HomeMy WebLinkAbout9b Chromate Removal Plant Part 2_20170726IWC-13-14 Chromate Removal at the Hanford Site (Part 2) James P Hanson, U.S. DOE, Richland Operations Office Chuck Miller, CHPRC Kristine Ivarson, North Wind, Inc. Naomi Bland, U.S. DOE, Richland Operations Office Dean Neshem, CHPRC Peter Meyers, ResinTech, Inc. Keywords: chromate, groundwater remediation, Hanford Site, hexavalent chromium, ion exchange ABSTRACT It's been more than two years since the first weak base units were installed at the Hanford Site. These units are now approaching 200,000 bed volumes throughput on the lead vessels. All the remaining systems have been successfully converted from strong base to weak base resin. Not a single resin replacement has been necessary to date. This paper chronicles the modifications needed for the switch from strong base to weak base resin and provides operating data for the various systems. Additional data regarding the pH sensitivity and relationship between pH, flow rate and chromate leakage is also presented. 1 IWC-13-14 INTRODUCTION In the two years that have passed since the last report, the three remaining chromate groundwater pump and treat remediation systems at the Hanford site have all been converted from strong base anion resin to weak base anion resin. The transition has been smooth and very cost effective. The first system to use weak base anion resin, DX, still has the original resin in service (startup December, 2010). The lead beds are nearing 200,000 bed volumes of throughput and around 6 lbs. of chromium (as Cr) per cu. ft. The successful performance of the weak base resin has been duplicated at four other groundwater pump and treat remediation facilities at the site. These weak base anion resin remediation systems were placed into service to meet two goals: the first is to protect the Columbia River from groundwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium, and the second, to cleanup the groundwater to meet drinking water standards within the aquifer. To accomplish these goals, now that startup operations have been completed at these facilities, the focus has transitioned from construction/ implementation to optimization of the systems including extracting groundwater from contaminant "hot spots," providing more uniform capture along the shoreline of the Columbia River as well as mass 2 removal from within the aquifer. These sites along the Columbia River are unique creating many pump and treat operational challenges including transient river stage effects due to upstream dams used to control potential flooding, energy generation, and ecologic habitat protection. These challenges are all considered in the operations of the pump and treat remediation systems, and evaluated frequently within an annual reporting period to maximize the rate at which chromium is removed from the groundwater, minimizing the operating costs associated with remediation. To accomplish the goals above, the DOE's decision to convert from strong base anion resin to weak base anion resin will allow DOE to meet its groundwater cleanup goals in a reasonable period of time. Specifically, the use of the SIR-700' weak base anion resin has been a substantial contributor to DOE's remediation success. OF HISTORICAL NOTE The Hanford site, located in eastern Washington State, was chosen in 1943 as part of the Manhattan project for 1 1 SIR-700 is a special epoxy polyamine granular weak base resin with a secondary capture mechanism for chromium. Not all weak base resins exhibit this removal capability. To avoid possible commercial conflicts, further references will refer to this resin as a "special weak base resin" IWC-13-14 production of plutonium for nuclear weapons (figure 1). The site was chosen, because it was close to the established electrical infrastructure from the Grand Coulee Dam, was sparsely populated, considered stable geologically and had a large amount of water available from the Columbia River used in cooling the nuclear reactors Residents of the small communities of White Bluffs and Hanford were given 30 days to move from their homes. The initial reactor went from design to completion in 13 months. The B reactor was the world's first plutonium production facility. It had a graphite core, 2004 process tubes and flowed 186,000 gallons per minute of cooling water. (Hanford Story video, 2011). Over the years, additional reactors were built. A total of 8 single pass reactors were constructed and operated at Hanford between 1944 and 1971, all using the same once through cooling and sodium dichromate as a corrosion inhibitor. Much of the land surrounding the Hanford site is very porous. Leakage of concentrated sodium dichromate from underground piping and other accidental spillage resulted in substantial quantities of chromate finding its way into the soil and gradually moving downward through the soils into the groundwater and impacting the Columbia River. 3 Figure 1 CHROMIUM CONTAMINATION Hexavalent chromium on the Hanford site is primarily found near the reactor sites. It is estimated that a 0.75 km2 (0.29 mil had contamination at concentrations greater than 100 pg/L. (DOE/RL-2011-01 ) Peak concentrations of 69,700 pg/L were measured near the 105-D and 105-DR reactors in 2010. An area over 8 km2 (3 sq miles) had contamination above 20 pg/L. Control of the contaminant plumes is accomplished using a combination of extraction wells and injection wells, along with periodic realignment of wells. Contaminated groundwater is extracted from near the Columbia River and pumped to the ion exchange facility for treatment. Following treatment, the water is sent to a series of injection wells upgradient of the plume. Injection water drives the contaminants toward the extraction wells to accelerate remediation. The plume maps from 2009 to 2012 clearly show the effectiveness of the treatment process. The chromate plume IWC-13-14 and concentrations have already been very significantly reduced. FxI2009 Hexe 1-Chromium ""-'- Ltw elver gage T� _ L_ �. t�F �-�• R„ ..