HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081042 Ver 1_More Info Received_2008111008-io y2. LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. Environmental Consultants 12 Q731 R:3 0W?, 0 November 7, 2008 NOV 1 0 2008 TO: Ms. Joanne Steenhuis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH RE: Additional Information for 401 Water Quality Certification Application Surf City Commons; Pender County, NC; DWQ# 08 1042 Commercial Property Analysts, Inc. Dear Joanne: Thank you for your letter dated September 24, 2008 in which you request additional information regarding the 401 Water Quality Certification application submitted for the Surf City Commons project in Pender County, NC. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. Information needs to be provided that shows all considerations to avoid and minimize wetland impacts for this project were considered and that there are no practical alternatives. Please note, in our meeting on July 24, 2008 we discussed that buildings located entirely on wetland fill are not usually considered an avoidance. No minimization of wetland impacts has been achieved on your proposed design. Please consider incorporating bridges with the large road crossing, reducing the road crossing footprint at Crossing #1 by having it go directly towards the larger store (Sheet W5) and accessing the other stores (Sheet W4) via road crossing #2, hence the parking spaces (Sheet W4) could then be relocated to areas that are now shown as roads. Include the location of utilities to show that additional wetland impacts will not be required. As mentioned in the original application submittal, the applicant reviewed several site designs and had already reduced impacts from 12.4 acres of wetlands and 432 LF of stream down to 8.65 acres ofwetlands and no stream impacts. Based on comments received from DWQ and the Corps, the project engineer has further reduced wetland impacts to 5.53 acres by eliminating two outparcels, changing the road configuration leading into the property, and repositioning the Retail A buildings. Please note that utilities will be located within the proposed impact footprint. The applicant did evaluate the potential to bridge the three road crossings within the site plan. The main entrance road spans approximately 410 feet through wetlands. The other two crossings are approximately 45 feet and 75 feet in length. Based on estimates obtained by the engineer, bridging these wetlands would cost approximately $4500 per linear foot or $2,365,000 total. This option would not be economically feasible for the applicant. www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 9 P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 In addition to the economic considerations, bridging is not a feasible option for other reasons as well. Bridges create maintenance and ownership issues as well as community safety concerns with regards to limiting emergency vehicle access, elevation changes and steep slopes. Furthermore, the difference in elevation between the lowest points in the wetlands to the adjacent upland is minimal. In our opinion, constructing a bridge or pre-manufactured concrete arch span to traverse the wetland is not a feasible alternative due to this lack of elevation change. The bottom of the girders, or span would be flush with the wetland surface unless the entire upland on the approach and decent of the bridge were raised at least two (2) or more feet, one hundred feet in each direction. Accordingly, the proposed development would also require significant fill amounts to promote positive drainage. For these reasons, bridging is not considered feasible. 2. In the July 24, 2008 meeting, we discussed the number of parking spaces that will be required by Surf City. You had stated that Surf City had not yet approved the proposed commercial facility. Have you presented your proposal to the Planning Board for Surf City for their approval so that the number of parking spaces required could be correctly calculated and used in the avoidance and minimization requirement for this project? Although the project has not yet been submitted to Surf City's Planning Board, Mr. Todd Rademacher, the Planning Director for Surf City, has written a letter in support of the project (enclosed). In this letter he states that "Parking for shopping centers in excess of 100,000 square feet of floor area are required a minimum of 4 parking spaces per 1000 square feet and a maximum of 5 parking spaces per 1000 square feet." In general, the revised site plan conforms to the Town's minimum parking requirements given the types of stores anticipated to be located within the shopping center. Retail A is 146,000 sf in size. The revised site plan shows a total of 586 spaces for this area, which is just slightly over the Town's minimum requirement of 584 (see site plan for additional parking details). Retail B is 68,000 sf in size. The revised site plan includes 220 spaces for this area, which exceeds the minimum requirements of 170 spaces. However, more flexibility in Retail B is needed because of the likelihood that this area will contain restaurants, which have higher parking requirements. 