HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160681 Ver 2_Reponse to USACE RFAI_20170922Burdette, Jennifer a From: David Syster <david.syster@segi.us> Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 5:36 PM To: 'Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (US)'; Steenhuis, Joanne Cc: Burdette, Jennifer a Subject: Blake Farm response to Corps RFAI Attachments: 9-22-17 RFAI Cover Letter.pdf, Blake Farm IP RFAI Submittal 9-22-17.doc; Blake Farm Ditch X-3 Monitoring Locations 9-22-17.pdf Emily, Joanne and Jennifer, We have completed the final response to the Corps July 7 RFAI. Normally I drop off a copy of the document and just e- mail the Word file to you. In this case, you do not have the hard copy yet but I wanted to provide DWQ with the weir information to understand what we need to do with the 401. I've attached the Cover Letter (pdf), Response Submittal (.doc) minus the attachments as they are too large to transmit via e-mail. Emily I have transmitted a complete set to you via your FTP site. Jennifer and Joanne, I will mail you both a copy and/or try and send you a link to download from our server; just let me know what is best. As you know, the weir had been a topic of discussion and the applicant has chosen to remove it and monitor the wetland area at the upper reach of ditch X-3. There is a narrative on page 3 that explains the concerns with ditch X-3 and a monitoring plan on page 6. I've also attached a map of the monitoring area which I had reviewed with Joanne and Jennifer earlier (this one is shown on the current map with monitoring locations). The monitoring map/sheet is also included in Appendix N. Joanne and Jennifer it is my understanding you will need to modify or amend our 401 Certification. Do you need a formal request or will you be utilizing our response to the Corps to as justification for the modification? If you do need a formal request please let me know and I will draft that immediately. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you and have a great weekend, David A. Syster President Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 Phone: 910.452.2711 Fax: 910.452.2899 �'� Mobile: 910.443.5330 150utkern Environmental Group, Inc. 53 1 5jouth College Koa�,juite Wilmington,North Carolina 2841 2 910.452.2711 - rax: 910.452.2899 - o{fice@se,2;i.us www. seri. us 22 September 2017 Electronic Mail Ms. Emily Greer Wilmington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Emily. C. Greer(c_usace.aM. mil Re: Response to USACE Request for Additional Information Blake Farm Scott's Hill, Pender County, North Carolina USACE AID# - SAW -2012-01624 Dear Emily, C SEGi raje °t #05-159.011 This correspondence is in response to your 7 July 2017, Request for Additional Information, for the Blake Farm Subdivision (herein referred to as the "Applicant") Individual Permit application. We have updated the previous 18 May 2017 (revised 25 May 2017) submittal narrative in response to your request. Below you will find specific locations within the submittal where each request was addressed: 1. Please include a discussion in the narrative that addresses the later hydrologic effect of P-11 and the large linear pond located above Wetland E on Wetland F and Wetland E, respectively. Please See: Attachment 1, Section V - Avoidance and Minimization (Pg. 2-3). -Please also include in the narrative a discussion regarding whether or not Wetland H is expected to remain viable after construction. Please See: Attachment 1, Section V — Avoidance and Minimization (Pg. 3). 2. During previous discussions, the Corps addressed the need for all plans (i.e. stormwater, sediment and erosion control, and construction) to match. The approved stormwater plans showed three 48 " RCP 's at the crossing of P-6 and Farm House Drive as P-6 discharges into a Linear Pond; however, the plans provided to the Corps showed only two 48" pipes. Please clarify which plans are correct. The engineer has confirmed that the plans with two 48" pipes are correct and are shown on all plans as such. 3. The current plans show that a flashboard riser will be installed in the upper reach of ditch X-3. 5r—Gi Recent discussions revealed that NC DWR approved the installation of the riser to hold hydrology in the large, off-site wetland. Please provide detailed information about the purpose, design, and long-term management of this structure and the potential impacts on the wetlands as well as the potential for hydrologic trespass on upstream properties. The proposed riser / weir has been removed and monitoring of the wetlands adjacent to the upper reaches of X-3 have been proposed. Please see Attachment 1, Section V — Avoidance and Minimization (Pg. 3) and Section VII — Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring (Pg. 6). 4. According to the narrative, the location of the outlet for SCM -4 on the drawing is incorrect. Please make the appropriate corrections. All corrections have been completed. 5. Please provide separate totals of avoided impacts versus minimized impacts for each separate wetland impact where appropriate. Please See Table 2 Summary of Avoided and Minimized Impacts on Pg. 3. 6. The amount of mitigation is incorrect on the credit reservation letter: The letter reflects that 2.80 credits/acres have been secured; however, the required mitigation is 2.90 credits/acres, based on the current information provided to the Corps. Please provide a corrected credit reservation letter: Please see Appendix L (Pg. xv) for an updated credit reservation letter reflecting 2.90 credits/acres. 