« �°e ... �.v@ ...ems Fe112012 Hexavelem Chromium" -'- Law gives gnge ` 4 --------------- ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT DESIGN All of the Ion exchange vessels for chromium treatment initially employed the following design philosophy. The systems were modular, utilizing groups of four vessels or "trains" rated at 100 gpm. To expand capacity, additional trains are added rather than changing the size of the vessels. Each vessel holds 80 ft3 capacity for ion exchange resin. Each of the four vessels could assume any part of a train, the positions being lead, lag 1, lag 2, and polish configuration. The position of each vessel was determined by manual valving. Each unit could also be bypassed. 0 The original four -bed systems were developed for strong base anion resin used for chromate removal. The strong base resins worked well and provided predictable results, but had limited throughput resulting in frequent resin change outs. Regeneration of the strong base anion resin was problematic, requiring a high level of regulatory scrutiny prior to shipping off -site, plus considerable manpower. These costs and difficulties were the drivers behind the switch to weak base anion resin. The original design concept has proven not only to be a predictable and forgiving IWC-13-14 system, it also lends itself nicely to modifications in operation and has allowed doubling the capacity of the units by splitting them in into two smaller units consisting only of lead and lag vessels. Consistency in the vessel design between facilities allows for operational flexibility, since the operators can switch between facilities without extensive retraining. With the new resin, resin change outs have been essentially eliminated. The chromium leakage from the lead vessel is predictable and increases very slowly over time. The leakage from the lag vessel is much below the current 20 ppb regulatory limit set by the site, and in fact is generally down close to or below the limit of detection (approximately 1 ppb with current colorimetric analysis methods). This has allowed the option of decoupling the lag 2 and polish vessels and using them as a second lead lag pair, essentially doubling the size of each facility. This modification results in large increases in facility throughput, with almost no additional operating cost. THE QUESTION OF pH ADJUSTMENT One of the activities that influences the operating costs has been the need to reduce the pH at the inlet of the trains to approximately 5.5. This pH was initially chosen because it allows the secondary capture mechanism to occur rapidly, even when the inlet chromium levels are relatively high. The exceptional capacity of the resin is due to more than simple ion exchange. Testing showed the special weak base resin had more than an order 5 of magnitude greater capacity than any of the other resins tested. (Neshem, 2010) The capture mechanism is ion exchange, followed by reduction within the resin matrix and covalent bonding of trivalent chromium inside the resin matrix. This hybrid property is both flow and pH sensitive in that the rate, at which chromate is reduced to trivalent chrome, is slower at higher pH. Early tests done with actual site water demonstrated the pH sensitivity but because they were static (equilibrium) tests they did not demonstrate time related effects. Table 5. Results of SIR-700 pH Evaluation Chromium Solution (pH) Absorption (mg) Relative Capacity 5.0 57,0 1,00 5.5 44.3 0.78 6.0 43.6 0.77 6.5 24.3 0A3 7.0 17.5 0.31 8.0 11.2 0.20 It should be clearly understood that not all weak base resin have this secondary capture mechanism. In particular, the styrenic macroporous type weakly basic anion resins show capacities no higher and in some cases lower than the original strong base anion resins used. ResinTech originally recommended an operational pH of 5 to 5.5 to optimize resin performance to achieve the greatest longevity and increase hexavalent chromium treatment performance of the IWC-13-14 weak base anion resins. Based on performance criteria, PRC recommended acidification and neutralization to optimize resin performance and ensure minimal impacts to aquifer chemistry and injection well performance. Therefore, the DX and HX P&T systems incorporated acidification and neutralization processes within their designs. Based on the excellent special weak base anion resin performance at DX P&T facility (based on 1 year of operational data) and preliminary test results at KWest P&T facility (also operating with special weak base anion resin), PRC recommended to operate KX and KR-4 at lower pH and not neutralize the effluent stream; similar to ongoing testing at the KWest P&T system. This recommendation was different from specifications, design criteria, and design as implemented at DX and HX (100-HR-3 OU) P&T. As monitoring had not been performed at the KWest system to assess any longer -term impacts to groundwater and potential mobilization of other COCs that might require additional treatment with increased cost, additional groundwater monitoring was recommended. At the KWest Pump & Treat systems, additional pH testing and associated groundwater monitoring was implemented to assess the potential impacts identified and documented within PRC SGW Report. As