HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170766 Ver 1_401 Application_20170621Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 Fg1 of Neusci Rload, Sha 104, RWeigl, NC 27(19 - Pbone: (919; 846-5900 • Pax: (91SI) 84(-94(7 said ec.com To: L S Army Carps of Bngineens Raleigh Regula'lcry Rield Office Atln: , arries Lasilingen 33:11 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 WaHe Roresi, NO 2115871 I'lrom: Debc rah Edwards St i iley Moil & Bnvironmenial Ccnsultants, RA Re: Tciwn of Ape x-9eaiver CreekGreenway.-Fihase 1 A ICA SAW -2 015-W 065 Apex, Wake County, NC June 211, 21017 S&BCI Rrc.ject # '12554.W� NO DWR, 40'1 & Buffer Permit ing Unil A111n: Ke ren F iggiris Archdale Building — 9th Rlaor 512 Nor1t Slalisl�ry Slireei Raleigh, NO 2171604 C n behalf of it e applicant, Mr. John M. Brown, 'the Director of Parks 81 REcrealion, please find attached a complete eirlplicaiion and supplemerillal informa'lion requEaling written aoncumience from It U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) eirid the N. C1. ❑ivisicn of Water Resawice:i (NCDWR) that ite activities proposed below may proceed L nder Nationwide Permit 14 and Waver C uality CertificaJon 4088. Iri addition, the applicant would IiH e io request eiJordan Laloe WatEirst Ed No Rractical Alternatives Delermineflon from it e N CDWR for ite proposed impact, to riparian buffers. Blease aontaci me al 11919; 846-5900 if you taive ainy quesilions cr require additional information. RROJECIT SL MMARYI Project Narrie Town cf Apex -Beaver Creek Greenway -Phase 1 Project Type Greenway C wner / Applicant Town of Apex GCC nt WaHe Nearest Town Apex VVatejibody Norrie Beaver Creek Basin Cape Rear-Jardan Lake Index Numter 16-41-10-(0.5) Class WSI-IV; NS1W IMPAClI SL MMARY Slirearri Impact (aeries): 0.008 Wetleirid Impact 11acres): 1.150 CFlen Wailer Impact (acres): 0 Total Irrpact to Waters of the U.S. acres 1.758 Total Ellrearri Impact (linear feet': 715 Total Riparian Ellffer Impact (sq. fi.) Zone 1: '13,044 Gone 21: 20,085 Aitact mends: Rre-construction Notificallion (IRCIN) Application Form Wetland & Strearris Perrriit Map Rackage Ageriil ALitorizatian Form Bluffer Permit Map Rackage N RCM Mail Survey Map Existing Conditions Perrr it Drawings L SGS Topographic Map Rrofiles Perrr it Drawings Vicinity Map Typical Seciiions DWR Buffer Dekirminatian NBRRC#15-2196 Prelirr inary Jurisdictional Delerminaiion DWR C NLY: NCDMS Miiigaiion Accepiance $5710 DWR Applicadicn Flee Office Use Only: Corps action ID no, DWQ project no. Farm Version 1,3 Dec 10 2008 Page 1 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1,3 December 10, 2008 Version Pro -Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1a, Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ®Section 404 Permit 0 Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: NIA 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? M Yes ❑ No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ❑ Yes ❑ No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes Z No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. E Yes ❑ No 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1h below. ❑ Yes Z No 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ® No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Town of Apex: Beaver Creek Greenway -Phase 1 2b. County: Wake 2c. Nearest municipality 1 town: Apex 2d. Subdivision name: NIA 2e. NCDOT only, T. I. or state project no: NIA 3. owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Town of Apex 3b. Deed Book and Page No. NIA iinearproject 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): John M. Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation 3d. Street address: PO Box 250 3e. City, state, zip: Apex, NC 3f. Telephone no.: 919-249-3344 3g. Fax no.: NIA 3h. Email address: John.Brown o@apexnc,org - Page 1 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1,3 December 10, 2008 Version f 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) I 4a. Applicant is: El Agent Other, specify: Owner -please send correspondence to Agent and owner 4b. Name: 5b. 4c. Business name (if applicable): Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 4d. Street address: Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 5d. 4f. Telephone no.: Raleigh, NC 27615 4g. Fax no.: 919-846-5900 4h. Email address: Fax no.: 1 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Deborah Edwards Shirley 5b. Business name (if applicable): Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 5c. Street address: 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Ste. 104 5d. City, state, zip: Raleigh, NC 27615 5e. Telephone no.: 919-846-5900 5f. Fax no.: 919-846-9467 5g. Email address: Q$hjde aC7.SandEC,com Page 2 of 13 B. Project Infcrrraition anc Prior Project History 1. Preiperly Icentiiicialion 1a. Frcperly icentification no. ill ax RIN or parcel ID): Parcel I❑: N/A linearpro;ect 1b. Site coorcinates Qin decirrial cegrees;: IMFIAC7IC Latitude: 35.7300 Longitude: -78.69461 WETLAND 8 (IDD.❑❑IDDD❑' Q-DD.❑❑DDDD) 1c. Property size: N/A-projectapproximateN 4,615/ir.i6arlbetkng, ,inckidirig Y/ 8 Y2 (cor.inecors tc neighticrhoca) 2. Surface Waiters 21a. Name of nearest bocy of wafer (scream, river, etc.) to Beaver Creek proposec prcject: 21b. Water Cueliiy Classification of nearest receiving wafer: WS -IV, -NSW 21c. River basin: Cape FearFVver Basin; Hydro%g,ic 01rit Code 03030002 3. Rroject Desicriplion 3E. Describe tt E existing conditions on the site and the general lanc use in the vicinity of the prcljeci at the time of this appliceiiion: Existing cona,illicns consist of a maintained 30' wiae Tcwrl ofArex utility Easerrlem, aili with intermittently wcodedland cn the east side ctlKehly Roan. Beaver Creek is scutf of the rrcyect area, and its inibularies cress thrcugh the pro,'ecl area. The Beaver Creeklhilocopilains alcng with riparian wetlands are w,ith,in the project area. The termini ct Flkase 1 are Ale1/31 Rcad Plarkl cn the east side of KlcNyi Rcad, aria Chace/ Vaky Llar.ie w,illh,in the existing X611y West Subla ivisicn tc tie north. The gprlera/ lana use in the vifoki tyi of At e pro;ecll ,is resiaenda/. 3b. List tf a total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: ,Cpprox,imately 3.65 acres of wettlarias within the ccrridcrdedineated 3c. List Re taial estimated lineerfeei of all existing streams (intermitteni and perennial) on ihE properly: Approximaledy 345 hnearfeet cf sireemi wttfin the corridorde/ineated 3c. Explain the purpose cf the prcpased prcject: TTE; purpcse of the rrcpcsea rrcject is tc ccnstruct a town greenway, which wid corinect Klelly Roed Flark tc the KE,Vy West residential subdivision. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, inclucing the type of equipment tc be used: The overall prcjecll ecnsisils ct the ccnstructicn ofgreer.iwey from Kelly Road Fkrk tc the existing Kelly West Subdivision. SpecificeiVy the glreenway MIA ublize a boarowatkl at mcst wetland areas and w4V sten all streams. The beginning/ and endsrcirlts of the bcardwaiktrensition tc at-grede in sorre,bcaillicns. Equipment llypically usea for construction ano eerthwcrksuci as beckhlces, btu/1ao21ers, excevetcrs, graders, ravers bile. will be ullidzedtcrth,is prc;ecil. 4. Jurisdiciieinal Leterminaticinsi 4a. Have,jurisdiciicinal wetland on streeim cetErminatic ns by the Corp s or State been regi-esied cr obtainE d for chis p rcperty / 'Ihe ®Yes El No El L nk nc w n project (including all prior phalsE s) in past? Comments: 4b. lil the Corps made the junisdiclional cetermination, wPat type of detenrriineiticn was rriade? ®Rrelirriinaryl ❑ Rinal Comments: A FUD was issuedcrl Sleptemtler3G, 2C j5 -AID # SAW -20151-02665. 4c. If yes, who c eline ated the jL risdictioneil aneeis? AgencylCc n3L Itant Corripany: Scil & Envircrimentail Narrie (lif known': Dav,io Gainey & Steven Ball Ccns0ants, FIA Othen: 4d. If yes, list the castes cf the Cerps juriscicticneil ceterminations cr 1Itate determinations and attach cccumeniation. UISACE- James Llaslinger with the Corrs verifieajurisdiclicr.ial areas cn April 10, 26,5; NCDIWFI- Sara Knies Witt; the NCDIWR conouctea a bufterdeterm.inaticn on June 30, 2015 and March 8, 2016, see attacked )letter(NBRFICP15p256). PagE "� cf 13 PCN Rerm— Versicn 1.3 DEcembEr 101, 2008 VErsicn B. Prcjeci Information ainc Prior Project History 5. Project History 5a. H&VEI pEirmils or certifications been rec uestec or c btainE c for ❑ Yes E Nc ❑ L nk nown this prcjEct (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yea, eAplain in cetail according to "hElp file" insiruciicns. N/A 6. Ruture Praject Plans 6e. Iii this ai phased prcjEct? EYES ❑ No E b. If yes, explain. Perilhe project engr.eerar,d disccissed willh the Corps, Fhase 2 of tlh,is project wid ccnticr.ie ajong the sewereaseimienil, IV, 6n cross urioerApex Batt ecuE Road aria uatimately corinect tc tte ApeA Nature Fark. Peclei 4 of 1 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands N Streams - tributaries Buffers ❑ ©pen Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of Forested (Carps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or wetland DWQ -- non -404, other) (acres) Temporary T if known W18 -sheet (W 2 ) Greenway- Bottomland El Yes Z Carps ❑ P ❑ T Permanent (outside Hardwood Z No ❑ DWQ 8.0083 easement Forest W2 (W8 -sheet 2) Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomiand ❑ Yes H Corps �] P T Construction (outside Hardwood ❑ No ED DWQ 0.0431 _ easement) Forest (W } W3 1 -sheet 3 Greenway- Bottomiand ❑Yes Carps ® P ❑ T %/'//%.