HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081100 Ver 1_More Info Received_20081006i Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. <? ?C Engineering Solutions for Civil Design, <- Stormwater Management, and Stream/Wetland Restoration September 30, 2008 D F3 1 1 0 l? Y 0 CZ 6 2008 Ms. Sue Homewood, Division of Water Quality orE.NR-INAIER? ?e Mr. Andrew Williams, Army Corps of Engineers VicU*°SAJAoS16R Reference: Response to request for additional information for Section 401 Water Quality Certification application and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act Application Dear Ms. Homewood and Mr. Williams: We have prepared the following responses to the additional data requested by your offices. Since much of the information is the same we have compiled one response. 1. Avoidance and Minimization: The stream channel was relocated within the children's garden to feed the existing wetland on site that will be preserved. The construction of the parking facilities and building will divert stormwater that was flowing to the wetland. The existing stream bypasses the wetland to the east. Crossings of the relocated channel were necessary for the park programming. The most upstream culvert was minimized in length to accommodate two trails. The park designer initially wanted to cross the stream with two pipes. The trails were combined over one crossing in an effort to minimize impacts. The two trails are separate to maintain the flow of perimeter traffic around the children's garden and to provide for an interior trail for the children's garden visitors. A fence encloses the children's garden inside of the exterior walkway. The 42-inch pipe connecting the two wetland segments was shortened to 32 feet to minimize its length of 70 feet shown on the first submittal. The retaining wall for the rain garden was pulled to the north to accomplish this. The stream will be relocated for 27 feet and tied into the existing channel just upstream of the existing wetlands. A severe head cut exists in the channel at the location of the proposed 42-inch pipe. The proposed pipe transitions the grade through this area a vertical depth of 3.33 feet. The proposed wet pond is to be located in an area that existing ponding occurs. The roadway for Florida Street provides an existing dam across the floodplain. Stormwater flows currently enter and existing 24 inch pipe that connect two street catch basins and then outlet to the south side of the street. The existing stream channel is confined between two streets with piped systems. Aquatic habitat corridors are currently impacted both upstream and downstream of the site. The pond will provide habitat for aquatic species within the park site. A pond in any other location would have to be placed in the terrace slope. The pond would not be able to be fed by the stream and would be too low to drain 8;38G Six Forks Road Suite tot, Raleigh NC 2,1615-5088 phone- yi9-8,7o-o1326 Fax: 919-87o-5359 to the existing street storm drainage system. A pond at this location and elevation would not work with the programming of the park. The Landscape Architect designing the park has additionally included a letter regarding the avoidance and minimization issues. 2. Stream Restoration design for the Relocated Channel: Reference reach data was collected on a segment of the project channel down stream of Florida Street. The reference reach morphological data has been complied in the morphological data sheet included with this submittal. The existing channel was surveyed just upstream of the existing head cut within the area that will be relocated. Proposed stream restoration design data was generated from the reference reach data and used to layout the plan, profile and dimension of the relocated reach. This submittal includes stream restoration data, profiles, and plan views. Attached is an exhibit with the location shown for the proposed planting zone adjacent to the stream. This area will be planted with native species of trees, shrubs, and grasses. A list of typical species that may be used are as follows: Betula nigra - River Birch Plantanus occidentalis - Sycamore Cornus alternifolia - Alternate leaf dogwood Cornus amomum - Silky dogwood Carpinus caroliniana - ironwood Alnus serrulata - tag alder Amelanchier arborea - serviceberry Ilex verticillata - winterberry Leucothoe axillaries - doghobble Lindera benzoin - spicebush Herbaceous species will include native species such as: Carex lupulina- hop sedge, Juncus effuses- soft rush, Leersia oryzoides- rice cutgrass, Pancium virgatum -switch grass. The existing wetlands in the preservation area called the rain garden will be enhanced with additional native species. 3. Compensatory mitigation: Compensatory mitigation is not required for this project. The wetland impacts are under 0.1 of an Acre and the stream impacts are in compliance with the nationwide permit. 4. Cross sections and profiles of stream culverts: A profile of the stream and culverts are included in the submittal as well as a cross section of the 60-inch culvert. To obtain the width and look of an arch the 60-inch pipe will be buried approximately 2 feet. The cross section of the pipe shows the channel section within the 60-inch pipe. The proposed 42- inch pipe will not be buried. The slope of the pipe is too steep for burial. 5. Temporary Impacts: Temporary impacts may occur to the existing adjacent wetland during the installation of HW-20. An anticipated temporary impact area at this location is approximately 130 feet. Temporary impacts are anticipated to construct the boardwalk and retaining wall downstream of HW-21. This impact area is anticipated to be approximately 375 feet. The stream or wetlands will not be crossed by any construction equipment during construction of the park at any other locations that shown permanent crossings. The park is accessible from both Lee and Florida Streets on each side of the stream. 