HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3170901 - Dollar General - Salisbury (3)SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE GRACE CHURCH ROAD SALISBURY, ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA EAS -16-414 Prepared For: TERAMORE DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 6460 Thomasville, Georgia 31758 Prepared By: EAS FROFEaSIO ALS, INU. 9 Pilgrim Road Greenville, South Carolina 29607 Phone: (864) 234-7368 1i March 7, 2017 ® PROFESS=ONFILS March 7, 2017 Teramore Development, LLC P.O. Box 6460 Thomasville, Georgia 31758 zcrumley@teramore.net Attention: Mr. Zachary L. Crumley, P.E. Reference: Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Dollar General Store Grace Church Road US Highway 29 Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina EAS Project No.: EAS 16-414 Mr. Crumley: 9 PILGRIM ROAD GREENVILLE, SC 29607 PHONE (B64) 234-736B FAx (1364) Z34-7369 The purpose of this report is to present the results of the subsurface exploration program and geotechnical engineering analyses undertaken by Engineering and Surveying Professionals, Inc. (EAS) in connection with the above referenced project in Salisbury, North Carolina. The attached report presents our understanding of the project information provided to EAS, reviews our exploration procedures, describes existing site and general subsurface conditions, and presents our evaluations, conclusions, and recommendations. We have enjoyed working with you on this project, and we are prepared to assist you with the recommended quality assurance monitoring and testing services during construction. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this report or if we may be of further service. Respectfully Submitted, EA$ PROFESSIONALS, INC. kAo",' Az� Westley C. Godfrey, EIT Project Engineer `, %%%11111111z CAR® .:��o��ss'oy%� a� SEAL • 031220 • • s AAF Douglas R. Dunko, PE /0 (�+ ' • • •' •��``o Senior Geotechnical Engineer(14/�S14`11`10 North Carolina PE License No. 031220 GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND FORENSIC ENGINEERING CONSTRu CTION MATERIALS TESTING I LABORATORY TESTING I LAND SURVEYING I SPECIALTY SERVICES r ` W ERS PROFESSSONRLS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OUTLINE......................................................................................1 1.1. Subsurface Conditions.......................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Site Preparation.................................................................................................................... 1 1.3. Structural Fill........................................................................................................................ 2 1.4. Foundations.......................................................................................................................... 3 1.5. Floor Slabs............................................................................................................................ 3 1.6. Site Seismic Classification..................................................................................................... 3 1.7. Pavements............................................................................................................................ 3 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES........................................................................................................ 4 3. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION..................................................................................... 4 4. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION........................................................................................... 5 4.1. Regional Geology.................................................................................................................. 6 4.2. Subsurface Conditions.......................................................................................................... 6 4.2.1. Surficial/Organic Laden Soils (Topsoil).......................................................................... 7 4.2.2. Residual Soils................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.3. Ground Water................................................................................................................ 8 S. ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................9 5.1. Site Preparation Recommendations.................................................................................. 10 5.2. Structural Fill Materials, Compaction and Placement....................................................... 11 5.2.1. Structural Fill Placement.............................................................................................. 12 5.2.2. Compaction Requirements for Structural Fill............................................................... 12 5.3. Foundations........................................................................................................................ 13 5.4. Floor Slabs.......................................................................................................................... 14 5.5. Site Seismic Classification................................................................................................... 16 5.6. Pavement Recommendations............................................................................................ 17 5.6.1. Assumed Traffic for Pavement Design......................................................................... 17 5.6.2. Pavement Subgrade Conditions and Preparation....................................................... 17 5.6.3. Recommended Pavement Sections.............................................................................. 18 5.6.4. General Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Guidelines .................................................. 20 5.7. Temporary Excavation Recommendations........................................................................ 21 6. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING............................................................. 21 7. LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................ 23 Figures: Appendix: Subsurface Investigation Site Vicinity Map Key to Soil Classification Chart Boring Location Plan Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Boring Logs PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE EAS PROJECT No. 1 6-41 4 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 20 1 7 PROPESS2 MRLS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OUTLINE The executive summary is provided solely for purpose of overview. Any party who relies on this report must read the full report. The executive summary omits a number of details, any one of which could be critical to the proper application of this report. 1.1. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS • All of the soil test borings within the planned development area encountered residual soils to the planned boring termination depths of approximately 10 to 20 feet below existing site grades. The sampled soils generally consisted of medium to high plasticity silty CLAY (CH/MH); silty CLAY (CL); and, clayey SILT (ML) soils. Standard Penetration Resistance (SPT) N -values of the sampled soils ranged from 6 to 23 blows per foot (bpf) with an average of approximately 12 bpf, which indicated generally stiff conditions of the residual soils encountered at the soil test boring locations. • Ground water was not encountered at any of the soil test boring locations during drilling activities or prior to backfilling the boreholes upon completion of drilling. Based on these observations and assumptions regarding site grading outlined in this report, shallow ground water should not affect site grading or foundation and utility excavations. However, if earthwork, foundation construction, or pavement construction are performed during seasonally cold/wet times of the year or soon after periods of significant precipitation, a transient perched ground water condition may occur within the near surface clayey subgrade soils directly relating to rainfall, site grading, or other factors. 1.2. SITE PREPARATION • Initial site preparation will require significant clearing and grubbing of trees and underbrush within the planned development area. All existing organic laden soils, trees, vegetation, and surface soils containing organic matter or other deleterious materials should be removed from within the proposed development area. The grading contractor should take special care to avoid leaving any open excavations exposed to wet weather and/or resulting runoff during site clearing and grubbing activities. Any existing utilities (e.g., water lines or wells, sewer lines or septic tanks, etc.) encountered within the proposed development should be properly abandoned and/or removed. Open pipes or conduits, if any, left in-place adjacent to the construction area should be bulk headed and grouted, as they might serve as conduits for subsurface erosion. • Upon completion of site clearing activities, all areas to receive engineered fill, foundations, slabs -on -grade and pavements should be proofrolled with a loaded tandem axle dump truck, scraper, or other similar heavy construction equipment to confirm the stability of the subgrade soils and detect the presence of any near surface soft or unstable PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 1 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 E R S NowPROFE552 MALS areas. EAS's geotechnical engineer or his representative should observe the proofrolling operations. • Based on the results of the soil test borings, we do not anticipate that widespread areas of unstable subgrade will be encountered across the site. However, it should be noted that wet weather conditions and/or substantial construction traffic during site clearing and/or site grading could negatively impact the near surface fine-grained (clayey/silty) subgrade soils within the planned development area. If proofrolling reveals unstable conditions, the grading contractor should be prepared to re -work and/or undercut and replace the existing subgrade to provide a stable subgrade for any structural fill, foundations, building slab -on -grade or pavements, especially if site clearing and/or site grading is performed during seasonally cold or wet weather conditions. • The near surface silty CLAY (CH -MH and CL) soils are very moisture sensitive and can quickly deteriorate and become unstable during normal construction traffic and activities when wet. During earthwork and construction activities, surface water runoff should be drained away from the construction areas to prevent water from ponding on or saturating the soils within excavations or on subgrades. 1.3. STRUCTURAL FILL • A topographic site plan was not available; however, based on the observed site grades, we anticipate that minimal grading will be required to slightly raise/level existing site grades to achieve finish subgrade elevations for the planned building and pavement areas. Any required structural fill will likely be derived from excavation of the planned storm water management area or imported from an off-site source. • The encountered silty CLAY (CH/MH), CLAY (CL) and SILT (ML) soils are marginally suitable for use as structural fill and will require a high degree of quality control during placement. The grading contractor should be prepared to moisture condition structural fill soils prior to placement, especially during prolonged wet and/or dry weather periods. It is important to note that if water is needed to moisture condition (wet) the site clayey soils, it will typically take 12 to 24 hours for the clays to hydrate the added water and be workable with uniform moisture content for compaction. • EAS recommends performing standard Proctor (ASTM D698) and Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318) testing on samples of soils planned for use as structural fill. In general, soils having a PI (plasticity index) greater than 30 (PI less than 15 is preferred) and standard Proctor test results that yield maximum dry densities below 90 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) are not recommended as structural fill. Generally, structural fill should consist of non - expansive soils having a maximum dry density of 95 pcf, and be free of organic and other deleterious materials. Structural fill should be placed in accordance with structural fill recommendations to the planned finish subgrade bearing elevations. PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 2 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 0 PROFES523NRLS 1.4. FOUNDATIONS • Foundations bearing on approved residual soils or properly compacted structural fill can be designed for a 2,500 psf maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure. Actual foundation sizes, depths and steel reinforcement should be determined by the project structural engineer based on actual design loads, building code requirements and other structural considerations. 