�/ Permanent (outside Hardwood ❑ No [J DWQ 30' easement) Forest W41 -sheet (�'� 3 } Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomiand El Yes ®Corps ❑ P ® T Construction (outside Hardwood ❑ No EJ DWQ 0.1428 30' easement) Forest Greenway - W5 (Wl-sheet 3) Construction Clearing -Permanent Bottomland ® Yes 0 Corps ❑ P ❑ T �' �` °`�� No Permanent loss Hardwood Forest ❑ No Ll DWQ 0.1087 (outside 30' easement) W61 -sheet tti"�` 3 } Greenway- Bottomiand ❑Yes ®Corps P r]T r: Permanent (inside 30' Hardwood Ug Na ❑ DWQ 0.0160 easement) Forest W7 1 -sheet 3 } Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomland Ll Yes ®Corps ❑ P ® T Construction (inside Hardwood ® No ❑ DWQ 0.4270 30' easement) Forest W8Greenway- fVII1-sheet 4 ) Bottomland ❑Yes Corps ® P ❑ T PIMEMMINI Permanent (outside Hardwood ❑ No ❑ DWQ 0.0171 30' easement) Forest W91 -sheet 4 iW } Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomland El Yes Z Corps Ll P ®T Construction (outside Hardwood ®Na El DWQ 0.2032 30' easement) Forest Greenway - W10 (M -sheet 4) Construction Clearing -Permanent Bottomland [A Yes Corps ❑ P ❑ T \``�`, No Permanent loss Hardwood El No ❑ DWQ 0 0221 (outside 30' Forest easement) W111 -sheet 4 ('� ) Greenway- Bottomland ❑ Yes ®Corps P E71 T 09% Permanent (inside 30' Hardwood No ®DWQ 0.0448 easement) Forest W12 2(W1-sheet4 ) Green way -Boardwalk Bottomland E Yes Z Corps ❑ P ❑ T Construction (inside Hardwood No ❑ DWQ 0.4247 30' easement) Forest Page 5 of 13 PCN Form —Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version W133 -sheet 5 } � Greenway- Bottomland ®Yes � Corps ;�,r// ®P [I T %ftl%r'rr Permanent (outside Hardwood El No ❑ DWQ 0.0027 30' easement) Forest W14 (W3 -sheet 5 } Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomland E) Yes X Corps ❑ P ® T Construction (outside Hardwood Z No ❑ DWQ 0.0111 30' easement) Forest Greenway - W15 (W3 -sheet 5) Construction Clearing -Permanent, Bottomiand ❑ Yes Corps P ❑ T`��``'���' No Permanent loss Hardwood Forest ❑ No ElDWQ O. D056 (outside 30' easement) W163 -sheet (W 5 ) Greenway- Bottomland ❑Yes ®Corps ❑ P ❑ T � �"' Permanent inside 30' Hardwood ❑ No ❑ DWQ 0.0052 easement) Forest W17 (013 -sheet 5) Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomland ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ PEI T Construction (inside Hardwood ❑ No ❑ DINO 0.0233 30' easement) Forest W1$4 -sheet � 5 ) Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomland El Yes Z Corps ❑ P ® T Construction (outside Hardwood R-1 No ❑ DWQ 0.0568 30' easement) Forest 9(W4 -sheet 5 } W194 -sheet Greenway -Boardwalk Bottomiand ❑Yes Z Carps ❑ P ® T Construction (inside Hardwood � No ❑ DWQ 0,1605 30' easement) Forest 2g. Total wetland impacts 1.750 2h. Comments: Total Permanent Impacts -outside 30' maintained utility easement = 0.0556; total temporary impacts (non - forested) -outside 30' maintained utility easement = 0.4570; total Permanent, No Permanent loss impacts (forested) -outside 30' maintained utility easement = 0.1364; total Permanent impacts -inside 30' maintained utility easement = 0.0660; total temporary impacts -inside 30' maintained utility easement= 1.0355. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for al stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number -Permanent (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length (P) or Temporary (T) intermittent DWQ — non -404, width (linear (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 (SD -sheet 4) Greenway -Temporary UT to Beaver Creek ® PER ED Corps 4' 30 E] P M T Construction (Stream D) ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S2SZ-sheet 4 ( ] Greenway-Tempvrary UT to Beaver Creek ❑PER Z Corps 4.5' 20 El P R T Construction (Stream Z) N iNT El DWQ S3SE-sheet 5 ( ) Greenway -Temporary CIT to Beaver ❑PER Z Corps El P Z T Construction Creek (Stream E) ® INT ❑ IDWQ 5' 25 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 75 31. Comments: Page 6 of 13 4. OpE n Water Impacts li there auie prepCsed impeicIls 11c leikes, pcnds, eslluaries, tributaries, sounds, the Aile!ntia Ccean, or any other cpen welter of It e U.S. 11hen individL E111Y list all c pen water im eicts belcw. 4a. 4 b. 4 c. 4d. 4 e. Cpen water irripact Name cif waterbody number— Qif applicable; TypEi of impaici Waterbcidy type ArEa of impaci (acres) Permanent 11F) cir Temporary T C1 [:1 RE T 4fl Tclal c pen water impacts 4g. Comments: 51. Pond or LJak Corietiuciion If porid or laike construciicin proposed, then com IetE the chart below. 5a. E d. 5c. Eld. 51e. Wetland Impacts (acnes) ISIrEarn Impacts (feeit) Lpland Rcirid 10 Pncpose!d uses Cn punpeise! of (acnes) number pond Rlo tide RillEd Exca!vaiecl Flooded Rilled EAceivated Flooded d F1 P2 51!. Tota 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam f igh hazard permit re!qL ireid? [ Yeis ❑ Nc If yes, perrriit ID nc!: Ji. Expected pcnd surface are!ai (acres): El. Si of pond waienshed Ilacres;: 5k. Method of ccnsl1rucriicn: Rages 7 cif 13 6. Buffer Impacts Qfbir DWQ) If pme;ecl will impact e pmetEictEid riparian buffer, tf Ein cemplEile the chars bEllcw. If yes, then individuelly list all bLffer impects bEIO". If any impacts require mill eiicn, then YOL MUST fill CO Section D cfthis form. Ea. ❑ Nesse ❑ Te r -Pa rril i cc ClhEir: Jcndan Project is in which prclectec be sin? ❑ Catewbe ❑ Rencleman 6b. E c. Ed. E Ei. 6f. E g. Buffer impact number— REZscnfcrimpect Blffeir Zcne1impeci Zcne2impect PErmaneini i1P) c Siream nemE1 miligaticri (squame feet) (lsgLere feet; Teirri ora T re uimeic? B1 i1sheeil 2) R E] T GrEsnwsy Beaver Gree Al El Yes® ® Nc 18 1EO B21 (IsheEit d) ® R El 11 GiEeriway 9saverCrEEk ❑ YES ® No 4,146 8,207 83(IshEieit4: ®PT ❑ Gmerway Bee vErCie ek El ® NCs t1l, 2 7,067 B4 (Sl' Eiet 5) E P ❑T Greenway) BesvEr Creek) El Yes ® Nc 3,448 4,43 85❑RFIT F1 'Yes ❑ Nc Et. Tctal buffer impacts 13,044 20,085 Ei. Comments: Rege8of13 0. Im r a ci Justifl,ic action and Mil iglaition 1. Avoidainceand IVinimiaation 1a. SpecifioEallyi dEISCtlibel measurers taken to avoid or rriinimizEi the proposed impacts in dEisigning prcgECt. S&EC completed a wetlar.id dehineaticn eno Jordan Liake WEitershled BLiffer eraluatiori fcr th6 proTcsed greeniwayl ccnidcr in ordertc identify natural resources so that,irripacts ccalo tie avcid6a & rrikikniz6o tc the rriaAkriurri eAt6 nit r ractk able. Addillicnal areas w6re added aria dehineeted to further avcid 8 mWirnize imTacts tc jurisoictioral weters. Fhase 1 cfthe Trcposedgre6nwaywilltie epproAimetely14,61°Ilir.iearf6etilorg(i6.BeeiverCreek Greenway =38851, sTluts Y1 =2C68 Y12 =5251'; and hes b6eri oesiglned tc be ccnsilruciled primarily within thle ex.isfirg 3C' Towni of A pex Uti,VtyEase mend. The greeriwayl wVdbe a mina tletw6en tioardwaVcarid concrete sectknis. The 3C' UViVtyElesemient inc/uoEs a sarityi sew6r Gine previcuslylT6rm,ihed aria installed tly thie Tcwn. Utifiz,ing the eAkting utiliily eas6m6nt vvhl6re e senitarysewcr was previouslyccnsilructed allows thle glreenwayi tc be build wflV;lki a maintaki6o ecnidcrwh,ichi prcOdes overa,V m,inim.izalVcn ct prcposed wetdarid iml iscts. Forthie greenwayl, a 40' 7owr.i cfApex Greeriwayi Easement was estE tihishled ar,d th16 eAistirigl 3C'r uV,Vty 6aserrient is w,illh,in thle greeriwayl cas emerul. Additiorial greenway easernierit widdh wes rEquired llo tie etile tc ccnsilrucil the greenway at rninknurri seperallicn distance frcrri ilhe sanitary sew6r dine. Ttle separation distance that was Egireed upcn was 10, Enid was acquked th.lrcughcbill most cf the greenway. Some sepemilicn distarce ezceTltiors were mede all rrianhlcle /ccallicns; this was ilo avcid gcirig cutside the easemieril ena ,i T..ipacil edditioral w6d/end areas. AcdillicneiVy, Me Town of Ap6x design requkem6nts dces r.icil allow forthle greenwey tc LIC coristruciled directly abcve thle sar.ikaryl sewerl;06, and requir6o that eny grEenway cressing secticns (i.6. greerwayl crossing sanitary sewer/k,,ie) be a concrete section vs. a bcardwak seciVcn. This was llo avcid the tloerdwEdkp,idings that are driven intc the grcur,d tc tle ri6arthle belcwgrcund se,i face sariitery sew6r. Boa rdweilk wes utilized in wetdarid locations to avcid thle perrriarent less of wetibrids he weversorrie concrete secilicns (i.e. rermaner,iil fhV, were r6glu,ired at thle tlegiriniirig erid erias sections ofdhle tloardwa,lkbecEuse cf its picArnityi tc the manhicles. Br,idgle secticr,s weri6 utilized eit streams, th6refue avoidirgperrrianeriil,imracils. 