3. Please provide the date of incorporation/organization of "Commercial Property Analysts " and Mr. Joseph Boan's connection to the business. The business is not recognized by the Secretary of State's website when I searched the database. Please provide the correct name of the business, in some places in the application it is referred as incorporated and other places it is referred to as a limited liability corporation. Also include Mr. Boan 's affiliation with the business. We apologize that the applicant's contact information in the IP application was incorrect. Commercial Property Analysts, Inc. is based out of Palm Beach, Florida. Mr. Boan is the president. The revised IP application that contains the applicant's accurate information is included with this letter. 4. Please provide additional information as to the alternative off sites looked at (including the ones we discussed in the meeting) and detail the criteria reviewed and why they were deemed unsuitable for this project include such things as costs and additional environmental factors. As discussed in the project narrative and the meeting, the applicant evaluated four sites: the Register Tract, the Sidbury Tract, the Yang Tract, and the preferred alternative. J.E. Register Tract (4215-99-0423-000L) This 32.59-acre tract is located directly north of the preferred site, north ofHighway 17 (Figure 5). This site was not considered feasible for a retail development for several reasons. The tract is long and narrow with limited frontage off of Highway 17. Any retail stores would have limited visibility from passing traffic. In addition, it contains a very large pond that would need to be filled and obtaining adequate fill material for the pond would be expensive. In addition, the site contains a cell tower-that would require relocation, which would cost approximately $1 million. The site is also located adjacent to the Holly Shelter Game Lands. Development of this site could potentially be detrimental to sensitive habitat in this area. Finally, the price of the tract and terms of a potential sale were unreasonable to the applicant. For these reasons, this tract was not considered feasible. Sidbury Tract (4226-21-9367-0000) This 29.12-acre tract is located off of Highway 17, southwest of the intersection ofHighway 17 and Manhollow Church Road and northeast of the preferred site (Figure 6). The applicant was interested in this tract because it is located adjacent to a retail and commercial development that is currently being constructed and the applicant's project could tie directly into this development. However, the owner was not interested in selling the property. Therefore, this is not considered a viable alternative. Yang Tract (4226-22-6774-0000) This 152-acre tract is located at the intersection of Highway 17 and Buck Shot Road (see enclosed figure). Mr. Randy Cox with Prudential Real Estate has contacted Mr. Yang several times regarding this property and found that he is not willing to sell his property at this time. Furthermore, this tract is not in the current scope of retail activity for the Town of Surf City. Please note that the "For Sale" sign at the corner of Highway 17 and Buckshot Lane is actually for a tract located approximately one mile up Buckshot Lane that is owned by Mr. Joe Beasley. This tract was considered too far removed from Highway 17 to be a feasible alternative. It is also important to note that the Town of Surf City has been working diligently to provide interconnectivity in and around the retail and residential developments located at the Highway 17/210 intersection. Their intent is to keep as much local traffic off of 210, especially during the rental summer season. As opposed to the sites listed above, the preferred site is located between existing developments. It will help to provide connection (either direct or indirect) between the existing Lowes Home Improvement, Harris Teeter Shopping Center, a new apartment complex, and the Dogwood Lakes residential community. In addition, the Town is planning to install a traffic light on Highway 210 at the Harris Teeter. This intersection will provide access to the Walmart Shopping Center and a residential complex and will eventually connect to Manhollow Church Road. This pattern of development will connect over 1000 new 3 residences and five commercial projects. 