HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080737 All Versions_Mitigation Information_20071214SEP-1E-2008 13 28 From DOT OFF OF NRT ENVI I` P 1,3 tt ECE V ED DEC 14 2001 919 715 5501 To 9197336693 -S1 A I`R (N N[)T{TH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MiCNAI_I_k FASUY r iovrR NnR Dccembei 13, 2007 Mt Richard Spcnecr U S Armv Coil? of T_-,ngtticei s Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 SubjL0 Mitig-,itiot)ft)rl?,iyettwvillc()utcr loop TIP No,; iJ-2519 and X-0002, W BS 34817 1 2 Deer Mr Spvnc,ei. DMSION OF HIOHWAYS PDEA-OFICE Of NATURAL ENVIAONIt1ENT Ll NDU 1 1131,f -TT S1(141 11,P1 Tht, NCDOT piopo,,u5 d4,biting the Privateer Fainis mitigation site (t'ttvateel 5Ite) f<n anticipated niiligition needs associated with the Fayetteville (hitch Il;op (1.OL), TI ansportation In1pr0VLI11Lnt Program (TIP) Piojcct Nos U-2519 aixl x-0002 ]'he lollotvmg Supporting Information presenLs a 5un1i1iary of the. FOL pro)ect impact, the Privateer Site status and ciedtts, cind. the fum tional assessment for the wetland and sbut n impacts and ritigation Maps, form:,, and detailed silt. mfuiniatlon ate pmvided on the NEU wcbsite http //www ncdot oig/cloh/pieconstruct/pc/ncu/Monitoring The. Fayateville Outer Loop is estimated to have the following impacts in catal(+gurng unit (('tJ) 01030004 of the Cape Fear River Baffin (1) 12,838 feet of stream impacts (2) 49 76 acres of riparian wetland tit)pacts (1) 11 84 acres o I non-riparian woland impacts These nunlbei, inJude 1111pvctS front all tieLtu>nw of the probed, including those iuiidul on the i IP and those post-yeas Cuitently there is not a sufficient amount of Stieani or wt,tland mitigation credits available in CL) 03030004 that have completed consti uction The Privateer ile is located in (:LJ 03030005 of the Cape hear River Basin, (IT) LhL boundary of Cumbeilancl and Bladen counties, approximately 6 miles ftotn the souther li bourxim v of ('t J 03030004 (-,ee itt.lLiled rn.ip) 1 lie pi(?jec.t retitored 402 5 aLT , 01 t iparian wetlands, etllianced 25 acres of ripat Ian wetlands, and I estored 34,00 feet of Harrison ("tt,ek, making it one of the laigest ecosystem restoration ptojects in the ?outlieast I he pioiect has completed its thii d vent of moiiitorung 1 he rno iitonrig mpoits arc provided on the accompanying disc There have been tar) debits Rota this site MAILING ADDRESS TULPI IDNE 919 733 3141 LOCATION NC DFPARTNFNT OF TRAN$PCIRTATION FAX 919-791 -979A 1 PANTr QRTAT DN BUR UINC PRXEC T OFVCLOPMCNT AND EWIRf1NMENTAL ANALrSIS 1 9011TH WILNIIN,TON S I R6J- I i 14A MAN Srr•rl(_r f EN I rk WEBSITE V?L W DoN L)OT STATE NC US Rrtl FI H N Ln?rin tl/ 17(,M11 17 SEP-15-2008 f°16N 14 43 TEL 9197336893 NAME DWO-WETLANDS P 1 SEP-15-2008 13 28 From DOT OFF OF NAT ENVI 919 715 5501 To 9197336893 P 2.3 Mr Richaid Spcncei December 1 i, 2007 I'age ? 5ticain flows from larger storms now spiead onto the floodplai n, which iecluci;S the enctg,y of the wAuT and results in less ciosion of stiewn banks `itruetures pldLed within lhc, strc tinbcd c,ontiol its grade,, reduce stress oti Gtreani barks, and create a more di" erse habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms Rip in in wetlands were rc?,toi ccl by rt cWnneOing Hartisou 0eek with its original floodpldin Foi comparison of impact types and quality to niitigatioit tyke and quality, IunLtic?nal assessinLritS were completiA for a representative sample of the impact. sites drier the Privatect site duting the month of Septembet A. total of 31 wetland impact ,ite,, oil the FOL were. evaluated using the NC Welland i unctional Assessment Method (N( W AM) Of the 3 I sous. 25 weir classified as riverine and 0 as non-riverine, with 5 diffetent wc,tland types tepiesented A table of site lypLs, sc,oies, spr,Lili , siti- f'orrii.., and score vhLctti are prOVIdecl On the accompanying ditiL All but 3 tints received an overall score of high quality However, 1 I of the impact siluti Scored low of mediuinn on the habitat lunc,tion The recfuLed score was mainly t-rom low vegetation Lmtipositum or phyoLdl ,ArUdure score", The low habitat