806 Sit Forks Roar] Suite iot, Raleigh N('27615-7,o88 Phone: t)t9-870-0,26 Fax: yit)-87o-7)3.59 Silt Fence will be placed upland of any wetland areas and will not cross any streams. 6. Dewatering Methods and Construction sequence: The Upper channel will be completely constructed off line. The tie in below the 42-inch RCP will be constructed with bypass pumping operations. After the relocated stream is completed and stabilized the water will be turned into the new channel. A construction sequence has been attached to this submittal. 7. Aqua-Swirl: I have included the technical data for the Aqua-Swirl that we have shown on the pipe coming from the roadway median on Lee Street. This device is not proposed for stormwater treatment for the project. The main goals of the device are to catch sediment and debris from the roadway that is currently an issue with trash on the project site. Sediment will still enter the stream from the project site area. Both the project site and upstream watershed is stable and is well vegetated. The device is not anticipated to have any effects on the stream regarding sediment transport. This intermittent stream functions primarily during storm events. 8. Stormwater Management plan: A storm water management plan is being prepared for the submittal to the state main office. Additionally one copy will be sent to Ms. Homewood for review. I hope that this response and additional data included with this letter satisfies your concerns regarding this project. This project will be a valuable asset to the City of Greensboro and the park users. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you would like to discuss further the information provided. Sincerely, Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. Becky L. Ward, P.E. 8:386 Six Forks Road Suite ioi, Raleigh NC ,27615 ,5o88 Phone: giq-870-07,26 Fax: 919-870-5359 Arebilerlnre Y/anuilig CovmmnJly Design DESIGN Interiors September 29, 2008 Sue Homewood, Division of Water Quality Andrew Williams, Army Corps of Engineers ... N..... .... ..N ...... . . . M .. N .. N . . N . . N .. . . N . N . N . M .... N . . N.. Dear Ms. Homewood and Mr. Williams, The Gateway Gardens were conceived as the premier botanical garden in this part of the southeast. More than a collection of plants, the park is intended to foster a sense of community and become a learning center for both children and adults. The project is comprised of several unique garden spaces: the Heritage Garden is a will showcase southern plans ringing a large plaza and Gateway Icon fountain. The Heritage Garden and Great Lawn make up the eastern portion of the gardens; the western portion is home to the Japanese Garden, Wedding Garden and the White Oak Forest with a wide range of amenities such as boardwalks and treehouses to a Rose Garden and brick-lined formal lawn. The heart of the Garden beats in the Children's Garden, where we hope to spark the imagination of a new generation of gardeners and foster a sense of delight and wonder for the plant kingdom. Our program called for extensive parking, which we reduced in favor of off-site event parking. In an effort to further reduce ecological impacts, pervious pavement was added to the parking stalls in order to store rainwater and allow gradual percolation into the soils below. The parking was sited in the northwest corner, where wisteria had already choked out the existing trees, that allowed us to preserve a large stand of mature trees on the south end, or the White Oak Forest, where the greatest environmental impact will be the sound of gleeful children. Another key program element was the concern over road noise, which is why the Children's Garden was located adjacent to busy Lee Street. The City of Greensboro wanted this active garden space in close association to the Visitors' Center, which too is planned as an outdoor classroom. The theme of the Children's Garden is literacy: attractions include an alphabet entry arbor, an alphabet soup bowl fountain, a whimsical potting shed and a book stage where stories will be performed and told. We wanted to ensure the survival of a single, mature oak and took advantage of its shade for the protection of small audiences nestled around the book stage. Part of that effort went toward protecting a small wetland that is believed to nourish the oak tree. Great care was given to designing a new stream channel that would reach the elevation of the wetland and keep these two natural features connected and living. The stream channel serves as a natural separation between the intensely developed fountain and maze area and the more structured uses planned for the book stage. The stream winds its way through the garden and becomes part of the experience by showcasing the importance of water protection-no other resource could be as meaningful in a garden. • "• "' ' • " ' " ' • • • •• •• • • • • Designing real places. 125 North Harrington Street I Raleigh, NC 27603 1 t: 919-833-6413 1 f: 919-836-1280 272 North Front Street, Suite 500 1 Wilmington, NC 28401 1 t: 910-254-0222 1 f: 910-254-0228 1930 Camden Road, Suite 2010 1 Charlotte, NC 28203 1 t: 704-333-7272 1 f: 704-333-7278 www.clinedesignassoc.com XI 2 of 2 This stream is altogether renewed. Rather than existing as a neglected by-product of road construction, the enhanced channel weaves a sinuous path rich with indigenous plantings. Gone is the litter along with the invasives. The stream becomes a significant and educational feature in the landscape: it is seen throughout Gateway Gardens from its humble origin beneath Lee Street, through the Children's Garden and Rain Garden, to eventually flow into the pond that separates the Promenade from the Japanese Garden. Throughout the design process, crossings were minimized; the only piping that occurs on site was done only to maintain