7. Please correct the page numbers of the Appendices to correctly match the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents page numbers have been corrected. It is SEGi's hope the information found within and attached to this correspondence is sufficient to complete the IP process and issue the requested permit. However, should you have questions, concerns or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 910.443.5330. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, SEGi President cc: Ms. Karen Higgins — NC DWR 401 and Buffer Unit Raleigh (hard copy) Ms. Joanne Steenhuis Enclosures: (1) Attachment I Blake Farm Supplemental Documentation to the Individual Permit Application Requested By: Pender Farm Development, LLC Mr. Raiford Trask, III 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared By: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 910.452.2711 Date: 18 May 2017 Revised 25 May 2017 Revised 22 September 2017 Table of Contents Section Title Page I. Purpose and Need.................................................................................. 1 II. Location and Existing Conditions.............................................................. 1 III. Project History...................................................................................... 1 IV. Project Description................................................................................. 1 V. Avoidance and Minimization.................................................................... 2 VI. Alternatives Analysis............................................................................. 4 A. Off -Site Alternatives....................................................................... 4 B. On -Site Alternatives......................................................................... 5 C. Alternatives Conclusion................................................................... 6 VII. Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring...................................................... 6 VIII. Additional Authorizations........................................................................ 6 IX. Summary............................................................................................ 7 Appendices A. Pender County Tax Information................................................................. i B. Pender 1164 LLC & Pender Farm Development, LLC Sec. of State Corp Pages........ ii C. Agent Authorization.............................................................................. iii D. Adjacent Property Owner Information......................................................... iv E. Vicinity Map........................................................................................ v F. Proposed Site Plan & Wetland Impact Map ................................................... vi G. Jurisdictional Wetland Determinations........................................................ vii H. Natural Resource Information................................................................... xi I. Alternative Analysis Map........................................................................ xii J. Threatened and Endangered Species Study .................................................... xiii K. Historic Properties & Archaeological Resources ............................................ xiv L. North East Cape Fear Mitigation Bank Credit Reservation Letter ......................... xv M. Scope and Effect Maps........................................................................... xvi N. Wetland Monitoring Map........................................................................ xvii TOC -i Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi I. Purpose and Need The purpose of this project is to construct a 255 lot residential development with associated amenities in the Scott's Hill area and provide access to NC 17 and I-140. The Wilmington to Hampstead corridor is a rapidly growing area of southeastern North Carolina. With the construction of I-140 and completion of a local waste water treatment facility, the Scott's Hill area has become a prime area for residential development. At this time few planned residential neighborhoods with associated amenities are located within this area. The closest subdivisions to the east are along Scott's Hill Loop Road but do not contain additional lots for development. Whitebridge is located further north on the east side of Highway 17 but again, does not contain additional lots. The Applicant believes there is a need for residential lots in this region to meet current demands. II. Location and Existing Conditions The project is located west of Highway 17 and north of Sidbury Road; Scott's Hill, Pender County, North Carolina and is locally known as Blake Farm (See Appendix E). The project area for the proposed subdivision is located on 1164 acres of timber land. Wetlands present within the project area are primarily wetflats and pocosins. These wetlands have been timbered historically and the last cut was completed in approximately 2011. Ditches which run through the project area connect the wetland pockets and ultimately flow to a single discharge point along the eastern property line. From this point a large ditch continues off the property to a tributary of Futch Creek. The wetland hydrology is primarily rainfall and groundwater recharge. During summer months the ditch system is normally dry and only flows during periods of heavy rainfall. To access the site take NC 17 North from Wilmington. Turn left onto Sidbury Rd in Scott's Hill and travel 0.54 miles west to