HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160299 Ver 3_Revised Approval Letter_20170718Environ men tal Quality July ]8,?017 Mr. Yhilip S. Harris, lll, P.E., CPM Nerial L-nvironmentSectien F;ead Frojec. Developmert and Gnvironmeatal ,�ialysis North Carolina Department of Transportation ] 59� Mail Service Ce,r.ter Rsleich, Nerth Czroliaa, �?h99-1598 ROY COOPER ..i!1'P19i0! MICIfAEL S. REGAN c�. ��.-r<���i� S. JAY Z.IMMERMAN i ��,«��,� S�bject: Moditication to the 401 Water Quality l ertification Yursuant to Section 401 of the Feder�i Clean Water Aci with ADUI170NAL CONUITiONS for lh? proposed Asfi?boro Southem Bypass aed Zoo Co�nector in Randolph Counry, TIY Project No. K-253ti, CNBS rlement 3445U.3.S I. NCD W K Prejec± Nc. 2Q 16D299 v.3 I�ear Mr. Harris: Attachzd hereto is a modification of Certification No. 4059 issued to The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) dated May 20, 2016 with additional modifications on lune 20, 2016, and an impact correction sheet submitted on June 28, 2017. lf we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate ro contact us. incareiy, � ' ���� � � � .fay Zimmerma� Director Drv�sion of Water Resources Attachmenu Eiectrunic copy only d;s.ribu:ion: Andy Wiliiams, US Army i;orps of Engineers, Ral2igh Ficld Office Art Ikir.o, Division 8 EmironmeMal Officer Rodgz; Roche!!e, NC Department of T: anspartation Cluis Rivaabark, NC Uepartment of Transpa;atim� Dr. Cynthia Vuo Der W'icle, US Enviroamental Proteciion A�ency Gary lordar, US Fish and VUildlife Sen ice Travis \�'ilsor,, NC R'ildliiz Resou:ces Com�nissioa Beth Harmon, Division of Mitigation Services .Apr.l Norten, Nl Division of �Vater R_esources File : opy Srr;c atNnrt; Carolir.a I 6,vin��muri ai t��al!.y lol� Maii Nerv;ut Ca�.ter' F� ie�eh.'7nrL6 C�:nli�a'_'F;4-IcG Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federsl Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS THIS CERTIFICATIQN is issued in corforr,iiry with the requiremenu of Section 401 Pubiic Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H .0500. This certification suthorizes the NCDOT to impact an additiona10.13 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, and 91 linear feet of temporary impacts and 171 linear feet of permanent impacu to jurisdictional streams. Addirionally, 1271ineaz Feet of pertnanent impacts to jurisdictional streams and 6 lineaz feet of temporary impacts to jurisd�ctiona! s��eams have been avoided. The project shall be cc+ns7ucted pursuant to the modification dated and received May 22, 2017 witli additional irnpacts to Site 97 received on June 28, 2017, this ceRificatiou correctan replaces the mod�cation issued on June 8, 2017. 'Che suthorized impacts are as described below: Stresm Impacts in the Ysdkin River Aasin Site Permanent Fill Temporsry, Fill Permanent Temporary Totel Stream Stream in Intermittent in Intermittent Fi0 irt Fill in ImpaM Impacts I Stream {linear Stream (linear Pereanial Perennial (linear ft) Requiring ft) I ft) Stream Stream (linear Mitigation pinear Er) k) pinear ft) Original approved 563 - - - 563 - impacts at Site 4B Site 4B impact revision -127 - - - -127 - I New additional impacts - - - 20 20 - with this approval at Site 4B 436 - - 20 456 - Tota! � i ota� �tream ►mpsct tor ��te as: 45b unear reet Stream Impacts ia the Yadkio River Basin Site Permanent Fil Temporary Fill �Permsment Temporary Total Stream Stream � in Intermittent in Intermittent Fill in Fill in ImpaM Impacts Stream (linear Stream (linear Perennisl Perennial (linesr ft) Requiring tt) k) Streflm Stream (linear Mitigation I pinear ft) ft) pinear ft) Original approved - - 334 21 355 334 impacts at Site 48 Site 48 impact revision - - - � $ - New additional impacts - - 6 - 6 6 with this approval xt Site 48 340 15 355 340 � �----Tota� —J--- — --L--- ---- — ---� I'otsl Stream Lnpact iur Site 48: 355 Gr.ear fect Site Original approved impacts