HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131282_Meeting Minutes_20081022o? c 0c1? 6v 2?0 0) CONCURRENCE MEETING INFORMATION PACKET FOR YOUR REVIEW PRIOR TO MEETING ON PROJECT ENGINEER Kristine Graham TIP #R-3620 Please bring this packet to the meeting. d,q.SUTF y N n STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F EASLEY GOVERNOR Eastern Concurrence Meeting Thursday, November 13, 2008 Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina 10.30 to 12:00 PM - Kristine Graham, Project Planning Engineer, NCDOT-PDEA Branch TIP No. R-3620, Proposed NC 32 Connector from US 64 to the Intersection of NC 32 and NC 94, Washington County, Division 1 Team Members: Bill Biddlecome, USACE Kristine Graham, PDEA Chris Militscher, USEPA Ron Lucas, FHWA Gary Jordan, USFWS Ron Sechler, NMF Travis Wilson, NCWRC NCDOT Technical Support Staff and Other ALencv Staff: Kathy Matthews, USEPA Galen Cail, Hydraulics Unit Jerry Jennings, Division 1 Dean Argenbright, Geotechmcal Unit Barry Hobbs, Division 1 Drew Joyner, HEU Clay Willis, Division 1 Ed Lewis, HEU Ray McIntyre, Program Development Charles Cox, PDEA Brenda Moore, Roadway Design Rob Hanson, PDEA Rekha Patel, Roadway Design Chris Manley, NEU AGENDA Jim Hoadley, NCDCM Cathy Brittmgham, NCDCM Sara Winslow, NCDMF David Wainwright, NCDWQ Renee Gledhill-Earley, NCHPO Bill Brazier, USCG Morgan Jethro, Albemarle RPO (non-signatory) LYNDo TIPPETT SECRETARY * The purpose of this meeting is to reach concurrence on CP 2A. MAILING ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER TELEPHONE 919-733-3141 FAX 919 733-9794 WEBSITE WWW NCDOT ORG LOCATION TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC Concurrence Point 2A NEPA/404 Merger Team Meeting TIP Project No. R-3620 Federal Project No STP-OOOS(252) WBS No 34548 1 1 NC 32 Connector from the US 64 Bypass to the Intersection of NC 32 and NC 945 Washington County November 13, 2008 Transportation Building Board Room Purpose of Meeting: The purpose of this meeting is to submit information to the Merger Team on the alternatives that have been studied in detail and to reach concurrence on Point 2A (Bridging Decisions and Final Alternatives to Carry Forward) for TIP Project No R-3620 Agenda for Meeting: • Project Description and Status • Discussion of Bridging Locations • Discussion of Final Alternatives to Carry Forward • Comments and Questions Project Planning Engineer Kristine O Graham, P E (919) 733-7844, extension 311 kograham@ncdot gov R-3620 Bridging Decisions PROJECT DESCRIPTION TIP Project R-3620 is programmed in the 2009-2015 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as a new route from US 64 to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 in Washington County Four alternatives are under consideration, which include corridors located on new location and corridors utilizing existing facilities The attached vicinity map shows the location of the project Figure 2, Sheets 1-11 show the design of the project in greater detail The alternatives vary from 3 7 to 5 7 miles inlength A two-lane roadway with shoulder section is proposed It is anticipated approximately 160 feet of right of way will be required to accommodate this facility Partial control of access will be obtained for sections of this road constructed on new location Studies are underway in accordance with the requirements set forth in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended Right of way acquisition is scheduled for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2012 and construction is scheduled for FFY 2014 The total estimated cost for the proposed project is $11,223,000, which includes $300,000 for right of way acquisition, $189,000 for mitigation, and $10,734,000 for construction Purpose and Need The Purpose and Need Statement, as approved by the NEPA/404 Merger Team on July 23, 2003, is stated as follows "The location of the new US 64 creates the need for improved connectivity within the study area The project purpose is to improve connectivity in the study area and does not preclude improving the existing facilities." Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward Concurrence Point 2 (CP2) was signed on March 16, 2006 At this meeting, it was decided to consider the following four alternatives for detailed study • Alternative 1- This alternative begins at the Tyson Farms interchange (US 64 at SR 1139 (Beasley Road)) It then follows Beasley Road for approximately 4500 feet north and continues northward on new location to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 • Alternative 2- This alternative begins at the Tyson Farms interchange (US 64 at SR 1139 (Beasley Road)) Alternative 2 continues north onto SR 1136 (Holly Neck Road) At the intersection of Holly Neck Road with NC 32, Alternative 2 follows NC 32 east and continues to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 • Alternative 5- This alternative begins at the Scuppernong Interchange (US 64 at SR 1304) Alternative 5 follows NC 94 northwestward to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 • Alternative 6- This alternative begins at the Tyson Farms interchange (US 64 at SR 1139 (Beasley Road)) It then follows Beasley Road for approximately 4500 feet north and continues northward on new location to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 This alternative approximately parallels Alternative 1 to the east R-3620 Bridging Decisions Table 1: R-3620 Preliminary Impacts Impact Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 5 Alternative 6 Length (nines) 37 57 56 37 Interchanges 1 1 1 1 Railroad Crossings 0 0 0 0 Schools 0 0 0 0 Recreational Areas and Parks 0 0 0 0 Churches 0 3 0 0 Cemeteries 1 3 0 1 Potential Residential Relocations 0 17 14 0 Potential Business Relocations 1 1 2 1 Historic Properties (Listed on or eligible for the National Register) 1 - No Effect 4 - No Effect 3 - No Effect 1 - No Effect Section 4(f)/6(f) Impacts (Park/Historic) 0 0 0 0 Archaeological Sites 0 0 0 0 Wetlands Impacts (acres) 193 85 106 233 Stream Impacts (feet) 191 621 877 643 Water Supply Watershed Protected Areas 0 0 0 0 Wildlife Refuges and Gamelands 0 0 0 0 Federally Listed Species within Corridor 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 Major Utility Crossings 0 0 0 0 Known Hazardous Material Sites or Hazardous Spill Basins 0 0 0 0 Adverse & Disproportionate Impacts to Minority/Low Income Populations None None None None Right of Way Cost $2,775,000 $3,715,500 $4,819,000 $2,753,500 Utility Cost $292,300 $456,000 $4,028,100 $372,300 Construction Cost $16,100,000 $23,200,000 $25,500,000 $16,200,000 Total Cost $19,167,300 $27,371,500 $34,347,100 $19,325,800 * -- This project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the red wolf Properties Listed on/Eligible for the National Register of Historic Places • Albemarle Grill (all alternatives) • Farm on NC 32 (Alternative 2) • Hopkins House (Alternative 2) • Rehoboth Methodist Church (Alternative 2) • Washington County Prison (Alternative 5) • Pritchard Farm (Alternative 5) R-3620 Bridging Decisions CONCURRENCE POINT 2A Wetland & Stream IMDacts The proposed alternatives for TIP Project R-3620 are located within the Pasquotank River Basin Twelve jurisdictional streams and 102 jurisdictional wetlands have been identified within the project study corridor Impacts for each project segment are provided below in Table 2 Wetlands and streams are shown in Figure 