HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081773 Ver 1_Site Plan_20081202a. VILE s o . e ~ ~ SHEET INDEX e ® • ~2 416 SHEET DESCRIPTION . ~ • , , 0000 COVER SHEET ~As~ ~ ~ GB`p~,p C100 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLAN pJ C200 SITE PLAN ~e \ ' 1 ~ ~~n~l 1111nTCD I IAIC DD(1C11 C ~ ~ 0 ,~o ; , C400 GRADING PLAN - . ~ t _ _ C401 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ ~ ~ 0~ ~ r_~nn CDnclnnl ~nnlTDnl DI nnl VVVV VIVIY VVIY 11\VL I- 0 ~ , P 0 ~ ~ o r~nn TD n ccl~ /'~nl\ITDnI DI n nl _ P VVVV VVIY 1 1\VL I L/'l1Y ' ~ / ~~nn CITC I Ir_'uTIAI(_' DI n I\I ? VV VI 1 L LIVI 1 rllYlJ 1 ~ ~ rann ciT~ n~Tnil c VVV 4/1 1 1~ V V~ c ~i ~nn~ ITC t1CTlnl C V V 1 VI I V V V 1 1/ \VV 9 ~ SITE ~ ~ F Jnr1 I ITII ITV I'1CTA II C' ~ ~ v ~nn~ ernDnn nDnlnlnr~ ncTnll c VVV V 1 VI \IYI VI V \II\/ \VV VL 1/ 116V ~ v CDnclnnl ~nnlTDnl nc-rn 11 c o ~ ~ , ~ I inn I nnlnc~nDC DI nnl TDCee \ Q I; I ~In~l I nl\InC'(`nDC DI nt~l CuDI IDC~ ~ TRANS AIR ~ DR ;I ~ ~ n7M nD('LIITCr'TI IDnI CI C1/nTIr1AIC' . P ~ °n _ _ ~ _u ~ MCCRIM '=1" I! ~ MN n 7 nil A DP~u1TCl~TI ID A l CI C1 /nT1r1AIC~ 111 I L.V I VI\nL LLLV(lI IVI`f cv PKWY ~ \ A ~I n7 n D~LIITC/~TI ID A I CVTCDIr'1D I I~LITIAIn Q n I V~ nl \v - B4J0 ~ \ OWNER: DEVELOPER: I 1 / OHM Hotels, LLC OHM Hotels, LLC . _ TOTAL SITE AREA: 138,840 SF 3.19 ACRES ( ) II TOTAL PERVIOUS: 50,474 SF fl 1348 Matthews Township Parkway 1348 Matthews Township Parkway TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 88,366 SF 63.65 ( ) ~ i Suite 200 Suite 200 , ~ ~ BUILDING HEIGHT: 73 -2 I I 1 F BU LD NG: 5,261 S Matthews, NC 28105 Matthews, NC 28105 SIDEWALKS: 8,106 SF DRIVEWAY/ACCESS ROAD: 8,427 SF p~704.846-1099 p)704.346-1099 DRIVE AISLES: 37,264 SF PARKING SPACE 19,308 SF ~ 704.246-5005 f) 704.246-5005 ADDITIONAL SETBACK REQ. NOT TO SCAL ZONED: GB BLDG. HEIGHT 73'2" )T TO SCALE ~ THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN CURRENT USE; VACANT MAX. SETBACK HGT. 50' ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF MORRISVILLE OR TOWN OF CARY STANDARDS n- APP XIMATE CALF 1 - 400 ~ ~ RO PROPOSED USE: HOTEL (105 ROOMS) DIFFERENCE 23 2 (WHICH EVER APPLIES). SQUARE FOOTAGE: 70,800 23'2" 2-11,58' BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE; II-A ADD'TL SETBACK REQ'D. -12' _ BUILDING IS SPRINKLED OCCUPANCY USE: RESIDENTIAL R-1 , Town of Morrisville Review Disclaimer Engineer/Inspectorbisclaimer RE UIRED PARKING SPACES: 105 105 ROOMS + SETBACKS: FRONT=30 +12=42 Q ( ) , Engineering & Planning Fees Paid 5 15 EMPLOYEES =110 SIDE=10 +12=22 ( ) , . PROVIDED PARKING SPACES: 132 TOTAL REAR=20 +12=32 Should the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fail to The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of UTILITY QUANTITIES TABLE 126 NON-ACCESSIBLE Infrastructure Yes No Comments identify, that the Owner/Deveioperhas not addressed Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall in no Fees the comments made by either Town, or that the Plans way lessen the Owner's responsibility For conformity 402 LF 6" DIP SANITARY SEWER PRIVATE 2 HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE and Specifications are not in compliance with respective with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer „ 4 VAN ACCESSIBLE Town Ordinances, Standards, Specifications; and or Inspector prior to, during or after construction fail to Town of Morrisville Details whether from lack of discovery or for any other identify or reject materials or work that does not 117 LF 4 DIP SANITARY SEWER PRIVATE Released for Construction reason it shall in no way relieve the Owner/Developer conform with the plans and specifications, whether from 812 LF 8" DIP WATER LINE PUBLIC of their obligation therof, nor obligate the Town of lack of discovery or for any other reason it shall in no or omissions. Execution of this construction plat by the unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. This 34 LF 6 DIP WATER LINE PRIVATE J Morrisville or the Town of Cary to correct such errors way prevent later rejection and correction of the Review Engineer or Planner for either Town in on way is also true if the work has been accepted and is 28 LF 4" DIP WATER LINE PRIVATE (signature required) limits the responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of currently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville Record with regard to compliance with all Federal, or Town of Cary. The Owner shall be responsible for State, and Local standards, regulations nadlor correction of all work that does not conform to the plans Date conditions. and specifications. Construction Requirements All public and private work including but not limited', to watermains, water services, sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, CIVIL ENGINEER: STEWART sidewalks, parking lots, site grading and landscaping'shall be constructed in Raleigh, North Carolina accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards Morrisville Project Specifications, and Details that are applicable. No deviations from the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: STEWART _ Town of Ca Util' A royal ` rY ttJ' PP Owner/Developer's Submitted plans will be allowed unless written approval from Raleigh, North Carolina On Apri13, 2006 the ownership, constuction, operation, the Town of Morrisville is received, along with permission from the Town of Cary maintenance, management, and financing of the Town for water and sewer deviations. All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded of Morrisville's water and sanitary sewer system within prior to fmal acceptance by the Town. ARCHITECT: CENTREPOINT ARCHITECTURE P.A. ' the present and future corporate limits and Urban Ralei h North Carolina g~ Services Area limits of the Town of Morrisville was pg-1773 3 transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger agreement between these two Towns. All water and CENTREPOINT ARCHITECTURE P.A. PLUMBING ENGINEER: 421 Fa etteville Street sanitary sewer system design and construction shall be in accordance with Town of Cary, Standard Owner Certification Y Raleigh, North Carolina a ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ Specifications, and the Standard Construction Detail The OwnerlDeveloperheyeby certifies that; all Town comments hhave been incorporated into the Drawings ~f Suite 400 ~ ~ w ~ r~ Drawings, and Specifications, the Drawings are in compliance with all Federal, State, Local Standards and Town of CENTREPOINT ARCHITECTURE P.A. MECHANICAL ENGINEER: ~ ~ RALEIGH NC 27615 Approval by the Town of Cary Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has checked the plans io confirm that there are no errors or omissions. The OwnerlDeveloperheyeby certifies ~ ~ DEC ~ ~~08 Raleigh, North Carolina Engineering Date and agrees to take such action as may be required by the Towrrof Morrisville and Town of Cary to correct T 919.380.8750 any errors, omissions ornon-compliance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, ~HC~ Standards, Specifications, and Details and/or re-execution of this construction plat with appropriate CENTREPOINT ARCHITECTU a~~a-~~r~~~RQU,~~~{ RE, P.A. A~B~~C~ ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: ~~s~~$Ta~~ 919, 380.8752 corrections andlor revisions. Ralei h, North Carolina g w~e~ru.