HomeMy WebLinkAbout8 Water Research Foundation Bench Scale Removal Options for Hex Chrome_201707261 Water Research Foundation - advancing the science of water Bench -Scale Evaluation of Alternative Cr(VI) Removal Options for Small Systems Project #4561 Bench -Scale Evaluation of Alternative Cr(VI) Removal Options for Small Systems m Water Research Foundation advancing the science of water About the Water Research Foundation The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is a member -supported, international, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that sponsors research that enables water utilities, public health agencies, and other professionals to provide safe and affordable drinking water to consumers. WRF's mission is to advance the science of water to improve the quality of life. To achieve this mission, WRF sponsors studies on all aspects of drinking water, including resources, treatment, and distribution. Nearly 1,000 water utilities, consulting firms, and manufacturers in North America and abroad contribute subscription payments to support WRF's work. Additional funding comes from collaborative partnerships with other national and international organizations and the U.S. federal government, allowing for resources to be leveraged, expertise to be shared, and broad -based knowledge to be developed and disseminated. From its headquarters in Denver, Colorado, WRF's staff directs and supports the efforts of more than 800 volunteers who serve on the board of directors and various committees. These volunteers represent many facets of the water industry, and contribute their expertise to select and monitor research studies that benefit the entire drinking water community. Research results are disseminated through a number of channels, including reports, the Website, Webcasts, workshops, and periodicals. WRF serves as a cooperative program providing subscribers the opportunity to pool their resources and build upon each other's expertise. By applying WRF research findings, subscribers can save substantial costs and stay on the leading edge of drinking water science and technology. Since its inception, WRF has supplied the water community with more than $460 million in applied research value. More information about WRF and how to become a subscriber is available at www.WaterRF.org. Bench -Scale Evaluation of Alternative Cr(VI) Removal Options for Small Systems Prepared by: Jeffrey L. Parks, Anurag Mantha, and Marc Edwards Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Sunil Kommineni and Yongki Shim KIT Professionals, Inc., Houston, TX 77042 and Katie Porter and Greg Imamura Arcadis US, Inc., Irvine, CA 92618 Sponsored by: Water Research Foundation 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235 Published by: ��1 Water Research � Foundation- DISCLAIMER This study was funded by the Water Research Foundation (WRF). WRF assumes no responsibility for the content of the research study reported in this publication or for the opinions or statements of fact expressed in the report. The mention of trade names for commercial products does not represent or imply the approval or endorsement of WRF. This report is presented solely for informational purposes. Copyright © 2017 by Water Research Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise utilized without permission. ISBN 978-1-60573-286-2 Printed in the U.S.A. 1601LI _Y_MY_ -.1 LISTOF TABLES........................................................................................................................ vii LISTOF FIGURES....................................................................................................................... xi FOREWORD................................................................................................................................ xv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.......................................................................................................... xvii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................... xix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 1 Background and Project Motivation................................................................................... 1 Treatment Techniques for Cr(VI)....................................................................................... 1 Overview of Previous Research.......................................................................................... 2 Research Approach for this Study...................................................................................... 3 Task 1 — Bench -Scale Screening Tests................................................................... 4 Task 2 — Small -Scale Column Tests....................................................................... 5 Task 3 — Practical Application of Results............................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2: SCREENING OF ION EXCHANGE RESINS AND MEDIA ............................... 7 Ion Exchange Resins and Media Included in this Study ..................................................... 7 ParticipatingUtilities.......................................................................................................... 8 AnalyticalMethods............................................................................................................. 8 MetalsConcentrations............................................................................................ 8 Hexavalent Chromium Concentration.................................................................... 8 Anionic Species Concentrations............................................................................. 8 Total Organic Carbon Concentration...................................................................... 8 Alkalinity................................................................................................................ 8 Development of Adsorption Isotherms............................................................................... 9 Water Quality Characteristics................................................................................. 9 Cr(VI) Removal Results for Iron -Based Media .................................................... 10 Cr(VI) Removal Results for Strong Base Anionic (SBA) Resins ........................ 12 Cr(VI) Removal Results for Weak Base Anionic (WBA) Resins ........................ 13 Effect of Media on Other Water Quality Parameters ............................................ 14 Results for Adsorption Isotherm Parameters........................................................ 16 Effect of Competing Solutes on Hexavalent Chromium Removal ................................... 19 Sulfate................................................................................................................... 19 Silicon................................................................................................................... 21 Chloride................................................................................................................. 22 Alkalinity.............................................................................................................. 24 OrganicCarbon..................................................................................................... 25 Nitrate................................................................................................................... 27 v CHAPTER 3: WATER QUALITY IMPACTS ON RESINS AND MEDIA PERFORMANCE............................................................................................................. 29 Materialsand Methods...................................................................................................... 29 Small -Scale Column Tests.................................................................................... 29 LeachingTests...................................................................................................... 30 Results............................................................................................................................... 31 Baseline Test (Gravity Fed).................................................................................. 31 High Sulfate Test (Gravity Fed)........................................................................... 31 Medium Sulfate Test (Pressure System)............................................................... 32 Medium Sulfate Test with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System)........... 33 Medium Sulfate Test Repeated with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System)..................................................................................................... 36 High Sulfate Test with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System) ................ 41 Low Sulfate Test with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System) ................. 46 Summary of Chromatographic Peaking Results ................................................... 50 TCLPTest............................................................................................................. 50 California Waste Extraction Test.......................................................................... 51 CHAPTER 4: FULL SCALE APPLICATIONS GUIDANCE .................................................... 53 Candidate Treatment Technologies.................................................................................. 53 Weak Base Anion (WBA) Exchange.................................................................... 53 Strong Base Anion (SBA) Exchange.................................................................... 64 Granular Iron Media (GIM).................................................................................. 91 Reverse Osmosis(RO).......................................................................................... 93 Reduction Coagulation Filtration (RCF).............................................................. 94 CHAPTER 5: HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM TREATMENT DESIGN AND COSTING TOOL................................................................................................................................ 97 InputParameters............................................................................................................... 97 ProcessSelection.............................................................................................................. 98 Description of Calculations............................................................................................. 100 CHAPTER 6: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.................................................................. 103 Summary......................................................................................................................... 103 Conclusions..................................................................................................................... 103 CHAPTER 7: RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................................... 107 Recommendations for Future Work................................................................................ 107 Recommendations for Utilities....................................................................................... 107 REFERENCES........................................................................................................................... 109 ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................... III vi TABLES 1.1 Experimental concentrations of competing solutes.................................................................. 5 2.1 Media tested.............................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Raw water quality parameters................................................................................................. 10 2.3 Cr(VI) removal using iron -based media................................................................................. 11 2.4 Cr(VI) removal using SBA media.......................................................................................... 13 2.5 Cr(VI) removal using WBA media......................................................................................... 14 2.6 Sulfate, chloride, and nitrate concentrations after 24 hours of contact time ........................... 15 2.7 Silicon, iron, manganese, uranium, and arsenic concentrations after 24 hours of contact time................................................................................................................................... 16 2.8 Summary of Freundlich isotherm parameters......................................................................... 18 2.9 Nominal concentrations of competing solutes tested in this study ......................................... 19 3.1 Summary of chromatographic peaking of arsenic and nitrate ................................................ 50 3.2 TCLP chromium concentrations............................................................................................. 51 3.3 TCLP results expressed in terms of media loading................................................................ 51 4.1 Strengths and weaknesses of WBA process........................................................................... 55 4.2 WBA treatment design criteria............................................................................................... 55 4.3 Capital cost opinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin .................................. 60 4.4 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin ..................................... 61 4.5 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin ..................................... 62 4.6 O&M cost opinion for Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin .................................................... 63 4.7 Strengths and weaknesses of SBA process............................................................................. 66 4.8 Design criteria for SBA resin treatment using single -pass series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters........................................................................................................... 67 vii 4.9 Design criteria for SBA resin treatment using series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters.............................................................. 67 4.10 Design criteria for SBA resin treatment using parallel operation with onsite regeneration....................................................................................................................... 68 4.11 Capital cost opinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50mg/L) waters.................................................................... 79 4.12 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters................................................................... 80 4.13 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters................................................................... 81 4.14 Capital cost opinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters ....................... 82 4.15 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters ....................... 83 4.16 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters ............................... 84 4.17 Capital cost opinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration.................................................................................................... 85 4.18 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation withonsite regeneration.................................................................................................... 86 4.19 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration.................................................................................................... 87 4.20 O&M cost opinion for Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters................................................................................... 88 4.21 O&M cost opinion for Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters ......................................... 89 4.22 O&M cost opinion for Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration....................................................................................................................... 90 4.23 Strengths and weaknesses of GIM process........................................................................... 92 4.24 Strengths and weaknesses of RO treatment process............................................................. 94 viii 4.25 Strengths and weaknesses of RCF process........................................................................... 96 ix FIGURES 2.1 Visible iron particles after 24 hours of contact with Cleanit®-LC media .............................. 12 2.2 Visible iron particles after 24 hours of contact with SMI media ............................................ 12 2.3 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying concentrations of sulfate................................................................................................... 20 2.4 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying concentrations of sulfate................................................................................................... 20 2.5 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying concentrationsof silicon................................................................................................... 21 2.6 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying concentrations of silicon................................................................................................... 22 2.7 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying concentrations of chloride................................................................................................. 23 2.8 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying concentrations of chloride................................................................................................. 23 2.9 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes contact time with varying levels of alkalinity........................................................................................................................... 24 2.10 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying levels of alkalinity........................................................................................................................... 25 2.11 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying levels ofTOC.............................................................................................................................. 26 2.12 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying levels of TOC................................................................................................................................... 26 2.13 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying levels ofnitrate............................................................................................................................ 27 2.14 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying levels of nitrate................................................................................................................................ 28 3.1 Photo of small-scale column test setup................................................................................... 30 3.2 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test ................ 32 xi 3.3 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test .................. 33 3.4 Sulfate concentration in effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test ........................................... 33 3.5 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate........................................................................................ 34 3.6 Sulfate concentration in the effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and8 mg/L nitrate............................................................................................................. 35 3.7 Arsenic concentration in the effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and8 mg/L nitrate............................................................................................................. 35 3.8 Nitrate concentration in the effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and8 mg/L nitrate............................................................................................................. 36 3.9 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate............................................................................. 37 3.10 Sulfate concentration in the effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate................................................................................................. 38 3.11 Arsenic concentration in the effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrateand 8 µg/L arsenic................................................................................................. 38 3.12 Nitrate concentration in the effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate................................................................................................. 39 3.13 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for ResinTech SBG1 (60 mg/L sulfate small-scale columntest)....................................................................................................................... 40 3.14 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite A600E/9149 (60 mg/L sulfate small-scale columntest)....................................................................................................................... 40 3.15 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite S 106 (60 mg/L sulfate small-scale columntest)....................................................................................................................... 41 3.16 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate........................................................................................ 42 3.17 Arsenic concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and8 µg/L arsenic............................................................................................................. 42 3.18 Nitrate concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and8 mg/L nitrate............................................................................................................. 43 xii 3.19 Sulfate concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and8 mg/L nitrate............................................................................................................. 43 3.20 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for the ResinTech SBG1 (150 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test).................................................................................................... 44 3.21 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite A600E/9149 (150 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test).................................................................................................... 45 3.22 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for the Purolite S106 (150 mg/L sulfate small-scale columntest)....................................................................................................................... 45 3.23 Arsenic concentration in the effluent during the 20 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and8 µg/L arsenic............................................................................................................. 46 3.24 Nitrate concentration in effluent during the 20 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and 8 µg/L arsenic................................................................................................................... 47 3.25 Sulfate concentration in effluent during the 20 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and 8 µg/L arsenic................................................................................................................... 47 3.26 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for ResinTech SBG1 (20 mg/L sulfate small-scale columntest)....................................................................................................................... 48 3.27 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite A600E/9149 (20 mg/L sulfate small-scale columntest)....................................................................................................................... 49 3.28 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite S 106 (20 mg/L sulfate small-scale columntest)....................................................................................................................... 49 4.1 WBA resin treatment process flow diagram........................................................................... 54 4.2 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin .................. 57 4.3 Conceptual footprint for 1 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin ..................... 58 4.4 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin ..................... 59 4.5 SBA resin treatment process flow diagram — single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters........................................................................................................... 65 4.6 SBA resin treatment process flow diagram, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters.................................................................... 65 4.7 SBA resin treatment process flow diagram, parallel operation with onsite regeneration....... 66 4.8 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters......................................................... 70 4.9 Conceptual footprint for 1 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters......................................................... 71 4.10 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters......................................................... 72 4.11 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters ...... 