5. Include a draft copy of your "preservation document "for the remaining on-site wetlands. Please be aware that the State requirement for mitigation is 1:1 for this project. The applicant is currently working on a preservation map and document for remaining wetlands on site. In addition, he proposes to buy into the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program to meet the 1:1 mitigation requirement. 6 Please send a new first page for the PCN form with the correct address for this project (i. e. the address in Florida) since the original hold letter was not received at the present address on the application and was returned to NCDENR as undeliverable. Enclosed is the revised IP application form. I hope this response adequately addresses all of your comments. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, Kim Williams End C: Mr. Ronnie Smith, ACOE Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ Mr. Stephen Rynas, DCM Mr. Joseph Boan, Commercial Property Analysts, Inc. Mr. Randy Cox, Prudential Mr. Jack Reel, Thomas and Hutton LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. 00 Environmental Consultants November 7, 2008 TO: Mr. Ronnie Smith U. S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 RE: Additional Information for Individual Permit Application Surf City Commons; Pender County, NC; Action ID# SAW-2008-01902 Commercial Property Analysts, Inc. Dear Ronnie: Thank you for your letter dated October 1, 2008 in which you request additional information regarding the Individual Permit application submitted for the Surf City Commons project in Pender County, NC. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. Permits for work within wetlands or other special aquatic sites are available only if the proposed work is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. Please provide additional information regarding off-site alternatives and detail the criteria reviewed and why they were deemed unsuitable for this project. Please compare the costs and other factors, in detail, of the proposed project to the off site alternatives. As discussed in the project narrative and in the meeting, the applicant evaluated four sites: the Register Tract, the Sidbury Tract, the Yang Tract, and the preferred alternative. J.E. Register Tract (4215-99-0423-000L) This 32.59-acre tract is located directly north of the preferred site, north ofHighway 17 (Figure 5). This site was not considered feasible for a retail development for several reasons. The tract is long and narrow with limited frontage off of Highway 17. Any retail stores would have limited visibility from passing traffic. In addition, it contains a very large pond that would need to be filled and obtaining adequate fill material for the pond would be expensive. The pond is estimated to be five acres in size and an average of 10 feet deep. In addition, the site contains a cell tower that would require relocation, which would cost approximately $1 million. The site is also located adjacent to the Holly Shelter Game Lands. Development of this site could potentially be detrimental to sensitive habitat in this area. Finally, the price of the tract and terms of a potential sale were unreasonable to the applicant. For these reasons, this tract was not considered feasible. Sidbury Tract (4226-21-9367-0000) This 29.12-acre tract is located off of Highway 17, southwest of the intersection of Highway 17 and Manhollow Church Road and northeast of the preferred site (Figure 6). The applicant was www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 9 P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 interested in this tract because it is located adjacent to a retail and commercial development that is currently being constructed and the applicant's project could tie directly into this development. However, the owner was not interested in selling the property. Therefore, this is not considered a viable alternative. Yang Tract (4226-22-6774-0000) This 152-acre tract is located at the intersection of Highway 17 and Buck Shot Road (see enclosed figure). Mr. Randy Cox with Prudential Real Estate has contacted Mr. Yang several times regarding this property and found that he is not willing to sell his property at this time. Furthermore, this tract is not in the current scope of retail activity for the Town of Surf City. Please note that the "For Sale" sign at the corner of Highway 17 and Buckshot Lane is actually for a tract