7Egccrarykrioacts ar6 necessary for ccnistruciliion acilifOlies. The spurs (i.e. s6cticns Y1 & Y12)'were designed tc avo,id stream & wetland imipects. Thie averag6 heighit cf thle tloerdwa,V< secticns is 5-4 , thie height cdeerance trcrri the boardwalk tc the grouno surface is ;'allowing for wetland vegetallicn to grcw. Flurthierrricre, the apTilcant k: aware cf llhe regiorial ecna,iticns associalled w,iilh thl6 Naticnw,idE Fl rmiils 14. W,ithl respecil tc L6lneartransporl6ilkni prcjccts end Aleaboriwide Perrri,it 14 (NWP 14-Regioria/ Ccnditions sectior, 4.6)' ilhe aTplicaritis nct prcpcs,ing stream relcceficns cr irripacts wiilh,in tidal wat6rs/wet/ands; A& crcaciings are cnly uT,kirid tc uTland and are ricil teing LiAlized An ecrnb,inaticn with) a NWP 8 crEating riplar.ids; t1:16 prcposed llemroraryl eressings are rat withlin a trout wallershea. 1b. SpEiCifically dEscridei measures taken is avoid or minimize the propcised irripads Through ccinsiruciion techniques. FIE r the project erigkeer; to the mcst part, the pro,'ecil w ll be stayirg withlir, Tlr6v,ioc,isdy cleared util,iily easem6nts, muo rriats weld be uAliz6o in wetland areas, silt fence will be used on both sides cf the corLstrucilkni limits and eilsc sill fence cutlets wild tie utilized whiere necessary, llerripcirarystrearri cressings wdAtle recesseiryi cud6il silatffizallicn stn.etures will to us6o tcrthie 2 temporaryl cross -Tires. 2. Compensatory Mitigation flon Impaicls to Wetensi ciflthEi U.S. or Watens ol'thE Stale 2a. Does 1hE project rEgLire Corripensaiory Mitigation for ® YEIS ❑ No impacts lo Waters of the U.I. or Waiens cf the Stele? 2b. If yes, mitigation is rEquired by Qcheck all that apply): ❑ DWQ ® Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2C. If YE S, wriah mitigation option will bE used for chis ®Payrrient to in -lies fele pncgrem project? ❑ Permiliee Responsible Mitigaticn 3. Complete if Leing a Miliclaticn Baink 3a. Name cf Mitigaticn Bank: 3b. Credits RLr&asEd (aliach receipt and leilen) Type: Cuantiiy: Page c cf 1 PCN Form — Versiicn 1.3 DecerribEr 10, 21008 Versiicn 3c. Ccmments: 4. Ccimplete if Making a Paymert to In -lieu Feei Fheiglram 4e. Apprcval letter from in -lieu fee crcigrEm is ettechEd. ® Yes 4 b. SirEam mitigation NEC uested: C linear fEet 4c. If using stneem mitigelicin, streerri ierripereturei: ❑ vaarm ❑ ccel ❑cold 4d. BuffEir mitigation rEqueisied (DWG crily;: 0 scuarEl feei 4e. Hiperian wEilend miligatiori rEiqLEisilec: 0.314 acres 41. Nan -riparian wetland mitigation necuestEid: C acnes 4g. Ccestal (ilical) wEllend mitication nequestec: C ecres 4h. Ccmmenils: FIrivaile rr,iiligatiori dank was contaciled; theycinilyhae 0.013 acres cflrip�rian wetland credits evailatlle and wcLijld ricilgetrrcm credits until Cctotler/November20971. /ppiliceritneeded 0.314 acres. TherEfcrc perilhe NCDNS policy, we were able tc requestmitigetien credits ilhrcugh ttc NCDMIS. Miiligaticri is being requested ail ai L1 mitigation ratio fcrtte FIErmEnenil, Perrranenticss wedane irrpacts outside ofthe rrainta fined uilidtyeaserrenil, ;:1 m,itigailion ratio icr Permanent, Flerm�rienil lcss irripacts witt,in the rrairitairied utViiiyeasemerit, and 1:1 ratio fcr Permanent, Nci Permanenticss impacts fcrforested wetlands ciutsidE ctlilhe mainllairiee utilityeasemerit. 'I. Complele ifl Usircl a Fleirritlee Responsiiblei Mitiglalion Plan 5a. If using a permittEe rEispensiblE rritigaiicn plan, provide a dEiscriplion cf thei Klrcposeid miiligaticri plan. 6. Buftr Miligallor (Stalei Regulated Ripa riar Buffer Rulesij - reigluireid by D1NQI 6a. Will the project nesult in en irripactwithin a prcileicled riperiEn buffer that rEgL inEis buffE r rr itige clic n? ❑ Yes ® Ne 6b. li }les, then identify the square feet ei irripad to eE& acnne cl the riparian buffer that requires mitigalicri. CEICUlatEI the amoLntcf mitigation required. Zcrie Ec. Reason ior impact 6c. Total irrpact (square feet; MLItiplier 6e. Required mitigalicri IJsquarE ieet) Zcine 1 3 (2 for Cate vv ba) Zc nEi 2 '.5 Ef. Taial buflki mitigation recluirec: Eg. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss whey Type of rritigelicn is prcpcsec (e.g., payment Ie private mitigation bank, peirmiltee responsible riparian t uffEr rEsileration, pEymenil into an apprcvEd in-liEu fee func). 6h. Comments: Page 1C of 11S S. Sicarnwaiter Mainaigement acrd Diffusie Flciw Blair (rec,luirec by DVVQ) Dlifllusie Blow F Iain 1a. Dc es the prcjeict include c is it adjaicent to pro tectec riparian Huffers ideniified 'Ihe ® Yes ❑ No within cne ci NC Ripa rian Buffer ProtelClic n Rules" 1d. If }les, then is a diffuse flow plan iricluded? If nc, explain why. Ccmmeirits: Perthe projecllerigineerThe projecllwillsteel fowprirne ily, or wildte inbeardweiwhere stcrmwater ilk w wiiV nct be irripactee. Cn/yi coricerillratea flow wi,V to seen all the 2 ❑ Yes ® No cress -pipes, butthere wiiV nctbe s igriificaritflcvvs and ttey wi,V be ccrdlro/tledusirig rw -rap F a ds fc r e uhk t stab,i Jzatic n. A V c c ns tructic n Tc Ie ns will t o re vie we e and e pprove d by the Tc wn c f Apex. 2. Stcmmwaiteir Manai eirr int Plain Zai. What is tree overall perceni irriperviousneiss ci this prcject? 1 1.965% 2b. Does This prc.jeci require a Stormweller Management Plain? ❑ Yes ® No 2c. If INS pii ict DC ES NOT requirei a Stcrmwellem Management Plain, explain why: Prcjectis a iVnearpre,'ecll miff < 24%,imcervJousriess sndno ccncentratedflows. ASV ecnstructieriplaris will to reviewed and a, rrcved ty ilhe Town ofATcx. 2d. If chis project DC ES require a Siormwafleir Managerrieirit Plan, thein prcvidei a briei, narnativei description ei ihe! plan: ❑ CElrlified Local Ccvemnment 2e. Who will be reisperisible icr ihei reiview of ihei Stcrmwaier Managlemeni Blain? ❑ DWQ Stcrmwaler Pnocram ❑ DWG 401 Unit 3. Ceirtiflieid Loc ail Government Stormwaiteir Review za. In which local goveirrimeni'sjurisdicticri is this project? ❑ Rha se II gib. Which cf the follcwingl locally-impleimenied sllerrriwateir ma nacerrient prcglrams ❑ NSW ❑ USMR apply (cheick all that apply;: ❑ Wader Supply Welershec ❑ Ciheir: 3c. Has til' e approved Sllonrrivvater Manageirrient Plan wish prcei cf approve I been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. li Stclirr er Rro iam Review ❑ Coastal ccurities 4a. WI•ich cf thell fcliewiriq siate-implemeinlled stcrmwater manacleirrieint programs apply ❑ ll ❑ CRW (check all ilhat arlply): ❑ Seasion Law 2006446 ❑ Ctheur. 4b. Has the apprcveid Siormwaten Maria gement Plan with procf of approval been atllached? ❑ Yes ❑ No El. EIWQ 401 L nit Stormwaiteir Review 5a. ❑ceis thea Stcrmwaieir Management Plan meet the apprcpniaie reiquireme,nts? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all cfthei 401 Unit siL brrittad regL irerneinlls been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Pa ge 11 of 13 F C N Flc rm — Version 1.12 DEICEImber 1C, 20C 8 VE rsion F. SGpplementairylnformaition 1. Bnvironmental DociumentMlfcin ilDWQ Requirement) lei. Does the prcject involvE an expeindilurE cf public ftcleral/slatE/Icical) funds or the ❑ Yes ® No " USE of public (federal/state) lanc? "Per tf;e AMAct ernglineEr 1 b. If yloc ainswEirEd "}les" to ihE abcvE, dcEis It project requires prepamation of an environmental document purse sent tci the nequirEmEnts of 1he Naticnail ar State ❑Yes ❑ No ilNorth Carc line) E nvirc nrriE me l Pclicy Act (NERA/SE PA)? 1c. If you answeined "YES" tc the above, has the dccurriEnt rEviEw been finaliaed by ilhe S1atE Clearinc HOUSE? (If sc, aitiach a ccpy of the NEPA or SBPA final approval 1EttE r.; ❑ YES ❑ N C Corrimenis: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is tt a site in violation of DWC WEtland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .050C), Isolatec WEtland RLIeS Q15A NCAC 2H .1300;, DWG Surface WatEr or Wetlaind S'landarda, ❑ Yes ® Nc or Riparian Buffer Rules 1115A NCAC 2B .C1200'? 2b. Is this an af1lEr-1hE-fac1 pErmil application? ❑ YEs ® Nc 2c. If you answErEc "yEs" io cnE on bctt of the Ebeve questions, provide an explanation of ihE vicleilicmis): 3. Cumulative Impaic7l�i (IDWQ Recluirement) 3a. Will this prcjEct (bailed on past and reasonably anticipated iutune irripacis; result in ❑Yes ®N c ac diticnal c1EvelepmE nt, which coLid irripact nearby downstrEarri water quality? 