1.5. FLOOR SLABS • Ground floor slabs may be designed as a free-floating slab -on -grade supported by at least 4 inches of properly compacted ABC stone (aggregate base course) overlying an approved residual subgrade or properly compacted structural fill soils placed in accordance with structural fill and site preparation recommendations within this report. 1.6. SITE SEISMIC CLASSIFICATION • Based upon the subsurface conditions encountered at the soil test borings and in accordance with Section 1613.5.2 of the 2009 IBC, the subject site currently meets the conditions for a Site Classification D, for sites with a "stiff soil" profile, where 15 bpf < the average N -value < 50 bpf within the upper 100 feet. • Based on the design spectral response accelerations and the structure's seismic use group (assumed as Use Group II), the site is assigned a Seismic Design Category B for SDs and a Seismic Design Category C for SDI. Utilizing the most severe of these design categories, the site is assigned a Seismic Design Category C, in general accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 16 of the 2009 IBC. 1.7. PAVEMENTS • An assumed California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 3.0 for approved site soils or properly compacted structural fill similar to the encountered near surface CLAY (CL) soils sampled at the soil test boring locations was used to analyze the pavement sections. EAS recommends that CBR testing is performed as part of a formal pavement design for flexible pavements to confirm that adequate bearing of the planned pavement subgrade soils is available. The recommended flexible (asphalt) and rigid (concrete) pavements are shown in Section 5.6.3. of this report. • If this phase of the project is being performed during seasonally cold/wet weather, a stabilization geosynthetic and an approximate 6 to 9 -inch thick layer of ABC may be required to protect the moisture sensitive subgrade and allow for construction equipment. This stone may be considered part of the recommended pavement section if it is maintained in a structurally sound, clean condition. PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 3 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 2❑ 1 7 NOWPROFESSIOEAS NALS 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES The purposes of our involvement on this project were as follows: 1) provide general descriptions of the subsurface conditions encountered at the project site, 2) provide shallow foundation and pavement design recommendations, and 3) comment on geotechnical aspects of the proposed construction. In order to accomplish the above objectives, we undertook the following scope of services: 1. Visited the site to observe existing surface conditions and to field locate the soil test boring locations. 2. Coordinated limited site clearing activities to provide access for the subsurface investigation. 3. Coordinated utility clearance with applicable utility services. 4. Reviewed readily available geologic and subsurface information relative to the project site. 5. Executed a subsurface exploration consisting of seven soil test borings with split -spoon testing (SPT): four borings within the proposed building footprint (B-1 through B-4) and three borings within planned pavement areas (P-1 through P-3). The borings were drilled to the boring termination depths of approximately 10 feet to 20 feet below existing site grades. 6. Evaluated the findings of the soil test borings relative to general subsurface characterization, foundation and pavement support, and other geotechnical aspects of the project. 7. Prepared this written report summarizing our services for the project, and providing descriptions of the subsurface conditions encountered, foundation and pavement design recommendations, as well as geotechnical considerations for construction. Copies of the boring logs are provided in the Appendix of this report. 3. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that Teramore Development, LLC is considering construction of a new Dollar General store on a 1.26 -acre site located on the northeast side of Grace Church on the northwest side of its intersection with US Highway 29 in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina. A Site Plan -Aerial by Kimley-Horn dated November 30, 2016, was provided to EAS for our use in preparing this report. The proposed construction will consist of an approximate 9,100 square foot (SF) building with associated paved parking and drive areas. The planned development includes a storm water management area in the west portion of the site. Access to the planned development will be via a new entrance from Grace Church Road in the south area of the site. At the time of our subsurface investigation (drilling activities) the majority of the site consisted of undeveloped moderate to heavily wooded land with moderate underbrush. A residence was located in the west/northwest area of the site. Aerial and buried (marked by others) utilities PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 4 EAS PROJECT No. 1 6-41 4 SALISBuRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 EAS PROFESS=ONRLS were observed within the right-of-way alignments of Grace Church Creek Road and US Highway 29. The topography of the site slopes slightly downward from northwest to the southeast, with approximately 2 to 3 feet of elevation change across the planned development area. We understand the project involves construction of a new single -story metal frame building with a footprint of approximately 130 feet by 70 feet. Structural loads were not provided to us; however, based upon our past experience, we have assumed that the building will likely require shallow foundations with column and continuous wall footings that have loads of up to approximately 30 kips and 1 kip per linear foot, respectively. Typically, heavy duty pavement will be used within the planned drive areas with standard duty pavement utilized within the parking areas. Our assumptions for traffic loading are outlined/discussed in the Assumed Traffic for Pavement Design section of this report. A topographic site plan was not available; however, based on the observed site grades, we anticipate that minimal grading will be required to slightly raise/level existing site grades to achieve finish subgrade elevations for the planned building and pavement areas. Any required structural fill will likely be derived from excavation of the planned storm water management area or imported from an off-site source. The information presented in this section was used in our evaluation for the planned development. Estimated loads and corresponding foundation sizes have a direct effect on the recommendations, including the type of foundation, the allowable bearing pressure, and settlement due to foundation loads. In addition, estimated finish subgrade elevations and assumed cut/fill grading quantities can have a direct effect on the provided recommendations. If any of the noted/assumed information is incorrect or has changed, please inform EAS so that we may amend the recommendations presented in this report, if necessary. 4. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Seven (7) soil test borings with split -spoon testing (SPT) were drilled for this project to depths of approximately 10 to 20 feet below existing site grades. The borings were located in the field based on the provided site plan by an EAS representative by making tape measurements from known site features. Given the method of determination, the boring locations should only be considered approximate. The approximate test boring locations are indicated on the Boring Location Plan (Figure No. 2) enclosed in this report. The soil test borings were advanced using hollow stem augers for borehole stabilization. Representative soil samples were obtained using a standard two-inch outside diameter (O.D.) split barrel sampler in general compliance with ASTM Standards. The number of blows required to drive the split barrel samplerthree consecutive 6 -inch increments was recorded, and the blows of the last two 6 -inch increments were added to obtain the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N - values representing the penetration resistance of the soil. Standard Penetration Tests were PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 5 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 EAS PROFE5523NALS performed at frequent intervals to evaluate the consistency and general engineering properties of the subsurface soils. Representative portions of the soil samples obtained from each SPT interval were sealed in containers, labeled, and transported to our laboratory for final classification by our geotechnical staff. The soil samples were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), using visual -manual identification procedures (ASTM Method D 2488). Copies of the Boring Logs are enclosed in the Appendix of this report. 4.1. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The proposed development is located in Piedmont physiographic province in North Carolina. Based on geologic maps provided by the United States Geologic Survey, the primary geologic formation underlying the site is Metavolcanic Rock. Metavolcanic rock generally consists of interbedded felsic to mafic tuffs and flowrock that have been subjected to high pressures and temperatures, causing the rock to recrystallize. The Piedmont region is categorized by rolling hills and valleys and denudational terrain the result of physical weathering of previous mountainous terrain. Drainage features tend to be dendritic in nature, resulting from differential weathering of fractured rock sets due to faulting and resulting weakening of bedrock. In residual soils the rock fabric is often present. No unusual geologic hazards are present in the Piedmont physiographic region except the potential of unstable clay soils. The boundary between soil and rock is not clearly defined. The transitional zone, termed as "weathered rock", is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints, and bythe presence of less resistant rocktypes. Also, the rock structure governs groundwater movement and may affect rock weathering more than mineral dissolution kinetics. In some areas, weathering has resulted in a structureless soil termed residuum or "residual soil'. In general, a gradual downward lithological and textural change from residuum to weathered rock and from weathered rock to bedrock exists. The depth of the soil profile is continually altered over geologic time by gradual weathering at the soil/rock interface, and more rapidly by erosion of surficial soils. As discussed above, weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints, and by the presence of less resistant rock types and weathering of the parent rock is generally more rapid near fracture zones. Consequently, the profile of the weathered rock and hard rock may be highly irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of weathered rock are often encountered within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. 