~t~wart enn.cnm Owner Date STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: STEWART Morrisville, North Carolina ST ~E W ART TOWN PROJECT NO. - 06-80000037 _ . ~ ~~U ~ w . ~ ~ Q~ARE~I I ~ w; x ~~a ~ ` SHEET NOTES - APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS ~ % r i ~ 1. ALL DEMOLITION, AND ANY SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE PERFORMED % ~ , ~ f• i ~ ss ~ ~ ~ CIRCLE ~ OWNER: HOLIDAY INN RDU a ~m IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SET FORTH AND ~ / i ; ; S? fsS~ ~ ~ (EXISTING) ti HOTEL INC, ] a ~ "y ~ 65' ROW ~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF MORRISVILLE. n, ~i ~ ~ i / yr ~ ~ ~ ~ USE: HOTELlMOTEL-FULL a ~ ~r`=% ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ` / 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. ALL %j ass ~ ~ PIN 0756266871 ~ ' ~ ~ , CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PERMITS AS ISSUED, AND ANY EXISTING Exisri~c cuRB ~~~t~'~ ; . / ZONING: GB ~ ~ ; AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE, COUNTY AND LOCAL CODES. ,i ~~•"i' `'GUTTER ~ a~ ~ , e Q ~ - _ - ~ _ . l i, ~ TO BE RE TO BE REMOVED d - r,. EXISTING SIDEWALK o 3. EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED OR RESTORED TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION, AND TO THE ~ ~ ~y ~~l' , ~`~~'~~~,%'f TO BE REMOVED I bl A f ~ L PR VEMENTS. ~ ~ SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER OF THE IM 0 / L ~ - - { ~ ~~ti ~ w o 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL INSPECTIONS, - • A Y T R RE UIREMENTS WHICH MUST BE MET UNDER CERTIFICATIONS, AND/OR N 0 HE Q i t ~ CONTRACT. ~ i% / ~ ~ , ~ i i t f ~ ' a t J~` U , 3 1 ~ Z v / ~ 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS OF i ,,r~, .BUILDINGS AND BUILDING DIMENSIONS. ~ i, ~ ~ r ~ / I /ti/~ / 6. ENGINEER AND/OR OWNER DISCLAIM ANY ROLE IN THE CONSTRUCTION MEANS J ~ ; ; a~t,1 ~I AND/OR METHODS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROJECT AS SET FORTH IN .THESE ~ v' ~ _ _ i _ ~ l ~I~ f f ~ ~ J ,1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EXISTING NEUSE ,1; Tom' ` ~ ! 3 h , > ~ ° ;i PLANS. ~ 4 , ~~/~f~° I~j" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~2 RIVER STREAM _ i i ' / i; / 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AN AS BUILT SET OF DRAWINGS TO RECORD ; ~ ~ ; ~ .,i ~ If ~f,~~j/ ~ t f ~ ~ { j ~I I h BUFFER - NO > ~ ~n . . , . THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF ALL PIPING PRIOR TO CONCEALMENT. DRAWINGS SHALL ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ t f ~f ~ II.~/ ~ , ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~~~p~~. ~ DISTURBANCE DEMOLITION NOTES OWNER: TRI ARC FOOD: SYSTEM INC. ; ~1!~ ; , BE GIVEN TO THE ENGINEER AT REGULAR INTERVALS THROUGHOUT .THE PROJECT / ~ n;' _ '~r?,,r~ / ~ t,~,t/ 3 , ~ ~ f { ),x ~ ' ~ f~ WITHIN BUFFER 1. SUBSURFACE UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF IMPACT OF " t., ~ Jam!; ~ ~4 ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ,r ~ , AERA CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RELOCATED AS NECESSARY. FOR RECORD KEEPING. ' ~ ' ~ _ USE;' RESTAURANT ~ ~ , 1 ; ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ EXISTING UTILITIES IDENTIFIED AS TO BE REMOVED P CIFICATIONS ARE DEEMED ~ / P N 0756262449 t it„`; ( r 8. IF DEPARTURES FROM THE DRAWINGS OR S E ~ ~ _ _ l , , ,,f/ ~ ' ~ ~ WHICH DO NOT INFLUENCE THE AREA OF NECESSARY BY THE CONTRACTOR, DETAILS OF SUCH DEPARTURES AND REASONS ! ; ~ ZONING, GB ' , ~ ~ ~ ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ ,~o ~ ~,,~:P -r ~ ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION MAY ALTERNATELY BE ABANDONED IN THEREOF SHALL -BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW. NO DEPARTURES ! ~ , . , r _ ___o" _ FR M THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN i'~ ,~.°,'w,7 i / J,~l 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~~°V' ~ ~ 'a. ~ PLACE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE OWNER, ~ ~ ~F ~ ~ ' G \ ~ ~1~° f ~ ~ ~ yt t / CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY CHANGE IN ~ PERMISSION OF THE OWNER. ~ / ;r ~r, ~ ~ , ~ ~ T '0~,~° v'~ ~~a`~~~~, SCOPE (REMOVAL OR ABANDONMENT} WITH THE m - f . t i ~'1 z ~ c,_, f ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ? r r j, ~ \ ~ 'tia ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT o / Jj - 1 ~ ~ f f ~ ~ ~ i ~ / ~ ~ 9, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING THE ACTUAL AND ` ~ ~ , o. ~ ~ ~ ~ t / ~ \ y 1 ~ °°r ti OF ANY OPERATIONS. THE REMOVAL ABANDONMENT N EXACT LOCATION, SIZE AND MATERIAL COMPOSITION OF ANY EXISTING WATER OR / , ~ ~ l,1/j W ; SEWER SERVICE PROPOSED FOR CONNECTION OR USE ON THIS PROJECT. j ~ ~ /1 j 0 \ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ` ~ " \ \ OR RELOCATION OF ANY SUBSURFACE UTILITIES OR 0 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ s 0// / / ,p . OTHER FEATURES WHICH MAY BE DISCOVERED UPON z ; ~ / ~ a, ~ o ~ f ~ ~ /rte , ~ - ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT HAVE NOT z ~ 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE LAYDOWN AND STAGING AREA TO ORIGINAL ~ _ ~ ~ r/ ,~,r / r ~ ` 3 BEEN IDENTIFED ON .THESE PLANS, AND NECESSARY z ~ CONDITIONS AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION ` ~i ' ~Y ~ ~ o ~ Ir. / ~ W o t';' _ ` \~N~.=31,3.0 - o ~ AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT. ~ ~ ° ~ ~ / ~ ,-'r f ~~~"~;~p'`~'~' TO COMPLETE ANY PORTION OF CONSTRUCTION OF ~ i ~ `,~/9 ~ t ~>J t ~ THESE PLANS SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE ~d ~ ~ ~ 11ii`~' ~ a W i ~ - ~ / ' _~r/ _ ~ / ? ~ ~'I+y I' CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL C05T TO THE OWNER. ;r \ ~ 12. THE CONTRACTOR MUST, AT ALL TIMES, KEEP THE PREMISES FREE FROM - o . HIS • - - - ~ w ACCUMULATIONS OF WASTE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY HIM, ~ ~ ~ t~,~ I< fi,,~ , _ ~ ~ EMPLOYEES, OR HIS WORK. ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ " ~ t t r ~ ~ `.m 2. REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE (WHERE REQUIRED) o ~ SITE ON A DAILY BASIS. ~ ~ ; ~ \ ~ f t. \ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ` ~ _ ~M ~ TO FIRST COLD JOINT OR SAW CUT TO OBTAIN A CLEAN EDGE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. = 13. SITE INFORMATION FOR PIN# 0756262449 (BOJANGLES) WAS TAKEN FROM AN ,j ~ " 1 r/ \ ~ ~ a,~;`:~~" 3. SAWCUT EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVE AT IIMiTS OF ' ~ _ w~~~._._, ~ \ NEW CURBING AND DRIVE ENTRANCES TO OBTAIN A ELECTRONIC FILE PROVIDED BY THE TOWN OF MORRISIVILLE AND IS SHOWN FOR ~ l f ~ Z REFERENCE ONLY. r ~ ~ ~ j„ ! ~ _ a~ ~ ~ i t ~ ~,~~~y ~ , i CLEAN EDGE. w o / ~ ~ IN ACCORDANCE WITN ° ~ ;I ~ ~ a 14. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED r o ' ' wU~ ~ 1 1 r. W~ THE ACCEPTED POLICIES OF THE TOWN OF MORRISVILLE, AND UNLESS SPECIFIED, , r„ ~ ~ ~ a ~ DEFERS TO THE -NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) ~ ' w ,s~ w a.-: - STANDARD SPECIFICATTONS. _ ~ o ~ ~ , ~ ' ~ i ~ N b 4, ~ ~ w W J ~ ~ .y _ _ ~ ~ r r ~ ~ ~ , OWNER: FIRSTCAL INDUSTRIAL m a r ~ ! ~ ~ ~ r' ~i W I~ i ~ 0 ~ rr ~ 0 „ti ~ ~ A i~ r ---~M` \ \ 2 AQUISITIONAL r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° \ USE: FLEX WAREHOUSE ~ a rlr ~ ~ \ s f Z I ~ ~ ~ y., r r v t H 8 `L ~ ~ `.aid `°Z~ ~ f / - ~ ~ I ~ , ~ • ~II~ 0756267276 T ' / T ZONING: 0&I W ~ _ %1`' OWNER: VMP INC. g r~;:._ _ 2 ~ , ° ~ \ ~ __=.N':_ ~ USE: VACANTI ~ r dit PIN 07562614'2 r / 'S a 2 A,~~ ~ W o i' ~%l / ~ f ZONIN B ~ ! r ~ ~ F W ! -i ~ A ~ e ~ i U ~ ~ ~ F ~ " fie, Al ~ -o 1 ~ r ~ ~ v z ~ ~ ~ V'1'~` ~ ~ / d' ~ ( ~ ~ a ~ EX. 20 DRAINAGE EASMENT ~ 1~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PARC ~L 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ a ~ ~ ° ~ TO BE REMOVED TYP -SEE 1~ 1 1 ~ ~ s I, OU l ~ i ~ i' ~ W SHEET C400:FOR LOCATION j I\ I t _ PIN # 0756264167 v Z . ' / rl - ~ o • ~ % ° ~ OF PR0'POSED 20 WIDE r F- ~ / ~ f 0 ~ I z a ' -j' I ~ w DRAINAGE EASEMENT i ~ " ny~ 4 A { ~ 0. o U W ;~I / I ~ ~ u. z i ~ ~ ~ r ~ v.