HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 Water Research Foundation Guidelines for Hex Chrome_201707261 Water Research Foundation advancing the science of water Guidelines for Hexavalent Chromium Treatment Testing Web Report #4418 Subject Area: Water Quality r Guidelines for Hexavalent Chromium Treatment Testing Prepared by: Nicole K. Blute, Ying Wu, and Brent Alspach ARCADIS U.S., Inc., 888 West 6th Street, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90017 Contributors: Chad Seidel Jacobs Engineering Phil Brandhuber HDR Engineering and Issam Najm Water Quality & Treatment Solutions Sponsored by: Water Research Foundation 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098 Published by: Water Research Foundation=µ ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DISCLAIMER This study was funded by the Water Research Foundation (Foundation). The Foundation assumes no responsibility for the content of the research study reported in this publication or for the opinions or statements of fact expressed in the report. The mention of trade names for commercial products does not represent or imply the approval or endorsement of the Foundation. This report is presented solely for informational purposes. Copyright © 2012 by Water Research Foundation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise utilized without permission. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Introduction Guidelines Development Approach Benefit to Subscribers How to Use this Document Overview of Chromium Treatment Options Pilot Testing Guidelines Guidelines for Pilot -Scale Evaluation of Anion Exchange System Configuration/Setup System Operation Monitoring Guidelines for Pilot Evaluation of Reduction/Coagulation/Filtration System Configuration/Setup System Operation Monitoring Guidelines for Pilot Evaluation of High -Pressure Membranes (RO and NF) System Configuration/Setup System Operation Monitoring Reporting References 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 5 8 8 10 10 12 13 14 14 16 17 18 19 Table of Contents ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Introduction The intent of these guidelines is to identify items that should be considered when designing, implementing, and reporting on pilot testing of Cr(VI) treatment for drinking water sources. The document is written to provide a common baseline of information to consider while planning pilot testing for Cr(VI) removal. This document is intended to establish sufficient commonalities between projects to enable comparison of future testing results from Cr(VI) treatment pilot studies performed at different locations and by different utilities, which will likely support technology costing for future regulatory development. Guidelines Development Approach Malcolm-Pirnie/ARCADIS drafted a framework for the guidelines based on the testing protocol used in the Cr(VI) treatment studies conducted at the City of Glendale, California. Phil Brandhuber of HDR Engineering, Issam Najm of Water Quality & Treatment Solutions, and Chad Seidel of Jacobs Engineering also contributed in developing these guidelines through participation at workshops and as reviewers. Benefit to Subscribers Regulatory agencies need to have adequate information in order to establish a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for Cr(VI) treatment. As few studies are available on treatment technologies for Cr(VI) removal from drinking water to low levels (e.g., sub parts -per billion (µg/L) to single digit ppb range), consensus from a recent Oct. 2011 WaterRF-sponsored workshop on Cr(VI) was that more studies are necessary to establish treatment technology applicability to other utilities and costs. Following these guidelines should yield sufficient information to enable comparison of future pilot testing results of currently known Cr(VI) treatment technologies so that regulators (e.g., USEPA, California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and other states) and utilities can determine overall costs of the various treatment options and applicability of technologies. How to Use this Document This document is intended to be used as a reference during pilot test planning. An example flowchart of the process that could be used to incorporate these guidelines is shown in Figure 1. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing i a- Lj Figure 1. Example Use of these Guidelines in a Pilot Testing Program As a general recommendation, it is suggested that utilities work closely with their local permitting agency (e.g., In California, CDPH) to ensure that the designed pilot testing approach answers questions that might otherwise slow down the permitting of a demonstration or full-scale system. Overview of Chromium Treatment Options Chromium exists in drinking water sources in two oxidation states: hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), and trivalent chromium, Cr(III). Current understanding is that Cr(VI) represents a more significant health risk than Cr(III) in drinking water. Removal technologies can be classified as predominantly removing either Cr(VI) or Cr(III). Although reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) can be accomplished using a variety of reducing chemicals, Cr(III) must be removed from the water to avoid reoxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) in distribution systems, which has been shown for typical chlorine and chloramine concentrations and distribution system residence times. The rapid conversion between the two oxidation states also underlies the need to measure both Cr(VI) and total Cr in pilot tests to determine Cr(VI) removal efficiency and whether all Cr(III) available for reoxidation has been removed. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Cr(VI) treatment options for drinking water have been studied over the past decade, primarily in a research program overseen by the City of Glendale, California, involving many parties (Blute and Kavounas, 2011). With the announced intention of California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to propose a Cr(VI) MCL in 2013, new technologies are coming to market. This document is focused on guidelines for testing the three technology classes considered to be the most suitable for Cr(VI) removal at this time. It should be noted that other promising technologies may emerge in the future. The basic guidelines for these three technologies can be used as a reference to determine testing strategies for evaluating other emerging technologies. The three technologies for which guidelines are provided in this document include: • Anion exchange (including single pass, non-regenerable Weak Base Anion (WBA) exchange or regenerable Strong Base Anion (SBA) exchange), • Reduction/coagulation/filtration (RCF), and • High-pressure membrane filtration (e.g., reverse osmosis and nanofiltration). II. Pilot Testing Guidelines In light of the uncertainty associated with the potential Cr(VI) MCL, utilities should use the lowest possible detection limits for Cr(VI) and total Cr. Currently, detection limits of 0.02 to 0.06 ppb is possible for Cr(VI), and approximately 0.1 ppb for total Cr. Collection of data to these detection limits will allow for evaluation of treatment effectiveness at low levels and maximize the value of the research in informing the regulatory process. In addition to low detection limits for chromium, pilot testing should strive to build a statistically robust dataset that can validate the treatment process and achievement of goals. A focus on quality assurance and quality control goals is necessary to establish trust in the dataset, and methods consistent with Standard Methods (2005) are generally optimal. A summary of key issues associated with each of the three technology types in these guidelines is provided in Table 1. The issues can be divided into several categories, including: Configuration/Setup; System Operations; Monitoring; and Reporting. A technology -specific discussion follows the table and provides additional details about the table entries. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Table 1. Summary of Pilot Testing Guidelines for Leading Technologies Anion Exchange Pilot System • Column dimensions (for both SBA and WBA): Resin depth to bed diameter >4:1 Configuration/ Column diameter to bead diameter (D/d) >26:1 Setup • Particle filtration to avoid clogging • pH adjustment for WBA resins to 5.5 to 6.0 • Brine regeneration for SBA • Brine treatment alternatives test for SBA • Mid -depth sampling ports may be useful for WBA Pilot System Key operating parameters: • HLR (e.g., 5 — 15 gpm/sf) Operation • Service flow rate (e.g., 1 — 5 gpm/cf) • EBCT (e.g., 2 - 4 minutes) • Bed life (e.g. bed volumes to breakthrough) for both WBA and SBA • Brine regeneration requirements (e.g., brine concentration and regen. frequency for SBA) Pilot Startup: • Compounds that may leach from resins, including VOCs, Monitoring SOCs, formaldehyde/ ketones, tentatively identified compounds, nitrosamines Routine: • Cr(VI) and total Cr, competing anions (nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate), physical parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, alkalinity), compounds that leach, other heavy metals if present in raw water • Sampling of raw water, after pH change, and effluent. Consider mid -depth sampling. • Sufficiently frequent Cr(VI) and total Cr sampling to capture the breakthrough curves for both SBA and WBA resins. • Minimum number of 5 regeneration and operation cycles to prove consistency/repeatability of SBA treatment Residuals: • Hazardous waste testing of resin (WBA) or brine (SBA); uranium loading for WBA resin Reduction/ Coagulation/ Filtration Components: Reduction (e.g., 30-45 minutes for a tank approach) Aeration/Coagulation (i.e., oxidation with air) Rapid mix with polymer Filtration approach (e.g., granular or MF) pH adjustment if source water is greater than 7.7 to maximize Cr(VI) reduction Key operating parameters: • Iron -to -chromium mass ratio (e.g., 25:1-50:1 depending on influent Cr(VI) concentration • HLR (e.g., 3-4 gpm/sf) • Backwashing frequency and duration Routine: • Cr(VI) and total Cr, total iron, ferrous iron, dissolved oxygen, silica, physical parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, and alkalinity). • Sampling between each unit process. • Sufficiently frequent Cr(VI) and total Cr sampling to capture the reliability of the process, especially particle breakthrough with granular media filters. • Minimum number of 5 granular media each experimental condition or several MF clean -in - place cycles. Residuals: • Hazardous waste testing of dewatered solids; testing of backwash water to ensure suitability for recycle or disposal. High -Pressure Membrane Filtration • Element manufacturer models to determine initial estimates of flux, pressures, recovery, and need for antiscalants and/or acid • Cartridge filters with pore sizes in the range of 3-5 µm are standard prefiltration equipment • For feed waters high in particulates, additional prefiltration (e.g., MF/UF) may be needed to achieve recommended SDI of less than 3-5 • Solubility indices for membrane foulants Key operating parameters: • Flow (or flux) • Feed, concentrate, and permeate pressures • Recovery Routine: Cr(VI) and total Cr, dissolved physical parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, TDS, turbidity, ORP), SDI. Sampling of raw water, pretreated water, permeate, concentrate. Operate long enough for demonstrating cleaning frequency at desired/optimal operating conditions for full-scale. Residuals: • Hazardous waste testing of concentrate. • Permeability trends and flux decline Pilot Test • Testing objectives • System operations Reporting • Unintended consequences observed • Residuals characterization and volumes generated Post -treatment considerations • Treatment technology integration into an existing treatment train ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Guidelines for Pilot -Scale Evaluation of Anion Exchange Two types of anion exchange resins have been demonstrated for Cr(VI) treatment in drinking water: SBA resins that are regenerated with a salt brine and WBA resins that are operated as single -pass without regeneration. Anion exchange resin works by exchanging Cr(VI) in the form of chromate with another less -selective anion (e.g., chloride). As the resin exchange sites reach capacity for Cr(VI), the resin will need regeneration (regenerable) or replacement (single -pass). For Cr(VI), single -pass resins shown to be effective (with a capacity of more than fifty times that of regenerable SBA resins) are WBA resins (McGuire et al., 2007; McGuire et al., 2006). The mechanism of the higher WBA capacity involves reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(lII) by the resin, but the exact component of the resin performing the reduction is unknown. System Configuration/Setup Pilot testing columns should be equipped with flow control, columns that allow resin loading and replacement, water sampling ports, effluent discharge piping, and arrangements to allow resin backwashing and regeneration (if needed). The raw water should be filtered upstream of the resin columns to remove large particles from the feed water to prevent bed clogging and the need for backwashing. Backwashing may disturb the mass transfer zone within the resin bed, reducing Cr(VI) removal effectiveness. Figure 2 shows an example schematic for a pilot testing configuration of WBA resins. WBA resins currently on the market require pH adjustment to between 5.5 and 6.0, which can be achieved with acid addition (e.g., hydrochloric acid or carbon dioxide). Multiple columns can be included in the skid to allow side -by -side testing of multiple resins or the same resin under different conditions. Caution must be taken to ensure thorough mixing of the acid or carbon dioxide into the feed water in the WBA columns. Adequacy of mixing can be checked by obtaining in -line pH measurements or using a sampling device to minimize offgassing during sampling. Multiple sampling ports can also be useful to sample from different layers of the resin bed, such as 50% of the resin bed depth, to observe breakthrough earlier than at the end of the resin bed depth. If the sample ports are inserted into the resin bed, a screen on the inside of the sample ports is recommended to minimize resin accumulation inside the sample ports. Other necessary sampling ports are column feed water and effluent points. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Raw water Raw Filter Mixing pH Water Adjusted Sample Influent Tap Sample Acid Tap WBA Resin 50 Sampling Port Flow meter and totalizer Effluent Sample Post - Tap Treatment (full-scale) To waste Figure 2. Schematic of an Example Pilot Testing Configuration for WBA Resin SBA resins will not likely require pH adjustment unless calcium carbonate precipitation potential is significant and bed plugging is anticipated. The other major difference with SBA resins compared with WBA resins is that the configuration should include brine storage tanks (for fresh and spent brine) in addition to other similar components, as shown in Figure 3. Several factors influence the minimum column diameter and bed depth for pilot columns of both SBA and WBA, including (1) aspect ratio of resin bed depth to column diameter, and (2) ratio of column diameter to resin bead diameter (D/d) to minimize wall effects. Dow recommends a minimum bed diameter of approximately 0.75 inches and an aspect ratio of at least 4 (Dow, 2011). Most literature reports demonstrate that a ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing ratio of 50 (AWWA, 1982) to 100 (Kawamura, 2000) is effective in avoiding wall effects in filtration pilot columns. However, two other tests indicated that wall effects may not be observed down to 26:1 (McLellan 2011; Lang et al., 1993). For testing in Glendale, California of WBA and SBA resins, use of a 2.5 inch column diameter (a column diameter to resin bead diameter of approximately 40) was proven to be effective at representing full-scale bed life. Post -treatment processes may also be necessary for the WBA process for corrosion control. Air stripping of carbon dioxide gas or addition of base could increase the effluent water pH and decrease corrosivity toward distribution materials. Q Raw water Filter Raw Spent Water Brine Sample Sample Tap Tap Spent Brine and Spent Brine Treatment Process SBA Raw I Possible Water Recycle for Sample I Multiple Tap Regeneration Cycles? Row meter and totalizer Effluent Brine Sample Tap To waste Figure 3. Schematic of an Example Pilot Testing Configuration for SBA Resin ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing System Operation Key operating parameters for anion exchange column testing include: • Hydraulic loading rate (HLR) • Service flow rate • Empty bed contact time (EBCT) • Flow rate (depending on HLR and column diameter) • Bed life (number of bed volumes of water treated up to a target goal) • For SBA, brine regeneration conditions (brine concentration) and frequency HLR and EBCT are the primary design parameters for WBA resin treatment, since both impact facility footprint. As a rule of thumb, a typical EBCT for ion exchange resins is 2 to 3 minutes, a HLR of 5 to15 gpm per square foot, and a service flow rate of 1 to 5 gpm per cubic foot. Pilot testing should ideally use the same HLR and EBCT values for the desired full-scale operations, and vendors of the media selected should be contacted to ensure that parameters selected fall within the acceptable range for the resin. Monitoring Startup Sampling Pilot testing start-up will simulate resin loading/replacement at full-scale. Special water quality monitoring is needed during column test start-up to ensure that other contaminants are not introduced into the water from the resin. For example, nitrosamines and known potential resin constituents (e.g., formaldehyde for phenol - formaldehyde backbone resins) could be released from the resin. Ideally, a broad scan of constituents including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and synthetic organic compounds (SOCs), as well as aldehydes/ketones and tentatively identified compounds (TICs) is recommended to ensure that leaching of unexpected constituents of health concern is not observed. Routine Monitoring Water quality parameters to be measured in anion exchange pilot testing should include at a minimum 1) Cr(VI) and total chromium; 2) other contaminants that can be ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing removed by the resin or that can potentially affect resin capacity for Cr(VI), such as nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, and bicarbonate; 3) general physical parameters, such as pH, temperature, conductivity and alkalinity; 4) potential contaminants released from the resin, such as nitrosamines or aldehydes/ketones, if shown to be present in the startup testing; and 5) heavy metals if present in raw water. SBA testing should also include sampling of brine for regulated constituents to evaluate disposal options. The primary sampling locations should include column influent and effluent, as well as the raw water before pH reduction for WBA. Additionally, water from different sampling depths in the resin bed could also be measured to obtain advance data of when to expect breakthrough from the effluent sampling point. Samples should be collected at a frequency high enough to capture the breakthrough curve and allow for identification of bed usage rates at different desired effluent concentrations. Operating conditions should be monitored to ensure stable testing conditions during the test period. The operating parameters that should be checked and recorded include feed water pressure, water flow rate for individual columns, and total water volumes processed by individual columns. For SBA, monitoring of the brine regeneration process should be added. The resin columns should be visually inspected for color change, air bubbles, and any abnormal appearance (note that use of transparent columns is ideal to enable viewing of the columns during pilot testing). Resin color may become darker gradually over time due to accumulation of chromium or natural organic matter on the resin. However, algae growth on the resin, especially when resin is exposed to the sunlight in summer, may also result in resin color change so the columns should be covered to prevent long-term exposure to light through clear columns. Contaminant Release During Operation The impact of system shutdowns/startups should be evaluated to see whether significant levels of contaminants are released due to equilibration of resin with the pore water during a shutdown. Contaminants to be monitored include 1) contaminants that can be removed by the resin, such as chromium and nitrate, and 2) contaminants that can be released from the resin, such as components that make up the resin material structure (e.g., formaldehyde components or nitroso- compounds). ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Residuals Characterization Spent resin at the end of the study should be tested for waste characteristics using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), as well the California Waste Extraction Test (WET) if the resin is intended to be disposed in California. Brine waste must be similarly characterized (albeit without digestion of solids) using the limits in the above methods for the liquid component. Treatment of spent brine may be needed to prevent hazardous classification. Radioactive elements (such as uranium) on WBA resins should be tested since the resins may accumulate radionuclides. Test Period The WBA column test should run until a target effluent chromium target level is reached (at least 50% of the influent concentration). A complete breakthrough curve is desired, which means chromium levels in resin effluent reach the feed water chromium concentration, particularly if concentrations in the influent are low. Note that some high capacity WBA resins may require a very long time (e.g., nine months to over a year) to reach chromium saturation (e.g., on the order of 100,000 bed volumes). Sampling along various media depths in the resin bed could be particularly useful