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20170592 Ver 1_401 Application_20170517
Pre -Construction Notification Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvements Project Charlotte, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 PH 006 ME Prepared for: Charlotte Storm Water Services 600 E. Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina Prepared by: S&ME, Inc. 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 April 28, 2017 April 28, 2017 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Attention: Ms. Crystal Amschler N.C. Division of Water Resources 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Attention: Ms. Karen Higgins Reference: Pre -Construction Notification: RGP 163 / WQC No. 4100 Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvements Project (SDIP) Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 Dear Ms. Amschler and Ms. Higgins: On behalf of Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS), S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) is submitting this Pre - Construction Notification (PCN) for impacts to waters of the U.S. in accordance with Department of the Army Regional General Permit (RGP) 163 which authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material in waters of the U.S. associated with storm water drainage improvement projects and flood reduction activities conducted by CSWS. The proposed project will involve extensive improvements to a residential storm water drainage system, which will result in the permanent impact to 1,053 linear feet (If) and permanent loss of 414 If unnamed tributaries of Campbell Creek located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Proposed permanent impacts are composed of: culvert extensions; riprap apron installation; bank grading, matting and planting; bed improvements; minor channel relocations; and geogrid bank stabilization. As this project involves permanent loss of more than 150 If stream channel and permanent impacts to greater than 500 If of stream channel, written confirmation and approval of this PCN from the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers is required. Impacts proposed associated with the aspects of this project described herein are also authorized under North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) Water Quality General Certification (GC) No. 4100. As the proposed project will involve permanent impact to more than 150 If of streams and includes natural bank/channel stabilization for more than 500 If, written concurrence from DWR is required for authorization under GC 4100. S&ME, Inc. 19751 Southern Pine Boulevard I Charlotte, NC 28273 1 p 704.523.4726 1 f 704.525.3953 1 www.smeinc.com Pre -Construction Notification: RGP 163 / GC 4100 *S&ME Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 The location of the project area is depicted on the Site Vicinity map (Figure 1), the appropriate portions of the Charlotte East and Mint Hill (N.C.) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Map (Figure 2), the 2016 aerial photograph / Approximate Waters of the U.S. (Figure 3), and on the Impacts Maps (Figures 4-11). In support of this application, please find enclosed the following: Figures: Site Vicinity (Figure 1), USGS Topographic Map (Figure 2); Approximate Waters of the U.S. (Figure 3), Impact Maps (Figures 4-11); e Appendix I: Pre -Construction Notification (PCN); e Appendix II: Site Photographs; ® Appendix III: Engineering Plans; and ♦ Appendix IV: Mitigation Credit Reservation Letter ®,, Project Background Jurisdictional boundaries for the project area were first determined by STV/Ralph Whitehead Associates in 2010. An original request for JD was submitted, dated September 3, 2010, which resulted in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) notification of jurisdictional determination (USACE Action Id. 2010-1676), dated November 24, 2010, prepared by Amanda Jones. This notification of JD expired on November 24, 2015. On October 20, 2016, Mr. Darrin Peine of S&ME visited the site to validate the boundaries and current conditions of the jurisdictional features as compared to the original assessment conducted in 2010, as well as to evaluate the quality of the stream channels in accordance with the North Carolina Stream Assessment Method (NCSAM). This Request for Jurisdictional Determination Renewal, including NCSAM assessment forms, was submitted to Crystal Amschler of the USACE on October 27, 2016. During a December 1, 2016 field visit, Ms. Amschler confirmed the jurisdictional boundaries with some minor modifications noted on Figure 3. The proposed project will involve impacts to three of the streams identified in the JD (Streams D, I, and H) and no impacts to any of the wetlands identified. Additional impacts will occur along channels determined to be non jurisdictional by Ms. Amschler during the December 1 field review, including the channel previously identified as "Stream G" and a small section of channel upstream of Stream I immediately downstream of Aspendale Lane. Stream quality of the channels to be impacted was determined to be Medium (Streams I and H) or Low (Stream D) according to NCSAM ratings. Channel impairment was largely due to the urban nature of the channels and their watersheds. Impairments included areas of highly eroding banks, limited instream habitat, poor channel substrate, and areas of channel / floodplain modification including riprap fill, channel straightening, and bankside retaining walls. Land use adjacent to the impacted streams and throughout their watersheds is largely made up of medium and high density residential areas, as well as commercial areas along Independence Boulevard. ®®- Proposed Project Impacts Proposed jurisdictional impacts associated with this project are detailed in the project plans are summarized in Table 1 and shown on the Impact Map: Overview (Figure 4) and Impact Maps: Details (Figures 5-11), as well as in the full preliminary design plans, included in Appendix III. May 11, 2017 Pre -Construction Notification: RGP 163 / GC 4100 Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 Table 1: Proposed Impacts May 11, 2017 MWEImpact .. ., V) �Q ct Description Des, Culvert extension; existing 80 If 72" CMP culvert replaced with 1 H FPer. Med. 5 4 95 If of dual 8'x4' box along the floodplain and a 10' x7' box 0 0 15 buried 1 foot at the bankfull channel width. 2 H Per. Med. 5 4 Installation of riprap apron downstream of Amity Place. 0 0 38 3 H Per. Med. 5 4 Transitional channel bank grading downstream of Amity Place. 45 0 4 H Per. Med. 5 4 Transitional channel bank grading upstream of Amity Place. 0 64 0 5 H Per. Med. 5 4,5 Bank stabilization grading. 0 82 0 Channel stabilization including geogrid installation, bank grading and installation of step -pool structures. Re -aligning a 6 H Per. Med. 6 6 portion of channel with natural channel design resulting in 0 505 17 small reduction in overall channel length. 7 H Per. Med. 7 7 Installation of geogrid bank stabilization. 0 60 0 Culvert extension associated with culvert upgrading and re- 8 H Per. Med. 8 7,9 0 0 27 orientation. 9 H Per. Med. 8 T9 Installation of riprap apron downstream of new culvert. 