Huggins Rd/Hogans Trail (unmarked dirt road). Turn right on Huggins Rd and follow approximately 0.66 miles. The site will be directly north and east (See Appendix E). III. Project History A Department of the Army (DoA) wetland Jurisdicitonal Determination (JD) was issued for a portion of the project area in November 2013 and the remaining area has been varified by Ms. Emily Hughes (See Appendix G for JD Maps and Forms). Wetland impacts for the portion of Blake Farm Boulevard extending from the NC 17 to the SF (Single Family 1), Phase IA area were covered under a separate Nationwide Permit (NWP) 14. This portion of Blake Farm Boulevard was determined to be a single an complete project allowing development of SF1, Phase IA and is shown on Sheet 2 in Appendix F. A JD was also completed for this parcel in November 2013. No other DoA or DWR permits have been obtained. The project numbers, assigned by the regulatory agencies, include those listed below: Issuing Agency Document Project Number Date Issued Expiration Date Authorized Impacts (AC) USACE Signed Weiland Survey 2012-01624 11/19/13 11/19/18 N/A USACE Signed Weiland Survey* 2013-01397 04/28/14 04/28/19 N/A DCM CAMA Consistency CD17-032 06/29/17 Concurrent with 404 N/A Table]. Project numbers associated with the project. *Adjacent Property JD for Blake Farm Boulevard. IV. Project Description The Applicant anticipates permanently impacting 1.44 acres of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands and temporarily impacting 0.22 acres of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands. Impacts to 6,521 If (0.53 acres) of Relatively Permanent Waters (RPWs) are also proposed. The proposed unavoidable impacts are necessary to facilitate the development of roads, lots and associated infrastructure. Please refer to Appendix F — Proposed Site 1 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Plan and Impact Map, for details of the proposed impacts. Heavy machinery, such as a bulldozers, graders, back hoes, and excavators, will be utilized during the construction process. The machinery will be used to clear the land, establish grade, stabilize the soil and to transport and deposit the fill material within the project boundaries. Sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to commencement of land disturbing activities. Threatened and Endangered species and archaeological concerns were addressed by coordination with the appropriate agencies and on site reconnaissance. Findings from these studies did not reveal any areas of concern associated within the project limits. Please see Appendix J for Threatened and Endangered species information and Appendix K for Historical Preservation information. V. Avoidance and Minimization It is the Applicant's desire to avoid and/or minimize impacts to wetlands to the greatest extent practicable. During the design phase of the project the engineer and design team reviewed multiple layouts to accomplish the Applicants purpose and need while limiting wetland impacts. Through this process it became apparent that Impact Area H would contain the largest impact due to the NCDOT width and curve radius requirements for Blake Farm Boulevard. For that reason the layout chosen contained only one wetland crossing along Blake Farm Boulevard and avoided additional impacts to the larger, high functioning wetland systems. These wetland areas (Wetland "E" and large system to the south) can be noted to the east and west of Blake Farm Boulevard on the design drawings (see Appendix F, Sheet 3). Avoidance of permanent impacts that would bisect larger contiguous wetlands was accomplished by a road design that optimized uplands within the project area. This process eliminated some desired connectivity but lead to only minimal fringe impacts to these systems and lower overall project impacts. The road and lot design in the Bent Oak Dr. and Tangmere Ct. area is an example of this effort. Earlier design phases proposed connectivity through Wetland C to Atlantic Ave. Impacts to Wetland M were also avoided by re -designing proposed ditch P-7 to pass to the east of Wetland M and tie into existing ditch X-3. Minimization efforts are evident throughout the project in both direct and secondary impact forms. A number of originally proposed impacts have been reduced during the design process. Several existing ditches that were proposed to be filled or modified are now proposed to remain intact. Impacts to Wetland C was also minimized by adjusting the roadside slope and utility impacts. Minimization of Impact F was accomplished by removal of the proposed median on Atlantic Avenue and reducing the overall road width in the vicinity of Wetland F. Please see Appendix F, Sheet 8. Secondary impacts have also been minimized by detailed design of the project's hydrological aspects. Attention was given to areas in which drainage swales, roadside ditches or stormwater features may adversely impact adjacent wetlands in the future. To accomplish this a review of the project's hydrologic impact was conducted utilizing the NRCS North Carolina Scope & Effect Guide. Hydrologic effects on adjacent wetlands were compared both pre and post construction. Results indicated that Wetland E and Wetland F contained areas that could be adversely effected by the proposed adjacent stormwater pond and ditch P-11 respectively. However, after further study it was determined that only Wetland E had the potential to be adversely affected by modification of the site's hydrology. Wetland F has a number of existing ditches within its boundary which do not appear to have reduced the hydrology within the wetland over time. Based on a review of aerial photography and topographic data it is apparent that Wetland F receives significant hydrologic input from the north. This hydrologic input has been sufficient to maintain the hydrology within Wetland F, even in the presence of the existing ditches. Therefore, P-11, situated outside of Wetland F, should not cause an adverse hydrologic impact to Wetland F. The applicant has agreed to monitor Wetland E in order to ensure no lateral drainage is occurring post construction. 