located approximately one mile up Buckshot Lane that is owned by Mr. Joe Beasley. This tract was considered too far removed from Highway 17 to be a feasible alternative. It is also important to note that the Town of Surf City has been working diligently to provide interconnectivity in and around the retail and residential developments located at the Highway 17/210 intersection. Their intent is to keep as much local traffic off of 210, especially during the rental summer season. As opposed to most of the sites listed above, the preferred site is located between existing developments. It will help to provide connection (either direct or indirect) between the existing Lowes Home Improvement, Harris Teeter Shopping Center, a new apartment complex, and the Dogwood Lakes residential community. In addition, the Town is planning to install a traffic light on Highway 210 at the Harris Teeter. This intersection will provide access to the Walmart Shopping Center and a residential complex and will eventually connect to Manhollow Church Road. This pattern of development will connect over 1,000 new residences and five commercial projects. 2. Please furnish information regarding upland alternatives. Because of the location and extent of wetlands within the preferred property, no reasonable upland alternatives exist. To avoid wetlands, a 410' long bridge would need to be constructed off of Highway 17 in order to gain access to uplands within the site. This bridge would cost approximately $1,850,000. Once within uplands, the building and parking footprint would be severely limited to only small retail buildings in order to avoid any wetland impacts. No large buildings and their required parking would fit solely within uplands. Without these large retailers, this project is not economically feasible. Therefore, this alternative is not viable. 3. It appears that the entrance road can be shifted south to cross the wetland at the most narrow location. Also, it appears that the other access road can connect to the entrance road at a location at or near Road Crossing #2. Road Crossing #2 appears that it could be shifted north approximately 50 to 100 feet to reduce wetland impacts. Please justify the location and configuration of the proposed roads with local ordinances, rules and/or regulations. The specific location of the entrance road off of Highway 17 needs to line up with the existing cut in the median (see site plan). Additionally, since NC DOT will not grant a light at this entrance, the angle ofthe intersection must provide good visibility to drivers both entering and exiting the center. Taking these 2 factors into consideration, the applicant was still able to reconfigure the entrance road to reduce wetland impacts. Please see the enclosed site plan. To further reduce wetland impacts, the applicant has eliminated the two outparcels off of Highway 17 and repositioned Retail Area A. Wetland impacts have been reduced from 8.65 acres to 5.53 acres, a 36% reduction. Please note that the loss of the two outparcels has significantly affected the applicant's economic return. The outparcels carried the highest value per square foot due to the proximity to the highway. Additionally, the outparcels could have been sold or leased independently from the shopping center, which would have reduced the up front capital required. 4. Please consider bridging the road crossings and compare the cost of bridging to the proposed road crossings to describe the feasibility and practicability of the alternative. The applicant did evaluate the potential to bridge the three road crossings within the site plan. The main entrance road spans approximately 410 feet through wetlands. The other two crossings are approximately 45 feet and 75 feet in length. Based on estimates obtained by the engineer, bridging these wetlands would cost approximately $4500 per linear foot or $2,365,000 total. This option would not be economically feasible for the applicant. In addition to the economic considerations, bridging is not a feasible option for other reasons as well. Bridges create maintenance and ownership issues as well as community safety concerns with regards to limiting emergency vehicle access, elevation changes and steep slopes. Furthermore, the difference in elevation between the lowest points in the wetlands to the adjacent upland is minimal. In our opinion, constructing a bridge or pre-manufactured concrete arch span to traverse the wetland is not a feasible alternative due to this lack of elevation change. The bottom of the girders, or span would be flush with the wetland surface unless the entire upland on the approach and decent of the bridge were raised at least two (2) or more feet, one hundred feet in each direction. Accordingly, the proposed development would also require significant fill amounts to promote positive drainage. For these reasons, bridging is not considered feasible. 