0 0 38 Channel stabilization including geogrid installation, bank 10 H Per. Med. 8 7,9 0 143 0 grading and installation of step -pool structures. Channel loss due to moving stream confluence point 11 I Int. Med. 8 7,9 upstream. Shifting of the confluence upstream was required 0 0 125 in order to provide the space to properly stabilize Stream H Channel stabilization including bank grading and installation 12 I Int. Med. 8 7,9 0 51 0 of step -pool structures. Channel stabilization including bank grading and installation 13 I Int. Med 9 8 of a grade control structure. 0 14 0 Culvert extension / pipe system completion. Piping of short 14 H Int. Med. 10 10 segment of highly degraded channel in area where space 0 0 127 constraints made other stabilization measures unfeasible. 15 D Int. Low 10 10,13 Culvert extension to transition into new pipe system. 0 0 27 Channel stabilization including bank grading, installation of 16 D Int. Low 10 10,13 step -pool structures, and re -installation of a riprap apron in an 0 27 0 area currently lined with riprap. Channel stabilization including, bank grading and installation 17 H Int. Med. 11 11 of step -pool structures. Minor channel realignment and 0 62 0 extension in order to tie into modified culvert system. Totals: 0 1,053 414 May 11, 2017 Pre -Construction Notification: RGP 163 / GC 4100 Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 In order to maintain and repair the existing piped drainage system and enhance and rehabilitate neighboring stream channels, the following activities are proposed that will result in the permanent loss of 414 If of waters: Upgrading of existing culverts resulting in minor culvert extensions in order to best accommodate existing infrastructure, properly direct storm flows, and properly complete the pipe system (Impacts 1, 8, 11, 14 and 15). Installation of new riprap aprons downstream of new culverts (Impacts 2 and 9). Minor rerouting of channels resulting in a reduction of channel length, in order to accommodate natural channel design and channel stabilization improvements (Impacts 6 and 11). In addition, the following activities are that will result in 1,053 If of permanent impacts to waters (without a loss of waters): s Bank grading in order to properly transition channel banks into new culverts (Impacts 3, 4, 16, and 17). Bank stabilization via regrading and matting and / or installation of geogrid stabilization (Impacts 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, and 17). Natural channel design bed stabilization, including the installation of step pool structures and other grade control measures (Impacts 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, and 17). All staging, excavation, stockpiling, and construction shall be contained within the existing right-of-way, permanent storm drainage easement, and temporary construction easement and will not result in additional temporary stream impacts beyond the permanent impact areas outlined above. Work will be conducted in the dry through the use of cofferdams and pump-arounds. Impacted channel banks will be replanted and reseeded with native riparian species outlined in the planting plan on sheets D1, Pl and P2 of the design plans (Appendix III). Typical construction equipment will be used, including backhoes and dump trucks. Additional impacts will occur along channels determined to be non -jurisdictional by the USACE during the December 1 field review, including the channel previously identified as "Stream G"; these impacts are shown for reference. Protected Species S&ME's consideration of potential protected species habitat began with a review of existing records obtained from federal and state sources. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) list of federally - protected species (updated April 2, 2015) was consulted for a listing of protected species documented within Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. This review identified four plant species and three animal species. Listed fauna and flora and their federal status are identified in Table 2. Table 2: Federally -Protected Flora and Fauna Summary May 11, 2017 4 Federal RankRecord Status Habitat Present He(ianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's sunflower (vascular plant) Endangered Current No Rhus michouxii Michaux's sumac (vascular plant) Endangered Current No May 11, 2017 4 Pre -Construction Notification: RGP 163 / GC 4100 #S&ME Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 Species Federal Rank Record Status j Habitat Present Echinacea loevigata Endangered Current No Smooth coneflower (vascular plant) Symphyotrichum georgianum Candidate Current No Georgia aster (vascular plant) Lasmigona decorata Carolina heelsplitter (invertebrate Endangered Current No animal) Haliaeetus leucocephalus BGPA Current No Bald eagle (vertebrate animal) Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat (vertebrate Threatened Probable/Potential Yes animal) As part of the protected species review, S&ME also reviewed the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) files of Element Occurrence (EO) and Natural Heritage Areas available from NC OneMap. This review found no extant EOs of protected species on record within a one -mile radius of the project area. S&ME completed a field reconnaissance of the project area on October 10, 2016. The project area consists of maintained residential areas along with some narrow, lightly wooded riparian corridors. Riparian corridors are not the preferred habitat for the plant species of concern, and none of the three listed plant species were observed. The waters to be impacted are borderline intermittent/perennial and of poor habitat due to surrounding urbanization; these streams would, therefore, be considered unsuitable for Carolina heelsplitter. Though Mecklenburg County is within the potential range of the northern long-eared bat, there are no known areas of confirmed hibernation and maternity sites ("Red HUCs") within the county, though some suitable forested habitat was present along the project site. The proposed project does not involve bridge removal or percussive activities, and will not significantly change the overall nature and function of the local forested habitat. As such, the proposed project has both met the criteria for the 4(d) rule exempting incidental take of northern long-eared bat and is below the threshold established by RGP 163 that would require written concurrence due to northern long-eared bat concerns. Based on the level of continued maintenance and disturbance observed, the project area was not considered to provide suitable habitat for protected species with a likelihood of occurring in Mecklenburg County. Cultural Resources A digital copy of this PCN will be provided to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), requesting that they review their records regarding cultural, archaeological, or historical resources in or near the project area and to provide written comments regarding the interests of their agency. A review of the SHPO's "HPOWEB" GIS Web Service indicated that there were no properties currently listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within a mile radius of the project. May 11, 2017 Pre -Construction Notification: RGP 163 / GC 4100 - - Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project S&ME Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 -*.