HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040967 Ver 2_401 Application_20170925k � I 'i" tfe. R J � � • ' �. �, ♦ .... � t , i� �. �' } ! � � � * ��� � � �" � �� I � , I � �� I:. � � . �. . � � ... � . . �.., / � i � � j s�, 1 _ �_ # . - f • ' •- . , . • � - � s . . -- xAgent auihorizatian ueeds to be attached. 4. I�.�Iated/�'r�v�o�s �ctic�n IL� numberts}:_Nlt� 5, Site Addr�ss: �rid�� I�J�. 350 c�n �ld I�a�a IZ�ad —�ee Ivla� 6. Subdivis��n I�alnee l�t/A %. �zt�: Ilend�rsonville �� �; � Countye I�enders�n L,at: 35.32�74°l�I I,ong: ��2.44635°� (A�pr��, l�ro�e�t �ent�r) l0o Quadrar�gle �iame: I�end�rs�nville 11. �Tater�u�y: L3ev�Is Fc�r� Cre�k iI�WP� Ciass: �) 12. Wat�rshed: _F�°en�h �road IZ�ver (HU� 0601 Q 105� — 13.1Z.equ�st�d Act�one � I��tionwid� �'�a°�nit # 3 i�enera3 �erm�t # t . - � • ' ' �� . • ��_a��_mm_��o_m_o_�_�_m��__��_�_���o���__a��_���.�om�m_mm_�_��__��_____m�_�e��m�e�_��,����������.���m�s�o � . � . # s- a � t � 1� II�: �ssig� l�urr�b�r ir� C3 Auihcsrizatic��: ���t�c�r� 10 �r�je�t I����ri�tic��/ �Iatazr� �f �4�tivity/ �'r��ect ��zrp�s�: Sitel�Tat��•s ��Tn�: �eywords: s ��bin I�a�� raughn � Melton Consulting Engineers September 25, 2017 Mr. David W. Brown U. S. Ai-�ny Corps of Engineers Regulatoiy Project Manager 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-2714 Subject: Nationwide 3 Pennit Application Replacement of Bridge No. 350 on Old Dana Road (Tracy Grove Road} over Devils Fot•k Creek City of Hendersonville — Hendei•son County, North Carolina WBS Element No.: 50150.1.1 Federal Aid No.: BRSTP-1932 Dear Mr. Brown: The City of Hendersonville is proposing to replace the subject bridge under the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) municipal bridge program. The existing 20' W x 40' L tiinber and steel bridge needs to be replaced due to deterioration and insufficient width. The proposed replacement structure will be a single span 33' W x 65' L x 24" D cored slab bridge on existing location. An off-site detour will handle traffic durmg the consn•uction. I am enclosing a PCN application, Preliminaiy Jurisdictional Detennination Form, cultural resource review forms (SHPO) forins, plan sheets showing the proposed work, a marl�ed county map, a USG� quad map, pnotographs and other supporting project infoimation. Threatened and Endangered Species The US Fish and Wildlife Service lists 31 species with federal status for Henderson County that are known from current records or were known to occur in the county historically. The bog turtle (Glyptenays muhlenbergii) is listed as tlu•eatened due to similarity of appearance to the northern bog turtle. The North Carolina Natural Heritage Prograin (NCNHP) was used to verify species located within the project study area (PSA). Ten species, Carolina northenl flying squirrel (Glauconzys sabrinus coloratus), Gray bat (Myotis grisescens), Appalachian elktoe mussel (AlasnZidonta raveneliana), Rusty-patched bumble bee (Bon2bus affinis), swamp pink (Helonias bullata), small whorled pogonia (Isoh�ia medeoloides), bunched arrowhead (SagittaNia fasciculata), mountain sweet pitcher plant (Sarf�acenia jonesii), white irisette (Sisyrinchiufr� dichotonzuy�z), and northei-�l long-eared bat (NLEB, Myotis septentrionalis) have cun•ent records atld are listed as threatened or endangered. Bog turtle (Threatened S/A) Habitat Description: Bog turtle habitat consists of open, groundwater supplied (spring fed), graminoid dominated wetlands along riparian con•idors or- on seepage slopes. These habitats are designated as mountain bogs by the NCNHP, but they are teclulically poor, moderate, or rich fens that may be associated with wet pastures and old drainage ditches that have saturated muddy substrates with open canopies. Plants found in bog turtle habitat include sedges, rushes, marsh ferns, herbs, shrubs (tag alder, hardhacic, bluebeny, etc.), and wetland tree species (red maple and silky willow). These habitats often support sphab um moss and may contain carnivorous plants (sundews and pitcher plants) and rare orchids. Potential habitats may be found in western Piedmont and Mountain counties from 700 to 4500 feet elevation in North Carolina. Your Project. Our Promise. raughn � Melfon Consulting Engineers Soil types (poorly drained silt loams) from which bog turtle habitats have been found include Arkaqua, Chewacla, Dellwood, Codorus complex, Hatboro, Nikwasi, Potomac — Iotla complex, Reddies, Rosman, Tate — Cullowhee complex, Toxaway, Tuckasegee — Cullasaja complex, Tusquitee, Watauga, and Wehadkee. Biologic�tl Conclusion: Not requif•ed Species listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance (S/A) do not require Section 7 consultation with the USFWS. A review of the NCNI�P records on July 24, 2017, indicates no laiown occui�rences within LO mile of the PSA. Carolina northern flying squirrel (Endangered) Habitcrt Description: Carolina northern flying squu-rels are found on high mountain peaks in southwest Virginia, western North Carolina, aud eastei•n Tennessee. Carolina Northern flying squirrels are typically fotu�d in the ecotone between coniferous (i•ed spruce, Fraser fir, ar hemlock) and mature northern hardwood forests (beech, yellow birch; maple, red oak, and buckeye), typically at elevations above 4,500 feet mean sea level. In some instances, the squu•rels may be found on narrow, north-facing valleys above 4,000 feet mean sea level. Mature forests with a thick evergreen understoiy and numerous snags ar-e preferable. Southern flying squit•rels are most often found in the warmer and drier mixed oak-pine forests of lower elevations below 4,000 feet. Carolina Northet7� flying squir-�•els typically feed on certain fungi and lichens, though they do occasionally eat some fi•uits and nuts. They're active year-round, but more so in the waimer summer months. They nest in tree cavities in nests made almost exclusively of yellow birch bark, where two to six young are born in early spring. Groups of squirrels often occupy the same tree cavity, par-ticularly in tihe colder winter months. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Tilere is no higii elevation mountain habitat present in the t SA. The project area is approximately 2100 feet in elevation and lacks the mature northern hardwoods and red spruce/Fraser fir forest required by the species. A review of the NCNHP records on July 24, 2017, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the PSA. Gray bat (Endangered) Habitat Description: Gray bats generally roost in caves year around. Most winter caves are deep and vertical; all provide lat•ge volume below the lowest entrance and act as cold air traps. A variety of cave types are used during spring and fall transient periods. In summer, maternity colonies prefer caves that act as warm air traps with restricted rooms or doomed ceiling that can trap the combllled body heat of thousands of clustered uldividuals. Gray bats generally do not roost in trees; however, they have been found in buildings and under bridges. BIOIOg[CQ� C031CZLtSlOf2: No Effect Suitable habitat for gray bat is lacking in the PSA. There are no caves in or near the project area and the area is highly impacted by commercial development. No buildings will be impacted by the project. In addition, thei•e should be no blasting associated with the construction of this project. A review of the NCNHP records on July 24, 2017, indicates no known occuirences within 1.0 mile of the PSA. There was no evidence of gt�ay bats roosting (staining or guano) on the bridge noted during the field surveys conducted on September 26, 2016. Appalachian elktoe (Endangered) Habitat Description: The Appalachian elktoe mussel is found in well-oxygenated, medium-sized creeks and rivers with cool, clean, moderate to fast flowing water and stable, mixed-substrates of Your Project. Our Promise. raughn � Melton Consulting Engineers silt; sand, gravel, and/or cobble. The species is most often found in riffles, runs, and shallow flowing pools. The Appalachian ellctoe records in the region are from relatively large sh•eams such as the French Broad Rivei•, Little River, and Mills River in Transylvania and Henderson Counties. Devils Fork Creek flows into Johnson Drainage Ditch about 0.5 mile downstream of the bridge. Johnson Drainage Ditch/Mud Creek then flows approxi�nately 7.5 miles to the Fi•ench Broad River. Biological Conclacsion: No Effect Suitable habitat for Appalachian elktoe does not exist in the PSA. Devils Fork Creek and Johnson Drainage Ditch have been impacted in the past by channelization in the Hendersonville area and lacks the pool/riffle/run complex's, required substrates of clean cobble and gravel, and moderate to fast flowing water. Substrates in Devils Foi�k Creek in the PSA is dominated by heavy sand/silt. A review of the NCN I�P records on July 24, 2017, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the PSA. The nearest population is found approximately 6.5 miles downstream of the PSA in Mud Creel< near its confluence with the French Broad River. Mr. Jay Mays of the USFWS concurred with these findings (personal carnmunication) on September 18, 2017. Rusty-patched Bumble Bee (Endangered) Historically, the Y•usry patched bumble bee (RPBB) was broadly distributed across the eastern United States, Upper Midwest, and southern Quebec and Ontario in Canada. Since 2000, this bumble bee has been reported from only 13 states and 1 Canadian province: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maiyland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin and Ontario, Canada. Rusty patched bumble bees live in colonies that include a single queen and female workers. The coiony produces maie and new queens in iate summer. Queens are ti�e iargest bees in the colony, and workers are the smallest. All RPBB's have black heads, but only the warkers and males have a rusty reddish patch centrally located on the back. Habitat Description: RPBB's once occupied grasslands and tallgrass prairies of the Upper Midwest and northeast, but most grasslands have been lost, degraded, or fragmented by conversion to other uses. Bumble bees require areas that provide nectar and pollen fi•om flowers, nesting sites, which are comprised of underground and abandoned rodent cavities or clumps of grass and undisturbed soil, which provides overwintering sites for hibet7lating queens. RPBB's emerge u� early spring and is one of the last species to go into hibernation. The bees need a constant supply and diversity of flowers blooming throughout the colony's long life (April tluough September). In late summer, new queens and males hatcl� from eggs. Males disperse to mate with new queens form other colonies. In fall, founding queens, workers, and males die. Only new queens go into diapause (hibernation) overwinter, and the cycle begins again in the spring. Biological Co�aclusiora/Reconamendation: No Effec� There is no suitable habitat in the PSA due to commercial developmeut. There is no available grassland and no bumble bees were observed during the field sui•veys. A review of the NCNHP records on July 24, 2017, indicates no knowu occurrences within 1.0 mile of tl�e PSA. Swamp Pink (Threatened) Habitat DescripPio�a: Swamp pink is an obligate wetland species found along swainpy forested wetland areas along streams, mountain bogs, and spring seeps. The nearest population is found in Bat Fork Bog near Hendersonville. Habitat destruction associated with development is the Your Project. Our Promise. !'aughn � Melfon Consulting Engineers greatest threat to the species. Biologacal Co�zclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat far swamp pink does not exist in the PSA. The area is highly iinpacted by corrunercial development along Old Dana Road and no bogs or wetlands are in the PSA. A review of the NCNHP records on July 24, 2017, indicates a known occurrence within 1.0 mile of the PSA. The nearest population is found approximately 1.0 mile upstream of the PSA in the Bat Fork Bog. Small Whorled Pogonia (Threatened) Habitat Description: Small-whoi•led pogonia has a greenish-white stem that graws between 3— 13 inches (7.6 - 33 centimeters) tall. It gets its common name fi•om the five or six grayish-green leaves that are displayed in a single whorl around the stem. Small whorled pogonia can be limited by shade. The species seems to require small light gaps, or canopy brealcs, and generally grows in areas with sparse