HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010550 Ver 1_OM Agreement 981 Crossing Wake Forest (003)_20170814Town of Wake Forest Example Stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Legal Agreement NORTH CAROLINA STORMWATER FACILITY/ BMP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOWN OF WAKE FOREST AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 30�h day of une, 2017 by and between i1+�R,EA Wake FUrest, LLC, hexein "Permittee" and the Town of Wake Forest, a political Municipality of North Carolina (the "Town"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Town has adopted through the Unified Development Ordinance certain stormwater management regulauons applicable to the property of Permittee located in the Town of Wake Forest, North Carolina and known as �J$1 Crossing ("the Property"), recorded in Plat Book Page , Wake County Registry; and WHEREAS, such regulations, including but not limited to the Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance, Section 12 and Section 15, requite the Permittee to operate and maintain an engineexed stormwater Best Management Practice (BMI') to provide storage and/or treatrnent of stormwater runoff as part of the development of the Pxoperty; and WI IEREAS, Perniittee has constructed an on-site stormwater control structute or series of engineexed stormwater controls (the "Facility") to satisfy the requirements of such tegulations, the boundaries and general description of such Facility being described in Appendi�c A attached hereto and incorporated herein by refeYence; and WI IEREAS, Pe�mittee is, or upon completion thereof shall become, the Owner of the Facility; and WHEREAS, as a condition of the development of the Property, Permittee is required to operate and maintain the Facility in perpetuity in a manner that accomplishes the stoxmwater control and treatment intended, including but not limited to ongoing nutrient reduction and/or peak flow attenuation, and to enter into an agreement with the Town securing that comxnitment; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the appxoval by the Town of the development activities on the Property, the Permittee does hereby covenant and agree with the Town that the Property and Facility shall be held, operated, maintained, and encumbered puxsuant to the covenants and conditions hereinafter set foxth; 1. No eotsve��uce of �a�i.Iity withau[ new A�xeg�_�nt. Permittee covenants and agrees that it will not convey, txansfer, assign, lease or otherwise release or relinquish ownership or control of the Facility, in whole or in part, unless and until the proposed new ownex of the Facility, or any interest therein, has entered into a BMI' Operation and Maintenance Agreement with the Town containing substantially the same terms and conditions as this Agreernent. 2. P�r��}� Qb � ted. A legal descxiption of all the property which is obligated to maintain the Facility is attached hereto as Appendis B. All owners of each lot or parcel therein (or the sole owner if there is but one parcel) at the time the obligation hereundex arises shall be ultimately responsible for compliance by the Pexmittee with the terms, conditions and obligations of the Agreement. Town of Wake Forest Example Stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Legal Agreement 3. O�etatinn and Matt�Eenance. Pertnittee shall operate, maintain, repair, and, if necessary, reconstruct the Facility in accordance with the provisions below: a. Maintenance of the Facility shall be at least in accordance with insttuctions for the specific type of BMPs, as described in StormwaYex Bes[ Manaeemeni Practices ("Manual"], NC Department of Environment and NaturaI Resources (NCDENR�, Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, 1999, including any and all subsequent revisions. At minimum, maintenance activities shall conform to the guidelines contained therein, and shall maintain the Facility as designed fox optimal functioning. For the pxoject named herein, the specific BMP(s) is/axe described in Appendi�c A. An Annual BMP Certific•ation shall be submitted by the Permittee and approved by the Town, accoxding to Town xegulauons. Annually, on or before August 15, the Permittee shall submit to the Town a certification, sealed by a registered Professional Engineer, that the Facility is functioning as intended, plus a cerrification by the person ox entity responsible for maintenance that (1) the specific maintenance acuvities have occurred, (2) all nonroutine maintenance has been listed and (3) that the Operation and Maintenance Plan is adequate to ensure optimal functioning or that changes are recommended. c. A notarized Operation and Maintenanc•e Plan shall be signed by the responsible paxty and submitted to the Town of Wake Forest prior to appxoval of this agreement. Changes to the Operation and Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the BMP Certification, if required to maintain optimal funcuoning of the BMP ox to Yernain in compliance with the maintenance