2 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Please see Appendix M for results of this study and Section VII — Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring for monitoring details. Secondary impacts to Wetland E have also been minimized by raising the elevation of Blake Farm Blvd and associated roadside swale to an elevation similar to the adjacent wetlands (Appendix F, Sheet 18). Proposed ditch P-7 and associated culverts under Tangmere Ct. have also been raised in effort to minimize any secondary impacts to Wetland C. Existing ditch X-7 within Wetland C has a bottom elevation of 34.65 while the proposed ditch P-7 has an elevation of 35.00. This will ensure Wetland C will pond during storm events and draw down slowly. Please see Appendix F, Sheet 17. Design consideration was also given to provide additional hydrology to the remaining portion of Wetland H on the west side of Blake Farm Boulevard. This was accomplished by creating a nick point in existing ditch bank at the western end of Wetland H. This low area along the bank will allow water to flow into the remaining wetland area. The downstream end of existing ditches X -I and X-2 will then be filled allowing water to pond within the wetland area. Please see Appendix F, Sheet 4 and Sheet 12. Please refer to Sheet 13 for the Cross -Section drawing for this area. Secondary impacts were also taken into account during the design of the Constructed Wetland located at the east of Wetland C. This is denoted as SCM 4 in Appendix F, Sheet 20. The proposed design has a normal pool elevation of 36.00 which is similar to that of the surrounding wetland to the east and Wetland C which is surrounded by the Constructed Wetland. Although there are several deeper retention areas within the Constructed Wetland, they do not have contiguous flow (i.e. direct connection to the outfall) and are designed to hold water during periods of heavy rain and draw down slowly. Wetland C and existing ditch X-6 are also higher in elevation at this north end near the constructed wetland compared to the southern end near Bent Oak Dr. The current design of the Constructed Wetland will allow for the collected stormwater to migrate through the SCM and treated water discharge into Wetland C at its highest point. Thus, maintaining the natural flow of water through the system. Concerns were also raised by commenting agencies over head -cutting and subsequent drainage of wetlands upstream of X-3. In order to alleviate these secondary impact concerns, the Applicant has agreed to monitor a portion of this wetland system post construction. Please see Section VII. — Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring. To assist in minimizing secondary impacts to downstream water quality, the Applicant proposes to enhance existing ditches within the site by creating an adjacent flood plain. This will increase storage volume and retention time during periods of heavy rain. The increased contact time within the floodplain will allow the natural chemical and biological processes to occur, that will protect downstream waters. Please see Proposed Ditch Detail in Appendix F, Sheet 2. Summary of Avoided or Minimized Impacts Wetland Avoided Minimized Ditch Avoided Minimized A 0.039 0.000 XD -1 0.023 0.000 C 0.200 0.040 XD -2 0.000 0.000 E 0.550 0.000 XD -3 0.650 0.000 F 0.000 0.090 XD -4 0.025 0.000 H 0.100 0.100 XD -5 0.197 0.000 M 0.070 0.000 XD -9 0.094 0.000 Wetland Total 0.959 0.230 Ditch Total 0.990 0.000 Table 2. Summary ofAvoided and Minimized Impacts 3 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information VL Alternatives SEGi The Applicant investigated other potential means of developing the subject parcel, and has been unable to find a practicable alternative that would achieve the proposed goal and stated purpose. They are as follows: Site Selection Criteria Site selection criteria used for the project include: Sites with at least 130 acres of buildable area, reasonable proximity to Highway 17 within a reasonable distance from I-140 in the Scott's Hill area, zoned for residential development or have the potential to be re -zoned for residential development, and have access to public or private sanitary sewer and water. A. Off -Site Alternative Analysis A comprehensive off-site alternatives analysis has been conducted, as part of the Individual Permit process. SEGi applied the Section 404(b)(1) guidelines by utilizing, current Pender County Zoning Maps, Public or Private utility company service area information, historical aerial photography and available current land use records, to best determine if any off-site alternatives existed which met site selection criteria. Considering the desired location being in close proximity to Scott's Hill and have access to Highway 17 corridor, multiple sites were reviewed in and around the proposed site. These sites were chosen for their size, access from US Highway 17 and zoning. Once these criterion were met, their potential to accommodate the project, with accompanying