accessibility and continuity of the walking surfaces leading into the Children's Garden. A broader, at-grade connection was needed here to make the space not only accessible, but inviting. The grades from the building to the center of the Children's Garden were held at 5% to reach existing grade quickly and with minimal intrusion on the site. Further daylighting was added following initial DWQ comments, walls were relocated and another bridge added to the design as a means of reducing impacts on the channel. Relocation of the book stage was reviewed per recommendation. This, however, proved to be fruitless as the client's program required the Book Stage to be integrated within the (fenced) boundaries of the Children's Garden. When we looked at moving the walk and stage as a unit, the adjacent slopes became too steep to maintain both soil and mulch between the parking lot and the walk below. The hillside is to be revegetated with a combination of longleaf pine, oaks and maples and will provide a naturalized buffer between the parking and the gardens. The same treatment has been afforded to the northwest of the parking lot, where the disturbed areas surrounding the paved surfaces were reforested or naturalized. Wayfinding systems are planned to underscore the importance of our water resources and will offer visitors the opportunity to follow the path through the various gardens up to the culmination of the stream, albeit symbolically, into the pond. Our clients felt strongly that the park needed a strong connection to water and were committed to showcasing water-loving plants in the gardens. The design intent was to create a strong focal point and reflective space in association with the meditative Japanese Garden and as a separation from the more public Great Lawn. The pond was conceived to preserve water quality: an upper tier designed to flood is lined with plants to filter runoff from adjacent walks and green spaces, whereas the main basin is filtered through the Rain Garden, which is a large, unprogrammed tree preservation area. We chose to flood the stream channel beyond that point in order for the basin to hold enough volume to avoid temperature fluctuations that might otherwise invite algae. This could not have been possible with an off-line stream, which would have required an earthen barrier between to two systems, nor could sufficient volume have been carved out as the grade rises quickly in the Japanese Garden; the banks of the pond would have been too steep to maintain safely without fencing. While the pond is clearly structured, it serves an important aesthetic purpose and fulfils a continuing, natural role in the on-site filtration process. In conclusion, the connection between land and water cannot be missed. Glimpses and "touches" are offered to make the experience a hands-on learning adventure for children as well as a thought-provoking journey for adults. Sincerely, Lfj?Lp ?9 Eric W. Wolfe Project Manager • ~ 0 - • • N • N • • • • N .* • .N • •••• 04017LCD03 PA04Proj104017\Land_Planning\3_Construction_Documents\LCD03_ConsuItant_Correspond ence\3.01_Civil\DWQ justification Letterhead 09292008.doc i Stream Restoration Plan and Data I Gateway Gardens UT to South Buffalo Creek Guilford County, NC Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach Reference Reach Relocated Channel Below Florida St Stream type . E5-C5 C5 C5 Drainage Area Acres) 13.26 8.68 19.05 Bankfull width 3.0 4 46 (Wbkf) feet riR-I 7M 3.75 . ,,, -, , „ Bankfull mean 0.40 J. / J--r.7V 0 21 depth (dbkf) feet (0.29-0.53 . 0'26 0.21-0.33} Width/depth ratio 8.3 18 75 Wbkf/dbk 5-13 . 14.4 12.9-23.43 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area 1.17 1 0 1.10 Abkf) (s ft) (0.96-1.42) ' (0.91-1.38) Bankfull Mean Velocity (Vbkf) 1.4 1.3 1.93 feet/second (1.33-2.43) Bankfull Discharge, 2 08 cfs (Qb!SD cfs 1.58 1.26 1.47-2.34 Bankfull Maximum 0.60 0 45 depth dmax feet 0.44-0.75 0.40 . 0.37-0.56 Max driff/dbkf ratio 1.5 1 81 (1.4-1.5) 1.54 . (1.71-1.90 Low Bank Height 0.64 0 34 feet 0.49-0.75 0'4 . 0.30-0.37 Ratio of Low bank 1.06 0 77 Height to max dbkf (1.0-1.11 1'0 . 0.63-0.85 Width of flood prone area (Wfpa) 25 18 63.68 feet (6-45) (10-23) (44.20-86.38) Entrenchment ratio 7.2 4.8 14.39 W a/Wbk 2.3-12.9 2.7-6.1 (10.47-18.51) Meander length 27 25 30.5 Lm feet 17-34 24-29 28-35 Ratio of meander length to bankfull 6.8 6.8 width Lm/Wbk (5.6-11.3) (6.3-7.8) (6.3-7.8) Radius of Curvature 23 (Rc) feet 8.5 (5,25-95) 14 (10-18) (17-31) 1 Ratio of radius of curvature to 2.8 3.6 3.61 bankfull width (1.75-31) (2.6-4.9) (2.67-4.86) Rc/Wbk Belt width (Wblt) 16 11 25 feet (14-18 12 . (7-17) Meander width ratio 5.3 2 64 Wblt/Wbk 4.7-6 3.2 . 1.65-4 Sinuosity (stream length /valley 1.12 1.19 1.18 distance (k) 1.23 (VS/SS) Valley slope (ft/ft) 0.0245 0.006 0.0227 Average slope Upper 0.0058 Sav = (Svalle / k Lower 0.03 .0051 0.0185 Maximum pool 0.78 0 60 depth d ool feet 0.6-0.9 0'6 . 0.50-0.81 Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull 1.95 2 3 2.43 depth (dpool/dbkf) (1.5-2.25) . (2.01-3.26) Pool width (Wpool) 4.86 2 91 Feet 3.03-6.26 3.75 *3.75 . 2.3-3.43 Ratio of pool width 1 62 0.65 to bankfull width . (1.01-2.08) 1.0 (0.52-0.77) (W of/Wbkf) Pool Cross Sectional Area 2.26 1 3 1.02 s ft (1.71-3.22) . (0.73-1.70) Ratio of pool area to 1.93 0 93 bankfull area (1.46-2.75 1.3 . (0.67-1.55) Pool to pool spacing 14 12 14.5 - feet 7-22 11-13.5 13-15.5 Ratio of p-p spacing to bankfull width (p- 4.7 3.25 3.25 /Wbk (2.3-7.3 ) (3-3.6) (3-3.6) * Build pool same width as riffle and let narrow r- ( D N O N O L N N ? O 4) • O 00 V O 3 o 4 _ C.0 . a ? O L m ?