HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010550 Ver 1_Stormwater Approval_20170814ROY COOPER a„��«�����„� MICHAEL 5. REGAN c. „, i<,�, Environmentul S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Quafity no-, � ,,,� August 14, 2017 MEMORANDLIM To: Chris Murray, Division Environmental Officer. NCDOT Division � Throu�h: Amy Chapman, Supervisor, NC Division of Water Resources, Transportation Pemiitting Branch � From: Rob Ridines. Environmental Specialist, Division of Water Resources, Transportation Permitting Branchi�� Subject: R-2809B. NC 98 at Retail Drive Stormwa[er Treatment Chan�es and Modification. (DWR# 20010ii0). NC DWR has received your request da[ed Au,ust 10, Z 107 in which NCDOT Division 5 proposes ro change and modify the method of stormwater trea[ment in the vicinity of NC 98 Bypass at Retail Drive in Wake Forest in Wake Count<. The 98 Bypass project. (TIP R-2809B) was issued under NC DWR Project f�200I05i0, original Wa[er Quality C�nitication dated Feburary 4, 2002 and most recent modification (version 8) da[ed May 31. 201 l. NCDOT submitted a Certiticate of Completion dated July 9, 2012. As s[ated in your request, NCDOT proposes t�o transfer right-of-way (ROW) at [he NC 98 BYP R Retail Drive intersection ro a private developer, MREA Wake Forest, LLC, for the "981 Crossinb" development project. This ROW currendy contains grass swales used for stormwater [reatment for the roadways at this intersection, as required by your J01 Water Quality Certitication for project R-28096. The proposed ROW Vansfer will give MREA Wake Forest, LLC, responsibilit}' for [rea[ing the roadway stormwafer currzntly in the grass swales, for which they will combine with stormwater treatment for [heir own project. as required by the Town of Wake ForesL The proposed trea[ment is a device con[ainin� a sand filrer and detention chamber that meets requirements of the Town's Phase II stormwater permit. The proposed srormwater design is included in your reques[, includine associated calculations tha[ have been verified by NCDOT Nydraulics Unit to adeyua[ely trea[ [he roadway s[ormwater as well as assurance that the comeyance ouHet's runofl'will not result in destabilization of thz riparian buffer at the nearest sveam. Richland Creek. Additionally, the Town of Wake Forest has approved the stonnwater plan as well as the included Stormwater �acility/BMP Operation and Mnintenance A�reement wiUi MRGA Wake 1=orest, LLC, datzd June 30, 2017. NC D W R approves NCDOT's proposed desi�n chanees to this project, and the associated transter of s[ormwater treatmen[ at this intersection as described in your Augus[ IQ 2017 request, to MREA Wake Fbres[, LLC for [he "981 Crossing" project so lone as the followine Conditions con[inue to be mer. I. The srormwater Phase II permit is approved by [he Town of Wake Forest, and condi[ions of the permi[ are continually met and fall within compliance. 3. All conditions of the Stormwater F'acility/BMP Operation and Maintenance Agreement with MREA Wake Forest, LLC, dated June 20, 2017 continues to be tnet and within compliance. 3. If either NCDOT or Town of Wake Forest widen ei[her Retail Drive or NC 98 Bypass, or o[herwise increase roadway surface in the viciniry that results in increase to roadway s[ormwater at this sire, a new stonmvater design, associated permits, and water quality cenification will then likety be required. This memorandum completes NCDW R's review of NCDOT's request dated August 10, 2017 for [he R-2809D stormwater moditication. If you have any questions or concems, please contact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. '�-tioihinc� Compares .. .. Slate ot North Camlina � Environmzntal Quality I bl7 Mail Servicr Cen[er I Raleigh, North Carolina 2 7699-1 61 7