for WBA resin testing to anticipate length of testing halfway through. Regenerable SBA resins will reach breakthrough much faster (on the order of several thousand bed volumes) compared with WBA resins, requiring more frequent sampling to characterize the breakthrough profile. A minimum of five regeneration cycles is recommended to characterize breakthrough curves, and more regenerations may be desired especially if brine recycle is investigated. Guidelines for Pilot Evaluation of Reduction/Coagulation/Filtration System Configuration/Setup The RCF process consists of three processes: 1) reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) using ferrous sulfate or ferrous chloride, 2) coagulation, and 3) filtration. The coagulation step is likely to include aeration to ensure that excess ferrous iron is fully oxidized to ferric iron so that the iron will be removed with filtration. Polymer addition may also be useful to enhance formation of large particles for granular media filtration. Figure 4 shows an example schematic of a pilot testing configuration for the RCF process. Pilot testing of the RCF process can be performed by scaling down the full-scale treatment processes with respect to flow rate. Other parameters, such as chemical ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing doses, reduction time, aeration time, and filter HLR, should directly reflect the full-scale process conditions. In Glendale, California, two 2-gpm pilot tests of the RCF process were able to simulate the performance of a full-scale 100-gpm facility (Qin et al., 2005; Malcolm Pirnie, 2008). Jar testing of the RCF process, including reduction and aeration in the jars followed by filtration, can also provide information on key variables such as the need for pH adjustment or the potential impact of water quality on process effectiveness prior to design of pilot testing. Jar testing can provide a means of establishing operating conditions to test at pilot -scale and assessing the potential effectiveness of the process under different water quality conditions. Sufficient time is required to enable full Cr(VI) reduction to Cr(III). For mixed tanks, the reduction time found to be effective at Glendale was between 30 to 45 minutes depending on the influent Cr(VI) concentration and iron dose. Aeration was found to be helpful in ensuring full oxidation of iron, particularly at a higher Fe:Cr(VI) ratio that was necessary for a lower influent Cr(VI) concentration. These variables can be investigated in pilot testing for different water quality conditions. Two potential approaches to filtration are possible, including granular media filtration and micro- or ultrafiltration (MF/UF). Preliminary jar testing indicates that the iron floc produced in the RCF process may be amendable to MF/UF and might remove more significant quantities of total Cr than granular filtration. A critical parameter in the RCF process is pH adjustment, due to the sensitivity of the reduction reaction and ferric iron precipitation to pH. Jar testing performed for the Association of California Water Agencies on four utilities' water qualities demonstrated that pH reduction may be necessary if influent pH is higher than approximately 7.7. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Reduction Tank Influent Flow meter and totalizer Sample Tap Spent backwash Pump water treatment Raw water j Q = Raw Backwash Water Sample Sample Tap Tap pH adjustment Ferrous Filtration if necessary iron (Granular media or Microfiltration) ReductionAera$oR - ; Rapid Mix with - - - polymer addition - ' - (if Granular - Filtration) hil Effluent Reduction Raw Sample Tank Effluent Water Tap Sample Tap Sample Backwash Tap To waste Figure 4. Schematic of an Example Pilot Testing Configuration for the RCF Process System Operation Key operating parameters for RCF pilot testing include: • Iron -to -chromium mass ratio • Hydraulic loading rate (HLR) of filters • Backwashing frequency and duration The iron -to -chromium mass ratio is important in ensuring that sufficient reductant is available to reduce the Cr(VI) while simultaneously building up large enough particles for removal by filtration. Hydraulic loading rates found to be effective in past testing of granular media filtration in Glendale, California were 3 to 4 gpm/sf, whereas 6 gpm/sf resulted in breakthrough of iron and chromium. HLR rates are important in design because they impact vessel sizes, and backwashing frequency impacts the sizing of backwash water tanks and dewatering processes. Improvements in the HLR, such as could be tested in piloting, could reduce process cost and footprint. The backwashing frequency and duration can be tested to determine the length of time to develop headloss that necessitates backwashing and the backwashing procedure ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing that effectively cleans the media. Backwash frequency and duration impact the residuals volumes and disposal options and costs. Monitoring Routine Monitoring No special startup monitoring is anticipated for RCF, except that additional samples may be required to ensure process stability. Water quality parameters to be tested for the RCF process should include at a minimum 1) Cr(VI) and total chromium; 2) ferrous iron and total iron, 3) constituents that can impact the RCF process, including dissolved oxygen and silica; and 4) general physical parameters, such as pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, and alkalinity. Sampling locations are recommended after each process in the treatment train to enable