HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170872 Ver 1_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20170717 (2) Project Tracking No.: “No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 4 16-01-0157 NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-5660 County: Halifax WBS No: 45615.1.1 Document: Libr Mcc Or Pce F.A. No: BRZ-1100(036) Funding: State Federal Federal Permit Required? Yes No Permit Type: nw3 or nw 14 Project Description: NCDOT proposes to replace Bridge Nos. 0065 & 0066 as part of the same undertaking on SR 1100 (Bells Bridges Road) over Deep Creek in Halifax County south of Scotland Neck, TIP # B- 5660. This is a federally funded undertaking and a federal permit is required from the USACE. Therefore, this is a federal undertaking and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act applies. This is a Low Impact Bridge Replacement project (LIBR), and, as such, has a minimal footprint, little new impacts, and, importantly, an offsite detour. While the actual impacts of the project are likely to be much smaller, the Area of Potential Effects for this project is 75 feet wide to either side of the roadway, tapering at the ends, and 1200 feet long. This incorporates both bridges with about 300 feet of roadway at either end past the bridges. Design was not available at the time of review, however the provided project description is to replace both bridges on the existing location, therefore the construction footprint is likely to be similar to the existing soil disturbances with some expansion for fill and drainage. An offsite detour will be used. Much of the APE has already been modified by the construction of the existing SR 1100 and two bridges, or is else surrounded by swamp. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Specific design mapping is not available, though assumptions can be made for this low impact bridge replacement project (LIBR) to be replaced on the same location and with an offsite detour. USGS mapping (Hobgood) and aerial photography was studied. The project area along SR 1100 passes through low, wooded and swampy terrain near Bridges 0065 & 0066. The primary soil type present at Bridges Nos. 0065 & 0066 is Chastain and Bibb soils (CbA - 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded) which is noted as undrained or poorly drained. The APE rises slightly to the southwest where a small amount of Bonneau loamy fine sand is present (BoB - 0 to 4 percent slope, well drained) as the paving portion tapers to an end. Frequently flooded soils that are prone to hold water are not generally attractive for many common human activities and therefore less likely to have archaeological remains associated with those locations. The somewhat elevated terrain to the southwest holds higher, but falls mostly outside of the APE as more hospitable landform. Virtual drive-by was not available using Google Maps or Bing Maps. No cemeteries were noted during the aerial viewing or on the USGS mapping at the project location, though there are several mapped in the local area. According to the NCDOT cemetery dataset prepared by Archaeologist P.J. Mohler, there are no mapped cemeteries nearby. Historic maps that were examined did not indicate any structures or obvious industry within or nearby the APE. The current alignment of SR 1100 is new, appearing on USGS mapping in the 1950s (Norfolk 1953 Project Tracking No.: “No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 4 16-01-0157 and Hobgood 1961). The 1916 Halifax County Soil Survey shows another crossing to the north of SR 1100, which didn't yet exist and was apparently abandoned (1916 Halifax County Soils Mapping MC.047.1916h). Therefore, the bridges were likely first in place here in the second quarter of the twentieth century, and were then replaced in 1969 according to NCDOT provided information. The Office of State Archaeology was visited in February, 2016 to review archaeological mapping and to reference any known archaeological surveys. There are sparse environmental reviews in the larger area (ex. ER 97-9335 and ER 10-1463) and only occasional documented sites. The lack of larger scaled compliance-based archaeology may explain the lack of studied and known resources. For this undertaking, the proposed bridge replacements of the existing transportation facility, Bridges Nos. 0065 & 0066, little new soil disturbance will occur. As much of the existing APE has been modified for the current roadway, bridges, drainage and utilities, expectations are low for encountering new archaeological sites, especially any that may be intact and significant. The wet, swampy soil present here also suggest a lowered probability to encounter habitation sites. As a result of this review, we conclude that the likelihood of encountering intact, NRHP-eligible resources are low based on the limited new footprint of the undertaking at the same preexisting location, previous bridges and road construction disturbances, and the location within a swampy environment. The project should be considered compliant with Section 106. No archaeological survey is recommended for this undertaking as currently proposed. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The scale and nature of the project is limited to replacement of existing bridges with new structures at the same locations. An offsite detour will be used. The APE of the project overlays the current transportation facility roadway and bridge construction. New impacts will be limited to work adjacent to the bridge and bridge approaches. Review of background archaeological information, examination of mapping and aerials suggests generally lowered probability for the presence of significant, intact archaeological resources on this landform type within the APE. The APE contains mainly soil noted as frequently flooded. Historic mapping from 100 years ago suggests a different route was in use, removing increased likihood of historic resources at the current bridges and roadway. Based on the low changes to the footprint of construction and the degree of existing disturbances, it is unlikely that intact, significant, NRHP-eligible archaeological resources would be encountered or impacted by the project. No archaeological survey is recommended. Therefore, this federally permitted undertaking should be considered compliant with Section 106. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Map(s) Previous Survey Info Photos Correspondence Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED 8/4/2016 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Date Project Tracking No.: “No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 4 16-01-0157 Figure 1. Vicinity of PA # 16-01-0157, on USGS topographic mapping (Hobgood), showing Bridge Nos. 0065 and 0066 location (black circle) along SR 1100 (Bells Bridges Road) over Deep Creek in Halifax County. C an a l C r ee k Marsh Swamp D e e p C r e e k Deep Creek D e e p C r e e k Deep Creek D e e p C r e e k H W Y 1 2 5 H W Y S R 1 8 0 9 S R 1 8 0 4 S R 1 1 0 0 SR1816 S R 1 8 1 5 S R 1 8 1 1 HWY 903 SR1812 S R1810 S R 1 1 0 3 SR1101 S R 1 8 2 0 S R 1 8 1 7 S R 1 1 0 2 S R 1 8 1 3 P V T SR1818 S R 1 8 2 6 M U N SR 1810 S R 1 1 5 1 S R 18 1 9 S R 1 8 1 4 S R 1 1 2 4 SR S R 1 8 0 7 SR1823 P VT P V T P V T P V T P V T MUN P V T M U N MUN P V T PVT P V T P V T P V T P V T HALIFAX EDGECOMBE MARTINCopyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed, Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community 0 5,000 10,0002,500 Feet ± Project Tracking No.: “No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED” form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 4 of 4 16-01-0157 Figure 2. Aerial map of PA 16-01-0157, Br. Nos. 0065 & 0066 replacement along SR 1100 over Deep Creek (blue line) in Halifax County. The approximate APE is displayed in yellow. S R 1 1 0 0 410066 410065 HALIFAX NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board 05001,000250 Feet ±