4.2. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS This section of the report provides a general discussion of the subsurface conditions encountered within areas of proposed construction at the project site. The subsurface conditions discussed in the following paragraphs and those shown on the boring logs represent an estimate of the PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 6 EAS PROJECT No. 1 6-41 4 SALISBu RYA NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 17== R NEWPROFE552 3NRLS subsurface conditions based on interpretation of the boring data using normally accepted geotechnical engineering judgments. The transitions between different soil strata are usually less distinct than those shown on the boring logs. Although individual test borings are representative of the subsurface conditions at the boring locations on the dates shown, they are not necessarily indicative of subsurface conditions at other locations or at other times. The soil test borings were performed within cleared areas across the planned development area. The soil test borings encountered residual soils below the surficial soil layer. The materials encountered in our soil test borings are generally discussed in the following paragraphs. The following discussion of the subsurface conditions has been simplified for ease of report interpretation. More detailed descriptions of the subsurface conditions at the individual boring locations are presented on the Boring Logs in the Appendix of this report 4.2.1. SURFICIAL/ORGANIC LADEN SOILS (TOPSOIL) Surficial soils typically contain root mat and/or other fibrous organic matter and are generally unsuitable for engineering purposes. Site clearing of trees and underbrush was required in order to access all of the soil test boring locations. Surficial soils containing significant root and organic content were observed to depths of approximately 2 to 3 inches at all of the soil test boring locations within the cleared areas. Actual surficial soil depths may vary in unexplored areas of the site. It should be noted that the surficial/organic laden soil depth in the open areas between medium to large diameter trees and areas of heavily overgrown brush could be much thicker than those encountered at the soil test boring locations. For stripping estimates, we recommend anticipating an average surficial soil depth of up to 4 to 6 inches in moderately wooded or open areas and up to approximately 12 to 18 inches for root mats associated with the large diameter trees. 4.2.2. RESIDUAL SOILS Residual soils are formed by the weathering of the bedrock immediately beneath it. A residual soil is formed 'in place', made up of rock particles weathered from the bedrock below, and it is therefore chemically similar to that bedrock. Residual soils were encountered below the existing surficial soil layer at all of the soil test boring locations across the planned development area extending to the planned boring termination depths of approximately 10 to 20 feet below existing site grades. The sampled soils generally consisted of medium to high plasticity silty CLAY (CH/MH); silty CLAY (CL); and, clayey SILT (ML) soils. Standard Penetration Resistance (SPT) N -values of the sampled soils ranged from 6 to 23 blows per foot (bpf) with an average of approximately 12 bpf, which indicated generally stiff conditions of the residual soils encountered at the soil test boring locations. PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 7 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALIS6uRY} NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 EAS PROFESSSONALS 4.2.3. GROUNDWATER Ground water was not encountered at any of the soil test boring locations during drilling activities or prior to backfilling the boreholes upon completion of drilling. We note that the elevation of the ground water table is dependent upon seasonal factors, such as precipitation and temperature. Therefore, the elevation of the ground water table may be different at other times of the year and from the elevations presented in this report. Generally, the highest ground water levels occur in late winter and early spring; and the lowest levels in late summer and early fall. A natural ground water level was not measured in any of the soil test boring locations. However, due to the presence of restrictive clayey soils that will inhibit vertical infiltration of rainwater, we anticipate a perched ground water condition would more likely form within the clayey soils encountered near the existing ground surface during the rainy season. A perched ground water level will generally flow along the top or within the clayey soils laterally until it either baseflows into depressional areas or flows downward to the true ground water level. Wet soil conditions were observed at sampling intervals of 8.5 feet and 13.5 feet within the 20 -foot borings (B-1, B- 2, B-3 and B-4) in the SILT (ML) soil layers below the encountered CLAY (CH -MH and CL) soils. Based on historical data, the rainy (wet) season in western North Carolina occurs in winter and early spring (typically November to April). In order to estimate the seasonal high water level at the boring locations, many factors are examined, including the following: • Measured ground water level • Drainage characteristics of existing soil types • Current and historical rainfall data • Natural relief points (i.e. lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, etc.) • On-site types of vegetation • Review of available data (soil surveys, USGS maps, etc.) • Redoximorphic features of sampled soils (mottling, stripping, etc.) Based on the conditions encountered at the soil test boring locations, the factors listed above, and assumptions regarding site grading outlined in this report, shallow ground water should not affect site grading or foundation and utility excavations. However, if earthwork, foundation construction, or pavement construction are performed during seasonally cold/wet times of the year or soon after periods of significant precipitation, a transient perched ground water condition may occur within the near surface clayey subgrade soils directly relating to rainfall, site grading, or other factors. The near surface clayey soils may become saturated (pump) and require undercutting and/or remediation measures to provide a stable subgrade for structural fill, building and pavement loads if site grading, building or pavement construction are performed during seasonally wet times of the year. Typical remediation measures include: discing and aerating the soil during dry weather; mixing the soil with drier materials; removing and replacing the soil with an approved fill material; or mixing the soil with an approved lime or cement PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE S EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALIS6uRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH %y 20 1 7 EAS PROFESSS 3NALS product. EAS should be consulted prior to implementing remedial measures to observe the unstable subgrade conditions and provide appropriate recommendations. EAS recommends that that positive surface drainage be established and maintained during construction to prevent the accumulation of water in construction areas. We further recommend permanent measures be constructed to maintain positive drainage throughout the life of the project. EAS recommends that the grading, drainage and foundation designs account for potential perched water conditions within the near surface clay subgrade. It should be noted that the estimated seasonal high water levels (or potential perched water condition) do not provide any assurance that ground water levels will not exceed these estimated levels during any given year in the future. Should the impediments to surface water drainage be present, or should rainfall intensity and duration, or total rainfall quantities, exceed the normally anticipated rainfall quantities, ground water levels might exceed our seasonal high estimates. Furthermore, it should be understood that changes in the surface hydrology and subsurface drainage from on-site and/or off-site improvements could have significant effects on the normal and seasonal high ground water levels. 5. ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following evaluations and recommendations contained in this section of the report are based on the results of the soil test borings, site observations, interpretation of the field data obtained during this exploration, and information provided regarding the . proposed development. Provided our recommendations are strictly followed throughout the design and construction phases of this project the project site is suitable for the proposed construction. Soil penetration data have been used to estimate an allowable bearing pressure range and settlement using established correlations. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary from those encountered. If structure locations, loadings, or elevations are changed, we request that we be advised so that we may re-evaluate our recommendations. Determination of an appropriate foundation system for a given structure is dependent on the proposed structural loads, soil conditions, and construction constraints such as proximity to other structures. The subsurface exploration aids the geotechnical engineer in determining the soil stratum appropriate for structural support. This determination includes considerations with regard to both allowable bearing capacity and compressibility of the soil strata. In addition, since the method of construction greatly affects the soils intended for structural support, consideration must be given to the implementation of suitable methods of site preparation, soil compaction, and other aspects of construction. PROPOSED DOLLAR_ GENERAL STORE PAGE 9 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 MEWPROF5552 3NALS 5.1. SITE PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS Initial site preparation will require significant clearing and grubbing of trees and underbrush within the planned development area. All existing organic laden soils, trees, vegetation, and surface soils containing organic matter or other deleterious materials should be removed from within the proposed development area. The grading contractor should take special care to avoid leaving any open excavations exposed to wet weather and/or resulting runoff during site clearing and grubbing activities. Although not anticipated, any existing utilities (e.g., water lines or wells, sewer lines or septic tanks, etc.) encountered within the proposed development area should be abandoned and/or removed. All excavations resulting from the removal of tree stumps or utilities should be backfilled with controlled structural fill placed in accordance with the recommendations presented in subsequent sections of this report. All structural fill should be placed under the full-time control and supervision of EAS's geotechnical engineer or engineering technician working under the direction of our geotechnical engineer. Open pipes or conduits, if any, left in-place adjacent to the construction area should be bulkheaded and grouted as they might serve as conduits for subsurface erosion. During the clearing and stripping operations, positive surface drainage should be maintained to prevent the accumulation of water in construction areas. It should be noted that wet weather conditions and/or substantial construction traffic during site clearing activities could negatively impact the near surface clayey subgrade soils within the planned development area, especially if these activities are performed during seasonally cold or wet weather conditions. Upon completion of site clearing activities, all areas to receive engineered fill, foundations and/or pavements should be proofrolled with a loaded tandem axle dump truck, scraper, or other similar heavy construction equipment to confirm the stability of the subgrade soils and detect the presence of any near surface soft or unstable areas. EAS's geotechnical engineer or his representative