focus on individual process effectiveness for optimization. Samples should be collected with sufficient frequency to ensure process stability with respect to ferrous dosing and pH and to obtain enough data points to evaluate the stability of the system in terms of Cr(VI) and total Cr removal. Operating conditions should be monitored to ensure consistent testing conditions during the test period. The operating parameters that should be checked and recorded include water flow rate, ferrous dosing, pH adjustment chemical dosing, polymer dosing, reduction tank mixer operation, filtration process backwashing routine completion, and the presence of bubbles in the aeration tank. Residuals Characterization Dewatered solids collected from the RCF process should be tested for waste characteristics using TCLP, as well as the California WET method for disposal in California. Supernatant from backwash settling (i.e., spent backwash water) should be analyzed for suitability for recycle or disposal. Test Period RCF testing can be significantly shorter in duration than WBA pilot testing, although more components are necessary for the RCF configuration. An RCF system with granular media filtration could effectively demonstrate the technology effectiveness within several weeks to a month, representing at least 5 backwashing cycles (as recommended by CDPH for pilot testing of coagulation/filtration processes for arsenic removal). Additional runs may be desired to optimize the process. Individual states may have other specific guidance on filtration testing duration. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Demonstration that the system operating conditions (e.g., reduction time, filtration and backwashing process, iron -to -chromium ratio, pH conditions, and polymer selected and dose) achieve targeted Cr(VI) and total Cr goals can be short if proof of concept or longer if system optimization for design is desired. If microfiltration is selected for testing rather than gravity media filtration, longer timeframes for testing (e.g., several months) may be necessary to identify design criteria for the microfiltration system. Guidelines for Pilot Evaluation of High -Pressure Membranes (RO and NF) Reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes reject water constituents on the basis of molecular size/weight and charge characteristics. Larger molecules or ions that carry a higher charge (positive or negative) and/or are more highly branched will be rejected more efficiently. The converse is also true: smaller, less charged, and/or more compact molecules will be rejected less efficiently. Because the two primary Cr(VI) species in water — chromate (Cr04 2) and dichromate (Cr207- 2) — are both larger, multivalent ions, Cr(VI) should be efficiently rejected by RO membranes similar to sulfate. Testing of various RO and NF membranes at the bench scale showed that effective Cr(VI) may be possible with these technologies. A recent study by Rad et al. (2009) reported Cr(VI) rejection between 99.5 and 99.8 percent for RO membranes. Cr(III), present primarily as the uncharged species Cr(OH)3, would be rejected as a precipitate in its particulate form, although the soluble fraction would generally not be as efficiently removed. NF is similar to RO, with membranes that are less selective, particularly for monovalent ions. Some NF membranes should be able to achieve comparable Cr(VI) removal at lower operating cost. However, because there is no standard definition of nanofiltration, different NF membrane products may exhibit varying rejection characteristics, as observed by Brandhuber et al. (2004). In addition to confirming the rejection of Cr(VI) under application -specific conditions, high-pressure membrane testing is typically conducted to collect information regarding system operations, including pretreatment refinement, chemical use, membrane fouling rates, fluxes, recovery, and power consumption, all of which are important factors for determining life cycle cost estimates. System Configuration/Setup Due to the importance of using pilot testing to collect representative operational data, the RO or NF pilot system should duplicate full-scale conditions to the extent possible. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing Consequently, the system should consist of at least a single pressure vessel housing 6 to 8 RO elements, as is common full-scale design practice. A second stage consisting of an additional pressure vessel of similar design (i.e., 6 to 8 elements, as was used in the first stage) can be used to increase system recovery and should be pilot tested if intended for use at full-scale, since the second stage will experience the highest concentration of foulants. Either 8-inch (diameter) or 4-inch (diameter) elements can be used. Prior to pilot system design, an element manufacturer's software can be used to model different system configurations using its respective RO products, yielding estimates of rejection, pressures, fluxes, recovery, etc. Effective pretreatment is extremely important for RO and NF operation. Because elements cannot be backwashed, the removal of particulate matter is critical. Cartridge filters are standard pretreatment equipment on high-pressure membrane systems, and pore sizes of 3 to 5 µm or smaller are recommended. If the source water contains high levels of particulate matter, as is typical in surface water applications, membrane filtration (i.e., MF or UF) may be necessary for pretreatment. A maximum silt density index (SDI) of 5 is typically cited for RO feed water, although