at Site S7 Site 87 impact revision idzw acldidonal impacts with thiy approval at Site 87 Stresm Im cts in t6e Yadkin River Basin Permaoent Fiil Temponry Fill Permaneot Temporery Totsl Stream Stresm in Intermittent in Intermittent Fill in Fill iu Impact Impscts Stream (linqr Stresm (linear Perennial Perenoial (lineer ti[) Requiriog ft) ft) Stream Stream (Onwr Mitigation pioear R) ft) pinear ft) - - 146 66 212 - 19 22 - - 165 88 Total Totsl Stream Impsct for Site 87: 253 liaear feet Site Orip,inal approved impacts at Site 97 Site 97 impact revision New udditional impacts with this approval at Site 97 41 - 253 - Stream Im cts in the Ysdkin Rlr•er Batin Permanent Fill Temporary Fi0 Permaoent Temporery Total Stresm Stresm ln Intermittent in Iotermittent Fill lo Fill in Impect ImpaMs Strcam (linear Stream (linar Perenoirl Pereonisl (linear tt) Requiring ri) it) Stream Stream (lioear Mitigatioo pinear ft) 8) __ pinear tt) 240 --�-----92---- -- -- 332 - i 146' — 49----- - —�-- 195 - To�, � � ,4, 1 - �_ Total Stream Impact tor Site 9'7: 527 Gnesr teet *13 LF of permanent rtrcam impaM is due to baok stabili�ation. 527 I - Wetland Im acts in the Yadkin River Brstn Site Fill Fill Eacavation Mechanized Hsnd TArw under Tofsl (ac) (temporar (ac) Cleariug Clearing Bridge Wetland y) (acj (ac) (ac) Impsct (ac) ia�) � I Original approved impacts at - - - i <Q.01 - - <O.Q1 Site 3 i New additional impaMs with - - - <4.03 - <0.03 chis approval at Site 3 - - - <0.04 I - - <0.03 Totsl , Site Original approved impacts at Site 8? New additional impacts with this approval at Site 87 Total Fill (ac) Totel Wetiand [mpact for Site 3: <OA� �Mland I�cb in the Ca Fear River B Fill Excsvaiion tilechnnized (trmpnrary) � (ac) Clearing (•�) �a�� Total Wetlsod Impsct for Site 87: acres. Hand Area under Clearing Bridge (ac) , (ac; <0.1 <0.1 acres. Totul Wetland [mpect (ac) The application pruvides adequate asswance that the discharge of fill material inW the waters of the Yadkin River Basin and Cape Fear River Basin in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Waur Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the Staze of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinaRer set forth. This approval is only valid fnr the purpose and design that you submitted in your malified applicallon �ated and received May 22, 2017, with subsequent information received on June 28, 2017. All the auihorized activities end conditions of certification assuciated with the original Water Qualiry Certificatior. dated May 20, 201C� and modifications an 3une 2G, 20i6, as well a, JunE 8, 2017 stili appiy exc�pt where superctxled by this Cereificatiou. Should your project change, you are required to notify the NCDW R and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the condiNons. If smy additional wetland impacts, or stream impacts, for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or 300 linear feet, respectively, additional compensatory mirip,ation may be required as described in ISA NCAC 2H .OSOG (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to remain valid you are reyuired to eomply with all the condilions listed below. In addition, you should obtxin all other fecleral, state or local permih before proceeding with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Suppty watershed regulations. This Certification shall expire on [he same day as the expiration date of the cortesponding Corps of Engineen Pertnit. Conditan(s) of Certificatioo: Project Specific Conditions I. ihis modification is applicable only to the addirional proposed activities. All the authorized activities and conditions of certification associated with the original Water Quality Certi6cation dated May 20, 2016, and subsequent modifications dated June 2d, 2016, and June 8, 2017 s[iil apply except where superseded by this certification. 