should observe the proofrolling operations. Proofrolling should be performed during a time of good weather and not while the site is wet, frozen, or severely desiccated. The proofrolling observation is a good opportunity for the geotechnical engineer to locate inconsistencies intermediate of our boring locations in the existing subgrade. Based on the results of the soil test borings, we do not anticipate widespread areas of unstable subgrade will be encountered across the site. However, it should be noted that wet weather conditions and/or substantial construction traffic during site clearing and/or site grading, could negatively impact the near surface fine-grained (clay and silt) subgrade soils within the planned development area, especially if clearing or site grading is performed during seasonally cold or wet weather conditions. If proofrolling reveals unstable conditions, the method of repair should be as directed by EAS's project geotechnical engineer, but will likely consist of undercutting the unsuitable soils and replacement with adequately compacted structural fill. The grading contractor should be prepared to re -work and/or undercut and replace the existing subgrade to provide a stable subgrade for structural fill, foundations, building slab -on -grade or pavements if PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 1 ❑ EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 20 1 7 mom MEMPERPR�FE55SOS NFILS especially where minimal structural fill is required to achieve finish subgrade elevations. A stabilization geotextile or geogrid and/or select materials may be required in areas that continue to deflect excessively to stabilize subgrades within the building and/or pavement areas, especially if site grading is performed during seasonally cold/wet weather conditions. The near surface CLAY (CH -MH and CL) soils are very moisture sensitive and can quickly deteriorate and become unstable during normal construction traffic and activities when wet. During earthwork and construction activities, surface water runoff should be drained away from the construction areas to prevent water from ponding on or saturating the soils within excavations or on subgrades. However, if the subgrade should become desiccated, the affected soils should be removed and replaced or the materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned (wetted) and re -compacted prior to placement of additional structural fill, slabs, or pavements, etc. It is imperative to maintain the specified moisture levels in the clay soils prior to placement. Earthwork construction during seasonally wet times of the year (typically November to April) may result in unstable subgrade conditions, difficulties in properly placing and compacting the on-site soils and possible undercutting in excess than would otherwise be expected. The presence of EAS's geotechnical engineer during site preparation activities will aid in eliminating any unnecessary undercutting of otherwise suitable soils. 5.2. STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIALS, COMPACTION AND PLACEMENT A topographic site plan was not available; however, based on the observed site grades, we anticipate that minimal grading will be required to slightly raise/level existing site grades to achieve finish subgrade elevations for the planned building and pavement areas. Any required structural fill will likely be derived from excavation of the planned storm water management area or imported from an off-site source. The encountered silty CLAY (CH/MH), CLAY (CL) and SILT (ML) soils are marginally suitable for use as structural fill and will require a high degree of quality control during placement. The grading contractor should be prepared to moisture condition structural fill soils prior to placement, especially during prolonged wet and/or dry weather periods. It is important to note that if water is needed to moisture condition (wet) the site clayey soils, it will typically take 12 to 24 hours for the clays to hydrate the added water and be workable with uniform moisture content for compaction. EAS recommends performing standard Proctor (ASTM D698) and Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318) testing on samples of soils planned for use as structural fill. In general, soils having a PI (plasticity index) greater than 30 (PI less than 15 is preferred) and standard Proctor test results that yield maximum dry densities below 90 pcf are not recommended as structural fill. Typically, structural fill should consist of non -expansive soils having a maximum dry density of 95 pcf, and be free of organic and other deleterious materials. We recommend that our geotechnical engineer or his representative help identify the best -suited engineering fill soils. PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 1 1 EAS PROJECT No. 1 6-414 SALISBuRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 2017 5.2.1. STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT EAS recommends that earthwork operations be performed during the seasonally drier months (typically May to October) when weather conditions are more conducive to soil moisture conditioning (e.g. wetting) and achieving proper compaction of structural fill. It should also be noted that any excavated soils that are intended to be used as structural fill may be wet of optimum conditions, which will also require adequate drying time prior to use as structural fill. If earthwork is performed during the seasonally wet months, it may be more difficult to properly compact structural fill and additional subgrade undercutting and repair will likely be required. We recommend that the contractor have equipment on site during earthwork for both drying and wetting of fill soils. Moisture control may be difficult during winter months or extended periods of rain. As previously discussed, EAS recommends that earthwork operations be performed during the seasonally drier months (typically May to October) when weather conditions are more conducive to soil moisture conditioning (e.g. drying) and achieving proper compaction of structural fill. During fill operations, positive surface drainage should be maintained to prevent the accumulation of water. Attempts to work the soils when wet can be expected to result in deterioration of otherwise suitable soil conditions or of previously placed and properly compacted fill. Where construction traffic or weather has disturbed the subgrade, the upper 8 inches of soils intended for structural support should be scarified and re -compacted. 5.2.2. COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL FILL Structural fill should be adequately keyed into existing subgrade soils that have been stripped and scarified, exposing acceptable subgrade soils. All structural earth fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches and be compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. The top 18 inches of fill below the building slabs and pavements in load bearing areas should be compacted to 100 percent of the standard Proctor value. EAS recommends that all structural fill material be compacted at a moisture content ±3 percent of the soil's optimum moisture content (as determined by ASTM Test Method D698). Any clay fills and scarified clay subgrades which receive fill should be compacted at a moisture content of at least 2 percent over the soil's optimum moisture content (as determined by ASTM Test Method D-698). It is imperative to maintain the specified moisture levels in the CLAY (CH/MH and CL) soils prior to placement. As previously mentioned, it is important to note that if water is needed to moisture condition (wet) the site clayey soils, it takes 12 to 24 hours for clays to hydrate the added water and be workable with uniform moisture content for compaction. Placing and compacting the clayey soils at moisture contents above the optimum moisture content is intended to reduce the potential for post construction heave of the compacted clay material. Aggregate base course (underlying the building floor slab) should be compacted to least 98 percent of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557. All structural fill should be placed under the full-time control and PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 12 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALISauRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 2017 EAS PROFE5523NRLS supervision of EAS's geotechnical engineer or engineering technician working under the direction of our geotechnical engineer. The placement and compaction of all fill material should be tested frequently in order to confirm that the recommended degree of compaction is obtained. Recommended compaction criteria: 5.3. FOUNDATIONS The proposed Dollar General building can be supported on conventional shallow spread foundations bearing on approved stiff or better residual soils or properly compacted structural fill placed in accordance with structural fill recommendations in this report. Spread foundations constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report can be proportioned for a maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. All exterior foundations should bear at least 18 inches below the adjacent finished grade for bearing capacity and frost protection considerations (actual frost embedment depth should be verified by local building officials). Interior foundations should bear at a nominal depth of at least 1 -foot. Wall and column foundations should have minimum widths of 24 and 30 inches, respectively. The FROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 1 3 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALIsauRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 Standard..Proctor Density, % Density, % Frequency Location or Area ASTM D698 ASTM D1557 1 lift AASHTOT 99 AASHTO T 1,80 per 15,000 sf with max Structures and Walkways 95 92 spacing of 150 feet 1,000 sf with max Retaining Walls 95 92 spacing of 100 feet 100 If on both sides of Trenches 95 92 pipe and a min of one per reach of trench Structure (each Storm Drainage Manholes, Catch 95 92 successive test shall Basins and Storm Inlets be 90 deg. from previous) 20,000 sf with max Lawn or Unimproved Areas 92 90 spacing of 200 feet Building and Pavement 10,000 sf with max Subgrades 100 95 spacing of 100 feet (Top 18 inches) Building and Pavement 15,000 sf with max Subgrades 95 92 spacing of 150 feet (Below Top 18 inches) Out -Parcels 95 92 20,000 sf with max (Below Top 18 inches) spacing of 200 feet 5.3. FOUNDATIONS The proposed Dollar General building can be supported on conventional shallow spread foundations bearing on approved stiff or better residual soils or properly compacted structural fill placed in accordance with structural fill recommendations in this report. Spread foundations constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report can be proportioned for a maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. All exterior foundations should bear at least 18 inches below the adjacent finished grade for bearing capacity and frost protection considerations (actual frost embedment depth should be verified by local building officials). Interior foundations should bear at a nominal depth of at least 1 -foot. Wall and column foundations should have minimum widths of 24 and 30 inches, respectively. The FROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 1 3 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALIsauRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 project structural engineer should determine final foundation sizes and minimum foundation excavation depths based on the actual design loads; building code requirements and other structural considerations. We recommend that EAS's geotechnical engineer or his representative evaluate the foundation excavations and bearing grades prior to installation of reinforcing steel or concrete to assess whether the actual bearing conditions are compatible with the conditions anticipated during the preparation of this report. The foundation bearing soils are anticipated to be