SDI values of 3 or lower are often recommended. Because RO and NF systems concentrate sparingly soluble salts that can scale membranes and reduce efficiency, chemical pretreatment is also common (e.g., acid or scale inhibitor). For example, acid may added to lower the pH and increase solubility of some compounds. Acid dosing (e.g., sulfuric or hydrochloric acid) can be estimated using any element manufacturer's modeling software. If the concentrations of scalants such as silica, barium, strontium, and others are significant, such that acid cannot be sufficiently effective to control scaling potential and/or the required doses are too high, a proprietary antiscalant (i.e., scale inhibitor) may also be needed. Consequently, the availability of a thorough range of representative water quality data is imperative for RO and NF pilot system and pretreatment design. Post -treatment processes may also be necessary, depending on the permeate water quality and blending strategy. For example, if acid is used as pretreatment to control scale, carbonate species may be converted to carbon dioxide gas, which is poorly rejected by RO and NF membranes. In this case, air stripping can be used to removed dissolved gases in permeate. In addition, because permeate is very low in dissolved solids, the water is often corrosive. This corrosivity is addressed either by blending with other water supplies prior to distribution whenever possible or via the addition of alkalinity and calcium when necessary. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing High -Pressure Membranes g r%Q4- 7 To waste Raw water Raw Influent Post- Effluent Water Filter Water Treatment Water Sample Sample Concentrate (full-scale) Sample Tap Acid Scale Tap Tap (if needed) Inhibitor (if needed) Figure 5. Schematic of an Example Pilot Testing Configuration for High -Pressure Membranes System Operation Initial system operational parameters for high-pressure membrane pilot systems, including flow (or flux), recovery, and pressures, are typically determined by the RO element manufacturers' software. The element manufacturers should be consulted to determine threshold performance benchmarks beyond which chemical cleaning (also called clean -in -place, or CIP) is necessary. As a general rule, chemical cleaning is necessary when the system fouls to the point at which a 10-15% decrease in normalized permeate flow, permeate quality, or pressure differential between the feed and concentrate is observed. A detailed discussion of the normalization of these parameters may be found in the literature (AWWA, 2007; USEPA, 2005; USBR, 1998). Alternatively, many element manufacturers can provide an automated spreadsheet tool for calculating these normalized parameters based on routine operational inputs, such as flows, pressures, temperature, and water quality data (e.g., conductivity or total dissolved solids). A widely accepted general guideline for RO system operation is that cleaning should be required no more frequently than once every three months. It is important to note that most commercially available RO and NF products are subject to damage by exposure to oxidants, such as most chemical disinfectants. RO and NF membranes are generally not tolerant of free chlorine, which can quickly and permanently degrade the membrane material, although some products may have a low acceptable threshold for chloramine exposure. Consequently, these chemical disinfectants are typically quenched or fully consumed in the treatment process stream ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing prior to the membrane system. The element manufacturer should be consulted for product -specific data on chemical compatibility. Monitoring Routine Monitoring Water quality parameters to be measured in RO and NF pilot testing include at a minimum: 1) Cr(VI) and total chromium; 2) general physical parameters, such as pH, temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, oxidation reduction potential (ORP); and 3) SDI. Additional water quality parameters should also be incorporated on a site -specific basis, as -needed. Examples of such parameters are scaling ions that are identified as potential foulants in the initial water quality modeling (e.g., calcium, iron, silica, barium, etc.). Other water quality parameters may be added to the concentrate sampling regime to address applicable limits relative to the method of management or disposal. The primary sampling locations for high-pressure membrane pilot testing should include raw water, pretreated water, permeate and concentrate (the latter two for all stages if multi -stage RO or NF). Many of the parameters can be measured using on- line instrumentation, such as conductivity, temperature, pH, turbidity, and ORP. Frequent measurement (e.g., weekly for key parameters like Cr(VI) and total Cr to develop a database of results) may be desired to characterize membrane rejection. If frequent monitoring is not feasible, online conductivity measurements can be used as a surrogate and trigger sampling if, for example, changes in conductivity rejection varies by more than ± 25% over several hours. Less frequent sampling of the concentrate should be conducted to characterize residuals and confirm the mass balance of constituents removed by the membranes. Operating conditions that should be measured include flow or flux, pressure, and temperature, which are typically measured continuously. Residuals Characterization The membrane concentrate should be fully characterized for Cr(VI), total Cr, and any other contaminants that may be regulated