73 4.12 Conceptual footprint for 1 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters ...... 74 4.13 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters ...... 75 4.14 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration.................................................................................... 76 4.15 Conceptual footprint for 1 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration.................................................................................... 77 4.16 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration.................................................................................... 78 4.17 Granular Iron Media (GIM) treatment process flow diagram .............................................. 91 4.18 Reverse Osmosis (RO) system process flow diagram.......................................................... 93 4.19 Reduction Coagulation Filtration (RCF) system process flow diagram ............................... 95 5.1 Cr(VI) treatment design and costing tool input form.............................................................. 98 5.2 Cr(VI) treatment process selection flowchart ......................................................................... 99 5.3 Capital, O&M, and total cost computations flowchart ......................................................... 100 5.4 Residuals and plant footprint flowchart ................................................................................ 102 xiv The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the development and implementation of scientifically sound research designed to help drinking water utilities respond to regulatory requirements and address high -priority concerns. WRF's research agenda is developed through a process of consultation with WRF subscribers and other drinking water professionals. WRF's Board of Directors and other professional volunteers help prioritize and select research projects for funding based upon current and future industry needs, applicability, and past work. WRF sponsors research projects through the Focus Area, Emerging Opportunities, and Tailored Collaboration programs, as well as various joint research efforts with organizations such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. This publication is a result of a research project fully funded or funded in part by WRY subscribers. WRF's subscription program provides a cost-effective and collaborative method for funding research in the public interest. The research investment that underpins this report will intrinsically increase in value as the findings are applied in communities throughout the world. WRF research projects are managed closely from their inception to the final report by the staff and a large cadre of volunteers who willingly contribute their time and expertise. WRF provides planning, management, and technical oversight and awards contracts to other institutions such as water utilities, universities, and engineering firms to conduct the research. A broad spectrum of water supply issues is addressed by WRF's research agenda, including resources, treatment and operations, distribution and storage, water quality and analysis, toxicology, economics, and management. The ultimate purpose of the coordinated effort is to assist water suppliers to provide a reliable supply of safe and affordable drinking water to consumers. The true benefits of WRF's research are realized when the results are implemented at the utility level. WRF's staff and Board of Directors are pleased to offer this publication as a contribution toward that end. Charles M. Murray Chair, Board of Directors Water Research Foundation Robert C. Renner, P.E. Chief Executive Officer Water Research Foundation xv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors of this report are indebted to the cooperation and participation of the utilities and media suppliers that were involved in this project. The utilities will remain anonymous and are designated as Utilities A-E throughout the report. Media suppliers included ResinTech (West Berlin, NJ), Purolite (Bala Cynwyd, PA), North American Hoganas (Hollsopple, PA), and SMI- PS (Lincoln, CA). The authors would also like to thank Mary Smith, Water Research Foundation project manager, and the members of the Project Advisory Committee: Erin Mackey of Brown and Caldwell (Walnut Creek, CA), Haizhou Liu of UC-Riverside, and Peter McCafferty of ChemCentre (Bentley WA, Australia). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The primary objective of this study is to provide guidance to utilities needing to treat water containing greater than 10 µg/L of hexavalent chromium at a flow of 2 million gallons per day (MGD) or fewer. This guidance includes the effect of various water quality parameters, such as sulfate, nitrate, and arsenic concentrations, on treatment efficacy; preliminary site layouts for the most appropriate treatment scheme; and high-level budgetary cost opinions on the selected treatment scheme. BACKGROUND Chromium is an inorganic contaminant that has received a large amount of media attention over the past 15 years, primarily as a result of legal ramifications of industrial contamination of groundwater near Hinkley, California. As described below, however, there are many areas where chromium is present as a result of the regional geology. In aqueous systems, chromium typically exists in two different oxidation states: the trivalent form (Cr[III]), and the potentially carcinogenic hexavalent form (Cr[VI]). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently has a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total chromium species (Cr[III] plus Cr[VI]) of 100 µg/L (0.1 mg/L), but does not regulate Cr(VI) separately. In July 2011, however, the State of California established a public health goal (PHG) for Cr(VI) of 0.02 µg/L and has instituted an MCL of 10 µg/L that took effect on July 1, 2014. The EPA is also considering a national standard for Cr(VI), but must issue its final human health assessment before determining if a regulation is warranted. Cr(VI) occurrence in the United States outside of California has recently been studied more thoroughly (Seidel et al. 2012). Most recently, the EPA's third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 3) was signed into effect in April 2012 and required many utilities to monitor 30 contaminants during the years 2013-2015 (EPA 2013). Recently released data indicate that the vast majority of sites with Cr(VI) greater than 10 µg/L are groundwater utilities located in EPA Regions 6 and 9 and include the states of Oklahoma, Arizona, and California. In fact, the only other locations of those surveyed greater than 10 µg/L were in Puerto Rico. Only 2.3% of the samples collected during that time exceeded the MCL of 10 µg/L; however, there are many small systems that did not participate in this study and will likely be affected when the California or national standard goes into effect. The objective of this study was to provide guidance on selecting and implementing Cr(VI) treatment technologies for smaller systems requiring wellhead treatment since these systems may not have the same options as larger utilities with more capital. APPROACH A bench -scale study of the removal of hexavalent chromium from drinking water was conducted with the primary focus on affordable treatment technologies for water utilities needing to treat 2 MGD or fewer. Four ion exchange media, including two SBA (strong base anion) media, two WBA (weak base anion) media, and two iron -based media were evaluated. The performance of each media type was assessed in water supplied by five participating utilities that represented a range of concentrations of various water quality parameters. The media performance was also xix evaluated when competing solutes were present. These included sulfate, nitrate, chloride, silicon, alkalinity, and natural organic matter. After careful evaluation of all bench -scale results, three media were selected for further testing in small-scale columns. These media included the two SBA media (ResinTech SBG1 and Purolite A600E/9149) and the Purolite S 106 WBA media. Synthetically prepared water was pumped into the top of each column in a down -flow configuration. Column diameter was 1/2 inch, and media height was 8 inches (20 cm). A two -minute empty bed contact time (EBCT) was used for all tests. Each column test was run until breakthrough of Cr(VI) (set at 8 µg/L-80% of the CA MCL) occurred or until the pressure head became too great to maintain the flow. The tests included various levels of sulfate (20, 60, and 150 mg/L), with or without additional arsenic and nitrate. Arsenic and nitrate were added to some tests to evaluate whether a phenomenon called chromatographic peaking occurred and whether it could be a concern for utilities. Chromatographic peaking occurs when one ion at high concentration displaces another ion that is also removed by the ion exchange media, resulting in an effluent concentration even greater than the influent concentration. TCLP and California WET tests were conducted on the spent media from these tests to provide further information on what to expect during media disposal. Results from the bench -scale testing and the small-scale column testing were used to develop practical guidance for selecting a treatment technology for smaller utilities. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet tool was created, as well as conceptual treatment footprints and budgetary -level cost opinions. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS All media tested were able to remove Cr(VI) to levels well below the California MCL; however, other water quality parameters played an important role in determining the most appropriate treatment. The iron -based media removed Cr(VI) to extremely low levels in almost all water chemistries tested, including when competing ions were present. However, the release of iron from the media would likely require an additional iron removal treatment process. For this reason, these media were not evaluated during the column testing portion of this study. However, in situations where waste disposal might be an issue, the Cleanit®-LC media should be considered. Although a number of inorganic constituents are critical when evaluating whether SBA is suitable, SBA media life was highly dependent on influent sulfate concentration. WBA is a more robust treatment technology, as sulfate concentration has little effect on performance, but this technology is more complex to operate (primarily due to the pH adjustment required). • Both SBA and WBA removed sulfate from the influent water while releasing chloride. • SBA removed nitrate from influent water more efficiently than WBA. • Both SBA and WBA removed uranium and arsenic, but had no effect on the silicon concentration. • Freundlich isotherms proved to be excellent models for Cr(VI) removal from utility - supplied waters with both the SBA and WBA resins. • Cr(VI) removal decreased as sulfate concentration was increased with both the SBA and WBA media. • Cr(VI) removal decreased as the silicon concentration was increased with the SBA media, but there was no effect while using WBA. xx • The nitrate concentration had no effect on Cr(VI) removal using SBA until a concentration of 5 mg/L as N was reached, at which point Cr(VI) decreased. Nitrate concentration adversely affected Cr(VI) while using WBA. • No consistent trends were observed in Cr(VI) removal when chloride, alkalinity, or NOM concentrations were varied but sulfate and nitrate were held constant. During the small-scale column tests, sulfate concentration greatly affected the time to breakthrough. • With 20 mg/L sulfate, no breakthrough of Cr(VI) was observed during the test (5000 bed volumes [BVs]) for any of the media tested; in fact, Cr(VI) never increased above 1 µg/L in the column effluent. • With 60 mg/L sulfate, breakthrough (8 µg/L) of Cr(VI) for SBA occurred at around 6000 BVs. Cr(VI) increased to 7 µg/L at 7000 BVs for WBA. • With 150 mg/L sulfate, breakthrough of Cr(VI) for SBA occurred around 2500 BVs. Cr(VI) increased to 6 µg/L at 7000 BVs for WBA, although a brief period between 1600-2200 BVs saw an increase in Cr(VI) above 8 µg/L. Higher sulfate concentrations can cause chromatographic peaking of nitrate or arsenic above their respective MCLs if those elements are present in high enough concentrations in the influent water. • Huge arsenic peaks (3.6-4.6x influent) can occur at high levels of sulfate (150 mg/L) using SBA at extremely low run times (400-650 BVs). • When the sulfate concentration is moderate (60 mg/L), arsenic peaks are about 3x influent for SBA and occurred at between 850-1400 BVs. • At low sulfate concentrations (20 mg/L), arsenic peaks are about 1.3-1.4x influent for SBA and occur between 1300-3400 BVs (i.e., a longer duration but less intense peak). • No nitrate peaking was observed with WBA. • Nitrate peaks with SBA occurred nearly concurrently with arsenic peaks, but these were less intense (1.2x influent at 20 mg/L sulfate; 1.9x influent at 60 mg/L sulfate; 2x influent at 150 mg/L sulfate). High influent alkalinity can result in high O&M costs for WBA due to the pH adjustment required. ResinTech SBG1 SBA media released less chromium during the TCLP testing than did the Purolite A600E/9149 SBA media. Very little chromium was released from the Purolite S 106 WBA media during TCLP testing. APPLICATIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS SBA, WBA, and iron -based media have been studied in detail in this project and several previous projects. This report synthesizes the cumulative results of this body of work into practical guidance to help utilities anticipating or requiring treatment for Cr(VI) to comply efficiently. Additional research may assist with the optimization of existing California best available technologies (BATs), such as: xxi • Further developing the understanding of the secondary Cr(VI) removal mechanisms of WBA will help to refine prediction of performance (and therefore cost) estimates. • Determining the effect of SBA media on the aggressiveness of product water (through TDS and alkalinity removal) will help in understanding the potential long-term impacts on the distribution system. • Conducting more in-depth study of the chromatographic peaking phenomenon as a function of sulfate concentration so that utilities can be better informed of the risks. • Determining if increased hardness results in media scaling and how that can affect Cr(VI) removal. Newly developed media should also be evaluated for Cr(VI) removal in a manner similar to this study so that direct comparisons of efficacy can be made. Granular iron media (GIM) should be reevaluated if changes are made to the media to control iron release. Smaller utilities with water requirements of 2 MGD or fewer, and larger utilities with spread -out wellfields that require wellhead treatment, can benefit from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet tool developed as part of this study. This tool incorporates most of the findings of this study such that an informed choice can be made between SBA and WBA, which have been identified as probable candidates. Sulfate concentration and alkalinity are the major drivers when deciding between SBA and WBA. Increased sulfate concentrations (greater than 50 mg/L) adversely affect SBA media runtimes and can cause chromatographic peaking of nitrate and arsenic, while waters with high alkalinity make WBA costly to operate. Operation of lead/lag vessels or parallel treatment may be required with SBA to counter the peaking of nitrate or arsenic if their influent concentrations are great enough. The long runtimes capable with WBA can also lead to accumulation of uranium in residuals, making disposal costlier. Other California BATS not included in this study should be considered before a final decision is made. While cost opinions and treatment footprints described in this study can be used for planning purposes, specific utility circumstances should be fully evaluated, taking into account site -specific needs. MULTIMEDIA A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet was produced as part of this project and can be accessed on the #4561 project page on the WRF website, posted under Web Tools. This spreadsheet accepts inputs of key performance and water quality parameters from the user, including well capacity; pH; alkalinity; hardness; and hexavalent chromium, sulfate, nitrate, and arsenic concentrations; and provides guidance on selecting the most appropriate and cost-effective treatment technology for Cr(VI) removal. PARTICIPANTS Utilities participating in this study covered a large geographical area and were selected after being identified as having high levels of natural Cr(VI) in the most recent UCMR 3 database. Each utility supplied water as necessary for the screening tests. Participating utilities will be anonymous for this report and are designated as Utilities A—E. Media was supplied by North American Hoganas, Purolite, ResinTech, and SMI. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND AND PROJECT MOTIVATION Chromium is an inorganic contaminant that has received a large amount of media attention over the past 15 years primarily as a result of legal ramifications of an industrial contamination of groundwater near Hinkley, California. In aqueous systems, chromium typically exists in two different oxidation states: the trivalent form (Cr[III]), and the potentially carcinogenic hexavalent form (Cr[VI]). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently has a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total chromium species (Cr[III] and Cr[VI]) of 100 µg/L but does not regulate Cr(VI) itself. In July 2011, California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment published a final public health goal (PHG) of 0.020 micrograms per liter (µg/L) for Cr(VI) in drinking water. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH; now DDW, The Department of Drinking Water) subsequently published a draft maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 µg/L for Cr(VI) on August 23, 2013. The MCL was finalized May 28, 2014, and became effective July 1, 2014. The Cr(VI) regulatory horizon and potential compliance requirements are also of interest in other states. The EPA is evaluating the health risk of ingesting Cr(VI) in order to determine the need for regulating Cr(VI) and has indicated that it will determine if the existing total chromium (Cr) MCL needs to be changed or if a Cr(VI)-specific MCL is needed once the occurrence and risk assessments are complete. Comprehensive occurrence monitoring performed on California drinking water sources indicates Cr(VI) is widely found in source waters at levels above 1 µg/L and is a common naturally occurring species of chromium found in groundwater (Brandhuber et al. 2004, Seidel et al. 2012). Results from the third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 3) support this finding and indicate low levels of Cr(VI) can be expected to be found in most drinking water sources, although the highest levels appear to be confined to groundwaters of the southwestern states (Seidel et al. 2012). While larger systems may be equipped to handle additional financial and operational impacts associated with incorporating Cr(VI) treatment, smaller systems are likely to have less flexibility in these areas. For these reasons, research on the applicability of Cr(VI) treatment technologies implementable by small water utilities to a wide range of water quality characteristics found in drinking water sources was needed. This research was intended to provide these utilities with a starting point for decision -making stemming from Cr(VI) compliance. TREATMENT TECHNIQUES FOR CR(VI) There are numerous methods for removing Cr(VI) from water. A comprehensive review of Cr(VI) removal was conducted in 2008 (Sharma et al. 2008), and some comprehensive evaluations of viable treatment processes and cost evaluations have also been completed for Cr(VI) removal at California utilites (Drago 2001; Lee and Hering 2003; Qin et al. 2005; McGuire et al. 2006; McGuire et al. 2007; Blute et al. 2010; Blute 2010; McGuire 2010; Blute and Wu 2012). Some of the treatment techniques evaluated were reductive coagulation, weak base anion (WBA) exchange and strong base anion (SBA) exchange. These studies have shown that reductive coagulation can easily obtain very low levels (< 5 µg/L) of Cr(VI) in water leaving the treatment plant. Membranes, WBA exchange and SBA exchange are also effective at relatively higher cost 1 due to residual handling and water losses (Drago 2001; McGuire et al. 2006). WBA treatment consists of polymeric resin that must be utilized at about pH 6 for effective Cr(VI) removal so pH readjustment is almost always necessary. SBA resin is also able to remove Cr(VI) from water but requires significant amounts of salt for regeneration and requires brine disposal. Reductive coagulation with filtration (RCF) is more labor intensive than either WBA or SBA exchange due to mulitiple treatment steps and aeration or pH adjustment may be required depending on influent water chemistry. In addition, wastes from these processes can be classified as hazardous such that special procedures may be necessary for disposal (Blute and Wu 2012). There is limited work showing that Cr(III) can be removed during conventional alum or ferric coagulation via co - precipitation with Al(OH)3 or Fe(OH)3, but this is not effective for removing Cr(VI) unless it is first reduced to Cr(III) (Sharma et al. 2008). Ultimately, the effectiveness of any method and the relative cost/benefits will be dependent on the source water chemistry, pre-existing treatment processes and facilities, and residual handling concerns (McNeill et al. 2013). OVERVIEW OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH Sorptive media have been used in several recent studies and have shown promise. One such study was conducted by Brandhuber et al. (2004). In addition to several other technologies, these researchers evaluated nine ion exchange resin or other media. The media tested included granular ferric hydroxide (GFH), granular ferric oxide (GFO), sulfur -modified iron (SMI), activated alumina (AA), iron -impregnated activated alumina, iron -impregnated zeolite, iron -oxide coated diatomite, bauxite clay, and a metal -binding ligand. All but the activated alumina removed Cr(VI) by at least 70% at a media dose of 4 g/L. Cr(VI) removal decreased dramatically for many of these when a carbonate buffer was added to the test water and pH was maintained. Only the SMI and `Media I' removed more than 90% of the Cr(VI) at these conditions [Note that Media I did not appear in authors' descriptive table and it was not made clear what it actually was]. Brandhuber et al. (2004) also looked at the effect of competing solutes on Cr(VI) removal. Removal using the SMI media was not affected by chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate, total organic carbon (TOC), or nitrate. For most of the other media, Cr(VI) removal was negatively impacted by the presence of sulfate, bicarbonate, and total organic carbon (TOC). Brandhuber et al. (2004) also conducted some small-scale column tests using four commercially available ion exchange resins. These included Dow Marathon MSA and Purolite A-600 (two SBA Type I resins) and Amberlite IRA410 and Purolite A-300 (two SBA Type II resins). They also tested the SMI media in two column tests. The four SBA resins had very similar performance and appeared to preferentially remove Cr(VI) over sulfate. The column tests with the SMI media were inconclusive. SMI had the highest capacity for Cr(VI) removal but there was concern that high levels of iron could be released during its operation. Additionally, the column and batch tests had conflicting results for Cr(VI) capacity and no reason could be ascertained. The first major sources of information available on the removal of Cr(VI) from drinking water to levels of less than 10 µg/L (the California MCL) included two programs: the research conducted at the City of Glendale, California, and the full-scale SBA exchange systems operated by Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). The Glendale research is described in detail on the City's website. Briefly, bench scale testing of 25 technologies screened available approaches. Seven technologies identified as capable of consistently removing Cr(VI) to less than 5 µg/L (the Glendale treatment goal) were then tested at the pilot -scale under flow -through conditions. Three of the initial 25 technologies were shown to be effective in pilot testing, including WBA, SBA, and RCF. Reverse osmosis (RO) was also 2 effective at bench scale, but was not tested further due to water losses deemed unacceptable by Glendale. Glendale pilot testing was followed by construction of two demonstration -scale facilities: a 425-gallons per minute (gpm) WBA system, and a 100-gpm RCF treatment system. These facilities were effective in achieving Cr(VI) performance goals and served water to customers during the tests. Significant information was gained on design criteria for the approaches, operational aspects of the technologies, pre- and post -treatment requirements, residuals handling and disposal options, and costs of technologies. CVWD's three full-scale ion exchange treatment plants (IXTPs; 1,000 to 4,000 gpm) use SBA resin to effectively remove arsenic and Cr(VI). These findings are in agreement with the bench and pilot testing conducted at other utilities. More recently, multiple studies have investigated Cr(VI) treatment performance of the leading three technologies at different utilities. WRF projects #4450 (Najm et al. 2014) and #4445 (Chowdhury et al. 2016) in particular studied the impact of ten different utilities' water qualities on WBA, SBA, and RCF at the bench -scale. Additional testing at Glendale and CVWD evaluated using microfiltration in the RCF process (i.e., reduction -coagulation -membrane filtration, or RCMF) and chlorine for ferrous oxidation (Blute et al. 2015a, Chowdhury et al. 2016). Other options for single -pass media (SBA, WBA, and adsorptive media) were tested in studies with California Water Service Company's Livermore District and Glendale (Blute et al. 2015b) and CVWD (Chowdhury et al. 2016). Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) provided Cr(VI) treatment to below 0.06 µg/L for Hinkley, CA via single -pass SBA POE (point -of -entry) units; this work helped to not only build on previous research, but develop practical insight into operations within the context of smaller communities. Key findings from these studies and the PG&E program that are applicable to the findings in this study (WRF #4561) are: • WBA showed no major differences in removal performance for different water qualities with respect to Cr(VI), although pre-treatment costs varied. Varying influent concentrations can have a significant impact on disposal (and therefore overall) costs. • SBA showed that Cr(VI) capacity primarily varied with sulfate concentrations. Higher Cr(VI) capacities may be possible with lower sulfate concentrations. Additional contaminants (such as nitrate or arsenic) must be considered, as these concentrations can be increased for a time period due to the non -selective nature of SBA resins (chromatographic peaking). • RCF is a promising technology that may be too operationally complex for smaller systems. • Iron -based absorptive media tested at the pilot scale was effective at removing Cr (VI) but leached iron into the effluent. Mitigation for the iron needs to be developed before this technology is tested at demonstration scale and the additional treatment may not be cost effective. RESEARCH APPROACH FOR THIS STUDY The research in this study was executed in three tasks as follows. In Task 1 (Chapter 2) bench -scale evaluations were conducted for six different ion exchange media and seven different water chemistries (obtained from various utilities). The results obtained from Task 1 were used to 3 select the ion exchange media that were used in Task 2. In Task 2 (Chapter 3) seven small-scale column tests were conducted to test the selected media for capacity and breakthrough. In Task 3 (Chapter 4), practical application of the results from the first two tasks were explored and are communicated to utilities and consultants with a water quality based decision tree, process flow diagrams, conceptual site layouts, operational training requirements, residuals handling strategies, and cost opinions. Each of these tasks is described in more detail in the following sections. Task 1 — Bench -Scale Screening Tests Much work has been conducted in the past 10-15 years with respect to the removal of hexavalent chromium from the drinking water supplies of large utilities via ion exchange resins or other adsorptive media. In this study, we evaluated a number of these media for their applicability to small systems. Five utilities supplied a total of seven groundwaters for the bench -scale tests. These utilities cover a large geographical area and are not just from southern California and all were identified as having high levels of natural Cr(VI) in the most recent UCMR 3 database. Hexavalent chromium exists in natural waters as an oxyanion, either HCr04" or Cr04 depending on pH. As such, it is removed by ion exchange media by adsorption to positively charged surface sites. In many instances it is `exchanged' for chloride which is held at these sites. In some cases, special media have been designed to be selective for chromate, but in most cases other anionic species will compete with chromate for these surface sites. Sulfate, in particular, is of interest because of past experience with using ion exchange for arsenate removal. Arsenic is very similar to chromate and past studies have shown that ion exchange is not very effective for arsenic removal in waters with high concentrations of sulfate. Also, ion exchange resins can exhibit "chromatographic peaking" for co-occurring contaminants such as nitrate. In this study we evaluated each media in water with high levels of typical anionic species that are found in source water, including sulfate, nitrate, (bi)carbonate, silicate, chloride, and natural organic matter (NOM). Six ion exchange resins and media were evaluated during this work, including two SBA, two WBA, and two iron -based media (described in more detail in Chapter 2). Adsorption isotherms were developed from the Cr(VI) concentration results for each media for each water tested. Each isotherm is a plot of the adsorbed Cr(VI) per unit mass of adsorbent versus the equilibrium Cr(VI) concentration in solution. The most widely used mathematical model used to describe adsorption is the Freundlich isotherm (Faust and Aly 1987). This isotherm is expressed by Equation 1.1: x/m = KCl/n (1.1) where x is the amount of solute sorbed, in is the mass of adsorbent, C is the equilibrium solution concentration of solute, and K and n are constants characteristic of the system. This expression can be linearized by taking logarithms as shown in Equation 1.2: log(x/m) = log(K) + l/n * log(C) (1.2) Plotting log(x/m) versus log(C) will result in a straight line with slope equal (1/n) and y- intercept equal log(K) if the Freundlich isotherm is applicable. 4 Test of Sensitivity to pH and Competing Solutes As discussed previously, anionic solutes could compete with chromate for adsorption sites on certain ion exchange media. A study was conducted as part of Task 1 to evaluate each media for their ability to adsorb Cr(VI) when these competing solutes were present. For this experiment we used synthetic Blacksburg (VA) water formulated from distilled water and various salts as the baseline water. However, the pH and anionic species concentrations were manipulated so that a low, medium, and high concentration of each species could be evaluated (Table 1.1). These concentrations were selected based on the 10, 50, and 90 percentile concentrations in United States waters (Snoeyink and Jenkins 1980). Sodium chromate was added to each test water so that an initial concentration of approximately 100 µg/L Cr(VI) was present. In-depth analysis of competing solutes has not been conducted in the past. This was a key focus of this study as these findings are critical to small utilities when making decisions about which treatment technology to employ. Table 1.1 Experimental concentrations of competing solutes Constituent Concentration Unit Low Medium High Sulfate 5 25 100 mg/L Nitrate 0 1 10 mg/L Silicate 5 10 40 mg/LasSi02 TOC 0 2 5 mg/L as C Chloride 5 10 100 mg/L Alkalinity (bicarbonate) 30 100 300 mg/L as CaCO3 Task 2 — Small -Scale Column Tests After completion of Task I the research team, in conjunction with the PAC, determined which of the three media tested performed the best and would make good candidates for the small- scale column tests. The column tests were critical in that they provided information on the breakthrough of hexavalent chromium at the targeted empty bed contact time (EBCT). This allowed one to predict the life of the resin/media which, in turn, allowed one to predict the yearly cost of operation. The column tests also created media/resin which was exhausted, which was then tested for leaching characteristics. Seven small column tests were conducted. Upon completion of the column testing, the spent media were evaluated using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and the California Waste Extraction Test (CA WET). These tests are used to determine if a waste is to be characterized as `hazardous' in terms of disposal. These tests were designed to simulate leaching in a landfill environment although, typically, the CA WET is the more aggressive of the two. Task 3 — Practical Application of Results Task 3 involved developing practical guidance that impacted small systems could use to plan and implement hexavalent chromium treatment processes. This guidance includes a water quality based decision tree and process flow diagrams, concept -level site layouts, residual 5 management strategies, and capital and operation treatment cost opinions for candidate treatment technologies. Our team identified the following list of candidate treatment technologies for hexavalent chromium removal: • Strong base anionic (SBA) resin exchange with replacement of exhausted resin (and no onsite regeneration) • SBA resin exchange with onsite regeneration of resin using salt/brine • Weak base anionic (WBA) resin exchange with replacement of exhausted resin (and possible pH adjustment for some waters) • Granular iron media such as sulfur modified iron (SMI) or Cleanit®-LC (with possible iron removal process to control potential leaching of iron) • Reduction coagulation filtration (RCF) using granular media filters • RCF using microfiltration/ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membranes for filtration • Reverse osmosis Among the above processes, the RCF and RO treatment processes are complex to operate and require a higher level of operator attention from skilled operators so small water systems may not be able to implement the RCF and RO treatment processes at their impacted well sites. A simple, "interactive" spreadsheet based tool has been developed as a decision tree that will deliver tailored and specific guidance to the impacted small systems based on the inputs that the user enters into the input form. The input form will seek inputs related to the impacted well flows (well capacity, average flow/usage), water quality (hexavalent chromium, pH, alkalinity, hardness, sulfate, nitrate, arsenic, uranium etc.), site constrains (land available, accessibility, sewer connectivity etc.) and operator preferences (simple versus complex processes, onsite storage of chemicals, etc.). Based on the inputs entered, the spreadsheet tool will screen the candidate treatment processes and identify the feasible processes for further consideration. For the feasible processes, the tool will calculate the resin or media replacement/regeneration frequency, treatment footprint requirements, capital costs, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, estimates of residuals that would be generated, quality of residuals, and warnings related to water quality interferences and residuals disposal. In addition to the interactive tool, we have developed hardcopy guidance that includes process flow diagrams for the candidate treatment alternatives, conceptual site layouts, capital and O&M cost tables for 0.5-2.0 million gallons per day (mgd) flows and discussion of residuals management strategies. This hardcopy guidance will supplement the spreadsheet tool outputs. 6 CHAPTER 2 SCREENING OF ION EXCHANGE RESINS AND MEDIA Much work has been conducted in the past 10-15 years with respect to the removal of hexavalent chromium from the drinking water supplies of large utilities via ion exchange resins or other adsorptive media. In this study we evaluated a number of these media (described below) for their applicability to small systems. Water from a number of utilities identified as having high levels of natural Cr(VI) was used to further develop adsorption isotherms for each media. Synthetically prepared water was used to evaluate each media in the presence of competing solutes. These studies are detailed in this chapter. ION EXCHANGE RESINS AND MEDIA INCLUDED IN THIS STUDY There are four Best Available Technologies (BATs) recognized by California for Cr(VI) removal: Weak Base Anion Exchange (WBA-IX), Strong Base Anion Exchange (SBA -IX), Reduction/Coagulation/Filtration (RCF), and Reverse Osmosis (RO). As noted previously, RCF is an operationally complex technology that is unlikely to be the first choice for small utilities. Reverse osmosis (RO) requires intensive capital and O&M investment and results in significant quantities of wasted water. As a result, these two technologies were not further evaluated in this study. Four ion exchange resins (California BATs for Cr(VI)) and two iron based media (while not California BATs, these media have shown some promise) were evaluated with water containing between 10 and 100 µg/L Cr(VI) in this study. These resins/media have all been evaluated previously in various contexts; this research hopes to examine them in both additional and unifying conditions. WBA resins tend to have very long life for Cr(VI) before exhaustion, but perform best at lower pH values (under 6-6.5), and thus require pre- and post -treatment. SBA resins tend to have lower capacities for Cr(VI) removal before exhaustion than WBA resins due to their nonselective nature. These resins will remove and be affected by other anions, especially sulfate and nitrate. Iron -based media, while not a BAT for Cr(VI) and possessing concerns (such as the propensity to leach significant amounts of iron into the product water), has been shown to be effective for Cr(VI) removal. The specific media types are displayed in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Media tested Media Type Media Name Supplier SBA SBGI ResinTech (West Berlin, NJ) SBA A600E/9149 Purolite (Bala Cynwyd, PA) Fe C1eanIt-LC North American Hoganas (Hollsopple, PA) WBA SIR-700 ResinTech (West Berlin, NJ) WBA S 106 Purolite (Bala Cynwyd, PA) Fe/S SMI SMI-PS Concord, CA 7 PARTICIPATING UTILITIES Utilities participating in this study covered a large geographical area and were selected after being identified as having high levels of natural Cr(VI) in the most recent UCMR 3 database. Each utility supplied water as necessary for the screening tests. Participating utilities will be anonymous for this report and be designated Utilities A — E. ANALYTICAL METHODS The following list of analytical instruments and techniques were used throughout the study as appropriate: Metals Concentrations All samples for total metals concentration were preserved by acidification with trace metal grade nitric acid to 2% v/v. Samples were analyzed for total chromium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, silicon, iron, arsenic, and uranium by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) using a Thermo Electron X-Series ICP-MS following Standard Method 3125-B (APHA et al. 1998). Hexavalent Chromium Concentration All samples for Cr(VI) concentration were preserved with an ammonium hydroxide/ammonium sulfate solution prepared per specifications in EPA Method 218.7 (EPA 2011). Cr(VI) concentration was measured with a Dionex ICS 1000 ion chromatograph with post - column reaction cell (IC-PCR) followed by a variable wavelength detector as specified in EPA Method 218.7. Anionic Species Concentrations All samples for anionic species —such as chloride, sulfate, and nitrate —were stored at 4 °C prior to analysis. These samples were analyzed using a Dionex DX 120 ion chromatograph (IC) using Standard Method 4110 (APHA et al. 1998). Total Organic Carbon Concentration All samples were acidified to a pH of <4 prior to hydrochloric acid and purged to remove all inorganic carbon. using a Shimadzu TOC-V, total organic carbon combustion 5310B (APHA et al. 1998). Alkalinity TOC analysis using concentrated TOC concentration was determined analyzer as per Standard Method Alkalinity was measured using a burette with standardized sulfuric acid per Standard Method 2320 (APHA et al. 1998). 8 DEVELOPMENT OF ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS Adsorption isotherms (see discussion in Chapter 1) for each media discussed above were constructed using the following protocol. Five 500-mL HDPE bottles were filled with each utility water containing Cr(VI) and, in most cases, potassium chromate was added to the water so that there was an approximate initial concentration of 100 µg/L hexavalent chromium. A different amount of ion exchange media was added to each bottle, including 0, 0.25, 1, 2, and 4 g/L. This was repeated for each of the media. All bottles were placed on an orbital shaker for 24 hours. At 30 minutes, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 24 hours each bottle was removed from the shaker so that a 20 mL water sample could be collected. Additionally, the pH was measured and adjusted back to the original value if necessary using I N sodium hydroxide. The sample was passed through a 0.45- micron nylon syringe filter. A 5 mL aliquot was acidified with 2% v/v trace metal grade nitric acid and analyzed for metals concentrations. Another 5 mL aliquot was preserved with an ammonium hydroxide / ammonium sulfate solution prepared per specifications in EPA Method 218.7 and used to measure Cr(VI) concentration. Another 5 mL aliquot was collected for analysis of anionic species. Finally, a 30 mL aliquot was analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (Note that DOC was only measured at the end of each test due to the larger volume of sample required for the analysis). Water Quality Characteristics Seven waters from the five participating utilities were tested, as Utility A and Utility C each supplied water from two different wells. All waters tested were groundwater, however raw water chemistry varied widely as illustrated in Table 2.2. All waters had Cr(VI) concentrations ranging from 17 to 87 µg/L and these were increased to approximately 100 µg/L using a potassium chromate solution in most tests. Note that the total chromium and Cr(VI) concentrations are nearly identical, indicating that approximately 100% of the dissolved chromium is in the +6 form (also note that in two cases the Cr(VI) actually read slightly higher than the total chromium, but this can be explained by the precision in the two analytical methods being used). Alkalinities of the utility waters ranged from 90 to 308 mg/L as CaCO3. Nitrate in both the Utility A wells exceeded the MCL (I I — 16 mg/L as N) and arsenic in one of the Utility C wells exceeded the MCL (16 µg/L as N). Each of the utility waters (except Utility E) also contained small concentrations of uranium (2 — 12 µg/L). 9 Table 2.2 Raw water quality parameters Parameter Unit Utility A Well A Utility A Well B Utility C Utility B Well A Utility C Well B Utility D Utility E Total Cr (raw) µg/L 18.9 20.8 17.5 20.3 67.7 84.7 24.7 Cr(VI) (raw) µg/L 17.9 20.1 n/m 17.0 71.8 86.7 24.5 Cr(VI) test /L _ 103 101 90.3 140 71.8 86.7 105 pH - 7.8 7.7 8.2 8.0 8.8 8.1 7.6 Alkalinity mg/L as CaCO3 148 184 90 87 94 230 308 Sodium mg/L 37.3 13.2 42.1 223 55.2 113 48.9 Magnesium mg/L _ 7.4 17.9 2.8 6.3 2.0 5.9 67.3 Silicon mg/L as Si _ 10.1 11.7 6.1 11.5 7.8 5.0 26.3 2.1 Potassium mg/L 1.7 4.2 4.8 1.3 1.6 1.2 Calcium mg/L as Ca 74.9 98.0 14.3 37.0 4.8 8.2 35.2 1 ron µ g/L 8.5 16.3 3.4 34.1 23.6 34.9 9.1 Manganese µg/L 0.0 0.0 0.1 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 Arsenic µg/L 3.9 0.1 1.4 21.5 6.0 4.9 0.6 Strontium µg/L 623 484 253 968 145 423 162 Barium µg/L 82.5 55.2 _ 25.3 40.1 3.6 175 48.5 Uranium g/L 2.5 3.9 4.4 12.1 2.7 11.4 0.5 TOC mg C/L 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 Fluoride mg/L 0.1 0.2 0.8 2.2 1.1 0.4 0.6 Chloride mg/L 30.5 35.4 8.5 215 16.6 18.4 53.9 Sulfate mg/L 88.8 87.4 50.0 130 16.8 13.4 49.6 Nitrate mg/L 10.8 15.9 0.3 2.4 1.6 0.3 4.9 n/m = not measured Cr(VI) Removal Results for Iron -Based Media The two iron -based media were extremely effective at removing Cr(VI) from all waters tested; so much so, that the dosage for the SMI media was decreased to 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, and 0.8 g/L in an attempt to have measurable concentrations of Cr(VI) in the water after 30 minutes of contact. Results for the Cr(VI) removal are shown in Table 2.3 with the red shading indicating that the Cr(VI) concentration of that test condition was greater than the California MCL of 10 µg/L. As a result of the high Cr(VI) removal at all media doses tested, adsorption isotherms could not be developed for these media. It is perplexing to note, however, the behavior of the Clean -It LC media in the Utility D water. At a dose of 0.25 g/L this media was not able to remove enough Cr(VI) to meet the California MCL of 10 µg/L although Cr(VI) was below detection in all the other waters tested. The only noticeable difference in water quality was that the barium concentration was at least twice as high as any of the other waters but we have no theory on why that might have affected Cr(VI) removal. 10 Table 2.3 Cr(VI) removal using iron -based media Dose Contact Utility A Utility A Utility C Utility C Media Utility B Utility D Utility E (g/L) Time (hr) Well A Well B Well A Well B 0.5 71.2 50.6 78.7 87.0 61.2 75.3 44.9 2 4.2 2.8 54.0 13.1 36.7 54.8 < 0.1 0.25 4 <0.1 <0.1 10.4 1.4 13.4 40.9 <0.1 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 16.2 < 0.1 U 0.5 9.5 3.1 45.2 3.6 44.8 53.5 2.3 2 < 0.1 < 0.1 10.9 < 0.1 4.8 29.3 < 0.1 -1 91 1.0 4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 16.0 < 0.1 += 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.5 < 0.1 0.5 12.5 0.3 15.7 <0.1 29.6 23.8 <0.1 2 < 0.1 0.0 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 5.6 < 0.1 2.0 4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 1.2 < 0.1 U 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.2 < 0.1 0.5 < 0.1 < 0.1 1.1 < 0.1 12.4 20.7 < 0.1 2 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 3.1 < 0.1 4.0 4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.5 6.8 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.4 7.4 0.3 < 0.1 2 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.3 < 0.1 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.0 < 0.1 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.0 < 0.1 0.5 3.0 < 0.1 < 0.1 5.5 1.8 < 0.1 < 0.1 2 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.3 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.2 _ 4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 73 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 C/) 0.5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 < 0.1 2 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.4 4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.5 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 2 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.8 4 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 24 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 Note: Cr(VI) concentrations are in µg/L; values less than MRL reported as `< 0. V). Red shaded data are greater than the California MCL of 10 µg/L, while green shaded data are lower. Initial Cr(VI) concentration of 100 µg/L was spiked using a potassium chromate solution. While these iron -based media were highly efficient at Cr(VI) removal, this removal came at a cost. Large amounts of iron particles were visible after prolonged contact with each media (Figures 2.1 and 2.2). Dissolved iron was extremely high as well in the waters in contact with the SMI media (I mg/L to as high as 56 mg/L), but much lower in waters in contact with the Cleanit®- LC media (less than the SMCL of 0.3 mg/L in most cases; data not shown), indicating that only filtration might be required for the Cleanit®-LC media. In any event, these two media would undoubtedly require some sort of iron removal unit operation downstream, increasing cost and complexity. 11 Figure 2.1 Visible iron particles after 24 hours of contact with Cleanit®-LC media Figure 2.2 Visible iron particles after 24 hours of contact with SMI media Cr(VI) Removal Results for Strong Base Anionic (SBA) Resins The two SBA resins were tested at the ambient pH of the utility water; i.e., no pH adjustment was made at the beginning of the test. The pH tended to decrease slightly during the test so it was adjusted back to its initial value using a few drops of 1 N NaOH at 30 minutes, 2 hours, and 4 hours. Each media was able to reduce Cr(VI) below 10 µg/L in all utility waters at the highest media dose and contact time tested (Table 2.4). Also, in most instances, Cr(VI) removal was similar for both media. 12 Table 2.4 Cr(VI) removal using SBA media Dose Contact Utility A Utility A Utility C Utility C Media Utility B Utility D Utility E (g/L) Time (hr) Well A Well B Well A Well B 0.5 99.7 70.2 72.9 135.7 66.9 79.9 93.7 2 72.7 72.8 65.6 113.2 50.1 73.8 61.2 0.25 4 56.4 66.0 47.4 129.8 40.9 71.1 52.4 24 30.1 35.7 20.5 69.9 8.8 47.5 20.9 0.5 60.6 74.8 63.0 101.2 62.0 65.8 69.3 (n 1.0 2 44.6 27.8 44.3 71.9 27.4 40.4 15.0 4 28.9 14.4 31.6 51.7 14.7 30.3 4.8 24 2.9 5.8 1.5 22.7 0.7 2.7 3.3 U N 0.5 63.8 63.3 45.6 78.5 45.9 55.7 48.2 2 9.6 7.4 14.2 49.8 23.2 34.9 3.3 2.0 4 4.2 2.4 7.0 34.6 13.6 25.4 1.4 � 24 1.0 1.4 0.5 9.3 0.2 5.9 1.2 N 0.5 79.7 42.0 40.6 63.7 36.2 43.9 33.4 2 54.1 1.1 6.4 20.3 3.7 19.6 1.9 4.0 4 30.1 0.6 2.4 11.2 0.9 13.0 0.8 24 0.5 0.5 < 0.1 2.9 < 0.1 3.2 0.4 0.5 101.1 90.5 76.0 127.2 62.2 73.8 94.1 2 77.1 79.8 80.6 91.2 40A 48.8 57.3 0.25 4 62.5 59.4 68.1 94.3 22.0 38.7 48.5 24 31.0 33.8 29.8 70.2 0.3 13.7 21.1 O7 0.5 80.8 71.3 48.4 84.7 37.3 64.7 60.5 O 2 41.6 19.2 30.4 27.9 6.6 28.9 11.1 10 CD4 22.3 7.9 18.6 22.2 0.8 20.3 3.8 (0 24 12.2 6.1 0.9 22.0 0.3 2.5 2.9 Q 0.5 51.8 42.2 56.2 60.2 19.9 50.2 33.1 2 12.2 3.3 27.4 10.7 0.7 24.1 1.7 :tf2.0 4 3.6 1.7 14.3 9.7 < 0.1 17.6 1.1 O 24 0.8 1.5 0.4 9.6 0.1 3.8 1.1 0.5 34.2 27.7 41.7 41.9 13.3 39.8 20.5 2 2.3 0.7 15.3 3.9 0.3 17.4 0.6 4.0 4 0.6 0.6 4.9 4.0 < 0.1 11.6 0.5 24 0.4 0.6 < 0.1 3.3 < 0.1 2.7 0.5 Note: Cr(VI) concentrations are in µg/L; values less than MRL reported as `< 0. V). Red shaded data are greater than the California MCL of 10 µg/L, while green shaded data are lower. Initial Cr(VI) concentration of 100 µg/L was spiked using a potassium chromate solution. Cr(VI) Removal Results for Weak Base Anionic (WBA) Resins The two WBA resins were tested at pH 6 to 6.5 per supplier's recommendations. The pH of the supplied water was decreased to 6.0 by bubbling with CO2(g) so that alkalinity and other dissolved salts were not altered. The pH tended to increase slightly during the test but seldom exceeded pH 6.5 by the end of the tests. Each media was able to reduce Cr(VI) below 10 µg/L in all utility waters at the 2 g/L media dose and maximum contact time tested (Table 2.5). Also, in most instances, Cr(VI) removal was similar for both media. 13 Table 2.5 Cr(VI) removal using WBA media Dose Contact Utility A Utility A Utility C Utility C Media Utility B Utility D Utility E (g/L) Time (hr) Well A Well B Well A Well B 0.5 102.1 92.5 84.7 126.1 61.8 81.1 95.5 O 0.25 2 80.2 87.5 73.7 102.2 46.4 73.7 65.7 O 4 66.9 75.1 59.0 103.5 29.9 68.3 70.8 24 32.1 34.2 23.4 60.1 6.7 37.4 26.0 0.5 71.8 68.3 71.1 87.6 43.3 66.8 66.8 2 32.6 31.4 34.7 51.6 14.0 50.5 23.5 � 1.0 4 17.7 16.7 17.1 33.6 3.5 37.5 12.3 24 5.2 5.0 2.2 13.2 0.7 8.6 5.1 U 0.5 n/m 54.1 70.0 61.4 29.1 52.5 43.2 2 23.2 15.0 18.3 18.9 4.0 32.7 8.0 2.0 4 13.2 5.5 5.8 11.7 0.8 21.2 4.2 24 1.4 1.7 0.4 3.4 0.2 1.7 2.0 0.5 45.3 45.2 47.4 37.3 13.8 41.4 29.6 2 14.7 4.2 15.0 5.5 0.6 26.7 2.9 4.0 4 6.6 1.5 4.7 3.3 0.2 16.8 1.4 24 0.4 0.5 < 0.1 1.3 < 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.5 n/m 97.0 83.5 129.5 63.7 78.0 94.8 2 82.8 85.1 81.0 133.9 54.2 64.8 68.3 0.25 4 68.1 68.2 65.1 123.0 40.8 49.7 58.2 24 33.0 39.1 28.7 68.6 14.4 19.9 30.3 C0 O 0.5 75.4 74.5 70.0 88.1 49.1 73.8 70.2 Ir- 1.0 2 30.6 47.9 39.1 57.4 21.1 45.2 25.0 (n 4 16.9 25.3 20.7 44.6 6.7 26.9 14.2 N 24 7.7 10.6 5.3 17.6 1.6 5.2 8.9 }' 0.5 67.1 60.6 57.5 73.5 35.1 53.5 63.4 0 2 31.7 23.0 26.4 39.8 6.6 26.1 19.3 2.0 4 19.4 10.2 9.7 27.1 1.3 13.8 8.6 :3 24 3.3 3.8 1.2 6.2 0.6 1.7 3.2 0.5 41.3 39.7 51.1 48.2 22.2 69.0 39.6 2 8.3 7.7 19.3 20.6 1.5 11.4 5.0 4.0 4 3.3 2.3 5.6 12.8 0.3 5.4 2.6 24 1.2 1.5 0.4 2.3 0.2 0.8 1.5 Note: Cr(VI) concentrations are in µg/L; values less than MRL reported as `< 0. V). Red shaded data are greater than the California MCL of 10 µg/L, while green shaded data are lower. Initial Cr(VI) concentration of 100 µg/L was spiked using a potassium chromate solution. n/m = not measured Effect of Media on Other Water Quality Parameters In addition to the removal of hexavalent chromium, each of the media tested in this study will also affect other water quality parameters. The effects on sulfate, chloride, and nitrate are shown in Table 2.6. The data show that the SBA and WBA media remove most of the sulfate present in the raw water, and release chloride into the water. The two iron -based media appear to have little effect on sulfate and chloride. Nitrate is a regulated contaminant with an MCL of 10 14 mg/L as N, so it would be beneficial for the media to remove it as well as the Cr(VI). In this study, SMI media did not remove nitrate, while the other iron -based Cleanit®-LC media removed up to 30% of the raw water nitrate. The two SBA media were much more efficient at removing nitrate than the two WBA media (75-79% versus 34-56%, respectively). Table 2.6 Sulfate, chloride, and nitrate concentrations after 24 hours of contact time Dose Contact Utility A Utility A Utility C tili Uty C Media Utility B Utility D Utility E /L Time hr Well A Well B Well A Well B Sulfate (mgk) Raw water - - 88.8 87.4 50.0 130 16.8 13.4 49.6 SBG-1 4 24 1.6 1.3 0.0 16.2 0.0 0.6 1.6 A600/9149 4 24 1.7 1.8 0.0 18.8 0.0 0.0 1.9 Cleanit'l-LC 4 24 86.5 80.0 46.6 126 14.6 13.9 49.3 SIR-700 4 24 1.4 2.4 0.0 8.2 0.0 0.0 1.7 S106 4 24 3.6 4.0 0.0 9.3 0.4 0.0 3.9 SMI 0.8 24 98.0 95.0 52.5 135 16.0 17.7 56.9 Chloride (mg1L) Raw water - - 30.5 35.4 8.5 215 16.6 18.4 53.9 SBG-1 4 24 165 179 89.8 265 80.7 100 147 A600/9149 4 24 161 174 88.7 263 82.1 101 144 Cleanit° LC 4 24 33.8 39.7 11.8 216 20.2 25.3 56.7 SIR-700 4 24 173 181 103 258 40.2 120 116 S106 4 24 94.9 98.2 61.3 217 60.4 71.1 101 SMI 0.8 24 30.0 35.2 8.2 213 14.2 17.4 54.0 Nitrate (mgk) Raw water - - 10.8 15.9 0.3 2.4 1.6 0.3 4.9 SBG-1 4 24 1.4 2.5 0.0 1.3 0.2 0.3 1.4 A600/9149 4 24 1.4 2.4 0.0 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.3 Cleanit°-LC 4 24 7.8 12.7 0.2 2.2 1.5 0.3 4.4 SIR-700 4 24 5.1 7.8 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.2 2.2 S106 4 24 7.0 10.0 0.0 2.0 0.8 0.1 3.4 SMI 0.8 24 10.6 15.6 0.2 2.4 1.2 0.3 4.8 It would also be beneficial to remove uranium and arsenic in some instances (e.g., in situations where removal could be achieved without raising additional concerns for media disposal). In this study all media tested removed both uranium and arsenic (Table 2.7). Other elements that were affected were silicon, iron, and manganese. Both SMI and Cleanit®-LC removed silicon (average of 69% and 24%, respectively; Table 2.7) and this has the possibility of competing with Cr(VI) removal (see `Effect of Competing Solutes on Hexavalent Chromium Removal' section below for more on this). The SBA and WBA media had no effect on silicon. As mentioned previously, both iron -based media released iron and manganese to the water (Table 2.6) and this would have to be addressed by any utility selecting either of these. (Note that the dissolved iron for the Cleanit®-LC media is not particularly high, but visually it was apparent that particulate iron release was very high [see Figure 2.1]). 15 Table 2.7 Silicon, iron, manganese, uranium, and arsenic concentrations after 24 hours of contact time Dose Contact Utility A Utility A Utility C Utility C Media Utility B Utility D Utility E /L Time hr Well A Well B Well A Well B Silicon (mg/L as Si) Raw water - - 10.1 ® 11.7 6.1 11.5 8.0 1 5.0 26.3 SBG-1 4 24 10.2 12.4 5.8 11.7 7.5 5.0 25.2 A600/9149 4 24 10.2 12.3 5.8 11.5 7.5 4.9 24.6 Cleanit®-LC 4 24 3.1 I 1.8 2.9 _ 1.3 1.7 I 3.2 6.2 SIR-700 4 24 10.2 12.3 5.9 _ 11.7 7.6 4.9 25.6 S106 4 24 10.3 12.4 5.9 _ 11.3 7.7 5.0 25.6 SMI 0.8 24 7.2 9.8 4.7 10.2 5.8 3.7 16.6 Iron (,u g/L) Raw water - - < 10.0 16.3 < 10.0 34.1 23.6 34.9 < 10.0 SBG-1 4 24 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 A600/9149 4 24 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 Cleanit®-LC 4 24 < 10.0 22.6 44.0 < 10.0 18.2 18.1 16.8 SIR-700 4 24 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 S106 4 24 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 SMI 0.8 24 10,300 20,700 3,000 56,600 3,070 2,010 21,800 Manganese (,u g/L) Raw water - - <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 2.2 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 SBG-1 4 24 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 2.1 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 A600/9149 4 24 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 2.1 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 Cleanito-LC 4 24 36.0 74.4 33.6 3.0 < 1.0 32.9 38.7 SIR-700 4 24 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 2.2 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 S106 4 24 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 4.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 SMI 0.8 24 303 299 158 379 119 245 556 Uranium (,u g1L) Raw water - - 2.5 3.9 4.4 12.1 2.7 11.4 < 1.0 SBG-1 4 24 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 A600/9149 4 24 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 Cleanit°-LC 4 24 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 4.1 < 1.0 SIR-700 4 24 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 S106 4 24 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 SMI 0.8 24 <1.0 1.0 <1.0 2.8 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Aresnic (u g/L) Raw water - - 3.9 < 0.5 1.4 21.5 6.1 4.9 0.6 SBG-1 4 24 < 0.5 < 0.5 n/m 8.8 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 A600/9149 4 24 < 0.5 < 0.5 n/m 9.1 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 Cleanit®-LC 4 24 < 0.5 < 0.5 n/m < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 SIR-700 4 24 < 0.5 < 0.5 n/m 3.8 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 S106 4 24 <0.5 <0.5 n/m 5.9 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 SMI 0.8 24 <0.5 <0.5 n/m <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 n/m = not measured Results for Adsorption Isotherm Parameters In most instances the Freundlich isotherm was a better fit for Cr(VI) adsorption than the Langmuir isotherm based on the correlation coefficients. In three cases (Utility D water with SBG1 and A600E/9149 media and Utility C Well B with A600E/9149 media) either a data point was missing or the Cr(VI) concentration did not always decrease as the amount of media increased 16 so these were excluded from further analysis. The two iron -based media were excluded from this analysis due to the low concentrations of Cr(VI). A summary of the Freundlich isotherm data is included as Table 2.8. This table includes the major water quality parameters, values for the Freundlich isotherm variables, and the two values Q8 and Q 10. Q8 is defined as the amount of Cr(VI) removed (in units of µg) per amount of media (in units of mg) when the treated water Cr(VI) concentration is 8 µg/L. Likewise, Q10 is defined as the amount of Cr(VI) removed (in µg) per amount of media (in mg) when the treated water Cr(VI) concentration is 10 µg/L (the California MCL). With this data, a utility could estimate the amount of media required per volume of water treated. For example, if Utility X needed to treat water that contained 50 µg/L Cr(VI) and suppose their water chemistry was similar to that of Utility B. If they wanted to use the ResinTech SBG1 media, the Q8 value is 0.183 µg/mg. The calculation to estimate the amount of media required is shown in Equation 2.1: [50 µg Cr(VI)/L — 8 µg Cr(VI)/L] / [0.183 µg Cr(VI) sorbed/mg media required] = 230 mg media per L of water treated (2.1) Keep in mind that this is just an estimate. Bench -scale and pilot testing is highly recommended before a final design is selected. 17 Table 2.8 Summary of Freundlich isotherm parameters Cr(VI) Na Ca Mg Si Cl SO4 Alkalinity Freundlich Isotherm Q8 Q10 Media - 2 Source Water ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L as CaCO3 Kf 1/n R ug/mg ug/mg 1 90.3 42.1 14.3 2.8 6.1 8.5 50.0 90 0.0624 0.517 0.997 0.183 0.205 Utility B m _ 103 37.3 74.9 7.4 10.1 30.5 88.8 148 0.0459 0.572 0.973 - 0.151 0.171 Utility A - Well A 101 13.2 98.0 17.9 11.7 35.4 87.4 184 0.0342 0.550 0.997- 0.107 0.121 UtilityA -WellB Gj 140 223 37.0 6.3 11.5 215 130 87 0.0161 0.671 0.993 0.065 0.076 - Utility C - Well A c 105 48.9 35.2 67.3 26.3 53.9 49.6 308 0.0459 0.659 - 1.000 0.181 0.209 Utility E v °C 77.9 54.6 5.0 1.9 7.6 16.6 16.8 94 0.0845 0.524 0.998 0.251 0.283 Utility C - Well B 90.3 42.1 14.3 2.8 6.1 8.5 50.0 90 0.0610 0.455 0.946 0.157 0.174 Utility B 103 37.3 74.9 7.4 10.1 30.5 88.8 148 0.0447 0.457 0.895 0.116 0.128 Utility A - Well A = m 0 0 101 13.2 98.0 17.9 11.7 35.4 87.4 184 0.0383 0.577 - 0.997 0.127 0.145 Utility A -Well B a' 140 223 37.0 6.3 11.5 215 130 87 0.0147 0.698 0.996 0.063 0.073 Utility C - Well A 105 48.9 35.2 67.3 26.3 53.9 49.6 308 0.0450 0.678 0.993 0.184 0.214 Utility E 0 90.3 42.1 14.3 2.8 6.1 8.5 50.0 90 0.0439 0.579 0.975 0.146 0.166 Utility B o 103 37.3 74.9 7.4 10.1 30.5 88.8 148 0.0432 0.533 - 0.998 0.131 0.147 Utility A - Well A „A 101 13.2 98.0 17.9 11.7 35.4 87.4 184 0.0388 0.581 0.999 0.130 0.148 Utility A -Well B v 140 223 37.0 6.3 11.5 215 130 87 0.0323 0.569 0.996 0.105 0.120 Utility C - Well A - 105 48.9 35.2 67.3 26.3 53.9 49.6 308 0.0343 0.675 0.998 0.139 0.162 Utility E a, 77.9 54.6 5.0 1.9 7.6 16.6 16.8 94 0.0875 0.602 0.999_ 0.306 0.350 Utility C - Well B 86.7 113 8.2 5.9 5.0 18.4 13.4 230 0.0293 0.519 0.990 0.086 0.097 Utility D 90.3 42.1 14.3 2.8 6.1 8.5 50.0 90 0.0269 0.648 0.992 0.104 0.120 Utility B 0 103 37.3 74.9 7.4 10.1 30.5 88.8 148 0.0215 0.732 0.999 0.098 0.116 Utility A - Well A - v 101 13.2 98.0 17.9 11.7 35.4 87.4 184 0.0196 0.712 0.998 0.086 0.101 Utility A -Well B 01 140 223 37.0 6.3 11.5 215 130 87 0.0215 0.626 0.999 0.079 0.091 Utility C - Well A ° 105 48.9 35.2 67.3 26.3 53.9 49.6 308 0.0188 0.799 0.995 0.099 0.118 Utility E a 77.9 54.6 5.0 1.9 7.6 16.6 16.8 94 0.0483 0.619 0.991 0.175 0.201 Utility C - Well B 86.7 113 8.2 5.9 5.0 18.4 13.4 230 0.0263 0.765 0.993 0.129 0.153 Utility D Q8 = µg Cr(VI) removed / mg media, with 8 µg/L Cr(VI) source Q 10 = µg Cr(VI) removed / mg media, with 10 µg/L Cr(VI) source 18 EFFECT OF COMPETING SOLUTES ON HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM REMOVAL As discussed previously, anionic solutes could compete with chromate for adsorption sites on certain ion exchange media and this could dramatically impact the amount of media required to remove Cr(VI) to an acceptable level. These species include sulfate, silicon, chloride, nitrate, alkalinity (bicarbonate), and natural organic matter (NOM). A study was conducted as part of this project to evaluate each of the ion exchange media for their ability to adsorb Cr(VI) when these competing solutes were present. For this experiment synthetic water with 100 mg/L as CaCO3 of alkalinity was used as our baseline water. Additionally, 20 mg/L calcium, 4 mg/L magnesium, 30 mg/L sodium, and 1 mg/L potassium were added. The pH and anionic species concentrations were manipulated so that a low, medium, and high concentration of each species of interest could be evaluated (Table 2.9). These concentrations were selected based on the 10, 50, and 90 percentile concentrations of these constituents in United States' waters (Snoeyink and Jenkins 1980). Potassium chromate (Matheson Coleman & Bell, ACS grade) was added to each test water so that an initial concentration of approximately 100 µg/L Cr(VI) was present. Two g/L of each media (except 0.4 g/L for the SMI media) was used for all solute concentrations. Table 2.9 Nominal concentrations of comnetinLy solutes tested in this studv Constituent Concentration Unit Low Medium Medium High Sulfate 15 50 100 250 mg/L Silicate 0 5 10 40 mg/L as Si02 Chloride 5 50 100 250 mg/L Alkalinity (bicarbonate) - 100 200 300 mg/L as CaCO3 TOC 0 2 4 6 mg/L as C Nitrate 0 2 3 5 mg/L as N Sulfate Sulfate was varied by addition of sodium sulfate. Four levels of sulfate were tested, including 16, 49, 100, and 251 mg/L (`as measured' concentrations). Cr(VI) concentrations after 30 minutes of exposure were inconclusive in showing the effect of sulfate and exceeded the California MCL for the SBA and WBA media at all sulfate concentrations tested (Figure 2.3). However, after 4 hours of exposure, it was clear that an increase in sulfate resulted in decreased Cr(VI) removal (Figure 2.4). The SBG1 SBA media did not perform as well as the other media in this test, and none of the SBA or WBA media met the California MCL in the presence of 251 mg/L sulfate. After 24 hours of contact time all Cr(VI) concentrations were less than the MCL except for the WBA media S 106 (15.5 µg/L; data not shown). 19 Figure 2.3 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying concentrations of sulfate 45 ■ SO4=16 mg/L 40 ■ 5O4=49 mg/L 35 0 SO4z100 mg/L 30 ■ SO4=251 mg/L J Q 25 a L 20 V 15 10 Califo Cr(VI) MCL MMI SBG-1 A600/9149 CleanitO-LC SIR-700 S106 SMI Figure 2.4 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying concentrations of sulfate 20 Silicon Four levels of silicon were evaluated: 0, 2.2, 4.4, and 17.1 mg/L as Si (Si was added as sodium metasilicate) (0, 4.7, 9.4, and 36.6 mg/L as SiO2). The alkalinity was approximately 100 mg/L as CaCO3 prior to silicon addition, but increased to 110, 120, and 160 mg/L for the different amounts of silicon. Initial Cr(VI) was approximately 100 µg/L. Cr(VI) concentrations after 30 minutes of contact were inconclusive in showing the effect of silicon and exceeded the California MCL for the SBA and WBA media at all silicon concentrations tested (Figure 2.5). However, after 4 hours of contact, it was clear that an increase in silicon resulted in decreased Cr(VI) removal for the two SBA media (SBG1 and A600E/9149) and had little effect on the two WBA media (SIR-700 and S 106) (Figure 2.6). Figure 2.5 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying concentrations of silicon 21 so a Si=O mg/L 45 ■ Si=2.2 mg/L 40 ■ Si=4.4 mg/L 35 ■ Si=17.1 mg/L 30 tW 25 20 15 10 California Cr(VI) MCL 5 SBG-1 A600/9149 Cleanit®-LC SIR-700 S106 SMI Figure 2.6 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying concentrations of silicon Chloride Four levels of chloride were evaluated: 7.5, 43, 85, and 227 mg/L (chloride was added as potassium chloride). The alkalinity was approximately 100 mg/L as CaCO3. Initial Cr(VI) was approximately 100 µg/L. Cr(VI) concentrations after 30 minutes of contact were once again inconclusive in showing the effect of chloride (Figure 2.7). After 4 hours of contact, results were also inconclusive (Figure 2.8). For the two SBA media (SBG1 and A600E/9149) as chloride increased to 85 mg/L, the Cr(VI) removal actually increased; however, at 227 mg/L chloride the media were less effective. For the two WBA media (SIR-700 and S 106) there was little effect on Cr(VI) as chloride increased, although SIR-700 showed a spike in Cr(VI) at 43 mg/L chloride. After 24 hours of contact, however, Cr(VI) was removed to below 2 µg/L in all cases (data not shown). 22 Figure 2.7 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying concentrations of chloride Figure 2.8 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying concentrations of chloride 23 Alkalinity In the alkalinity test, three levels of alkalinity were evaluated by adding differing amounts of sodium bicarbonate. Nominally, these levels were 100, 200, and 300 mg/L as CaCO3. Except for SIR-700 (one of the WBA media), Cr(VI) removal decreased as alkalinity increased after 30 minutes of contact (Figure 2.9). After 4 hours, however, no consistent trend could be seen, although in general the two SBA media outperformed the two WBA media (Figure 2.10). Cr(VI) concentrations were quite low after 24 hours contact time in all cases with concentrations below 2 µg/L (data not shown). Figure 2.9 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying levels of alkalinity 24 1s — ■ Alik=100 16 ■ A1k=200 ■ A1k=300 14 — 12 = California Cr(VI) MCI. 10 s u 6 — — 4 2 0 1 56G-1 A600/9149 C9eanit"AC SIR-700 5106 SMI Figure 2.10 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying levels of alkalinity Organic Carbon Four levels of total organic carbon (TOC) were evaluated by adding different amounts of Suwanee River Fulvic Acid II purchased from the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS). Nominally, these levels were 0, 2, 4, and 6 mg C/L, but values were measured as 0.7, 1.9, 3.3, and 4.7 mg C/L. After 30 minutes and 4 hours of contact there appeared to be no effect on Cr(VI) removal (Figures 2.11 and 2.12). Cr(VI) concentrations were quite low after 24 hours contact time in all cases except SBG1 with no added TOC where the Cr(VI) was still 8.8 µg/L (data not shown). Keep in mind that other types of TOC and naturally occurring organic matter may behave differently. 25 Figure 2.11 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying levels of TOC 50 M TOC=0.7 mg C/L 45 ® TOC=1.9 mg C/L 40 - TOC=33 mg C/L 35 TOC=4.7 mg C/L J 30 _ 25 i U 20 15 California Cr(VI) MCL 10 5 i 0 SBG-1 A600/9149 +Cleanits-LC SIR-700 S106 SMI Figure 2.12 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying levels of TOC 26 Nitrate Four levels of nitrate were evaluated by adding differing amounts of sodium nitrate. Nominally, these levels were 0, 2, 3, and 5 mg/L as N. After 30 minutes of contact, the highest level of nitrate appeared to decrease Cr(VI) removal for the two SBA media (SBG1 and A600E/9149, Figure 2.14). This trend also continued after 4 hours of contact (Figure 2.13). Additionally, after 4 hours of contact, the two WBA media (SIR-700 and S 106) showed increasing Cr(VI) concentrations as the nitrate level increased (Figure 2.14). Note that the 5 mg/L nitrate concentration for SIR-700 did not run correctly so no data is available for this condition. Cr(VI) concentrations were quite low after 24 hours contact time in all cases with concentrations below 0.6 µg/L (data not shown). Figure 2.13 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 30 minutes of contact time with varying levels of nitrate 27 6 ■ Nitrate = 0 mg N/L 5 ■ Nitrate = 2 mg N/L ■ Nitrate = 3 mg N/L a Nitrate = S mgN/L J 1 M 7 r. 3 7 J Z no 2 E U) _ O ra 1 rp ra C 111 58G-1 A600/9149 Cleanit'-LC SIR-700 5106 SMl Figure 2.14 Hexavalent chromium concentration after 4 hours of contact time with varying levels of nitrate 28 CHAPTER 3 WATER QUALITY IMPACTS ON RESINS AND MEDIA PERFORMANCE Small-scale column tests were conducted using the two SBA media and the Purolite S 106 WBA media after completion of the batch -scale isotherm testing. These media were selected for this testing because, in the majority of circumstances, SBA will be the least expensive and least complex technology for small systems to implement for Cr(VI) removal. In the cases where sulfate concentration might be high enough to inhibit SBA efficiency, the next most likely candidate would be WBA media. The column tests are critical in that they provide information on the breakthrough of Cr(VI) at the targeted empty bed contact time (EBCT). This allows one to predict the life of the resin/media which, in turn, allows one to predict the yearly cost of operation. The column tests also created media/resin that could be tested for chromium leaching characteristics that might impact resin disposal in landfills. The small-scale column tests conducted in this study were used to evaluate the effect of various sulfate concentrations, nitrate, and arsenic on the performance of each media. MATERIALS AND METHODS Small -Scale Column Tests Twenty-one small-scale column tests were conducted during the course of this study. These were conducted in seven groups of three — Purolite A600E/9149 (SBA) and ResinTech SBG 1 (SBA) and Purolite S 106 (WBA) resins were evaluated in seven different tests. The column testing set-up is shown in Figure 3.1. Water is mixed in a 180-liter barrel and transferred to three 20-liter buckets (one for each resin test). Water is pumped from each of buckets to the top of an ion exchange column using a peristaltic pump. For the first two groups of tests the water was allowed to flow downward through each column by gravity. Due to the fairly rapid buildup of pressure drop however, the system was converted to a pressure system as depicted in Figure 3.1. The effluent from each column flowed into a nearby sink. Each column test was conducted using an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of two minutes. This is calculated by dividing the water flow rate (mL/min) by the volume of the column (mL). The columns used in this study had an inner diameter of 0.5" (12.7 mm) and the media height was 8" (200 mm) for all tests. The baseline water used in each test was prepared using distilled water, calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and potassium chromate. Baseline concentrations of most elements varied slightly but alkalinity was 100 mg/L as CaCO3 and hexavalent chromium was 100 µg/L as Cr for all tests. The pH was approximately 8.0 for the two SBA media tests. Per the supplier's recommendation and previous work, the pH was lowered to approximately 6.0 for the WBA media test by sparging the water with CO2 (g). Effluent samples were collected from each column at least three times per day and analyzed for Cr(VI) and other metals. 29 Figure 3.1 Photo of small-scale column test setup Leaching Tests Upon completion of the column testing, the spent media will be evaluated using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and the California Waste Extraction Test (CA WET). These tests are used to determine if a waste is to be characterized as `hazardous' in terms of disposal. These tests were designed to simulate leaching in a landfill environment although, typically, the CA WET is the more aggressive of the two. The TCLP is described in EPA Method 1311 (EPA 1992). The first step in this method is to determine which of the extraction fluids should be used. Five grams of each media (ResinTech SBG1, Purolite A600E/9149, Purolite S106) were placed in glass beakers with 96.5 mL of nanopure water. After stirring for 5 minutes the pH readings were 4.23, 4.20, and 4.90 for each media, respectively. Since all these were below pH 5 extraction fluid #1 was used for the TCLP testing. This fluid is prepared by adding 5.7 mL glacial acetic acid and 64.3 mL 1-N sodium hydroxide in about 500 mL nanopure water and diluting up to 1 L with nanopure water. In order to evaluate whether the difference in chromium loading at the top of each column versus the bottom of each column, the media from each column was divided into two halves and each half was mixed prior to collecting samples. Two grams of media was collected and placed in a 40 mL glass vial with 40 mL of the TCLP extraction fluid (1:20 ratio as specified in method). This was done for the media from the top and the bottom of each column for each of the first five small-scale column tests as well as for two samples of new media (control). All samples were placed on a rotator operating at 30 rpm for 18 hours. Samples were then diluted 1:10 and analyzed by ICP-MS for chromium. 30 The media were also evaluated using the CA WET. The extraction fluid for this test is prepared by dissolving 38.4 g of citric acid in 1 L of nanopure water and titrating to pH 5 with sodium hydroxide. The same sampling protocol was followed as in the TCLP testing with the following exceptions. Four grams of media was collected and placed in a 40 mL glass vial with 40 mL of the extraction fluid (1:10 ratio as specified in method). This was done for the media from the top and the bottom of each column for each of the first five small-scale column tests as well as for two samples of new media (control). All samples were placed on a rotator for 48 hours. Samples were then diluted 1:10 and analyzed by ICP-MS for chromium. RESULTS Baseline Test (Gravity Fed) Water was prepared with the following concentrations: 45 mg/L Na, 3.5 mg/L Mg, 16 mg/L sulfate, 30 mg/L chloride, 1 mg/L potassium, 17 mg/L calcium, 100 µg/L Cr(VI) and approximately 100 mg/L as CaCO3 alkalinity. During the test the WBA media (Purolite S 106) developed a high pressure drop and we were only able to run to 4500 bed volumes (BV). At that point no Cr(VI) was seen in the effluent. Also, the only co -competing solute, sulfate, was still being removed (approximately 5 mg/L in effluent). The pressure drop through the two SBA media (ResinTech SBG1 and Purolite A600E/9149) eventually increased as well and the test had to be stopped after 6300 BV. As in the case of the WBA media, no detectable Cr(VI) was in the effluent and sulfate was still being removed. High Sulfate Test (Gravity Fed) The second test was conducted after following some guidance from the Purolite technical representative. The media was allowed to soak in distilled water for several hours prior to placing it in its column. Also, after the media was placed in its column, it was backwashed with distilled water for several minutes to remove the fine particulate matter present in the media. We also added some height to the columns to allow for more pressure drop. These pre -treatments enabled us to run the columns longer than the first test, but pressure drop still increased. For the second test sulfate concentration was increased to approximately 150 mg/L. The two SBA media built up pressure drop faster than the WBA media in this test and they had to be shutdown after about 5300 BV. The WBA media (Purolite S 106) was operated until almost 7500 BV. Cr(VI) effluent results are shown in Figure 3.2. 