to moderate ground cover. Too many other plants in an area can be har�nfiil to this plant. This orchid typically grows under canopies that are relatively open or near features that create long-persisting breaks in the forest canopy such as a road or a stream. It grows in mixed-deciduous or mixed-deciduous/coniferous forests that are generally in second- oi• third-growth successional stages. The soils in which it lives are usually acidic, inoist, and have very few nutrients. Biological Coszclusion/Recommendafion: No Effect Suitable habitat for small whorled pogonia does not exist in the PSA. The area is highly impacted by commercial development and dense thickets of invasive exotic species such as porcelain berry, privet, and Japanese knotweed. The area lacks the forest habitat, small light gaps and canopy breaks required by the species. A review of the NCNHP recot�ds on July 24, 2017, indicates no known occuirences within i.G inile af i'rle rSA. Bunched Arrowhead (Endangered) Habitat Descriptio�z: Bunched arrowhead is a small herbaceous plant (15 to 16 ulches tall) that grows in saturated soils. Undisturbed sites are typically located just below the origin of slow, clean, continuous seeps on gently sloping ten•ain in deciduous woodlands. The primary factor determining the rarity of bunched an•owhead is the current rarity of its required habitat The seepage habitat in which bunched arrowhead occurs is extremely threatened, and remaining bunched arrowhead populations are threatened by residential and indusn•ial development, conversion to �asture, and invasive exotic species. Biologacnl Cofzclusloft/Recommefzdatiosz: No Effect Suitable habitat for bunched arrowhead does not exist in the PSA. The area is highly impacted by commercial development along Old Dana Road and no seeps or wetlands are in the PSA. A review of the NCNIIP records on July 24, 2017, indicates a known occun•ence within 1.0 mile of the PSA. The nearest population is found approximately 1.0 mile upsh•eam of the PSA in the Bat Fork Bog. Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant (Endangered) HabitatDescriptionr Mountain sweet pitcher plant is a carnivorous perennial herb with tall, hollow pitcher-shaped leaves and red sweet-sinelling flowers found 'ui the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwestei-�7 North Carolina and northwestern South Carolina. The hollow leaves contain liquid and enzymes. When insects fall into the pitchers, they're digested and the nutrients are incorporated into the plant's tissues. Mountain sweet pitcher plants are found in mouutain bogs and along streams containing Toxaway silt loam or Hatboro loam soil series. These soil units are Your Project. Our Promise. 'Vaughn � Mel�on Consulting Engineers deep poorly-drained soils with a high organic matter content and somewhat acidic. Baological Conclusiofa: No Effect Suitable habitat for inolmtain sweet pitcher plant does not exist in the PSA. The area is highly impacted by commercial development along Old Dana Road and no bogs or wetlands are in the PSA. A review of the NCNHP records on July 24, 2017, indicates a known occurrence within 1.( mile of tlle PSA. The nearest population is found approximately 1.0 mile upsti-eain of the PSA in the Bat Fork Bog. White irisette (Endangered) Hahitat Description: White irisette is a perennial herb that lives in areas with partial sun. It generally grows fi•om 10 - 16 inches (25.4 — 40.6 ceiltiineters) tall and has winged steins. An individual White irisette plant is typically defined as a cluster of stems arising from fibrous roots. The species is found on mid elevation slopes, characterized by open, dry to moderate-moisture oak hickory forests. White irisette usually grows in shallow soils on regularly disturbed sites (such as woodland edges and roadsides) and over rocky, steep terrain. Biologicr�l Conclusion/Recom�zendation: No Effect Suitable habitat for white u•isette does not exist in the PSA. The area is highly iinpacted by commercial development and lacks the mid elevation slopes, and open, oak hickoiy forests required by tlle species. A i•eview of the NCNHP records on July 24, 2017, indicates no known occun•ences within 1.0 mile of the PSA. Northern long-eared bat (Threatened) Habitat Description: In North Carolina, the Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) occurs in the n�ountains, with scat�ered records in the t�iedmont and coasial plair7. iti westerr�i Noeil� Ca�uli�ld, NLEB spend winter hibernating in caves and mines. Since this species is not known to be a lonb distance inigrant, and caves and subterranean mines do not occur in eastern North Carolina it is uncertaiil whether or where NLEB hibernate in eastern Noiih Carolina. During the summer, NLEB roost singly or in colonies underneath bark, in cavities, or in crevices of both live and dead trees (typically >3 inches dbh) or on structures, including concrete bridges that retaul heat. Males and non-reproductive females may also roost in cooler places, like caves and mines. Foraging occuis on farested hillsides and ridges, and occasionally over forest clearings, over water, and along tree-lined coi-��idors. Mature forests may be an impoi-tant habitat type for foraging. Biological Conclusion: May Affect [exenapt fi�ona o�cial Biological Conclusion based on conapliance with the 4(d) Rule.J The existing bridge is a low timber structure that should be too cool for bat roosting. During field surveys conducted on September 26, 2016, no evidence was obseiti�ed that bats were using the bridge for roosting (i.e. staining or guano). Also, there were no caves visible near the bridge and the nearest underground cave is over 10 miles away. (USGS data). The completion of this project May Affect the Northern long-eared bat. Summer habitat for the Northern long-eared bat including roosting, foraging, and commuting areas, is limited within the PSA due to cotmnei-cial development. A couple of large trees (pul oak, red inaple) may have to be removed during the project, which would be consistent with the exemption from incidental talce for NLEB as outlined in the Fina14(d) Rule because this part of Henderson County is not considered an area of concern (i.e., there cui-��ently are no lrnown hibei�tlacula or maternity roost trees for NLEB in the region). Your Project. Our Promise. raughn � Melton Consulting Englneers The project is limited in scope to the replacement of a bridge with another bridge on existing location. Erosion and sedimentation control ineasures will be impleinented to minimize adverse effects on aquatic habitats. Habitats for listed species are lacking at the pi�oject site and none of these species were obseived during field visits conducted in Septeinber 2016 and July 2017. For these reasons and those discussed above, we recommend that a detennination of "no effecY' on listed species apply to this project. Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat fol� Bald eagle primarily consist of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the PSA; was conducted on September 23, 2016 by Mr. Andrew Henderson of the US Fish and Wildlife Seivice, which revealed no known occurrences of this species within a 1.13- mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the PSA. No water bodies large enough or sufficiently open to be considered potential feeding sources were identified. No nests or individual bald eagles were observed during the site visit on September 26, 2016. In addition, a review of the NCIINP records on July 24, 2017, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the PSA. Due to the minimal impact anticipated from this project, it has been determined that this project will not affect this species. Section 106 — National Historic Preservation Act This project was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources — State Historic Preseivation Office (SHPO) for review in October 2016. It was detei�nined that the project would have "no effect" on historic architecture or archeological resources (see attached ietters). Impacts to Waters of the United States Devils Fork Creek (DWR Class: C) is shown on the USGS topogi•aphic map as a peremiial stream. The channel is well defined and approximately 12'-15' wide with a substrate of silt and sand. Devils Fork Creek flows into Johnson Drainage Ditch about 0.5 mile downstream of the bridge. Mud Creelc then flows approximately 7 miles to the French Broad River (HCJC 06010105). The French Broad River meets the definition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For these reasons, we believe Devils Forlc Creek is a Relatively Permanent Water• and is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Replacement of the bridge with another spanning structure will result in impacts to waters of the United States as listed in the table below. Site No. Existing Condition Proposed Condition Net Station Impacts 25.5' L x 21' W 65' L x 33' W x 24" D , Site 1 Single Span Timber Bridge Cored Slab Bridge � Site 2 Free Flowing Stream Rip Rap Bank Stabilization 55' Free Flowing Stream Impetvious Dike and Temporary Flow , Site 3 Devils Fork Creek Diversion to Remove Old End Bents 75 Total Permanent Stream Impact for Bridge 0' Total Permanent Stream Impact for Rip Rap Bank Stabilization 55' Total Temporary Stream Impact for Impervious Dikes and Flow Diversions 75' Your Project. Our Promise. �'aughn�Melton Consulting Engineers Permits Requested The City of Hendersonville is hereby requesting authorization undel• Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to proceed with the construction project ot�tlined above. By copy of this letter, I am asking Mrs. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit request. I am also requesting authorization under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act fi•om the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources (DWR). In addition, I am askulg Ms. Chambers to comment directly to me concerning this permit request. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (828) 508-9670 or Mr. Hardy Willis, PE, at (828) 253-2796. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appi•eciated. Sincerely dz�� _ Mark S. Davis Environmental Specialist Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers Enclosures cc: Ms. Ainy Chapman, Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ, Raleigh Ms. Kristie Lynn Caipenter, Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ, Raleigh Nfr. iLevin Barneit, Division oi Waier Resources, Ni.�ECi, �ishevilie Mr. Byron Hamstead, Biologist, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Asheville Mrs. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator, NCWRC Mr. Hardy Willis, PE, Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers, Asheville Mr. Mohamined Mahjoub, MSE, EI, NCDOT, Raleigh N1r. Tom Wooten, Public Works Director, City of Hendersonville Your Project. Our Promise. � Oa�F W A T�c9pG � � > O Y Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project na Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification PC Form A. A licant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 3 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes � No of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 350 on Old Dana Road (Tracy Grove Road) over Devils Fork Creek 2b. County: Henderson 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Hendersonville 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state g_5929 project no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: City of Hendersonville 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mr. Tom Wooten, Public Works Director applicable): 3d. Street address: 305 Williams St. 3e. City, state, zip: Hendersonville, NC 28792 3f. Telephone no.: 828-697-3084 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: twootenl�a.hvinc.4ov Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Street address: N/A 4e. City, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgentJConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Mark S. Davis, Environmental Specialist 5b. Business name Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers, Inc. (if applicable): 5c. Street address: 40 Colonial Square 5d. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 5e. Telephone no.: 828-508-9670 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: msdavisCcDvauqhnmelton.com Page 2 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version . Pr����fi In�€arrria���r� a�d Pri�r �r����t �@i���ry 1, Pr�p�rf� 6��r�tBf��a���n 1a. Pr�pe�t� ici�nti�ication �o. (��x �II� e�; p�rc�! !Q): �!/R 1 b. Site c�ordinates (in decimal degrees): Lati�ude: 35.32874 Longitt�c#e: -82.44635 (DD.DDDDDQ) (-�D.DDDDDQ) 1c. Property �iz�: N/A a�res 2e ��arfi��� �a��rs 2a. Name of nearest bady of water (sfr�am, river, etc.} to p�vils F�rk Cr�ek proposed praje�t: 2�. �/at�r Qa��!ity �Cassi�`sca#'son of s�earA�t r�cai��ing s�t�ter: i��l� �i�ss: � 2�. �iver basin: �rench �road (HUC 060�0105) 3e P�°c�je�� ��s��°i�t��n ��. C�escribe th� �xisting conditions �an �h� site and th� gener�l land use in the vi�inity of th� project at th� tirn� �f t�ti� applicatian: The surraunding land use in the project area is fight residentia! and heavy commercial d�vefopment. ihe immedi�te v€cinity of the bridge is business frantage and grassed shoulders with ar�as aratartd the bridge being don°rinated by exofic species (Ghinese priue�, porcelain berry and Japanese knatv�eed) alang the s�ream. Ther� is a srnali for��ted ar�a southeasf of fh� projec� area. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of a!I �xisting uvefiEands on the praperfy: N/A 3c. List th� total esfiimated linear feet af all existing strear�s (interr�ittent and perenni�l) an fhe prop�rty: N!A 3d. �x�lai� th� purpose of t�re propased project: T� repiac� an obsolete 20.5' L x 20' W single �pa� timber bridg� vvith a 65° L x 33' �J x 24°` D cancrete c�r�d �fab structure s�n existing iocation. 3e. Describe the averalf project in defiai(, including the iype o� equipment io be used: Traffic will be detaured t�ff-�ifie through nearby busin�sses during consfirucfiion. �r�sion �r�d s�dimentation cantro( measures vvill be instalfed and the old bridge structur� vvi!{ be re�rroued. ihe new bridge wifl be constructed on �xisfiing loc�tion. �ridg� and approaches vvill be repaved. Track hoes, dump trucks, bulldnzers, cranes, p�ving equipment, water pumps, sandbags, disrersian pipe and e�arieus hand �oo(� vvill be used fa accorr�plish fhe work. 4. J�aresd��#i��t�i ��i�rrnEn�t�or�� 4a. Have j�risdictional uvetfand ar stream det�rmin�tions by ih� Corps �r Stat� b��n r�qu��ted or �btained far this prop�rty I prc�ject {including all pri�r p��ses} in �he p��t? � Yes ��io [�] Unkna�n G�mments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictiona( determir�aii�r�, vvl;afi type �f deiermin�tion �as made? � �r�lirr�inary � FEnal 4�. If y��, �eho d�lineated ih� jurisdictiar�al ar�as? Agency/C�nsultar�t �omp�ny: i�/� �iame (if kn�v�rn): N/,4 �ther: N/A 4d. If }re�, list the date� of ihe Gc�rps j�risdictional dete�s�ina�ian� or Sta�� d�iers�i�atiarts �nd atfach d�cum�r�t�ti�n. N!A 5a �e����� F�a��ory 5a. �ia�e perrni�s c�r cer�ificatiot�s been reques�e� e�r �bfiained it�r � Yes ��lo ❑ Ur�kna�r� ihi� proj�ct (ineitading a!I priar pha�es} in fih� past? 5b. li yes, �Xpl�Pti (Yi �B$�i) �C���Ci1Ci� �4 "help fiEe" ir��tructians. �1J,4 ��ge 3 �� 1 i ��� F�rm —�lersic�� 1.3 ��cef�ber 1 Q, 20�� �f�r�ion 6, F�tc�r� Pr����t �6ar�� 6a. f� this a phased project? ❑ Yes � Na 6�. If ye�, �xpl���. �!/A P�ge 4 �f 11 6��� Forr� — V�r�ic�n i.3 ��c�mb�r 1�}, 2Q0� Versiot� G. Proposed [mpact� Inventory 1. lmpacts Summary 1 a. Whicl� sectic�n� w�re compleied belav� far yo€ar project (check �!1 ih�i applY): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - iribuiaries � Buffers ❑ C3pera 1rv`ater� ❑ Poz�td Constr�ctiar I 2. Wefland Impact� � If there are wetland impacts propased on the site, then camplet� ihis question for each �+retland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. Zf. Wetland impact Type of j�risdictian number — i�pe of impa�t Type �f vvetiand Farested (C�rps - 404, 1� Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if knov�rn) DWQ — non-4Q4, other) (acre�) iem orar i t�V1 ,��` P � € �if� �1iA � �lo� ❑ C�rps �/A I ❑ DiNQ Vii2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Y�s ❑ Corps ❑ �lo ❑ DWQ �� � � ❑ �. � Ye� � Corps � No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corp� ❑ No ❑ �WQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Carp� ❑ No ❑ DWQ �� � � � � I ❑ Yes � Gorps ❑ No ❑ �VVQ 2g, �'mtat ��tl��d ��pa�t� N� 2h. Casr'm�nts: NlA 3. �#rea�ra impa�is if th�r� are p�r��r?��I �r inter�ogt�nr Stre�rn �!�n��ctc ;incl�!�i!�g +�m��r��v �m��cts; pr���sec� �n the �ife, thP�, r�r,���Rr� t�s� I question �or all sfiream sites impact�d. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Str�am imp�ct Type of impact Sfirearrr name Perenniaf T�p� of jurisdicti�n Average irnpact number - (PE�) or (Gorps - 404, 10 siream lee�gih Permanent (P} or irrfermitient �W� — non-404, widfh (linear iemparary (T} (I(�T}? other} (feet} feet) �1 � P ❑ T ��r�d �lab �ridge �e�il� Fork �reek � P�R � Carps 12-15 Q � (�i � �WQ Excauation and S2 ❑�� T �ip Rap �a�k �evils F�rk Creek � PER � Corps 1�-15 55 Stabiiizatior� ❑ INT �DWQ S3 ��[� i Flow (�iversio� �evi9s Fork Creek � FE� � Corps 12-15 i5 ❑ {Ni � QWC� �� � � � �r ' ❑ ��� C� cor�� ❑ ��-r ❑ Dvva ��- ❑ � [� �r I� �E� ❑ co�p5 ❑ i�� ❑ �vvc� s� ❑ � � r � ��� ❑ c�r�� ❑ i�T � Dvvc� 312. �'���I �'�r���c�rai �ir°�arr� ��d 'Tr�b�ta�°y I����ts f€��° �r�d�� p' �'���8 P��-�ctap€e�i S��-��� �r€ip�c�� f€s�° �2�ad ���� �xcav�����a �a�s� Rip R�p ���i� �tab�iiz�t��t� ��' '�o��i �e�t o�°ar S��•�arr� �mpae�� fc��- F�t ea�v�s�aas �8ii��s �a�d �'l�s� I?iv�r��o� 7�P 3i. Ct�mrr�ent�: The pr�ject vvill requir� the replacement o� a�rater (in� o€� th� n�rth side of the brit�g� �nd a���r�r fin� an the ��uth side of th� bridg�. ��th utility fin�� wil� b� in�talled by direction�l bores (trenehless m�ih�d} �nc4 �rill not r�quire a�lVVP I (�lan �he�t UC��). � Page 5 �f 11 P�i� Forr� -- V�r�i�n 1.3 �e�emb�r 10, 2Q0� �er�i�n �. �p�ra at�� 6rrsp��f� If there are proposed imp�cts �o lak�s, ponds, estuaries, tribufiarie�, saur�ds, the Rtlantic Ocean, or any oth�r open water of the U.S. tl�en individually list alf open vuater impacts bel�vv. 4�. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open v�rater Name of vvaterbody impact number — (if applicable) iype of impact Waterbody fiype Area of impact (acres) Perrrr�nent (P) or � Tem arar T Q1 ❑ P❑ T tV1R NIP, �iA N(,� 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P�i �4 ❑P�i 4f, 'i'�ta� t�p�n i�a#�r Irnpacts �6IA 4g. Camments: N/A 5. ���at! �r I�ak� ��st�tr�c�i�� (fi ond or lak� canstruction r� os�d, then com le�e the chari below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland irnpact� (acres) Stre�m Impacts (feet} Upland Pond ID Propose� use ar purp�se (acres} number of pond Flooded Filfed Excavated Flaoded Fill�d �xcavated Flaoded P1 N/A IV/A N!A N/A i�/A RflA �I/A NIAh�/A P2 5� T�t�I N/A N/A N/A �JA hl/A f�lA �liA 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a darn high haz�rd permit required'? r, �, �,_ ,�. , � res � �4�, �� ye�, �,�r�-nifi IC ��c: �,/� 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): f�/A 5j. Size of pond watershed {acres}: N/A 5k. Mefh�d of c�nstruc�i��: �ltA 6. �s���� ira�p��t� {fe�r ���� If praject wili imp�ct a protected riparian bu�fer, th�n ctampl�ie the charf �elaw. !f yes, ti�en individu�E(y list all b�sffer irr�pact� �elow. If any impacts rsquire mitigation, then you �f���" fill �u� �ecfion C� of thi� forrt�. 6a. ❑ I�e�a�e [� i�r-Parr�lica ❑ C3ther: IVIF� Proj�ct i� in which profected basin? ❑ C�t�wba ❑�andleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. �uffer imp�ct nurrb�r — R���on �u�er Z�n� i irnpac� �on� 2 impacd � Perr�ran�nt (P} �r f�r Strearn nam� mifigation (squ�re feet) (sqt�are f�et) Tem �rar T impact re uired? e� � � Q � ��� ��A � ��� �vl,� �i� �z ❑��� ❑�e� ❑ �o �3 ��❑� C�Y�� ❑ �o 61�. 7'�i�l �a�f��r ��sp��i� Nt�! �l� 6i. �amrr�enis: �1� P�g� 6 �f 11 �C� Far� -� 1l�rsio� 1.3 ��c��ber 1 Q, 200� `��rsic�� �. I��a�i JusCif���tsa� ��� Nii�i�aiior� 1. Av�ici�rrce a�rc! M�r�irx�iz�ti�r� 1 a. Specifiicaffy describe m�asure� iaken �o a�roid �r rninimi�� th� pr�pc��ed ir�pacts i� de�ignirtg project. Th� bridge is being replac�d uvith a new spar�ning structure that has a greaier hydrau[ie capacit� thraugh the bridge opening. No ir�tzric�r b�idg� b�nts vvill be pfac�� iii �vaV1iS F�iIC Gf8@�i. TE�@ �CEd�@ IS �BEG�� i��3I�CE,'c� C3E� �X6�tlii� IOEr'�ticrs; th�r�fcr�, any additional impact� ta aquatic and terre�trial habitat is minimized. 1 b. Specifically describe measures iaken to avoid or minimize fh� proposed irr�pacfs through consfruction techniques. �MPs vvi{i be installed t9 minirrtiz� effiects on aquafiic habitat. A temporary flaw diversion will be ta�ed afong fihe old tirr�ber end bents sa soil and debris �€ram the wark area is n�fi carried inta downstrearn aquatic habitat during rer�ov�l. 2. ��rs�p�n��t�r� I#ig�ioo�t fo� lr�apa�t� to at�r� o� �he tlo�. �r ai��°s �f tE�� S�at� 2a. t�oes ihe prajec� require Campensaiory (�ifiigation �ar � Yes ��la im�ract� fa Vii��er� c�� i�� U.S. c�r Wa�ers a� �he S'ta��? Zh. If yes, mitigation is reqnired by (check ail that apply}: ❑ DWQ ❑ Garps [� fVfitigation bank 2c. li yes, which miiigation �pfio� wiE6 be used for this projeet? ❑ Payrrr�r�t to ir�-Eieu fee pr�gr�m � Permittee Respon�ible Mitigatio� 3. ��s�pi��� if lJ�dr�� a ciegat��n �a�{c 3a. Name of �viitigats�n Bank: NI� 3b. �redits Purchased (attach receipt and lett�r) Type �!!,fi Quantity �ilA 3c. Comm�nts: Nlfi �. ��!�s���t� �� ��kic?� � ��� ���� #� ���9€�� ��� ����r�� 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee pr�gram is affached. (� Yes 4b. Stream rr�itigation requested: N/A linear fest 4c. If using stream mitigation, strearn �emperature: [� warm ❑ coo( ❑cold 4d. �uffer mitigatian requested (DWQ only): NJA square feet 4e. Riparian �uuetfand mitigafiian r�quested: N/P, acr�s 4�f. �on-riparian v�eetl�r�d mitigaiion requestec4: �ItA acre� 8g. C�astal {tidal) rr��tland mitigaiian requesfied: NIA acr�s 4h. ��mrrt�nts: (VIA 5. �orr�p[�i� if C/��a�g ����s���t�� R�s�csr��ib9� �€�i����i�n P���a 5a. If using a permitte� re�por�sibie mitig�tion pian, prc�vid� a de�cription of the proposed mitigatic�n plan. i�/� �ag�7of11 P�t� F�rm —��r�i��i 1.3 D���rn��r � 0, 200� V��sion 6. �s��€�� ��t�ga#`s�r� ������ ��gs�E�fi�d ��p�ra�s� ��ff�� ��ai��} — �°eqc�'sr��i by � Q 6a. UVilf fhe project resulfi in ar� impacfi vvithin a pr�te�ted rip�rian buffer th�f r�quire� ❑ Ye� � Rlo buf€er mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the �quar� feet of impaci to each zone af th� ripar'san bufier tha� requires e�ifiigafion. C�Iculate the �ma�nt of mitigatian required. 6�. 6d. 6�. Zone ���son �or imp�ct Tafai impacfi Mulfiiplier �equired mitig�fion (square feet) (�quare feet} Zane 1 I�/A NtA 3(2 for Catav�ba) R!/A zon� z � �.� 6f. T�f�� ��s�f�r r�itaga�'s�ar� re��ire�� P�/A 6g. (f buffer mitigatian is required, discus� what fiype of miiigation is pr�pased (e.g., payment ta private mitigatian bank, perrrrittee responsible ripariae� buffer r�st�rafiian, payment info an appraved in-lieu fee fund). NIA 6h. Commertts: �!/A ��ge � t�f 11 �Gi� F�rrn � V�r�ic�n 1.3 D���mb�r 10, 2fl0�'�r`�r�ion �. ��orrr�w�f�r M�r��g�rraer�t a�� �iffa�s� F��� Rl�r� {r���air°�d by DV!►�� 1. �Effe�se FBo� Plart 1a. ���s fhe po-csject include �r is it adjacenfi tr� prot�cfied rip�ri�n buffer� i��ntified � Yes ��Ea v�rithin on� ai the �fC Riparian �ufFer Pratection Rul��? 1 b. !f yes, then is a diffiuse flovv pl�r� inciuded? Ef na, exp{ain v+rhy. ❑ Y�s ❑ [vo C�mments: t�lA 2, St�rrr��vat�� M�r�� �a�s�r�� �la� 2a. What is the over�!{ p�rcent imp�rviousness of this project? % 2b. C3a�� this projecf requir� a S�c�rmwr�t�r It�anage��ni Pf�n? � Yes ❑�lo 2c. It �I�is proj�ct QOES NQi require a 5formwater �arragement Plan, explain v�hy: 2d. lf fihis project DOES requir� a Stormwater �tlanagernent Pl�n, then pr�vid� � brief, n�rrative d�scription of the plan: ihe project is covered under NCC3C?i General �tormuvater Perrr�it Na. hi��000250. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Wha will be respon�ible far the revie� �f the Sfiormv+rate� Manag�rr�ent I�lan? ❑ D�Q St�rmwater Prograrri � Q�lQ 401 Unit 3. ��rtef��d I��c�6 ��v�rr�cner�� Si�rrr�wat�r R�vie�r 3a. in which locai governrner�t'� jurisdiction i� this project? City o� Hendersor�vilie ❑ Ph�se 11 3b. Which �f th� f�liovving iaca(iy-implemented s�orm�ater m�nagern�nt progr�ms i� N�'J`v" app�y icheck ail tha� apply}: ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply 1�Vatershed ❑ Oth�r: 3c. Has the �pprc�ved Stormwater �I�nagement Plan �vith proof of appraval been � Yes ❑ Na attach�d? �� � � �t�r�aa����r �r� ra� �ev��� ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HC�Vt! 4a. Which of th� followin� state-implement�d storrr��rvater managerr�ent progr�m� �pply �f pRW (check afl that app�y): ❑ �essipn Lauv 2046-246 ❑ �th�r: 4b. Ha� fih� appr�v�d ��ar�+��Yer Manac�ernen� PEan �vvith proe�f of approvaP �een attached? � Y�s [� R!o 50 � Q �0� tJrsit �$arrr���fi�r ����� 5a. �oe� th� Sform�rater �flanagem�nt P(�n rneet the �ppropriate requir�rs�ent�? [� Yes ❑�io 5b. F��ve al! �f th� 401 CJ�ii submifta( r�quirert��nt� beer� rn�t? ❑ Yes �j i�a �'ag� } �f 11 F'�i� �c�rm �- iler�iar� �.3 �ecemb�r 1 Q, 200� �iersion F. ��s����s��s�t�ry traf�rra��ti�r� 9. Env�ra�rra�n#�i ���urra�ntafior� (D Q ��qu�re���t} 1 a. �oes the project invalve an expenditur� of public (fed�ra�/statellacal) funds or the � Y�� ��Q use af pubiic (feder�i/state} land? i b. if you a�swered "yes" ta the above, does the project req�ire preparation �� an environmental document pursuanf fia the req�sirements af fihe �lational or State ❑ Ye� � N� (�torth Carolina} Environmentaf Palicy Act (NEF�A/SEPA)? 1 c. If yau answered "yes° to the aboue, has the document review b�en finalized by fhe 54ate Glear�ng Ftause? (lf s�, attach � capy of the �fE�A �r SEPA final appr�val letter.} ❑ Yes � No C�mrr��nts: fV/A 2. �i��ati��s �� � ��q€�'sr�r��r��� 2�. is tf�e �it� in vio[afiian �f DVt/Q V�fet(�nd Rule� {i 5A N�P,C 2H .0500}, Is�fated VVetland Rules (15A N�A� 2M .1300}, DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, (� Ye� � RJo c�r �iparian Buff�r Ru6es (15A IVCAC 2B .Q200)? 2b. (� this an �fter-fih�-fact permit applicatian? ❑ Ye� � Na 2c. If you answered "yes" fc� on� or both of the above questinns, provid� an explanation of th� violation{s): �IlA 3e �um�lai's�� I�pacts (� Q �eq�ir�rra�r��} 3a. Will this pr�ject (bas�d on pasi and reas�nably anticipated future ienpacts} result in � Y�� ��� �ddiiionai deuedopmer�t, vvhich could impact nearby d�wnstr�am �afier quality? 3b. If you ansv�rered "y��" to the ab�ve, stabmiY � qualitative or q�aaniiiative curnulafiive impact analysis in �ccardance v�ith the mo�t recent DWQ policy. If you answered "na," pravid� a short narra�ive descripiion. This praject con�i�ts ofi r�pl�cem�nt �f a�tr�acturaNy deficie�t timber bridge, �hich is considered mair�tenance a� exi�fiing infra�tructur�. The raad is not being upgraded; fherefore, no significant secondaty or cum�a€ative imp«cfs would be expected from this pr�j�ct. 4, S�w�ge ��sp�s�i �� Q �e�€sir��z�s�t} 4a. Cfeariy deiaii the ultimate treatmeni m�thads and �ispo�ifion (non-dis�h�rg� ar d�sch�rg�) of wast�water generated from the praposed proj�ci, �r available �ap�c€iy of tF�� subj�ci facility. R�(A ��ge 10 t�f 11 ��i� Form ��ler�ior; 1.3 D�c�mber 10, 2�Q� il�rsion 5o Endang�r�� �pe�i�s aa�d ��s6gr�at�� �ro�icai Nabitat (���°p� ��qumr�rr�enip 5a. Wil( fihis proj�ct occur in �ar near an �rea v�rith f�deraf(y protected specie� or ��,�s � I�o habitat? 5b. �€av� you checked vuith the I�SF�B eancerning E�danger�d 8pecies P,c� � Yes �j N� impacts? ❑ �aleigh 5c. If y��, indic�t� th� IJSFVIIS Fi�ld �ific� you have contacted. � Asheviile 5d. Vl/hat data sources did you us� to de�errnine wh�ther ��ur site wot�id impact �ndangered Specie� or C?esignatsd Critical Habitat? US Fish & Vtiildlife �srvice �rtd Nort�t Carolina Natural Heritage �atabages, as w�ll as, onsite investigafians conducted on Septernber 26, 2016. 6. ����s�ti�� F��h h�abet�t ���rps ��q�cir�rr��rs�� 6�. Wil! �hi� pr�ject acc�ar in or near an area d�signafied as essenfiial fish habitat? ❑ Yes ��!� 6b. �Nhat dat� sour�es dici you use �c� d�termir�� whether your �it� vvould impa�t Es�er€tial Fish f�abitai? �!/�,-�ii�ere are na rnarine or �s��arine habit�ts vvithin th� �Eue �idge Phy�i�graphic Province 7. Flisiari� �r Prehist�ri� ��9taara( ��sour�e� (C�rp� ��q�€ar�rri�rat} 7a. Will fihis project �ccur in ar near an area that the siate, federal or tribaf g�vernments �ave tiesigna�ed as having historie or culft�raE preservatian � Yes � No statu� {�.g., iVatiee�a4 Histc�ri� Trusi designatien or proper�ie� significant in �l�r�h ��rr�i�na hi�t�ry ���4 ar�h��oi�ag�)� 7b. Vtlhat data sourc�s did you us� fa deterrnin� vvhether yaur site v�ould impac� hisforic or archeolog�cal resource�? ihis projecf was �ubmitted �o the NC �epartrneni af �latural and Culttarai R�sa�rces - State Historic Preserwafi�n O�ce (SHPO} far reviewe in October 2416. It vvas det�rr�rined fihat the project ��uld hav� "no ei#e�t" �n hi�t�ri�ad �rchitect�ar� ar archaeologicaE resourc�s (s�e afitached [etters). �e Flaocl ��r�� ���ig�a#��€� (��rp� ���u0r����t} 8a. VVill this projecf �ccur in a FE11�A-designa�ed 10�-year fi�odpfain? � Yes ❑ I�� �b. If y��, e�p(�i� h��nr project rr�ee�s F'EIt�A requirerz�enfis: ih� proje�f lie� vvifihin th� 100-ye�r flo�dplain. ihe bridg� wifl have a gr�aier hydra�lic capacity through the apening at�d a detailed study v�aa� conduct�d �n the site. A flcaadplai� revisi�n �ras r�quired under �n (i�t'�A 1 vvit� �he (�C�Qi i�ydr�uiics Unif ar�d NC Fi��dplain fVlapping Pragram (s�e �tfa�hed �iR}. �c. Vtfh�t source(s} d'sd you �a�e tc� rn�k� th� fio�dpfai� determina�ian°� �� Fl��dplain I�appirsg Progras°n �Iark �, ����s, � Envz�o �a�tal Sp�c��l�st s� ` �°���_�"� � �Iau�I2�2 � I�ll�ltc�n ��ns�alt�n.� �r�g�n�ers A,ppiic�nfil�g��ata� �ignatur� C�ate �,p¢51(G�t��lAg�f�t°S �i'i�tt�d iV�C�4� (Agent's signaiur� i� valid o�ly if an authorizafion {etter from th� applicant is provided.} �'ag� � 1 �f 11 P��9 Forr� �- �6�r�ic�n 1.3 i���e�rb�r 1�, 200� ��r�i�r� `"s" �s; ��` � � " • �. +� : �;. �� � � �_. � �e ! r _� _ • .�, ; .. .. ;.. i�� . � � '" , h �� � ' � . �. ; !� '' � �; • � . v �� � � � ������� �� �� ��� �� ����� �� �' � ��� � e Mark S. Davis, Environmental Speciaiist, Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers 40 Colonial Square, Sylva, NC 28779 i `' i , �. � �a P OJE�T L��A�°1� �S� A� A�KGR tJ�� ��F Ai6 a TIP No. 8-5929, Replace Bridge No. 350 on OId Dana Road over Devils Fork Creek, City of Hendersonville, Henderson County +� a � � �� �t . � �' 1 �� �f �i , � �t�'��: �� ��I�I�fy/��t'(�hl�C;i'�Ugh: �enderson �g��. Hendersonville C�r�f�r �o�rdi�a�e� �� s�te (1��/I��g i� d�gr�� de�ir�►�6 f�rrr��t): ���. 