- Avoidance and Minimization Impacts have been avoided and minimized to the extent practicable and have been limited to what is necessary to facilitate storm water infrastructure upgrades and stream enhancement. Much of the permanent loss is due to minor channel realignments necessary to accomplish natural channel design stream enhancements and bank stabilization efforts. Instances where channel was lost due to the installation of new stormwater features such as culverts and riprap aprons were limited to the minimum amount required to properly orient and dissipate storm flow while accommodating existing infrastructure. The instance where a channel was culverted in order to complete the storm piping system was determined to be the most minimally destructive method to strengthen the storm system and protect adjacent infrastructure around a highly disturbed channel currently experiencing substantial erosion. Additional placement of riprap was avoided through the use of natural channel design structures such as step pools and geogrids which will serve to stabilize the channel and banks while also providing improvements to habitat. Efforts have been made to limit clearing of trees within the project corridor to the minimum amount required for safe construction of the restoration channel, and tree protection measures will be installed to safeguard trees within the limits of disturbance that are to remain. To prevent sedimentation of downstream portions of the affected streams, and to the extent practicable, construction will be conducted in the dry through the use of coffer dams and pump-arounds. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures placed in waters will be removed and the original grade restored upon completion of the project. Banks affected by maintenance work will be matted, re -seeded and restored to stable bank conditions. &*.- Additional Regulatory Considerations Efforts have been made to meet the conditions of RGP 163 as well GC 4100. No streams that are proposed to be impacted are classified as High Quality by NCSAM. The proposed project is not part of a compensatory mitigation project, and none of the proposed culvert construction is being proposed for the creation of high ground on a residential or commercial property. New culverts have been designed to meet aquatic live passage requirements and will be buried at least one foot below the natural stream bottom. They have also been designed in order to minimize channel destabilization and head -cutting. New culverts that have been designed to accommodate the existing bankfull channel cross section, and where additional culvert capacity is required (at the Amity Place crossing), the additional culverts have been designed at floodplain elevation. Appropriate erosion and sediment control practices will be implemented to meet water quality turbidity standards. Best Management Practices employed for the project will be in compliance with the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual," and the local governing authority. Impacts have been avoided and minimized, and appropriate measures will be taken during construction to allow flow and circulation patterns of waters of the U.S. to remain unaffected. Following construction, temporary sediment and erosion control structures will be removed and disturbed areas adjacent to the work site will be restored to a stable grade and disturbed areas will be appropriately seeded. May 11, 2017 6 Pre -Construction Notification: RGP 163 / GC 4100 *S&ME Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 w Mitigation As the proposed project will involve a loss of greater than 150 If stream, mitigation to compensate for the more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse impacts to the aquatic environment is required. On May 10, 2017 during a field meeting between Mr. Alan Johnson of DWR and Ms. Erin Shanaberger of CSWS it was determined that, due to channel conditions at the site of Impact 11, one-half to one mitigation would be appropriate for the loss of 125 If of channel associated with shifting the confluence of Stream I and Stream H upstream. CSWS proposes to mitigate for the loss of the remaining 289 If of stream channel at a one-for-one ratio. This mitigation will be achieved through the purchase of 352 stream mitigation units (62 for Impact 11 plus 289 for the remainder of permanent lost stream impacts) from the City of Charlotte Umbrella Mitigation Bank. A copy of the Credit Reservation Letter outlining this intended transaction is included in Appendix IV. Closing w By copy of this correspondence and completed PCN, we are requesting your written concurrence with authorization of this project under RGP 163 and GC 4100. If you have questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact Erin Turner at (704) 336-3927 or erin.shanaberger@charlottenc.gov. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. D. David Homans Project Scientist Reviewed and Authorized by: Erin Shanaberger Water Quality Program Specialist Charlotte Storm Water Services Attachments: Figures Appendix I: Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Appendix II: Site Photographs Appendix III: Engineering Plans Appendix IV: Mitigation Credit Reservation Letter �F C Kristy Smedley Senior Natural Resources Professional May 11, 2017 7 Figures Norris -% i 21 • oy ew as` c m+ • • � t7 on � •� P l�k�ondAve otdco6p� "' N H,, ft 4,pe I� r s rpt 4 C harlotte r° Q \� Country Club Charlotte .Q o h Sr Hick 'rY Grove Rcl ,QI CeryalAvn �41p vpS , 711 erri_.irry z EahkSEi i,i C � � � 6 Rst at oven 4M dvlyars ;P° Park High 4r lecke 10 c ` 0 Q oL -21"6 i @ e C m :- -, u t h r.1`� g a c F'a rk I'L14E c 0 1 2 Mk <, FairviewRd „seux CreekReglonal Regi 0 Park Ic Miles REFERENCE c THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, Project Study Area L c c SCALE:1 „ = 5,280 , FIGURE NO. DATE: 10-26-16 tS&ME SITE VICINITY CEDARS EAST DRAWN BY: DDH 2 STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ` PROJECT NO: 4335-16-015 PH006 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA �z4" k.. r ' l F, r t• � ��' i - ' L fi � � r ''fNin � �aa � r�tii - r r � rgreen 4Cemetety " SN # rr ` ��'] r t ti �e • d ; '` 1 ! y r ►4 � � / i / j�1 �\ 1' 10 ' •i cy ► �, / j. -al t_ _ ,„ r//; ♦ 'd116 r lii,jh I E= r r 10< 600 lb r �4iETri�� eeW,, CA-!ac.Park jas'.J4 r<r lea last tiGrth scA fi } '.E� Y.-A F / � ova_' So �00 0 2,000 4,000 (IN FEET) REFERENCE: CHARLOTTE EAST [NC] AND MINT HILL [NC] USGS 1:24,000 QUAD SHEET MAPS brr. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. - - Project Study Area i SCALE:1 „ _ 2'000 , FIGURE NO. DATE: 10-26-16tS&ME USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DRAWN BY: DDH CEDARS EAST 2 PROJECT NO: STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT L 4335-16-015 PH006 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DESIGN REFERENCE: m o See Plan Sheets 4 and 5; C; z o Appendix III Q 0 0 ro fRI �1WE ��+'+ 6n'2B AMITY -PLA W o LO f DRAIN S � usaa a< ' O12�0 o l- H BASIN h-3 � - Z PROP. CATCH ons NC00T 5T0. 84(.01 ca� E NOT - F RI: a "PROP, 85 LF TRIPLE BOX CUL BE J uJ Lo MAN WATE \ WX7' BOX CULYERT BURIED. f FOOT 013 Q c LL < + ;1)'X4 Sox 'CULVERTS <`l enc,- EN STRUCT Ort U (Y V IRENE R. HOLLAND ts' OF wIyLC \, ", vx.a -A- TA. + Sao N ` TOP OF WALL TI E TO EMST CHANNEL /' PI: i33 124-60 Oma , y ELEY=812,75 D6 12167 PG. 348 A. 127 I , M& 11 PC, lag, 621 L5 OF N aA� PROP. IN RAP AL6140 WING WALL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION 616AMITY PLACE / - -a.4x -ELEY,=$ 4 Impact NO. 1 - -- EST, 3 TONS CLAS35hll RIP RAP -A- TA. +1 15 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream H SY CEO=-QLE TYPE 2 FABRIC TIE TO EX2 OHANNELFF7 i2.00 ' { J t and 10'X7' buried box bankfull TOP OF WNG yl j JI i1EAPWALLS Due to replacement of 80 LF 72" CMP culvert -- REMOVE TREES (2} *P. RIP RAD. APRON ' with 95 LF dual 8'X4' flood Iain box culverts 1 ELEY=689.75 LEANING OVER - Uj EST.' rayl CLASS -II RIP RAP `t k �r.C. IInnoi T. PREOP. 