recommendations of the Manual. Proposed changes to the Operation and Maintenance 1'lan axe subject to approval by the Town. Additional information may be required for reporting purposes, as directed by the Town Engineer or designee. d. Landscaping of the area around the Facility shall not reduce the capa Town or hinder operation and maintenance of the Facility, Landscaping shall be maintained to ensure that landscape materials live and prosper. Re-vegetation and stabilizauon of areas may be xequired by the Town Engineer or designee. e. The Facility shall be maintained in a mannex so as to control insects, odors and algae as detexmined necessary by the Town Engineer or designee. f. Any fencing ox other security measures shall be maintained in good condition. If no fencing or security measures are included with the original construction, they shall be added at the Permittee's expense at such time as the Town Engineer or designee determines that unauthorized pexsons are disturbing the Facility and that security measures will help prevent such unauthoxized activity. g. Necessary non-routine maintenance actions shall be perfoxmed in a timely manner so as to ensure continuous pexformance of the Facility. All non-routine maintenance acuvities shall be noted in the next yearly xeport. 4. �ieht�F Insacc�l�y "I'own. The Permittee hereby gxants the Town the right, privilege and easement ovex, upon and across the Property lying between any public street or right of way and the Facility for the puxpose of inspecting, correcting, repairing, replacing or maintaining the Facility as provided in this Agxeement This right, privilege and easement is appuxtenant to and shall run with the Property and Facility. 5. Remedies for Vial�xts o£ this Agreement. a. If the Permittee shall fail to satisfactorily maintain or repair the Facility as set forth herein, or otherwise violates this Agreement, the Town may order the Permittee to undertake necessary actions to correct such violation. If the Permittee fails to comply with such oxder within (30) days from the Town of Wake Forest Example Stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Legal Agreement date thereof, the Town, in its sole discxetion may enter the Property and perEorm all necessary work to place the Facility in pxopex working condiuon. The full cost of performing the work shall be a lien on the property as provided in G.S. 160A-193. In such event, the Town shall assess against Pernzittee all of its xelated costs and expenses (including but not limited to employee time, materials and supplies, vehicle and equipment use, adininistrative expenses, plus all contract costs, if required for repairs, design ox inspection) and the Pexmittee hereby agrees to timely pay the same. Where the Permittee is the sole owner of the development, if this total amount is not paid in full witivn three (3) months of the assessment, then such amount shall be a continuing lien on the Property. Whexe there is more than one owner of record of the Property, and if the total amount is not paid in full to the Town within three (3) months of the assessment, then each owner of xecord shall become personally liable fox such owner's proportionate shaxe of the assessment. If the proportionate shaxe of the assessment is not paid in full by each such ownex within thirty (30) days following receipt of notice thereof from the Town, then such amount shall be a continuing lien on the property owned by each owner, such owner's heixs, devisees, personal tepresentatives, successors and/or assigns. b, The Town shall have the right to bring an action against the Pertnittee and/or each individual ownex to xecovex all sums due, including its expenses, damages and its reasonable attorney fees, seek injunctive and equitable relief, and/or such other and furthex relief as may be just and appropriate. c. The remedies provided by this paragraph are cumulauve and are in addition to any other remedies pxovided by law. 6. ��Waiver ofBreach. In the event of a breach of any term of this Agreement, any delay or failure on the part of the Town to exercise any rights, powers, ox remedies herein pxovided shall not be construed as a waiver thereof or acquiescence of such breach or any future bYeach, 7. Atnendtnedts. This Agreement may be arnended, revised or rnodified only by a written document signed by the parties. 8, B� Effect. The conditions and restrictions set forth herein with regard to the Faeility shall run with the land and shall bind the Permittee and its heirs, successors and assigns and all parties clairrung by, through, or under them shall be taken to hold, agxee, and covenant with the Town, its successoxs and assigns, and with each of them to conForm to, comply with and observe said condirions and xestrictions. The Town shall be deemed a beneficiary of the canditions and restrictions set forth herein and such conditions and restrictions shall run with the land in favox of the Town. 9. WarranCfes of T'ttl�. The Permittee covenants and warrants that it is lawfully seized and possessed of the Facility and real estate described in Appendis B, that it has good right and lawful authority to enter into this Agreement for the purposes herein expressed, and that no consent or waivex by the holder of any martgage, deed of trust, or othex security instrument, ox any other person, firm, or corporation is required prior to entering into this Agreement. 