residual soils suitable to support the recommended bearing pressure. Soft zones of soils could be encountered during construction below the foundation bearing level that may require selective undercutting to repair these areas. The actual need for, and extent of, undercutting should be based on field observations and testing performed by the geotechnical engineer at the time of construction. The field-testing will consist of performing shallow hand auger borings and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing of the bearing grade soils in selected areas. If soft, loose or otherwise unsuitable soils are encountered at the foundation bearing level, undercutting and repair of foundation subgrades will likely be recommended. Exposure to the environment may weaken the soils at the foundation bearing level if excavations remain open for long periods of time. The foundation -bearing surface should be level or suitably benched and free of loose soil, ponded water and debris. If the bearing soils are softened by surface water intrusion or exposure, the softened soils must be removed from the foundation excavation immediately prior to placement of concrete. Foundation excavations must be maintained in a drained/de-watered condition throughout the foundation construction process. If the foundation excavations must remain open overnight, or if rainfall becomes imminent while the bearing soils are exposed, we recommend that a 2 to 4 -inch thick "mud mat" of lean concrete (1,500 psi) be placed on the exposed subgrade or additional undercutting/mucking of soft, saturated subgrade soils may be required prior to placement of the reinforcing steel and/or foundation concrete. In addition, EAS stresses the need for positive perimeter surface drainage around the building area to direct all runoff water away from the building and foundations. 5.4. FLOOR SLABS Ground floor slabs may be designed as a free-floating slab -on -grade supported by at least 4 inches of properly compacted ABC stone (aggregate base course) overlying an approved residual subgrade or properly compacted structural fill placed in accordance with structural fill recommendations within this report. A modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci) can be used for slab design for slabs placed on approved stiff/medium dense or better existing subgrade soils or structural fill compacted to at least 98% of the soil's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM test method D698 within the upper 18 inches of finish subgrade elevation. Slab -on -grade support is contingent upon completion of site preparation activities and properly placed structural fill as described in Sections 5.1 Site Preparation PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 14 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 2❑ 1 7 EAE PROFESSTONFiLS Recommendations and 5.2 Structural Fill Materials, Compaction and Placement of this report. Although not anticipated, some subgrade undercutting and/or in-place stabilization may be necessary in soil -supported slab areas underlain by low -consistency soils. If this phase of the project is performed during seasonally cold or wet weather conditions, the grading contractor should be prepared to remove the upper 6 to 12 inches of unsuitable soils and replace them properly compacted structural fill or stabilization geotextiles and/or select materials to provide suitable bearing for the planned concrete floor slabs. If the subgrade should become desiccated, the affected soils should be removed and replaced or the materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned (wetted) and re -compacted prior to placement of additional fill, aggregate base course, layer or building slab concrete. The floor slab should be supported on at least 4 inches of ABC stone (aggregate base course) compacted to 98 percent of the material's modified Proctor maximum dry density value to provide a uniform well -compacted material immediately beneath the slab. A minimum 10 -mil thick vapor barrier should be used beneath ground floor slabs that will be covered by tile, wood, carpet, impermeable floor coatings, and/or if other moisture -sensitive equipment or materials will be in contact with the floor. However, the use of vapor retarders may result in excessive curling of floor slabs during curing. We refer the floor slab designer to ACI 302.1R-96, Sections 4.1.5 and 11.11, for further discussion on vapor retarders, curling, and the means to minimize concrete shrinkage and curling. After finishing operations have been completed, immediately after free water has evaporated, and before jointing begins, the surface of the slab and any exposed edges should be uniformly coated with a high -solids curing compound meeting ASTM C309 or C1315 (Type II) requirements. The application rate should be at least that recommended by the manufacturer. A second application at 90 degrees offset is recommended on windy days or whenever a single application results in coverage that is not uniform. Other acceptable curing methods and materials can be used and are described in more detail in ACI 308R-01, Section Proper jointing of the ground floor slab is of key importance to minimize cracking. Contraction joints pre -determine the location of cracks caused by restrained shrinkage of the concrete and by the effects of loads and warping or curling. The purpose of contraction joints is to create planes of weakness that subsequently produce, and control the location of, cracks as the concrete shrinks. ACI suggests that unreinforced, plain concrete slabs may be jointed at spacings of 24 to 36 times the slab thickness, up to a maximum of 18 feet for standard concrete mixtures. Saw -cutting of contraction joints should begin as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to avoid raveling of the coarse aggregate. The early -entry dry -cut process should be used so that joints can be placed before development of tensile stresses that are great enough to initiate cracking, thus increasing the probability of cracks forming at the joint. The time of cut is immediately after initial set of the concrete in that joint location, which will typically vary from 1 hour after finishing in hot weather to 4 hours after finishing in cold weather. The sawing of any PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 15 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALISE3uRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 20 1 7 EIS PROFE552INRLS joint should be discontinued or omitted if a crack occurs at or near the joint location before or during sawing. For additional jointing guidance, refer to "Concrete Intersections — A Guide for Design and Construction" (American Concrete Pavement Association 2007). Floor slab construction should incorporate isolation joints around any fixed objects including columns, utility penetrations and along bearing walls, to allow for minor differential movement of the slab without damage to the floor. Utility or other construction excavations in the prepared floor slab subgrade should be backfilled in accordance with previously referenced structural fill criteria to aid in providing uniform floor support. Controlled low -strength material (CLSM), a mixture of granular and cementitious materials and water, is often recommended for use instead of backfill. 5.5. SITE SEISMIC CLASSIFICATION The following recommendations are based on Sections 1613.5 of the 2009 International Building Code (IBC). Our scope of services did not include a seismic conditions survey to determine site- specific shear wave velocity information. IBC 2009 provides a methodology for interpretation of Standard Penetration Test resistance values (N -values) to determine a Site Class Definition. However, this method requires an averaging of N values over the top 100 feet of the subsurface profile. We note that the soil test borings for this project were assigned to depths of approximately 10 to 20 feet below existing site grades in order to characterize soils within the zone of influence for anticipated new foundation and pavement loads. Based upon the subsurface conditions described herein, and in accordance with Section 1613.5.2 of the 2009 IBC, the subject site currently meets the conditions for a Site Classification D. The D classification is assigned for sites with a "stiff soil" profile, where 15 bpf < the average N -value < 50 bpf within the upper 100 feet. Based on a site class D determination, the geographical site location, and the mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) ground motion for 0.2 and 1.0 -second spectral response acceleration, we have estimated the following design spectral response coefficients: The Seismic Design Category for a structure is based on the structure's seismic use group and the design spectral response acceleration, SDs and SD,, determined in accordance with Section 1613.5.4 and the most severe seismic design category in accordance with Table 1613.5.6(1) or 1613.5.6(2). Based on the above design spectral response accelerations and the structure's PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 1 6 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALI56uRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 2❑ 1 7 EAS PROFESSIONALS seismic use group (assumed as Use Group II), the site is assigned a Seismic Design Category B for SDs and a Seismic Design Category C for SDl. Utilizing the most severe of these design categories, the site is assigned a Seismic Design Category C, in general accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 16 of the 2009 IBC. The project architect and/or structural engineer should verify the above information taking into account the appropriate Seismic Use Group and other code specific requirements. 5.6. PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS We understand that heavy duty asphalt pavement will be used within the planned drive areas with standard duty asphalt pavement utilized within the parking areas. We have also provided concrete pavement sections for consideration in these areas. In designing the proposed new standard and heavy duty pavements, the existing subgrade conditions must be considered together with the expected traffic use and loading conditions. The conditions that influence pavement design include vehicular traffic in terms of expected load and frequency for the design life of the pavement; bearing values of the subgrade represented by California Bearing Ratio values; groundwater conditions, expansive conditions, and the necessity for under drains; and, availability of suitable materials to be used in construction of the pavement. 5.6.1. ASSUMED TRAFFIC FOR PAVEMENT DESIGN For the purpose of evaluating the proposed flexible (asphalt) pavement section, EAS utilized the AASHTO design method's Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) method for determining a loading profile. To accomplish this, EAS assumed traffic volumes similar to those used in similar facilities. This includes daily traffic counts of approximately 300 cars and 3 light dual -wheel trucks and/or heavy tractor -trailers or other similar heavy truck traffic (1% truck traffic) over a 20 -year design life. Should this traffic profile not fit the intended site utilization, please inform EAS so that we may revise our pavement recommendations. For the purpose of evaluating the proposed rigid (concrete) pavement section, EAS utilized the PCA design methodology employed by the ACI 330R design procedure. When using the ACI design procedure, the expected vehicle types to use the facility are categorized from A to D. The assumed traffic type (light vehicles such as cars, SUVs, and light trucks) for the standard duty pavement correspond to a traffic category of A, while the heavy vehicles using the heavy duty section correspond to traffic Category C. Category C uses a minimum 100 applications per day, while only 20 per day are expected (to correlate with the equivalent number of ESALs over a 20 - year design life). In order to design for the specific truck volumes, EAS used the actual software (Streetpave) used to develop the ACI 330 design tables. This software is capable of using the actual ADTT with axle load distribution for type of vehicles in each design category. 