3, Sheets 1-3 Table 3 lists each of the high quality crossings and mayor hydraulic crossings NCDOT recommendations for pipes or other types of structures are provided in this table Wetland and stream impacts were calculated based on the current alternatives Wetland impacts are calculated from slope stake to slope stake, plus an additional 25 foot outside of each limit as determined from the current functional design plans for each alternative The totals are rounded to the nearest 0 1 acre for wetlands and the nearest foot for streams Geotechmcal Data During the field meeting that was held onsite on October 1, 2008, the question was raised as to why the grade of the proposed roadway would need to be so high when the groundwater at Site 6 was so low The Geotechrucal Unit stated that there are approximately 6 (six) to 8 (eight) feet of cohesive soil (silt and clay) at the ground surface along the upland portions of the project The low hydraulic conductivity of the clay soils greatly slows the infiltration of water into the ground and causes a perched water table near the ground surface The true ground water table is deeper than the perched water table as evidenced by the dry flood plain/wetland areas As such, the perched water will slowly seep into the ground to recharge the groundwater In addition, the area has been in a drought for some time Once the groundwater has fully recharged, the wetland areas will be wet again Consequently, NCDOT is requiring a nummum of 4 (four) feet between the ground surface and the subgrade through the wetland areas 4 R-3620 Bridging Decisions Table 2A: R-3620 Wetland and Stream Impacts - Alternative 1 Length of am WetlandiStre Wetland T F Pt N1cUund Area Stream Identification Impacted (:kcrr5) Impacted (it) Riverine NCDWQ wetlands ? Weiland Rating Perennial/ QunlitN In teradtteut (Streams) - D2 0 * D22 0* D23 0* D28 0* D33 0* D34 0* D36 0* D38a 0* D39a 0 1 D4 0* D5 0* D6 0* S8b 191 P W23 PF04/1 07 16 NR Medium W24a PF04 0* 17 NR Medium W24b PF04 0* 17 NR Medium W29 PEM 0* 15 NR Medium W31a/c PF04/1 37 49/23 R Medium W33a PSS 03 21 NR Medium W33b PF04 0* 21 NR Medium W35 PF04/1 65 24 NR Medium W36 PF04 02 14 NR Medium W37a PSS 19 21 NR Medium W37c PF04/1 04 24 NR Medium W3a PSS 15 20 NR Medium W3b PSS 24 20 NR Medium W4 PSS 15 20 NR Medium W41 PF04/1 01 10 NR Medium ,,TOTALS 193 191 * -- Indicates that the wetland impact is less than 0 1 acre, but greater than 0 R-3620 Bridging Decisions Table 213: R-3620 Wetland and Stream Impacts - Alternative 2 Leiwth of Riverme Wetland%5U'eam [dentitieation Wetl:uul l'ypt ??erland:1rea Impacted (Acres) NC I)N1Q S trea m Rattu?- m psr Il?d (ft),; titiedands) ???ethild Perennial ! Oualit? Ir?cermittent (streams) D10 0* D14 0* D18 0 1 D2 0* D20 0* D21 0* D22 0* D23 0* D28 _ 0* D3 0* D4 0* D5 0* D6 0* D9 0* S3a 174 P S5a 44 P S5b 167 P S6a 85 I S7a 112 P S7b 39 P W11b PF06 06 80 R High W13a PEM 01 20 NR Medium W13b PSS 01 20 NR Medium W15 PSS 08 15 NR Medium W17 PF04/1 03 15 NR Medium W19 PF01 01 15 NR Medium W20a PF06 0* 80 R High W20b PF06 02 80 R High W20c PF06 03 80 R High W22a PF04 01 11 NR Medium W24a PF04 0* 17 NR Medium W33a PSS 03 21 NR Medium W33b PF04 0* 21 NR Medium W3a PSS 15 20 NR Medium W3b PSS 24 20 NR Medium W4 PSS 15 20 NR Medium W6 PFO1 0* 15 NR Medium W8 PFO1 01 15 NR Medium W9 PF04 0* 6 NR Medium TOTALS 85 621 * -- Indicates that the wetland impact is less than 0 1 acre, but greater than 0 R-3620 Bridging Decisions Table 2C: R-3620 Wetland and Stream Impacts - Alternative 5 WMland/Stream ? Uand :area Length of Wetland fNpe Stream Identification Impacted tkcres) I m p:cued (fC ) N(' [)«'Q IZatin? Ri?crnn (wetland?l Wetland llnlaI {luahtt Intermittent (stre.uns) _ D29 0* D30 0* D33 0* D54 