HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170781 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170713Environ men t u I Quality S�tP ROY COOPER MICHAEL S. REGAN 5�;,�-ci„ri� S. JAY 7_IMMERMAN � _.,,;,, July i3,201', Nash Countv uCDWR 1'roject i�u. 20170781 Rridge 12b on SR 1310 "fIP No. B-565R APPR�JVAL cf 401 WATF.R QIIALITY CERTIFICAT[ON and TAR-PAMUCO BUFFER AUTHORIZATION, wi[h ADDITIONAL CONdIT10NS Mr. Tim iittle, P.E., Division Engineer NCDOT, n;���to� a PO Box 3165 Wilsou,NC 27845 Dear Mc Little: You have our approval, in aceordance with the cond�tions listed below, for the followine impacts for the nurpose of replacieg 6ridne 126 in Nash County: Total Slream Imuacts in t�� �'�_rxnniaf �trc:�m IOi Total Stream Impact i'or Project 101 lieear feet. Tar-Pamfico Ri ariai Zone I lmpact 'Lone ! Buffer Mitigatien Required (sa ffl lusinc 3:1 ratio) To4nl5trcam 1 lUl Zone ? Ir.�pact I Zone'_ Ruf[er Mitiga:ion !sa ft1 I Rcaoired fusine 1.5:1 raYii Tofals I 6159 I N/A � 2776 �_ N/A * nia = 7�utal fur Site is less than li3 acrc a��d i 50 linzar ieet of i�npact, uo mitieation reyuired Total Buffer Impact far Projecc R935 �quare feet. The project shall be constn�cted in accorCance with yeur application received lune ??, 2017.. ,4fter re rieu�ino your applicatiun, we l�ave deci�ed [hat these impacts are coverru b� Grnerai Waizr Qualiry Cznificntiun NumberS085. Thi; certificatirJn corresponds !u thz �atiunwide Permit 3 i,sued hy [he Coips oi F.�z.�ineer;. This approval is alcp valid for tiie Txr-F'amlicu Ripari:u� C;uifer Rules (I iA Ni'AC 2E3.G2�91. lu adoition., you shuui� acquire any othrr fzderal, state or locai permits before you nroceed wilh your project inciuding (bu: not limited to) Sediment and Ero,ion Contrnl, NcirUischarge nnd W'aler Supply Watershed rrgidaticiis. ?his approval will zspirc with the zccompar.ying 404 permit. S�atn uf Nn�th Cuolin3; F.narenmarral i)cal�ry� i ul7 Mail 9e�vicc �emtr j Rniei�li, Nonn Carolina 2 iiSd-161 % This approval is valid solely for the purpose and design described in your application {unless modified below). Should your project change, you must notify the Ni.;D"vVR and subtnif a new applicaiion. If ihe property is sold, the r�ew owner must be given a copy of this Certification and a.pproval letter, and is thereby r�sponsibie fcr complying with all the conditions. If total wetlznd iills for this project (now or in the future) exceeci one acre, or of iotal impacts to streams (now or in the fut�re� excPed 150 linear feet, compensator,/ mitiaati�n may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). Additional buffer impacts may require compensatory mitigation as described in 15A NCAC 2B.0259. For this approval to remain valid, you must adhere to the conditions listed in tlie s�enet•al Ce�ification 4G85 �.�z� ai,ti� addiiior.al condit�ons liste:l bel����. Conr�atiQns of Ce�ti#ic�tioe�: .. , �1.. A!! ripari�n buffers impacted by the pl»cement �f tennporary fill or c�earina activities shall be res±ored to the �rzconsfi.:cticr, c�r�tours and ; e��.,geta:cd. l�•4aintsir.e� ruffe:s shall l�e �erman�ntly revegetatcd �vifl, n�n-wo�uy :' _- species by t'_ne end of �he growin�.season foliowing corn.pfetion oi construction. For the purpase ofthis condiiicin, maintained buffer areas are defined as areas :vitnin ihe tra�isportation cotridor trat wiil be subject to regular NCDUT - m�ir�tenar.ce a�tivities inchidi�;g :r�o��i�g. The a: ea �a�ith :�c�n-main'ai�e� buf�e.rs shall bc perriianent�; revegetated _•Ni±h native woody species before ±he next �e�r�i.ng season follow�ng �ompletion of construction. [15 b NC�iC 2B.Q259; _ 2. _As a condition of this 40l Water Quality Certification; the bridge demolition and construction. must be accomplished instrict compliance witn the most recent version ofNC7QT's Best M�na�ement Practices for Construction und Mairtenance Activxties. [15A I�TC�C 02H .OSO?; d)(2) and 15A N�AC 02H .0505(b)(5 f] 3. Bridge deck drains shall net �ischarge direct�y i.nte the sfi-esm. Storm�vater shall be d:rected acress t�he bridge an� pre-treated through site-appropriate means (grassed swales, pre-formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. To meet the requirements of NCDOT's NPDES permit NCS0000250, please refer to the most recent version of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox manual for approved measures. [15A NCAC; Q2H .OSU7(d)(2) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] ' ._. .