5. Please consider the use of retaining walls to minimize unavoidable impacts. Please provide justification if you are unable to utilize retaining walls to reduce impacts. The typical cost for block-segmented retaining walls is approximately $18/sf. Based on rough finish grade estimates, approximately 13,000 sf of retaining wall would be required around the retail areas, costing approximately $234,000. However, adding retaining walls to the site design would only result in a minimal reduction in wetland impacts. Because of their high cost and the minimal environmental benefit, utilizing retaining walls is not considered a viable option. 6 Your proposal to have 1.4 parking spaces per 400 square feet of building is greater than the minimum amount of parking required by the Town of Surf City (I space per 400 square feet). Please reduce the number of parking spaces to 1 space per 400 square feet or provide information from the Town of Surf City which requires the amount of parking spaces that you have proposed. Mr. Todd Rademacher, the Planning Director for Surf City, has written a letter in support of the project (enclosed). In this letter he states that "Parking for shopping centers in excess of 100,000 square feet of floor area are required a minimum of 4 parking spaces per 1000 square feet and a maximum of 5 parking spaces per 1000 square feet." The revised site plan generally conforms to the Town's minimum parking requirements given the types of stores anticipated to be located within the shopping center. Retail A is 146,000 sf in size. The revised site plan shows a total of 586 spaces for this area, which is just slightly over the Town's minimum requirement of 584 (see site plan for additional parking details). Retail B is 68,000 sf in size. The revised site plan includes 220 spaces for this area, which exceeds the minimum requirements of 170 spaces. However, more flexibility in Retail B is needed because of the likelihood that this area will contain restaurants, which have higher parking requirements. 7. It appears that many of the parking spaces can be re-located in the uplands areas behind the proposed buildings. Please revise your plans to utilize these upland areas or provide justification for not utilizing these upland areas. Please see the revised site plan that shows how uplands have been utilized to the maximum extent practicable. 8. It appears that the storm water ponds located between Wetlands Fill A4 and BI can be moved in the upland areas behind Wetlands Fill -B-1, hence the parking spaces can be shifted west to reduce wetland impacts. Please revise your plans to utilize these uplands or provide justification for not utilizing these upland areas. Because this site is located within 'h mile of SA waters, the applicant is required to capture stormwater utilizing infiltration. Therefore, ponds need to be located within the soils that have the highest infiltration rates. However, the site plan has been revised to better utilize uplands throughout the project area. 9. The buildings labeled as Wetlands Fill Al andA2 on the attached map would be located entirely in wetlands. These impacts should be removed from your plans unless you can justify the impact. Your justification for these impacts should include a detailed comparison of the revenue expected from these two lots to the costs of the entire project to demonstrate that the project is not feasible without these two commercial lots. The revised site plan has deleted these outparcels and reduced overall wetland impacts to 5.53 acres. As mentioned above, the loss of the two outparcels has significantly affected the applicant's economic return. 4 10. The MOA requires that appropriate and practicable mitigation will be required for all unavoidable adverse impacts remaining after all appropriate and practicable minimization has been employed. You have proposed to preserve the remaining 8.65 acres of wetlands and 1012 linear feet of stream located on-site and the utilization of the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) for the restoration of 8.65 acres of non-riparian wetlands within the Cape Fear River Watershed. Please be aware that this project is not located in the Cape Fear River Watershed and mitigation for the proposed impacts should occur in the same hydrologic unit code as the project. The proposed project is located in the New River Watershed (HUC 03020302). Please provide a