10. Intervretatiau. Use of the masculine gender hexein includes the feminine and neuter, and the singular number used herein shall equally include the plural. The captions preceding the various provisions of this Agreement are for the convenience of reference only, and shall not be used as an aid in interpretation or construction of this Agteement. The laws of North Caxolina shall govern this agreement. 11. e a ili . Invalidation of any one of these covenants or conditions by judgment or order of any court shall in no way affect any of the other provisions, which shall xemain in full force and effect. Town of Wake Forest Example Stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Legal Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this the day and yeax first above written. Property Ownex: MRFA Wake Forest, LLC, a North Caxolina lirnited liability company By: Moseley Real Estate Advisoxs, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, its Member-Manager By: � � _ Name: William K. Moseley Title: Pxesident Address:1100 Kenilwoxth Ave, Suite 210 Chaxlotte, NC 28204 Town of Wake Forest By: Title: 301 South Brooks Street Wake Forest, NC 27587 Town of Wake Forest Example Stormwater BMP Operation antl Maintenance Legal Agreement STATE OF North Caxolina COUNTY OF 11+Iecklen6ux� I, Cannie �-i� $3i�k�1�, a notary public in and fox said county and state, certify that William I�. Moseley personally appeared before me this date and acknowledged that he (or she) is csiden of Mc�se Resel Estate Aduisors, Inc., a corporation, and that he (ox she) as Mem}�er Man�ger, being authoxized to do so, executed the foregoing on behalf of the corporation. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 30th day of une, 2017. � � f Notary Public My CoiYunission Expires: Tuly 15, 2017 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE I, Conni�s H Bt�aitel� �D�iO� PIJt1� State OF NOrth CarOlinct County of Mecklenburg Commission £�i�as 07/15/Q017 a notary public in and for said county and state, certify that (Name) persona]Iy appeared before me this day, stated that he or she is the (Title) of the Town of Wake Forest, a political Township in the State of Narth Carolina, and that by authority duly given may act on behalf of the Town. This the day of , 20_ Notary Public My Coinmission Expires: (SEAL) Town of Wake Forest Example Stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Legal Agreement A�s�endix A De�cription of Pa+�ilit,�! BMPs and Prop� .Uesc�.an Best Management Practices providing stormwater nutrient removal for the subject Propexty idenrified as 981 rossin , approved by the Town of Wake Forest on (date), axe more paxticularly identified as: BMP #1: Undetgtound Sand Filter System as shown on Sheet(s) C-3.0 Grading and Storm Drainage Plan, C- 3.1 Fine Detail Grading and Storm Drainage Plan and C-6.8 Sand Filter Vault Details (attached) and to be maintained by Dxagonfly Pond Warks as described an attached proposal dated June 29, 2017. :,��� `,`O�/� � ��� l,i� j �;��, ti� ��� �/�/i , � y��� ,%"� `` �i� '�'� �` °1l�"�.�4� .� ��'� . .f r f,� 5 �• �, i � , 44'����u�` � /' =� '� ' � fi '- `� � '` , � . �� ' ti�,+'� �� [ �` � ,� � - �7. \`� ,I, ,� � ti� � %� /� � , 7, . 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'.r �,. / , n:,.;. ro. ��,� ' .� �i:1 ��� ,�. � ..-, +�+ StCTIGN A-A " ,,., ' s�',Hr. .E _-�or..,.�. " ...,>� -�.. nsHo�o FAECASi CONCRETE SAND FILT�R �B�NQUT b�TAIL `' C-6.8 -� w� � �, � .. .ME�.ss���A,Es-, Dragonfly Pond Works PO Box 1089 Apex, NC 27502-1089 919-851-0033 Telephone ,"; ' " � ��� ::a 1:���� i6 919-710-8286 Fax � Su6�ittad To Diana Brown Moseley Real Estate Advisors 1100 Kenilworth Avenue, Suite 210 Charlotte, NC 28204 � J9. _�?' al f`Ic�� � Scope F� � ; , . , ry ' `� I�'"�1 N � W� f�K'� Pra;�aat 981 Crossing-Retail Drive 981 Crossing-Retail Drive Wake Forest, NC Thank you for choosing Dragonfly Pond Works to provide this proposal for lake and pond management and enhancements. The foundation of our company is fast response, high quality work, and great customer service. Our original 10 clients from when we started 10 years ago are still with us today. In addition to any site specific service items listed below, our maintenance program includes: • Inspection of the sand and sedimentation chamber • Removal of trash from basin (Max 1, 5 Gal Bucket) • Cleaning and inspecting drain and riser • Monitoring conditions favorable to mosquito habitats and recommended solutions • Visual inspection and digital documentation of condition of important components • Exercising of valve (if applicable and functioning) • Control of unwanted