- o V L cr- C) tQ a _ L o ° ._ O 00 O O (0 J N O CL N 0 a . O ?d 'M N ? O OOO I? CO ? ? M N r -O ( }4 ) U O IIB A 01 3 ' 0 r" d ? a ? a U) W Q w 3 ? Q uo 3,75' 1,875 1.875 EROSION 3f1 DRWF 0. CONTROL ? MATTING 1.2' 1,35' - 1,2, AsT = 1.OFT2 V = 1,23 FT/SEC Qc = 1.26 CFS TYPICAL SECTION - RIFFLE S = 0,005 FT/FT 2 SCALE O : N T TO SCALE x L7 Li Li 3 C F- J Q fl) _ F- uti Uji -- 3.75 2.275 1.475' EROSION DAL = .3> 0.6' 911 CONTROL 20X6`1 MATTING 2' 0.55' 1.2' Aw = 1.3 FT2 V = 1.42 FT/SEC Qc = 1.83 CFS LIZP IAL S ECTION - POOL S 0,005 FT/FT : NOT TO SCALE Construction Sequence for Work in Existing and Relocated Channel: 1. Construct relocated channel from FES 19 to head of existing wetlands. 2. Install 60-inch Pipe and Headwalls 3. Install 42-inch RCP and Headwalls. Downstream headwall to be partially constructed to maintain stream flow. 4. Bypass pump around work area from HW21 to existing wetlands. 5. Construct last 27 feet of relocated channel. Tie into existing channel. 6. Connect 30 inch RCP to existing DI-18 and divert flow into new channel. 7. Compete Construction of HW21 and Boardwalk/Bridge spanning relocated stream and wetlands. 8. Bypass pump around normal flow as needed around work area in wet pond area as new junction box and pond outlet structure are constructed. 9. Place pipe inlet protection on new drainpipe to maintain normal flow as needed. 10. Construct pond retaining walls. sz o=aye ) 9' ON ses (sis 3 g s 2 8002'L 2138010:31V4 NVId NOIVbMSMJ W MJiS TOT a mS e ) P2I s ? SN301:1t/J JIVM31VJ M108SN33U0 Dd `s-dHH N1DNH OIL uri ISNOD G dvm E 3?jnoij OZ = ., L 31VOS DAL ;?,, O ? 1 I i o IViSJf I ? 1 ' QNV l13M DNUS X3 13 HO I NI I 01 WV3211 3 Il ?? - + - --- 121 ;rn d 0 X 2103 5213 1r10S __._. b P71 1 ?'\ NOIl WV32 R USE Q? Ol 'DNb1 ,? -- ,? 321 ?? ? ;•1 ?,?? I 1 M 9N IN d AS Q3W2103 3E[ IM 11VM ` v ` 1 \ 1 k 11VM DNINIV1321 Q3SOdOSd 3H1 o XH Q3W21OJ 39 11IM 11VMQV3H ?y QNVII3M DNIISIX3 4 , S(INV 13? 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Aqua-Swirl 1 . 1 . r Aqua-Swirl T" Concentrator Stormwater Treatment Introduction ;t System Operation Retrofit Applications Installation Buoyancy Traffic Loading Inspection and Maintenance Aqua-Site Worksheet Aqua-SwirlTM Sizing Chart Aqua-Swirl TM Sample Detail : Aqua-Swirl TM Specifications a I I , i ¦ TM AquaShleld STO R M WATE R TREATMENT SOLUTION S Table of Contents AQUA-SWIRL TM STORMWATER TREATMENT SOLUTIONS System Operation ru,+nm A-mi.--+ n? %, x"141 nNJJuuauGna Retrofit Applications Installation Buoyancy Traffic Loading Inspection and Maintenance AnuinAita Wnrircheeft Aqua-SwirlTM' Sizing Chart (English) Aqua-SwirlTm Sizing Chart (Metric) Aqua-SwirlTm Sample Detail Drawings Aqua-SwirIT" Specifications General Scope of Work Materials Performance Treatment of Chamber Construction INSTALLATION Excavation and Bedding Backfill Requirements Pipe Couplings DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY Stormwater Treatment System Manufacturer Contractor SUBMITTALS QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION 2733 Kanasita Drive, Suite B • Chattanooga, Tennessee 37343 Phone (888) 344-9044 . Fax (423) 826-2112 www.aauashieldinc com 2 2 2 A 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 13 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 r . . y AquaShielci11" Stormwater Treatment SoliitiWIS W Aqua-SwiriTM 14111111110",- Stormwater Treatment System The patented Aqua-Swirl TM Storm water Treatment System provides a highly effect means for the removal of sediment, floating debris, and free oil. Swirl technology, or vortex separation, is a proven form of treatment utilized in the stormwater industry to accelerate gravitational separation. Independent university laboratory performance evaluations have shown the Aqua-SwirITM achieves a TSS (Total Suspended Solids) removal of 91% calculated on a net annual basis. See the "Performance and Testing" Section for more details Each Aqua-SwirITM is constructed of lightweight and durable materials, eliminating the need for heavy lifting eq iinment d rinn inctallatinn Tncnartinn anti Maintenanre are Marie A C11 With ...r....,... ' ..r............ , r and oversized risers that allow for both examination and cleanout without entering the chamber. 0 W System Operation The Aqua-SwirITM, with a conveyance flow diversion system, provides full treatment for the most contaminated "first flush", while the cleaner peak storm flow is diverted and channeled through the main conveyance pipe. Many regulatory agencies are in the process of establishing "water quality treatment flow rates" for specific areas based on the initial migration of pollutants into the storm drainage system. 1) . . , The treatment operation begins when stormwater enters the Aqua-SwirITM through a tangential inlet pipe that produces a circular (or vortex) flow pattern that causes contaminates to settle to the base of the unit. Since stormwater flow is intermittent by nature, the Aqua-SwirITM retains water between storm events providing both "dynamic and quiescent" settling of solids. The dynamic settling occurs during each storm event while Floatable debris in the Aqua-SwirITM' the quiescent settling takes place between successive storms. A combination of gravitational and hydrodynamic drag forces encourages the solids to drop out of the flow and migrate to the center of the chamber where velocities are the lowest, as shown from extensive CFD modeling. See "Performance and Testing"for more details A large percentage of settleable solids in stormwater are reported to be small and have low settling velocities. low Therefore, the volume 4a *0 of water Outlet retained in 4111100 the Aqua-SwirITM provides the quiescent settling that increases performance. Furthermore, due to finer sediment adhering onto larger particles (less than 200 microns), the larger particles settle, rather than staying suspended in the water. Inlet 3 AquaShield 11" St.Oi mwater Treatment Solutions / M . • AcluaShield Ir" Storamater f reatment Soluti0FIS The treated flow then exits the Aqua-Swirl'" behind the arched outer baffle. The top of the baffle is sealed across the treatment channel, thereby eliminating floatable pollutants