7vP 24E �� •<s t -- EST. 1ST- GEOTEXi1LE TYPE x FAARIC .p $. SDE OF BAkl1C fTYP - L 46 WI� , w2=36', T-2.6` _ _. �aEGIN PiOJECT _ /w o F 'o s aaM' v n w P ATA_ 4+5000 bar Sir 55 E ° nnk c SSE SS�- �a?(i -TIE 1•_fi,;E7tlST: CHANNEL. - .. 1 sY �' 1 sF'nkR,En nr tp• ..ac.i'Es :rfl '1 `^ . .�itr ___. • ' � a ;� _ i 8 r- OAFS PPE. - P9- - —a a Impact No. 5 - z • " y r - _' GAR 82 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream H ' l •- .p ypF Due to bank stabilization grading - r w _ as �OMOAK � _ � - rn 1. 1713, _s _ `T - - - - " _ _ - - - r t . s .. 5 •c_ _ ESr�� • , sX @GTT --_ PD _ ti- `�-. �� t�4k °�Ts� e•. E — (F +Y-- "+•' `�, .�+� _ f w� SLNF";9q,�s6 s' Impact No.4 04 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream H 3.._ -- _ Impact No. 2 38 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream �v �� Due to bank and channel transition grading s ;a, -� ._ Q �= eamHr' SD -- t U SSE 1 I{ P P RAP ALONG WING wALL 9 -LU Z 55f Due to riprap apron installation s n 3 TONS CLAss tl RIP RAP- -. £ - 55 5 • `� e4rS.a^° i - E5 3 SY (EOIM(TILE TYPE 2. FABRIC �f +•+, ` - ~"`•- ""^ Y a "�+ A f g , ��- �...:�' ` 'i -a .fit. `�;. L=Q', WI T=2.8` •aF _ _ . ` ` y PROP- -YY1NG111ALL TRhPISI T1dN P(t'CII EiUST. SLOPE' a- Q µ EIAO 1 A 2 1 n U - S^y£', 'iCE` , . STA. 2+01.p6 Til PR[7P'; BANK OF 2!-I.lv - � y a� � � s k ae - Impact No. 3 + Sr E 4 p _ r -. Pr Z E Asn. 1 SLOPETYfEEN STA. 3+1^c ) 1 (I t� _ [ R E SHED 45 LF of Permanent Impact No Loss to Stream H \ 'MAGE " _ n a�u TEMPORARY ACCESS AND A�,} W p ( ) `t •., ,8"+zi RT_ I r (, LIVE STA1�€S, � - - - o .. � _Anon Due to bank and channel transition radin �\ T��1+L}7 dr 3EEbING n -r ar g g VE SHEF3��FD&F a P7 ° 7 S n J W U .vC.n E alRe REAlVE .e'� P �°- GRADE T4 DRAIN e _ (" o { JAY - Tl'�' L'1-1 v > Z DRAIN t S TEM, rn vTro ?',` Ci4 a a O +-p� a K89.bs- PROP TCH BASIN) J 1 PROP. CATCH BASIN Cs. C�Drn7R=liva,c ':g �` -'�Y ��vT t} &a3.95' / F F i7. R ' 3. -"`ms's W a- 1-5 NCDOT a�TD, 840.Qi NCDOT ST6, S4i7.41 ees.t< `.�• aak'�,.rr __�+Pr �%4ET L - �' r ` �fkT �E Q Z y i Ms Sry�a 7S ❑f i yE 3 Z �t -..i W Eryr S-. ,_, aAllR 4' FrE Y #�' 'k ,I VF f{yeAt J�+-vnFi2^4 � U` U oA H � F f iF F+'SC Gy l'$ d Z C7 TT ({N' _ F NIECMflI50fT ND WF E� N4A W',IASON - - - 'S 11 + f �+ *+ A r'4 (� d PI: 133-12.4-59 Y� f ` \+ f SUfiESFi Rq� SA81 TRA RAI J 78�i4f 3rH: Y IAN _ Q Z 4...' 06 26649. K. 457 l `' .r-" \ 'ol and 541RENDRACRAI Q Z MD 11 PO 160, 621 L4 �" E rfl O IN L `P s• �' PI: 13.3-153 7 �,r. . AL{�71W+�(� CI Y f 60 3 AMITY PLAG'E + [7B 9 7C AG 431 g { r :� W I+ TO EXI;yTJNC SIVALE \. MBP 1&s, ata L2 iry s'('+4k( - -- U J s1'M y' 8(i3 AMITY FU1C _ �•- t % l "14,LU U - 'Ria t ,! �.... 'i pA Y_ •� f' Q�i� -_. co co W PINE LU \ PRtlPT1u + r e q _ Q r_ Nk co 0 30 so- Existing Perennial Tributary o = W U U (IN FEET) Existing Pipe '9 Im pacts: FIGURE NO. REFERENCE: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH / DESIGN PLANS DESIGN PLANS PROVIDED BY STV ENGINEERS, INC. ON 10/19/2016. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM • •Permanent Loss MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. � 9 •Permanent Impact (No Loss) DESIGN REFERENCE: N m o See Plan Sheet 6; ,� Z Q Appendix III N Q .� N o Impact No. 6 0 505 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream H - Due to bank grading and geogrid bank stabilization L0 LO step pool bed stabilization; I ZZ o 17 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream H - 19 Due to minor straightening to limit bend erosion and U to establish natural channel design plan form LLJ � cy.) 'PSd'Kv4. HASSANr -- Q O Cl) rAY PARCEL 1315-414-23�" _ k - q+f_ - "- l tc 0 Of il& -2064, Fk, 2 ts4CO L'7R. RF a Yp,Nv-YELO7 �� $- F? FL 447 >FV9 CE[`AR SPf71N VS R - \ 1 . Y v ROOFL❑ Y* -'A ISE 1.8T Lr Or 7AL - �. �i n 7'x.•114 2? (,L Ff_JIC"�`.BRAN N 40b 11 ANO ',L_ 14 7B [O8S7. AG. 441 M1 INSTA. L RPPR247G BB LF ?CL -� :CE ^- Till ��"� \j•'} CH Rta'L-{.. FTt)WLFY — _ ' _ - Ku P4, aC. 447, Br, L7 �1 OWAii'1E OF CEO}- FROU S?A. 23+58 $-FyEaR _ _ _ _ _ - WYI TT _ i -,r -___ QRBi Sll5 Ff(1R r(1N ANA _ Tii1.. S7A.-74-FYS-GW LEFT SIDE _ _ - - -PI'. a egxE4.. - -i PI. 13.3 ,14-22 " ` - _ _ _ - �6d ..' `RAJ( t10RTON- - AT A SLOPE OF 1..¢H: 4Y �. 7' 1 OB 21097, PG. 17p `S.,• �,.`--��.�,- - - � 1 FI: 133-114--20 �""`— - - MB 14, PC 44, BF La - l OP 25500 PC. 741 FAST.ABASO PROP, '* � ��---`--= zl ra � _ _ - _ - _ _ Area of straightening �B zssz�, PG 17s � o , � 7 N G _ g ti� PG 447, BF, L4 / ! ! .. L" - fi7Cy1 C£pp•R ';}%RIN6`Fi +1QAO "' _ _ vINS rAI ENgWAI_L NCUUT STI3. 839.D1"' // - ` _ _ r - IAg._ ]+� P(: MT. $F, L _ `�� .. �"� }RO 1B. CEDAR SPRINw RIA L _— - %1 '�Jy� Ntu.I H. 5 JR AP7O Uj L"XI:3T, SI-OPE ✓ \�. "'Fi I Fs10VE APPR(IX. 10-iF OF PIpE E3-L'ePiAR. ST`s.Rl IipA11 �+� 53�, s• one - l `� ,9fs {}�.� 2h':1V 4r c INSiAI.L RFP RAP APRON W/ CL Ass I R'F ,{ues R��SON h S �� ,'.. I. 1 I.,,yNIWE7'7 S T1+25 f! r'.: fes' �• 4 TONS 6LA�r-I RAP C•SdF _ � �/r.� I � iTµ3 1f4�-ts - - �. 3'EP POOL — 4U « +r 4Q0g, PC 288 �• SD I_T IN57 TCE �� 6EOTEknL IF RAF J D1 +wer f -' Pn dC IN8 h`— YC T}PE $ FA9RiC . —. - f- / 4� - -- `. Tv _.� P�Y,Nna9uw. F '�`, "EviS�.1:5- �5`I SFJF' �% _ - _ 7, 9F, 2 L.. 91_ET$ W Ec P1 } GRADE LEF-r SHOE OF _ r FKQWAD.- T 3 ,Y •a 7� 'A$4 REpgxtpN RC 1knE ►eNe y To. I Ap % �bY D S,rrCJ a1� 9E k Ar 7J-I:1V S. f- I— TI, S� . ,�� �1IICVt WL �� �� IN$TAL.L APPRO)t, 84 LF fC? r / r WS .. iYt�, �,{Y/ - f 12+06 L? IN- L L. r _ _ OF" _ yam- TO $TA, 18+84 i0.Y LSFI I 1 S�LO,w E L� _� ' +7.-1YF�8` � ABRC'--•� _ = i- `l• - -_ pDE TPhg SI �` - =r_5F �7 Tc - - Nero 1pTe� - e., - y�l S:AILC TCF~' S . /}+ TRANSri lC)h! FJcr 03 u C€ F Ali � . a , �` T->` -� �� 7ztpe �° �`-=�•'', 's ° /` �- N A,' INN .. - �.� � A ,. � w MenAROP. �Sk i ,I _ wx -, d , ;: - -_�bE, SQE SL+rF• - /jTV .EMS,. ti F ia- ` �-., _ ,$9..R........ •_ � -- _ - - �-r+m>Ko- wF- H a saY -� � ~�'�. x ' �'��"---�� _ P\ 5�` $5. �ti�-,\�!�,, �. 55' .,^' \ i, Rlx B� 3' Q J` �._ -•`� _'�•e-.-•-`e - ��--- _ — tt�7�--� -�� _.�. - :� `� �`'� PRIQP. iFiALNE(?iYFsq.E..M. .. 1�_ ` — �.w•"t-.>;—_�—.u- �.3.�a'4�'t.-.. —. .. `TC�-ihT:' -� �S ✓=M17E Y --ten _ �`, -- � a _ _. Es�� ---�.+�IF�3 rROu BASELYJ -. _ y -t-'- � �� - �� - ..,.� - 1E`8e3rnE 9E 9Ar1K 5$E ie- /iL z-ali y� OF ACk, SL7A, ... ; • �' E ..E l v ,� I l E ;` s5 -fir. s SSE _A —T +STw S r.SET 151$R£S1f OYi" - Lr 4.2 -CL x ENCE�.Fo ~-~ ice, I IE Tp T��`� ailSi ¢-k\hTlr q - 55 -v— ,1.. _ ) 4 4. &L •` SSC: 9 ..- l - SSE ~• S -52§S - rN�q, ,>wyi ="f- W _. _ P - _ - . - Y- .Cck• RMP S. POOL _ j NSr1LLi E,I� -1'ii s °aft PR.OP. OF- H.1V ° f rn 5.5 . - '�.- . - 5' - PROF? TCP c� N p° rAli RA,a NCOOTJ c ',55£ S5� Y SS,i�-.xE'( O 1 YtGE E7pST• 5 �j+ SLOPE GE111EEA S? R �„r-F'w' 84 SSE`. `1 /J OF 8 - . - •( _ ` V St ` SS yi .0„ y ,1' RE4d'YE/kFPLACE 8 +q �� n:;max: i ' 4 t n>a UAL CONS.. �iJ1&5 RIP RAA ,rte s W' I ry1, BANK (IYP.j ®,vt s 1 a4' ANA 11+T5 R IMSTII:.L LI VL S7RKE:$, . -.f- f l S - •F. F5 4 - ua F"wxuAi,R�i. 5 SY EXT,LE RAP 1 a 4 111 Li 10',i.S' C TRANw" "ON 1 - y7.�s �• °^( :O EX _T! SANKPROP N2H ° D I. SEE �'VZS Q#I NP s SEF SSE_. rCF -.ti_ -.,� J 4' CL rEECF $ 1 [ }_ D Ei :TY 9l.OWE. 1 f---! - A1J� 15+9 STA. t8 i - r 6 510E ❑F CFiANN E. SS - y _ / .2g 19STALL LIVE $TAkES, ,. .4 E N n BANE AT w °9g s TR+WSmON �G Y A l 7F ORARY �4A?TIN W F — ! 