0* D55 0* D57 0* D58 0* D63 0* D64 01 D65 0* D66 0* D67 0* D68 01 D69 0* D70 0* S9a 312 P S9b 292 P S10a 9 P S10b 116 P Slla 108 P Sllb 40 P W24a PF04 0* 17 NR Medium W24b PF04 0* 17 NR Medium W25a PEM 01 27 NR Medium W25b PSS 0* 27 NR Medium W29 PEM 0* 15 NR Medium W30 PSS 0* 25 NR Medium W42 PEM 0* 15 NR Medium W43 PEM 01 15 NR Medium W44 PSS 02 19 NR Medium W45a PF04/1 03 67 NR High W45b PSS 15 67 NR High W45c PF06 0* 67 R High W45d PF06 08 67 R High W47 PF04/1 10 25 NR Medium W48a PF04 02 25 NR Medium W48b PSS 03 19 NR Medium W49 PSS 02 19 NR Medium W50 PSS 07 19 NR Medium W51 PEM 03 9 NR Medium W52a PSS 04 19 NR Medium W52b PF04 02 19 NR Medium W53a PF04 09 14 NR Medium W53b PF04 01 14 NR Medium W53c PF04 0* 14 NR Medium W53d PF04 06 14 NR Medium W53e PF04 01 14 NR Medium R-3620 Bridging Decisions Table 2C (continued): R-3620 Wetland and Stream Impacts - Alternative 5 - _ _ , 'Rjverine ;' Now, Riv eri n c NN Ohlnd/Streanl N 1 ctl a n d l p pe \1'etland Arca L.cn-'thm of S h ca ` NC DWO (Wetlands) NVetland Identificatton Impacted (:acres) impacted Ot) Rathnt peruinial % Qiialit? "Iitte?'mittellt (streaws) W53f PF04/1 14 14 NR Medium W54 PF04 01 14 NR Medium W55 PSS 01 15 NR Medium W56 PF04/1 02 13 NR Medium W57a/b PEM/PSS 06 15 NR Medium W62 PEM 0* 11 NR Medium OTALS 106 877 * -- Indicates that the wetland impact is less than 0 1 acre, but greater than 0 R-3620 Bridging Decisions Table 21): R-3620 Wetland and Stream Impacts - Alternative 6 ]Rid-ernre / Ton = ?ctland .-area Lcngth of Vc I) « > (« ctlands) am \IeUand Tv \ ?trcam ? on Impacted (rues) Impacted (It) hating Nerenuiali I n to r nu ttent (streams) F tlartd OmIlM D2 0* D22 0* D23 0* D28 0* D3 0* D33 0* D34 0* D40 0* D5 0* D52 0* D53 0* D6 0* S1 141 I S8a 502 P W23 PF04/1 07 16 NR Medium W24a PF04 0* 17 NR Medium W24b PF04 0* 17 NR Medium W29 PEM 0* 15 NR Medium W31b/c PF04/1 54 23 NR/R Medium W32a PF04 47 23 NR Medium W33a PSS 03 21 NR Medium W33b PF04 0* 21 NR Medium W35 PF04/1 68 24 NR Medium W3a PSS 15 20 NR Medium W3b PSS 24 20 NR Medium W4 PSS 15 20 NR Medium TOTALS 233 643 * -- Indicates that the wetland impact is less than 0 1 acre, but greater than 0 PF04 - Palustrine forested, needle-leaved evergreen, seasonally flooded PF04/1- Palustrine forested, needle-leaved evergreen/broad-leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded PF06 - Deciduous Palustrme forested, needle-leaved evergreen/broad-leaved deciduous, semi-permanent flooding PSS - Palustrine scrub-shrub, seasonally flooded PEM - Palustrme emergent, seasonally flooded i o N N N C) fy ~ cr 6 ? 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A L 6 Bridges NC N us L_'f Washington County ^M- Creeks, Streams, Rivers Ponds, Lakes, Sounds 11 0 0.5 1 Miles „" VICINITY MAP County: WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT NC 32 CONNECTOR FROM Figure OF TRANSPORTATION Div: 1 TIP# R-3620 z DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS US 64 TO THE INTERSECTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND OF NC 32 AND NC 94 WBS: 3Z48 11 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH WASHINGTON COUNTY OF BY: J.TORTORELLA TIP PROJECT R-3620 Date: NOVEMBER 200 MAP AERIAL 3 OP ? ? ?? D r NC 32 CONNECTOR FROM NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT °pT"`4s Z US 64 TO THE INTERSECTION P+ to N o W A _ OF TRANSPORTATION OF NC 32 AND NC 94 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS s c m Z GI PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND T N NTY o WASHING O COU ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH ,OF o o Z TIP PROJECT R-3620 00 N o o o AERIAL MAP o n NC 32 CONNECTOR FROM ?NONTN?4 m - w - D' ? 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