from escaping the system. A vent pipe is extended up the riser to expose the backside of the baffle to atmospheric conditions, preventing a siphon from forming at the bottom of the baffle. As recommended by the Center for Watershed Protection and several municipalities, the Aqua-SwirITM can also operate in an offline configuration providing full treatment of the "first flush." However, this orientation requires the installation of additional manhole structures to di%iernA thin flow to thin Aqi ia- SwirITM for treatment and conveyance back to the existing main conveyance storm drainage system. u Custom lications products to adapt to a variety of applications. NO 'Tow Retrofit ications The Aqua-SwirITM system can be modified to fit a variety of purposes in the field, and the angles for inlet and outlet lines can be modified to fit most applications. The photo on the left demonstrates the flexibility of Aqua-SwirITM installations. Two Aqua-SwirITM units were placed side by side in order to treat a high volume of water while occupying a small amount of space. This configuration is an example of the many ways AquaShieldTM can use our The Anua-SwirTMT'" system is designed so that it can easily be used for retrofit applications. With the invert of the inlet and outlet pipe at the same elevation, the Aqua-SwirITM can easily be connected directly to the existing storm conveyance drainage system. Furthermore, because of the lightweight nature and small footprint of the Aqua-SwirITM, existing infrastructure utilities (i.e., wires, poles, trees) would be unaffected by installation. 4 Custom designed AS-9 Twin, Aqua-SwirITM . .1 4 1 AquaShield "'I Stormwater Treatment Solutions ON installation The Aqua-SwirlTM system is designed and fabricated as a modular unit with no moving parts so that no assembly is required on site. This facilitates an easy installation of the system. Since all AquaShieldTM systems are fabricated from high performance materials, the Aqua-SwirlTM is lightweight, and can be installed without the use of heavy lifting equipment. Lifting supports or cables are provided to allow easy offloading and installation with a trackhoe. Compared to concrete systems, using an Aqua-SwirlTM can significantly reduce installation costs. In addition, manufactured stub-outs for the inlet and outlet are provided. This allows the contractor to simply attach the Aqua-SwirlTm directly to the main conveyance storm pipe with rubber couplings. Typically, an AquaShieldTm representative is present on-site to assist in the installation process. Buoyancy All Aqua-SwirlTM systems are supplied with an octagonal base plate that extends a minimum of 6 inches beyond the outside diameter of the swirl chamber. The function of the extension on this base plate is to provide additional surface area to counter any buoyant force exerted on the system. The forces created on the base plate by the weight of the surrounding fill material offsets the buoyant force generated within the system. If needed, concrete can be poured directly onto the base plate to provide additional resistive force. The AquaShieldTm engineering staff can provide buoyancy calculations for your site-specific conditions. 5 The Aqua-Swirl'" Installed using a trackhoe A(I(.ia' Weld "" S>tounw?jter 1 reat?nE? it Solutio ris When installed in traffic areas, the system will be designed to withstand H-20 loading. In order to accomplish this, a reinforced concrete pad shall be poured in place above the system. See the "Installation and Fabrication " section for sample concrete pad details and further details on installation. Concrete pad protects the Aqua-Swirly" from impact loading -W Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and cleanout of the Aqua-Swirl T" is simple. The chamber can be inspected and maintained completely from the surface. Free-floating oil and floatable debris can be directly observed and removed through the provided service access. Cleanout of accumulated solids is needed when the usable storage volume has been occupied. The depth of solids can easily be determined using a stadia rod or tape to measure the top of the solids pile and calculate the distance to the water's surface. A vacuum truck can be used to remove the accumulated sediment and debris. Disposal of the material is typically treated in the same manner as catch basin cleanouts. AquaShieldr"' recommends that all materials removed be handled and disposed of in accordance with local and state requirements. For further details on inspection and cleanout procedures, please see the "Maintenance "section. 6 Traffic Loading sediment inspection using a stadia rod Vacuum truck cleans the Aqua-Swirly" AquaShieldl" Stornmater fieatment Solutions N :- Aqua-Site Worksheets Aqua-Site worksheets are provided as an example of the information that AquaShieldTM will need to customize an AquaSwirlTM to a specific work site. • 1 completed example • 2 blank worksheets 7 TIM . Inc. 2733 Kanasita Drive, Suit i Bd• Chattanooga, TN 37343 AquaShieldW"' STORMWAfER TREATMENT SOLUTIO Phone: (888) 344-9044 • Fax: (423) 826-2112 l. fllll www.AquaShieldInc.com Aqua-Site Worksheet Project Information Project Name: count3; .7fospitar Location (City, State): AnyTowry VSA Site Use (circle one): Residential Commerical Industrial Other Site Plan Attached: El YES NO Pollutants (TSS, Floatable Debris, oils/grease, TP, etc.): 7SS, Debris AutoCAD version: 4.0 Date Submitted: 311212004 Specifier Information Designer's Name: Sheri (Phifps Design Firm: ('hips Engineering Address: 123 main street city, state, zip: AnyTowt4 VSA Phone: 423-870-8888 Fax: 423-826-2112 E-mail: sfieri@phifpsenar.com Specifications ilnii ibiini Design Flow Rate --- -- Inlet/Outlet PIPe Rim Elevation Drainage Area Info Traffic Loads or Manhole Number AquaShleldn' Model Water Quality Treatment F1.4 (cfs - Us) Peak Design Flow (ds - Lis) Size (ID) (In - mm) Invert Elevation (ft - m ) Pipe Material Type Flnlsh Grade Elevation (ft - m) Area (acres - ha) Incoming Slope (%) Runoff Coefficient C Estimated Groundwater Elevation (ft - m) Is the system subject to H-20 loadings? Yes a No A-1 AS-6 5.3 15.9 18 736.2 WC(P 745.6 8.2 0.74 0.9 N/A Yes Special Site Conditions or Requirements: How did you learn Please provide copy of Site Plans showing orientation (1) Waf*r Anality Treatment Flnw k prncrlhod by Inral ronii4tnrv An?nriK M achieve full treatment of specific amount of stormwater. (2) Peak Design Flow refers to maximum calculated flow for an outfall or recurrence Interval (10-yr, 25-yr event) Specifler's Signature: Date: 12-Mar-04 AquaShieldW .