a result, recent monitoring has documented a decreasing groundwater pH trend resulting in an increase in Sr90 mobility. This outcome was expected at this location. Decreased pH results in increased solubility of CaCO3. Calcium n ion competes for Sr90 sites in the groundwater matrix, resulting in an increase in Sr90 mobility and higher levels of Sr90 in the groundwater. Again, this was an expected consequence of reducing the pH in the aquifer. At the KWest location, due to the low groundwater concentrations of Sr90 (maximum of -50 pic/I a significant distance away), the degree of mobilization of Sr90 does not appear to be of significant concern. In addition the Pump & Treat system includes an active, robust, groundwater extraction network, which captures and recirculates any mobilized Sr90. Downstream Sr90 concentrations are well below groundwater regulatory criteria. The KWest P&T is an optimal testing location to show impacts of pH on the groundwater chemistry with little impacts to the aquifer at this location at this time. However, the results of the KWest test clearly indicate that alteration of the groundwater chemistry through pH adjustment may not be compatible at locations with known high concentrations of Sr90 due to the increased solubility of calcium and consequent increased mobilization of Sr90 in the groundwater. Due to this uncertainty, DOE provided PRC with Pump & Treat effluent limits on pH of 6.7 for KX and KR-4 in order to minimize potential impacts to the aquifer and avoid risk of potential mobilization of Sr90 and other contaminants of concern. IWC-13-14 The special weak basic anion resins have been operating at the KX and KR-4 Pump & Treat systems for more than 1 year at feed pH of 6.7 without neutralization. Performance has been cost effective and treatment performance has been excellent even at the higher than vendor recommended operating pH range (6.7 vs. 5.0 to 5.5). PRC is continuing to maintain the pH at —6.7 at the influent tank prior to treatment with no downstream pH neutralization TESTING OF THE SPECIAL WEAK BASE RESIN AT HIGHER pH RANGES The special weak base resin has been demonstrated to operate at a pH of 5.0 to 5.5 at both Hanford and at Boomsnub and to provide greatly increased throughput compared to strong base anion resins. The Boomsnub facility in Vancouver, WA, which treats groundwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium, has deviated from these optimal conditions. This facility initially operated the resins within the range recommended by the vendor, but modified the process due to longevity and performance achieved with the resins. The facility no longer acidifies due to groundwater pH being 6.0 and the resulting effluent after treatment of 7.5 pH. The facility achieves effluent performance standards and discharges via a State of Washington discharge permit. Based on the above example, operation with KR-4 and KX Hanford groundwater has been tested over the past year with 7 slight acidification (to pH 6.7). This ensures that the resins continue to remove chromium well beyond the capacity of a strong base resin. The exact capacity is unknown because the resins are not yet exhausted. KX has been in service for approximately 1 year thus avoiding replacement costs associated with over 50 strong base resin bed change outs (April 2011 thru April 2012). There have been additional cost savings associated with characterization/sampling, transportation, and regenerations associated with the use of strong base anion resins over the same time frame. The testing indicates that operation at a higher pH value around 6.7 has been a cost effective solution. TESTING TO EXTEND THE SPECIAL WEAK BASE RESIN LONGEVITY AND PERFORMANCE To attempt to extend the longevity of the resins, PRC followed their vendor recommendation and developed two resin acid "conditioning" processes. The first process consists of a "no flow" method to increase reaction time for hexavalent chromium reduction within the resin granules. The second process consists of a "soak" step where the resin is allowed to soak in a lower pH solution, then is returned to operation at a higher pH. These methods have been shown to improve longevity and re-establish lower effluent leakage of chromium. IWC-13-14 The acid "conditioning" process temporarily lowers each vessel's pH environment to accelerate the hexavalent chromium conversion process (reduction) and decrease chromium leakage, thus maintaining acceptable groundwater discharge limits at a significantly higher net operating pH. At pH of 6.7, effluent hexavalent chromium concentrations after —1 year's use from individual lead vessels were increasing from non detectable to 3-8 ppb (hexavalent chromium) and sometimes up to 10 ppb. The special weakly basic anion resins were treating concentrations of approximately 30 ppb. The first method allows resins to "sit" with "no flow" through them for a period of time to allow the hexavalent chromium on the resin surface to convert to trivalent chromium. This phenomenon was experienced at KWest P&T when the resin trains were split to increase throughput. Prior to splitting, the effluent concentrations were increasing from the effluent of the lead vessel. By taking the resins offline (no flow through the vessels), the resins had time for the secondary capture mechanism to convert available hexavalent chromium on the surface of the resin to trivalent chromium and for the trivalent chromium to precipitate inside the resin granules. As a result of non-use for a period of time, the effluent concentration from the lead vessels were reduced from approximately 8 ppb to the typical effluent values