__- 4. 1'�_�rsiiant to_l5A NCAC2B.02S9(6); sediment and erosion controi devices shall not be placed in �onP l of any `_T'ar-Pamlico u�affv: wit�o!?t nr;�r �p�rova! by thP NCDUV}�., At this ;ime, th.e l�T��'J��� t;as � p�re✓ed no sediment znci erosien ce7�o1 d�vices in 'Lore 7 5 cutsi�e of tre upprove:i praject impucts, anywhere a�� this project. Ivlorsover, set;ini�nt �r.d er�sion ca;�t:r,: devices snal� be alic�r�eri �n Z.or.e 2 of :he l��cf;ers prov;�ed tri�# Z,ene i is ns�� • � compromised and that disc�ia:ge is released as di�use flow. S. All sformwater runoff shall be directed as sheetflow through stream buffers at non-erosive velocities, unless et��erw�ise a�s�rove� by triis oet-tificativ��. [15A_ r1�AL 2F3.0259] 5. If cancrste is usvd durirtg 4cnst:-u�•�ien, a dr; wo�1�: arew s.�al] be ina+ntaine� to prevent �ireci eoritae� be+v�een cur'vig co:�crete and strea:ri water. E�:�ai�r rhat i,�adee:-t��r.tl;� contac�s uncured concrete shall r.ot Ue dis��a�aed to � ;u.rface �vaters due to the potentia� f�r elevatLl pN ���d �ossihle aquatic life and fish k�lls. [15A Iv'CAC �2B.Q200] 7. �uring the const�-urti�n of the nroject, no staging of eq��ipment of any kind is ner�nitted �n watPrs of the U.S., or prctected ripzri�if nuffers. � i 5:, NCAC 02�I.0506('a)(2 j� � � � R. The d.ime�sion, patte; r�. and prof ]e of the stream ahove and below thP crossing shall not be m�di_fied. L�isturbed floo�plains and sr.-�ams shall �e .restored to natura! geomoa-�hic con�itions. [15A NCAC 02H.OSOf(b)(2); �. T; e use of rir�rap ab�ve.the I�Terma113igh �Vater Mac�k shall be mii�inized. A�-�y r;ua•a;, placed far s�rea�n . stabili?ation shal? be place� in stream channels ir. s�ach a manner thzt i± does not impede ac�uatic l�fe pac�age. [ � 5y Nc�r� o�N.cso�(h�ra�� I J. The Dermi�e� sl�all �nsure. that �he :inal d�si� �rawing� adher� t� tiz,, �ermit and to the permit dru�vu-�gs s���:;±itted fo?' a}�p:'ov�I. [�Sy N�.�C C2H .J50? (c) ard 1�A hT�� yC G%�I .��Of� (b j(� j�ir�d (c)(2:;; 1]. All work in or a�jacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry ��ork area. Approved BMF measures from �`.11f) i7lOSY CLIT€I?t V�iS:Ji] Ut l.�i.j���� �.Ol15tPElCtlU11 ar� ,��lain?er.ance ti:.il4ihe5 :I13Il:iu� Sitd:; as sanclhags, .:,��: r�I'il?.S, COtf�rdams a;i� aTiiel' CiJVST'SIU^ StI'UL%LiCeS 5;73�1 h� izseci to �r�vent exca�at=cr_ in f:aw:31� YVwti::'. �i.SA ZvTI�tZ� �?H.Q505�J��1 �n� (c)lj)� 12. Heavy equipment shall be operated from the banks rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize � sedimentaiion and reciuce tne introduction of orher poliutants into the stream. [15A NCAC G2H.OSOci(b)(3)] 13. All mechanized equipment operated near sarface waters must be regularly i.nspected and maintained to prevent contamination of st_►�eam waters from fuels, lubrican±s, hydraui_ic fluids, or other toxic materials. [i5A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] . _ 14.. 1�o racl., sa��:i oz� ather mater�a;s shail b:. a�•e��ed �em the sream c'.naa«el etcept wttere �4t=�or�zed by this ce:lifcat:�n. �? 5� NCAC OZH.i'',-54iit"o j(3 j] - 15. Dischargir_� hydr�sPed r.zixtur�s ana v�ashing oui irydrosee�?ers and o±her e�uinmeni �n or adjace:it to suri��e wGters � is prohibited. [ 15�i NCA� �2H.USu6�b}{3 j1 ?6. 'I'�e �ermii:e� and its autrorized a�e>>ts sh;�ll cen�'uct :ts activities i.� a inanner conaister,t ��it?i St4���z���ter qnalit}� _ star�dards finciuding any requirements resuiting froin compliance wi�h §3u�3(di of tue C;iean Water �ctl and any other �. . , appropriate requiremer�Ss ot'S�aie and rede�•al iaw. Ift'r,e NCDW� detzrnYines that suc�-� standards �r laws are not beuig r�1et (incluc'�irg t�e faihire to sust�i� a�as:�nated ox a:'iieved use) or that State or fe3eral ]aw is be�ng vielated, �r that �- ' fiar[her cor.�itions are necessaty ±� assure compliance, the NCDWR may re�va!uate �nd modify this certificatien. [ 15A NCAC 02BA200] ' ' _ �7. A copy of this .W ater Quality Certification shall_be maintained on the construction site at all times. In addition, the _. �?Jaier Qualit;� �err.ificaiion a.nd aii suoseqi.�eni modificati.ons, if any, shatl be maintaineci with the Division Engineer and _. the on-s:te �ro;ect mar�ag�r. i 15A NCAC 02H .050?(c) ar.d 15A rdCAC 02H .0506 (b�(2) ar.d (c)(2)] 18: The outside buffer, svetlar.d or water bou.^.d�ry located ��it�hin the construction corridor aYprcved by th:s authorization, including all non-commercial borrow and waste sites associated with the project, shall be clearly marked by highly visible fencing prior to any land disturbing activities. Impacts to areas within the fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0501 and .0502] 19. The issuance:of ihis ceitification does not exempt the Permittee �om complying with any.and all statutes, ru1_es, ;. _. �. r.egulations, or ordirzanc�s that may 1�e. imnosed .by other government agenc�es (i.e. locai_, state, and f�deral) having . ,.. jurisd:ct:on, ir.c>>ad21:� b�at no± ]�-r_iteC to ar;�l�eable 1�tiffer rul�s, stn,-n,�Nater managemynt ru(es; so:? erosion an� se�imentztion cor.�ral :equirements, �tc. ���2J: Tne Fernii�tez siiail�repor� any viulaiions of��nis certification ia thE Division of �Jaie� Reso�u�ces witnui 24 nours of � �� dis:.ove,y. [15A NCAC �2B.0506lb1(2�] 21. Upvn cc�mp2e:IO2i 4iti1@ �71'CjZe��(ii�cluciu�,g ar_y i:np�ets at assc,c:ated'u�rro:m or wa��e sites), t?�e i��DOT Division r,ngineer (or whomever. is t}ie authorized agen�t if a non-NCDOT project) shall Gompiete and return ihe enclosed "Certi �catia7 af Co���plet;o:� rG�-ni".tc �iot�fy the NC?�J��R �vhen ail wc�rk i:�cluded ir� the +Ul Certi�i��ticn has bedn co�ipieted. [? SA Iv'CAC O�H.QSC2(f;] . 22. Native riparian vegetation (i.e_, trees and shrubs native to your geographic region) must be reestablished in the riparian �reas witnin the construction limits of the prc�iect by the end of the growing sPason. following compietion of constru�tion. [15A NCA� 02B.02s9(10)] 23. There shal_1 �e r.o excava±io� �am; or waste. ci�sposal into, ju��-isdictienal wetlands or v��aters associa±ed ��ith this � permit without appropria�e m�difiiat?on. Sh�ald .vaste or borrow sites, or access roads to �s�aste o.r bnrraw sit�s, be � iecated in wetlands or streams, cuc:lpensatory-mi;;igation wili be required suice that is a d'u•ect im�act from road c�nstructior, activities. [l5A NCA� Q2H.0505(b}(3; and �c)(3) 24. Erosion and sPdiment �ontrol pr�ctir.es must be in fi�ll compliance with all specifications governin.g the proper design, • ir_stallatio;� ar_� oneration and *na�niera:tce of sur,� Best Manage*rent Yractices :n �r�er to pr�at�ci surface w�rers stzadards [15A 7�TCAC Q2H.05�6(�)(3) �i� (a�{3): � a. The erosion and sedimeni control measures for the project must be designed; installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the mc�st recent version of the North Caf�alina Sedimenl and �rosion Corairo� Fla+�nin� rrr.cl �esign l�I:naral. _ b. The design, installarion, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in lhe most recent version of ihe North Corolina Sediment and F.rasion Cnntrol Manva/. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoilj projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow piu associated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. d. The reclamation nieasures and implementation must comply with the rec;lamation in accordance �vith the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 25. Sediment and erosion wntrol measures shall net be placed in wetlands or waters wiless otherwise approved by this Certificatian. [l5A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (cx3) If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petiNon with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixry (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered fled when it is received in ihe office of Administrative Hearings during norn�al oflice homs. The Office nf Administrative Hearin¢s accepts filings Monday Uvough Friday between the hours of R:OOam and S:OOpm, except for official state holidays. 7'he original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed witn the Office of Administrat:ve Heazings. 'fhe petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Adminisirative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed Vansmission. The mailing address for the Office of AdminisVative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Srrvice Center ltaleigh, NC 27699-ti914 7'elephone: (919) 431-30W, Facsimile: (919) A:i 1-3100 A copy uf the neNtion musi also be served on DEQ as iollows: Mr. Bill E Lane, General Counsel Depardnent of Env'vonmental Quality 1601 Mai! Service Center This ietter comp!etes the review of the Division of Water Resources wider Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. lf you have any questions, please contact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. Sincerely, //if dl/`.'r '� � S. Jay 7.immerman, Director Division of Water Resources Eleclronic copy onl}� distributioa: Tom Steffens, US Army Ccrps of Engineers, Washington Field Uffice Chacl Co�ins, Division 4 Env'uonmental Ufficer File Copy En vrronmen t a I Quality N�DW'R Praject No.: ,4pp!icant: ----- Project Name: D�te of Icsuance of 40i H'afer Qualiry Certification: Caunt�•: ROY COOPER MICHAFcL S. REGAN r.: � � S. JAY ZIMMF,RMAN u. ,, ,,,� Certificate of Completien I.Ipun comF�lztion oE all wru k apnroved within the d0 i Water Qualitv Certification or applicable Bu1%r Rules, and a�y subseGuent modifications, the aoplicant is required to retum d'�is certificate t�� thz 401 Transportation Permitting Unit. North Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh. NC, 27699-1 6 1 7. This form inay be �emrned to NCD'�'R hy t��e appiicant. the applicani', nu�hrn�ized agem. or the proiect enginecr. It is not necessary� ro send certificztes from al! of these. 4pFlicanl's Certificarion 1, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Qualiry Certitication and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specificatious, and other supporting materiais. �ignatnr=: ----- ��a��� — — ------- --- Agenl's fer/ifraalinn I. . h�reby state that, to the bcst nf my abilities, due care and Ailieence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliar.cz an� ui[ent of iL+e 401 W'ater Qualitq Certificatiun and [3uifer Rulc-s, tl;e approve�l ;:in:is anti sper,ifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: F.ngineer's CertiJ7ea�ion Partia! Final 1, , as a duly registcred Professional F_n�ineer in tt�c State of T�'orth Cuolina, h�ving been authnrized m o5se�ve (periodically, weekl}', full tirnz) ±hz constuc.irni of thz projeM for the Permittee hereby s[ate that, to the oest of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in ihe observation of the cunstruction such �iia[ the contitruction was ob�zrved to be buili within substaniial compliance and intent of the 401 Wa.er Gualiry Certification zad But?er Rules, the approved plans and ;pecific�ticos, and other suppo;!ing materials. Sigrature Uate Regislration Na. Sta;r nf :Jm;l� Carol in ;! �]�. imnme�"nI iluahty i ul' hlail Sarwce lemer l kuieigi�, ivur�h Cao!wa 2i69`v-I b i l