`.. ,i( ~ 1 O ~ ° ~ EXISTING `CURB & GUTTER ~ ~ f f ~ ~ ~ ~o - ;~1 TQ BE JREMOVED i t ~ ~ ~Iw ~ '-it'd d ~ / I c- ~ ~ ~ r / . ?'y. 1 Q f ' 00 i ~ 1 ' ~ \ alt N o z 1 , ' ~ ~ ~ ~ o Iz ~J ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ g~ r~~ W m 1 t 1\ r1.f ~ 'i ~ 0 ~ N ~ a r ~ ~ (n ~ ~ a ~ ! ~ ! i I ~ ~ , lq~ ! ~ ~ 1 ~o l ; ,EXISTING SIDEWALK ~ ~ ~ ~ , } ;I r i f~'D-Pj~ a ~ -PjN ~ f ~ `a \ ~ L ~ w ~ ~ ~ r~ TO BE REMOVED ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I ~i' ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ '~~h1 a ~ r'f ~ 1 / ~ i~ ~ I ~ ~ w ~ ~ EX. 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ ll ~ ~,1 ~ ~ > d'~ i ~ jr ;r,~ . ~ ~ ICI ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ N ww ' ~ ~ ~ DRAINAGE f, ; ~ i' q ~ EAS~N~ENT TO ~ , f`,'~ ' I, ~ ® - X11 ~-0 ~ % +~a~ ~ ~ ~ i I ):1 j 3 ` + REMAIN (TYP) C{, h t' 1 ~ ~ ~ ,i ~ , r a~ o~~ ~ > I r~ ~t' ~ \ ~ v'° ° ~ U ~ ~ r ~ ~ . L. ' ~ ~~t ~ ~ ~ ,III J° ~ t~` f I at. 1 \ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ Z I ~ _ ~ ~ % t~°~ , r, t ~ / ~ ~ _ 1 ~ry 111 ice' ~ ~ A ~ V' ~ m ~ Iii 9 ~ i ~ ~ ' o„ "~:u~;~... `''\i ~ i I ~ r. n ~ ~ ~ lr a ~4 i A b'~ \ o ~ 1~1~.-331.00 _ _ _ _ A ~ f., E , " ; H _i w, _ 0\ _ , , ~ _ ~ _ - ~ DRAINAGE % ~ ~ ! ~ _ - 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ t EASMENT TO ; ~ 1 t j ` , i 1 E' M e ' ; ~ REMA N TYP _ _ ~ _ ~ . 0 ~ I ( ) ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ revisions. .m ~ t s ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ rev d a t e j ! b ` _ ~ ~ a. a ~ b ~r f t ` ~ P~. ~ 1 , ~ OWNER: FIRSTCAL INDUS i,RIAL - ~ .r ~ ~ S~,\ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ y,.. r ~ ~ 2 AQUISITIONAL x"a~ r ~ ~ y~ ConstructionRequ><rements , ,~l ' 1 r. s r USE:. FLEX WAREHOUSE, 1 i t a All public and private work including but not limited to watermains, water services, ;5 - ~ ~ • W ; i f ~ ` ~ ti` sanita sewers sanit sewer services storm sewers dra' a e t PIN 0756250838 " I ~ i..r ry , ary , , In g SyS emS, IoadS, ~ ~ - ~ ~ s ~ " sidewalks arkin lots site radin and landsca in shall be constructed in ZDNING: 0&) ~ N ~ ~ ~;F, , p g g g p g f~ 1~' accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards of ~ f, ' ~ .r - checked b y: ~ . ; ~~,-OWNER: FIRSTCAL INDUSTRIAL I ~ ~ ~ m-- >20 5=~ ~ .,°r--,,'= 2 AQUISITIONAL JTJ ~ Town of Morrisville Morrisville Pro'ect ~ ~ yew Spectficahons, and Details that are applicable. No deviations from the ~ ~ r.. ~ t ~ ' ,r" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f;~ Engineering & Planning Fees Paid Town of Cary Utility A royal 1 E - Owner/Developer s Submtttedplans will be allowed unless written approval from PP ; `E~..< ~ 6 ~I ~ ~ 9 USE: FLEX WAREHOUSE p r o ~ e c t n o: 'i ~ r ~ ¢ the Town of Morrisville is received alon with ermission from the Town of Ca on A ri13 2006 the ownershi wnshuction o eration " ' i r , , , ~ ~ maintenance man ement and fmancin of the Town ~ C~, ~ . , : y i for water and sewer deviations, All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded Infrastructure Yes No Comments • > ~ g r Fees of Morrisville s water and sanitary sewer system within ~ ; ~ Y ~ prlOr t0 final acceptance by the Towri. the present and future corporate limits and Urban , ! ? ~ " PIN 0756256799 r ~ ~ ' ~ ~`,P-~"`% ZONING: 0&I ~ issue ate: ~ ' ~ s_ ; ' -1' ~ ~ Services Area limits of the Town of Mmrisvillewas - i / r~ i ° ~ y ~ T Wn f MorrlSVllle transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger t ,.,a-~~.- ~ . _ t~'~ ` ~ ~ AUGUST 29, 2008 > 2 ~ ~ Released for Construction agreement between these two Towns. All water and \ ~ .4 j ~ ~ ` sanitary sewer system design and construction shall be ~T~ _ ~ i / ~ Owner Certification in accordance with Town of Cary, Standard ' ~ , Specifications, and the Standard Conshvction Detail - F: The Owner/Developer hereby certifies that; all Town comments have been incorporated into the Drawings ~ " EXISTING . . _ rawm~s. i ~ , r r T~ AAT-TTf' C(' AT Ta, rnnmiTinnic nnin r ana z:ipeancanons, the urawmgs are in compliance wim an reaerai, Mate Local stanaaras ana i own of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has (signature required) i U1%171111V Al VC1LL vvi~v~~.v~w~u.v w Approval by the Town of Cary r ®j ,s checked the plans to confirm that there are no errors or omissions. The Owner/Developer hereby certifies so o 15 so so 120 DEMOLITION and agrees to take such action as may be required by the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary to correct Engineering Date / 41~ 11 any errors, omissions or non-compliance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, t / PLAN Date Standards, Specifications, and Details and/or re-execution of this construction plat with appropriate ! F ~ I corrections and/or revisions. ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. Cl 00 Owner Date TOWN PROJECT NO. - 06-80000037 N TRU T N KEY _ ~ LAWN AREA -SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS ~ ~ a o t ~ ~ lA PLANTING BED WITH EDGER -SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS ~ o SITE NOTES ; ; ~ , ~ , ~ ~l ' ~ d CLAREN CLAREN I 16 DRY DETENTION POND AREA -SEE GRADING/LANDSCAPE PLANS ~ ~ '1. NO TRIASSIC MATERIAL (OR SIMILARLY COMPRESSIBLE y 1 ! CIRCLE 0 CONSTRUCT 24" WIDE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ~ o~oo a CIRCLE ®CONSTRUCT 6" THICK MONOLITHIC POUR RAISED ISLAND ~ °'x'01 < r~ ~ MATERIAL) SHALL BE UTIUTZED AS FILL OF BACKFILL IN ANY CASE WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY OR WITHIN THE ' _ /i " ~ ~ ~ (EXISTING) ~ a ro~ LIMITS OF ANY DESIGNATED FIRE LANE. i~ ! ~ 65 ROW ; 6E51SROW ~ ~ CONSTRUCT 4" THICK STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING ~ ~ - ~ .li / , ~r ~ _ - ~ - I~ ~ CONSTRUCT 8" THICK STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING ~ ~ ; 2. DO NOT PAVE THE FINAL INCH OF I-2 UNTIL THE ~ ~ / Y ~ ~ \ \J - ~ " ~ / 2® CONSTRUCT 8" THICK COLORED & STAMPED CONCRETE PAVING ~ 3 CONSTRUCTION IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE. ~ ~ ' 2 / (°CANYON' COLOR BY DAVIS COLORS -NATURAL STONE PATTERN) ~ 4 3. THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO CONTROL AND - ~ 8 , ~ , ~ ~ , 2 2® CONSTRUCT 4" THICK COLORED & STAMPED .CONCRETE PAVING ~ o 0 / , , TO INITIATE CLEAN-UP OF THE LITTER AND REFUSE _ 4 ~ ('CANYON' COLOR BY DAVIS COLORS -NATURAL STONE PATTERN) ~ ~ GENERATED BY_THE_ CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR THIS l \ M % , R~~ .DEVELOPMENT BOTH ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE, DURING THE ~ ` M . ~ ~ 2[F~ CONSTRUCT CONCRETE CURB CUT WITH 24" WIDE CURB AND GUTTER ~ ~ INSTALLATION OF SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS ' / ~ ~ ~ 2 s l ~ / ~ CONNECT TO EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER-FLUSH t „ ~ ~ UNTIL SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. ~ , INgY ® F ~ ~ ` 2L 2L ®sF,~~•/ 21 RAMP CONCRETE WALK & CURB TO BE FLUSH WITH ASPHALT ~ ~ o .58 2L 9~ \ 2J CONCRETE STEPS WITH HANDRAILS ~ ~ ~ THE CLEAN-UP OF LITTER AND REFUSE SHALL BE DONE ON ' A REGULAR BASIS. THIS SHALL INCLUDE INITIATING ACTION / ~ ~ ~ Q ' „ r r~ _ 1 ~ ~ AND ASSUMING ANY COST IN REMEDYING THE SITUATION. ' i 4~t~'' R2 • RIg 2® CONSTRUCT 30 WIDE CONCRETE ROLL CURB AND GUTTER ~ r % ; 1 a 0 •O( ~ RCS ' l~ 2L TRANSINTION TO 30" WIDE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ~ U 00 ~ 'ter ® CONSTRUCT 30" WIDE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER o ~ o~ 4. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING CO, THE ~ ~ i ~ / ?3 CONSTRUCT HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT DRIVE LANES (TYP ALL DRIVE LANES) DEVELOPER/OWNER IS TO PROVIDE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS IN \ s ~ ~ ~ ; . BOTH HARD AND ELECTRONIC FORMAT SHOWING ALL ~ - ®CONSTRUCT STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PARKING SPACES ````~~,,~~~~C~~u,,~~~~/, DEVIATIONS FROM THE APPROVED PLANS INCLUDING BUT NOT / ! ~ . LIMITED TO SURFACE FEATURE LOCATIONS SUCH AS ~ ` ~ EXISTING NEUSE ®INSTALL HANDICAP ACCESSIBILITY MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE ARp~~ ®INSTALL 'STOP' SIGN -PER MUTCD STANDARDS - - - ~ ~ a _ ` ~ 'MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, HYDRANTS; VALVES, METERS, HOT - ~3 ~ - UT R TAINING WALLS TRANSFORMERS / i % 1r ~ ~ ~ BOXES, CLEAN O S, E , ; I ~ , _ RIVER STREAM ~ ~.'oF~S~~ti'•.~9'; LANDSCAPING, ETC. ALSO, ELEVATIONS AND PIPE SLOPES FOR ~ / 1 / ( , a ~ / BUFFER - NO ®INSTALL 6" STEEL PIPE BOLLARD 9 s c = i Q SEAL ~ DISTURBANCE ®INSTALL ~HC PARKING' SIGN -PER MUTCD STANDARDS 22596 i ~ t / THE SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS ARE REQUIRED. IF ANY OWNER. TRI ARC FOOD,SYSTEM INCr f 1 1 WITHIN BUFFER ®INSTALL HC PARKING-VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGN -PER MUTCD STANDARDS ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IS ADDED OR CHANGES ARE / N J / / ` 1 MADE AFTER THE AS-BUILTS ARE SUBMITTED THE r' _ USE; RESTAURANT _ _ , / ~ ~ AERA ®E INSTALL 'HC RAMP W/ TRUNCATED DOME INSERT -PER NCDOT STNDS. ~FNGINE~~••''~j DEVELOPER OWNER WILL SUBMIT THE REVISION TO THE TOWN. i ~ ' I~ / 1 1 ' i ®F INSTALL DO NOT ENTER SIGN -PER MUTCD STANDARDS 'ati ~ 1 / _ PIN 0756262449 - / ~ , ~ / - ZON G• GB ~ ` ~ ?5 PAINTED WHITE 4" PARKING STRIPE (TYP) FINAL ~'F3l#GN11~16~ -FOR 5. ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES SHALL BE PLACED r, IN " . / ~ . I ~ / \ ~ ~ PAINTED CROSSWALK -PER MUTCD STANDARDS REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY ~ UNDERGROUND. \ / a'9 w ~ / ~f / 1 / ®PAINTED WHITE 24" 'STOP' MARKINGS & 8° 'STOP' BAR _ ~ r ~ i . S ~ .6. ALL BUILDING ADDRESS TEXT TO BE DISPLAYED PER - ~ r 9 . _ . _..o . - ~ ~ 0 PAINTED WHITE 4" WIDE SEPARATION STRIPING TOWN OF MORRISVILLE STANDARDS. ~ ~ ! e. ~ o;~ ~ _ / ! ~j ~ C~ 2' DRY _ ~ ~ / .v , r ~ ' ~ DR INAGE 45° ®12° OC (TYP AS INDICATED ON PLAN) \ EASEMENT ®PAINTED WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW (TYP) Z 7. ALL SIDEWALKS, RAMPS, CROSSWALKS AND ACCESSBILE ' ,p • ~ POND r ' ° PARKING SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE ] © f 7? ' I "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" PAINTED WITH 8" WHITE LETTERS ? ° WITH CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ~ ` ! ~y % ~ / © ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ 5J 4" PAINTED WHITE STRIPE (DENOTING FIRE LANE) • ® ~ ©6' LONG METAL BENCH - TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER ~ 8. ADEQUATE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES SHALL BE ~ - / <Mr.~ / ~w ~ yrF 4 i 9 Q w PROVIDED AT AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND CLAREN CIRCLE f ~ ~Fc / f ® Q. ® 9' ~ \ ® 32 GAL. METAL TRASH RECEPTACLE - TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER o ~ FOR STREET i l / (I' R / 2 `2 ~~P. A~ ®B BIKE RACK - ON CONCRETE PAD (TO ACCOMODATE 3 BIKES) a F.: DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES, PER NCDOT STANDARDS ~ ~ , v, , ~ ~ ~ , ~ - ~ ! ~ J w AND DRIVEWAY ACCESS. ~ ~ / _ ~ \ c ~ ~ o J hh \ 7[] CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE RETAINING WALL WITH STONE FACADE z= _ ,lj, f - '9. DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO AND FROM AIRPORT BOULEVARD ~ ' ` ~ i 1 a.. 2 . P ~ - - o ~ ~ / 1 SP pGES a ~ © ~ AND DECORATIVE METAL HANDRAIL f~- ~ ~ o.< n. Q AND CLAREN CIRCLE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER NCDOT ~ `s ~ }w ~ ~ / / >D I~ ~ 5 ~ ~ o SPp,GES ~ , ®CONCRETE UNIT RETAINING WALL ~ STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND DRIVEWAY ~ ~ / { / LPN kr \ 3 ©B BEST WESTERN SIGN ON STONE RETAINING WALL ~ ~ ACCESS. l - ~ 2 ~ Nc 21 a, ~ D 2 ©2~-4" BOULDERS LOCATED PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UZ J / / ~ N~ ii ~ 10. PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED j` , f C ; / 5 ©j U JNC ' RB 4 :2 J D 8 HIGH COVERED DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE -MASONRY TO MATCH BLDG ~ Q TO ENSURE ADEQUATE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION AND PEDESTRIAN ~ r 7 TYP. 0 ~ , d _ t ( ) ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~o WITH DECORATIVE WOOD GATES (9' WIDE) -SEE ARCHITECTURALS ROUTES, PER MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS STIPULATED IN ~ ,s ~ ~ / 2S , 5 I I 4 ~ ; . s_ ~ a 5)o P FOR ROOF DESIGN Q ~ NIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. '``.~.~s I 'S •S l ~ THE FHA MANUAL ON U ~ R n. Q i;~ ' /~i 2 ~ / P P~~S~~ ®KNOX BOX (FIRE DEPARTMENT TO DETERMINE LOCATION AND HEIGHT. a o / ~ / Rso 21f - T TING WITH THE TOWNS 1 7 ~6' 4 Z Z 11. A PRE CONSTRUC ION MEE ~ , ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~6~'°4 21f s ~ 5E 9~ 6' HIGH ALUMINUM FENCE/GATES -SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 6 10 INSTALL CONCRETE WHEEL STOP .ENGINEERING INSPECTORS MUST BE SCHEDULED PRIOR TO ~ i , m a / a ~ ~ 4 R2 - ~ THE START OF CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE THAT THE SCOPE ® t ~ 22 Z OWNER: FIRSTCAL INDUSTRIAL > o OF WORK AND THE CORRESPONDING METHOD OF ` " ~ ( ~ s il = d NAND TESTING ARE ACCEPTABLE AND TO ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ 2 P. ~ a CONSTRUCTIO N 2 AQUISITIONAL a ~ N \ ~ I- !2D m ` ~ INFORM WHEN SITE INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE ~ f ~ \ o. ~ ?2 ~ ~2D ~ aoa accESSie~E RouTE USE: FLEX WAREHOUSE ~ F CONDUCTED BY TOWN STAFF. ,~,Q ~ ;.I x M j ~ 2 ~`W PIN 0756267276 8 ' A. 2 "'o PROVIDED 1~;~' A ~ o / ~~W~ZONING: 0&I PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING REQUIREMENT o= 12. NO DEDICATED LOADING/UNLOADING SPACE IS A ~ FOR THIS SITE. ANY LOADING/UNLOADING ACTIVITIES SHALL F ~ ~ - ~ `I 2 21 APRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELD WITH THE ~ 3 TAKE PLACE ALONG THE REAR OF THE HOTEL IN THE s. ~I 2 w OWNER: VMP INC. ~ ~ I TOWN'S ENGINEERING INSPECTORS PRIOR TO START OF ~ z SERVICE AREA. ~ 2 ~ .I ' o USE: VACANT I 9 B< E ~ ~ 6' a ° 2( ~E ~ CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE THAT THE SCOPE OF WORK AND _ . _ _ _ ~ „ PIN 075626112 S2' i ,i $ ° y ~ ~~~R THE CORRESPONDING METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING Wo 21 I ~ ~ 21 % 0`,~,~1 ARE ACCEPTABLE TO THE TOWN'S STANDARDS '~a t f~l ZONING. GB ~ R lA w ~ JT I ? UI j 1A 4 4 ` , h ~ ~ 2~ i` 21 6-STORY 2 2 ° 63 ~ Z . ~ J - I.o qa, ® 8' S' 8' 8' 8' 8' 4 HOTEL a~ 2 , Z H / 10' OU ~ ~ ~ zVOI o. w , SIDE D 24.00' ~ ' _ ~ I ~ o ~ ~ ~i/ ~ S~TBACK 7~--~-~--e+_, ~I: 4 ;S 4 105 ROOMS 21 51 R1 R12 e HC HC VAN VAN a I: 1 ~ ~ ~ HC HC TM ~ ~ ~ ~ SE ,A ~ z a ~"..,J w N+. ; ~ w i , , 2 5 0 00 OI- ~C ~ ~ ~ I l f ~ W W ~ 0 ~ c~, 2D ~ ~..1 j~ , ~ TYP a, 21 it w ~ a ~ Cp E C 0 TYP 4 21 a ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ t,~ Irn BUFFER ~ m i ~ = j;/ ~ ~ (TYP.) 6.5' w~ ~ ° ~p ~ 2 ?3 ~ TY xw r NN ~ P.) 6~5' t HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL (rYP.) g s. ~m ~ O Z ~ 9 ! SCALE: 1 "=20' 0 ° x~ ~ ~ Q ~ Z p U Q j I ' N Q °-0 2 , SANITARY SEWER FLOW CALCULATION ~ ~ ' tit a. ~ ~ A f` z ~ i i 0) ~ ~ ~ . a ' ''4 ~ ® 105 ROOMS C~ 120 GAL/ROOM (PER NCDENR) = i Q w •P N _ ~_Y;Q° 6 3~^ a ' ~ ~ ~ e 12,600 GAL/DAY (AVERAGE DAILY FLOW) ~ _ ~Q i w gs. ~ i 1® lA a a_ 28 2 ®TYP 4 ~ R9, `PEAK FLOW =AVERAGE DAILY * 3.3 = V/ N ~ ~ ~ 12,600 GAL/DAY * 3.3 = 41,580 GAL/DAY ~ W r h % :O ~ N i B ® ? 