>w Aq S Suite B TM, inc. 2733 Kanasita Drive, uite B • Chattanooga, TN 37343 sTORMWATER TREATMENT SOLUTIONS Phone: (888) 344-9044 • Fax: (423) 826-2112 ` www.AquaShieldInc.com Aqua-Site Worksheet Project Information Project Name: Location (City, State): Site Use (circle one): Residential Commerical Industrial Other Site Plan Attached: YES NO Pollutants (TSS, Floatable Debris, oils/grease, TP, etc.): AutoCAD Version: ----?-_---- --- -- -- - Date Submitted: Specifier Information Designer's Name: Design Finn: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Specifications 1.111111 LAW Design Flow Rate Inlet/Outlet Pipe ElevItim ation Drainage Area info Traffic Loads or Manhole Number AquaShieldn' Model Water Quality Treatment Flows (crs - Us) Peak De Ig s n Fl (ds - Us) SI2O (m) (in - mm) Invert Elevation (R-m) Pipe Material Type Flnlsh Elevation Grade (ft-m) Area (ages - ha) Incoming Slope M C Runoff oefficient C Estimated Groundwater Elevation (R - m) Is the system subject to H-20 loadings? Yes or No Special Site Conditions or Requirements: How did you learn about Aqua-Shield" ? Please provide copy of Site Plans showing orientation (1) Water Duality Treatment Flow is oresribed by local regulatory agencies to achieve full treatment of specific amount of stormwater. (2) Peak Design Flow refers to maximum calculated flow for an outfall or recurrence Interval (10-yr, 25-yr event) Specifier's Signature: Date: f r lot 4 y AquaShieldW TM AquaShieldTM, inc. 2733 Kanasita Drive, Suite B • Chattanooga, TN 37343 STORMWATER TREATMENT SOLUTM Phone: (888) 344-9044 • Fax: (423) 826-2112 ? -, , l www.AquaShieldlnc.com Aqua-Site Worksheet Project Information Specifier Information Project Name: Designer's Name: Location (City, State): Design Finn: Site Use (circle one): Residential Commerical Industrial Other Address: Site Plan Attached: YES NO City, State, zip: Pollutants (TSS, Ficatable Debris, oils/grease, TP, etc.): Phone: AutoCAD Version: Fax: Date Submitted: E-mail: Specifications UARL La15ei Design Flow Rate In let/Outlet P ipe Rim levatb Drainage Area Info Traffic Loads or Manhole Number AquaShieldTM Model Water Quality Treatment Flow' (cfs - Us) Peak Design Fowl (cis - Us) Size (ID) (in - mm) Invert Elevation (ft • m) Pipe Material Type Finish Grade Elevation (ft - m) Area (eves - ha) Incoming Slope (%) Runoff Coefficient C Estimated Groundwater Elevation (ft - m) Is the system subject to H-20 loadings? Yes or No Special Site Conditions or Requirements: How did you learn about Aqua-ShieldT"(? Pi eas e provide copy of S Plans showing orientation (1) Water Quality Treatment Flow is presribed by local regulatory agencies to achieve full treatment of specific amount of stornavater, (2) Peak Design Flow refers to maximum calculated flow for an outfall or recurrence Interval (10-yr, ZS-yr event) Specitier's Signature: Date: _,.I Aqua-SwirlTM Sizing Chart (English) ., Model AS-2 Swirl Chamber Diameter Max Stub-O Outer D imum ut Pipe iameter Water Quality Treatment FloW2 Oil/Debris Storage Capacity Sediment Storage Capacity 2.50 8 12 1.1 37 10 AS-3 3.25 10 16 1.8 110 20 AS-4 4.25 12 18 3.2 190 32 AS-5 5.00 12 24 4.4 270 45 AS-6 6.00 14 30 6.3 390 65 AS-7 7.00 16 36 8.6 540 90 AS-8 8.00 18 42 11.2 710 115 AS-9 9.00 20 48 14.2 910 145 AS-10 10.0 22 54 17.5 1130 180 AS-12 12.0 24 48 25.2 1698 270 AS-XX Custom -- -- >26 Juno. water quaNty treatment now rates can be designed with multiple swills. 1) The Aqua-SwirlTm Conveyance Flow Diversion (CFD) provides full treatment of the "first flush, " while the peak design storm is diverted and channeled through the main conveyance pipe. Please refer to your local representative for more information. 2) Many regulatory agencies are establishing "water quality treatment flow rates" for their areas based on the initial movement of pollutants into the storm drainage system. The treatment flow rate of the Aqua-Swir1Tm system is engineered to meet or exceed the local water quality treatment criteria. This "water quality treatment flow rate" typically represents approximately 90% to 95% of the total annual runoff volume. The design and orientation of the Aqua-FilterTm generally entails some degree of customization. For assistance in design and specific sizing using historical rainfall data, please refer to an AquaShieldlm representative or visit our website at www.AquaShieldlnc.com. CAD details and specifications are available upon request. tr . „ -.1111.1. Aqua-SwirlTMSizing Chart (Metric) Aqua-SwirlTM Model AS-2 Swirl Chamber Diameter Max Stub-O Outer D oaf Ine imum ut Pipe iameter CFO ' Water Quality Treatment Fl OW2 Oil/Debris Storage Capacity Storage 762 7 203 305 31 140 0.28 AS-3 991 254 406 51 416 0.57 AS-4 1295 305 457 91 719 0.91 AS-5 1524 305 610 125 1022 1.27 AS-6 1829 356 762 178 1476 1.84 AS-7 2134 406 914 243 2044 2.55 AS-8 2438 457 1067 317 2687 3.26 AS-9 2743 508 1219 402 3444 4.11 AS-10 3048 559 1372 495 4277 5.10 AS-12 3658 610 1219 713 6427 7.65 AS-XX Custom -- -- >713 -- -- ..w.cr water quanty treatment now rates can be designed with multiple swirls. 1) The Aqua-Swir(Tm Conveyance Flow Diversion (CFD) provides full treatment of the "first flush," while the peak design storm is diverted and channeled through the main conveyance pipe. Please refer to your local representative for more information. 