vegetation on inlets, outlets; and spillway structures • 5 pictures of important site components taken each visit and made available to you • Any consulting related to the operation, appearance, safety or compliance of the pond or lake If after reviewing and considering our proposal, you (and anyone else you wish involved), want to meet with me and my to team to clear up any questions, or wish to visit some of our clients properties, please give me a call at 919-851-0033. Stormwater Service Quarterly Quarterly stormwater system maintenance and inspection services. Includes all systems present on site. Visits are in Jan, April, July and October. Does not include pumping out of system or replacement of sand. This would get handled on an as-needed basis. Visik/Year Cost/Visit Total/Year 4 260.00 1,040.00 981 Crossing-Retail Drive �PropoSaV Yv��. 3615� Inspections After 1" or Greater Rain Inspections and maintenance after 1"or Greater Rain Events within 72 hours. Cost is per visit. Total/Year Visit�Year �vstjWisit 240.00 24�F.Llp Total Annual Cost 1,280.00 981 Crossing-Retail Drive Terms & Conditions Proposal No: 3615 Communication Client communication is the core component of our management service, and all management contracts include emailed maintenance logs after each visit. Each maintenance log includes detailed information about your pond including visit date, services performed, and observations made while on-site. Each site visit is documented with 5 pictures of important pond components. These are an important tool used to communicate any future preventative maintenance repairs and catch small problems early. In most cases when repair needs are identified in your maintenance log, you will also receive a repair proposal providing a solution to the problems noted in your report. Additional Services In addition to routine management, Dragonfly Pond Works provides a wide range of additional services to enhance, repair, and beautify your pond. Additional services include: • Offering a full line of Aquamaster fountains, Airmax aeration and Keeton solar aerators • Aquatic and shoreline plantings • Fish stocking (grass carp, mosquito fish, and more) • Erosion control and repair • Pipe and leak repair Pricing based on these assumptions • Monthly service contracts are based on 12 month contracts and will be billed in 12 equal payments on the 15th day of the service month. Seasonal billings will be billed 8 times per year and quarterly contracts will be billed 4 times per year in March, June, Sept. and Dec. As maintenance contracts are sometimes billed prior to the completion of services, payments are due net 30, so that in the event your service visit has not been completed by time of invoicing, you may hold payment until your visit is completed. • Contracts starting after 1/31 will run through the following calendar year. Contracts can be canceled with 60 day prior notice in writing. • Your contract renews automatically in January for an additional year at up to a 4% increase per year. You will be notified of any rate increases prior to September. • If additional work is identified while completing the original scope of work or inspections, repairs can be completed after a separate proposal is submitted and approved. In the event that this contract does not meet your needs, please contact us, and we will adjust the visit schedule accordingly. • Dragonfly Pond Works will have free and unimpeded access to all work locations. • Although we �ontrol most algae, service does not include control of planktonic algae or cyanobacteria. In the event that these blooms occur, we will work with you develop a community wide program to reduce the nutrients in your pond or lake. • Client may, upon written notice to Dragonfly Pond Works, request Dragonfly Pond Works to make changes in the scope of the Work. Dragonfly Pond Works shall thereupon use reasonable efforts to make such changes provided that if any requested changes cause an increase in the cost or time required for Dragonfly Pond Works' performance and delivery, Client shall execute an agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to Dragonfly Pond Works, providing for an equitable adjustment in the compensation payable for the Work and the time for its performance and delivery. This includes additional costs as related to unforeseen permits, fees and changes in required coverages. By: Accepted: Dragonfly Pond Works Date Diana Brown Date Billing Contact & Email Billing Phone Billling Address Town of Wake Forest Example Stormwater BMP Qperation and Maintenance Legal Agreement A�s,�ienid.ix B �tinn nf Pr��ercy tlbligated ro Mai���in St�nranw&ter Fac3�i� Being all of the Propexty known as �$;1 Crc�ssu�, reca�ded in Boc�k Page , VC/ake County Registr�. \I”! ,r.l�' ?�IL'+ iQZ'a2kPJY�C3Qll�.nLl�:dCsV..�:.IL•SL:tPil] . � w r[wem� _wwm� ww^w�� wb aete�'nW y4r e�+wve�t'� ��� a+nvw r n� wwfwVyu nr �w Ww+r�.��PK�' �� W r[a Q 4MK✓I . �er n�rie w Cn ie tm). me ra! 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