2 2 r; ~ °o. ~ B a_ . ® ~ U - 2, F / ( R5' ~ o ~ ~ rP` 2k p0 ~ f/ ~ ~,ir' ~ I 2 0 ~ ~ 5J i , U ~ ' W ~9 se 2 ~ ~ ~ > U~ O til ~ ~ N ` ~ my i , _ S89°49'42"E _ R?5- ; ~ ~ 0 ~ 84.70' ~ 20' i ' TYPE C ~ s. 2 ~ 2 2 ~ \ BUFFER 2 revisions: 2 ~ `2 2 ~ P PCES V TYP 2 ® ~N 9' ~qS \ \ ~ ~ ~ rev: date: Town of Morrisville Review Disclaimer 24' " ~ TY ' Engineering & Planning Fees Paid ( P. 2 ACES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~1 . ~ ~ ~ 2 2~Sp ~ ~~9aN1 ~ Should the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fail to ~ D' W Construction Re uirements Infrastructure Yes No Comments idenh that the 0wner/Develo erhas not addressed A 'L-----U q p SIDE S ~ Q Fees the comments made by either Town, or that the Plans TBA K CK ~ 5' T All public and private work including but not limited to watermains, water services, and Specifications are not in compliance with respective OWNER: FIRSTCAL IN DUSTRIAL ~~o sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, T Town Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and own ofMorrlswlle Details whetherliomlackofdiscoveryorforanyother 2 AQUISITIONAL ~9~ sidewalks, parking lots, site grading and landscaping shall be constructed in Released for Construction ?3 2 reason itshallmnowayrehevethe0wner!Developer (~SE; FLEX WAREHOUSE 2 ~ 2~ 0(TYP3) ~ raven y: accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards of their obligation therof, nor obligate the Town of W~ ~ SPPGES ~ DMBIGT S ecifieations, and Details that are applicable. No deviations from the Morrisville or the Town of Cary to correct such errors PIN 0756250838 , 2 h p or omissions. Execution of this construction plat by the ~ ~5 ~ checked by: Owner/Developer sSubmitted plans will be allowed unless written approval from review Engineer or Planner for either Town in on wa ZONING: 0&I N TYP 15 y c0 ~ ~ 1 _ . • _ the Town of Morrisville is received, along with permission from the Town of Cary (signature required! limits the responsibility ofthe Owner and Engineer of ~ pj _ ~ (TYP 15) ~ ` ~ for water and sewer deviations. All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded record with regard to compliance with all Federal, ~ ; ~ ~ / OWNER: FIRSTCAL INDUSTRIAL 3TJ 1 CONCRETE UNIT State, and Local standards, regulations nadfor ~ 2 \ ' pnor to finial acceptance by the Town. conditions. p ~ ` 1® 6g 20 5~' RETAINING WALL 2 AQUISITIONAL p r o j e c t n o: Date ZI ' O O ® 7 ~ S 31$' - NO TIEBACKS USE: FLEX WAREHOUSE ~ C6039 ,2~ ~ I REQUIRED (MAX pIN 0756256799 Morrisville Project Engineerllnspector Disclaimer 1, / ° HEIGHT 4') ~ issue ate: Town of Cary Utility Approval / ` Owner Certification ~ , ZONING: 0&I ~ AUGUST 29, 2008 On Apri13, 2006 the ownership, construction, operation, The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of The OwnedDeveloper hereby certifies that; all Town comments have been incorporated into the Drawings maintenance, management, and financing of the Town Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall inno ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS and Specifications, the Drawings are in compliance with all Federal, State, Local Standards and Town of of Monisville's water and sanitary sewer system within way lessen the Owner's responsibility for confomtity ~ i ~ Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has ~ ~ THE FOLLOWING PERMITS ARE REQUIRED IN ADDITION TO THE GRAPHIC SCALE SITE PLAN " checked the plans to confirm that there are no errors or omissions. The OwnerlDeveloperliereby certifies the present and future corporate limits and Urban with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer ' . - .,..a ~,.~,..,,.,,ti a .........:...a r....m ,.t na....~~,;~u,..,.,a r,.~.m ,.s r..... ,.,...,.,a p pr g TOWN OF MORRSIVLLE APPROVALS: - • Services Area limits of the Town of Morrisville was or Ins ector for to, Burin or after construction fail to 1. TOWN OF GARY UTILITY PFRt~ITS_ ao n is 3o so i2o QIIVQ.-W%-.---. Qo IIIQ uG IGuflvuU 11 IG 1u-I I UI IYIul Ito.IIIG PIIU 1 UVYI I UI-1 lv vUlIGV6 any errors, omissions or non-compliance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger identity or reject materials or work that does not 2. NCDOT DRIVEWAY PERMIT. Standards, Specifications, and Details and/or re-execution of this construction plat with appropriate agreement between these two Towns. All water and conform with the plans and specifications, whether from 3. NCDOT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT. corrections and/or revisions. sanitary sewer system design and construction shall be lack of discovery or for any other reason it shall in no in accordance with Town of Cary, Standard way prevent later rejection and correction of the 4. WAKE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. Specifications, and the Standard Construction Detail unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. This UPON RECEPIT OF PERMIT APPROVALS, COPIES OF THE ( IN FEET } APPROVALS SHALL BE SUMBITTED TO THE TOWN OF 1 inch = 30 ft. Drawings, is also true if the work has been accepted and is Owner Date currently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville MORRISVILLE. Approval by the Town of Cary or Town of Cary. The Owner shall be responsible for correction of all work that does not conform to the plans Engineering Date and specifications. TOWN PROJECT NO. - 06-80000037 Construction Requirements ~ ~ o ~ 7 7 I All public and private work including but not limited to watetmains, water services, m x M ~ a / > _ ~ - , f sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, ~ 00 ~ 1 GRADING NOTES N V sidewalks, parking lots, site grading and landscaping shall be constructed in 1- ~ ~ J i accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards ' W ~ FILL SLOPES SHALL HAVE SIDE SLOPES NO STEEPER THAN 4H:1V ' 1. CUT AND _ y- "i / , .EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BELOW: ti ,r, ` / Specifications, and Details that are applicable. No deviations from the I- ~ rn u r y" r~r I ~ ~ / Owner/Developer's Submitted plans will be allowed unless written approval from 1"' Z 3 . - ~ r ~ the Town of Morrisville is received, along with permission from the Town of Cary t" U ; S r. LOPES BETWEEN 3H:1V AND 4H:1V MAY BE ALLOWED IF STABILIZED WITH ~ ~ NANCE SUCH AS WEEPING LOVE ~ ~ ~ S MINIMAL MAINTE ~ ~ VEGETATION THAT REQUIRE ~ ~ IMILAR CHARACTERISTICS. SUCH ` TY WITH S R VARIE ~ t i ' ~ r , GRASS, RED FESCUE OR OTHE ' T , "~f` - for water and sewer deviations. All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded ~ ~ ° , ~'r ~ „ ~;f,~ prior to final acceptance by the Town. ILIZED WITH TURF GRASS. - SHALL NOT BE STAB SLOPES r _ ~ ~ m_ - THAN 3H:1V MAY BE ALLOWED, UNDER SPECIFIC ~ ` ` ` SLOPES THAT ARE STEEPER r~ ~ ' ° i~ t- ~ NCES AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, IF STABILIZED WITH ~ _ ~ ' CIRCUMSTA / 0 ~ 5 , COMBINATION OF R ASUITABLE ` P RMANENT SLOPE RETENTION DEVICES f ~ r E \ ~ - r~ ~ t 5 , , r ~ ~ ~ ,'BEVEL SPREADER ~ ' ~ ~ r Owner Certification ~ " °o ~ f ~ r'~~ ~ ~ j,~ ~ JAT ELEVATION ~ ; c.. AND RETENTION DEVICES. - ~ NTINGS / PLA ..r. c - J ! sI . 