2) Many regulatory agencies are establishing "water quality treatment flow rates" for their areas based on the initial movement of pollutants into the storm drainage system. The treatment flow rate of the Aqua-Swid"m system is engineered to meet or exceed the local water quality treatment criteria. This "water quality treatment flow rate" typically represents approximately 90% to 95% of the total annual runoff volume. The design and orientation of the Aqua-FilterT"" generally entails some degree of customization. For assistance in design and specific sizing using historical rainfall data, please refer to an AquaShieldTm representative or visit our website at www.AquaShieldlnc.com. CAD details and specifications are available upon request. ? I 4 r4 AquaShield' Stormwater Treatment: Solutions V W Aqua-SwirlT" Sample Detail Drawings Sample Aqua-SwirlTM detail drawings are provided as examples of the type of systems that AquaShieldTM can offer for a specific work site. f ? a .- r» n» M t+ dna rw rab e+- awiu.w rpm ? L•L' t v'+01610 b l ? (a :Z -? S4• ::tt Slr. 6l i'3 ka ({?aH TWA IAA tA9* if v':9M'LIL. 47M ?...•?M, r?.» ..?._ .::. r w m :4 all Li 7 . ti r fa 1 F' C'NU ?""4 t lit ?_LI L r? r Jtq. j P6n New •?...,...? ar x{ i (Tj W!Wr - p. i ugw3wul Cancalhbr Model A&2 CFD Sh pey2 A SAMlUN! r ? 3,. SYecM?aer 21Jt 1J ? p 4 a t L N N IC C L !per ? u R i N o a fO Y L9 C14 u E '0 o! rn --- a a ° am L M O rp f O 00 i °zeI y a"i M e?????G.. I j" Q9 I V.. U E ' Al 5$ do I? N i - _... -' -...1 i - a?? Q L N gig a? o $Q fu 1.._ c 4 12 r. V Cl La La a8°? BC ? i a? Ua U) CL :3 cl 1! F7 cy ° u. c Q H c - oz `t QY?? V w i j •.?!` a; ------ - C4 - CL o ? a??So .4 n = € ? Z m m vii o ? 3??a Lij 0 -4 ? o? O m ?? - o 3LL y??.? qy? O A ? ? . EFJ'i0 j3y$' ?j ,_ m AquaShield"' 1tormwato Treatment SOILIOWIS T Aqua-SwirlTM Specifications GENERAL This specification shall govern the performance, materials and fabrication of the Stormwater Treatment System. SCOPE OF WORK The Aqua-SwirlTM shall be provided by AquaShieldT'", Inc., 2733 Kanasita Drive, Chattanooga, TN (888-344-9044), and shall adhere to the following material and performance specifications at the specified design flows and storage capacities. MATERIALS A. Stormwater Treatment System shall be made from High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) resins meeting the following requirements: 1) HDPE Material - The HDPE material supplied under this specification shall be high density, high molecular weight as supplied by manufacturer. The HDPE material shall conform to ASTM D3350-02 with rrninirruirn cell ciassii ication values of 345464C. 2) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF HDPE COMPOUND a) Density - the density shall be no less than 0.955 g/cm3 as referenced in. ASTM D 1505. b) Melt Index - the melt index shall be no greater than 0.15 g/10 minutes when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1238- Condition 190/2.16. c) Flex Modulus - flexural modulus shall be 110,000 to less than 160,000 psi as referenced in ASTM D 790. d) Tensile Strength at Yield - tensile strength shall be 3,000 to less than 3,500 psi as referenced in ASTM D 638. e) Slow Crack Growth Resistance shall be greater than 100 hours (PENT Test) as referenced in ASTM F 1473 or arAater than 5;000 hours (ESC R) as referenced in ASTM D 1693 (condition Q. 15 , AcluaShieJdl" St:orrrrwater f"reatment Solutions f) Hydrostatic Design Basis shall be 1,600 psi at 23 degrees t when tested in accordance with ASTM b 2837. g) Color - black with minimum 2% carbon black. B. REJECTION - The Stormwater Treatment System may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. PERFORMANCE A. The Stormwater Treatment System shall include a -inch inner diameter (ID) circular hydrodynamic flow-through treatment ?iiaimiuer to ti eat ti ie ii iiuiiiii ig water-. A tai iyeiiLiai ii iet siiaii ue provided to induce a swirling flow pattern that will cause sedimentary solids to accumulate in the bottom center of the chamber in such a way as to prevent re-suspension of captured particles. An arched baffle wall shall be provided in such a way as tv prevent fioaLa1iile liquid viii an u 0011U0 f vm Cnitilig thG t1 GQt niGnt chamber while enhancing the swirling action of the stormwater. B. The Stormwater Treatment System shall have a sediment storage capacity of cubic feet and be capable of capturing gallons of petroleum hydrocarbons. The Storm -if, r Treatment System shall have a treatment capacity of cubic feet per second (cfs). The Stormwater Treatment System shall be capable of removing floating trash and debris, floatable oils and 80% of total suspended solids from stormwater entering the treatment chamber. C. Service access to the Stormwater Treatment System shall be provided via 30-inch inner diameter (ID) access riser(s) over the treatment chamber such that no confined space entry is required to perform routine inspection and maintenance functions. TREATMENT CHAMBER CONSTRUCTION A. The treatment chamber shall be constructed from solid wall HDPE ASTM F 714 cell class 345464C. For sizes above 63-inch OD, the treatment chamber shall be constructed from profile wall HDPE ASTM F 894 RSC 250 pipe or solid wall HDPE. B. The bottom thickness of the treatment chamber will be determined in accordance with ASTM F 1759. Calculations must be provided to justify the thickness of the bottom. 