HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Soils mapset Raleigh_20170920Service Laye r Credits: Sources: E sri, HERE,DeLo rme , Interm ap, incremen t P Cor p.,GE BCO , US GS , FAO, NPS, NR CAN,GeoBa se, IG N, K adaster NL, Or dnanceSurvey, E sri Japan, METI, E sri Chin a (Ho ngKong), swissto po, MapmyInd ia, ©OpenS tree tMa p con tribu tors, and the GISUser Community 150 100 50 Spread 10 Spread 8 Spread 9 NorthamptonCompressorStation FayettevilleM&R Pem broke M&R Sm ithfieldM&R Ralei gh/FayettevilleRegional O fficeBoundary p :Construction Spread Brea kPipeline Construction Year20182019 #7 Compres sor Sta tion "6 Proposed M&R Site $K Contracto r Yard !(Teleco mmunica tion Tower !Regional O ffice Boun dary 0 50 100Miles Atla ntic Coast PipelineProposed Route within theState of North CarolinaFigure 1 FILE: M:\Clients\D-F\DOM\SRPP\_ArcGIS\2017\08\08_ESC_NC_Overview\_ACP_ESC_NC_Overview.mxd, REVISED: 08/15/2017, SCALE: 1:3,500,000 DRAW N BY: GIS Fe deral Owners hip National Park Servic e USDA Forest ServiceU.S. Fish & Wildlife Se rvice Dept. of Defen se/Military U.S. Army Corps of En gine ersOther Federal Land