encountered at start-up, which typically were 1 ppb or less (measurement E obtained using a Hach Test method by field operators with a detection limit of approx 1 ppb). The second method is an "acid conditioning" method implemented early in March, 2013. This method temporarily decreases the pH through the vessels to accelerate the conversion of hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium. Acid conditioning re-establishes low effluent concentrations of hexavalent chromium for discharge to groundwater. The reduced pH was run through treatment trains D, E, and F at full flow (100 gpm/train or combined flow rate of 300 gpm) and was expected to set up an environment within the vessels to accelerate the reduction of hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium and the consequent precipitation of trivalent chromium. Increasing the rate at which hexavalent chromium converts to trivalent chromium and precipitates inside the resin matrix decreases the concentration of total chromium exiting each vessel, enhancing the weak base anion resin performance. This process is expected to increase the allowable pH and extend the life expectancy of each of the vessels containing the special weak base anion resins. Hexavalent chromium and pH are monitored to identify when hexavalent chromium concentrations within the first vessel drops to near non -detect levels and pH is monitored to determine when the buffering capacity of the lead vessel has occurred so that the effluent discharged to the aquifer sees a minimal pH impact. IWC-13-14 This pH was reduced to between 5.0 and 5.5. The total test took approximately 2 days to implement and run. Upon completion the influent tank was adjusted back to pH of 6.7 and trains A, B, and C flows were maximized to the optimal flow (100 gpm) with flows decreased through the other trains (D, E, and F) to 50 gpm. During this process, sampling frequency from each vessel was increased to daily. Both pH and hexavalent chromium measurements are taken to ensure that effluent values meet discharge limits prior to re -injection to groundwater. Increasing flow rates from trains A, B, and C and decreasing the flow rates of D, E, and F minimize the effect of the pH wave (buffering capacity of the conditioned vessels) through dilution of the D, E, and F trains. Trains A, B, and C were conditioned according to the same process outlined above upon completion of trains D, E, and F. As a result of pH "conditioning," hexavalent chromium values decreased from the lead vessels to 1 ppb. The resulting pH injected to groundwater was lowered temporarily for a short duration due to the buffering effect of the resin which climbs back to normal effluent operating pH range (near pH 7.0). The process time frame for "conditioning" of all 6 KX treatment trains is approximately 15 days. Although there appears to be a minimal impact to the aquifer, evaluation of potential waste site locations in proximity to injection wells and groundwater monitoring may be warranted. This aspect 9 is of greater concern for injection wells associated with KR-4 P&T due to injection well impacts on waste sites associated with KE Reactor Area. However, these would be short duration transient events within the aquifer and may be noted by PRC groundwater analysts to potentially explain anomalous groundwater monitoring results associated with less mobile constituents. Overall, the resin "conditioning" test shows near -term success; success criteria include re-establishing/decreasing the hexavalent chromium vessel effluent concentrations and minimizing effect of pH changes to the aquifer. Continued monitoring of vessel effluent concentrations over a longer period of time will provide input to assess the applicability of the test as a means to extend the life expectancy of the weak base anion resins. Based on these results, both methods, "no -flow" and "acid conditioning" of treatment trains may be viable methods to extend the life of the weak base anion resins, while operating the pH above vendor recommended levels. Additional monitoring will be required to fully assess degree of performance extension, cost effectiveness and assess impacts to groundwater as a result of the process. The following is a recap of the excellent performance data from the various sites. IWC-13-14 The DX site was placed on line in fall 2010. a z DX Site Bed volume data 2012 and 2013 DX Site Chromate Leakage pH55 Other sites now operate at pH approximately 6.7 and there is additional test work being done to determine if even higher pH can be tolerated provided resin conditioning steps are employed. 10 KW Site Chromate leakage pH 6.7 °me KX Chromate Inlet leakage pH = 6.7 { ♦ M Y °mo vss �u uss .rss rss mn: ssn: �ss yss yss vss IWC-13-14 H%Chromate leakage plus change in feed pH from 5.5 to 6.5 wm�mmm- -m---ma- -i71' 1C7[ fflm-mm- MHEM000100MMMMMONINIM MMiMIFAIWA MlM MMMOMMINIM MMMMMM1!'!M .. MWOMMM1UM CLOSURE Over the last two years, considerable optimization of the various chromate removal systems has been performed, resulting in very significant performance improvements and cost reductions. Most of the trains have been reconfigured from four -beds into dual -beds (lead lag). The pH of the feed has been increased to 6.7 at most facilities without significant deterioration in leakage or reduction in resin longevity. The latest pH condition steps have been able to reduce chromate leakage from the lead vessels with very little labor. CH2M HILL estimates more than 600 resin changes have been avoided in the last 2.5 years in groundwater treatment facilities along the Columbia River, more than $6 million in cost savings. 11