31 40 }ReslnTech 5BG1 35 -wPurolite A600/9149 �J 30 -wPuroiite 5106 2 2. E 20 X w 10 s a 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.2 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test Cr(VI) effluent from the two SBA media increased rapidly after about 2000 BV and reached breakthrough (defined as Cr(VI) > 8 µg/L) after 3600 and 4300 BV, respectively. The WBA media actually achieved breakthrough at 1400 BV but the Cr(VI) effluent decreased later and remained steady at about 5 µg/L until near the end of the test. Sulfate was removed nearly completely for each media until it rapidly increased to its influent level at about 1000 BV. Medium Sulfate Test (Pressure System) For this test a medium amount of sulfate (60 mg/L) was added to the test water. Water was prepared with the following concentrations: 65 mg/L Na, 3.5 mg/L Mg, 60 mg/L sulfate, 30 mg/L chloride, 1 mg/L potassium, 17 mg/L calcium, 100 µg/L Cr(VI) and approximately 100 mg/L as CaCO3 alkalinity. The columns were operated as described above and shown in Figure 3.1. Cr(VI) removal by the two SBA media (ResinTech SBGI and Purolite A600E/9149) was similar (Figure 3.3). Effluent Cr(VI) was low up until about 4,000 BVs treated and then rose exponentially thereafter. Breakthrough of 8 µg/L Cr(VI) occurred at about 6,000 BVs and exceedance of the Cr(VI) MCL occurred at about 6,500 BVs. The WBA media (Purolite S 106) behaved differently. Effluent Cr(VI) concentration increased quickly to about 2 — 3 µg/L but only gradually increased thereafter. By 8,000 BVs the effluent Cr(VI) had only eluted to about 7 µg/L. At this point, the pressure drop had increased to a point where the flow could not be maintained so the test was terminated. Sulfate was removed similarly by each media, becoming saturated at about 1,200 — 1,500 BVs (Figure 3.4). One important point here is that each media continued to remove Cr(VI) even after sulfate removal ended. 32 25 -*-ResinTech SBG1 20 fPurolite A600/9149 tw a tPurolite S106 15 E O u 2R x x 4y i 5 0 ■ 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.3 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test 70 60 50 Off$ 40 E -&-ResinTech SBG1 30 `" -e-Purolite A600/9149 20 fPurolite S106 1© 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.4 Sulfate concentration in effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test Medium Sulfate Test with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System) Nitrate and arsenic were added for this test to evaluate Cr(VI) removal with a number of competing solutes. Sodium arsenate was added to the same water as the previous test so that the 33 arsenic concentration was approximately 8 µg/L. Sodium nitrate was also added so that the nitrate concentration was approximately 8 mg/L as N (due to a miscalculation only 1.5 mg/L nitrate was added for up to 4,000 BVs). These concentrations were selected based on 80% of the MCLs for each contaminant. As in the previous test, Cr(VI) removal by the two SBA media (ResinTech SBG1 and Purolite A600E/9149) was similar (Figure 3.5). Effluent Cr(VI) was low up until about 4,000 bed volumes and then rose exponentially thereafter. Breakthrough of 8 µg/L Cr(VI) occurred at about 5,000 BVs and exceedance of the Cr(VI) MCL occurred at about 5,500 BVs. The WBA media (Media E) behaved differently (but similar to how it behaved in the previous test). Cr(VI) quickly rose to about 2 µg/L in the effluent but only gradually increased thereafter. By 7,000 BVs the effluent Cr(VI) was still only about 7 µg/L. At this point the pressure drop had increased to a point where the flow could not be maintained so the test was terminated. 35 -&-ResinTech SBG1 30 #PuroIote A600/9149 J -a fPuro[ote 5106 3 20 to s U a+ 15 C W 10 W 5 0 0 1,000 2,,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,ODO 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.5 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate Once again, sulfate was removed similarly by each media, becoming saturated at about 1,300 — 1,500 BVs (Figure 3.6). Arsenic was also removed during the first 1,000 BVs; however, at that point arsenic in the effluent rose dramatically (to 25 µg/L in one case even though the influent was only 8 µg/L), demonstrating the potential for chromatographic peaking when sulfate and/or nitrate is also present (Figure 3.7). After about 1,500 BVs arsenic effluent was equivalent to the influent. Nitrate also behaved in a similar manner as arsenic, except there was not an obvious chromatographic peak for the WBA media (Figure 3.8). 34 s0 70 60 J 50 E -*-ResinTech 5'BG1 40 y -wPurolite A600/9149 V1 30 #Purolite S106 20 10 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7.000 3;000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.6 Sulfate concentration in the effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate ,_�� 25 ResinTech SBG1 e-Puralite A600/9149 20 -wPurolite S106 Ob u 15 m L a 10 5 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.7 Arsenic concentration in the effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate 35 Figure 3.8 Nitrate concentration in the effluent during the 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate Medium Sulfate Test Repeated with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System) The previous test with added nitrate and arsenic was repeated, except sample collection was performed more regularly, hourly instead of three times per day, for the time period between 700-1700 BVs of water treated. As in the previous test, Cr(VI) removal by the two SBA media was similar (Figure 3.9). Effluent Cr(VI) was low up until about 4,000 BVs and then rose exponentially thereafter. Breakthrough of 8 µg/L Cr(VI) occurred at about 5,000 BVs and exceedance of the Cr(VI) MCL occurred at about 5,500 BVs. The WBA media (Purolite S106) behaved differently (but similar to how it behaved in the previous test). Cr(VI) quickly rose to about 2 µg/L in the effluent but only gradually increased thereafter. By 7,000 BVs the effluent Cr(VI) was still only about 4 µg/L. 36 Figure 3.9 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate Once again, sulfate was removed similarly by each media, becoming saturated at about 1,300 —1,500 BVs (Figure 3.10). Arsenic was also removed during the first 1,000 BVs; however, at that point arsenic in the effluent rose dramatically (to 25 µg/L in one case even though the influent was only 8 µg/L). The intensive sampling clearly demonstrates chromatographic peaking of arsenic in the presence of nitrate and/or sulfate, with the effluent concentrations being significantly higher (Figure 3.11). After about 1,500 BVs arsenic effluent was equivalent to the influent. Nitrate also behaved in a similar manner and seemed to peak at about 15 mg/L for the two SBA media. There was no significant peak for the WBA media (Figure 3.12). 37 Figure 3.10 Sulfate concentration in the effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate 30 2S �ResinTech SBG1 -►-Purolite ► 600/9149 20 -wPurolite 5106 J t WO U 15 GU a 10 5 0 1,o0c 2,000 3,000 4,000 5.000 6,000 7,000 F,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.11 Arsenic concentration in the effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and 8 µg/L arsenic 38 Figure 3.12 Nitrate concentration in the effluent during the repeat 60 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate The effluent nitrate, arsenic and sulfate concentrations are combined into a single graph for each media in Figures 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15 and are plotted as normalized concentrations (i.e., effluent concentration divided by influent concentration). These charts show the chromatographic peaking (i.e., C/Co > 1.0) of arsenic and nitrate between 600-1800 BVs of water treated. Both the SBA media act similarly, with nitrate peaking first, followed by arsenic. The point at which sulfate concentration rises exponentially, coincides with the arsenic peak (-1100 BVs). It is clear that all the chromatographic peaking phenomenon lie between 700-1400 BVs. The effluent concentrations of all the solutes (except Cr(VI)) match that of the influent post-1400 BVs. This was observed in the previous medium -sulfate column test as well. 39 Note: C/Co = effluent concentration / influent concentration Figure 3.13 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for ResinTech SBG1 (60 mg/L sulfate small- scale column test) Figure 3.14 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite A600E/9149 (60 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test) 40 Note: The small `blip' in nitrate, sulfate, and arsenic concentrations between 700 and 900 BVs has not been explained. It is unlikely to be instrument error since these were analyzed using two different instruments.) Figure 3.15 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite S106 (60 mg/L sulfate small- scale column test) High Sulfate Test with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System) Sulfate was increased to 150 mg/L to evaluate the chromatographic peaking phenomenon observed in the previous tests. We expected to see the breakthrough and the chromatographic peaks occurring at lower bed volumes and so collected effluent samples every two hours on the second day of the test. Cr(VI) removal followed a similar trend as seen in our previous high- sulfate column test. The SBA media breakthrough was at 2,500 BVs. The effluent Cr(VI) concentrations reached 50 µg/L at about 4,000 bed volumes, at which point the test was ended for both SBA media. The WBA media saw a brief period of breakthrough (peaking at 10 µg/L) between 1,600-2,200 BVs. The effluent Cr(VI) concentration decreased to about 6 µg/L and stayed at that level until 7,000 BVs, at which point, the test was terminated (Figure 3.16). As expected, the peaking of arsenic (Figure 3.17) and nitrate (Figure 3.18) occurred much earlier than in the medium sulfate concentration test. Unfortunately, the intensive sampling period did not effectively capture the peaks, as it was even faster than we anticipated. The trend in sulfate removal (Figure 3.19) was uniform, with saturation occurring at 600 BVs. This also was faster than the previous medium -sulfate test, where it occurred at 1,000 BVs. 41 70 60 J A 50 7 E 40 0 L prr V f+ 30 M z 20 a 2 10 -*-ResinTech SBG1 -wPurolite A600/9149 -FPurolite S106 o - 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.16 Hexavalent chromium concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate 40 A ResinTech SBG1 -wPurolite A600/9149 30 --Purolite S106 J 25 do 7 v 20 .F ev L @ 15 10 5 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.17 Arsenic concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and 8 µg/L arsenic 42 Figure 3.18 Nitrate concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate 180 160 140 120 J E100 6J euv so 75 }Resiffech SBG1 60 r -P-Purolite A600/9149 40 fPur+olite S106 20 v. 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.19 Sulfate concentration in effluent during the 150 mg/L sulfate test with 8 µg/L arsenic and 8 mg/L nitrate The effluent nitrate, arsenic and sulfate concentrations for the high sulfate concentration test are combined into a single graph for each media in Figures 3.20, 3.21 and 3.22 and are plotted 43 as normalized concentrations (i.e., effluent concentration divided by influent concentration). These charts show the chromatographic peaking (i.e., C/Co > 1.0) of arsenic and nitrate between 300-600 BVs of water treated. Both the SBA media act similarly, with nitrate and arsenic peaking at approximately the same time (difficult to distinguish due to few samples taken that early in testing). The point at which sulfate concentration rises exponentially, coincides with the end of the arsenic peak (-600 BVs). It is clear that all the chromatographic peaking phenomenon lie between 300-600 BVs. The effluent concentrations of all the solutes (except Cr(VI)) match that of the influent post-600 BVs. Figure 3.20 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for the ResinTech SBG1 (150 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test) 44 Figure 3.21 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite A600E/9149 (150 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test) Figure 3.22 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for the Purolite S106 (150 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test) 45 Low Sulfate Test with Added Nitrate and Arsenic (Pressure System) For the final column test, we decreased the sulfate to 20 mg/L, with 8 mg/L of nitrate and 8 µg/L of arsenic. The sampling frequency was increased to five times a day for the first half of the test in an attempt to capture the chromatographic peaks, if there were any. Breakthrough of Cr(VI) was not observed for any media through the end of the test at 5000 BVs, which is consistent with our previous low sulfate (baseline) column test. The Cr(VI) chart is not shown as the effluent concentrations were below our reporting level of 1 µg/L. Arsenic peaked at about 2,000 BVs for all the media and came down to the influent concentration post 3,000 BVs (Figure 3.23). Nitrate peaked between 1,800-2,200 BVs for the SBA media and no significant peak was seen for the WBA media (Figure 3.24). The nitrate concentrations came down to influent levels by 3,500 BVs. Sulfate levels reached saturation for all the media by 3,200 BVs (Figure 3.25). Clearly, decreasing the sulfate levels slowed the chromatographic peaking and sulfate saturation time, as compared to the medium- and high -sulfate column tests. 12 10 8 J i1q 3 � 6 Ql 2 -A-ResinTech SBG1 4 -*-Purolite A600/9149 --Purolite 51.06 z 0 0 1,000 2,00Q 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.23 Arsenic concentration in the effluent during the 20 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and 8 µg/L arsenic 46 0 0 -*-ResinTech SBG1 ♦-Purolite A600/9149 -wPurolite S106 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.24 Nitrate concentration in effluent during the 20 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and 8 µg/L arsenic 25 20 61 &-ResinTech SBG1 ♦Purolite A600/9149 FPurolite S106 0 0 1,000 2,000 3.00-3 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 #'Bed Vo I u mes Treated Figure 3.25 Sulfate concentration in effluent during the 20 mg/L sulfate test with 8 mg/L nitrate and 8 µg/L arsenic The effluent nitrate, arsenic and sulfate concentrations for the low sulfate concentration test are combined into a single graph for each media in Figures 3.26, 3.27 and 3.28 and are plotted as normalized concentrations (i.e., effluent concentration divided by influent concentration). 47 These charts show a wider and less sharp chromatographic peaking (i.e., C/co > 1.0) of arsenic and nitrate between 800-3500 BVs of water treated. Both the SBA media acted similarly. The point at which sulfate concentration rose exponentially coincides with the end of the arsenic peak (-3000-3500 BVs). The effluent concentrations of all the solutes (except Cr(VI)) match that of the influent post-3500 BVs. For the WBA media (Figure 3.28), no nitrate peaking was observed although arsenic still peaked between 1000 and 2500 BVs so WBA might be a more attractive option if nitrate is an issue. 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0 u u 0.6 +Nitrate 0.4 —Arsenic +Sulfate 0.2 -Cr(VI) 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.26 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for ResinTech SBG1 (20 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test) 48 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 d 0.8 -*-Nitrate 0,5 Arsenic ° -*-Sulfate 0.2 Cr(VI) a 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.27 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite A6O0E/9149 (20 mg/L sulfate small-scale column test) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0 0.8 u -♦-Nitrate 0.6 Arsenic OA -wSulfate 0.2 #Cr(VI) 0 0 1.000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 # Bed Volumes Treated Figure 3.28 Nitrate, arsenic, and sulfate peaking for Purolite S1O6 (20 mg/L sulfate small- scale column test) 49 Summary of Chromatographic Peaking Results Sulfate concentration is a key driver in the phenomenon of `chromatographic peaking' for the waters tested. A summary of the key characteristics observed in the tests described above are given in Table 3.1. For SBA media the peak arsenic and nitrate concentrations increased as the sulfate concentration increased. Likewise, the time required to the start of the peaking was also inversely correlated with sulfate concentration for SBA media. For WBA media, arsenic peaking was also observed, although at higher sulfate concentrations the peak arsenic concentration is much less than those observed in the SBA media columns. No nitrate peaking was observed for the WBA media tests. No Cr(VI) peaking was observed in any of the column tests. These results were in keeping with expectations based on previous studies. Table 3.1 Summary of chromatoLyranhic neakine of arsenic and nitrate Media Media Sulfate Arsenic Nitrate Sulfate Peak Duration (in BV) Arsenic Nitrate Name Type (mg/L) C/Co Peak C/Co Peak BV to C/Co =1 SBG-1 SBA 20 1.29 1.25 4000 1300-3400 1500-3800 A600/9149 SBA 20 1.38 1.23 3400 800-3000 1400-3000 S106 WBA 20 1.35 1.04 3400 1200-2400 n/a SBG-1 SBA 60 2.85 1.94 1500 1000-1400 850-1300 A600/9149 SBA 60 3.12 1.80 1200 850-1400 800-1200 5106 WBA 60 1.60 1.07 1300 700-1300 n/a SBG-1 SBA 150 3.64 2.14 650 400-650 500-600 A600/9149 SBA 150 4.57 1.96 700 400-650 500-600 5106 WBA 150 1.24 1.03 1400 500-1400 n/a TCLP Test Results of the TCLP testing for the first five column tests are presented in Table 3.2. Several observations can be made. First, all top media samples had greater chromium leaching than their respective bottom layer samples, indicating that loading is primarily in the top part of the column, as would be expected. Second, the high sulfate loading in column test #2 resulted in less chromium removed and therefore, less chromium was leached during the TCLP testing. Also, the WBA media (Purolite S 106) exhibited the least TCLP leaching despite the fact that more chromium was removed by this media. This may be a result of the pH of the leaching solution (pH 5) which is not far removed from the optimum removal pH (pH 6-6.5) for this media. Column tests 1 and 2 were gravity -fed tests while the remainder of the tests were with a pressure feed system. This may explain the low TCLP results for the bottom of the SBA media tests when gravity feed was being used. Only two TCLP results exceeded the regulatory limit of 5 mg/L (5,000 µg/L). However, in a real situation the media from the entire column would be tested as one, meaning in this case the average TCLP for this column would be less than the regulatory limit. 50 Table 3.2 TCLP chromium concentrations Column Water Quality TCLP - Cr Concentration (ug/L) Test Sulfate Nitrate Arsenic ResinTech SBG1 Purolite A600/9149 Purolite 5106 mg/L mg/L as N ug/L top bottom top bottom top bottom 1 60 0 0 2,023 36 4,233 6 287 21 2 150 0 0 954 659 2,497 1,710 404 48 3 60 0 0 2,563 1,389 4,350 2,236 461 69 4 60 7 8 2,197 1,376 3,195 2,528 223 25 5 60 7.5 8 2,697 2,055 6,038 3,448 383 108 6 150 8 8.5 783 581 2,329 2,084 419 81 7 20 8 8 1,843 232 6,275 1,391 110 19 A further calculation was performed to determine the amount of chromium removed in each column test and how this value related to the TCLP leaching amount. Chromium loading was determined by calculating the amount of chromium removed at each effluent sample collection time and integrating over the entire testing period. Data is shown in Table 3.3 in units of `mg chromium per g media'. Likewise, the amount of chromium leached into TCLP extraction fluid is shown in the same units so side -by -side comparisons can be made. From the data presented it is apparent that only a fraction of the chromium that was originally removed is mobilized by the TCLP extraction fluid. Table 3.3 TCLP results expressed in terms of media loadin Column Test Water Quality Cr(VI) Loading mg/gmedia Cr Leached by TCLP (top) mg/gmedia Cr Leached by TCLP (bottom) mg/gmedia Sulfate Nitrate Arsenic mg/L mg/Las N ug/L SBG1 A600/9149 5106 SBG1 A600/9149 5106 SBG1 A600/9149 5106 1 60 0 0 0.76 0.76 0.70 0.040 0.085 0.006 0.001 0.000 0.000 2 150 0 0 0.58 0.61 0.84 0.019 0.050 0.008 0.013 0.034 0.001 3 60 0 0 0.92 0.91 0.92 0.051 0.087 0.009 0.028 0.045 0.001 4 60 7 8 0.83 0.84 0.86 0.044 0.064 0.008 0.028 0.051 0.002 5 60 7.5 8 0.89 0.88 0.94 0.054 0.121 0.008 0.041 0.069 0.002 6 150 8 8.5 0.45 0.46 0.81 0.016 0.047 0.008 0.012 0.042 0.002 7 20 8 8 0.64 0.88 0.87 0.037 0.126 0.002 0.005 0.028 0.000 California Waste Extraction Test An accident occurred while the samples were rotating and several samples leaked. This caused the markings on the vials to be washed off so we had no way of ascertaining which samples were from which media or column test. Even so, we did analyze all the remaining samples with ICP-MS. Of the 27 samples analyzed, 4 had concentrations greater than 5,000 µg/L chromium, the regulatory limit. 51 CHAPTER 4 FULL SCALE APPLICATIONS GUIDANCE This chapter has the practical guidance for small systems that are considering to implement wellhead treatment of hexavalent chromium. This guidance is developed based on the results of bench -scale testing discussed in the earlier chapters, findings of previous studies and projects funded by Water Research Foundation and best professional judgment. The guidance provided in this chapter is intended for conceptual planning purposes and it is not intended to take the place of site -specific preliminary or detailed design work. Capital cost opinions are expressed in March 2016 dollars, corresponding with an Engineering News Record (ENR) 20-Cities Average Construction Cost Index (CCI) of 10,242.09. O&M cost opinions are expressed in March 2016 dollars, corresponding with an Engineering News Record (ENR) 20-Cities Average Skilled Labor Index (SLI) of 9771.84. CANDIDATE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES Several treatment technologies have been shown to effectively remove hexavalent chromium from groundwater: • Weak base anion (WBA) exchange • Strong base anion (SBA) exchange • Granular iron media (GIM) • Reduction coagulation filtration (RCF) • Reverse osmosis (RO) Among these technologies, the WBA and SBA exchange processes are significantly simpler to implement and easier to operate for small systems compared to the other processes. Therefore, extended guidance is provided for the WBA and SBA exchange processes. This chapter includes preliminary discussion of GIM, RCF and RO processes. It does not include the footprint and cost information for GIM, RCF and RO processes since they are fairly complex processes for small water systems to consider and implement. Weak Base Anion (WBA) Exchange Process Description Ion exchange treatment processes involve the use of synthetic resin beads (or media) which are saturated with an inert ion such as chloride or hydroxide. During water treatment, the inert ion is exchanged with an unwanted ion such as chromate (Cr042-) in water. In order to accomplish the exchange of unwanted ion from water with the inert ion in solid phase, a packed bed of ion exchange resin media is used. Groundwater is passed through the bed in down flow mode until the ion exchange resin media is exhausted. When the resin media is exhausted, breakthrough of the contaminant (i.e., hexavalent chromium) will be observed. The WBA process has been extensively evaluated and demonstrated in studies conducted by the City of Glendale, CA, in partnership with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, City of Burbank, City of San Fernando, the California Department of Public Health, the EPA and 53 the Water Research Foundation and other agencies (Brandhuber et al. 2004, McGuire et al. 2006, Blute et al. 2013). The Glendale, CA studies indicated two possible mechanisms of hexavalent chromium removal by WBA resin: exchange of chromate ion with chloride ion and reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(IIl) on the resin surface. These studies also confirmed that the WBA process requires suppression of the influent water pH to 6.0 or less. Shown in Figure 4.1 is a concept -level process flow diagram for the WBA exchange treatment. This figure only shows the major equipment and chemical injection locations; it does not include all the piping, valving, and instrumentation and control systems. As shown in the figure, the influent water pH is adjusted to 6.0 or less using acid addition. The pH of the treated water has to be adjusted to ambient water pH using caustic addition to avoid corrosion related issues in the distribution system. The WBA treatment typically involves the use of two pressure vessels with resin media operated in series. The influent water flows through the lead vessel and then through the lag vessel. When there is a breakthrough of hexavalent chromium in the lag vessel, the lead vessel is taken offline, and the resin media in the lead vessel is replaced with new media. The lead vessel with the new media is moved to the lag position and lag vessel is moved to the lead position by switching the inter -vessel valves. This lead -lag operation of the WBA resin vessels result in better usage of the resin before replacement. The WBA resin requires rinsing when the media is initially installed to remove any preservatives and media fines that may be present. The WBA resin is backwashed whenever the head loss through the vessels reaches a pre-set point. Backwashing frequency for WBA resin is kept minimal to avoid an upset of the mass transfer zone and premature breakthrough of hexavalent chromium. The spent backwash water is collected in a storage tank and gradually disposed of to a sanitary sewer (if available), recirculated to the head of the plant or hauled off -site to a disposal facility. The exhausted WBA resin is normally not regenerated but is disposed of as a solid waste after dewatering. Groundwater =D14 FE �' Static Mixerca — ¢_ u PT 7 Cartridge Filter z fx} a . Finished Water Static Mixer Product Rinse' tckwashWater2'so'ts (Intermittent) Waste Tank Hauled Off -Site j Deposed to Sewer Notes 1. WBA resin requires initial rinsing to remove preservatives. a. WBA resin may require intermittent backwash i ng to manage headloss. 