16 AquaShieldIF" Stormwater Treatment Solutions C. The inlets and outlets shall be extrusion welded on the inside and outside of the structure using accepted welding methods. D. The arched baffle wall shall be constructed from HDPE and shall be extrusion welded to the interior of the treatment chamber using accepted welding methods with connections made at 180 degrees of each end. E. HDPE lifting supports may be provided on the exterior of the Stormwater Treatment System in such a way as to allow the prevention of undue stress to critical components of the Jwr mwater Treaty i lent Systern during loadii fig, 011 loaadii fig, as n d moving operations. The lifting supports shall be constructed as an integral part of the treatment chamber and extrusion welded using accepted welding methods. F. Tho ton of the treatment chamber shall be built to tha r requirements of the drawings. Deep burial applications shall require a reinforced HDPE top. Reinforced concrete pads spanning the treatment chamber will be required with traffic rated frames and covers when the Stormwater Treatment System is used in traffic areas. A professional engineer shall approve the design of the concrete pad and the calculations must be included in the submittal. The manufacturer, upon request, can supply anti-flotation/ buoyancy calculations. In addition, typical drawings of the AquaShieldTM Stormwater Treatment System with concrete anti- flotation structures can also be provided. Anti-flotation structure design and approval are ultimately the responsibility of the specifying engineer. The contractor shall provide the anti-flotation structures. INSTALLATION A. Excavation and Bedding The trcnrh and trench hnitnm chill ha roncctnirterl in nrrnrrlanre V.. VVbbV... V y.4vb?4 4?.\.V.44.. V.r with ASTM D 2321, Section 6, Trench Excavation, and Section 7, Installation. The Stormwater Treatment System shall be installed on a stable base consisting of 12 inches of Class I stone materials (angular, crushed stone or rock, crushed gravel; large void content, cgntainino little or no fines) as defined by ASTM A 2321; SeCkian S; Materials, and compacted to 95% proctor density. 17 a` f AqU-IS,hield"I Storniwatei- Fiecitnient_ Solutions All required safety precautions for the Stormwater Treatment System installation are the responsibility of the contractor. B. Backfill Requirements Backfill materials shall be Class I or II stone materials (well graded gravels, gravelly sands; containing little or no fines) as defined by ASTM D 2321, Section 5, Materials, and compacted to 90% proctor density. Class I materials are preferred. Backfill and bedding materials shall be free of debris. Backfilling shall conform to ASTM F 1759, Section 4.2, "Design Assumptions." Backfill shall extend at least 3.5 feet beyond the edge of the Stormwater Treatment System for the full height to sub grade and extend laterally into undisturbed soils. C. Pipe Couplings Pipe couplings to and from the Stormwater Treatment System shall be Fernco®, Mission TM or an equal type flexible boot with stainless steel tension bands. A metal sheer guard shall be used to protect the flexible boot. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY A. Stormwater treatment System Manufacturer The manufacturer shall be responsible for delivering the Stormwater Treatment System to the site. The system includes the treatment chamber with debris baffle, inlet and outlet stub-outs, lifting supports, 30-inch ID service access riser(s) to grade with temporary cover(s), and manhole frame(s) and hover(s). B. Contractor The contractor shall be responsible for preparing the site for the system installation including, but not limited to, temporary shoring, excavation; cutting and removing pipe; new pipe; bedding; and compaction. The contractor shall be responsible for furnishing the means to lift the system components off the delivery trucks. The contractor shall be responsible for providing any concrete anti- floatation/anti-creep restraints, anchors, collars, etc. with any straps or connection devices required. The contractor shall be responsible for field cutting, if necessary, and HDPE service access risers to grade. The contractor shall be responsible for sealing the pipe connections to the Stormwater Treatment System, backfilling and furnishing all labor, tools, and materials needed. i8 AquaShield "^ Stonmater Freatment Solutions SUBMITTALS The contractor shall be provided with dimensional drawings; and when specified, utilize these drawings as the basis for preparation of shop drawings showing details for construction and reinforcing. Shop drawings shall be annotated to indicate all materials to be used and all applicable standards for materials, r'OgUired tests of materials, and design assumptions for structural analysis. Shop drawings shall be prepared at a scale of not less than 1/4 inch per foot. Three (3) hard copies of said shop drawings shall be submitted to the specifying engineer for review and approval. QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION A. Materials The quality of materials, the process of manufacturing, and the finished sections shall be subject to inspection by the specifying engineer. Such inspection may be made at the place of construction, on the work site after delivery, or at both places. The sections shall be subject to rejection at any time if material conditions fail to meet any of the specification requirements, even though sample sections may have been accepted as satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Sections rejected after delivery to the site shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the site at once. All sections, which are damaged beyond repair after delivery will be rejected; and, if already installed, shall be repaired to the specifying engineer's acceptance level, if permitted, or removed and replaced entirely at the contractor's expense. B. Inspection All sections shall be inspected for general appearance, dimensions, soundness, etc. C. Defects Structural defects may be repaired (subject to the acceptance of the specifying engineer) after demonstration by the manufacturer that strong and permanent repairs will be made. The specifying engineer, before final acceptance of the components, shall carefully inspect repairs. 19