2h:1Y V Y zb' i- C. k SFWm1R LU j -� "FRVC71Cf1 - (SEE CHANNE SH:tV 8 sEPRCP 7.5ri:IY 5L ,"I'�I F�wEq AIFa n SEr SrIEErBP4 b Pl VARY St:OPc / TO E]cSI. _ CROSS 'SCC?IONS) _ EN 9T14. r'�i�Iffi { A IFFY oA t7 1 �9L qn -BL;Cn WEEWSTA. 11.28 ANO - ANQ 13r 00 LT iNS'ALL LIM1F STA3f� i FrnlarnT,Y\v 'II �)m.M.. J :ac >A° C 0- R�ci. G>-IAFINEL _ _ �_ _ _ T TEliPORARY VATT,W }� _ 1"�yF s• _EpYE,r _ - +_ 1 - 10.7 LF- - __~I J ; 1 `- 15+76 A INSTALL I_IYE STAKES. Q# G, & SEEOINa ' 1--� 1 nnK � 4' CL 'FEI�@P,�• k.A�tHAL �� Q O jL, F 7at'g i TEE SHEI-T ERTI WG Al SEEDIbKs --. -__} SE S1i EFTS Q4 dr Ft V I ll kI RESET � I F OF I - l_ SEE $HELLS i74 -de F 1 l __ C:1AIM LINM FCNiC j 1 -�- .<..� �uPaRRRY ... -. _ - _ SCALL APPRO7(. 86 :.F { 'll i .1' ftERKm'[-7r'R LACE Icrtrvr LU a- (SEE RARY ACCESS `�1 � � �0 I � Y' Aa IIA_ i �'' l { I as 2s` CAL" . TC- 1 FCR -I_ ` - - D FROM ti 1z+4;i a 1 .'xner i. 1. - ,�� I 'M1 ERRY 10 y r y .%ErPV-RAC, " AC - - - _ _ F' N FO TA. 1Jl. 'FL6rir 330E 4} 'r �1�V. .aFs�'#I !!lrrr 111 1} ON f / _ K�ll 14 wc°, ;r�c.� AI WFT P_OP, Al HO aMI"m'�. -"�\1 H�+.e. -- lY R LU . rs xw�,_ [� �•�-��- B Lr Or , s*aa, 1 f g,L e -70i.]Z'' ` 1A t a� FFNC{ Tilu 4 F V i 11T1`` FE 4 C1r mt��, • 4 r. _ llll r C7W>YT- UPORiRi 4Ct_F i ry� Z rF R COLI aN LF �.1� '{ ($EE SIqFET _ i_ L_ Q y TY PLACE A[xi AMITY _ '1>oLLAAI E. EAR a G" -� 1 4H fy- 4 L •J-��__�-�- CS AOgR 1 2 5f®NY R StttPT LWI a�'f�E T. H Q Fv+Tar rP°s.:r 'Y:M. i 1 I+1 11 i j rt - �BO�I:3 ,pjp3-114.. I 1E t 1 1.O�d 54ll Q 580B AFRI V P Q 1 Y CO I CO I QI WI CO 1 0 30 60 (IN FEET) REFERENCE: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH / DESIGN PLANS DESIGN PLANS PROVIDED BY STV ENGINEERS, INC. ON 10/19/2016. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. Existing Perennial Tributary Existing Pipe Impacts: FIGURE NO. 111IM1111 Permanent Loss 6 "� Permanent Impact (No Loss) DESIGN REFERENCE: See Plan Sheet 7 (left z o pane); Appendix III RNO 1'I: , 35 Y - ,i PU 1 ryr'f s'" a D� 1 i� 18 -VAIJi f� PG �. RAY M 1s ESQ CD fLELACE 7 Sy N CD OF FiTr"1JAr i' FRS FT S} _ _ - o _ o LO pj Ilk IREF- 22,04' _.�S Roe,_ 16P O� �'�� �'�'�'� � - � ,IAS � �,�+ ,� � � � � co 0- Vol LFA T OF LLI PR07CTtTES LL( ,�. :y • - s PD Ll -tiB 15, Pq T Impact t No. Cd q 7 _ � - � 60 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream HTV -s Due to geogrid bank stabilization installation r . SIDE CTRZAL �. P C rte'-.• - ` � a VFW- - • r _ r _aahMCK wgr taiCOEI- H OA rYAKz ow s y E� 0 U Z)AW _ 0 0 20 40 MID r JAMES �_NgIMA 5, � '-€1 — ExistingPerennial Tributary (IN FEET) T� IM4iI%A �4 j' ie IS Y Existing Pipe FIGURE NO. REFERENCE: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH / DESIGN PLANSi: 131 +F i MIS 1P DESIGN PLANS PROVIDED BY STV ENGINEERS INC. ON 10/19/2016. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM �i�''x yy�a ss�� '' t}� , I g MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED , { )3, fs16. �i � i } � Im pacts: ARE APPROXIMATED. THEYARE NOT BASED ON CIVILSURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. p 5-77-0 wtil`T'fLi�� Y°���''�� , � • •Permanent Impact (No Loss) DESIGN REFERENCE: N m o See Plan Sheets 7 (right .� ,� z o pane) and 9; Appendix III , r, F N Q Q 4 w - ---- _ IN CD CV L LO LO RUSSO PROP'ER1ES I_LtW `7 �� N 0 o TUA RIK and I yo. PI; 133-201-13� PAE NAV.' o ;" ,� g#►!+I�� NG _ atx p$ 9.62E 4, PG 3#B Pl: 133-381-12 � o PI -133'a 61-11 i sc� f, 1 F_ co hf9 1,, PG 245. 8'G, L13 05' 28946, PG, 784 69 27$1 -.FG. 721 E +r FZICH Er1A. l4ELLC MID � 1� x�� ` w � � M E 1 65T3 EAGLEC ST f�4AU MB 15, PG 245, BG, L12 W15 15, PG 45, RG' L11 F0U F ' 1 � � Q O M H 5507 �EAGLECREST ROAD SSC1 EAGLEC ST ROAD FFE=;ir 1 7 e Pit 133-2 31 TO U 0 C0 d' K THALWEG 1M17] i s" 1 +I}B 12811, f?d� 230 cn 0- R+�lj11JS 3� t1 �p 15, PG 245,G, Lib Z CRY 13' FGIN STA. 2'1+75 1'Q +1 LADE F[1(j A7 �I 0443 EAGLECREST Ra MEANDER 7FIALWEI W! f! r5D 2 E T7F STEP ! � �' `+� ltLE i�AQ1115 a4 R SPACED EVERY 25` FROM $T 3Alc �+ INSTALL APPROX. 175 LF 22+ [1 To Z3+ '+ Impact No. 38 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream H 1 fJ ' w Impact No. 8 - ,��• 1 OF GEd-fi�dlD FRq�/ STA, 2i+Sa � - ,� _ 27 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream H a ®3 TO STA 24+,25 4N LEFT SIDE ��- Due to riprap apron installation E ` OF t,5H:1!� ' . - -- - -- - - ---� --- Due to culvert extension Uj L Impact No. 10 �,,.,- - - a4r A SLt]€+E 143 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream H ! , P1ifIP 12'X6" CULVERT / ` -1 `°Q1. Due to bank grading and geogrid bank stabilization; SEE 1g FOR fNpp It Y �� PI EG FEf�ICE P'D _ step pool bed stabilization ~ -- -_ RESET Ali�4 _ w s 3u• 14 45' C' y'tGE T T Y ;rA ; LF d7F FENCE PROP. TOP OF �Ai1Ik (TYP.) � '+�REk f5 1MI�iN � JOSEPH E. s1F±OH '} AFI .g i _ C PI: 133-261 _09 D6 14296, PG. .444 P` I. SIE 15. PG 2 6G. L8 e y • - 6437 E GLEGREST ROAD i PROP, THALwEa WEN x s A --- Q'EWI TE STEP POOLTYP.} PID Ste' - aaa7"'1 ,' _ —tea ...: - - 5 {3.E. A S En — aaaia _F.� tj-.,—.. � \. .�-16 _ - POE Impact o. 11 OAK E - - T 125 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream I �` LU SD ----- �` .S'QEnh�'_""�� '=i• --- •ara _ �^--'DAs.- SET �SER°;Ze O i PRi1P, �{}TT411 OF BANK (T5'ir• --� D 4�C Y p Pl; i 33= Due to rerouting of channel with confluence futher upstream - - i, E B 21815. _ a- 111.113 - 6113%11,PG�5ST Z. �, TC TCE T- �-'�" iCE Impact No. 12 ~ rqK OR'.�IpE RIGHT" SIDE OF GHAd•NNEL - I MF�1H SAM AND Y 51 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream I �b j w _ f/) d• r 9 AT A 7Ji:iV 1 Due to step pool channel stabilization, bank reshaping �� y �j' J w MUI TH{� wkr - - �. TRkNSI T1 DF! a . Y Plr 133, P0. 42 E ERW PR&gISTv s�9PE~- - ---- .a++;�[r RST 5 AL+ 3F PRIVACY n� _ _ v ,c•..- a a ' Tp BAND 6ET'11�Eh1 5T#_ .. + - - (TEMPORARY MAT71MG, EDiiMQ-` y� � 44b CONSTRUCTION—,- -22 pg 6263, RG, 484 -A- STA 22+5p. AND+97 T INSTALL Li 1+E ST fE74GF ME 1a, {�G 3Q3. 828, L12. TIE TiJ EXIST. CHAN EL TEhF TS D# N e SEED3 EFTS D4 ,� p3 - _ . _ _ . E -_ `38 AMITY PLACE 1 -'--` I 7i 7 EXiS i CHANNEL 2- n } °.r' D4 A te" �FH#L AND 5.W - W a OA, TR A. N1310,r� Rio X33 -2&1-2d 9�h 24+ Q LU ae - , 2x• ' �� 46�} S1 ( x„r x 174N FI€7KF PR1f'. H:iW - - � . PG. Cs73 _ 1ST, 6ETYO LOPE a Q Z I _ <3 14 O 303 928, L -- : e^ +W 1 f f Ct tP rP 2.5+ L T iMSTALL J 24- 5622 Ash 1TY F'L#G ti ra+� z4' nuc .STAKES, D# ( , c ` _-' ' ��' o -s' ra E$ wpm. ryai aAsc _ -E G. do SEMI � rd` ry cx ~1 vu�Ewr SEE SH TS UIL p C4 T� SIDES OF - d - 1 i r p[, PI; 133-261-23 r i. 34.51, PG, . "� � �` � _ FiTR • 1 V SLOPE L t O HE50 AND fi4 CO I M6 10. PG 1303, 26 L11 50 %• °i °L U" - - 25+0U L737AkLL Q I ------- -_`+ f E�' j� 5&3(7 41®ITtr .F�ILAGE f a - �� nLLEN r+,' 6EALS AND � 'CRY ,I ,& w I I ) - SEE 4H I - BETSY J SEALS T& P1 """" Existing Intermittent TributaryCO PI: 133-261-25 f IY 0 25 so + J �' ❑B 17251, PG. 709 ! Existing Perennial Tributary o y Me 10, PG 3113, E326, L9 ° w i 1R AkI PI a.r`C aa'- s dyu U (IN FEET) — Existing Pipe Im pacts: FIGURE NO. REFERENCE: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH / DESIGN PLANS DESIGN PLANS PROVIDED BY STV ENGINEERS, INC. ON 10/19/2016. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM • • Permanent Loss Q MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED v ARE APPROXIMATED. THEYARE NOT BASED ON CIVILSURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. • •Permanent Impact (No Loss) Iii DESIGN REFERENCE: See Plan Sheet 8; Appendix III - uIE � - �-. 1-1A?ITEA '. 