3b. 11 you answEIMIC "YE s" tC the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative a mL lalive irripact analysis in accc rdancei with tt E mcst rEcenf DWC policy. If you answered "no," prcvidEi a stcrt narralive description. We f. ave reviewed ilf e "DRAFT lntennal Pclicyl, Cumulall ve impacts ano the 401 Water Qua)1@ly Certification and /sclailed Well/and Pticgrarris"cocumenl prepared byl the NC D,ivisicn ch Water Qi ialityl on ATltd 10, 2064, version 2.1. Tie Beaver Greek Greenway-Phase 1 projecil does riotspecifcaGlymeet any ofthe three criteria of private crpubl,icaGlyfurio6c projects that can clearly) result in cumuilative impacts; this hlrcjectstculo ricil result in adaiilicnal residential orcomimercial oeveiloprrient and/ort,ave growit, -stirriuladrig effects, this greenwayl is tieing ccnstructeo in an already develcpeo landscacle. /ddillicnah!y, ilhe rroject is located within the Tcwn cf.Aflex's,'urisdicticn, therefore enyadjacent properl,ies that he ve Klctential to deveAogrent wig have the fodc wing rei tions to flrctect downsilream waters: 1; Me Rhese 11 NFDES Stcrrrwailer Plerm4 Pnograrr, ilhis program ,includes perrritting requirerrerils fcr Municipal Separaile Silorm Sewer Systems (MS4s, ,in addition toTlcst-ecristructic n stcrrrwater rranagerrEnt requirements; 2) Jcrdan Llakle Wailershled Riparian Buffer Flrcllechon regulations, ilhese regulations require Airrited develcprrient w,iMin thlE riparian buffer area in additions tc "diffc,ise filow" requirerrents ail a rr,in,imurr and coula require Best Management PracticEs that ecntrcA riiilrcgen if diffuse flew cenricil to achieved; and'". the Waller Supply, Watershed Flrcilecticn Prncgrem which Urrits develcprr.Ent densities as well as requires protective riflarian tuffers. We anilicipaile the thle NCDWRwWaevise us if any adoitionel,infcrmaticnJsneeoed. 4. Sewage Disposiail (DWQ Requiremeint; 4ai. Cllearly dElail ihE ultimatE trEatmeni rnEthcds and dispcsiiicn (ncn-dischangE or discharge) cf wasiewaler genenatEd from the pnopcsed protect, on available capacity of 1he subjEctl facility. Nc wastewater wilil tie generated ltrthis hlrcject. Rage 12cf13 PCN Rcrm —Version 1.1' Dece mbE r 10, 'e008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species 401 habitat? Yes Na 5b. Have yochecked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act❑ Yes No impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. [I Raleigh ❑ Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? The NG -Natural Heritage Programs data Explorer Map was used to search for elemental occurrences of federally protected species listed within f mile of the project boundaries. It was determined based on the search that there are no elemental occurrences that are listed as federally ThreafenedlEndangered within 7 mile of the project boundaries. Please note the final 4(d) rule identifies the Northern Long-eared Bat as a Threatened species within Wake County. References: North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Luta Explorer Search [May 24, 20171. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Office of Land and Water Stewardship, Raleigh, NC. httn./n n�.om/ 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat?TE-1 Yes Z No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? The NOAA Habitat Conservation ,Habitat Protection: National Marine Fish Service; Essential Fish Habitat Mapper website was referenced. No Essential Fish Habitat was identified near the project. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ® Yes ED No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The NC State Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB GIS Service interactive map was referenced on May 24, 2077; no historic listings or study list entries or determined eligible listings were identified within the property boundaries. Additionally, no structures were observed during field delineations. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA designated 100 -year floodplain? ®Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: A No -Rise Certification is being submitted to FEMA by Kimley- Horn. Sc- What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? Perproject engineer & NC Floodplain Mapping Program Deborah E. Shirley � ,jure 21, —Applicant/Agent's attire 2017 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letterfrom t e applicant is provided.) Date Page 13 of 13 Environmental Consultants, 8412 Faits Of NEUse Road, Suite 10.1, Raleigh, NC27615 • Phone: (919) 946-5900 '9-M&e.cous PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION / AGENT AUTHORIZZATION Project Name[Description: Beaver Crk Greenway- Kelly Rd PkS&EC Project Date: 8/18/15 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28443 to Barbecue Rd. Wilmington District t Attn: - Field Office: ' �5 i!� I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the ,property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Array Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) staff, as my agent, to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This document also authorizes S&EC, as my agent, to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions.This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site. PARCEL INFORMATION: Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN): Site Address: City, County, State: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: Name: Town of Apex (Att= John Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation) Mailing Address: Telephone Number: John M. Brown 919) 249--3344 Property Owner (please print) John M. Brown.`o..� W+wldm M.Lkw .a*ar�nd A0.4 w.P.A� s6 Ocx:lOiSO4.liriLl6ilEWtli' Property Owner Signature Date 8/18/15 We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Legend Phase 1 Study Area Phase 2 Study Area ATANDO CT Q T 2w ICY Rp QG� Lk f C1��'R 11� J o � N d l MI�A,NC) Q RVE h1ONT LER n � � TER k Ramo BARN Ir .P+L1Q- � �•� ti -k 0, LU U z � Project Number: 12554,W16 Project Manager: SB Scale: 1" = 2,000' Map Title: Vicinity 'Map Beaver Creek Greenway Wake County, NC Date: Source: NC One Map 5/10117 1 Wale GIS 2,0 4,(100 Feet M Soil & environmental Consultants, �-row zYr c� u� BARNSLDE L FI k Ramo BARN Ir .P+L1Q- � �•� ti -k 0, LU U z � Project Number: 12554,W16 Project Manager: SB Scale: 1" = 2,000' Map Title: Vicinity 'Map Beaver Creek Greenway Wake County, NC Date: Source: NC One Map 5/10117 1 Wale GIS 2,0 4,(100 Feet M Soil & environmental Consultants, �-row r r # . G � .. ". f 1�� - k. 1 "F Qj,�i' `tL't }_ � a rt�� �'� , � ,(i '..u. ' •'Y r �'3 , ,1. Y i t �E"`�'i' y t ,a �+�;F�'Ca `+'Jr *►� 'Yi}fr J • � ' tT�.{� T�_�,ti rY�.{'. a �*• T�.:,�`w :.} �,�• :z'7M;''ar"� a>r�f+ T �� h i � f•. LL o ss# ! �` � �'�' 1 • � '"' r�" '`� � yrs ' ,`'ti t -'�}• 'fir,' �,`tld � ..!,� r o . try, . "s •'1� r T 4- � +d' � � �r�'"x , w fi_S q- Y'"` c. '� .'`I''*T` ^+ a! 7 r � � y � '�,' �� - r,' � i�°� a3's r1v �'+ � .� r ��'.!�!•�,'4n�y4S,.'� ` ���"ry« �sr"� `�. ,Ji t �.. � ,� aux � `.'6 �..,� ,,� •,t �.� ; .,'I y ''tali, =�' 4,t,. s., yr '.w Y+;/.���aY"'•�`IIr'" . Iwo* `"�r��i• •a.'1,'r+- h�� � � �.+ �� r�yl �fR• iY .� �����! t� C5�yy '` Ver'. `,+h •'1 7 �» '.'' yr.'t1"r ••i'' 40 '�` )'^�ar^'IN!f��f` rL.T� � y fF � �- + -/�� � •rY IxjrtJ#` k'y y' r'q '` �'.� M�`*n^F •r'"R of F .i + I Si //, {+'� 'i /� 1 4`' rri@� +'' 4 ;,. .YEhwt+l4�.."� tir �� � � .r `. �,1 J,�a'.T ,�J'�'��;�r �.,. 1'-•rrR �'/;' d 1 !i`r-q ,y ZA �. cy , n' y t- a rFa �.� •+� , r. � �„�• � !a �, {%�],�+'� � � t ' 'r "' � �"1 iVr �t 1'! 'G r r .� rlK� ""i t4 inti,;' y �a ti � ' r ,, 4 •'� r �i,t.f .� � i 'r �{k•,� �i r, r P r( �' � i . 1"„ Ott, �,�.-._ �+ , � rPv E,r iMi�� Ffti ��•` r � f � S"���{ r F,` w � �i�,'!t; a "� s df ,Ca'.' � j r� , ti,� "i.+r. _�+' ;fir �'� s _s .,.�3, - � ti � �jr �� � � 4e.. � +r, � � , i+�• a� ;'qr�[ � :� '•�� � t aa• � ;� 1vJ' j r (" r .��, w ./" �` "'r�$egr, 74A NC©ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Secretary Jury 23, 2015 Town of Apex PO Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 Subject: Buffer Determination NBRRO# 15-296 Wake County Determination Type: Buffer Call Isolated or EIP Cali 0 Neuse (15A NCAC 213 .0233) Start u@ ® Tar -Pamlico {15A NCAC 2B .0259} ®Eph+gmeralllntermittentlPerenniel Determination USGS Topo [ Isolated Wetland Determination Jordan {15A NCAC 2B [i26T} j] , X Project Name: Location/Directions: Subject Stream: Beaver Creek Greenway, Apex Subject property is a privately owned lot located at project address; UT to Beaver creek Determination Date: June 30, 2015 Staff Sara Knies Feature !Flag Not Subject To Buffers Subject To Buffers Ellfp* Start u@ Stop@ Sol! Survey USGS Topo A X _ P Throughout Throughout X X B X X X C X l Throughout DWQ F'lagfC Stop Channel Fla X D X l Throughout 'Throughout X X F X I Throughout Throughout X F X Not Present X X Z** X l Throughout Throughout *E/l/P - Ephemeral/intermittent/Perennial **Feature Z is not depicted on Wake County Soil Survey and/or USGS topographic maps. Feature Z is not subject to Neuse River Riparian Buffers; Feature Z is subject to 401/isolated waters permitting None Colina ��,1lai'+��� North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1628 Mail Service. Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Phone (919) 791-4200 Internet: www.ncwaterauality,orq Location: 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27669 Fax (919) 788-7159 An Equal OpporlunitylAifnnaWe Action Employer— 50% Recyded110% Post Consumer Paper Beaver Creek Greenway Wake County July 23, 2015 Page 2 oft Explanation: The feature(s) listed above has or have been located on the Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24,000 scale, Each feature that is checked "Not Subiect" has been determined not to be a stream or is not present on the property. Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream. There may be other streams located on your property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but, still may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or to the Division of Water Resources (DWR). This on-site determination shall expire rive (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter or from the date the affected party (including downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c10 Karen Higgins, Karen Higgins, DWR — 401 & Buffer Perm €tting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearing or appeal within sixty (fall) days. The owner/future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including any other Lout, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stater/ above). This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Resources (Central Office) at (919)-807-6304, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)4551-4$$4, If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Sara Knies at (919) 7914258, espe tfislly, a A'J? t{ Danny Smi hw/Supervisor Water Quality Section Raleigh Regional Office cc: RRO/SWP File Copy g -H-)S S14G. r — _77 r � � � 1 h b y y { N'� 1' it • '�� .y�,� , TO 13 El • Cr J t fly #i� Ne 13 j ,��.1'"L�, .� � A :�le� �♦, ,� my'L7Y.,�i.* + ..,i VIA Ef 13/ v� lb Ef Map TrVc: 5ketch Map Beaver Creek Greenway fr "' •� Vie:. � �� A , tiff _ _-Wake Ccunty, NC Soll A EnAronmental Consultants, PA F EC A TTA CHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): September 30, 2015 13. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Sol And Environmental Consullatants V0 0"d Gainey 8112 Fails of fare Neuse Road, Suric 104. Raleigh NC 27615 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER; GFSAW-RG-R, Ile -ver Creek Greenwa SAW -2015-02065 D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) ANIS BACKGROUND INFORMATION; The prosect is located along an exisitng sanitary sewer line between Apex Barbecue Rd. and Kelly Rd. and contains :North Carolina. (USE THE_`ATTACR -9-TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC Countylparishlborough: Mike City: Apex Center coordinates of site (latllong in degree decimal format): Lat. .76899833 °N; Long. 35727015 °W. Universal Transverse Mercator: Name of nearest waterbody: Beaver Creek Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non -wetland waters: 120 linear feet: 2,8 width (ft) and/or Cowardin Class: R,verine Stream Flow, Fefenr•ial and Interm+llent Wetlands: 1513 acres. Cowardin Class: R+vt,rino acres. Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal: Nora -Tidal: .� E, REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): EOffice (desk) Determination. Daae: September 3a, 2015 Q Field Determination. Date(s): SUPPORTING DATA, Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked Items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): ® Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant, Soil and Environmental Can u !ants 21 data shouts prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the app ' nticonsultant. Office concurs with data sheet sldelineation report. ffjOffice does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ECorps navigable waters' study: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: Q USES NHD data USES 8 and 12 digit. HUC maps L►':^.l U.S. Geological SuNey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Y USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey, Citation: National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: State/Local wetland inventory maps) FEMAfFIRM maps: Q100 -year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1029) Photographs: Aerial (Name & Date): 2013 Other (Name & Date): Previous determination(s). File no, and date of response letter: F] Other information (please specify): or 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring ..pre -construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary, (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either farm of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 G.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F,R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that there "may be" waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identities all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information - IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this farm has not necessa_dIV been verified by the Carps and should not be, rell_ed upon for later jurisdictional determinations, - LASTI N G E R.JA Digitally Signed by M p ^p '] ter ''} LASTINGIFU.1.E5.C. 13116421. M E S . C. 1 3 63 642 ou=DoO, ou PS. Gu=USA,ent, If Ou=DaD, Ou=P><L 0u=1750, to =LASTING ERJAM E S.C. 1363642400 00 1 I 11 Date.. 2015.09-3012:0 i:42-04'00' Irn 5!� { 4S lk Signature and date of Signature and date of 1 Regulatory Project Manager person requesting pr l6nary JD (REQUIRED) (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) -t Site number Latitude l.ortglturit Coe►artliit (:lass Estimated amount or aquoUr resource in re►i+e+► stress (Illss or aquatic resource I .7S.90335tt 35.724147 _ I Ri►cdoe f).185 ucrc _ 4161 Wetland 2 .79.9113331 35.724`+01 Rircrinc 0.274 acre MP Weiland ? •7%0)0?418 .5.726101 16% urine 0.100acry 1 49.1 Wici I:IPt{1 �~ 4 .78 OW414 35 720.541 Rhurinc 4.432 actc 404 't otand T 5 -78,").S1S 3.5.7:6+)11) Risrritte 4.451 acre 4111 L%V llantl t; f1 •113.1i�)7+3511 35,7281." iti►crinc 11.815 actv 404 11'cll,n d .78.943479 off."its -78.81H)41c7 «74.1)41727 711,8t)71"411 35.7240.19 Off%itc 35,727375 3S.72St11? 35.75`117 Nwrins: .a ,%vrilte - 1tis1^rine Ri►rrin► lti�sriajt 3r1 I..f , —__— 404- Swam ti'r1 - r, 404 Strvutn 4154 Stream i.) 34it,i' 311 I € . 3111 I I'. 4114 Sircatn 411.5 Strc,tns f� � 4t, WAN 41 Mtr�t� \ 17vy..,�^�,�y4��,,'`FJi#0%;�`,#�'.,�1'ry .+j� �"�. wa �A,�4 ';VMS •,�� t A $ + o c # _ 21 Q 2 «. r� 3 m a d C dam. � � t. W !+► � J l �' NOMW 15•C ct Fhnr«•ee: i 2554.wi Map rec: Sisetch Map Prp�ect � Beaver Creek Greenway Wake County. NC Soil A Envirrlamen14 Cnnsultants, Rk P - 200 _ Qarr: 416115 WatiE Canty CIS. NCVOT, 2013 Acrid fm1m NCOcMjp.cvn MitiC,yilHon .SerWces ENVJRONMENTAL OUALJTY June 8, 2017 Jahn Brown "sown of Apex PO Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 Project., Town of Apex Beaver Creek Greenway Phase 1 ROY COOPER Ual'upur MICHAEL S. REGAN S; o 'seri Expiration of Acceptance: December 8, 2017 County., Wake The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDED Division of Mitigation Services (CIMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification/LAMA permit within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS. Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of relitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. River CU Location Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer I Buffer II Basin (8 -digit FIUC) (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non -Riparian Coastal Marsh impact Cape Fear 03+030002 0 0 I.Y.-­11. 0.314 0 0 0 0 Upon receipt of payment, DMS vvill take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 20110 and 15A NCAC 02B .0295 as applicable. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707-8915. cc: Deborah Shirley, agent Sincerely, Ja es. Stanfill Ass anagement Supervisor State ofNortb Carolina ' EnvhnmentaI Quality i Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 i 217 W'. Jones Street, Suite 3000 919 707 8976 T APEX NATURE , PARK a OWNER: VICINITY NAP TOWN OF APEX PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 53 HUNTER STREET APEX, NC 27502 JOHN M. BROWN DIRECTOR 919.249.3402 john.brown@apexnc.org ENGINEER: KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 CATHERINE MURRELL. R.E. 919.577.2000 cath y. m u rrel I @kimley-horn.00m SURVEYOR: THE WOOTEN COMPANY 1430 B OLD LENOIR ROAR NW HICKORY, NC 28601 JAY DeCOURSEY, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR 828.322.5533 jdecoursey@thewootencompany.com WETLAND 8 KELLY Rb PARK h ark' TOWN OF APEX BEAVER CHEEK GREENWAY EXTENSION PHASE 1 FROM KELLY ROAD PARK TO KELLY POINT COURT --G7— STA 20+ —G2— STA 22+ GIN GREENWAY ;1— STA 10+42.06 STREAM Z PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF; 421 FAWWLMLLE MEET. SUME i � H FR: R: (9 SEA Copp NA 2i�1Kmkq� DREW HAVENS LANCE OLIVE rn TOWN MANAGER MAYOR LVETLAND I PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SNEET NO 0112ona26 DCr,UMF TNCTtflf&y0ERE0:i1QAL UNLESSA" L 5IGF1ATURe5 C� P:EtES INCOMPLETE PLANS - NOT UNS FOR R/R ACOUISMON GRAPHIC SCALL' 20 0 40 PLANS 20 0 40 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 2I 00 4 PROFILE (VERTICAL) WETI AND AND STREAMS PERMIT PACKAGE WETLAND 3 PERMIT DRAWING WETLAND 4 SHEET 1 OF 5 J r STREAM E -G2- STA 50+08.00 gir�C'�j7'i• �� } 4 Ki=CLY Lu ce POfN7 CT `S w STREAM D � Summary of Wetland and Stream Impacts Sheet Wetland] Stream Temporary Wetland Impact (AC) Temporary Wetland Permanent, Impart (In Maintained Permanent Loss Utility Easement) Wetland Impact (ACJ (AC) Permanent, Permane ntLoss Wetland Impact (In Maintained Utility Easement) (AC) Permanent, No Permanent Temporary Temporary Lass Wetland Impact Stream Stream (Forested Wettand) Impact Impact {ACJ [SF) (LF) —_ � 2 8 431 0 0.0063 0 0 0 0 3 1 428 70.2032 0.4270 0.0295 0.0160 0.1087 0 0 4 1 0.4247 0.0171 0,0448 0.0221 0 0 D {] D 0 0 0 130 30 Z 0 1 0 0 0 0 90 20 5 3 0.0111 0.0233 0.0027 0.0052 0.0056 0 0 4 0.0568 0.1605 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 O 0 0 120 25 Project Total 0.4570 1.0355 8.0555 0.060 0.1364 340 75 az Jf �S_sem_=a=----....----------.—.—�._.....�....,,—.—.—.—. ex - - ' 1— r t Ta -G2- to. +00 ~'. M b j � r8 rg B� ~•� �r Qy 7S os~ / -G2- j to. 24+73f� fie ]rg ` r �y(_� 5 626 T PT Sto. S+gL.34ez 1 --G2- T9TI3r: �� l8 BL iA 9. 1 -G2- PRC Sto. 23+41.45 } IHORACE a IRMA J JOHNSON DB 2950 PC 365 hO Tn[e cpclfinenr. to9erhgr rf— ane pgnpepra fl d Ueslgne preuenr 0 n In, oe lnorr—M of Service, fe in>ee"�oeo only for the epee tic p•.�rppee ego g... fpr vPiph it e p eppree R ea Of a'M lnpr , j1.jrWice on rule opc­hr %Irh6 l rr:l,ah CVTnpr:Yai'ion ono coop o, oy MF Y Horn ono AOSueloref"e1G shel be wianouT li®il'ay tp i mlpyNorn anp Asecc -Fee, lnc. C.0,11 ni Rkdey-Korn orW AOSOC1tl+eo, F+t.. 20'S DDCVMENt 1107 CONSIOEREDfiNAL 11N LESS ALL S,GNA'WtS COMPLETED INCOMPLETE PLANS 00 NOT L'SE POR 'R/6 AW1I517`101' r � _•��.,�%7�'!!!t�'�)i�RRt��!111<'���EtiL'' `�� 47.!�RT R4i7i6•` r� slnr �I_Fsfl iSrY.'�7 i1 lR*E 7YIukLiiFLilisi•RS�N7Rii��rr.-- iRl�f�IRf�I'EL��i J—. �CZ���iEi13r3'wrr;i fi�ilti171'.7.7Tlfl]la`or�__ uarrrri✓.i�'r✓✓rf/rfi` �� .war' ��ii>vl� ���_i�iilliiriiL'fiJQfil3ri'1!llflrfli•E�r��_:. ���� ��f;%j!!ii �44�►Q r tiY.f/i+y� 4��T�li r'���� �r�'���r�t�i►�iio�i�iw��l��r"'''w+'�ii.�ii�® �"ate ��ati"�,��►��it�,�ti .,knlac�it�►.�af i�v�.4"�iYl�>rsl�����i�� 1 ���� �r5 �1 ���7 ra. v'�IyA �l+Y�'V A ••.� �° f r �ilY!rit� 1� \q,1rMOWN #. a' C�+ '''�4r.'•r 1•ii�S"i�rDfi-7 i ii v Atir►7r, r•S fi`U.!!�.,41 `t:! !YY# A# �► • •' r nv s �.i &P I A i 0)087 ACREJ i WN OF APEX M880 PG 1194 Sta. .f 166-9-3 � 1R OJ r 81? F_ - - ACRES—' 0.0295 ACRES PREPARED IN THE �,c,ICE CE: i m le >) H vrn CLICFN9EIe-0ve2 ur vArETrEviue sTRF.ET, surf NO CI FAAI, lIDRr STRENA 1>So+ PNp4E: (07� 61l•Mpe @pt$ WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT PERMIT DRAWINGS PROJECT: BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY EXTENSION PHASE 1 P1.11 sheens: 1- 80"I - --- 011200026 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 5 DENOTES PERMANENT, PERMANENT LOSS WETLAND IMPACT DENOTES TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT DENOTES PERMANENT, NO ELOSS WETLAND IMPACT (FOREPERMANENT (FORESTED WETLANd) DENOTES PERMANENT. PERMANENT LOSS WETLAND IMPACT IIN MAINTAINEd ilTlllri EASEMENT} DENOTES TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT IIN MAINTAINED UTILITY EASEMENT) MNOTES TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROJECT: BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY EXTENSION PHASE 1 P1.11 sheens: 1- 80"I - --- 011200026 ��JCL'F,1 NOT CONSiDERFLr Sikh! y ll\i %',5A_L SS G`, AP,. RES COMPLETED _ INCOMPLETE PLANS DO LOOT V•SD FOR RJ4 AMCISITION' RZ 3-- „r r�� r 3• . ~ ~ , , d { BZ 2' Bl 2 T _ { 9Z 1- TS h �M 10 1 PC SW. k+66.49 v f KELLY WEST 8�' —G— Sfe G2-� PI Ste 34 �• r30 SfassOelaTfs LLC -G2- PI Ste. 3 +07 3 �� 50 - fi QB ISM PC 749 39 4r ! -G2- M to +6827 Ta�_ i• ; rx 'A�cREs - P Sta, 34 28} S 24'39 28P 013 acRfs► +S T$ al7r� 35 ACyEt c7 TaP r r + sr 20 -Yl- sfo.12 r5 W y g - PC Sta. 31 + ACRES - m i AZ C -,GF- PI Sta. 6+42.67 taco ES sW J04A ACRES- - g 0=2 ACRE'S t -G2- C to. 32+ arl ; '+' S5721 21 yy F i ®Aa3r Ey u� A'�vggg v rn 1 S5p f LQ 2- PT fa. 3 lk7 I. S 5r F at DM37 S .L •� # � • .l,v h _ 1P - - r _ KELLY NEST Im OLtT3 ACRS *T ASSOCIATES LLC - y$� DB 6901 PC 748 c� o a1i892' RfS a Sto.l2+07,59 1 r .._ -7G?-- PRC Sfa.......... _ .. _4f+fd.25 '' r: �• µ: - - ' -YI - PC Sta. +79.83 M� � fes`• 5 637' 59,8 -YI- Pr 5ra. rl 58 36 -G2- P! Sta. 40+rrT8 P1 Sta.36+25.40 AA)3a:ACRES 02939 ACRES'- - lU lil f 0.0559 ACRES �•.� va _ za•� GREENBRIER HOMEOWNERS"' A550CIATIQN 1Q8 8261 PC 2WI -YI- RCr !l+04,... EIS GREENBRIER HOM90WNERS A'SSOCIATIQN DB 9412 Pc 1580 49` 26J' E w �' -Yl - T } 10+5832 tb'3r r , f ACRESP€RMIT DRAWING aArrB ACRES PKN -Yl- t 1073594 SHEET 4 OF 5 S 3 E DENOTES PE"mEmT, PERMANENT LOSS WETLAND IMPACT -Yl- POT a. 0 Q� DENOTESIMPACRARY If% WETLeND IMPACT J EERMANENT LOSS PERMANENT. EILAND IMPACT �• .Vj f / tpokeSTED WETLAND)DENOTES . i // PERMANENT. PEtlSEKT (I 1 NMAN AIUTILITYEM NT) + ®KN AIL _ DENOTES TEMPORARY - MAI IMPACT [IN MAINTAINED UTILITY EASEMENT) [IN DENOTES TEMPORARY J • STREAM IMPACT PAO pi urrnre.+lwitl� n. 9o® daTrab.rT.. hlta-ar Ine AaDl ea, hc., $d c.+ea araDOraC euaa of tlnq im�DPer PREPARED It.:;..rlcE ©F •y y,E iy I � Zm°�l� �.'�, ifr` . L TW WETLAND & STREAM 'J BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY Kimley))Horn 421FAErTEtiI_F STRET. uTE a IMPACT PERMIT EXTENSION rnle .1- o oGa M0 gaalqx xpecr o PHASE 1 A__j no1aD1 O'aby Khty-HwmA-0.101e9. DRAWINGS anatoe wltnaui ,tgOlty Iq Kaay-Nr aa JRa kM)TN LL I yNC[I= Cooy')QhtKLmHsoOrn0ntl 16 I i % 17 6M150T 5. 1' = 90, 011200026 Imo' 11 Z� aocuwNl wl Ca Sl DEU )PNAL m LINJSL U S;GNATUql5 COM -,E TE ------------- INCOMPLETE PLANS KW t;sS r6A R/W AMUMITI0� 03 ,HETLAND 3, -J32- PC Sfa.50+28-54 *RES CU "ACRES rao233 ACRES -s O= ACRES -ODOX ACRES -G2- PC Sta. 44422.40 WETLAND 4 A = 9(70'(7 4635 -G,?- PRC Sic. 44+67J2 OLWZ ACRES • ez LF -G2- PT Sta 45+11B4 Z2 t4f) fERENEE i-Nya —1- -T I . F c t I �z 11'.4 't 9-,,l �,P, LcA Bm . 4V4 yxx-xx f -X -r.. g Z E F Sta. 50*8226 PRC s) + 1. -Y2-' Stai 14,43L96 KELLY WEST ACHES 5 S 32.13' 54.r E 0. L OW56 ACR ASSOCIATES LLC -Y2-- PT Sto. 15+33.69 -y Sta. *49 X;4 -00059 ACRES 08 6901PG 748 -a0VlACAfS TOWN Of APEX --Jf 08 9ST4 PG 2380 PT Sta. 43 ft -y .12+9329 yp PRC a, 12 53,06 Y2 RC Sta. 11 IF 33'25'367E -G2- PR�- Sta. 42*42.06P EIN ---- 0- c % ;LILY WE mEOwNE -y2- PC Sta./Q+ 45500 I 9441P PERMIT DRAWINGSHEET 5 OF S DENOTES PERMANENT, PEKMAN ENT LOSS WVLAND IMPACT DENOTES TEMPORARY ----D IMPACT DENOTES PERMANENT, NO .T PERMANENT LOSS WETLAND IMPACT IFORESTED WETLAND} DENOTES PERMANENT, PERMANENT LOSS WETLAND IMPACT JIM MAINTAINED UTILITY EASEMENT) 71 - DENOTES TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT JIM mA4NTAINED UTILITY EASEMENT} DENOTESTEMPORARY IMPACT MPACT : PREPARED IN -PE OFFICE OF:PROJEU BEAVER GREEK GREENWAY WETLAND & STREAM Kimley))Horn �21 'A 11111ILe 1�ffl 1�,C IMPACT PERMIT L EXTENSION NM -.0 T110 �1!. -* t�=ta 0 1 00819 5 MOaerl.d on of 1� 11 Cmprp— Q PHASE 1 Menuad 0rcy for thff 5"6flC —P— UP— whl� ­ pr&�,ed. Re— of � -0- WF,ro�, - "I 0� .... '06o18 DRAWINGS Zeo ol1%= .;tl .1 Gbilily - K3 -.y- . AR M,WLim —1, =n, Aa�ocl," -.. 'fi I I I . � I I sr�eels, 1. 80' 011200026 1—T +k ! BELL ✓ PARK./ OC�F �s✓✓ a APEX MATURE 8auucrk✓✓ PARK ENR ROJ T Ij fI sa° RQ r1 VICINITY MAP OWNER: TOWN OF APEX PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 53 HUNTER STREET APEX, NC 27502 JOHN M. BROWN WETLAND 8 DIRECTOR 919.249.3402 john-brown@apexnc.org BEGIN PROJECT ENGINEER: -G1- STA 10+00.na KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 421 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 600 RALEIGH, NC 27601 CATHERINE MURRELL, P.E. 919.677.2000 cathy.murrell@kimley-hom.com KELLY RD PARK �b h� 40 A. v �w %xvinf1 aslizi THE WOOTEN COMPANY 1430 B OLD LENOIR ROAD NW HICKORY, NC 28601 JAY DeCOURSEY, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR 828.322.5533 jdec0 u rsey@Ihew00te noompany. c0m GREW HAVENS l TOWN MANAGER kn TOWN OF APEX BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY EXTENSION PHASE 1 FROM KELLY ROAD PARK TO KELLY POINT COURT WETLAND 3 -Gl- STA 20 + 75.00 -G2- STA 22+00.00j� WETLAND 4 df r- STREAM E WETLAND I END PROJECT ENC) GREENWAYjzzdf�'l -rut- STA 50+0&00 tV %3 1 4 4\� i 2 &�C�y CSEZ BEGIN GREENWAY DQ CK KELLY POINT CT -Gl- STA 10 + 42.06 H 3 w * STREAM Z W Q } STREAM D U x PROJECT REFERENCE N3. SHEET NO. vrrzt10025 r _ DOCUME't7 NOT CONSIDEaED --,NA{ VW -SS AI,I, SIGNATURES COMP -E110 INCOMPLETE PLANS D4 .1W UM E RIR AC00WIM GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 40 ' PLANS� 20 0 40 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 2 0 4 PROFILE (VERTICAL] BUFFERS PERMIT PACKAGE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET l OF 5 * STREAM 2 NOT SUBJECT TO BUFFERS Summary of Buffer Impacts Sheet PREPARED ,N THF QFFfCE 4F: Zane 1 (SF) Zane 2 (SF) Total (SF) 2 18 380 398 3 iml r -au��PR 4 5432 7067 12499 �1 3448 LANCE OLIVE 7879 u�h,F. 13044 MAYOR 33129 PROJECT REFERENCE N3. SHEET NO. vrrzt10025 r _ DOCUME't7 NOT CONSIDEaED --,NA{ VW -SS AI,I, SIGNATURES COMP -E110 INCOMPLETE PLANS D4 .1W UM E RIR AC00WIM GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 40 ' PLANS� 20 0 40 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 2 0 4 PROFILE (VERTICAL] BUFFERS PERMIT PACKAGE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET l OF 5 * STREAM 2 NOT SUBJECT TO BUFFERS Summary of Buffer Impacts Sheet Impact (Allowable) Zane 1 (SF) Zane 2 (SF) Total (SF) 2 18 380 398 3 4146 8207 12353 4 5432 7067 12499 5 3448 4431 7879 project Total 13044 20085 33129 F_ - - S IT 00' 47-f E TOWN OF APEX OB 7575 PC 345 q .1 WETLAND £J l+ ! 'I ,. TOWN OF APEX Oa 7055 Pc 571 -GI- PT Stn. 17+74D S 27" 04' 43 ' W 74CUM'NT 40T COn51DE RED X %Al VNLE5SALI S*NA7uAE5 COMPLETER INCOMPLETE PLAINS W N" L'.58 FOR RIR AC'dt.'Is1T[O\ I I V � 1 i I 1 1 I j 1 r r K 1 I j 1 1 t f I I ' r i °pc-xfu� �C ' 1 R - 1 1a.1 +97 Q1 -G1- PT Sta.16+73D5 4r >t r PE 1 r. e_ ! f� � ! _ .k a f '• r SF } -GI- PC Sta.14+1289 �r s M c+ :.x S Ci- -G!- PT Sta. 10+79„28 1 rg '; -GI- PT 51a. 1u .08 r - 1 ti r -G1- PT Sto.1.3+66.62 :.� �F � v ` ° it r `y -GI-L• PC S1o. 19+62r5C. ' �' �` f f G ♦ 1 PT 90, 20 +4 . 7 20+50 {SES 5 -G1- PC SIC. 10+97.79 N + =F. • s,I €ws, RrW- , TC SINE -GI yrA E%Isr Rrw a J , k p�{Ik -GI- PRC S1o.11+5,3,81 -G1- PRC S1a.11+96-99 -GI- P Sta 15+6325 -Gr- PT Sfa.14+75„72 e%Ki RIG -Gl- PCC Sta. 12+&956 l• 1 f 1 t HORACE & IRMA J JOHNSON OB 2950 PG 355 1 r 1 f 1 �f I � I rN PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: r w Q��fn�� l �t FA�'ETIEVIILE 9TREEY. SURE 6W RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACT PERMIT PROJECT: BEAVER CREEK CTREEIVVIJAY EXTENSION -” - sLy, %� s[niBmp bae4 blluGi Gn C•tiCa[b bpi NA zee, wow 19.91517.444 Ki ey /, H v r n FALercal«oRR, PHASE. in"G meumnn T„ Tog h r- 1'. G - . is Gnd "41vs p 4 n ool Ty Gin.. 43 4n inG>'f�aGG Y f spr rm [5 'Y lntG*Mt0 poly fipr T G s. GC t C p mtl GI T f I - Rtl p Gpared. ReUae. of ¢ntl irpr pGr p - f1 R W A I AI G S 11 F1 YY1"111 V 4�.7 1.. rG1f cG m Trw's d Gnr xlTnu wr t an w np. x dna dpap: On py A'dXGy^µpro ontl Asadn pYGs, mc, aablR SIVW pG W11hoO R=411ty to 0"y --Horn and Aaso Wt.& m. n 1Ix 17 srlea-S i - .. .. ... Copyr:gnt MrmGy-worn oM! ASaoclgt as, Im., RD CS i 11 Ltl I az z 1 .DO Sta. 2-fCO10_ 2 ti • � C7 �JM24+73�1re r gam. HORACE & IR4A J JOHNSON OB 2950 PG 365 U W NT NOT COW DP RE 13 %a' k UNLESS Aft SIGNATURES COMPUTED IhFCt9MPLETE PLANS W T:aT liB FOR RSM' ALtlyCI&1TION PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 5 F'RDJEC'o BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY 2{]t.=.L 4 EXTENSION PHASE 1 I Ix IT sheets: e' = @O'� PREPARED IH THE OFFICE OF: RIPARIAN BUFFER eaG LNiENSE M1-0tat Cv w.r •IMaW Tl:i M�� a,r LKLECa 6Ya n;rce KimleyH orr� 1t FavETiE'nU-E. SSf�ET. SURE BOP ..... 2N EC RpP GAAiVNA i5da, IMPACT PERMIT T of yice. rs With Tna CpnClpra a Oeala p rea har. 65 a InbfEof rytx16>'+-7ppp foe ln'er - try+enaea arxy rar .ne 9oecl'c iu QA— }Q hl h 1. s prepareO Rewe of a Ip—or a o - DRWAINGS —,"WWa raliQ Qe an In ra tlocran ' x,ro�, en authgrLPGripn ana t000 ion ay x' oy-Awr moi Asaperofes, Ine. anaN Ge w'*haul �ap,l?y ip AreyHQrrr Cna Aa800loTae, lne. (DWI$ 4J CQpyrlghT ximley-Noon pntl Aasoc�a*aa. i.rc.. 70 �6 U W NT NOT COW DP RE 13 %a' k UNLESS Aft SIGNATURES COMPUTED IhFCt9MPLETE PLANS W T:aT liB FOR RSM' ALtlyCI&1TION PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 5 F'RDJEC'o BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY 2{]t.=.L 4 EXTENSION PHASE 1 I Ix IT sheets: e' = @O'� 1 r CgiL�•hAY, 8Z 82 1 S T8 n�j l D ,r � r f � 45 r I � E l l , l7 N— PC _ �1+66.49 ca I / a G2� T KEELY WEST s� \ G�_ S/a 21799 SF R L __. ... _ ... AF1R OPi9L11 P['. PAR Pt Sfa 34 ES LL\ .,, r•._ ..� 'G +Q7JJ'x��� �. Z, r s pb *, ppet her wsrn the tpntepte a li pee7v pneeenf ep herein, oa n M ru of rvttt, lx Ince ped ' fpr the ;pee i- p PDM-!' NfO Clfanr fbe 1tn IT >•'pe NepR"e0 R a1 o^tp Imp pQer b esl o his GbIlly +r ".y- xr'r rah p8'hpr'G on p..o obppr;pn by KliNpy Hprr� a+p Aasockt*as, Icc. ahplpe r,r hpur - ftrhy fo Kimaey-Horn Una ASapdpsda•Inp. u} Lppyrtphs ptmley-worn ynp Aaeppip}e;. InG, 20 16 . .SCARED IN TH, OFFICE OF: DENOTES ZONE I"NOTES ZONE 3 21 FA�E Kimley)) Horn 6 7-xor°niaoiwAir�awvn t+s`ro'e azpfa RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACT PERMIT €7RWAINGS OOCIIMENT 401 9SDfB"'' L'Nr. ALSCA5�AE INCOMPLETE PLANS W NOT L55 FOR R/w AC6UUJ 101 !J ! I Peaenn�T orwwirr 5HEET 4 OF 5 * DENOTES ZONE I"NOTES ZONE 3 STREAM 2 NOT SUBJECT 14 BUFFK5 PROJECT: BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY 20�y0 e. c EXTENSION PHASE 1 1 ix 17 slheeal. 1• _ 80, m 011200026 Esh<tn A xe LB N7;NT NOTCONSIDERED FIk0.t J M1LE5S Z 5IyNAT,1 RES COMPLETED b _ --------- - -------- ----- _.z._._.s._._- I00 MPLME OETE PLANS I"ON I - i�E Ali r `W,R� /�{•-t J. rr� LAND 3LID r -G2- PC Sta.50+2854 �[\1 I+]�1 fir] •. it 11 ✓<.J 1. E \ 2.50 re tQJ�! .i. -G2- PC Sta. 44+22.40 WETLAND �D T ©_ LYStu. tu.1 6 5 -52 - PRC Sta, 44+67J2 &9 SF , :' SF r �-G2- PT Sla.45MB4 _ ,zze { •' i82 1- - - 'I I •. 1 k L 1 :L 4: .l: 1: F a E 0' SOWN OF PE% LRT# ,rEr� M1 E - TTti NO ETERENCE L —112— f� 5- 6f 059 W 30" TOW Or Rpt% T 7� N - - - - 1 4 iPS rr E -� a ra 8 R � n � h rJTE4£i = W' E E E 4 E-G-IPT S1a.43+183 ToT r•. r� r'•r k KELLY WEST ASSOCIATES LLC 08 6901 PG 74B -Y2-�+ RC Sta. 11+7126 -G2- P Ste. 42+42.08 '/ C ! p __ _ f 3a / L r / -Y2- PC Ste. '+s 2 -IP 4 83.9 -159 r Ste] I m +49.54 W 4 ft a� ��ry I• l ��� LLP• I +i> `PE ELLr wE aPY / L.140 Sr JOB 9441 PG 1161 / 639 SF f v F - ,-- Ste. 504-8226 Y 4: S 32' t3' 541' E \ •I -Y2 PT Sta.15+33,64 4.. TOWN OF APEX `1 OR 4874 PO 2380 � 1 -1—S 33'25'361'E PERIAfT DRAWING SHEET 5 4F 5 p DENOTES ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT DENOTES ZONE Y BUFFER IMPACT PREPARED IN THE CFRU 05: PFIO FCi: BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY RIPARIAN BUFFER v. N., xrnsar. o.�a '. cxc.eo ¢rm TremuIMPACT FAa'Er'12AiaEE STAEET.SVRE §ObThfe Kimlt%,to) PERMITEXTENSICiN i } daC- e^ vpao*Mr wiT nQ a;}rce 4qC tleEipn3 prgEonvetl MrW1n, tlE tln In3iryny p( %tlrviG. re 111iea0eo for Trca specif P P's" Ipr hick ii s Re,rEe o1 P improper i'NONE (9tF19Ti-TOA HAS 1 PHASE Iy p pose Prepared. rellb hfa pbCumgni 11tl T x/TTen 4 "O''SC ICn Ona *"Pp ICn by KT.eyNbnn 4M ASSCCiCTe3. DRWAINGS 0 P 1200026 , . 31108 be i M T lfcbii'Ty To KI—y-liorn and Associore , Inc,IA4 CQ20te i Ix 17 ghg0*5¢ 1' = EO' CoYr[gnT Kry 110— ohC , TOWN OF APEX OB 7575 PC 395 4 4 ,1 .1 .1 w w WETLAND TOWN OF APEX \ ! ti DB 7056 PC 574 \ � l .� wwDs TINE amJIL u W h \ \ qp OUY WIPES 1 ♦ J. WOODS EXIST R/N —cATCH LIN —-`x�__•_ �� CBS �— PAR �^ Slif# z " I EXIST R/M y� Je I r ! .I H)DRACE 6 IRUA J JOHNSON 't DB 2950 PC 365 r ti { LA _ESS `iOT CO I5.Of Md i Tk D LN.i55 A.l S.Gh.3iUaC5 CpN4?LiTsA INCOMPLETE PLANS `l M KW U55 FOR k1W .SWLTEITW\ { I I 1 } i { i j r l`l t f I ! I r I I 4a� r M f r y ! ] +k! {LEY. piVERI 1x pNERT Ix 11J1�[RT OUT .. Q c p4E^IiREQ IN -.•:._ �OF: `IGEM.ER3E[s� S 92, PMHSE ff,01 STREET. SVRE 65p �'HOriEIB,9fEFT-250p � ��' � 'r' �"°""°" """"'° EXISTING CONDITIONS PERMIT DRAWINGS 2 I'+.7..'F. i. T;FFHCE BEAVER CREEK GREENWA"Y EXTENSION PHASE aEv. ue.. REMSeM pai[. p4,1r13r� s^L:"cp n^. Tnlri tlapument,f o4*e1Yv WIM Tne C..Cepf M tie., p�eeenteo hvein,as n nstsume T � Sen,CA,is f fenpEp pNy fp he 3"Clfle punDoW WSd Client for WhICh It vcS oreD 00 Reuse of *no 1— p.r ] Y Nonce On 1M11s pac n! wiiM1aut Written D M1Or1Yat7on -d atop 1 n by KImIBy Rorn —0 ASspep1e6, 4—. C(�7p1E 011200026 3hpb A0 Wi1hpyS IiegiEty fp Kum1Ey-Rpnft pntl A39aCie}e3. Inc. } [ppyrlpht Klmley-Rarn anti Assoclates, hc.. 2016 'k .7 SI'169TS: 41 - 90` Ja.L hlE 4' NOT 1"SOERE0 I:NAl lI\i.,54 A,I %AT,. RES COMPLElTD IIFC�MPLETE PLANS 1 b0 �'OS L°88 FOR R!R A4V41RE'lryp� l �8z s --__ -------------------------- a._._-_._._._----.....,...._._._. .._._._._._.----.—....... r ,2 g2rX r� Bz _ `rf r V NHOLE Toa ELEV. IM.'ERI IN IIVLR1 IN IWJ FIT 0U1 ! wl 275.57• 262.52' 262-22' h'HJ 278.87' 262.r2' 285.92' ,rl--�-- 2 ti NMS 772.44'7Gb,83260.x: 4 TS ti 10-0 L i1Jf ���renr I y1 i to � m ezF � Y l� r � re&x a . az IV TD _` S*'irr--a.P�+' rrcl�s wanes $ TB��@. '�.7 � — $1 •. _ �T MI{a.� t ,r' 10' iUuDF APEX _ �ERffICfFpµ+m �SENENT 30' TOMN 8M AMEX 00: YTy 9A5♦iA1[ [. . 2p} P- 9I -d5 NARkaaG Pon[ EASELIENr WOGGS .1 ` — -- — — _ v _ _ -. i%i6NT Bi pfiu�e�iipn LURNyNiR+, — _ — — TOWN OF APEX 05 11880 PG 1794 HORACE & RUA J JOHNSON OB 2950 PG 365 PRCPAREO IN TAE OFFICE OF; 07 EXISTING CONDITIONS I 1eoL.j PERMIT DRAWINGS PROJECTT BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY EXTENSION PHASE 1 I Ix 17 sr, ee15: 1' = 80'I-- --- 0112flfl02C [p 1Kimley pThIs Horn 421 `HA T�60E tlOc�mY eni., together with the Cp-+ pta Md Csalp- o aenratl MreGe. as an 1-tr wnent�o� 5e+rvFce,�e p„��1 Intended Ory car xnq ypecT'tc avruuae and client Far Wnicn ri e45 prepgrea. Reuse Of Grt0 [INaroper p re�luncH pn *nib tlacamMt ItMoel Written tl 11014011.1 —d a pilon by K; v y -Morn .and Assaciples. Ine• /// Q20t9 Shau Ra rithaUO liWW.y rp .,fey-Mprin ane ASeop'pfee. Inc. [y Cgpyrlght Klmley-Mgrn oM AebRrlaraa. mt., N. 07 EXISTING CONDITIONS I 1eoL.j PERMIT DRAWINGS PROJECTT BEAVER CREEK GREENWAY EXTENSION PHASE 1 I Ix 17 sr, ee15: 1' = 80'I-- --- 0112flfl02C 1 1 -------------------- B1 2 f' f.' 87- 5 i i f• 67 3 DO1l1Nt *1 NOT;ONSOERED FINAL JI -ESS ALL 510NATuA(SCONLPIETEO IXCOMPLE'i'E PLANS w NOT tsa 1'aR RIV Amvw,'nom _ f'f 87 L 4 i Ni4.HLLFA TOP EL.EY'_ INVERT IN KtyERT IN INVERT OUT /" r$ pts veers 271.45' 159.93' 258.73' MN7 271.77' 259.91' 259.77 Ywa 270.0' 259.12' 259.52' ��jr T 44 11n5 ?71.-"gG' 256.IA' ]57.9d' E j�II uHlo 2rcl, 351.22' 2S7.02' 'S1- A� r�4s Uhl1 27(. -As, f56.55' 25E.4G' N ti KELLY WEST ��• Y _ �' � ASSOCIATES LLC � •[�^`-�'+� � � g$ -r- Sr-� O8 6901 PG 748 T8 \ ✓ " r F _ 1•+• \\ r xDon's r vA & IS FA �a �•r � � rf- ��I.�g1II-� -�-w - N•* � MN �_ • Y' - IP - WAIL - - Na 9iHEAk4!\ / , i11R5IEY� � * y yew 'H.SDE GREENBRIER HOMEOWNERS SgkY 5[kE i '\ ASSOCIATION .r II T °� ss�� 3D8 820 PG 2551 GREENBRIER ROWOWNERS ASSOCIA719N 514 / W 518 0 PKNAIL E1 1 , f µ /{/ ?,NAIL yr a[v, Nw Kteatfq I Wtfi I — 6'/.[[ _': Tht. ood.mast, fagetho, rI,h the cvhu6pI,5 old dOSTQM5 prd-tltad nerefn. O1 On lho--Ont of —vice la f Intv^Oed Only for In* $DeCT le owrPP34 and Etlahi for rnlch it wos Prapor•ao, Ra.raa of and tm -per 7 relfunc on tela. tl ant holt WrItT81a tfrdtiyt<4Ed+'i orO 9adptidn by Kinloy'49rn p ASaatic'" Int. ihdA66 xf moo Iiwgr y Tp tmley•Hyn c d ka8or iot ea. wc. j Cppyrl5nt Klrnlay-Horn amyl Asap_iprex... 2015 4 wa 00S LIME (7vP) _ d�q PREPARED IN .HE OFFICE OF tN Kimley >> H v r OL NA i74V ifN CQ2915 EXISTING CONDITIONS PERMIT DRAWINGS _.r _.L •.. MOODS KELLY WEST j ASSOCIATES LLC 4 08 5901PG 748 PRD.IECT: BEAVER GREEK GREENWAY EXTENSION PHASE 1 I Ix IT Sheaf SA I'= 80'I 01120311t6 /// `, l 70CU MEN7 y0T CONS17E+�f 0 f lkAl ' b I J" .—. r- .-.._._..... «. �. � - 11N'�:iiSALLSLETIIR[S CC1MPlA . _. _ y y INCUMPTE PLPLANS ........ y y .. pet nor c5s roa R/s wCi'eL'141TIOti BY '� .ETL ND � ASANnOLE 1qP CLCV. IN -.,CRT W IHrrTT er INViyI OUT - >- STGIiN TOP ELEV. INVERT IN INVERT L7UY Nt2 Yf9.79' 254.92' 25a-22' CB 7,71.3Q 257.7,D' ryr.�' NHIA 26:5.96" 453.65' 2'ai,a6" %88 27x.25' � . V41P'L- _ MH15 374,92' 265.37' 26A.85' 262.21' � • LiH i 4 2�Fd.3 264.:13' 264.23' E%TEN OF 1 lAH17 2fi3.73' 253.73 263.52" CCL _ATC4 _ _ rad" LIH13 27E.09 fi3.23• 263.15' - ra WETLAND 4 EXTENT OF AB / Y WOODSf1ELwEAfIfR! LpRA100R • ax tag f' as 1 �1 i t F gra—`° 4T a+w J �(�� , oxs ■ 9' RH W PE. -OB t- E $EVENT- 'rn 2 F #5 NO REFERE14CE F GS 55 S5 l4 JO' iONI�OF XPE% IfLNiY EA aENT Bu PG 44k!45lk i TA rj (� rr 3 R WOODS Ta d'k F2 KELLY WEST % µpm. tJraE%r ASSOCIATES LLC tTa OEL04EAI CORRpgp WU7D5 LJkE' F7YFJ DS 6901 Pc i• xa« r}p; xwc TOWN OF APEX '\ y c -,Ta 7�76pu$ 06 9874 PC 2386 'r E 3 rt 2-1 ir+M vra�v • \ 4 � Y _ � .. \ � i � .. � • � N WOQ FEs Ca .9A' � � $ '�y2re+� •\ seH %ARMING G5S F K4u . NO TRESPASVNG S&5N5 • ,`Y VHIT Y!"a�� � �X N iRAd1E � ate. MHI6 - '`•• K ILLY WEST VALLEY Y LFJJE ' Baa b +naa s°F„wB ii HOUEOwNERs y�` ` `x ASSUC INC a'a 08 9441 PG 1616 v • � iYYOVa 1 �y YL�se X �,4 � •P F .PANE Sf r NH15 AARH11aG PST sy, GAS Lta M COW «AQ ■ARt*4 wsT /,IJJJ GAS LM� PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: EA RAEINuKA2M, N.11-20 EXISTING CONDITIONS NS PERMIT DRAWINGSKimley))Horn x0 0 40 PROJ=CT: BEAVER CREEK GRE ENWAY N EXTENSION IO PHASEI FErTYn, . EP yr, Mo�iIfRw n1�4u. 4NnTysEeet itce pWt eePrrerOufment4rPvelareC""41aCe at aii0pn+ e mR e'niT erqQ "irpoYgeIrniraery epI aP e-ltle at yNeaeelP preieffniiCmOe urcpoPnycee eiPne„roesq•e aNwplvrlCg.Tee 0 2e1raw6 Mn lhi9 go—enva.! hgla+anrafr Q2016 'U h+v w Q !200426 s"ar � 4 Snml pB WifnPu} PPpiNry 1p KiaNpy `HPrn qnq AyeoeCrey. tnP. } CPay,;Vt AimaeyHorn and Asaoclaipa" P—. 2016 1 Ix 17 SR�gaDi& 4" - 5Q" x C: C O C C RI PREPARED IN THRI C11110E OF: 11 lAY�EVUESTRRE1,1LI174104 —I1l1IE E l I I KIda7 H orn111NiGHNOR�4ARDINAIl 0l ©11118 FIRCIF] L ES RERN IT DRAWING'S ORIZ 2 0 a H '10 PRO. IEC 1; BBAVBR CRBEK GREENWPY BXTBN SION PEASE 1Illended eic ,is doa—erl,lgetwith —,i ...ad rerein,o�ar instrument al s-e,ij only for The specific foal wl I(t il was .r4lcR —I I,l ne lianas an This -- xill —tl —d l Kml.:-..rn —I dssocia+a f. Inc. i,lbil7ly to ffimley-11-1 o1c] 411-lotes.1na. U 1 -0 socat,13.1—ja 16 llx17 sNels: 80' VEP1ll 011200026 RAVENI ENT SC HEMI LE �1 6-RGIAIAORCIED CCWCREAB SIDSWALA C/ AAOA.AAARCI%.l."ASIPHALT OCWCIAE7IG SIUAFAOE LOORSIA,TYPA SIF9._'<, 2' AA AN AbERAGH AAAA CIA Iff LB5I.PER SIC.YD. PROPCISGLI EP AGCIRECIAAE BASE WOR519 SEE IVCTE ' CIROU ND E}1EL171 S PHOPCISHG 4'CONCARAE 9EWAdN /LICI T AHOAO_'1811 CIOMAAC171ELI EARTH kAAARIAL I V I E q EMIM*IG q GRADE �CUNDCI CIAOUND 0�I 0�I CI4 2.1 108 �. 2,i - 71 •�I - - GAALE TCI llll���ll1! T 7Ui1t1 LINE X T AI' 5' fY RADE J POINT Ocl 0£I (MAXI 'IMAX, OS E" JA CIRAL 8 710 THIS LANE n IIYPICAL SBCTICIN -G1- STII A0+4 .06 710 ST1I d7-160.00 n IYPICAL SBCTICIN -YA- S71A 110+09.74 710 571A A�+10.34 -Yf - STIR AO+ 0.00 710 S71A ,15+411.95 III NOTES: 1. SEE PLANS FOR SPECIFIC ML LII -USE PATH LOCATIONS. :I. PAN EMENT EDC E SL CIPE9 ARE 1:1 UNLESS 01HERW ISE NOTED. 3 :I. SEE PLAN SHEETS FOR MULTI -USE PAIH SUPERELEVATICIN 1RAINSITICINS. (2%O MAA SUPERELUNATICIN) 4. SLOPE 9HOL LDERS FOR POSITIVE DRAINACR. CIFIEN REAL IRES CONTINUING C.02 FY1 SHOULDER SLCIPE UN11L TIE-IN WI1H NATURAL GROUND (SEE CROSS 9ECTION9). EXISTlhIC-I GACIUAIG tls-c AF MiAI F� ENE EXISTING GRCIUNQ I ur t ' RAND nTYPICAL SBCTICIN -G1- 571A A7160.00 710 571A ,18+714.00 -G,I- S71A 191610.00 710 STA ,19+80.00 -G2- S71A CC -1`20.00 710 STA �5+88.83 -G�- STA 710 571A 3�+76.3 -G� - 5 71A � 01149.78 TO S71A � 3+519.00 -G2- S71A 43+84.00 710 S71A 45+53.00 -G�- STA 48+39.00 TIO S71A 510+08.00 / 11T l ot EII asp A EPI IE,M 11-,.1 1 IE, fl /R 1 IRI eL I'll I T-1 VRI�O IF,LI'M FIF 19'01 IO SRAns AT SMEA tER I71p.1 IIMRFR BOARDWALK DECK FRAMING FILA N 1YRICAL SFGIIION IFROUGF MIDSRAN @-D,- PL SECTIO APPLIES 710 ILLI 800 A WALK SECTAONS DOCUMIPII NOTM131D1R9DFINAL UNLA59 ALL SIGNK L 901 COMA I IED INCOMALI©TE PILANJ po nor us6 wa aAw ecaTVAlrloa EXISTIAI61 GRCIUhICI M AREA ABED IN ,)1E aFE1aa an: RRo.1E CT: BBAVBR CRBBK GRBENWAY NCtIAAN11pP.011p TYPICAL SECTIONS BXTBNSION EaI. E... RE'IIEiH: [119: CAAlx IR CxECREO EWKimley 471 FayETTEVII LI sI REIT. sUIE EEO POT TO SOALEim _ �->>Horn �LEIa H,ECRTN OMOLIPA.l6(i PHASE 7P is tlott eni, cage cher with 1Ea aanaepts antl clesfans pne aenietl ha nein, as a Instrument Of Earhilae, is PHOS 1: (9tp)Ill1IX0 In tentletl onl)1 for the :gsaifI purpate and client 9or which ii Yid: prep -4,1. Reuse of and imp nagen j naliance al This tlaaLlmenl "IYa Ll written dui I`-1Z.ti.r an cl dd.pfl.n I•I aimley-Horn antl Iseaaiotes,Inc. C ]016 ahollbe withaui liability to Kimia;l-Hoon and Assaaiales,lna. C e xli ex: Eei xul%EA: j Oopyrighi pimley-Horn and A aapciates, Inc., 2116 011200026 1 I up IAaH I ulr. xeu I 1xR0 AaLI$ stns C AIP le.�u I 'T ggLIP IIA9�A19 IJLOCF IRR L eLOCK11K n, P.l J- / 11T l ot EII asp A EPI IE,M 11-,.1 1 IE, fl /R 1 IRI eL I'll I T-1 VRI�O IF,LI'M FIF 19'01 IO SRAns AT SMEA tER I71p.1 IIMRFR BOARDWALK DECK FRAMING FILA N 1YRICAL SFGIIION IFROUGF MIDSRAN @-D,- PL SECTIO APPLIES 710 ILLI 800 A WALK SECTAONS DOCUMIPII NOTM131D1R9DFINAL UNLA59 ALL SIGNK L 901 COMA I IED INCOMALI©TE PILANJ po nor us6 wa aAw ecaTVAlrloa EXISTIAI61 GRCIUhICI M AREA ABED IN ,)1E aFE1aa an: RRo.1E CT: BBAVBR CRBBK GRBENWAY NCtIAAN11pP.011p TYPICAL SECTIONS BXTBNSION EaI. E... RE'IIEiH: [119: CAAlx IR CxECREO EWKimley 471 FayETTEVII LI sI REIT. sUIE EEO POT TO SOALEim _ �->>Horn �LEIa H,ECRTN OMOLIPA.l6(i PHASE 7P is tlott eni, cage cher with 1Ea aanaepts antl clesfans pne aenietl ha nein, as a Instrument Of Earhilae, is PHOS 1: (9tp)Ill1IX0 In tentletl onl)1 for the :gsaifI purpate and client 9or which ii Yid: prep -4,1. Reuse of and imp nagen j naliance al This tlaaLlmenl "IYa Ll written dui I`-1Z.ti.r an cl dd.pfl.n I•I aimley-Horn antl Iseaaiotes,Inc. C ]016 ahollbe withaui liability to Kimia;l-Hoon and Assaaiales,lna. C e xli ex: Eei xul%EA: j Oopyrighi pimley-Horn and A aapciates, Inc., 2116 011200026 1