5.6.2. PAVEMENT SUBGRADE CONDITIONS AND PREPARATION All pavement areas should be proofrolled and inspected as recommended within this report to confirm the stability of the subgrade soils and detect the presence of any near surface soft or PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 17 EAS PROJECT No. 1 6-414 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH %, 20 1 EFIE PROFE552INALS unstable areas. EAS's geotechnical engineer or his representative should observe the proofrolling operations. Based on the results of the soil test borings, we do not anticipate that widespread areas of unstable subgrade will be encountered across the site. However, it should be noted that wet weather conditions and/or substantial construction traffic during site clearing and/or site grading, could negatively impact the near surface fine-grained (clay and silt) subgrade soils within the planned pavement areas. If proofrolling reveals unstable conditions, the method of repair should be as directed by EAS's project geotechnical engineer, but will likely consist of undercutting the unsuitable soils and replacement with adequately compacted structural fill. If this phase of the project is performed during seasonally cold/wet weather, a stabilization geogrid (Tensar TX140) and/or select materials may be required in areas that continue to deflect excessively to stabilize subgrades within pavement areas, especially where minimal structural fill is required to achieve finish subgrade elevations. Structural fill for flexible and/or rigid pavements placed within pavement and drive areas should be compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of the material's standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Method D698 within the upper eighteen inches below planned finish subgrade elevations. The aggregate base course (ABC) beneath flexible or rigid pavements should be compacted to least 98 percent of the material's modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. Density testing should be performed at a sufficient frequency to verify that the fill has been compacted in accordance with the guidelines of this report or project specification requirements. If this phase of the project is being performed during seasonally'cold/wet weather, a stabilization geosynthetic and an approximate 6 to 9 -inch thick layer of ABC may be required to protect the subgrade and allow for construction equipment. This stone may be considered part of the recommended pavement section if it is maintained in a structurally sound, clean condition. 5.6.3. RECOMMENDED PAVEMENT SECTIONS An assumed California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 3.0 for approved site soils or properly compacted structural fill similar to the encountered near surface silty CLAY (CH -MH and CL) soils sampled at the soil test boring locations was used to analyze the pavement sections. EAS recommends that CBR testing is performed as part of a formal pavement design for flexible pavements to confirm that adequate bearing of the planned pavement subgrade soils is available. If significantly higher laboratory CBR values are obtained it may be possible to reduce the thicknesses of the currently recommended pavement sections. Based on the anticipated subgrade soil conditions upon completion of site preparation activities, proper placement of any structural fill, and any required subgrade stabilization, the recommended minimum values found in the tables below for flexible (asphalt) and rigid (concrete) pavements may be used. PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 1B EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 EAS RECOMMENDED MINIMUM FLEXIBLE (ASPHALT) PAVEMENT SECTIONS (1,2) (1) Recommendation based on EAS's engineers and/or technician being retained to provide the recommended laboratory testing and observation and testing during construction. (2) This design is based on an assumed CBR value of 3.0 for soils similar to the encountered near surface CLAY (CH -MH and CL) soils. A laboratory CBR test may be performed prior to construction (Note: Test requires 5 to 7 days to perform) that may reduce recommended pavement sections. EAS should be retained to perform an alternate pavement design if more suitable structural fill soils are used. EAS RECOMMENDED MINIMUM RIGID (CONCRETE) PAVEMENT SECTIONS (3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8) (3) Recommendation based on EAS's engineers and/or technician being retained to provide the recommended laboratory testing and observation and testing during construction. (4) This design is based on an assumed CBR value of 3.0 for soils similar to the encountered near surface CLAY (CH -MH and CL) soils. A laboratory CBR test may be performed prior to construction (Note: Test requires 5 to 7 days to perform) that may reduce recommended pavement sections. EAS should be retained to perform an alternate pavement design if more suitable structural fill soils are used. (5) Recommendation based on EAS s engineers be retained to prepare a comprehensive concrete jointing plan and EAS's engineer and/or engineering technician observation and testing during construction. (6) Recommendation based on 4,000 -psi (570 psi flexural strength) air -entrained Portland cement concrete with micro -fiber overlying a properly prepared/approved soil subgrade. All non -curbed and/or confined outside pavement edges must be thickened 2 inches to increase edge support. Jointed concrete panels that have a length to width ratio greater than 1.25 shall include crack control reinforcement consisting of #4 rebor placed 24 inches on -center both directions at approximately 2 inches below the finished concrete surface. The crack control reinforcement should not overlap into adjacent concrete panels. (7) The first approximately 20 feet of the entrance pavements and concrete for the site dumpster approach and dumpster pad areas should be a minimum of 8 -inches thick. (8) All construction and saw joints should be sealed to reduce the effects of erosion and to help extend the life of the pavements to meet the design requirements. We recommend a Single -Component Self -Leveling, Polyurethane Joint Sealant for Concrete such as Sika Corporation "Sikaflex ICSL" or Euclid Chemical "Eucolastic ISL". Although ACI 330 allows concrete pavement sections without a stone base, placement of 4 to 6 inches of compacted aggregate base may be required in order to confine/stabilize moisture sensitive subgrade soils. We recommend that a detailed concrete jointing plan, construction details and specifications be prepared for any/all planned concrete pavements. The jointing of PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 19 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALISBu RY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 EIS PROFE5523NALS the concrete pavement should incorporate design guidelines in general accordance with ACI 330R. If EAS's engineers are not retained to prepare the comprehensive concrete jointing plan and specifications, then we recommend that we are at least retained to review the final jointing plan prior to construction. EAS recommends that rigid concrete pavement be used in loading dock areas, dumpster and dumpster approach areas or any other area subjected to concentrated truck loading. 5.6.4. GENERAL ASPHALT AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT GUIDELINES In general, long-term pavement performance requires good drainage, performance of periodic maintenance activities, and particular attention to subgrade preparation. Proper drainage may be aided by grading the site such that surface water is directed away from pavements and by construction of swales adjacent to the pavements. All pavements should be graded such that surface water is directed towards the outer limits of the paved area or to catch basins located such that surface water does not remain on the pavement. A minimum pavement grade of 2 percent is recommended. All pavements shall have a minimum 5 feet wide stable subgrade shoulder (properly compacted structural fill) adjacent to any site slopes (including detention ponds, ditches or swales). Flexible asphalt pavements and bases should be constructed in accordance with the guidelines of the latest applicable North Carolina Department of Transportation Specifications. Materials, weather limitations, placement and compaction are specified under appropriate sections of these publications. While the flexible pavement sections are designed utilizing a life of 20 years, routine maintenance, including seal -coating and re -surfacing, will be required due to normal wear and tear of the asphalt surface if a 20 -year pavement life is desired. Rigid concrete pavement construction should be in accordance with applicable American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines, in particular the latest version of ACI 330.1 in print at time of construction. The jointing of the concrete pavement should incorporate design guidelines in general accordance with ACI 330R. Recent pavement studies by the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) have indicated that jointed plain concrete pavements perform at least as well as, and usually somewhat better than, jointed reinforced concrete pavements. These studies also conclude that transverse joint spacing has a very significant effect on pavement performance. Decreasing the longitudinal joint spacing to more equally -spaced transverse and longitudinal joints and square sections has the following beneficial effects: • Decreases thermal curl stress • Decreases transverse cracking • Decreases upward curling of slab at joint • Decreases joint spalling • Decreases seasonal and daily joint opening (which increases joint load transfer effectiveness and reduces sealant extension) PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 20 EAS PROJECT No. 1 6-414 SALISBuRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 EIS NEW INRLS 5.7. TEMPORARY EXCAVATION RECOMMENDATIONS Mass excavations and other excavations required for construction of this project must be performed in accordance with the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines (29 CFR 1926, Subpart P, Excavations) or other applicable jurisdictional codes for permissible temporary side -slope ratios and/or shoring requirements. The OSHA guidelines require daily inspections of excavations, adjacent areas and protective systems by a "competent person" for evidence of situations that could result in cave- ins, indications of failure of a protective system, or other hazardous conditions. 6. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING We recommend that a review of plans and specifications, with regard to foundations and earthwork, be completed by EAS Professionals, Inc. prior to construction bidding. Our continued involvement on the project will aid in the proper implementation of the recommendations discussed herein. As previously discussed, the Geotechnical Engineer of record should be retained to monitor and test earthwork activities, and subgrade preparations and stabilization for foundations, floor slabs, and pavements. it should be noted that the actual soil conditions at the various subgrade levels and foundation bearing grades may vary across this site and thus the presence of EAS's Geotechnical Engineer and/or his representative during construction will serve to validate the subsurface conditions and recommendations presented in this report. EAS's representative(s) should be on site on a full-time basis during placement, treatment and compaction of all site structural (building and parking lot) fill materials. EAS's observations should be supplemented with periodic compaction tests to establish substantial conformance with these recommendations. Moisture content of the building pad (footings and slab subgrade) should be tested immediately prior to concrete placement. EAS should observe foundation excavations prior to placement of reinforcing steel or concrete to verify the suitability of the foundation bearing soils below the foundation (concrete) bearing elevation as recommended within this report. EAS should also observe placement of all foundation, slab and or pavement concrete on a full-time basis. The following is a list of Dollar General's minimum construction inspection requirements. The site construction contractor is responsible to schedule EAS's representative/technical staff for the testing and observation of ALL the following: 1. Pre -construction meeting (detail scheduling, review geotechnical data, plans and specifications) PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 21 EAS PROJECT NO. 16-A14 SALISHuRY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 20 1 7 �mmEFIS PROFE552 3NF1LS 2. Site work a. Subgrade proofroll with a loaded tandem axle truck; undercut and replace unsuitable material as required by EAS's Geotechnical representative. b. Soil sample of proposed structural fill. The types of tests needed per sample are: Standard Proctor (ASTM D698- maximum dry density) or Modified Proctor (ASTM D1557), Atterberg Limits (soil classification) and Moisture Content (in-situ condition). The material must meet the requirements for structural fill as specified in this geotechnical report and will be verified on site by EAS's engineering technician. c. Fill Density testing (full-time observation, documentation and testing): Nuclear Density Testing of each lift of compacted fill: 8" maximum compacted lifts, 1 test per 5,000 SF in building, 1 test per 10,000 SF in paved areas, or a minimum of five tests per lift throughout site. Determines percent compaction as compared to maximum dry density determined per soil sample required. d. Utility pipe backfill density testing (full-time observation, documentation and testing): Nuclear Density Testing, a minimum of 1 test per structure, or 1 test per 100 lineal feet per 8" lift. Test results should comply with recommendation of Geotechnical Report and will be verified on site by EAS's engineering technician. 3. Foundation Inspection Required inspections are: Reinforcing Steel Observation (Inspect for clean, dry footing bottom; size and spacing of reinforcing steel; size and depth of footing; clearances from sides and bottom of footing) and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing of Foundation Sub -grade. Test results should comply with recommendation of Geotechnical Report and will be verified on site by EAS's engineering technician. 4. Concrete Testing Compressive Strength Testing of Concrete (full-time observation, documentation and testing): Number and frequency of tests are as follows: 1 Set of 4 Concrete Cylinders per 50 Placed Yards, Compression testing at (1) at 7 Days, (2) at 28 Days of Curing, and (1) Hold. A minimum of 3 Sets per Project (footings, slab, dumpster pad). Test results will be verified by testing lab/EAS and provided to Teramore Development, LLC. 5. Structural Steel Inspection Observe all welds and bolted connections for compliance with AISC, AWS and/or metal building project specifications. Welding tolerances are determined by requiring all welds and bolted connection to adhere to AISC (American National Standards Institute/American PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 22 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALISBu RYA NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 EAS MEWPROFE55SINRLS Institute of Steel Construction) and AWS (American Welding Society) Standards. Test results should comply with recommendation of onsite structural engineering representative. 6. Floor Flatness Testing Testing for floor flatness and floor level should reflect the following values: FF — 35, FL — 30. Floor flatness can be no lower than 30, Floor Levelness no lower than 25 for any test set grouping. 7. Asphalt Pavement Testing a. Base course density testing and thickness measurements. b. Full-time observation, documentation and testing during placement. Coring of Asphalt Parking Lot for thickness testing. A minimum of three cores will be required spaced evenly throughout parking area. Cores are measured for compliance with project paving profiles recommended in Geotechnical Report and bulk specific gravity tests conducted for density (minimum of 93% compaction based on design unit weight). 8. Concrete Pavement Testing a. Base course density testing and thickness measurements. b. Compressive Strength Testing of Concrete (full-time observation, documentation and testing): Number and frequency of tests are as follows: 1 Set of 4 Concrete Cylinders per 50 Placed Yards, Compression testing at (1) at 7 Days, (2) at 28 Days of Curing, and (1) Hold. Minimum 3 Sets Per Project (foundations, slab, and dumpster pad). Test results will be verified by a testing lab/EAS and provided to Teramore Development, LLC. c. A detailed concrete jointing plan shall be prepared for any/all planned concrete pavements. The Jointing of the concrete pavement should incorporate design guidelines in general accordance with ACI 330R. If EAS's engineers are not retained to prepare the concrete jointing plan, then we recommend that EAS is retained to review the final plan prior to construction. 7. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Teramore Development, LLC for specific application to the referenced property in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on design information furnished to us; the data obtained from the previously described subsurface exploration program, and generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. The conclusions and recommendations do not reflect variations in subsurface conditions which could exist intermediate of the boring locations or in unexplored areas of the site. Should such variations become apparent during construction, it will be PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 23 EAS PROJECT No. 16-414 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 20 1 7 EAS PROFESSSINRLS necessary to re-evaluate our conclusions and recommendations based upon on-site observations of the conditions. Regardless of the thoroughness of a subsurface exploration, there is the possibility that conditions between borings will differ from those at the boring locations, that conditions are not as anticipated by the designers, or that the construction process has altered the soil conditions. Therefore, experienced geotechnical engineers should evaluate earthwork, pavement, and foundation construction to verify that the conditions anticipated in design actually exist. Otherwise, we assume no responsibility for construction compliance with the design concepts, specifications, or recommendations. In the event that changes are made in the design or location of the proposed structure, the recommendations presented in the report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed by our firm and conclusions of this report modified and/or verified in writing. Prior to final design, EAS should be afforded the opportunity to review the site grading and layout plans to determine if additional or modified recommendations are necessary. If this report is copied or transmitted to a third party, it must be copied or transmitted in its entirety, including text, attachments, and enclosures. Interpretations based on only a part of this report may not be valid. PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE PAGE 24 EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-414 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 20 1 7 ®EAS ® PROFE552ONALS FIGURES Site Vicinity Plan Boring•Location Plan PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE EAS PROJECT No. 1 6-A14 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 2❑ 1 7 AN 0 Gorn i - � �e \ -Have •* �\A S u t f o aph Q c rry\ h�-. ,,;� - ► /� ,� , 'fie'` ,;, fdo ~ R , WY \" L t -J :1 O F p T .off �o .r, � _ • O. i � i f _ `tea'•\.::�,-n � • • � "1'�. M � �. 3 00 141A � ����� k '4 i `'^....w«� '^.. •mow* . • � � 4 `'`{ _yl... ,4 EAS PROFESSSINRLS APPENDIX SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION Key to Soil Classification Chart Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Boring Logs PROPOSED DOLLAR GENERAL STORE EAS PROJECT NO. 1 6-41 4 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 7, 201 7 1 53 BRDZZINI COURT, SUITE C EAS G BEEN VILLE, SC 2967 S PHONE (864) 234-7368 PRDFE5523NRLS FAx (864) 234-7369 KEY TO BORING LOG SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS SOIL IDENTIFICATION Identification of soil type is made on the basis of an estimate of particle size for predominantly coarse-grained soils and on the basis of cohesiveness (plasticity) for predominantly fine-grained soils. When a soil sample consists of two or more soil types, the percentages of the types are estimated by weight and indicated by descriptive terminology. Soil Type Particle Size Boulder > 12 in Cobble 3 —12 in Gravel — Coarse 3/4 — 3 in Gravel — Fine #4 — 3/4 in Sand — Coarse #10 — #4 Sand — Medium #40 —#10 Sand — Fine #200 —#40 Silt (Non -Cohesive) < #200 Clay (Cohesive) < #200 Soil Component Descriptive Term Percentage Major Capital Letters > 50% Secondary Adjective 20-50% Others Some 20-35% Hard Little 10-20% Trace 0-10% (1) Particle Size is designated by US Standard Sieve Sizes. (2) Atterberg Limit determinations are often used to classify fine-grained soils (silts and clays). RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY The standard penetration resistance values (N -values) are used to describe the relative density of coarse-grained soils or the consistency of fine-grained soils. Relative Density Term N -Value Very Loose 0-4 Loose 5-10 Medium Dense 11-30 Dense 31-50 Very Dense > 50 Consistency Term N -Value Very Soft 0 - 1 Soft 2-4 Medium Stiff 5-8 Stiff 9-15 Very Stiff 16-30 Hard > 30 (3) The N -value is the number of blows of a 140 Ib. hammer freely falling 30 inches required to drive a standard split spoon sampler (2.0 in O.D.,1318 in I.D.)12 inches into the soil after properly seating the sampler into undisturbed soils. (4) Large gravel size particles are often not recovered by the standard split -spoon sampler and therefore the true percentage of gravel is not accurately estimated. (5) When encountered, large gravel size particles often increase the N -value of the standard penetration test. GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND FORENSIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING I LABORATORY TESTING I LAND SURVEYING I SPECIALTY INSPECTIONS EAS 1�11PRDFE5523NRLS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM LEGEND 1 53 6R13ZZI NI COURT, SUITE C GREENVILLE, SC 2967 S PHONE (864) 234-7368 FAx (864) 234-7369 GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND FORENSIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING I LABORATORY TESTING I LAND SURVEYING I SPECIALTY INSPECTIONS Major Divisions Typical Description • �' GW Well -graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, Clean Gravels ' � • little or no fines Gravel and Little or no fines °(= Poorly -graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, Gravelly Soilso 0 o GP little or no fines More than 50% of coarse fraction IsGravels GM Silty gravels, retained on No. 4 p Q a Gravel -sand -silt mixtures Sieve With Fines Coarse Appreciable GC Clayey gravels, Grained Soils amounts of fines Gravel -sand -clay mixtures More than 50% of Well -graded sands, gravelly sand, little or no material is larger SW fine than No. 200 Sieve Clean Sand Poorly -graded sands, gravelly sand, little or Sand and Little or no fines Sandy Soils $P no fines More than 50% of coarse fraction Sands $M Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures passes No. 4 Sieve With Fines Appreciable amounts of fines $C Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, ML silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, Silts and Clays Liquid Limit is less than 50 gravelly clays, sandy clays, lean clays __ OLOrganic silts and organic silty clays of low Fine= Grained Soils — — — plasticity More than 50% of material Is smaller Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous than No. 200 Sieve fine sand or silty soils Silts and Clays tHO Inorganic clays of high plasticity Liquid Limit is greater than 50 Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts Highly Organic Soils =, , f Topsoil, peat, humus, swamp soils with high organic contents • •� Aggregate Base Course Stone Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) Miscellaneous Materials Asphalt Pavement Concrete Pavement GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND FORENSIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING I LABORATORY TESTING I LAND SURVEYING I SPECIALTY INSPECTIONS ��ERS PRQFSSS� WRILS BORING LOG EAS Project No.: EAS -16-414 9 Pil grim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864) 234-7368 Fax (864) 234-7369 Date: February 2017 Client: Teramore Development, LLC Project: Dollar General - Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina Boring No.: B-1 Total Depth: 20.0 feet Elevation: Location: See Boring Location Plan Type of Boring: HSA / SPT Date Drilled: 2/10/17 Driller: Metro Drill, Inc. Depth (feet) Ground V Depth Description of Materials USCS (Classification) Sample Blows Sample Depth (feet) v F a E Elevation (feet) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Resistance (blows per foot) ID 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 _ z 0.3 ` ORGANIC LADEN SOIL 2-3 inches - - 0.0 RESIDUAL Stiff, moist, dark 1 brown, silty CLAY (CL) with little fine to medium sand, trace 5-6-8 1.5 14 organics Stiff, moist, red, medium to high 3 plasticity CLAY (CH/MH) with some silt, trace fine sand 5-5-8 3.5 13 Stiff, moist, reddish brown, elastic clayey SILT (MH -CH) with trace fine sand 6. 