin substaniial coinplit�nee nnd intent of the d01 Waler Qutilily Cerlilication and Bufl'a' Rules. Ihe �ipproved plans �md specilicatinns. and otlier supporling maferials. Signature Datc Regish�alion No. _ "Nntliinq i'i)In�1[N�c� tilalr nl' Munh Cnrolina � I[nvvunmenlW Ouala� 1017 piail tiiyricrCenirrl Italrigh. Nnnh C�,uoliva'7��49-IG17