HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003468_Proposed Fish Tissue/Ambient Sampling Plan_20170801® IDIUNE @1ake,'Em yQahWImM-Hot IEam e ar( am�tbim�nll ( CrJ� li[rom N BRR N, r5 , tFt EdWACOI Amgpe r 11„ 20117 RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR AUG 0 9 2017 W. . CWmdii Ef�vr�ll�v/„ 0hjWf Wad& S—de iba Mlmdh Camilmua DepaTtimnermtt off Emwn'monneftadl GuW t�/ Water Quality Permitting Section Dawnd�xni of 1�/ad�r Resources 116211 MWII S)ffwnsce (GG,ermL-S fRiadIi0ft, MbrM Cardlinra 27' 11E211 Mir.. Affif Dell w&dim4s,, fFi k)s Bidb jid HlmxMh Cavdime Depaurtrm►>mit d EinUiiMmn> II QuralWY/ Diwmejan of Water Resources 116211 fA WII Serw be Center RaAleiig , ffylorM Cardiinaa 2// -116211 SuNectt;: Duke Energy Card5inas, LLC Darns Rmay (arrrubinedl CVdIe StEMiorrn- INGM0466- RodQ ngihsmn Coumlj Proposed NPDES Fish liisu a and Ammlfen t Sampfling Man Dear W., KarrolV.: Endbsed s Duke, Energy Carolliws, LLC NPDES SainmpAing Man.. This p1lan has been prepared and is being sufb�� � ,rtted in accard'ance wit mi n,d,ibon. X1\(24') of NPDES perm -if NG00013468 for the Daum River Combined Gy/clle Station. Dake Energy appreciates your review of this study proposall. As req uiked by the permiit, uipon approvali by the Division, the sfudV p1lan w119 become an eM'orceablle part of the NPDES permit, PIlease direct any correspondence, or questions concerning the sturdy proposal to.- Dana o.Dana Newcomb, NPDES ORG and Ennwriironrmroentail Professional fforr Dan River Combined Gide Statuonv phone 336 635-3106, emnlaill dlanampwoommbOdu ke-energy .comm w Joyce Dishmorn, PennMiffing and, Compliance a SNI.IE-. phone 226 523-5239, mina l joyce. dist` morn C dutke-ernergy.comrn Reid Garrett, Lead Environmental Scienfist at our North Carolina Regional dicey phone 519 546-5 434, email reid.garmett6dlu ke-enerrgyf.comn I cerb� ; under Pena ty of lacy; that this document and e17 a ffachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directy responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. d�c"111'�Yitt�Xll',�; �k"dUil�C$i �i�Xfl'�;tt�>)� UTila�lC'f' ©Jami River Co`i i 1%YU ed Cyeal ie) S7tiatlpi (}� ti�C��gl�. � � i 1�3�i t 1 CD -11 S�altilbvm Mocha ien is I1�KC EF.CQ� C(C : Seirg )II chl eamllkm/ Aulk, Gtt�jb joy/m, Dlshlfi{i!1m, I Byjm FaU?YrtMS Swim 11.0 fa ifrochievion .......................................................... 2-0) sive" pc-saiodilaff% and[&D4ph4at( 3.0 Taxpot splerim ................................................... 4.0 Fidd Saimupl6img Mrod4od ..................... -5.0) lalkitalibity/ Fltormiag, 2midl Ella, 6.0 Dalt at AmW�pi& and Repadmg-,. 7.0 Rgriblemns ............................................................... of cowleuts RINK ........1.1 ................2, ILcoxgam ..................................................................... ........................ ............... . .................. ........................................................ --'- ............. ................ ...I., I. ............................................................................................ veniLsAmiallysik .................... -,- ............................................. .............................. ........... ........................4, \4 fiitlmsmmm a>mi sift" funs ppxouttiabIle fiiut mimm, UnAli fink Iliislhl ldholl sIhmy law s4mis of d'�l�xtiiaaxta�sliioxnt wviildl bt, ItutannmAt llmr almuidysik Hsslhl tdh>aut lt,;, 1 vuandb; daut ffiddt admv xaltanuuuaufXl wdl ►ntott bv: Itellaiim)Co. Salmuple" lys,. wvigdl wii0hl swmaplle hoemi iomamdsaaTedalde,. Akmiffllauty dblut wviildt In exow�val dhnatiung Cavdlhi dltiip iunvlludki g' &"S I\vedl Gmyzvm„ anmdl slpz iiftiied mxdho x(ii\viitty ffim"Dl tdhc mdtfii vz Of a��adhl Mum1plbag lloxcval6aan>.. Qdhmr yam\vihttt�Inunnl amttfadl evmtdfiittitalm wviff UC Iteoult bAt dmatiimg Caxcdht munmpllamg mtitoxdt wird ate Ilii\vefr llllomv QxomxdGuatazlnlss ((dli -d' hlasg baLwAt mi tdhe jaiaautir- l Ul �S'•. clmllog imll smanvey unLvimr- s a�tiia m „ and[ wmaadhnr ccxMtdfii61(mmss also a auto>lpxtitauiu .. a, �Lt m�rt�y l c�i Hadi AN t1iiiJbl wviildl 111Ice ptomLwAt iuot dlhc 166 m, 1P' ingem ((DEPqy tme dln►ute Nfl- 09107/ ((atPnOvexdl SOP oml ltiillle wviidiht NCCDfF Q ammo cculsawdly aloldt ttltaucbmavi[ mumplIes wviiilll lbxe tto alt. lfitcolml tdhxe Iua6mirafi(my.. (woad y off uihurltyut« h dic Luse co�lf It�f11�" [C' dns s�u►tce dauatdlautdL ID)u bt" IE►MEY If®Ir two yeauts5 rim t 1b e mcemut tdh 6-0 Dagm Am, aAysis m&cel Repar g A\iI .w licc, mmsr;mmiry, amid colala a=oirdLauaw with agpliplllnceall ite NPDE S pe aunudl col(Rcellulsiicinis will lbe gyffWiaurtedt aumdt a tppltitcaliion ,is Erequiured by the ciuulrceamt N 7.,0 Refereum Duke IEhi trgy.. '20115., Daml FUNver Ash FEE, Norah, Carolina.. AmM( sfs doxty 1161- ImIadlss aumalilpiss amxoitulba ttau Nike fEtiauratmy ' IMM lEt ballrmltt AldlonmihWitiuntq ILatlbxo�►taut�lty IP'Ettozca�dhnutu xr) iictylta iccalll ILa>?b0italffity CClcmtttiidiia a><tiiomt NMQ.. Sauajpllt ti[bumnreall ulssiumgny mEtlfouASumll�p�tt "untdblr Ilabotmdalty DLatttat„ iff• agppllica6lle, will lbxe am-muted `d['lhxe IWID <aiiunti6mZ skauamlpIC wvillll he aattelhlimedl amid kept by It uce-mamdlpji; i& mtcxdbdL. mis ►reluulttiimig firavmnl tdh aumcatlys wv►dlll be re pvIrttceall iam ,A\ Iaep on wviidlht tdhtce ssauMp Iliumg, mntce ffiiadl-, d- Im matadtysk, ttttedl uipaml tlhae: sunit luncent NPDES peInmuiit maewvalq p rmak NIC00,034694 l{ irwiiatolm mk( m9adt hmipacc;t Asssessimieni Study Hami.. New United States Envi<omur viitia,l Protection A' e -en .y (US EP',A\).. 2,00. Guidance for assessing cethendccal contaminant dada lhtr u�sz, ii►rn t, sin amdlt�ii�tr7Ec�':w, vol. 1. �Fi¢th sang rp" and ana.lys!s' ttMard edition. EPA 9237B-00-00-/. EPA, Office of Watch. &sfiingttan1,, DCC'. Zak, AV, ®IL Pamrislu, and TM Sutton, American Fisheries Society. Betluc mm. 20 q 2. Hislheu•ies techniques, third edition. MD. f "T' ::1mJ. '-TIM,1 DAN IUWR COMBINED CYCIE, 201' ,Mm FREQ U NC Y ,lam AA Tywo ejvtjueut& (Clu c p»ar a d6ao&w ataa f3., D., and L FiMi i(sw akmv �,,vw►dAy �AAW d6IL4Udls ) ftm, mwer om�j Lwjjjw4w- i lk� Aires E AMS 8 Mzn, Fb"r M Fumv Dm Mai Toace Ekmtlrd SampbV Aims f40RDM.CAAOI:MM.. 0! &5 4 rkin L