35.32888 °�y ����. -82.44666. °�e iJCi��f�CS�( ���51�!l���� 9��rC���Cn 368618, 3910486; Zone 17 ��9�1� �f tl�ar��t ����C��� f: Devils Fork Creek (DWR Class: C) {de�t�f� (���i��t�) �r���r�i �� ��t�r� ir� �h� revie�v �r��: tV���v�eii�r�d ��t�r�: zaa �ir���r f��t: 15 �idth (ff} �ndl�r ��r��. .� . ��i"��til ��C3�V: .Perrenial � �-�� . ��:�� ��r�� �f �r�y ����r b�di�� c�r� th� sit� fh�t h�v� b��r� id���i�i�d �� �����o� 1� �v�t�r�: �f€d��: r�rA t����Ti��l; r��a d e Vi F F S�T !/ �lJ�TI ���! � !�L ��1 T ������a ��fi�� (��s�j ����rrr�ir��ticss�. ��r�: Fi�6d ��t�rrr�i���i�e�. ��#�(�): gr2srzo�s �t� � 1`l �1'�a a�� r�vi� � fi�r pr�fimir�� J ��h�ck �i! �hat �p �y � �h�ck�d it�rr�s �h��l� �� ���i��� Er� ���� fil� ��d9 h�re �h��k�d ��� r�qc��si�d� �pprapr�����y r�f�r�r��� ���r��� �����}e ���p�, pl��s, pl��� �r pl�� �ubrr��t��d by �ar a� b�h�if c�f t6�� ��3��i����fGpil�li�t��i$: Vaughn & Ntelton Consulting Enginaers, 1318-F Patton Ave., Asheville, NC 288d6 Daia sh���s prep�r�di��brnitt�d by or �� ��h�lf �f �he appli ant/c�n��lt��t. �ffi�� ��€��urs vv�ih d��a �h�ets/deii�ea�ia� r�p�rfi. Offi�� d�es na� ��r�c�r with daia she�t�/d�lin��ti�� r�p�rt. �ata �h��t� pr�p�r�d by th� C�rps: ��rps ��vig�ble ��t�rs' st�dy: EJ.�. ���l�g���l Saarve� Nydr�l�ge� ��[��: lJ��� [�H� d�i� 1���� ��nd 12 digi� 6�1J� r��p� i�.�. ��CBI��i��� ��EI'49�� fli�����. i�l�� 5���� � C�Ei�� it��"1�: �:24,000� Hendsrsonvi(fe �JS�� Nat�r�� R����r��s ��r��er�ati�� ��rr�0�� �oil ��r�v�y, �i#ati��: C��t��r��l u���l�r�d� €s��r�r���r� rr���{��a �i�� ��r��: ���f�/��c�i v���I�r�d ir�v�r�i�ry rr��p(s}: FE �fFi�[� ��p�: 1 ������r Fi��dpi��� ������ic�� i�: (C��ti�r��! ���d���i� il�rti��l ����rr� ��' 1929} F'h�t�gr��h�: �4�ri�E {f��rr�� � ��t��: �r � ����r ��J�g�� �����}; 9I2612016; Permit Site P,ttachsd in PC[V Pr��i��s d�t�r�i���i����}, Fil� r��. �t�d d�t� �� res����� I��t�r: �fh�r i�for�s�t6�r� (pl���� �p���f��: � � 1 i ��'� �1 � i! ^ .c ', . 1; :. • ie ' ��� � � ., � : t , . . � _ � ^. � � ^ . � � '. a - ,� � s . 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Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Kluttz October 28, 2016 Jenny Noonkester RS&H 1520 South Boulevard, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28203 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: Replace Bridge 350 on Tracy Grove Road over Devils Fork Creek, Hendersonville, B-5929, Henderson County, ER 16-1915 Dear Ms. Noonkester: Thank you for your email of October 13, 2016, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review cr,ncdcr. ov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, �� `�-e..C�l�.� �a�.� �Ramona M. Bartos Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570l807-6599 Iwark �avis Frorr�e �ent: To> S�bj��ta Mark, Noonkester, Jenny <Jenny.Noankester@rsandh.com> Monday, November 07, 2016 9:37 AM Mark Davis FW: B-5929 Request for Project Review FYI — the letter from I previously forwarded y�ou from SHPO covers both historic and archaeological resources, so we will not rece�ve a sepai-ate letter from the Office of State Archaeology. -Jenny Jenny Noonkester, AICP ienny.noonkester@rsandh.com Cetebrating 75 years! 1 '� ���� �_- �� �rorr►: Shearin, Renee [mailto:renee.shearin@ncdcr.gov] Sents Monday, November 07, 2016 9:26 �M i�e �loonkester, Jenny <Jenny.Noonkester@rsandh.com> Subjecte RE: B-�929 Request for Project Review You will not receive a letter from OSA. Our letter covers structures, districts, and archeologieal resources. ihanks. Renee Rene� Shearin Environmental Review Technician, State Histaric Presenration Office North Carolina Department af Natural and Cultural Resources (919) 8d7-6584 Office renee. shearin(a�ncdcr.gov 109 East Jone� Street 4617 Mail Seruice Center Raleigh iVC 27699-4617 1 BM #1a CHISELED X IN TOP BOLT OF FIRE FIYDRANT, 1805' LEFT OF STA, 13+03e76 —L-9 ELEV, 2082,70 ' v�O o6 '� �. � �� 1508 �; / �w, �� \ _ t � � t \ � m �\, . �""""^""�. Balfour ' � 1389 I�q � 21�� Elementary w � .OS � .� �1�� ------' -- -•`I��,y `� F\ s�nooi � � ,-• , .. -- , - zs 1386 t�v � , �-., ` � _. .� l�s \�, ( ~^�� � � , Y� 1652 16� ' ����` ��'�.. « M,�s�� oz 1668 � /P168;�126. ��- - ��: s' 1650 13907 �-05 1M8 oa Balfour %� °�o� i9 0 � 2305.� `, j518 36 � % �:_ _-._ o C / ..�p �---� 1517 1�� �4,:05 0�--- 1n 1 J�. � 20 1652 �1 � 1 16 �\ :�_- �'F. 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Looking West Across Bridge ;� ii � �� � �w �,� k '����: = ---;.,� _1�� �= _- �,� � �� ---,. Looking West Across Bridge r�. B-5929 Bridge No. 350 on Old Dana Road — City of Hendersonville Henderson Couniy �_ r � ` tO.x .y ��` � :� . _..� �-•�,. ��. t ri , _ .j� ry�. �r _ � Looking East Across Bridge � f y-� •�-, . ♦ t. � n ..'�t.,. ,� • t•�a_ ,��1 . - -1:,..� 'A ti,- Y,* , , �nF �': tC � ��.` Y � � � - �' � . . T.. : L-.y�,. .... '. . .., ST ;�j. ^.. _ . „F^. :j�•�4.. �'.��,�. , i4.`: j, +�i ��t n,' '�' � `! �. + i ��s 5�•: }��9� . � . '-,,�4.,`, 5 �; ,:.r ' � !�' s c�] t i R�,t 1 �' �' �r 'r�����, ,���'*r. .�_.. �,jya �. ��I ,c � �t�Y�� ` � � s -_ . .�i '` # -= � _ .�. �ii':- � `yk ,,` •�f�' k �'..&�,� i '' � t ; •:, 7.,:;� .� r ���� ���` �,���',n.- f: . a Looking Upstream from Bridge — — �,�� � , .�y.. � Ktf..7�'•�'� � . � '� �A' .�t�l� . ss.': . . 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" n ' _ •^�4 '- ' ` 1 ����T�"' � r � Looking Downsh•eam fi-om Bridge - � y` '� ' 1f k �� ' `'1 : (i'�' .�r f ` � t• t'� . �'t_r' _��� 1 '`' �t ;..�,�'` �`� � ' ._ � - aJ",� _ �''-- .. �. _ � �: . ,� i ' _" ,. � ��. � .: . � �; �ti �''�r-.� � _ _ � �� �.I r� � :�� ��w„ �4,�f �' 4-�r �.:. 1 "�i . � . . . � ��.. � � �+'� ,�� `� , �� �'J ,y'�� !�;',4 ``�� i' :'�,��t�� :��;� ,'p, :,�t : �� � :- �'.i+� `�! Looking as Pipeline Support Downstream of Bridge �,..�,!�:�����, . . e 1 . , o ��>�i, Northern Long-Eared 6ai Consultation Areas '��` Henderson County �� � North Carolina County Boundary Watersheds with Known NLEB Maternity Trees or Hibernation Sites If your project falls within the red areas identified in Henderson County, please 0 5 Miles contact the USFWS � ' � USFWS Ecological Services IT� Asheville, North Carolina Asheville Field Office. 0 5 Kilometers Map Date: 213/2016 KY VA TN NC ❑ GA Black-boxindicates large map extent