6-7-10 6.0 17 Very stiff, moist, reddish brown, elastic clayey SILT (MH -CH) with trace fine sand 8. 5-5-5 8.5 10 Stiff, moist, light brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 13. 4-3-5 13.5 8 Medium stiff, wet, brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 3-3-3 18.5 6 20,10 Boring terminated at 20 feet. Ground water was not encountered during drilling or prior to backfilling borehole upon completion of drilling. Number of blows required for a 140 -pound hammer dropping 30 inches to drive a 2 -inch outside diameter (1 375 -inch inside diameter) sampler a total of le inches in three 6 -inch increments. The sum of the last two increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") =:EF9 PROPSSSI )WiLS BORING LOG EAS Project No.: EAS -16-414 9 Pil grim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864) 234-7368 Fax (864) 234-7369 Date: February 2017 Client: Teramore Development, LLC Project: Dollar General - Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina Boring No.: B-2 I Total Depth: 20.0 feet Elevation: Location: See Boring Location Plan Type of Boring: HSA / SPT Date Drilled: 2/10/17 Driller: Metro Drill, Inc. Depth (feet) Ground water Depth Description of Materials USCS (Classification) Sample Blows Sample Depth (feet) v E Elevation (feet) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Resistance (blows per foot) 1D 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 _ ? j 0.3 " ` ORGANIC LADEN SOIL 2-3inches - - RESIDUAL Stiff, moist, dark brown 1 and dark red, medium to high plasticity CLAY (CH/MH) with some 6-7-8 1.5 15 silt, little fine sand, trace organics Stiff, moist, red, medium to high 3.5 plasticity CLAY (CH/MH) with some plasticity trace fine sand 5-8-11 3.5 19 Very stiff, moist, reddish brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 6. 4-5-6 6.0 11 Stiff, moist to wet, reddish brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 8. 2-3-4 8.5 • 7 Medium stiff, wet, tan to brown with black mottling, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 3-3-3 13.5 41 6 2-3-3 18.5 4 6 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet. Ground water was not encountered during drilling or prior to backfilling borehole upon completion of drilling. Number of blows required for a 140 -pound hammer dropping 30 inches to drive a 2 -inch outside diameter (1.375 -inch inside diameter) sampler a total or 18 inches in three 6 -inch increments. The sum of the last two increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N"). ��EAS PROF�55� )NF1L S BORING LOG EAS Project No.: EAS -16-414 9 Pil grim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864) 234-7368 Fax (864) 234-7369 Date: February 2017 Client: Teramore Development, LLC Project: Dollar General - Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina Boring No.: B-3 Total Depth: 20.0 feet Elevation: Location: See Boring Location Plan Type of Boring: HSA / SPT Date Drilled: 2/10/17 Driller: Metro Drill, Inc. Depth (feet) Water Depth Description of Materials USCS (Classification) Sample Blows Sample Depth (feet) a E Elevation (feet) Standard Penetration Test SPT Resistance ( ) (blows per foot) 0 a, - 2 0.3 ` —l"I ORGANIC LADEN SOIL 2-3 inches - - RESIDUAL Stiff, moist, reddish brown, elastic clayey SILT (MH/CH) with trace fine sand 6-6-9 1.5 15 3. 3-4-4 3.5 8 Medium stiff, moist, reddish brown, clayey SILT (ML) with little fine sand 6. 4-3-4 6.0 7 Medium stiff, moist to wet, brown to reddish brown, clayey SILT (ML) with little fine sand 3-3-3 8.5 6 13. 4-4-4 13.5 8 Medium stiff, wet, tan to brown with black mottling, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 4-5-3 18.5 8 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet. Ground water was not encountered during drilling or prior to backfilling borehole upon completion of drilling. Number of blows required for a 140 -pound hammer dropping 30 inches to drive a 2 -inch outside diameter (13 75 -inch inside diameter) sampler a total of 16 inches in three 5 -inch increments. The sum of the last two increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") FROFSSSSONRLS BORING LOG EAS Project No.: EAS -16-414 9 Pil grim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864) 234-7368 Fax (864) 234-7369 Date: February 2017 Client: Teramore Development, LLC Project: Dollar General - Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina Boring No.: B-4 Total Depth: 20.0 feet Elevation: Location: See Boring Location Plan Type of Boring: HSA / SPT Date Drilled: 2/10/17 Driller: Metro Drill, Inc. Depth (feet) Ground Water Depth Description of Materials USCS (Classification) Sample Blows Sample p Depth( (feet) > a Elevation (feet) Standard Penetration Test SPT Resistance ( ) blows per foot) 0 60 70 80 90 v z 2 - M 0.3 '' ' `` ORGANIC LADEN SOIL 2-3 inches - - RESIDUAL Stiff, moist, dark 1 brown, silty CLAY (CL) with little fine to medium sand 5-6-7 1.5 13 Stiff, moist, red, medium to high plasticity CLAY (CH/MH) with some 3. silt, little fine sand 6-7-9 3.5 , , , , , , , , . 16 Very stiff, moist, red, medium to high plasticity CLAY (CH/MH) with some silt, little fine sand 6. 6-6-9 6.0 15 Stiff, moist, red, medium to high plasticity silty CLAY (CH/MH) with little fine sand 5-5-5 8.5 10 13. 5-5-5 13.5 10 Stiff, moist to wet, reddish brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 4-5-5 18.5 4 10 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet. Ground water was not encountered during drilling or prior to backfilling borehole upon completion of drilling. Number of blows required for a 140 -pound hammer dropping 30 inches to drive a 2-anch outside diameter (1.3/5-mcn inside diameter/ sampler a torat of 16 inches in three 6 -inch increments. The sum of the last two increments of penetration Is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") PR®�a=552 3NFiLS BORING LOG EAS Project No.: EAS -16-414 9 Pil grim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864) 234-7368 Fax (864) 234-7369 Date: February 2017 Client: Teramore Development, LLC Project: Dollar General - Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina Boring No.: P-1 Total Depth: 10.0 feet Elevation: Location: See Boring Location Plan Type of Boring: HSA / SPT Date Drilled: 2/10/17 Driller: Metro Drill, Inc. Depth Ground Water USCS Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth ~ Elevation Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Resistance (blows per foot) a z (feet) Depth (Classification) Blows(feet) E (feet) 10— 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 0.3 ORGANIC LADEN SOIL 2-3 inches --F- RESIDUAL Stiff, moist, red, medium to high plasticity CLAY 5-7-7 1.5 14 (CH/MH) with some silt, trace fine sand 3. 6-8-9 3.5 17 Very stiff, moist, reddish brown, , , . . silty CLAY (CL) with little fine sand 6. 6-6-7 6.0 13 Stiff, moist, reddish brown, silty CLAY (CL) with little fine sand 4-5-7 8.5 12 10. Boring terminated at 10 feet. Ground water was not encountered during drilling or prior to backfilling borehole upon completion of drilling. Number of blows required for a 140 -pound hammer dropping 30 inches to drive o 2 -inch outside diameter (1.375 -inch inside diameter) sampler a total cf I8 inches in three 6 -inch increments. The sum of the last two increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") ®ERS 9 Pilgrim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864)234-7368 ® PROFE55SONRLS Fax (8 6 4) 2 3 4 -7 3 6 9 BORING LOG EAS Project No.: EAS -16-414 Date: February 2017 Client: Teramore Development, LLC Project: Dollar General - Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina Boring No.: P-2 I Total Depth: 10.0 feet Elevation: Location: See Boring Location Plan Type of Boring: HSA / SPT Date Drilled: 2/10/17 Driller: Metro Drill, Inc. Depth Ground water Description of Materials USCS Sample Sample Depth a Elevation Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Resistance (blows per foot) a, z (feet) Depth (Classification) Blows (feet) E (feet) _ > 0 450 60 70 80 90 0.3 °' ORGANIC LADEN SOIL 2-3 inches - - RESIDUAL Very stiff, moist, dark 1 brown, silty CLAY (CL) with little 7-10-13 1.5 23 Afine to medium sand, trace organics Very stiff, moist, red, silty CLAY 3 (CL) with little fine sand 5-7-8 3.5 15 Stiff, moist, brown to reddish , , , , , brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 6. 7-7-7 6.0 14 Stiff, wet, light brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand 5-7-7 8.5 14 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet. Ground water was not encountered during drilling or prior to backfilling borehole upon completion of drilling. Number of blows required for a 140 -pound hammer dropping 30 inches to drive a 2 -inch outside diameter (1.375 -inch inside diameter) sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6 -inch increments. The sum of the last two increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") =:ERSI BORING LOG EAS Project No.: EAS -16-414 9 Pil grim Road Greenville, SC 29607 Phone (864) 234-7368 Fax (864) 234-7369 Date: February 2017 Client: Teramore Development, LLC Project: Dollar General - Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina Boring No.: P-3 Total Depth: 10.0 feet Elevation: Location: See Boring Location Plan Type of Boring: HSA / SPT Date Drilled: 2/10/17 Driller: Metro Drill, Inc. Depth Ground Water USCS Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth a Elevation Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Resistance (blows per foot) m (feet) Depth (Classification) Blows(feet) E (feet) - > 0 0 70 80 90 0.3 ORGANIC LADEN SOIL 2-3 inches - - 0.0 97 RESIDUAL Stiff, moist, red, 1 medium to high plasticity silty 4-5-7 1.5 12 CLAY (CH/MH) with little fine sand Stiff, moist, reddish brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace fine sand, 4-7-7 3.5 14 5-5-5 6.0 10 8. 4-4-5 8.5 9 Stiff, moist, brown to reddish brown, clayey SILT (ML) with trace 10 fine sand Boring terminated at 10 feet. Ground water was not encountered during drilling or prior to backfilling borehole upon completion of drilling. Number of blows required for a 140 -pound hammer dropping 30 inches to drive a 2 -inch outside diameter p.jis-inch inside diameter/ sampler a roral of Lb inches in three 6 -inch increments. The sum of the last two increments of penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N")