scores ieflect site character istics such a5 alteied vegetation composition, lack of vegetation strata, lack of mature trees, and low species diversity An NCWAM evalctaticxn was Linnpleted on eaLli of the thtee wetland type", on the Pr valuc;r site The NCWAM form", mid sLne sheets fol the Riveiine Swarip loresl, Bottomnland i aidwood forest, and lleadwater forest.ue provided on the ?ut-cnnpanyi ng disc, All three wetland types received an overall ,v)ie of high quality I he Itrverrine Swamp and Bottoinland Hardwood NCSts reLeived a low wore for the habitat full 1.1011 Like the impact sites, these low habitat scores ieflect the lack of matu ie trees and e,cpected strata However, the habitat scores on the Pnvateei site arc expcct(d to improve over trnie As tillown in 1.11L nu7iutoring reports, the appropriatL 5pccics were plaiitccl oti the silt rind arc meeting success criteria for survival and conipc)stticm Sinoc the Pi iv tteei site ie protuctcd to perpetuity, the vccCtation will continue to gtow and reach the expected canopy and diversity Two stream impact Sites on the F()1 weie evaluated using the pieliriin iry veislon of the NC Stream Functional Assessment Method (N(`SAM) far lintel Coastal Plain ",tieain type The fcinns and score, sheets for these evaluations are not provided because of the prcliininary nature of the NC'SAM Two sections of the LIT to Carveis Cieck, one in the forested section and one in the non-forested -,(,(,ion, were evaluated during a liLld exercise by the NCSAM team The forested section received an oveiall sunie of high quality Thi", ,eoion of stteain is LhdiaLlcniLd by i stdblL c.lnannLl, d mature ?t gctak d buffer, and good in-stream habitats f he non-foiestecl section ieceived.nn overall ",core of low qudhty 't'his ;,rite is chalactenicd by laLk of utaturL vugLtdtLd bulfcr, little. of no in- stream habitat, and a &;tuihed sticamside area SEP-15-2008 MON 14 43 TEL 9197336893 NAME DWO-WETLANDS P 2 5EP-1c-7-2003 13 28 Ftom DOT OFF OF NRT ENVI 919 715 5501 To 9197336893 P 3,3 M1 Richard Spcncci Ducu nbcl 13, 2007 Page 3 An NCSAM evaluation was c.ompletecl orr thtce sections of ie5tonud Sttcatn, corresponding to the tluee wetland evalurttion 1tx..t110115, on the Pi rvateei site All three strewn secttotts received an overall score of high quality 'l'ire stream section', ddlao,Vnt to the Rtveiwe Swamp and Bottonnkuid Hardwood forests received a low quality score fbI the habitat function Thebe scores are charauter.tittc of a site with low rrchrruss and diversity of tn?rc.ror-bunthics, lack of mature vegetation to the stream-SIde area and laQt nt nn.-stream l.abitat type', The drought conditions and age of tllc site coati ibuted to these reduced s4ores However these tactors ate expcc.tc,ci to improve oven time srnuu the site i', prutULtcd rn. perpetuity 1 lie NCDOT requests debiting the Privateer Ni to at a ratio of 15 1 for Jreanr, rrvcrane. and norurveiine Impacts for the FOL Thrs request IS based on the following factors e The Privateer',rte rs constructed and has completed its third year of monitoring The, quality of the n utigatum, as shown. rn the functional assessnrr"r.ts, rs az; high o higher than the impact sites The Privateer Site r', rneutnng success cr rtei ia, is 1111,911 qudlrty initrgatioti `rte, and showing trends toward a mature forested wetland and streann system e There i5 not a sufficient anrourll of stream or wetland mitigation cretin,: atiarlal-)lC CL 030-30004 that have completed construction 7a Fou for review and con',nderatum of this request 11v,, rnflorniatiOrl will also be included in the pcrn.nt application for the FOL If you have any questions. please call 1_e?Lam Paugh at 919-715-1457 r rs ur 1?rncerely, l: , 75 C;tcg i- }orpe, Ph Brans Ma alter Project Development & Frivtn7n7nic.ntal Analysis GJTibe uc Dcborah Baiboui, NC,DOT, Prcconstruction Sc,otl WL endon, USAGE, Wrlm.ngtotr far rain \N r enn, NCDWQ Kathy Matt hews, 11-SEPA Gary Jorclna.n, USVW5 Tra\is Wilson, NCWRC' Tim Rerko. Division 6, Environmental Officer Beth Harnion, NC'ELP SEP-15-2008 MON 14 43 TEL 9197336893 NAME DWO-WETLANDS P 3