5" 1 S' � P6 f•, �-S q 'fid '9 s • 6 J45€ GAL'{?LIQ FK�dT9L{st Ahiii. _ � KHAN LIANs FIND N RENS-HERNANDEf I�A57tSFi r - d{HIN fBIN AYE �` THg1AhS M. QUICK AAIB % Ss ��01 TAX PARCEL # 133-261-04 TAX PARCEL # '133-2fi1-D2 REBECCA S. GARDNER 0. l DI3 10737, PSG, 863 PLANTM f` LT4, 8G, Pp 15, PG 635 6B 29 G 5 X55 PI: i33 -2$t-{71 @437 EAGLECREST ROA,. uuE a= MB 15, PG 63 s, E Gr L2 1®. o c a ETaav R6 ��5$, FG. s"59 �\ 33C7B 4Si'ENDALE LIGE a+LK ��alex MB 15, PG' S3S, BC, TRANSITION FW* EMST. SLOPE 5Lha , 3312 ASPENDALE LANE 4s •sKeo tia�' '' TO PROP. B;4W,$L DPE 4F 2H -,IV NQ FOWER-yn� BETWEEN STA. 314,15 AND 31+0 LT d� RT ti� ice' FW'10 PERWANLNT ~� INSTALL LVE STAKM - -- PORARY MATTINi,'* SUAING r ` f '� SWEETS D4 8s P7 ti s yr vas of �r ` t 3RADE BIRTH SIDES OF CHA f FFE- a �re.1a°•,r PROP BANK AT A 2H'' SLOPE ch i ( } ' D444 r OF T1P. TAYEEN STA. AhIC� OAK 73+W,I,T & RT IN5TALIAiVE STARES, TEkF%*ARY MATTING, .de SEEDING 4k - f 7xa,�x .•H� 1® SE HEE b# do ;P L = S� 4'i OAK � R 94 f2' INo POWER_ $RG N -02-C4'06' E iNF E 91 EST BOTTOM r 58.45'FTA27 GRASS LE ew r i M -L� i O� HUNK (TYP.. o +65 TO 32+96 R EXIST, , SHEET D4 2 de Ejg}WALL 1+� UE ..n.. K 81 ! 754`51 ` W - RpE` PDE _ - --PDP- - - - - E �BE� BIDE - - - - -A- STA, 31+1.5.00 TAE TO EVST. OHANNEL - - "R€ (Twti ) ' n 2 PROP. TH WEG WHEN AEVF�4T y az• FROM H LINE (TYPL) � �EC]RGE w, I.6E AND °,wc -- -- V VI AN E. LEE - HEPLrwER. i ------ ti ' TAX PARCEL ,F-t3� 26T 3o _,- W9 PLIiYAN EMT�f D19 5' 77, PG 263 _ [ Naaars�• �—_ LT4, I�,v6 PS 10, PG 3Q3 5622 AMITY KACEF NIKULAOS P. MANTIS AND ENT FGT1N1 MANTIS POP. RIP RAP APfiOR T}I: 133-281-31 EST 8 TANS CLASS -B R 11 GRI"E EST. 5 SY GEOTE%11L•E. L3RI+:�E •.-�;. �.� Dg 44 9, P,- 21 L-IO'r W=4.5, T-2ff 1tl18 tf7;. PGS 3fl1, B2B, L3 5512 AMITY PLACE +Pn - ___—_____'Hi'tW6 �T�.,I r C. S_ 4EH7-r,7.3U" m 0 25 50 (IN FEET) FERENCE: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH / DESIGN PLANS -SIGN PLANS PROVIDED BY STV ENGINEERS, INC. ON 10/19/2016. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM CKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYEI :E APPROXIMATED. THEYARE NOT BASED ON CIVILSURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. r K Jurisdictional origin determined by FINE �1re�xE Crystal Amschler of USACE on 12/1/2016 20Stwu DRAINAGE Eh.}71ENT rY P nr REWO EXIST PROP, DROP INLET ;..JB WjWH A-13 AND ADWPALL KP NC6OT STD. T344.1 -1 -- - - - - 4T 5TD: v EBUILD I . -..• - r.sT , L 3 �7dISr, 7iETAIN 6 EA -- WA TCSwee 1 AW, D 1a r ¢w E4v EML NT OE +' MW _ EL 6- e r , PROP. y' •AH "1t' .5. �' PAIS RE$ET AF'pRG?L 6H LF o�rnn novo i u i rr © 4 • OF SPLIT RAL FENCEEND CONm I 4y Impact No. 13 { a REWOV1E EMST, p_ DTA, ',r3+T3 14 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream I 4 i HEiA13WALL -7O E3(IST. SYSTEMDue to bank reshaping, and installation 1 of grade control measures. DLiLLAR dK E}iTEl1[} TF �o s� i a 1 H" RGf' Il �0 Nlg�ry�S�phylEtar fr.- �g q FFE-7�1.a2`r i�•�� � � � �r� DAI H. NC;UYEN AND ;' ` rf FLANRA CMJYEH KIM 7HI NGUYEN o�i 4 tIT FACE �I 411 k r PI: 133-ZIGt=32 a� I v [p FABRIC DS 17641), PG. 66:5 MB SIO, PSG 341. 826. 5506 AMITY PLACE RANJEE. Gt1RUN ^,, AM81KA' OU RUuNG, j I1 JAlr BEI; IJRUNG crLd EO GURU m � , 1;z . r�qa LJ 73t$a ti i Ph 133-281-33 711 _ES _ LDA 4h '*� LJ 92 �-,� r----.-,-.,__�_.. Da 2 i1 pCr' ,�53 Lam.. G`3. WENT=7�u 6A' __ M_ 1'D PG �C]'i, $26 L1 4v g .T .�_ ... -- 'a AMII •••• Existing Non -Jurisdictional Drainage • 1101• Existing Intermittent Tributary Existing Pipe Impacts: 0 0 Permanent Impact (No Loss) O C) 0_ LO N _ z II O F cO U LLJ LLJ Lo Q U M U Of M V C0 0- FIGURE NO. 9 DESIGN REFERENCE: See Plan Sheets 10 and 13; Appendix III 0 20 40 (IN FEET) t C 41 t 4? Q4 V4A s , r � �C Impact No. 14 127 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream H a Due to culvert installation / system closure f �» SINK HOL e Impact No. 16 27 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream D Due to step pool channel stabilization, bank reshaping. Note: Additional riprap is not considered a loss as rlk ,r,,r the existing channel is currently lined rwith riprap. ' 4;0� ^� D2 FRc C PLACE M070 IRD END OF SW POLL UP� �1 �' `"�-� To cuL T ENTRAs�I DE ' t x PROP. RIP ALONG VHNGWA,LL EST 7 MNS CLASS -41 RIP RAP C l ''* � f � , � a k• � � � � ui N rr cc /.� • L4v f 2 ❑ ❑ • ��!! p/ .tom ,}.y t o LO NO 11 Z co LLI Lo J M •2 / U of Cl)14 Pomo 7,03 LF g'Y,4' /0 RT 0 a Impact No. 15 SEE SHED 10 FOR"INFOI I.i4T1aN r r r Fr r AC r` r 5 27 LF of Permanent Loss to Stream DAPPROX. 1�D IF Due to culvert installation OF, PRIVACY FENCE � ' PROF'. 32 LF 12'XV BOXAM � SHEET 10 FOR INFO ` I i LF DC K)BLI= 87X4' BOX" 0+ .2 fiF co 'f VL OPi' RIP WN ST. 7 TC NS I P AP 5SY GEO ; it2, FABRIC EST, 5 Za'1Y C;Ei 7EA11I. r, TYPE 2 FABRIC ,""' Lr13', 1-8', T -2 -Vii r SHED f R711h. 4+7.57.64`, r 0+00.00 8-8 JLNE:I_ION BUIL' REFERENCE: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH / DESIGN PLANS DESIGN PLANS PROVIDED BY STV ENGINEERS, INC. ON 10/19/2016. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEYARE NOT BASED ON CIVILSURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. PROF'. 447 /LF 12'X SEE SHEV 1C} FOR AspH PARKING - 5B.22-/ 'PRHkAD I . ElEV 712�9G� ac TABIUZE CHANNEL BANKS •, w 1 NTH FATTING & NAMAL PLAN7INr-S Ai SEE: SHEETS D4 de P2 Zf) -r�— •�•'.� o � SDE 5DF SDE" '•.� , - — 8' PRI VACY man G E OR CK Uj JW It IN1 {7' DRr4til�1+ C3 _ LA Mt--" r V -tir e T. CHANNEL aa,K 9 1°5/PG 248- "- P'DE _ > i - La WEETGIUM • 40 fl, .• f Existing Intermittent Tributary 01 PROP. STEP PExisting Pipe _ CyUI. i � SEE DETAIL -SHEET 01 D1 XEETG6M ti. Im pacts: FIGURE NO. Permanent Loss 10 ALY AND • • Permanent Impact (No Loss) LCL, . G , } BEND a -B-STA. 12+81.64 `k DESIGN REFERENCE: ',f`� 's, r = See Plan Sheet 11 • I T _2 ' ..� z ' f `. REMOVE & REPLACE `}q HVAC, Appendix III21 ' 4}F DEW" t - TDP' GAF WALL �f . DE . SUE - ,. co s - o SDE , Sur SDE, ELEt} - ,SU , L k DEPARTMENT = ,i� 1 t -+13- STAT. 13+ F NC - o t - - a ,s ` 5. F'ROP. H EAL7�IFII, `� P! t ° o L, SIDE �5 SHEET S-$, -3 D8 2# II oz o S-2$ _ �Y r 010NFf `° -q� g2+ - --� r 1d1 �+fSTRUTIDF1 w "' M _ - c k -- _ . ,� — — STS. � 3+� � a � - 'RE— E SW7 E_ -SOL EE21.00 „ -� 5 E r 5 0, -_ PROP. P RAP ALONG+A11AM '1Ja4LL � SSE ".. ,,. _ ■' EST. TONS _o'Le�► 'I RIS" RAP - TYPE 2 F,I-C 2¢2I W(MAX)=111-W, - V T - CE FOOTER RC0< AT J F k ND OF STEP POCL ID - 777AIDE CONTROL STRUT. � .3' f $r+ R'_`� 1;� key �.r' . "J DIJL4'ER _ y. T PRDP. TRAFFIC ��'.' � � �x b PROP ADEM BEARING CRATED INLET AMD FILL INCDQr STD, W.35 "EXIST. iia CUP REMOVE QXIST. HVAC NOIMPACT HEA;DWA,LL Channel determined to be non -jurisdictional ♦ by Crystal Amschler of USACE on 12/1/2016 MO ,+ `f REVE EPLACE 148 LF OF �''° 0' ICHAJN LINK FENCE Q PRDK; RI r• _ ....... �1R' �'4LDr1� RET. WALL ��° Y� z u U-1 ' t h15 DL+4:�—I IF�IP° RIP .�" � , .••; � ,,, o o ST +CEO 7ExT1LE TYRE 2 1-46 T • s� '' CJf EXIST RETAI,MIAIi Impact No. 17 w j rr WALL TO RE)llIAIN� i �"� 62 LF of Permanent Impact (No Loss) to Stream H ' �-` W 2 � ,r rf+' r�`'': Due to Stabilization using step pools and bank grading; J w Oz ARTMIEHT Elm i�yy„ -4 fA, r �3ttILMNI ,r$ S relocation/extension to new pipe inlet TCE O r r4�in tirrLfr6Crl.A, I4:G IJtJ Lf W aZ v P DT G'L FE E T--- g z i a1 PROP. STEP R'C�i_ % w O J6 1 + 9 Vi (D O ° PLACE F4{� TLR R AT , ' � `� % I TIE TO EXIST, PIKE PROP RAP APRON 11L Q < G2 END +DF,RXIST. ALT � �.! EST. 12 ONS CLASS-1 RIP 1�+►F' � Q Of U Q ,� EST. 1 511E d�OTE}T]LE 414 SIRE N[]f2i`H C,�Ft `f f T'YP'E � F�R1G o z { . �F r H { �41N E(1 L=1D°� wl��', U 2LU .