letter from the NCEEP stating that they are willing to accept your payment for the proposed impacts. Also, please provide a draft copy of the document that you would use to preserve the remaining wetlands on the property. According to the NCEEP, the site is located within the White Oak River Basin. However, they do not currently have credits available in that watershed. Therefore, the NCEEP acceptance letter was for the Cape Fear River Basin. Please note that this particular portion of White Oak 01 is hydrologically part of the Cape Fear River Basin. According to Kelly Williams with the NCEEP, this area has been included with the White Oak for cataloging purposes. I hope this response adequately addresses all of your comments. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, Kim Williams End C: Mr. Ronnie Smith, ACOE Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ Mr. Stephen Rynas, DCM Mr. Joseph Boan, Commercial Property Analysts, Inc. Mr. Randy Cox, Prudential Mr. Jack Reel, Thomas and Hutton APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Privacy Act Statement Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10: 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require permits authorizing activities in, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routing Uses: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating this application for a permit. Disclosure; Disclosure of requested information is voluntary. If information is not provided however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 1 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 1 3. DATE RECEIVED 14. DATE APPL. COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not Mr. Joseph Boan required) Kim Williams Commercial Property Analysts Environmental Consultant Land Management Group, Inc. 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 214 Brazilian Avenue, Suite 200 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS Land Management Group, Inc. Palm Beach, FL 33480 P.O. Box 2522 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NO. W/AREA CODE a. Business (910) 239-5896 (910) 452-0001 (phone) b. Fax (561) 832-5722 (910) 452-0060 (fax) 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize Land Management Group, Inc. to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. SEE ATTACHED FORM APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE - Surf City Commons 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) N/A 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Pender North Carolina COUNTY STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Off of Highway 17; near intersection with Hwy 210 Surf City, NC Tax Parcel ID Numbers: 4215-88-4211-0000, 4215-87-9642-0000 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE From Wilmington, take Hwy 17N into Pender County. Site will be on the right, just before Lowe's Home Improvement Store (see vicinity map). NOV 1 0 2008 DENR - WAfEk QUALI' f WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH 18. NATURE OF ACTIVITY (Description of project, include all features) - The preferred project consists of constructing 220,000 square feet of retail/commercial space with associated parking and roads. Wetland fill for building pads, parking lots, and roads is requested (See Project Narrative). 19. PROJECT PURPOSE (Describe the reason or purpose of the project) - To provide a commercial development within an expanding section of Surf City (See Project Narrative). USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. REASON(S) FOR DISCHARGE - To provide buildable areas for commercial/retail development that are accessible from Highways 17 and 210 and that interconnect with other developments in the area (See Project Narrative). 21. TYPE(S) OF MATERIAL BEING DISCHARGED AND THE AMOUNT OF EACH TYPE IN CUBIC YARDS - Clean, compacted sub-grade soil materials, clean ABC aggregate, pavement etc all above street reinforced concrete culverts at map specified locations. See map for area in each location. 22. SURFACE AREA IN ACRES OF WETLANDS OR OTHER WATERS FILLED 5.53 acres of 404 wetlands 23. IS ANY PORTION OF THE WORK ALREADY COMPLETE? no IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS, LESSEES, Etc., WHOSE PROPERTY ADJOINS THE WATERBODY see attached sheet 25. LIST OTHER CERTIFICATIONS OR APPROVALS/DENIALS RECEIVED FROM OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL AGENCIES FOR WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS APPLICATION N/A AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 18. U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations o r makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. laluzD Numddo4S 80/61/90 Lt Ae-4$1H'S'Cl Z89oZ-f O N(0-p 10 i 9c) 0 i'QS. ?WZo"?N f, G P _ 4=U r ?