HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0038831_Permit Correction_20070118pF W ATF9 p� pG r � r o -c Mr. Jim Highley Senior Regional Manager Carolina Trace Utilities, Inc. P.O. Box 240908 Charlotte, North Carolina 28224 Dear Mr. Highley: Michael F. Easley Governor William G Ross, Jr, Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P E, Director Division of Water Quality January 18, 2007 Subject: NPDES Permit Correction Permit Number NCO038831 Carolina Trace WWTP Lee County I am writing to you to include corrected effluent limits pages for the above referenced permit. The standard language regarding instream sampling was not added in the footnotes when the permit was issued but has since been added. Please insert the enclosed pages in the permit and discard the others. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Maureen Crawford of my staff at (919) 733-5083, extension 538. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Central Files NPDES Unit Files Raleigh Regional Office NNaone i Carohna turally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-5083 Customer Service Internet www nimaterquality org 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 733-0719 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Permit NCO038831 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS — 0.325 MGD During the period beginning on January 1, 2007 and lasting until expansion above 0.325 MGD, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: PARAMETER LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location' Flow 0 325 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BOD, 5 day (20°C) (April 1 — October 31 5 0 mg/L 7 5 mg/L Weekly Composite Effluent BOD, 5 day (20°C) (November 1 — March 31 10 0 mg/L 15 0 mg/L Weekly Composite Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30 0 mg/L 45 0 mg/L Weekly Composite Effluent NH3 as N (April 1 — October 31) 2 0 mg/L 10 0 mg/L Weekly Composite Effluent NH3 as N November 1 — March 31 4 0 mg/L 20 0 mg/L Weekly Composite Effluent Dissolved Oxygen Weekly Grab Effluent, Upstream & Downstream Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 nil 400/100 ml Weekly Grab Effluent, Upstream & Downstream Total Residual Chlorine 22 pg/L 2/Wee Grab Effluent TFotal Nitrogen (NOZ+NOI+TKN) Quarterly omposite Effluent Total Nitrogen / Weekly Composite Effluent Total.P.hosphorus _ � Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Phosphorus Weekly Composite Effluent Temperature (°C) "Daily Grab Effluent Temperature ('C) Weekly Grab Upstream & Downstream PH Weekly Grab Effluent Footnotes - 1 Upstream = at least 100 feet upstream from the outfall Downstream = at NCSR 1222. Instream sampling is waived as long as permittee retains membership in the Middle Cape Fear River Basin Association (MCFRBA), which is conducting a coordinated mstream monitoring effort. If the permittee leaves the MCFRBA, mstream monitoring shall begin immediately according to the requirements above, with mstream samples collected 3/Week (June -Sept ) and 1/Week (Oct -May). 2 The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 5 0 mg/L. 3. TRC limit will be effective July 1, 2008, while monitoring is required beginning January 1, 2007 4. Monitoring requirements tdk ffect anuary 1, 2009. 5. The pH shall not be less than 6 0 stanaard-ffnits nor greater than 9.0 standard units THERE, SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS Permit NCO038831 A. (2.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS —1.0 MGD During the period beginning after expansion above 1.0 MGD and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: PARAMETER LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Avera a Daily Maximum Measurement Fre uenc Sample Type Sample Locations Flow 1 0 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BOD, 5 day (20°C) (April 1 — October 31 5 0 mg/L 7 5 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent BOD, 5 day (20°C) (November 1 — March 31 10 0 mg/L 15.0 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30 0 mg/L 45 0 mg/L 3/Week Composite Influent & Effluent NH3 as N (April 1 — October 31) 2 0 mg/L 10 0 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent NH3 as N (November 1 — March 31) 4 0 mg/L 20.0 mg/L 3/Week Composite Effluent Dissolved Oxygen 3/Week Grab Effluent Upstream & Downstream Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml 3/Week Grab Effluent Upstream & Downstream Total Residual Chlorine 22 µg/L 3/Week Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen (NOZ+NO3+TKN 3/Week Composite Effluent Total Phosphorus 3/Week Composite Effluent Temperature (°C) Daily Grab Effluent Temperature (°C) 1 Grab Upstream & Downstream ph 33/Week Grab Effluent Chronic Toxicity Quarterly Composite Effluent Footnotes 1. Upstream = at least 100 feet upstream from the outfall Downstream = at NCSR 1222. Instream sampling is waived as long as permittee retains membership in the Middle Cape Fear River Basin Association (MCFRBA), which is conducting a coordinated mstream monitoring effort. If the permittee leaves the MCFRBA, mstream monitoring shall begin immediately according to the requirements above, with mstream samples collected 3/Week (June -Sept ) and l/Week (Oct -May). 2. The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 5 0 mg/L. 3. The pH shall not be less than 6 0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia, Pass/Fall @ 76%) January, April, July & October (see Part A. (3)). THERE SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS