HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140090 Ver 4_sediment loss permit site 24 U2579B_20171013Wanucha, Dave
From: Euliss, Amy
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:56 PM
To: Wanucha, Dave
Cc: Nifong, Johnny R; Kiser, Marcus K; Wyrick, Scott D; Suggs, Phillip H; Archer Sr, Wright
Subject: sediment loss permit site 24 U2579B
Attachments: sediment loss 10.10.17jpg; sediment loss picture 2 10.10.17jpg; sediment loss picture 3 10.10.17jpg;
Inspection Report_34839.3.GVS4_10-10-2017.pdf
We had a sediment loss during Monday's rains into a wetland at permit site 24 and 24a on the south side of Business 40 in an
area approx. 0.05 acres. The pipe going under Business 40 had inlet protection and no sediment was found on the downstream
side of the pipe. I directed the contractor to begin clean up. The sediment loss occurred has a result of a failed berm which
caused the water to bypass the basin, and overwhelm the silt fence. Phil and I met NCDOT and Dragados staff on site to review
and make necessary changes.
The first picture shows where the sediment entered the wetland through the overwhelmed silt fence. The second picture is take
from the area of the failed berm looking at the wetland, and the third picture shows the cleanup in progress. The equipment
isn't being used to clean the wetland, rather the workers are dumping the small buckets into it for removal.
I've attached a copy of Phil's inspection for more detail on the measures. Let me know if you have any questions.
Amy Euliss
Division 9 Environmental Officer
North Carolina Department of Transportation
336 747 7802 office
aeuliss .ncdot.qov
375 Silas Creek Parkway
Winston Salem, NC 27127-7167
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