with respect to the disposal method available. Regulated parameters may include not only toxics like Cr(VI), but even general water quality characteristics such as turbidity and pH. The hazardous nature of the concentrate should be assessed. If the concentrate is discharged to the sanitary ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 17 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing sewer, specific water quality restrictions designed to prevent an upset of the downstream wastewater treatment process might need to be considered. Test Period Membrane rejection of Cr(VI) should stabilize after a short period of operation, on the order of days. However, it is generally recommended that the pilot system be operated for a period of at least several months to optimize system performance, as well as to assess the fouling rate. This period may be extended to accommodate variations in water quality, if the source if subject to fluctuations over time. III. Reporting Reporting is a critical component to all Cr(VI) treatment technology testing to enable appropriate use of the findings for subsequent planning and also for use as case studies in future research efforts. The following components should be characterized and reported for maximum usefulness of the information: Testing objectives o For example, providing an understanding of the goals of the testing, describing unique features of the system considering treatment including the desire to remove multiple contaminants, and identifying reasons for testing innovative approaches • System operations o For example, influent water quality, system configuration, operating conditions, results • Unintended consequences observed (and those tested but not observed) o For example, contaminant release or co -removal of other contaminants by the process • Residuals characterization and volumes generated • Post -treatment considerations o For example, pH adjustment for corrosion control • Treatment technology integration in an existing treatment train o For example, location compared with other unit processes and additional needs associated with this integration ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing A primary driver for thorough reporting is the desire to accumulate sufficient information to inform cost estimate assumptions for treatment needs of a range of different utilities. Cost estimates to date have largely been based upon one water quality and testing for one utility, whereas those assumptions may not accurately reflect a good cross-section of utilities' needs in Cr(VI) treatment. IV. References American Water Works Association. 1982. Design of Pilot -Plant Studies. Proc. AWWA Seminar. American Water Works Association. 2007. Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration (2"d ed.) — Manual of Practice M46. Blute, N. and Kavounas, P. 2011. Cr(VI) Treatment Options. WaterRF Technology Transfer Workshop on Hexavalent Chromium. 18 August. Brandhuber, P. Frey, M., McGuire, M.J., Chao, P.F., Seidel, C., Amy, G., Yoon, J., McNeill, L., and Banerjee, K. 2004. Low Level Hexavalent Chromium Treatment Options: Bench -Scale Evaluation. American Water Works Association Research Foundation. Dow Tech Facts: Lab Guide. 2011. http://msdssearch.dow.com/PublishedLiteratureDOWCOM/ dh_003b/0901 b8038003b90e.pdf?filepath=liquidseps/pdfs/noreg/016-00003.pdf&fromPage= GetDoc. Kawamura, S. 2000. Integrated Design and Operations of Water Treatment Facilities. Wiley. Lang, J.S., Giron, J.J.,Hansen, A. T., Trussell, R. R. and Hodges, W. E., 1993. Investigating Filter Performance as a Function of the Ratio of Filter Size to Media Size. J. AWWA, 85(10), p.122- 130. Malcolm Pirnie, 2008. Report on Additional RCF Pilot Testing to Optimize Design. Prepared for the City of Glendale, California. McGuire, M.J., Blute, N.K., Seidel, C., Qin, G., and Fong, L. 2006. Pilot Scale Studies of Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Drinking Water. J. AWWA, 92(2), p.134-143. McGuire, M.J., Blute, N.K., Qin, G., Kavounas, P., Froelich, D., and Fong, L. 2007. Hexavalent Chromium Removal Using Anion Exchange and Reduction with Coagulation and Filtration. American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Denver, CO. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 Guidelines for Cr(VI) Treatment Testing McLellan, N., McLeod, J., and Emelko, M. 2011. "'Wall Effects' During Filtration Investigations: Reconsideration of Column -Diameter to Collector -Diameter Ratio Recommendations." Proceedings of the AWWA Water Quality and Technology Conference. Phoenix AZ. Qin, D., McGuire, M.J., Blute, N.K., Seidel, C., and Fong, L. 2005. Hexavalent Chromium Removal by Reduction with Ferrous Sulfate, Coagulation, and Filtration: A Pilot -Scale Study. Env. Sci. Technol., 39, p. 6321-6327. Rad, S., Mirbagheri, S., and Mohammadi, T. 2009. Using Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Chromium Removal from Aqueous Solution. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology. 57, p. 348-352. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Published by the American Public Health Association. 2005. United States Bureau of Reclamation. 1998. The Desalting and Water Treatment Membrane Manual: A Guide to Membranes for Municipal Water Treatment (2"d ed.). Water Treatment Technology Program Report No. 29, July 1998. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2005. Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual. Document No. EPA 815-R-06-009, November. ©2012 Water Research Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20