3. Red lines denote backwash and waste streams. Figure 4.1 WBA resin treatment process flow diagram 54 Advantages and Disadvantages The key strengths and weaknesses of the WBA process are summarized in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Strengths and weaknesses of WBA process Strengths WBA resins have longer run lengths and Cr(VI) exchange capacities compared to SBA resins. WBA resin is operated as a single -use, non- regenerable resin; it is a relatively simpler process to operate and maintain. WBA resin process results in minimal amount of liquid waste streams (liquid waste stream generated is less than 1 percent (%) of treated water on a volume basis). WBA resin process removes other contaminants such as copper, vanadium and uranium where they occur (Blute et al. 2012). This is an advantage if these contaminants also need to be removed. Key Design Criteria Weaknesses WBA resin process requires pH adjustment to 6.0 or less which can result in higher chemical costs for moderate -high alkaline waters. Post -treatment pH adjustment requires addition of caustic which can also increase the overall operation costs. Process requires storage and handling of hazardous chemicals. Exhausted or spent WBA resin can accumulate high concentration of uranium, and chromium and the waste can be classified as radioactive or hazardous. This may result in higher disposal costs. The key design criteria for WBA treatment are summarized in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 WBA treatment design criteria Criteria Units Assumptions and Typical Values System Configuration -- Lead — Lag Vessels, Series Operation Hydraulic Loading Rate per gpm / sf 6 — 15 Vessel Minimum Empty Bed Contact minutes 3 Time per Vessel Minimum Resin Bed Depth ft 3-4 per Vessel Rinse / Backwash Rate gpm / sf 1.5 — 2.0 to achieve 50-60 percent media expansion. (continued) 55 Table 4.2 (Continued) Criteria Units Assumptions and Typical Values Rinse / Backwash Duration minutes 10 — 30 Influent Water pH Target S. U. 6.0 or less Treated Water pH Target S. U. Ambient groundwater pH. Note. gpm/sf — gallons per minute per square foot; ft — feet; S.U. — standard units Residuals Disposal Considerations The WBA resin requires initial rinsing to remove preservatives and fines and intermittent backwashing to control head loss. The spent rinse water and backwash wastewater can be collected in a waste tank, analyzed and disposed to sanitary sewer (if available near the well site) or transported to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) facility for ultimate disposal. The spent WBA resin is replaced with new resin. The spent resin is analyzed for potential leachates using the Federal Toxicity Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and the California Waste Extraction Test (WET). The toxicity limit for chromium in the leachate for TCLP testing is 5 mg/L. The soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC) and the total threshold limit concentration (TTLC) under the California Title 22 for hexavalent chromium are 5 mg/L and 500 mg/kg, respectively. In addition to removing hexavalent chromium, the WBA resin can also remove radionuclides such as uranium. If the groundwater contains radioactive compounds, then the spent resin has to be analyzed for additional parameters as defined by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Presence of radionuclides (e.g., uranium) on spent resin can result in its classification as technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM). Because the naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) is concentrated due to human activity, the spent resin is classified as TENORM. Most TENORM resins can be disposed to landfills. However, the spent resin is classified as a low level radioactive waste (LLRW) if the total uranium concentration exceeds 500 mg/kg. The waste disposal costs can be significant if the spent resin is classified as LLRW as there are only a few facilities that can handle radioactive wastes. Water systems with uranium in groundwater can consider limiting the operational life of WBA resin to avoid exceeding the LLRW threshold for radioactivity. Water systems can consider co -mingling the spent WBA resin with absorbent materials such as bentonite clay to sequester the free liquid and contain the total uranium concentration in aggregated resin to below 0.05 percent trigger for radioactivity waste categorization (Blute et al. 2013). Conceptual Treatment Footprints The conceptual footprints for hexavalent chromium treatment using WBA resin for 0.5 million gallons per day (MGD), 1 MGD and 2 MGD groundwater plants are respectively shown in Figure 4.2, Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4. All major process units are shown in these figures. However, the footprint and space requirements may vary based on site constraints, well pumping rates and specific equipment requirements. The conceptual footprints include secondary 56 containment for all chemical and waste storage tanks. The WBA resin vessels may need to be enclosed depending on the local climate conditions. The treatment footprints do not include the space for well(s), ground storage tank(s), a pump station, or storm water detention. --------------------- 8 ft� 40 ft Lag Vessel 12 Access 45 ft Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Electrical & 10 ft Controls 10 ft 11 -------------- 5 ft ------------- Acid Tank ------------- 5 ft ------------- Caustic Tank ------------- 5 ft Chlorine Tank Figure 4.2 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin 57 45 ft ------------------------ Electrical 10 ft & 10 ft Controls Lead Vessel 10 ft L----------------------- 12 ft --------------- -------------------------- 5 ft CLagVessel Acid Tank Access ----------------------- 5 ft Caustic Tank ------------- 12 ft 5 ft ( ) Waste Tank Chlorine Tank 50 ft Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Figure 4.3 Conceptual footprint for I MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin 58 ---------------------------- 12 ft Lead Vessel ----------------------------- so ft 12 ft— ft Lag Vessel Electrical & 10 ft Controls 10 ---------------- 12 ft 6)fftt Access Acid Tank 55 ft Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines ----------------- 6 ft Caustic Tank ----------------- 6 ft Chlorine Tank Figure 4.4 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin 59 Budgetary -Level Cost Opinions The budget -level capital cost opinions for 0.5 MGD, 1 MGD and 2 MGD hexavalent chromium treatment using the WBA resin are summarized in Table 4.3, Table 4.4 and Table 4.5, respectively. The capital cost opinions were developed by obtaining vendor quotations for all major equipment, estimating the amount of concrete needed for slabs and facilities and applying appropriate factors for installation, electrical, instrumentation and controls, general site civil, valving / piping and appurtenances, and contractor's overhead and profit. Table 4.3 Cabital cost obinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VIl treatment usin! WBA resin DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS. UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Acid Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $ 130,000 $ 260,000 8-ft diameter Lead and Lag Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Backwash Waste Tank 1 EA $ 30,000 $ 30,000 10-ft diameter FRP Tank; 6,200 gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Caustic Feed System 1 LS $ 30,000 $ 30,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Chlorine Feed System 1 LS $ 30,000 $ 30,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements or Flow Meter 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 1,800 $ 1,800 6-inch diameter mixer WBA Resin 300 CF $ 200 $ 60,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 506,000 Installation 30% $ 151,800 Electrical and Instrumentation & 20% $ 101,200 Control General Site Civil 15% $ 75,900 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 75,900 Concrete 53 CY $ 600 $ 31,800 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 943,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 141,450 Contingency 30% $ 42,435 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 1,127,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and 11% $ 123,970 Administration Construction Admin 9% $ 101,430 Total Project Cost $ 1,353,000 Low Estimate $ 947,100 -30% High Estimate $ 2,029,500 +50% 60 Table 4.4 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS. UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Acid Feed System 1 LS $ 60,000 $ 60,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $ 200,000 $ 400,000 10-ft diameter Lead and Lag Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Backwash Waste Tank 1 EA $ 30,000 $ 30,000 10-ft diameter FRP Tank; 9,600 gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Caustic Feed System 1 LS $ 40,000 $ 40,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Chlorine Feed System 1 LS $ 40,000 $ 40,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements or Flow Meter 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 1,800 $ 1,800 6-inch diameter mixer WBA Resin 600 CIF $ 200 $ 120,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 736,000 Installation 30% $ 220,800 Electrical and Instrumentation & Con 20% $ 147,200 General Site Civil 15% $ 110,400 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 110,400 Concrete 53 CY $ 600 $ 31,800 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 1,357,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 203,550 Contingency 30% $ 61,065 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 1,622,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Ada 11% $ 178,420 Construction Admin 9% $ 145,980 Total Project Cost $ 1,947,000 Low Estimate $ 1,362,900 -30% High Estimate $ 2,920,500 +50% 61 Table 4.5 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Acid Feed System 1 LS $ 70,000 $ 70,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $ 220,000 $ 440,000 12-ft diameter Lead and Lag Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/lstand-by Backwash Waste Tank 1 EA $ 37,000 $ 37,000 12-ft diameter FRP Tank; 14,000 gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Caustic Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Chlorine Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements or Flow Meter 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 1,800 $ 1,800 6-inch diameter mixer WBA Resin 1,400 CF $ 200 $ 280,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 973,000 Installation 30% $ 291,900 Electrical and Instrumentation & Coi 20% $ 194,600 General Site Civil 15% $ 145,950 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 145,950 Concrete 53 CY $ 600 $ 31,800 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 1,784,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 267,600 Contingency 30% $ 80,280 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 2,132,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Adi 11% $ 234,520 Construction Admin 9% $ 191,880 Total Project Cost $ 2,559,000 Low Estimate $ 1,791,300 -30% High Estimate $ 3,838,500 +50% 62 The O&M cost opinions for hexavalent chromium treatment using WBA resin for 0.5 MGD, 1 MGD and 2 MGD capacities are summarized in Table 4.6. The O&M cost opinions include the costs for chemicals, power, labor, resin replacement and other miscellaneous items. The assumptions used for developing the O&M cost opinions are summarized in the footnotes. The WBA resin life of 250,000 bed volumes is based on an influent hexavalent chromium concentration of 30 µg/L, and effluent concentration of less than 10 µg/L, (Blute et al. 2013; Chowdhury et al. 2016). The actual WBA resin life has to be established based on site -specific pilot testing. Table 4.6 O&M cost o>ainion for Cr(VI) treatment using WBA resin Capacity Item 0.5 MGD 1 MGD 2 MGD Power 1 $ 13,000 $ 15,000 $ 17,000 Chemicals z $ 34,000 $ 67,000 $ 134,000 Resin Replacement 3 $ 29,000 $ 63,000 $ 139,000 Spent Resin & Wastewater Disposal $ 56,000 $ 126,000 $ 249,000 Labor $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Maintenance & Spare Parts4 $ 5,060 $ 7,360 $ 9,730 Analytics 5 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total Annual O&M $ 288,000 $ 429,000 $ 699,000 Low Estimate $ 201,600 $ 300,300 $ 489,300 High Estimate $ 432,000 $ 643,500 $ 1,048,500 Notes: 1. Unit cost of electricity was assumed to $0.12 per kiloWatt hour (kWh). 2. Chemical costs include acid, base and chlorine costs. 3. Resin replacement costs are based assumed resin life of 250,000 bed volumes prior to breakthrough. 4. Maintenance costs were estimated to be 1% of total installed equipment costs. 5. Analytical costs include field and laboratory analysis for compliance and process monitoring. The cost opinions developed with this methodology are considered to fall within the range of Class 5 estimates as defined by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) International. These levels of engineering cost estimating are generally conducted on the basis of limited preliminary information and without detailed information such as process and instrumentation diagrams, engineering layouts, and equipment schedules. This level of cost estimating is appropriate for budgetary planning purposes, assessment of initial viability and evaluation of alternative plans. Typical accuracy ranges recognized for AACE Class 5 estimates are -30% to +50%. The cost tables include low and high ranges for each capacity size. 63 Strong Base Anion (SBA) Exchange Process Description The SBA process has been studied and applied by water systems for treatment of nitrate, arsenic and perchlorate. Previous pilot studies and demonstration studies showed removals of hexavalent chromium to less than 1 µg/L (McGuire et al. 2007). In the SBA process, the quaternary amine functional group (-N(CH3)3+) is strongly basic and ionized to the point that the resin is effective at a broad pH range (Clifford 1999). The anion selectivity for SBA resins is as shown below: Cr042- > S042- > HAS042- > NO3- > HCO3-> CY > F-> OH - Presence of competing anions such as sulfate significantly impact the bed volumes to breakthrough. Also, SBA resins can result in "chromatographic peaking" which can result breakthrough of less preferred anions at concentrations higher than the influent water concentrations. Shown in Figure 4.5, Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 are the concept -level process flow diagrams for SBA treatment. The SBA resin does not require any pH adjustment. The spent SBA resin can be regenerated onsite or replaced with new resin. For waters with low sulfate concentrations (< 50 mg/L), the resin is often run to exhaustion and replaced with new resin. Figure 4.5 shows the lead -lag configuration of SBA resin. The lead -lag configuration with no onsite regeneration is often used by small systems that have waters with low sulfate concentration (< 50 mg/L). In this configuration, the influent water flows through the lead vessel and then through the lag vessel. When there is a breakthrough of hexavalent chromium in the lag vessel, the lead vessel is taken offline, and the resin media in the lead vessel is replaced with new media. The lead vessel with the new media is moved to the lag position and lag vessel is moved to the lead position by switching the inter -vessel valves. This lead -lag operation of the SBA resin vessels results in better usage of the resin. Figure 4.6 shows lead -lag operation of SBA resin with onsite regeneration. Onsite regeneration of the resin is generally considered for waters with low -moderate concentrations of sulfate (1 - 150 mg/L) wherein the bed volumes to breakthrough are short. Regeneration of SBA resin is accomplished using brine solution. During regeneration, the anions such as chromate and sulfate on the resin are exchanged with chloride in the regenerate solution. Onsite regeneration results in spent brine that is collected, analyzed and disposed. Figure 4.7 shows the parallel operation of multiple SBA resin vessels with onsite regeneration capabilities. This mode of operation can be applied for low (< 50 mg/L) and moderate sulfate (50 — 150 mg/L) waters. In parallel operation, the SBA resin vessels are brought online in a staggered mode. The vessel that has been in operation the longest duration is taken offline for regeneration when there is a breakthrough of hexavalent chromium. During regeneration, the remaining vessels that are in normal operation treat the influent water. In this mode of operation, there could be several vessels in service at any given time. 64 Greun Notes 1. Spent SRA resin is hauled off site for regeneration or disposal. 2. SBA resin requires initial rinsing to remove preservatives. 3. No pH adjustment is required for SBA resins and low sulfate waters. 4. Red lines denote waste streams. later k Rinse Waste Tank Hauled Off Site / Disposed to Sewer Figure 4.5 SBA resin treatment process flow diagram, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters Groundwater 1 g a m w da Cartridge Filter c r Brine Brine Saturator Hoiding Tank --------------------------------------- Bline Storage and reed System Finished Water Static Mixer product Rinse/Backwash; Rinse/Backwash Hauled Off -Site/ Waste Tank Disposed to Sewer Spent Brine3 Brine Hauled Off -Site) Waste Tank Disposed to Sewer "95 I- Red lines denote brine regenerant and waste streams. 2. SOA resin requires initial rinsing to remove preservatives- 3. SBA resin is regenerated upon exhaustion. Regeneration frequency is determined by water quality. Figure 4.6 SBA resin treatment process flow diagram, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters 65 c Groundwater a c 6 Finished Water LLI Static Mixer i I m a '" "' ^' l7isinfeckant �tY� y Cartridge Filter Q 7 7 a` Product a r -------------------------------------- �+ C Rinsea Rinse Hauled Off -Site/ f Waste Tank Disposed to Sewer o ; Spent Brine' Brine Hauled Off -Site/ Waste Tank Disposed to Sewer Brine Brine Saturator Holding Tank µarcs _____________________________________ '' 1. Red lines denote brine regenerant and waste streams. Brine Storage and Feed System 2. SBA resin requires initial rinsing to remove preservatives. 3. SBA resin is regenerated upon exhaustion. Regeneration frequency is determined by water quality. Figure 4.7 SBA resin treatment process flow diagram, parallel operation with onsite regeneration Advantages and Disadvantages The key strengths and weaknesses of the SBA process are summarized in Table 4.7. Table 4.7 Strengths and weaknesses of SBA process Strengths Weaknesses SBA resins can operate at a broad pH range and therefore require no pH suppression or adjustment. SBA resins are simple to use for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters (if there is no onsite regeneration). SBA resin treatment requires fewer chemicals (brine is needed if onsite regeneration is involved). SBA resin can simultaneously remove other contaminants such as arsenic and nitrate. SBA resin capacity is generally short compared to WBA resin capacity. Presence of sulfate impacts chromium breakthrough time and replacement/ regeneration frequency. SBA resin process can be fairly complex if onsite regeneration is involved. Chromatographic peaking can result in elevated levels of regulated anions in treated water. Nitrate/arsenic chromatographic peaking must be accounted for where applicable. 66 Key Design Criteria The key design criteria for SBA treatment for the various modes of configuration and operation are summarized in Table 4.8, Table 4.9 and Table 4.10. Table 4.8 Design criteria for SBA resin treatment using single -pass series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters Criteria Units Assumptions and Typical Values System Configuration -- Hydraulic Loading Rate gpm / sf Minimum Empty Bed minutes Contact Time Lead — Lag Vessels, Series Operation 6-15 3 Minimum Resin Bed Depth ft 3-4 Chemical Addition __ No pH adjustment is required for SBA resin. Treated water is disinfected using chlorine. Rinse Considerations __ SBA resin requires rinsing when the media is initially installed into the pressure vessels. Rinse Duration minutes 10 — 20 Note: gpm/sf — gallons per minute per square foot; ft — feet Table 4.9 Design criteria for SBA resin treatment using series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1-150 mg/L) waters Criteria Units Assumptions and Typical Values System Configuration -- Lead — Lag Vessels, Series Operation Hydraulic Loading Rate gpm / sf 6 — 15 Minimum Empty Bed minutes 3 Contact Time Minimum Resin Bed Depth ft 3-4 Chemical Addition __ No pH adjustment is required for SBA resin. Treated water is disinfected using chlorine. Rinse Considerations __ SBA resin requires rinsing when the media is initially installed into the pressure vessels. (continued) 67 Table 4.9 (Continued) Criteria Units Assumptions and Typical Values Rinse Duration minutes 10 — 20 In this alternative, spent resin is regenerated Resin Regeneration onsite using 10-12% strength sodium chloride/brine solution. Table 4.10 Design criteria for SBA resin treatment using parallel operation with onsite regeneration Criteria Units Assumptions and Typical Values System Configuration -- Multiple Vessels, Parallel Operation Hydraulic Loading Rate gpm / sf 6 — 15 Minimum Empty Bed 3 Contact Time minutes Minimum Resin Bed Depth ft 3-4 Chemical Addition __ No pH adjustment is required for SBA resin. Treated water is disinfected using chlorine. Rinse Considerations __ SBA resin requires rinsing when the media is initially installed into the pressure vessels. minutes Rinse Duration 10 — 20 In this alternative, spent resin is regenerated Resin Regeneration onsite using 10-12% strength sodium chloridelbrine solution. Residuals Disposal Considerations The SBA resin requires initial rinsing to remove preservatives and fines and intermittent backwashing to control head loss. The spent rinse water and backwash wastewater are collected in a waste tank, analyzed and disposed to sanitary sewer (if available near the well site) or transported to a POTW facility for ultimate disposal. Systems that employ onsite regeneration of SBA resin will generate spent brine that can contain elevated concentrations of hexavalent chromium and co-occurring anions (arsenic, nitrate, sulfate). The spent brine has to be characterized prior to disposal. If the concentrations of hexavalent chromium or the anions exceed the thresholds for toxicity, the spent brine can be classified as a hazardous waste. Spent brine can be collected, treated onsite, characterized and disposed to sewer if it meets the local disposal limits. Spent brine can also be collected, 68 characterized and hauled off -site for disposal. Costs for spent brine disposal could vary significantly based on the water quality, site location, local limits and other factors. Conceptual Treatment Footprints The conceptual footprints for hexavalent chromium treatment using SBA resin for 0.5 million gallons per day (MGD), 1 MGD and 2 MGD capacities and various configurations are shown in Figure 4.8 through Figure 4.16. Shown in Figure 4.8, Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.10 are the concept -level footprints for SBA resin treatment using single use, series configuration for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters. Figure 4.11, Figure 4.12 and Figure 4.13 respectively show the conceptual footprints for SBA resin treatment with onsite regeneration for 0.5 MGD, 1 MGD and 2 MGD. Shown in Figure 4.14, Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16 are the concept -level footprints for SBA resin treatment using parallel configuration of vessels. The footprint and space requirements may vary based on site constraints, well pumping rates and specific equipment requirements. The conceptual footprints include secondary containment for all chemical and waste storage tanks. The SBA resin vessels may need to be enclosed depending on the local climate conditions. The treatment footprints do not include the space for well(s), ground storage tank(s), a pump station, or storm water detention. 69 --------------------- Electrical 8ft & 10ft Lead Vessel Controls :--------------------' 10 ft --------------------- 12 ft 8 ft ft 40 ft Lag Vessel (i6 lorne Tank -- ---- Access Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Figure 4.8 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters 70 40 12 Access Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Electrical & 10 ft Controls 10 ---------------- 6 ft Chlorine Tank Figure 4.9 Conceptual footprint for 1 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters 71 40 ft-------------- - ------------ 12 ft Lag Vessel ): ----------------------------- 12 Access Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Electrical & 10 ft Controls 10 ----------------- 6ft Chlorine Tank ---------------- Figure 4.10 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters 72 \ 8 ft� Lead Vessel / -------------------- --------------------- k8 ft Lag Vessel 12 ft Electrical & 10 ft Controls 10 ft ----------------- 6 ft Chlorine Tank - ---- Access '-------------- 50 ft -------------------------- 10 ft 10 ft Brine Holding , Brine Waste Tank Tank ----------------------- ------------------------- --------------- --------------------- 6 ft ft (Waste Brine inse aturator Tank/ 50 ft— I Note: Seconaary Containment Tor aii tanKs are shown in aottea nnes Figure 4.11 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters 73 Electrical & 10 ft 10 ft Controls Lead Vessel 10 ft ------------------------ -------------------------• 12 ft 6 ft Chionne CLag ft Tank essel ----------------------- Access 60 ft 10 ft Brine Waste 10 ft) t Tank Brine Holding Tank --------------- -------------------------- 10 ft Rinse Waste 10 ft Tank Brine ; Saturator ` 55 ft Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Figure 4.12 Conceptual footprint for 1 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters 74 ---------------------------- Electrical & 10 ft 12 ft Controls 10 ft Lead Vessel ----------------------------= ------------------ -- --=----------- �' 6 ft 12 ft Chlorine Tank 12 ft Lag Vessel ----------------------------- Access 65 ft ----------------------------- 12 ft Brine Waste 12 ft Tank Brine Holding -------------------- Tank ---------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------- 12 ft- ft loft Rinse Waste Brine Tank Saturator ------------------------------- Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Figure 4.13 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 — 150 mg/L) waters 75 ------------ 4 ft Vessel Electrical & 10 ft Controls ------------ 10 ft 4 ft 12 ft Vessel 2 Oft Chiorme ; Access Tank 4 ft Vessel3 ; 45 ft - -- -- -- ----------------- ---------------- �� 6 ft Brine Waste 6ftTank Brine Holding;' ; Tank---------------- --------------------- ----------------- r 8 ft ft Rinse Brine ' v Waste Tank aturato - -- - -- - -------------------- 45 ft Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Figure 4.14 Conceptual footprint for 0.5 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration 76 55 ft 6 ft Vessel 1 --------------- ----------------- 6ft Vessel 2 12ft Electrical & loft Controls 10 ft ---------------- 6 ft ---- Chlorine Tank ----------------- Access ; -------------------- 6 ft Vessel 3 8 ft =--------------- Brine -------------------- Waste Tan -------------------- CoIdTanI ------------------------- 10 ft :r ----------------- Rinse Waste 6 ft Tank Brine - - aturato soft Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Figure 4.15 Conceptual footprint for 1 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration 77 60 --------------------- 8 ft Electrical & 10 ft Vessel 1 Controls -------------------' 10 ft 8 ft ---------------- 12 ft Vessel 2 6 ft Chlorine --------------------' Tank --------------------- ------------------------ 8 ft Access ft Vessel 3 -------------------- 10 t -------------------------- Brine Waste Tank ------------------------ 10 ft Brine Holding ---------------------------- Tank ------------------------ ------------------------ ; 12 ft Resin Waste 10 ft Tank Brine '-------------------- Saturator 55 ft Note: Secondary Containment for all tanks are shown in dotted lines Figure 4.16 Conceptual footprint for 2 MGD capacity Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration 78 Budgetary -Level Cost Opinions The budget -level capital cost opinions for 0.5 MGD, 1 MGD and 2 MGD hexavalent chromium treatment using the SBA resin for various configurations and modes of operation are summarized in Table 4.11 through Table 4.19. The capital cost opinions were developed by obtaining vendor quotations for all major equipment, estimating the amount of concrete needed for slabs and facilities and applying appropriate factors for installation, electrical, instrumentation and controls, general site civil, valving / piping and appurtenances, and contractor's overhead and profit. Table 4.11 Capital cost opinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50mg/L) waters DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS. UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $ 150,000 $ 300,000 8-ft diameter Vessels Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 30,000 $ 30,000 10-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 5,000 gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Chlorine Feed Systems 1 LS $ 30,000 $ 30,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 1,800 $ 1,800 6-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 300 CF $ 160 $ 48,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 439,000 Installation 30% $ 131,700 Electrical and Instrumentation & Cor 20% $ 87,800 General Site Civil 15% $ 65,850 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 65,850 Concrete 58 CY $ 600 $ 34,800 Equipment pads and other site pavemen Total Direct Cost $ 825,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 123,750 Contingency 30% $ 37,125 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 986,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Adn 11% $ 108,460 Construction Admin 9% $ 88,740 Total Project Cost $ 1,184,000 Low Estimate $ 828,800 -30% High Estimate $ 1,776,000 +50% 79 Table 4.12 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $180,000 $ 360,000 10-ft diameter Vessels Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 30,000 $ 30,000 10-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 8,000 gallon Dlscharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Chlorine Feed Systems 1 LS $ 40,000 $ 40,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 2,400 $ 2,400 9-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 600 CIF $ 160 $ 96,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 558,000 Installation 30% $ 167,400 Electrical and Instrumentation & Coi 20% $ 111,600 General Site Civil 15% $ 83,700 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 83,700 Concrete 63 CY $ 600 $ 37,800 Equipment pads and other site pavemei Total Direct Cost $1,043,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 156,450 Contingency 30% $ 46,935 Total Construction Capital Cost $1,247,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Adr 11% $ 137,170 Construction Admin 9% $ 112,230 Total Project Cost $1,497,000 Low Estimate $1,047,900 -30% High Estimate $ 2,245,500 +50% 80 Table 4.13 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS. UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $ 210,000 $ 420,000 12-ft diameter Vessels Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 37,000 $ 37,000 12-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 15,000 gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Chlorine Feed Systems 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 3,500 $ 3,500 12-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 1200 CIF $ 160 $ 192,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 732,000 Installation 30% $ 219,600 Electrical and Instrumentation & Coi 20% $ 146,400 General Site Civil 15% $ 109,800 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 109,800 Concrete 69 CY $ 600 $ 41,400 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 1,359,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 203,850 Contingency 30% $ 61,155 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 1,625,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Adr 11% $ 178,750 Construction Admin 9% $ 146,250 Total Project Cost $ 1,950,000 Low Estimate $ 1,365,000 -30% High Estimate $ 2,925,000 +50% 81 Table 4.14 Capital cost opinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 - 150 mg/L) waters DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Brine Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Brine Tank and Saturator Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $150,000 $ 300,000 8-ft diameter Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/lstand-by Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 22,000 $ 22,000 8-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 4,500gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/lstand-by Brine Waste Tank 1 EA $ 22,000 $ 22,000 10-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 5,700 gallon Chlorine Feed Systems 1 LS $ 30,000 $ 30,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 1,800 $ 1,800 6-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 300 CIF $ 160 $ 48,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 518,000 Installation 30% $ 155,400 Electrical and Instrumentation & Co 20% $ 103,600 General Site Civil 15% $ 77,700 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 77,700 Concrete 72 CY $ 600 $ 43,200 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 976,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 146,400 Contingency 30% $ 43,920 Total Construction Capital Cost $1,167,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Ad 11% $ 128,370 Construction Admin 9% $ 105,030 Total Project Cost $1,401,000 Low Estimate $ 980,700 -30% High Estimate $ 2,101,500 +50% 82 Table 4.15 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 - 150 mg/L) waters DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Brine Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Brine Tank and Saturator Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $180,000 $ 360,000 10-ft diameter Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 30,000 $ 30,000 10-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 8,000gallon Dlscharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Brine Waste Tank 1 EA $ 30,000 $ 30,000 10-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 8,900 gallon Chlorine Feed Systems 1 LS $ 40,000 $ 40,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 2,400 $ 2,400 9-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 550 CF $ 160 $ 88,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 645,000 Installation 30% $ 193,500 Electrical and Instrumentation & Cot 20% $ 129,000 General Site Civil 15% $ 96,750 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 96,750 Concrete 100 CY $ 600 $ 60,000 Equipment pads and other site pavemer Total Direct Cost $1,221,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 183,150 Contingency 30% $ 54,945 Total Construction Capital Cost $1,460,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Adr 11% $ 160,600 Construction Admin 9% $ 131,400 Total Project Cost $1,752,000 Low Estimate $1,226,400 -30% High Estimate $2,628,000 +50% 83 Table 4.16 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 - 150 mg/L) waters DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Brine Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Brine Tank and Saturator Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 2 EA $ 210,000 $ 420,000 12-ft diameter Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 37,000 $ 37,000 12-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 15,000 gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Brine Waste Tank 1 EA $ 37,000 $ 37,000 12-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 15,000gallon Chlorine Feed Systems 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 3 EA $ 3,000 $ 9,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 3,500 $ 3,500 12-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 1400 CF $ 160 $ 224,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 866,000 Installation 30% $ 259,800 Electrical and Instrumentation & Co 20% $ 173,200 General Site Civil 15% $ 129,900 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 129,900 Concrete 116 CY $ 600 $ 69,600 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 1,629,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 244,350 Contingency 30% $ 73,305 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 1,947,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Ad 11% $ 214,170 Construction Admin 9% $ 175,230 Total Project Cost $ 2,337,000 Low Estimate $ 1,635,900 -30% High Estimate $ 3,505,500 +50% 84 Table 4.17 Capital cost opinion for 0.5 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration DESCRIPTION CITY 1NIT MEAS UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Brine Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Brine Tank and Saturator Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/ 1stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 3 EA $ 100,000 $ 300,000 4-ft diameter Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 20,000 $ 20,000 8-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 4,000 gallon Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Brine Waste Tank 1 EA $ 16,000 $ 16,000 6-ft diameter Brine Waste Tank; 1,500 gallon Chlorine Feed Systems 1 LS $ 30,000 $ 30,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 4 EA $ 3,000 $ 12,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 1,800 $ 1,800 6-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 200 CF $ 160 $ 32,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 497,000 Installation 30% $ 149,100 Electrical and Instrumentation & Cor 20% $ 99,400 General Site Civil 15% $ 74,550 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 74,550 Concrete 52 CY $ 600 $ 31,200 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 926,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 138,900 Contingency 30% $ 41,670 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 1,107,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Adn 11% $ 121,770 Construction Admin 9% $ 99,630 Total Project Cost $ 1,329,000 Low Estimate $ 930,300 -30% High Estimate $ 1,993,500 +50% 85 Table 4.18 Capital cost opinion for 1 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Brine Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Brine Tank and Saturator Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 3 EA $125,000 $ 375,000 6-ft diameter Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7500 $ 15,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 24,000 $ 24,000 10-ft diameter Rinse waste Tank; 8,000 gallons Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Brine Waste Tank 1 EA $ 22,000 $ 22,000 8-ft diameter Brine Waste Tank; 3,000 gallons Chlorine Feed Systems 1 EA $ 40,000 $ 40,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 4 EA $ 3,000 $ 12,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 2,400 $ 2,400 9-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 300 CF $ 160 $ 48,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 609,000 Installation 30% $ 182,700 Electrical and Instrumentation & Co 20% $ 121,800 General Site Civil 15% $ 91,350 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 91,350 Concrete 74 CY $ 600 $ 44,400 Equipment pads and other site pavemei Total Direct Cost $1,141,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 171,150 Contingency 30% $ 51,345 Total Construction Capital Cost $1,364,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Ad 11% $ 150,040 Construction Admin 9% $ 122,760 Total Project Cost $1,637,000 Low Estimate $1,145,900 -30% High Estimate $ 2,455,500 +50% 86 Table 4.19 Capital cost opinion for 2 MGD Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT MEAS. UNIT COST TOTAL COST COMMENTS Equipment Brine Feed System 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Brine Tank and Saturator Cartridge Filter 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Ion Exchange Equipment 3 EA $ 150,000 $ 450,000 8-ft diameter Vessels IX Backwash Pumps 2 EA $ 7,500 $ 15,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Rinse Waste Tank 1 EA $ 30,000 $ 30,0002-ft 1 diameter Rinse waste Tank; 15,000 gallons Discharge Pumps 2 EA $ 5,000 $ 10,000 1 duty/1 stand-by Brine Waste Tank 1 EA $ 24,000 $ 24,000 10-ft diameter Brine Waste Tank; 5,500 gallons Chlorine Feed Systems 1 EA $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2 chemical feed pumps, 3,000-gallon double walled storage tank Flow Elements / Meters 4 EA $ 3,000 $ 12,000 Flow measurements (with display) Static Mixer 1 EA $ 3,500 $ 3,500 12-inch diameter mixer SBA Resin 600 CIF $ 160 $ 96,000 Initial Fill Total Equipment Cost $ 751,000 Installation 30% $ 225,300 Electrical and Instrumentation & Coi 20% $ 150,200 General Site Civil 15% $ 112,650 Valves, Piping and Appurtenance 15% $ 112,650 Concrete 94 CY $ 600 $ 56,400 Equipment pads and other site pavement Total Direct Cost $ 1,409,000 Contractor's Overhead and Profit 15% $ 211,350 Contingency 30% $ 63,405 Total Construction Capital Cost $ 1,684,000 Planning, Engineering, Legal and Adi 11% $ 185,240 Construction Admin 9% $ 151,560 Total Project Cost $ 2,021,000 Low Estimate $ 1,414,700 -30% High Estimate $ 3,031,500 +50% 87 The O&M cost opinions for hexavalent chromium treatment using SBA resin for 0.5 MGD, 1 MGD and 2 MGD capacities are summarized in Table 4.20 through Table 4.22. The O&M cost opinions include the costs for chemicals, power, labor, resin replacement and other miscellaneous items. The assumptions used for developing the O&M cost opinions are summarized in the footnotes. The SBA resin life of 40,000 bed volumes for single use, series operation for low sulfate waters (< 50 mg/L) is based on an influent hexavalent chromium concentration of approximately 20 µg/L and effluent concentration of less than 10 µg/L (Seidel et al. 2014; Chowdhury et al. 2016). The actual SBA resin life has to be established based on site -specific pilot testing. Table 4.20 O&M cost opinion for Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, single use, series operation for low sulfate (< 50 mg/L) waters Capacity Item 0.5 MGD 1 MGD 2 MGD Power' $ 12,000 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 Chemicals Z $ 9,000 $ 18,000 $ 36,000 Resin Replacement $ 97,000 $ 196,000 $ 391,000 Spent Resin & Wastewater Disposal $ 187,000 $ 374,000 $ 748,000 Labor $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Maintenance &Spare Parts4 $ 4,390 $ 5,580 $ 7,320 Analytics s $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total Annual O&M 6 $ 460,000 $ 757,000 $ 1,346,000 Low Estimate $ 322,000 $ 529,900 $ 942,200 High Estimate $ 690,000 $ 1,135,500 $ 2,019,000 Notes: 1. Unit cost of electricity was assumed to $0.12 per kiloWatt hour (kWh). 2. Chemical costs include chlorine costs. 3. Resin replacement costs are based assumed resin life of 40,000 bed volumes priorto irreversible fouling. 4. Maintenance costs were estimated to be 1% of total installed equipment costs. 5. Analytical costs include field and laboratory analysis for compliance and process monitoring. 6. Costs are based on low sulfate concentration (i.e., <50 mg/L) 88 In Table 4.21, the SBA resin life of 10,000 bed volumes for series operation for low - moderate sulfate waters (1-150 mg/L) is based on an influent hexavalent chromium concentration of approximately 20 µg/L and effluent concentration of less than 10 µg/L (Seidel et al. 2014; Chowdhury et al. 2016). The SBA resin performance declines with multiple loading -regeneration cycles and this is attributed to irreversible fouling of the resin (Seidel et al. 2014). For O&M cost estimates, the resin is assumed to last for approximately 20 regenerations before it has to be replaced. The actual SBA resin bed volumes and life has to be established based on site -specific pilot testing of multiple regenerations. Table 4.21 O&M cost opinion for Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, series operation with onsite regeneration for low -moderate sulfate (1 - 150 mg/L) waters Capacity Item 0.5 MGD 1 MGD 2 MGD Power' $ 55,000 $ 98,000 $ 141,000 Chemicals z $ 29,000 $ 68,000 $ 156,000 Resin Replacement $ 33,000 $ 51,000 $ 91,000 Spent Resin & Wastewater Disposal 4 $ 122,000 $ 224,000 $ 433,000 Labor $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Maintenance &SpareParts 5 $ 5,180 $ 6,450 $ 8,660 Analytics a $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total Annual O&M 7 $ 395,000 $ 598,000 $ 980,000 Low Estimate $ 276,500 $ 418,600 $ 686,000 High Estimate $ 592,500 $ 897,000 $ 1,470,000 Notes: 1. Unit cost of electricity was assumed to $0.12 per kiloWatt hour (kWh). 2. Chemical costs include chlorine costs. 3. Resin replacement costs are based assumed resin life of 200,000 bed volumes prior to irreversible fouling. 4. Resin backwash costs are based assumed resin life of 10,000 bed volumes prior to breakthrough. 5. Maintenance costs were estimated to be 1% of total installed equipment costs. 6. Analytical costs include field and laboratory analysis for compliance and process monitoring. 7. Costs are based on moderate sulfate concentration (i.e., 50- 150 mg/L) 89 Table 4.22 O&M cost opinion for Cr(VI) treatment using SBA resin, parallel operation with onsite regeneration Capacity Item 0.5 MGD 1 MGD 2 MGD Power' $ 55,000 $ 98,000 $ 141,000 Chemicals z $ 37,000 $ 68,000 $ 146,000 Resin Replacement $ 49,000 $ 109,000 $ 194,000 Spent Resin & Wastewater Disposal 4 $ 160,000 $ 335,000 $ 618,000 Labor $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Maintenance &SpareParts s $ 4,970 $ 6,090 $ 7,510 Analytics 6 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total Annual O&M 7 $ 456,000 $ 767,000 $ 1,257,000 Low Estimate $ 319,200 $ 536,900 $ 879,900 High Estimate $ 684,000 $ 1,150,500 $ 1,885,500 Notes: 1. Unit cost of electricity was assumed to $0.12 per kiloWatt hour (kWh). 2. Chemical costs include chlorine costs. 3. Resin replacement costs are based assumed resin life of 200,000 bed volumes prior to irreversible fouling. 4. Resin backwash costs are based assumed resin life of 10,000 bed volumes prior to breakthrough. 5. Maintenance costs were estimated to be 1% of total installed equipment costs. 6. Analytical costs include field and laboratory analysis for compliance and process monitoring. 7. Costs are based on moderate sulfate concentration (i.e., 50- 150 mg/L) 90 Granular Iron Media (GIM) Process Description The GIM process has been studied at bench and pilot -scale level to remove hexavalent chromium from groundwater (Blute et al. 2015b). The two most common adsorptive media that have been studied in the past and were evaluated in this study in bench -scale testing include sulfur modified iron (SMI®) and another iron -based adsorptive media (Cleanit(K-LC). While the exact removal mechanism for hexavalent chromium by GIM is uncertain, it is assumed to include reduction, adsorption and filtration. The conceptual process flow diagram for GIM treatment is shown in Figure 4.17. The GIM process involves pH suppression using acid addition, pressure vessels or reactors that are filled with GIM, and removal of dissolved iron using oxidation and filtration. As the water flows through the GIM pressure vessel, it has been shown to pick-up excess concentrations of dissolved iron, which is oxidized by chlorine addition and removed by iron removal filters. Post -filtration, the pH of the treated water is adjusted to ambient levels. The spent filter backwash water is collected and disposed to a sanitary sewer or hauled to an offsite disposal facility. This is a fairly innovative process and may require additional testing to obtain State approvals prior to full-scale implementation. M Hauled Off -Site/ Waste Disposed to Sewer F° Reclaim i.. 6 O m U Reactor Outlet � o _ V RXT-1 n I ^ Finished O. O water c Reactor InletTil � a ° `c C .R c a Static Miter � Groundwater FE �on . Hex Chrome Reactors 'c^ 1 + ilff'' t $ IronRemoual 60 `o Filters 61%c Reactor Inlet iy t L � V - --- O b Q fl j RXT-2 O ICc Backwash supply 6 Reactor Outlet Chksritre Tank I Notes "',ryt' °Tank 1. Red lines denote chemical and waste streams. Arad Storage and Feed System Figure 4.17 Granular Iron Media (GIM) treatment process flow diagram Advantages and Disadvantages The key strengths and weaknesses of the GIM process are summarized in Table 4.23. 91 Table 4.23 Strengths and weaknesses of GIM process Strengths Weaknesses GIM process is not impacted by the presence of sulfate unlike SBA and WBA exchange processes. GIM process can remove co-occurring contaminants such as arsenic, nitrate and uranium. Removal efficiencies have to be bench and/or pilot tested. Unlike SBA exchange process, GIM process does not have chromatographic peaking issues. Residuals Disposal Considerations One of the key disadvantages of GIM process is the inherent leaching of iron from the media which requires additional treatment steps. GIM process may have potentially larger footprint compared to WBA and SBA exchange processes. GIM is a fairly innovative process with fewer full-scale applications of the process. Some states may require additional bench and pilot testing and approvals of design basis prior to full-scale implementation. GIM is a fairly complex process and it involves chemical feed facilities and residuals handling facilities. The GIM process generates liquid and solid residuals. The liquid residual streams include rinse water from GIM pressure vessels or reactors during installation of the media and the spent filter backwash water from the iron removal filters. The rinse water and spent filter backwash water would have to be analyzed and characterized prior to disposal. Disposal options for the liquid streams include sanitary sewer (if available in proximity to the treatment site) or collection and hauling to a POTW. The spent GIM will have elevated concentration of chromium and co-occurring contaminants such as arsenic, nitrate and uranium. The spent media has to be characterized using TCLP and California WET. The toxicity limit for chromium in the leachate for TCLP testing is 5 mg/L. The STLC and the TTLC limits under the California Title 22 for hexavalent chromium are 5 mg/L and 500 mg/kg, respectively. In addition to removing hexavalent chromium, the GIM process can also remove radionuclides such as uranium. If the groundwater contains radioactive compounds, then the spent GIM has to be analyzed for additional parameters as defined by the NRC. Presence of radionuclides (e.g., uranium) on spent GIM can result in its classification as a TENORM. Most TENORM wastes can be disposed to landfills. However, the spent GIM is classified as a low level radioactive waste (LLRW) if the total uranium concentration exceeds 500 mg/kg. The waste disposal costs can be significant if the spent GIM is classified as LLRW as there are only a few facilities that can handle radioactive wastes. Water systems with uranium in groundwater can consider limiting the operational life of GIM to avoid exceeding the LLRW threshold for radioactivity. 