` F FO ?o Z z FF I LL N -1 CL 3 14 J °o o ?a c m a ., a s,, r M Z II N r- ?. LLI I- Z, U C C U ? o • 0 V n Corn H w W r? w WM UJZ ?F-O O r.? I-- .,? I Z H Z IM > U ? Q ? N? ? Q ZJd Q ?' ?O o w Z?z <UIR w w < . 3: ll „? ? app ? 0 F--? o m O • WUZ • O I-?I 1=- W CZ$ D O w ? o p ON ,OJ W 4A hr.C s 3 Q ? 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ON 'A1NnOD d30NAd 'ONI'S1SA-)VNV A1fJ3d02id 1V1383M400 SJNimvHa 13ddYYI aNVl13M ,0-1- t z o =' - u u 0% co N O ? Q - f _ lf) N - J O U U W W p Q J I \ II, U) p J ? A (D Z y \? Q Q u \ J J Z U) J J O Z W W S Q \ Cf) O,W CL W ? p ?I Q J > Z \ \ `` \\ n \ Yang Tract Register Tract : x *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: North Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer. Pg 84.2003 SCALE 1" - 1 Mile Surf City Commons LMG Commercial Property Analysts «<11MAk.U;i6INi .FUfI . Pender County, NC ,,.,,,,,,,. 40-07-549 www.LMGroup.net Vicinity Map Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Fax: 910.452.0060 June 2008 P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 x < s l f 5 ° 'a y 4 ! ? NY `ter- ' I T 1 E}+M+ <{ '° ° { 5 a t% x ; s ! i1 a s t ? -- -•} f } ? . ter ! % 'm t • ( i # ' I } i i # ? I ssY 3 i t 7 i q c} n ? t ? ! t ? ,.? a t W t? ? 3 t? s s t ! ?? a >? { . 0 ;P ?i? , Fo- t o ? .} rtrt • i f. .>-ty ? t P ' tS fi, ?? t U + {e RV K.«i 4 , s 3 ,s t• :. F r Y i 4 i t rof t ° t{ ? f . t x { ? !! 1 ,:# d 4 P ? '? '1 Y ? k ? ?* \ ? ' 4 . 4 I + - S>'S J s k ro #' r ? '.?. Ff}j . ? ? - .?dy sb t'i. e` ^r 't . . .M 1 L,r 9i P'P ?a= 1 \ 4 ° 4{ '. : ° a , ? 1 ,t A ( aatE A 41 Y Is d y dd { { M`'?y ,do-', s 1 17 "* ?? t S•?r <Q`ti :d i },7 3i. y ?` s" r jk+: t ? ? k is q ' b:'?'1..::'9I6't'? ' ?` ?4t y T .y ° ? 4 f + ,:'ro d' taxI\ ?. 1'` "{ K-Re 1 I, 1 ! tF yt.+?Yh Y,?,,. ? S g F +? ?q ilt '! y. wti t? # P f's v .J S:• +f t Y {711{ ?? ? s d r"i ?i,C µ 0atr { S .. >° { 1 .. ? +, EI°• 'Yi v .$' ? I ? ;.r ! _ h } A ,? "; ! rM ) 5..? 4 4 T .._t Id a 3 a.J _` } 4 S ' cf . fi t k,h i?r ?' tY ] iKr, se , (? 4t a#? r?qS ?3?vrot{- 3 d t r •. Ry{tro "r ^l t; « Y r e} t?. i ?; t ,? p 1 i 1 IS 7 r 'ir !t r?IA t ° (` l } l J d? r Y` R d { ( F ` ' ,?' r•??r?3ro ? 1y?f $ ! ,r ?S !?j ??fi? '.{+a.^t 7933 ff ! 1 ! rj! ?• JW J O {{ p !?' f? D i `A µ1's q,, ? nF K "f t .? 9 ¢ f l?s ['• J ? a ? ?r?° s? t a5 :' ! . 4 , I ?V .+' °-M Jl t =,Y R .Y _ i? Y F }a?4 ja / N f !• Ni ` ? a f C - y ?? l s AN' . 411 ? q µ t k *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: 2006 NAPP Aerial Photography SCALE 1" = 800' Commercial Analysts LMG Joe Boan q":D MAN VN!1 J?h(1',;P , °,,,..°; ,° , I " °,' Yang Tract: -147 acres - Pender County, NC www.LMGroup.net Aerial Photograph 40-07-549 Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Fax: 910.452.0060 June 2008 P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 "" own Of Surf City <FR17NOV 7 2009 9:76/S7. 9:75/No.7S27205740 P 2 TOWN OF SURF CITY P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CITY, NC 28445 Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 328-4132 http : //surfcity. govoffice. com A. D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Nelva R. Albury, Council Member Michael H. Clyp ?8ftt,*ember Donald R. Helms, Council Member Douglas C. Medlin, Mayor Pro-tem William J. (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member RE: Surf City Commons (Response to DWQ information request) The Town of Surf City supports the development of Sur other large scale retail projects at the intersection of Highway 2 the Towns Position that this area is the most approprl la?atio, development as it is serviced by Surf City water, sewer and is a-' . an area that allows for the service ofall areas beeen.Wilmi North Carolina. The Town believes that this area is mtn these two urban areas. The current zou3ng classification C vr this type'' intense zoning distnct'in Surf City, l anel00,4, ons and all Highway 17. It is as type of ig+wographically in on and Jac regional e between 3 commercial, the most f4eveloument. More importantly Surf City Water and Sewer Liiies ar??u tly uastalled along the frontage of r vva? r lines run.,north on hwiway 17 which would prohibit this property. No watt A- n- !qwe the development of?p ernes nixrth of the Hia$ vay 210/17 intersection:. v ,a9S Parkang soppingeaters of m`frzcess;of 100,000 square feet of floor area are '? ' a ¢d o SSA _-. requtr a minimum of 4 ` ark* ' aces .per 1000 square feet'and a maximum of 5 parking spaces per 1000 square feel,`. 00 0:- ., If you have`Apiy,-:guestions please contact me at 910-328-413 1. Todd J. 7 77