1 ` ~ _ ~ ~ ,ff~, # 1 321.00 The OwnerlDeveloperhenby certifies that; all Town comments have been incorporated into the Drawings F ~ ~ ~ c i 1. r°~~,~~.. 1 r " Y THE TOWN INSPECTOR THE AREA f • DISCOVERD B % i a i4 ~ j ~ ~ r and Specifications, the Drawings are in compliance with all Federal, State, Local Standards and Town of f=; W ~ ` r ~ l ~,~d . r f ~ / ~ 1 Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has U o+r R IS ~ ~ ~ ~ r ar RE ST ~ ~ , f . _ r ANDING WATE , . 2. WHE N OR CA .f TALLED TO CORRECT THE / _ TCHBASINS INS l ADED A D ~ ' ~i ~ ~ r`,+; ` f / `~j ~ i checked the plans to confirm that there are no errors or omissions, The OwnerlDeveloperhmby certifies ~ o ~ r ~ WILL BE RE GR / DRAINAGE PROBLEM. ' I i ,~a -''v~`~, , 329.95 ~ ~~HP r ~ ~ / f ~ and agrees to take such action as may be required by the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary to correct p ~ o N 329.95 ~ ~ ! f / r, ~ f any errors, omissions ornon-compliance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, ' / 1. 4 ~ s i - ~ is`^ ,mod l i s. - . q ~ E ~ ~ ~ Standards, Specifications, and Details andlor re-execution of this construction plat with appropriate N ~ °1' ',~?~1 ~ ~ WALLS SHALL FALL A MINIMUM OF 6 3. THE GRADE AWAY FROM FOUNDATIO s:. - r ~ / , ~f/~rf~'~ I d ; r ~ , ~ ! 9 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i corrections andlor revisions. INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 FEET. ' ~ 1 ir°~t~.ti (~t yr ' t r ' ti / i'~ WS. ~ r n/ i I i i e E 4. MINIMUM SLOPES ARE AS FOLLO j' i i ~ - l ~ it ~ f ~ , ~ , , ~ , ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Owner Date A. THE MINIMUM SLOPE ON DRAINAGE SWALES IS 0.50 ; / 329:55 TG° ! / f l ~a ~ ti C, 329:05 B ROADS IS 0.70 _ , ON ' j ~ B. THE MINIMUM SLOPE ~ 1 , ~ ~ l ~ CB-14 / ~,~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °~i . ~ Review Disclaimer r , ~ , t r , o, ! ! , A ; . fi ~ ~ ~ ~ Vii'; ,r' ~ w~ THE MINIMUM SLOPE ON LANDSCAPE AREAS IS 2.00 r ~ > _ C, r5 6x4~2~~~~,,; ~f~ ~ ~^f TW 333.50 Should the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fail to " , ! / -13 ~ r , , , Ili ~ ~ ~ D. THE MINIMUM SLOPE BETWEEN BUILDINGS IS 2.00` ~ , , j'~~~,~"B~ ~d-~~ ~ ~ s I,BW 328.25 identify, that the OwnerlDeveloper hrinot addressed ~ - r l t ~ l f/1 329955 TC \ ~ i ! I f;~`l~ ti ' 329;0 BC / , 1 '~.I.L' ~ the comments made by eithee Town, orthatthe Plans ~ ~ ~ 1~, ~ ~ ~ , and Specifications are not in compliance with respective RK ~ ' !f ~ . 2s•9 ING LOT IS 1.00% ` E. THE MINIMUM SLOPE ON THE PA ~ tr " /w, , 26.9. ~ t~32.50~ ~ el~~ qty X ` 0 ~ ~4 ~ .1 Town Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and ! 327`~OO~~ ~s ~ ~ - ADS IS 2.00 , , / . ; a ~ ~ ,J P•~IVATE Details whether from lack of discovery or fur any other o F. THE MINIMUM CROSS SLOPE ON RO ~ ^ ~j, i , ~~~s i' , ~ ~ ~ reason it shall in no way relieve the OwnerlDeveloper ,~a' ~ ~»fi DRAINAGE .----t i ; , + ti ~ 1 of their obligation therof, nor obligate the Town of 5. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING C.O., THE DEVELOPER • m ~ jrf , ~ RI ~ ' i` ~ ~ A, t-~ \ `~~ERSEMENT Morrisville or the Town of Cary to correct such errors ' r ' ` ~ ~a or omissions. Execution of this conshvction plat by the = VIDEO INSPECTION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SUBMIT A ~ ' ,f `t,~j~i Q~', t \ \ ' ~ ~ ~ _ w o WILL ' ~ . Review En eer or Planner for either Town in on way ~ UBM?TTAL WILL NEED TO S r ~ ~ ~ :D ND PRIVATE . TH S ~ (60TH PUBLIC A ) ~ ~ ~ r,~,u;~ ~ ry / FES 1 ~n~;. TOWN PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE ~ ~ ,W . , _ ~ A. ~t ~ 4 ?y~ ; \ ~ES 1 ~ ° ~ ~ , ~ ;~,w. „ ~ ~ ~ ~ limits the responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of BE REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED BY THE ' •es. o OF THE BUILDING C.O. r ' , ~~i j , r~-~' " p Record with regard to compliance with all Federal, r ~p ~ " V State, and Local standards, regulations nadlor ' ? ~ N CREEK. ` t ~ y { I~~t`; f TW 33~3'S0~ ~ ~ ~ I ` wnditions. ~~e z ~ 6. RECEIVING STREAM FOR STORMWATER RUNOFF IS STIRRUP IRO ! ~ r r f t t~„ ` 4, ~f°f w ~ t ~ ,~.~1 u/r / . , ~ / ~ W5 ~ p r~.. ~ ( %r ~ ~"r I ~ ,~'BW 321.00 ~ ' ~ ~ 30.55 TC 7W.~332 ~a NY FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CONDUCTED, UNDER THE `i ~ 1~~~/ 7. THE PLACEMENT ON A ~ ~ ~ ~ i, a w \ 330.05 BC BW 321' TC TW.t332.50 33.40 TC ~'`"GB=3 - TOWn of Morrisville ! ° / rig' r~ 4 o ~ OBSERVATION OF A QUALIFIED LICENSED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. UPON BC BW 321;00, 332.90 BC ~ ~ . w Engineering & Planning Fees Paid „wa z ~ LL BE PROVIDED > ' ~ F!%^ f- . _ o ~ COMPLETION OF THE EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES, THE TOWN SHA ~ , ~ Pj ` TW 332.50 ~ , , 333.40 TC TS / t~ . ~ . BW 323.00 ~ ~ .w333.40 TC r~ + ~ r' 333.50), 332.90+BCv-~ ~~3~ 333.77 TC 333~~BC~ , ~ g 331.50 Infrastructure Yes No Comments - ~ WITH A FINAL GRADING REPORT INCLUDING COMPACTION TEST RESUL , ~ ~ ; 332.90~BCv- z = PROPER PLACEMENT. , ; f - ~ / a.~, ~ CERTIFICATION OF FILL MATERIAL TYPE AND ~ ,r \ , ~ n~ ~ ~ . ~ a - _ l ' '9 ~ ~ % s ~ P . ~ ` 333.27 B ~ ~ ~ ~ w.~ . ..OB-4 , ! 333.40 TC Fees 333.77 TC i ~ :<< ~ ~332.90 BC r" , , - , 333 27 8 U LL / ~ \ / / ~ 'fin ByV 33 0 \ a ~ ` ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ !!a Town of Morrisville ~ ~ " d 333, o ; ~ ! ~ ! ~ Released for Construction LL ~ i r' ~ ~ ~ l 1 ~ 32.40 TC ~ z , - _ l j ' ~ ~ 331.90 BC " , ! s ~ w ~ ~ „w, .e"'~' ~ ? ~ ~ 334.40 ' 33.90 B , - 334 40• < 334.00 334.25 \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ ~ 33.90 8 ~ 334.46 ~ ~ ` n 1~ a w ~ ! ~ ' ~ , r~ I ~ ~ \ ~ • 4~ n f•A~ ~ ~ u ~ , ~I„ ~ 334.25 . * ,~~1` ~~s,~ ~ ~ (signature required) w a , ~ / CONSTRUCT JUNCTION,B(~,y, ~ ~ .1 ~ ~ r.e _ - ao TC a o ~ r FE$-] 333 OVER EXISTING 24" ~P ` ~ " ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ " ~ .I ~ ~ 334.46 ~ i) ! w a r' Wit; 1 ~ ,a << a 334.45 QC ~ , > 'F, Date Fw.. P . m a t ~ 8 x6 x22 Th ~ aj ADA ACCESSIBLE ROUTE - ~ w, 33.95 BG- ~ Eta! ~ ti ~ , _ CLASS B L~g.B ~ 0 e ~7i;' ~y\ HP - ~ % ti, 8 , ' RIPRAP 32.80 T _ ~ ~ I I ~ .t ~5, - ~5. 'fit , ~ Q ; ~ ~ % 332:95'~TC 332.30 BC ,r ~ ni~~~~ ;'n,,,~ ~ w St , . i ~ ° `332.45 BC j ) 334.25 h1177~- ~ Morrisville Project "r' <l X33 ! ~ Town of Cary Utility Approval a ~ ~ I _ -334 .4 ~ . e , 'q J ~ ~ 334.21. ~ ° A ~ f ! On Apri13, 2006 the. ownership, construction, operation, ~ h / ~ , ' ~ 333.90 TC ~ ~ ~ % ~ ~ x~ ~2 ~ 333.40 BC C ^ 'y , : t ` ~ 4 maintenance, management, and financing of the Town !C ' ° I 334.46 ALt ~ r ! t ! ~ _ ~ ~ ~ 334.15 TC of i TC ° q ° a of Morrisville's water and sanitary sewer system within E ~ '\a ~ ~ . 334.20 TC the present and future corporate limits and Urban w _ i t 1 ( / ~ `96 334.15 BC , i BC ~ ~ ~ ,fit ~ 333.70 BC z z ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ l Z \ ~ °i / 3 .25 334.46 t ~ F' Services Area limits of the Town of Momsville was ' / 4 333:95 TC ~ r ! transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger ~ c6-s a ~ ~ ° ° I • < 33.95~BC ~ its , \ v ~ agreement between these two Towns. All water and ~ ° t s a ~ sanitary sewer system design and construction shall be -U ~ 1 ~ i ~ j ~ / ~ ~ j_ . 334.25 " ~ 3 ~ ' `in accordance with Town of Cary, Standard ~ -i t i ~ ~ i ~ i ( i E~ ~ --333.35 T ~;e ~ - l i ~ " r ~ ~ A ~ f ` X33285 B ~ r,. - I, - - _ _t-w, ~ ~ r~ i' ; ~ 20 WIDE TOWN 0~' ~ - 334.z5 ETC , :,j 'I ~J OT [ I ~ CB•5 , S ' ~ ~ , ~J Specifications, and the Standard Consrivction Detail TC , ~ n I [ L ~ > 1;~, ~ ; ~ ~ 335.50 TC Drawings. z ~ i , ~ ® , ~ ~ ,''t rr ~ , MORRI~SVILLE STORM ~ ` 335 00 BC 34.25 ` ~ ~ ~ S Approval by fhe Town of Cary ! ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~,r ~ r~ 333.90 TC U / r 9 333.90 BC X05 ROOMS ~ ~ f } ~ a ~ / s/ , ~ / ` \ r ~ ~ ~Q ~ ~ ~ I ~ I 333.90 BC 8" HDPE PIPE i B-6 ` t , ~I : . y @` ~ Engineering Date j 8" SQ NDS NYLOPLAST ~ 34.45 Tc ~ ~t ! 0 ~ z~ i ~ ~ / . 334.25 IN(.ET WITH BRE1S$ i 333.95 B 1 \ I , ~ ~ w _ ! ! / f r ~ ~ ` t ~ °a~ ' I ~ GRATE 334.4s ' " ~ ~ EngineerlInspector0isclaimer ~ 0 / ~ F a J a i j t r~ W c i 334.00 334.46 Iti s ~ ~ z rl J'~ a v ~ } CC `l f' ~ ,1 ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ w L / ~ ? ` ~ ~ i 1 ~ I ~ ~ ..~.a, ~ '~J' ~ j 333.90 TC r 4. F.F.E. = 33.50 334.46 33435 ~M~~ ~ Ot- ~ r i ~ ~ f3.90 TC 334.46 ^ t ` t. ` ! ~ ~ The presence of the Town ofMorrisville orTown of ' ,a 334.46 336 30, TC ` Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall in no ' 0 / ~ _ ~ t a _ ° 2 - 9 ~ ~ • r 4 4., ~ t ' t 334.66 6 N n ~ ; • ~ ; way lessen the Owner's responsibility for conformity N - ' ~ a » I ~ ° w ~ ~ \ i 3 5 ° a 334.46 ~ ! ! ~ with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer .L ` 1 ~ ~ -`r" ~ or Inspector prior to, during or after construction fail to L a ~ j CONSTRUCT JUNCTION BOX j~ .ate e 'a / o ~ ~ ~ O ~ z, FJ 334.45 'RIM 334.67 TC ~ , 336.55 T idenf or re ect materials or work that does not 334.46 k " a 3342 334.37 BC 336.05; BC ` ~ ~ i ~ p OVER EXISTING 24 RCP ~ I ~ ~;a ~ ~ N 1 . 334.46 E conform with the plans and specifications, whether from c ~ lack of discovery or for any other reason it shall in no I ! d T F w ' ~ ° , . ~ t~ ~ ~ 33.90 BC I ~ ~ i ~ yF,:e;_. vw ~ . HP 334.50 8 i, t any `r G .90 BC ~ $Q N DS 334' 4& N ° ~ 33 335.50 TC ~ t k r'' ~ a` way prevent later rejection and correction of the ~ ~ a ( ~ d ~ ~ ~ f 333. 5 a~ s ~ ~ r r` ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ '3 4"HDP ~ •,335.00 BC t-~ ~ ,t ! ~ ~ ~ unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. This ° 334.25 f, ! \ ~ ~ ~ ~ is also true if the work has been accepted and is ~ ~ / r ~ , a r ~ I / s° ~ ~ 334.46 ~ t ' currently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville z ~ ~ PIPE ~ z - e! y, 336.60 TC ! ti, w ; ~ or Town of C The Owner shall be res onsible for 334.46 TC ~7`• p ~ 336.1,0 BC ~ , ~ 336.1A TC ~ ~ 335.45 TC t r a EX. 2 \ ~ w ~ ~ t rr~ ~ ~ 335i 0 B i ~ 334.95 BC n q; r ~ RIM f' 333.96 BC 336.50 TC l! ~ correction of all work that does not conform to the plans LP 3 w • 334.26 TC 338.00 BC 0 ~ ~ ~ i HDP ~ 333.76 BC 335.25 TC °•e ~ andspecifications. oQ r ~ ~j DRAINAGE °~4~~~• 6 HDP w t ~ ~ ~ 8-16 ~,r, t;{ ® Ii ~ PIPE - ~ r ~ ~ EAS~N'ENT TO , r,~ / 'IPE " ^ ~ . 334.75 BC \ ~ ~ ~ b r x z ~ r l r ~ l ~ % , C~~' ` P; It ~ 335.50 TC ~ ~ ( ~ / ,r , ~ REMAIN (TYP);, 338.35 TC ~ 0, ~ ~ ~ ~~'i i 'Y` 335.00 BC 00 BC 4.00 TC 335.85 BC 333.50 BC \ \ ~ ~ r ! ~ ~ _ 'i I ~ ~ - ~ I / ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 335.65 TC ~ / ~ - 35.15 BC ! ~ _ ~ , , ~ i 1 i ~ 335.65 TC Gj 336.15 TC 337.00 BC ~ 3 ~ N 35.15 BC 334.85 TC 3 335.65 BC ~ ~ _ / ~ ~ H ~ ! ~ f r ` ` _ ~ ' ~ ; J 336.20 TC f ! ! , a~ ~ _ r- ~ ` 6 - - - - ~ ~ 1 ~ B 1 o Bc fC 334.35 BC ~ , ~ ra=t Sa\ 3C 36.50 TC 338.25 TC'g ~ ! l~~,y O ~ ~ ~ 335.7,\ i ~ ~ , ~ ~ 336.00 BC 337.75 BC ' ~ ` ~ ( - 1.00 _ . _ ~ .I~;~, w , ~ ~ ~ ~ 336.15 7G~ ~ J i ~ L !r v. J.~ _ r ail t . ; r ~ ~ `"`336.50 T~ ~ .-."m ~ ` i i c~_ 589°4`~~ 2 E _ _ `"`336.50 TC 335.63` 8C ~ ~ .--...__.336.50 TC 338:25 tTC~.. ` \y ~ ~ ® Q 0 336.00`BE~~~,~ ~ ~ / r3~rp 338.0 'BC - - ~37<7r5° BC ~ s ~ ~ ~ y _ _ _ _ 33 336.00`6 / - r~;- { ~ ~ ~ ~ X11 r DRAINAGE ~ 336.35 TC° s' ~ / ~ ~k~~~ ~ ~ ~ 335.85 BC 338. 0 BC ~ ~ . " 1 EASMENT TO i . ~ ~ ~Ca ~ _ j, _ , _ i TYP ! 4 REMAIN ( ) ~ _ ~ ° ~ 336.60 BC ~ r e V 1 S l O n S' 4 ~ r ° ! ~ I ~ ~ « ~ ~p 336:50 TIC _ / r_ . ~ ~t` ~ '~E' ~ 1! ~!E ~ r e V date 33~ 337.50 8C ,~.x~~° j,,,...-~ .m- I ~ ~ ~ tl~l REMOVE FES AT END OF _ t~ EXISTING 18 RCP AN ~ ~ ~ ~ . 338 338.60~IC `„o r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ,~j r~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ 337.45 TC EXTEND PIPE (MATCH ~ r - BC b"' / • ~ 38.00 TC 338.50 'TG Nom- r `f ' r i ~ ~ ~ 336.95 EXISTING PIPE SLOPE) { 337.50 BC 338:00 BC ~?'X - ! i t 9 -W 338~50~TG .e ; r'' r a W n b y 1 ~ j ~ b~~.f 1 J !``u. 338:00 BC ~ r ~ wt,~ mow,.` "33 ~ a ~ ~ ~ ..d s ~ y~ DMBIGT ~ _ 338.05 TC STORM DRAINAGE TABLE i ~ 337.10 TC ~ ~ 336.60 BC 337.10 TC ~ ~7. ~ , a _~i . ` - 336.60 BC r , ~ ; r~ ° ; ` TW 343.50 checked b y: Upstream Upstream eam ~ ` Downstream Downstr ki~ ' ~ . BW 339.50 U stream Downstream Section Ground Inert Length Constructed Ground Inert FENCE i'\ > R ~ t 338.10 rc p Material o ~ ~ ~ TW 344.50 Structure Structure Size Elevation Elevation (ft) Slope (/o) Elevation ft Elevation (ft) O ' ` ~ L` Bw 344.00 p r o ~ e c t n o (ft) (ft) I t ~ ~ ~ 338:50 TC (36.00 8C Jl,l~~, r' ~ ~ i Pte`' C6039 05 321.20 10 2.00 327.00 321.00 a ~ ~ 336.00 BC ~ ~ CB-2 FES 1 15 RCP 330. VARIES PER PLAN MATCH FRONT 328.76 92 1.97 330.05 326.95 w~ ^ ; r" / b _ RADI .r CB-3 CB-2 15 RCP 332.55 37 1.00 332.55 328.86 r` ~ r ~ ~ issue ate: CB-4 CB-3 15 RCP 332.90 329.23 ~ r~ ~ / 332.90 329.33 ~ A t ~ B-5 CB-4 15 RCP 333.70 330,53 120 1.00 TC ; ' ~ ~ ~ `=~.-d ° AUGUST 29, 2008 C 00 334.70 330.63 ~ , ` s ` d.`~ CB-6 CB-5 15 RCP 333.95 330.85 22 1. FG FINISH `1 - re ,j J~ r ~ CB-8 FES-7 24 RCP 332.45 328,75 14 1.00 331.00 328.61 RIM SMOOTH ~ , . RCP ~'U, ; ~ - r'~. %~t, `t 44 0.50 332.45 328.85 332.85 329.07 ^ CB-9 CB-8 24 ~ GRAPHIC SCALE GRADING PLAN 18" RCP 335.10 329.70 106 0.50 333.25 329.17 ~ ~ i CB-10 CB-9 ~ ~ ~~r' i ~l A TW 340.00 t 20 oro ~z~ ~n ~~n ~n an 1.00 335.60 329.80 i®_ , , ~ BW 339.50 30 ~ t5 ID _61 I ll nvi _ I Llb-I I k D-IU o oop,/ 34 333.50 331.00 70 1.00 335.70 330.30 RCP B-12 CB-11 15 C 320.84 46 0.50 325.00 319.50 ® BW 339.: TW 340.00 BW 339.50 CB-13 JB-16 36 RCP 329.05 1.00 329.05 325.75 EXFES JB-C 18" RCP 340.00 337.01 75 7.21 335.00 331.6 ( IN FEET ) CB-14 CB-13 1511 RCP 329.05 325.95 20 i inch = 30 ft. 4 0 0 TYPICAL EDGE CONDITION AT REAR POOL DECK T_ . JB-15 CB-13 24" RCP 333.15 323.48 170 1.00 329.05 321.78 SECTION 324.35 321.00 32 0.50 329.05 320.84 N.T.S. RISER CB-13 30 RCP TOWN PROJECT NO. - 06-80000037 Construction Requirements ~ o 0 rnvv All public and private work including but not limited to watermains, water services, w x ro rn a { , ~ } R sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, , ~ ~ ~ rn 5 1. ~ j/ "R~ sidewalks, parking lots, site grading and landscaping shall be constructed in ~ ~ ~ ono \ , I ~ i ~ ~f r ~F t^~z' ~ ~ 1 ~ i,•q f 1~~~~ rE 1 ~ accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Specifications, and Details that are applicable. No deviations from the ~ ~ ~ s' / ~ ~ ,1 r,~6 ~ r ' ~ ' Owner/Developer's Submitted