92 Reverse Osmosis (RO) Process Description The RO membrane treatment has been shown to achieve greater than 90 percent (%) hexavalent chromium removal in bench -scale studies and by point -of -use treatment systems (Brandhuber et al. 2004). In addition to hexavalent chromium removal, the RO membranes can remove >99% of divalent ions and >95% monovalent ions. The conceptual -level process flow diagram for RO treatment is shown in Figure 4.18. The RO treatment involves pre-treatment using cartridge filters, acid and/or anti-scalant addition, RO membrane skids, post -treatment pH stabilization, RO membrane clean -in -place (CIP) system and residuals handling systems. Approximately 10-15% of the RO feed water ends up as concentrate or reject water which has to be disposed. The RO membranes would require cleaning every 3-4 months using chemicals such as chlorine, acid and base. RO product water or permeate will require re -stabilization using caustic or lime addition to prevent distribution system corrosion issues. Presently, there are no full-scale applications of RO treatment for hexavalent chromium removal in drinking water. i o Chlorine CIPPurnp Base C CIPTank n0 Acid � � � d D C?P c RO Skid RO Feed RO Product Finished Groundwater � FF � j (J a *S={ I�TRO I !f I Water Q ect)aste c 4 R O Granular Cartridge Media Filter Filter {Optional] �� 0 0� Hauled Off -site/ RO RejecVCIP I)isposed to Sewer Waste Tank Notes 1. Red lines denote CIP and brine streams. Figure 4.18 Reverse Osmosis (RO) system process flow diagram Advantages and Disadvantages 4.24. The key strengths and weaknesses of the RO treatment process are summarized in Table 93 Table 4.24 Strengths and weaknesses of RO treatment process Strengths Weaknesses RO treatment can achieve multiple treatment objectives - lower hardness and total dissolved solids (TDS) and remove co- occurring contaminants (arsenic, nitrate and radionuclides). RO treatment has been demonstrated for other applications and is well understood. Multiple vendors are available to supply RO membranes and skids. Residuals Disposal Considerations Approximately 10-15% of the RO feed water ends up as concentrate or reject stream. RO reject stream is high in TDS, metals and chromium. Disposal of the reject stream can be expensive and problematic for some remote, non -coastal well locations. RO treatment is energy intensive and therefore the operating cost for RO treatment could be high. RO treatment results in a higher quantity of water loss (-10-15% as reject). RO treatment has not been demonstrated at full-scale for Cr(VI) treatment. The RO treatment generates a large volume of concentrate or reject stream which needs to be disposed. The RO reject stream will contain elevated concentrations of hexavalent chromium, co-occurring contaminants (arsenic, nitrate), salts (TDS), metals and radionuclides (if present in raw water). The RO reject stream has to be characterized prior to disposal. At some locations, it is not feasible to dispose the RO reject stream to sanitary sewer due to strict limitations on TDS and other constituents in the effluents of the POTWs. The POTWs may not be able to handle the elevated levels of TDS, hexavalent chromium and other constituents of RO reject. Alternative disposal of RO reject such as deep well injection for non -coastal locations can be fairly expensive, if they are even viable. Reduction Coagulation Filtration (RCF) Process Description The RCF process has been extensively studied and demonstrated at full-scale level for hexavalent chromium removal from drinking water (McGuire et al. 2007; Blute et a1.2013). The conceptual process flow diagram of the RCF process is shown in Figure 4.19. In this process, the hexavalent chromium (Cr[VI]) is reduced to trivalent chromium (Cr[III]) by ferrous ion from ferrous sulfate addition. After reduction, the excess ferrous ion is oxidized using aeration or chlorine addition. Filtration is then used to remove the co -precipitated iron and chromium. Filtration is accomplished using granular media filters or microfiltration/ultrafiltration membranes. This process results in backwash water from the filters, which will contain elevated levels of iron and Cr(III) as well as other constituents removed by coagulation/filtration process. The solids from the backwash water can be collected and processed onsite as shown in Figure 4.19. RCF process can treat difficult waters, i.e., waters with high sulfate concentrations, high alkalinities and 94 radionuclides concentrations. RCF process is fairly complex to operate and maintain. It also has a larger footprint compared to WBA and SBA exchange processes. Bench/pilot testing is recommended prior to full-scale consideration of RCF process to develop site -specific design criteria and costing information. c r+ru c T static Mixer Reduction Tank w/ Mixer Aeration Tank Groundwater FE mkwash Water Storage Tan k Dual Media Fiber L L3 H Firishi=d n p Water Product Water to Backwash Water Storage Tank Spent Backwash Holding Tank M �y GraYlty 53udge Thickened Supernatant � � n•o �a T Hauled Oft -Site/ Belt Fifter Press Disposed to sewer .__—------------------- — ------ — ------- / --------------------------- �L, 1 Dewatered Solids > -+ *n Ferrous sulfate Storage & Handling System Polymer Storage& Handling System — ------------------------------------ ' solids Processing o a Hauled Off -Site/ Disposed to Sewer Notes P, Red lines denote backwash and waste streams Figure 4.19 Reduction Coagulation Filtration (RCF) system process flow diagram Advantages and Disadvantages The key strengths and weaknesses of the RCF process are summarized in Table 4.25. 95 Strengths Table 4.25 Strengths and weaknesses of RCF process Weaknesses RCF process is minimally affected by feed RCF process has multiple treatment steps water quality. RCF is a robust process that which can result in a larger footprint. can handle waters with elevated concentrations of sulfate (unlike SBA exchange process), co-occurring contaminants and salts (TDS). RCF process does not have chromatographic RCF process is fairly complex to operate and peaking issues. maintain for a small system. Needs higher skilled operators and significant operator attention RCF process has been extensively studied and RCF process requires handling of chemicals applied for hexavalent chromium treatment by and residuals. of Glendale, CA and other cities. Residuals Disposal Considerations The RCF process generates liquid and solid waste streams. The granular media or membrane filters would require periodic backwashing. The backwash water will contain elevated levels of iron, hexavalent chromium and other constituents. The solids from the backwash water can be dewatered onsite using belt presses or centrifuges. Spent solids have to be characterized using TCLP or California VVET prior to disposal. 96 CHAPTER 5 HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM TREATMENT DESIGN AND COSTING TOOL The Cr(VI) Treatment Design and Costing Tool was developed and included as a deliverable of this project. This tool, along with the report, can serve as an initial step for a utility in planning a hexavalent chromium removal project. By using the tool with project specific flow rates and water quality parameters, utilities can assess basic design options and costs associated with the various wellhead hexavalent chromium treatment options. Even though the tool is tailored for specific water qualities, the findings and results of the tool should be verified by bench and/or pilot testing prior to full-scale consideration. The tool was programmed as a series of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to prompt the user for input and conduct calculations. In order to successfully use the tool, the user must interact with the input and output forms. The user will have to enter information on the input form and then the tool will calculate design and cost parameters and display the results on the output form. The tool specifically focuses on treatment technologies that small water utilities can consider and implement, i.e., WBA and SBA exchange processes. Input Parameters To begin using the tool, the user must enter project specific parameters on the input form, choosing values written within parenthesis. Input parameters are shown in Figure 5.1. Once the input form is completed, user must open the output form and review the results. Tool output consists of narration of application treatment technologies, budgetary cost opinions, conceptual treatment plant footprint and residuals estimates, co-occurring contaminant water quality warnings and residuals disposal warnings. 97 Flows • Design Flow • Average Flow L----------------- Input Parameters Raw Water Qua Iity • Hexavalent Chromium • Sulfate • Nitrate • Arsenic • Alkalinity • Hardness • pH • Radionuclides ------------------------ Notes: 1. CC denotes Construction Cost Index 2. SLI denotes Skilled Labor Index Financial Parameters • ENR CCI1 ; + ENR SLI2 + Interest Rate + Payback Period ; Figure 5.1 Cr(VI) treatment design and costing tool input form Process Selection Based on the inputs entered, the Cr(VI) Treatment Design and Costing Tool will identify the feasible treatment options. The decision logic that the tool uses to identify the appropriate treatment options is shown in Figure 5.2. The WBA exchange process is applicable for a wide range of influent water sulfate concentrations. The SBA exchange processes are only applicable for well waters with sulfate concentrations of less than 150 mg/L. The GIM process is innovative and complex to implement for small systems. The RCF process is fairly robust and may be applicable for well waters with high sulfate concentrations (> 150 mg/L) and other co- occurring constituents (arsenic, nitrate, radionuclides, TDS). The RO process is energy intensive and generates a reject stream. However, the RO process can be applicable for meeting multiple water quality objectives, i.e., softening, removal of other constituents including desalination. 98 Raw Water Sulfate Concentration, mg/L WBA Resin Exchange Process —Single Use, Series Operation SBA Resin Exchange Process — Single Use, Series Operation (Option 1) WBA Resin Exchange Process —Single Use, Series Operation SBA Resin Exchange Process —Series Operation with Onsite Regeneration (Option 2) 150 -4 0- 300 WBA Resin Exchange Process —Single Use, Series Operation SBA Resin Exchange SBA Resin Exchange Process —Series Process —Parallel Operation with Onsite Operation with Onsite Regeneration (Option 2) Regeneration (Option 3) SBA Resin Exchange Process — Para I lei Operation with Onsite Regeneration (Option 3) -------------------------------------- L ---------------------------------------- j ------------------------------------------- Granular iron Media • INNOVATIVE BUTCOMPLEX PROCESS (GIM) Reduction Coagulation • ROBUST BUT COMPLEX PROCESS- APPLICABLE FOR WATERS WITH Filtration (RCF) MULTIPLE CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN # ENERGY INTENSIVE AND GENERATES BRINE WASTE - APPLICABLE Reverse Osmosis (RO) FOR WATERS WITH MULTIPLE CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN Figure 5.2 Cr(VI) treatment process selection flowchart 99 Description of Calculations The Cr(VI) Treatment Design and Costing Tool generates capital and operations and maintenance (O&M) cost opinions for the feasible WBA and SBA exchange treatment options. Flowchart illustrating the cost calculations within the tool is shown in Figure 5.3. Capital costs are calculated based on cost equations that account for flow, ion exchange vessel sizes, number of vessels, media transfer system, concrete pads, valves, pipes, electrical and instrumentation, media staging area, media for first fill, media replacement and as -needed chemical adjustments. The cost equations are applicable for the flow range of 200-1,600 gpm. The capital costs are adjusted to March 2016 dollars based on the Engineering News Record (ENR) 20-Cities Average Construction Cost Index (CCI) of 10,242.09. The O&M costs are calculated using equations for resin utilization, process energy, labor, and analytical costs. The O&M costs account for resin regeneration or replacement (whichever is applicable for the option) and the frequency of regeneration or replacement is determined based on the water quality inputs. O&M cost opinions are expressed in March 2016 dollars, corresponding with an ENR 20-Cities Average Skilled Labor Index (SLI) of 9771.84. The total costs are presented in several formats including the total present worth cost, total annual cost, and cost per 1,000 gallons treated for comparison of the various treatment alternatives. Consider Design and Average Flows Inputted Capital Cost = f (Design Flow) _ [a (Design Flow)+b] (ENRcc1/ENRcc1-bare) O&M Cost = f (Average Flow) [a (Average Flow)+ b] (ENRsL,JENRsu•base) Cost per 1,000 gals Treated Present Worth Total Cost = (Amortized Capital Cost + = Capital Cost + Present O&M Cost) /Average Flow Worth O&M Cost Figure 5.3 Capital, O&M, and total cost computations flowchart The conceptual cost opinions generated by the Cr(VI) Treatment Design and Costing Tool are considered to fall within the range of Class 5 estimates as defined by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (RACE) International. These levels of engineering cost estimating are generally conducted on the basis of limited preliminary information and without detailed information such as process and instrumentation diagrams, engineering layouts, and equipment schedules. This level of cost estimating is appropriate for budgetary planning purposes, 100 assessment of initial viability, evaluation of alternative plans and project feasibility screening. Typical accuracy ranges recognized for Class 5 estimates are -30% to +50%. Capital cost opinions are expressed in March 2016 dollars, corresponding with an Engineering News Record (ENR) 20-Cities Average Construction Cost Index (CCI) of 10,242.09. O&M cost opinions are expressed in March 2016 dollars, corresponding with an Engineering News Record (ENR) 20-Cities Average Skilled Labor Index (SLI) of 9771.84. The user can adjust capital and O&M cost opinions to another time period by entering different input values for the ENR CCI and SLI. The flowchart illustrating the residuals and plant footprint computations is shown in Figure 5.4. To calculate the volume of brine waste and rinse water, the tool uses design parameters of suggested bed volumes, regeneration frequencies calculated based on input parameters, suggested loading rates and suggested backwash times for each treatment option to determine the overall volume of brine waste water and rinse water. Spent resin waste was calculated based on design resin quantity per vessel and number of resin replacements per year, which depend on raw water quality and onsite regeneration information. The plant footprint is estimates based on the space required for ion exchange resin vessels, waste tanks, spent media storage, pH adjustment system tanks and brine storage tanks. 101 is Resin Regenerated Onsite ? Brine Waste Volume (gal/Regeneration) = Number of Bed Volume for Regeneration x Volume of Media per Vessel (gal) Rinse Volume (gal) = Bed Volume (gal) x Rinse Time where, Bed Volume (gal) = EBCT (min) x Design Flow (gpm) No Brine Waste Resin Waste (Ibs/year) = Resin Quantity per Vessel (Ibs) x Number of Resin Replacement per Year where, Number of Resin Replacement = f(Water Quality, Onsite Regeneration) • Waste tank vessel design need to consider bigger residual volume between backwash and ri nse vol u mes. Is pH Adjustment or Resin Regeneration necessary Plant Footprint = Footprint of Vessels + Backwash Tank+ Spent Media Storage + pH Adjustment System + Brine Waste Storage Plant Footprint = f(Design Flow) = a (Design Flow)+ b Plant Footprint = Footprint of Vessels + Backwash Tank+ Spent Media Storage Plant Footprint = f(Design Flow) = a (Design Flow)+ b Figure 5.4 Residuals and plant footprint flowchart 102 CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS SUMMARY A bench -scale study on the removal of hexavalent chromium from drinking water was conducted with the primary focus on affordable treatment technologies for water utilities needing to treat 2 MGD or less. Four ion exchange media, including two SBA media, two WBA media, and two iron -based media were evaluated. The performance of each media type was assessed in water supplied by five participating utilities that represented a range of water quality parameters. The media performance was also evaluated when competing solutes were present. These included sulfate, nitrate, chloride, silicon, alkalinity, and natural organic matter. After careful evaluation of all bench -scale results, three media were selected for further testing in small-scale columns. These media included the two SBA media (ResinTech SBG1 and Purolite A600E/9149) and the Purolite S 106 WBA media. Synthetically prepared water was pumped into the top of each column in a down -flow configuration. A column diameter of %2" (1.3 cm) and eight inches (20 cm) of media height were used. A 2-minute empty bed contact time (EBCT) was used for all tests. Each column test was run until breakthrough of Cr(VI) (set at 8 µg/L- 80% of the CA MCL) occurred or until the pressure head became too great to maintain the flow. The tests included various levels of sulfate (20, 60, and 150 mg/L) with or without additional arsenic and nitrate. Arsenic and nitrate were added to some tests to evaluate whether a phenomenon called `chromatographic peaking' occurred and whether it could be a concern to utilities. Chromatographic peaking occurs when one ion at high concentration displaces another ion that is also removed by the ion exchange media, resulting in a concentration spike of even greater concentration than the influent. TCLP and California WET tests were conducted on the spent media from these tests to give further information on what to expect during media disposal. Results from the bench -scale testing and the small-scale column testing were used to develop practical guidance for selecting a treatment technology for smaller utilities. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet tool was created, as well as conceptual treatment footprints and budgetary -level cost opinions. CONCLUSIONS All media tested were able to remove Cr(VI) to levels well below the California MCL; however, other water quality parameters played an important role in determining the most appropriate treatment. The iron -based media removed Cr(VI) to extremely low levels in almost all water chemistries tested including when competing ions were present, but the release of iron from the media would likely require an additional iron removal treatment process. For this reason, these media were not evaluated during the column testing portion of this study. However, in situations where waste disposal might be an issue the Cleanit®-LC media should be considered. SBA media life was highly dependent on influent sulfate concentration, although other water quality parameters are critical when evaluating whether SBA is suitable. WBA is a more robust treatment technology, as sulfate concentration has little effect on performance, but this technology is more complex to operate (due primarily to the pH adjustment required). 103 Both SBA and WBA removed sulfate from influent water while releasing chloride, although these levels of chloride will not materially impact the potable water quality. • SBA removed nitrate from influent water more efficiently than WBA. • Both SBA and WBA removed uranium and arsenic, but had no effect on silicon concentration. • Freundlich isotherms proved to be excellent models for Cr(VI) removal from utility - supplied waters for both SBA and WBA resins. • Cr(VI) removal decreased as sulfate concentration was increased for both SBA and WBA media. • Cr(VI) removal decreased as silicon concentration was increased for SBA media but there was no effect while using WBA. • Nitrate concentration had no effect on Cr(VI) removal using SBA until a concentration of 5 mg/L as N was reached, at which point Cr(VI) decreased. Elevating nitrate concentration adversely affected Cr(VI) while using WBA. • No consistent trends were observed in Cr(VI) removal when chloride, alkalinity, or NOM concentrations were varied. During the small-scale column tests, sulfate concentration greatly affected the time before breakthrough. • With 20 mg/L sulfate, no breakthrough of Cr(VI) was observed during the test (5000 BV) for any of the media tested, and if fact Cr(VI) never increased above 1 µg/L in the column effluent. • With 60 mg/L sulfate, breakthrough (8 µg/L) of Cr(VI) for SBA occurred around 6000 BVs. Cr(VI) had increased to 7 µg/L at 7000 BVs for WBA. • With 150 mg/L sulfate, breakthrough of Cr(VI) for SBA occurred around 2500 BVs. Cr(VI) had increased to 6 µg/L at 7000 BVs for WBA, although a brief period between 1600-2200 BVs saw an increase in Cr(VI) above 8 µg/L. Higher sulfate concentrations can cause chromatographic peaking of nitrate or arsenic above their respective MCLs if those elements are present in high enough concentrations in the influent water. • Huge arsenic peaks (3.6 — 4.6x influent) can occur at high levels of sulfate (150 mg/L) using SBA at extremely low run-times (400-650 BVs). • When sulfate is moderate (60 mg/L), arsenic peaks are about 3x influent for SBA and occur between 850-1400 BVs. • At low sulfate (20 mg/L), arsenic peaks are about 1.3-1.4x influent for SBA and occur between 1300-3400 BVs (i.e., a longer duration but less intense peak). • No nitrate peaking was observed with WBA. • Nitrate peaks with SBA occurred nearly concurrently with arsenic peaks but with less intense peaks (1.2x influent at 20 mg/L sulfate; 1.9x influent at 60 mg/L sulfate; 2x influent at 150 mg/L sulfate). High influent alkalinity can result in high O&M costs for WBA due to the pH adjustment required. 104 ResinTech SBG1 SBA media released less chromium during the TCLP testing than did the Purolite A600E/9149 SBA media. Very little chromium was released from the Purolite S 106 WBA media during TCLP testing. 105 CHAPTER 7 RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK SBA and WBA and iron media have been studied in detail in this project and several previous projects. This report synthesizes the cumulative results of this body of work into practical guidance to help utilities anticipating or requiring treatment for Cr(VI) comply efficiently. Additional research may assist with the optimization of existing California BATs, such as: • Further developing the understanding of the secondary Cr(VI) removal mechanisms of WBA will help to refine performance (and therefore cost) estimates. • Determining the effect of SBA media on the aggressiveness of product water (through TDS and alkalinity removal) will help understand potential long-term impacts on the distribution system. • More in-depth study of the chromatographic peaking phenomenon as a function of sulfate concentration so that utilities can be better informed of the risks. • Determining if increased hardness results in media scaling and how that can affect Cr(VI) removal. Newly developed media should also be evaluated for Cr(VI) removal in a manner similar to this study. GIM should be reevaluated if changes are made to the media to control iron release. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR UTILITIES Smaller utilities with water requirements of 2 MGD or less can benefit from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet tool developed as part of this study. This tool incorporates most of the findings of this study such that an informed choice can be made between SBA and WBA, which have been identified as probable candidates. Sulfate concentration and alkalinity are the major drivers when deciding between SBA and WBA. Increased sulfate concentrations (greater than 50 mg/L) adversely affect SBA media runtimes and can cause chromatographic peaking of nitrate and arsenic while waters with high alkalinity make WBA costly to operate. Operation of lead/lag vessels or parallel treatment may be required with SBA to counter the peaking of nitrate or arsenic if their influent concentrations are great enough. The long runtimes capable with WBA can also lead to accumulation of uranium in residuals, making disposal costlier. Other California BATS not included in this study should be considered before a final decision is made. While cost opinions and treatment footprints described in this study can be used for planning purposes, specific utility circumstances should be fully evaluated taking into account site specific needs. 107 REFERENCES APHA, AWWA, and WEF (American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, and Water Environment Federation). 1998. Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th ed. Washington, D.C.: APHA, AWWA, and WEF. Blute, N. K. 2010. Optimization Studies to Assist in Cr(VI) Treatment Design. In Proc. ofAWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, June 24 2010, Chicago, IL. Denver, Colo.: AWWA. Blute, N., K. Porter, and B. Kuhnel. 2010. Cost Estimates for Two Hexavalent Chromium Treatment Processes. In Proc. of AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, June 24 2010, Chicago, IL. Denver, Colo.: AWWA. Blute, N. K., and Y. Wu. 2012. 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New York: John Wiley and Sons. 110 ABBREVIATIONS AACE Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering ANSI American National Standards Institute APHA American Public Health Association As (III) trivalent arsenic As (V) pentavalent arsenic ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWWA American Water Works Association BAT best available technology BV bed volume C/Co normalized concentration (concentration divided by initial concentration) cm centimeter Cr(III) trivalent chromium Cr(VI) hexavalent chromium CVWD Coachella Valley Water District EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency FE flow element (flow meter) fps feet per second ft feet g gram GAM granular adsorption media gpm/sf gallons per minute per square feet HDPE hr high density polyethylene hour ICP-MS inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ID inner diameter IXTP ion exchange treatment plant kg kilogram kWh kilowatt hour lb pound LLRW Low Level Radioactive Waste MCL maximum contaminant level MCLG maximum contaminant level goal MGD million gallons per day mg/kg milligrams per kilogram 111 mg/l milligrams per liter mm millimeter mps meters per second µg/L micrograms per liter n/a not applicable n/m not measured NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission O&M Operation and Maintenance OD outer diameter POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works ppb parts per billion ppm parts per million QTY quantity RCF Reduction Coagulation Filtration RO Reverse Osmosis RPM revolutions per minute RSD relative standard deviation SBA Strong Base Anion STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration SU Standard Units TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Pressure TENORM Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material TOC total organic carbon TTLC Total Threshold Limit Concentration WBA Weak Base Anion WET Waste Extraction Test 112