infrastructure (sewer and water) were reviewed. If the sites did meet the infrastructure criterion then the degree of wetland impact associated with each remaining alternative site was considered to determine which would provide the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA). The following table contains the properties that were evaluated as alternative sites for the development: Map ID County Parcel ID Property Owner Size (AC) 1 Pender 3271-94-4437-0000 Blakes Of Scott's Hill LLC 469.89 2 Pender 3281-15-7192-0000 Corbett, Wilbur R 2921.99 3 New Hanover R02100-001-001-002 Blake, Henry C. II 57.24 4 New Hanover R02900-001-067-000 Skipper Family Properties, LLC 94.52 5 New Hanover R02100-001-001-001 Seagrove, LLC 160.64 Table 3. Alternative Site Information. These sites and their ability to meet the required site selection criteria are discussed below. 1. Alternative Site 1— Parcel ID: 3271-94-4437-0000 This site met the size, location and access to sewer and water criterion. So it was included in further review for site practicability. However a cursory review of LIDAR and the Pender County GIS Wetland Inventory Map reveals the need for wetland impacts, greater than what is currently being proposed, in order to achieve the Applicant's stated goal. Therefore, Alternative Site 1 was rejected. 4 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi 2. Alternative Site 2 — Parcel ID: 3281-15-7192-0000 This site, similar to Alternative Site 1, meets site selection criteria and was included for further review for site practicability. However, a review of LIDAR and the Pender County GIS Wetland Inventory Map reveals the need for wetland impacts, greater than what is currently being proposed, in order to achieve the Applicant's stated goal. Therefore, this site was rejected. 3. Alternative Site 3 & 4 — Parcel ID's: R02100-001-001-002 & R2900-001-067-00 In order to meet the necessary size requirement these two parcels will need to be combined to be considered. Once combined these sites meet the size and location requirement within Scott's Hill. However, it does not provide access to Highway 17, nor is sewer and water available at this time. The lack of access, as well as sewer and water make this alternative impracticable. For these reasons Alternative Site 3 and 4 was rejected. 4. Alternative Site 5 — Parcel IDs: R02100-001-001-001 This site, similar to Alternative Sites 3 and 4 does not have direct access to Highway 17, and does not have sewer and water available. For these reasons this site is not practicable and was rejected. 5. Preferred Alternative — Proposed site The proposed site does meet the site location, size, access to Highway 17 and available sewer and water criterion. For these reasons the proposed site was reviewed in more detail and found to present less environmental (wetland) impacts than Alternatives 1 and 2. For this reason the Proposed Site was accepted as the Least Damaging Practicable Alternative. B. On -Site Alternatives Analysis During the design and permitting of the project, several on-site alternatives were considered. 1. Alternative 1 — Current Proposed Design: This alternative was designed to utilize as much of the uplands within the property as possible, while impacting the least amount of wetlands. Alternative 1 was accepted as it was the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. 2. Alternative 2 — Re -alignment of Blake Farm Boulevard: The option to reduce or eliminate Impact H was considered. However due to NCDOT's required turning radius all attempts to reduce or eliminate Impact H resulted in a similar or larger impact elsewhere. Therefore, Alternative 2 was rejected due to a similar or increased amount of wetland impacts. 3. Alternative 3 — Elimination or Reduction of Impacts to Wetlands and RPW's: This alternative was considered, but due to the size and location of both wetlands and RPWs within the property, additional minimization was not practicable and this Alternative was rejected. Consideration was given to reduce impacts on Lot 57 to that necessary for the house pad only. During a review of this alternative it was apparent that due to the height (5') of fill material necessary to grade this lot, construction of the pad would be prohibitive without the proposed impact. Additionally, as the remaining wetlands would be within the property of the future homeowner they would be more susceptible to secondary impacts. For these reasons this alternative was rejected. Please see Appendix F, Sheet 19. 5 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi 4. Alternative 4 — No Action Alternative: The No Action Alternative or the alterative that proposes no impacts would remove access to the site from Blake Farm Boulevard and limit interconnectivity within the subdivision. Additionally, due to the various lengths and placement of ditches within the tract the site could not be developed with the no action alternative. For these reasons the No Action Alternative is not practicable and was rejected. C. Alternative Analysis Conclusion: Based on the results of the on-site and off-site Alternative Analysis, it is apparent that on-site Alternative 1 is the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. VII. Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring A. Compensatory Mitigation: The Applicant has chosen to purchase 2.90 acres of wetland restoration credit, through the North East Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank (NECFUMB). These credits will be used to replace the permanent loss of 1.44 acres of wetlands proposed within this permit application. Please see Appendix J, NECFUB Credit Reservation. In order to off -set the proposed impacts to 6521 if (0.53 acres) of RPW's within the project area, the Applicant has proposed to construct a new network of ditches totaling 3542 if in length. The design of these ditches will include a large flood plain encompassing approximately 1.63 acres to better enhance on-site and downstream water quality. B. Wetland Monitoring: The permittee proposes to monitor Wetland E and a portion of the wetlands at the upstream end of Ditch X-3 to ensure these areas maintain appropriate wetland hydrology based on the Corps Wetland Delineation Manual Regional Supplement. To document monitoring following completion of construction, the permittee will provide two wetland delineation forms documenting wetland vegetation, soil, and hydrology to the Corps prior to construction (baseline) and in years 2 and 4. The two data points used for the wetland delineation forms shall be located in each of the subject wetland areas. In Wetland E these points will be located to the south and west of the proposed wet pond and shall remain consistent throughout the monitoring period. For the monitoring adjacent to Ditch X-3 these monitoring points will be located to the north and south of the ditch. See Appendix N for a map of these locations. The Corps will review the submitted forms and conduct a site visit as necessary to determine if the wetlands have maintained appropriate hydrology. If the wetlands exhibit a loss of wetland hydrology such that wetland functions are adversely affected, compensatory mitigation may be required by the Corps to offset the lost wetland function. VIII. Additional Authorizations The proposed project will require the following environmental permits: Type Agency Date Issued or Applied For 401 Water Quality Certification NC DWR Applying for concurrently with IP CAMA Consistency NC DCM Applying for concurrently with IP State Stormwater Permit NC DWR Issued S&EC Permit NC DLR Issued Table 4. Other state and local environmental authorizations Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information IX. Summary SEGi The Applicant is proposing to permanently impact 1.44 acres of Section 404 wetlands, as well as the temporary impact of 0.22 acres of wetlands, which are necessary to facilitate the construction of infrastructure, dwellings and driveways, within the Blake Farm subdivision. The Applicant intends to offset the proposed permanent wetland impacts in the form of payment to the Northeast Cape Fear Mitigation Bank, for 2.9 acres of wetland restoration credit. The Applicant and SEGi believe the project, as proposed, is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. 7 Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment A Pender County Tax Information SEGi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment B Pender 1164, LLC Secretary of State Corporate Page Pender Farm Development, LLC Secretary of State Corporate Page SEGi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment C Agent Authorization SEGi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment D Adjacent Property Owner Information iv Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment E Vicinity Map SEGi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment F Proposed Site Plan & Wetland Impact Maps vi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment G Jurisdictional Wetland Determination vii Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi 2017 Wetland Maps Verified By Ms. Emily Greer Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi 2013 Jurisdictional Determination ix Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information A acent Property / Blake Farm Blvd. 2014 Jurisdictional Determination SEGi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment H Natural Resource Information Division of Water Resources Water Classification Map USGS Topographic Map Soils Map Pender County GIS Flood Map xi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment I Alternative Analysis Map Xii Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment J Threatened and Endangered Species Study SEGi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment K Historic Properties (SHPO) and Archaeological Resources Xiv Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information SEGi Attachment L North East Cape Fear Mitigation Bank Credit Reservation Letter Xv Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment M Scope and Effect Maps Xvi SEGi Blake Farm IP Supplemental Information Attachment N Wetland Monitoring Map SEGi >O 3 W Y CU Q Q c m CI O O O tf) N LIDm 01 LL m1 O r O N rn O C co 0 U a E rn co rn O C O W 'v O O O LO N LO O 00 — X-3 Monitoring Area - Monitoring Location 1 _ — — _ - 2 � , _ — 29 , T S i — - 2 g , _ _ - R I I L , — L ' C _ _ T E F ,. y / � \7111 70 ` J 69 I 198 16 r 19 X-8 I 1 r � . 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R MAB, °4 u WI-, pp TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP °RANK MAR, RMC HGRIZON TAL: DESIGNED RMC BLAKE ARM BLVD PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINANflasNaTEo o� 3 , 'I ` i.' VERTICAL: 243 North Front Street PRO.1CHECKED RMC P_1 EXTENCiS TO HWY 17 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 PRGJ. MGR. RMC Phone: (910)343-1048 , F— (910)251-8282 1202 Eastwood Road , . Wilmington, NC 28403 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY sTArus: WETLANDS PLAN NC LIC. No. F-1222 ww.mckimcreed.com (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION , y /H� 1