plans will be allowed unless written approval from ~ ~ ~"'3 i ~ r 1 .the Town of Morrisville is received, along with permission from the Town of Cary ~ ~ 3 S I ~ C ~ / t for water and sewer deviations. All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded ~ ~ y 7,f ~ / ~ ~ r d / / ! ~ ,f ~ prior to final acceptance by the Town. ~ o Z ~ ~ ~ c %f' ~ i / / / J 1 ~ ' ~ > F ~ A'. `s ~ fi ~ 1 ~1 ,„s' s ir'~t°, l~ r ~ ! % t ~ ~i ~ a Owner Certification a, ~ a Z ~ o - ~ o i PEAKED ROOF TRASH The OwnerlDeveloperhenby certifies that; all Town comments have been incorporated into the Drawings a ~ Z ~ c _ _ ~ ' I ,r l ~ J ~ ~ r ~ ~ I ~ r a°' i! l , ~ i , ~ j 1 ~ +i y\ " 1 , ~ ! i ' ` J 36" CORE DRILL 4.. RACK and Specifications, the Drawings are in compliance with all Federal, State, Local Standards and Town of W m Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has { U r checked the plans to confirm that there are no errors or omissions. The Owner/Developer hereby certifies - - ~ I / " ( l ~ ~ ~ .'t _ - j s ~ ; ~ 1 ~i ~ - ~ \ ~ , DRAWDOWN HOLE AT and agrees to take such action as may be required by the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary to correct o o ~ r l ~ ~ / 1 ~ ~ ~ , i i ELEV 321.00 ~ ~f l ' 1' ~ . . I ~ ' any errors, omissions ornon-compliance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, ~ ~ ~ N Standards, Specifications, and Details andlor re-execution of this construction platwith appropriate ^ r ,ra~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s~ ° ~ ~ d ~ r ~ r ~ . ' i 30" DIA I 6 TYP. corrections andlor revisions. I ~l _ ~ ti' p, u~ ~ jai r 1 ~ r Owner Date l ~ ~ ~ ~ A 15 , n d ~ "mod .r ~ 0 Engineer/Inspector Disclaimer Review Disclaimer J / ~ ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ J \ ,G o ~ ~ ~ q ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ,.~r~. ~ „r The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of Should the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fail to Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall in no identify, that the OwnerlDeveloperbas not addressed ~ ~ ~ \ a ~ ~ ~ ~ r`te' ~ ~ way lessen the Owner's responsibility for conformity the comments made by either Town, or that the Plans i~ \ ~ ~ , ~ Q ~ y, ~ with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer TRASH RACK (REMOVED FOR CLARITY) and Specifications are not in compliancewithrespecfive or Inspector prior to, during or after construction fail to Town Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and identiry or reject materials or work that does not Details whether from lack of discovery or for any other -EL 324,35 30" RCP conform with the plans and specifications, whether from m 1 / ~ 4 , O \1 , ? ~ ~ 'w~~, ` , ~ 4^> DIA DRAWDOWN EL i ~,r ° ~ V ~ , , ` ~ '~.A ,A ~ e HOLE CORE DRILL IN I 0 'f t . l 4 i 1 ~ y ~ 'gypp ~ I I ~ I I I I reason it shall in no way relieve the OwnerlDeveloper I ©0.5% i lack of discovery or for any other reason it shall in no ~ , 1 ~ V', ' „~s?'i 1 PIV~VATE 2 I I SIDE OF RISER) I I I of their obligation therof, nor obligate the Town of I ~ (I-_ way prevent later rej ection and correction of the Morrisville or the Town of Cary to corect such errors 1 h ~y k \l / ~ 1 I ~ ~ - ~ , H ~ ~ ~ f , ~ QR~AINAGE ~ I I EL SZ,.oO I \ , ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. This or omissions, Execution of this conshvetion plat by the I _ _ I is also tine if the work has been accepted and is Review Engineer or Planner for either Town in on way f a b 4` F `M1~ \ I I-I i ~ i-III-- J„~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r-~ ,EASEMENT ~ - _ I ~ ( ~ I I- I^ currently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville limits khe responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of ~y., t ~V~ a~~~,, s~ t~ ~ I~I I I I I I Iii ( -1 _I~ I_~ I= or Town of Cary. The Owner shall be responsible for Record with regard to compliance with all Federal, . _ ~ 0 ~ ,,.~r~~ ~ ~C ~ ; i , - 1, ~ EL 319,00 - EL 321.00 correction of all work that does not conform to the plans State, and Local standards, regulations nad/or and specifications. conditions. a _ 0 ~ , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J , t~ '``°c s z F \ I,. ~ '.w, , 1 ~ j\ GROUT GROUT Town of Morrisville Engineering & Planning Fees Paid z T ~ a ~ ~ / ~ `.6 ~~d r , j ~ w~ ` ~ - ~ ~ , " ~ ~at RISER DETAIL 'AIL Infrastructure Yes No Comments ~ = r I / r~ N.T.S. ~ \ ~ / v f~ f ~ ' Fees ' m .A..-gin w o i 3 \ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ may, a 1 Town of Morrisville ~ ~ \ 4. i ~ 'k 1 ~ r., A Released for Construction ^ Q ~ ~ _ ~ ti ° ti.~ ~ \ _ + `J A ~ ~ ~ ~ o . - y Z h ~ Z ~ ~ r~, ~ ~ 3 (signature required) / / ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~i a ~ a s ~ ~ ~ ~ \ Date _ a , ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ \ i \ t,,, ~ a. ~ Morrisville Project U 2 ' ~ y t ~ ~ ~ ~ `v ~ I 'tl' Town of Cary Utility Approval - I- S W - ~ \ ~ ~ ~ '•4 X11 On April 3, 2006 the ownership, construction, operation, maintenance, management, and financing of the Town of Morrisville's water and sanitary sewer system within Q ~ ~ d `b .r ~ ~ the present and future wrporate limits and Urban d Q r" ~ a iii ui u ~ ~'ii.~ Services Area limits of the Town of Morrisville was transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger \ a,-~ _ ~ ~ ~ agreement between these two Towns. All water and " sanitary sewer system design and conshvction shall be 'in accordance with Town of Cary, Standard , ~ ,,r t ~ 4 '.Specifications, and the Standard Conshuction Detail .'.Drawings. _ 1 0 ' J ' t s.4 ~ O , Approval by ffie Town of Cary z U ~ ,r' ~ : ~ i"~. I- ~ M `u x;~ 0 U ~ Engineering Date w ~ / ~ ~ s ~ W d a'' a a I t 1 UW ~ a. ~ t u. _ 0~ ~0 W =z s~ DRY DETENTION BASIN-PLAN VIEW ~ ~ " ` SCALE: 1 "=20' U~ 0 0 ~ WLL =W L ~J Wm ~a Q~ N ~ ~ ~ ZQ QZ ~ STANDARD MANHOLE RING AND COVER L ~W ~ ~ v W Q • } ~ I WW V? ~ INV ELEV. 320.84 ~ 22 F f- u MATCH EXISTING GRADE-~` i... EL. 324.00 / s. s ~ ~ - U s ~ Z - ~ m H 24" 330 - - 330 ~ " 48" ~ ~ ~ / p EL. 323.50 ~ / 30" RCP n/ _ TROUGH AT EL. 320.50~~,_~," a____, ao ~ - d, ~ ~~.1/ ~ ~ ~ i,~'=; ~.:~,~.,-.ate.'. rs ~ - ---.~i-~ EL. 320.50 ~iir,. U" C - ROUNDED LIP AT ELEV. 321.00 ' ~ ~ ' - T 325 - 325 ~ ~ INV ELEV. 320.84 ~ G MATCH EXISTING GRADE PROVIDE 12" SUMP I CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER BEYOND - Y BELOW OPENINGS ~ ( ) EL. 319.50 revisions: 24 X 24 OPENING (EACH SIDE) GROUT TO PROVIDE SMOOTH rev date - ;j~ TRANSITION TO LEVEL SPREADER 320 - - 320 PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A' NOTES: 1. USE CONCRETE MIN. 28-DAY STRENGTH E . 'ENGTH EQUAL TO 3000 PSI FOR LEVEL SPREADER. 2. CONSTRUCT LIP AT ELEVAl10N 321.00. ?1.00. ROUNDED UP AT i3" TYp, r a w n y: 3. CONSTRUCT LEVEL SPREADER ON UNDISTURBED ~ UNDISTURBED SOILS. RECEIVING AREA BELOW LEVEL ELEV. 321.00 j` DMB/GT BADE AND UNDISTURBED BY EARTHWORK OR EQUIPMENT. SECTION A-A SPREADER SHALL BE AT EXISTING GRADE AND UNDf checked by: N.T.S, 4. AREA UPHILL OF LEVEL SPREADER SHALL BE SEE FOLLOWING LEVEL SPREADER CONSTRUCTION. R SHALL BE SEEDED AND STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY zucTloN. JTJ TROUGH AT EL. 320.50 a-~~;: project no: ~ s" C6039 SECTION B-B' issue ate AUGUST 29, 2008 C CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER AND JB16 DETAIL N: N.r.s. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ....PLAN. C401 TOWN PROJECT NO. - 06-80000037