2. Compensazory mitigation for 31,889 linear teet of impacts ta streams is required. We understand ffiat you have chosen to perform compensatory mitigadcn for impacts to streams through the North Caroliaa Division of Mitigation Seitiice (CMS), a�d that DMS has agreed W implement the mit:gation for U�e pcuject. T6e DMS has indicated in a letter dated May 18, 2017 thaz they will assume responsibiliry for sarisfying the federal Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation requirements for [he above-referenced project, in .^.ccordance with the DMS Mitigation Banking lnstrument signed Jcly 28, 20l0. Violations of any condition herein set forth maq residt en revocation of t6is Certificatior and may rasult in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon the expi�ation of the 404 or CAMA pertnit. If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a perition for an admi�istrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday ttvou�h Fri�y between the hours of 8:OOam and ?:�lOpm, excepi far official state holidays. The original and oue (1) copy of the petition must be filed wiU� the Oflice of AdminisMetive Hearings. The petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the dceumeut is received by the O�ce of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. 'Ihe mailing address for the Office uf Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Cemer Ralei�h, N� 27699-671a Telephone:(9l9)431-3000,Facsimile:(919) 431-3100 A copy of the perition musi also be served on DGQ as follows: Mr. I3i11 F. Lanq Geneml Counsel Deparpneni of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This the 18th day of July 2017 D[V[SION OF WATER RESOURCES r � a� _ S. J y Zimmerman, Director WQC No. 4059 Environrncntui Quality NCDR'R Praject No.: App:icanr. Pro,ject Name: Date of Issuance uf 401 W'ater Qua�ity Certificalion: County: Kt)Y ( U()F'ER MICHAEL S. RE:(iAN 5..1,4Y 71MMHRMAN , ,_.�. , ,.,. Certificate of Completior. Upon compleTion of all wcrk spprovrd within the 401 Water Quality Certifcat;on or applicable f3uffer Rides, ard zoy subscauer.t modificati��rs. thz applicant is reyuired [o return thi> certifieate to [he 401 'I'ransportation Pertnitting Unit, Nonh Ca:oli:ia Uivisiou of Water Re�or.rce;. 1517 Mai! tiervice Center, Raleigt,. NC. i i699-1e I?. This fomi may be ret�med to NC�1VR hy the applicant, the app!icanr's aerhorized a�ent, or the project e�gir.eec !? is not .^,ecessary to ser.d ceKiticates from all oi these. App(icanYs Certifrcarion I, , hereby state that, ro the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of [he co�struc[ion such that Ihe construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and in[ent of [he 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, Ihe approved plans and specifications, and other suoportine matzrials. Sinnatur_: Date:__ __ _ ____ A�PyPs Certi,7cnffml I, , hereby state fhat. lo [he best of my ahilrties due care and diligence was used in the obscrvztion oi the const: uction such tha! [he construction wzs abse: veG m be built within subs:antial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Qualiry Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specificatio�=, and other supporting ma�erials. Sienamrz: Engineer's C'ertiJication Pa�tial Finnl Date: �, , as a duiy registered Protessional Engie�er in the tilate ut Nurth Ca�olina, navi�ig been authorized to ubserve (periodically, weekly, fuil timej tiie eorotruction of ihc prujzct I'or thc Permittee hzreby state Uiat. to the btst oi mv abiiitirs. duz eare and �iligence was used ir thz obsrrvation oi tlie cons[ruction such Ihat the consWc[ion was observed [o be buil[ within substan[ial compliance and in[ent ofthe 401 N'ats Qual� y Ccrtification and Butler Rules, [he appro�ed p;ans and speci',ica[iors. and cthe,- supnoriiag materials. Signatare Reeistration No. Stel: c(`;arth C>rohra i`neir•cvna:nri Ceeins �i:>.*/i3�ISa�vutunis�� Fa:e.�h r:,rtc.(;uol��:nS'jtic ��, Da.e