`' ��: 133-1a�a-1z ,��, . SHALT �+� -� ��� _$', r= a Q � Y DEI 08. PC. O U FIFE M3 44, PO p7B f CO 5441 E. INDE�ADENCE / `� —p— rAr O+x'4,28 co LU ' B iJLF, ,�F�a ;s TIE r EXIST, PIPE Q ~ w -- 0 0 20 40 (IN FEET) RENCE: 2016 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH / DESIGN PLANS �;N PLANS PROVIDED BY STV ENGINEERS, INC. ON 10/19/2016. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM (LENBURG COUNTY GIS. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLP \PPROXIMATED. THEYARE NOT BASED ON CIVILSURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. •••••• Existing Non -Jurisdictional Drainage ........ Existing Intermittent Tributary Existing Pipe FIGURE NO. Impacts: 11 0 0 Permanent Impact (No Loss) Appendix I - Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) P Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.4 January 2009 Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ❑Q Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: or General Permit (GP) number: 163 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑x Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ❑x 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ❑ Yes x❑ No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes ❑x No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. x❑ Yes ❑ No 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h below. ❑ Yes ❑x No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project 2b. County: Mecklenburg 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Charlotte 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: N/A 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Multiple Owners 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): N/A 3d. Street address: 3e. City, state, zip: 3f. Telephone no.: 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agentx❑ Other, specify: Charlotte Storm Water Services 4b. Name: Erin Shanaberger 4c. Business name (if applicable): Charlotte Storm Water Services 4d. Street address: 600 East Fourth Street 4e. City, state, zip: Charlotte, NC, 28202 4f. Telephone no.: 704-336-3927 4g. Fax no.: 704-336-6586 4h. Email address: erin.shanaberger@charlottenc.gov 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: David Homans 5b. Business name (if applicable): S&ME, Inc. 5c. Street address: 9751 Southern Pine Blvd. 5d. City, state, zip: Charlotte, NC, 28273 5e. Telephone no.: 704-523-4726 5f. Fax no.: 704-525-3953 5g. Email address: dhomans@smeinc.com Page 2 of 10 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.186767 Longitude: -80.754536 1 c. Property size: 45 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed project: Campbell Creek 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: Class C 2c. River basin: Lower Catawba River Basin (WBD HUC 03050103) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Channel condition within the project area includes actively eroding banks. Land use adjacent to the stream and throughout its watershed is largely made up of medium and high density maintained residential areas. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0.35 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 4,461 3d. The Explain the purpose of the proposed project: purpose of this project is to repair and upgrade storm water infrastructure and improve the stability of the stream channels. 3e. See Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: "Proposed Project Impacts" section of attached letter. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project including all prior phases in the past? ❑x Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Comments: 2010-1676 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? ❑ Preliminaryx❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: STV/Ralph whitehead Other: S&ME re-evaluated in 2016 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. USACE - November 24, 2010; USACE field visit December 1, 2017 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past? ❑ Yes x❑ No ❑ Unknown 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ❑x No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlandsx❑ Streams — tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. Wetland impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 2b. Type of impact 2c. Type of wetland 2d. Forested 2e. Type of jurisdiction Corps (404,10) or DWQ (401, other) 2f. Area of impact (acres) W1 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No - W2 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No - W3 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No - W4 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No - W5 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No - W6 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No - 2g. Total Wetland Impacts: 2h. Comments: No Wetland Impacts 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. Stream impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) 3b. Type of impact 3c. Stream name 3d. Perennial (PER) or intermittent (INT)? 3e. Type of jurisdiction 3f. Average stream width (feet) 3g. Impact length (linear feet) S1 - Choose one - - S2 - Choose one - - S3 - Choose one - - S4 - Choose one - - S5 - Choose one - - S6 - Choose one - - 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 3i. Comments: SEE TABLE 1 in attached letter Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Open water impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 4b. Name of waterbody (if applicable) 4c. Type of impact 4d. Waterbody type 4e. Area of impact (acres) 01 - Choose one Choose 02 - Choose one Choose 03 - Choose one Choose 04 - Choose one Choose 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: o open water impacts 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, the complete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number 5b. Proposed use or purpose of pond 5c. Wetland Impacts (acres) 5d. Stream Impacts (feet) 5e. Upland (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated P1 Choose one P2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Other: 6b. Buffer Impact number — Permanent (P) or Tempora T 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Stream name 6e. Buffer mitigation required? 6f. Zone 1 impact (square feet) 6g. Zone 2 impact (square feet B1 - Yes/No B2 - Yes/No B3 - Yes/No B4 - Yes/No B5 - Yes/No B6 - Yes/No 6h. Total Buffer Impacts: 6i. Comments: Page 5 of 10 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. Impacts have been avoided and minimized to the extent practicable and have been limited to what is necessary to facilitate storm water infrastructure upgrades and stream enhancement. Much of the permanent loss is due to minor channel realignments necessary to accomplish natural channel design stream enhancements and bank stabilization efforts. See attached letter. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. To prevent sedimentation of downstream portions of the affected streams, construction will be conducted in the dry through the use of cofferdams and pump-arounds. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures placed in waters will be removed and the original grade restored upon completion of the project. See attached letter. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ❑x Yes ❑ No 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): 0 DWQ El Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? El Mitigation bank El Payment to in -lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: City of Charlotte Umbrella Mitigation Bank 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type: Stream Type: Choose one Type: Choose one Quantity: 352 SMU Quantity: Quantity: 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: Choose one 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes ❑x No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yesx❑ No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Yes ❑x No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: The proposed project is a maintenance project being undertaken by a municipal stormwater authority. 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which localgovernment's jurisdiction is thisproject? City of Charlotte ❑ Phase II ❑ NSW 3b. Which of the following locally -implemented stormwater management programs ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑Coastal counties ❑HQW 4a. Which of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ORW (check all that apply): ❑Session Law 2006-246 ❑Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the Z Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes x❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval ❑ Yes ❑ No letter.) Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑Yesx❑ No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application? ❑Yesx❑ No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in F1 Yes No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. The proposed project will not generate wastewater. Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ❑ Yesx❑ No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ❑ Yes x❑ No impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. - 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? Field review did not indicate the presence of protected species or their habitat. Project area and vicinity are not located in a Designated Critical Habitat. Review of Element Occurrences on the NC NHP files found no occurrences of threatened or endangered species within a 1 -mile radius of the project 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes x❑ No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? http://ocean.floridamarine.org/efh_coral/ims/viewer.htm 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? A review of the HPOWEB GIS Web Service indicated that there were no properties currently listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within a mile of the project area. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes x❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? The proposed project will be constructed outside of the 100 -year FEMA floodplain. http://polaris.mecklenburgcountync.gov Erin Shanaberger 5/11/2017 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Date Applicant/Agent's Signature (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 Appendix II - Site Photographs Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project SWE Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 tS&ME ICity of Charlotte — Charlotte, North Carolina Taken by: D. Peine I Date Taken: 10-20-2016 y Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project SWE Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 tS&ME ICity of Charlotte — Charlotte, North Carolina Taken by: D. Peine I Date Taken: 10-20-2016 7 4N� 9y A 9 iew of Seasonal RPW Stream H, upstream of Wetland H. 35.186040, -80.754924 4 .J zw- . D� -44 , 11 iew of Seasonal RPW Stream D near 5723 Cedars East Ct. 35.187523, -80.753396 Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project SWE Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 tS&ME ICity of Charlotte — Charlotte, North Carolina Taken by: D. Peine I Date Taken: 10-20-2016 Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project SWE Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 tS&ME ICity of Charlotte — Charlotte, North Carolina Taken by: D. Peine I Date Taken: 10-20-2016 9. �e #r r" 14View of culvert and Wetland F. 35.187787, -80.755252 tp7 cp N A z^ I na .a �k 16 iew of roadway construction of future Hooper Court. 35.187862, -80.755234 Cedars East Storm Drainage Improvement Project SWE Project No. 4335-16-015 Phase 006 tS&ME ICity of Charlotte — Charlotte, North Carolina Taken by: D. Peine I Date Taken: 10-20-2016 Appendix III - Engineering Plans \-y \ — \ ton, �Y -13� F V , SSE SSE Ss V� PDE 1",�� $ V / UAD QAK S LO `IA co 9D--._ - \� 1 '6 SSE . E TCE� S i FFE= (`-� � ������ Y I / PLANTER - _ \ \- _ , ADE /k AN HALLYBURTON AND * "ILj L_--_- QU01 VAN NGUYEN / _ E N o" �^ 694.33' E. PADGETT AND PD,''� GEORGi `A-L2UPREE-AND - 5 _ `� '' VALE`�2tR-�-RAOGETT # _CE TT - ---,l�RMO D. a0 SSE �� \ og>� / MICHAEL SHA DEAL T PARCEL 133-114-26 �E _ T7XX PR'R _ _ , , - _ _ _ ' °0 / �' TAX PARCEL - --------J _ _ _ DB 6312 PG. 911 FSE ' SSE \ 3- 1 Q7---�\ - T IN UT / '' B 7 PG. 794 TAX DBR 0801# PG 169 �� ---- o T12, BF, PB 14, PG ARCEL # 133-114 44-7---- X LT1DB B 6229, PG i 0 NH \ SS T �4, I UT x / LT13, BF, �E� FE447 727 CEDAR SP UT 9} 11 69 A' LT BA PB 14 SS \ - / _--- $g3 85.51' 6 ELM FOREST \- --\ 8" �`S�\ ___1 �� `_- ,�St�H -' 4' C.L. FgNeE' 6739 CEDARnSPRINGSXROAD t \ - \ ROAD 6 / _�D UT \ SSSE RIM 696.93' / _ -3n S SSE SSE SS DE��RAI� EAS MENT \\ �\ ll �'' �' -----J Q' STORM` I \ �x \ \ \ / / I' i -' ' \ AK ' ' / / D E 2 14. PGA _ --P-0Z , i NC - P 14" OAK MB. �\ i -\ -- �� ' 'T5DE ,, 6E PDE PDE PDE PDE \ P PDE - R VE/REPLACE 80DALf - - - v - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - 20' STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT P D Irn I / X >Ibp 19AtL FENCE ` - --- _------_---_-___-- _-------------- MB.14, PG.447 \ X X _ \�� __- i _ _'�� _ T _ _ HEAD WALL IW / Nyo�\ NVp ���' PDE_ - X ice- - - -- ---------- ------------------ --_ -------------- --_ OP=693.14' m / l80 "OZ --� l / /� — PROP. TOP OF BANK (TYP) -------____--------- --- __----__--____-___-_----�------------ _ _----- — J / ' _ ___ \\ _ _ -o- ---- 6+00 --- ��--- _'-��—Tb _�--�_�^� -/ �o T / /��� �' ��� // �y-SHED -- __ _________________ _____----- -5+00 -� --- - ___--- /--- - _-_---__-------__-___+ `—� v do'i697s0'= ---------------- ---- i ------------------- ------ WA61=i==�= ----------- _—_ ��--------------- _---- -- --- - _ - - 1 /_ NG,P0�R�� - - ---------------------- -- / I - -- -- - - ------ `� ____ / Aya / -�� NO PERMANENT �[ -D -------- h -------------------------------------------- - ---------- ----- ------ "8 SS FOUNDA110N. X 4' C.L. FENCE PDE X - J�---'-------- __ i ------------ 20' STORM DRAI AGE �' - - - _ i 20' STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT _ _ - - - - - - _ _ P 2" X P — PDE 24 i EASEMENT �� X II2 -\— / ' S OAK 24" MB.11, PG. 8 ---- y I E' N - D E S� - ---- --0 OAK �/ -N� ��'' I _P��--PDE PDE _P(�E PDE PDE PDE _------- SS 1255' SSE 1 SS NO PERMAN T _ - - - - - _Ss �F Oh1N@ATLON. SS END CON 11N /' .� - - _ �' I - - - - - - -' /fr9 — — — SSE - - - �� SSE x '' J --A- STA. 3+ 3. - ,' SSE _ 1 / TIE TO EXIST. CHANNELcs� // / II I _ ---- ------- --- \� POSSIBLE I 1 ` __---- ----- / /�� S / ' S E --o PLANTER EXIS' . CB / J.B. A _ - c, TRANSI110N FR�M�P OP. 2H:1V SL00� - coNc. / ' SSE 2 RIM 693.88' / SH TOE XIST. BANK BEE STA. 3+75 X �-- DRIVE / I SSE FENCE m i� � IN\6 �J0.10' I _ ,MRE � SSE / -EFE AND 3+93 R� INSTALL LIVE STAKESa D4 w s ' _ — _ / -���__ a 8• _ NO POWER. * 2 JS / 15' / '' �' Z S,& ,--'�, NO PERMANENT ss�. 2' TEMPORARY A G, & SEEDING " SE R — _ _ _ — _ _ SE EXIST. CB SEE SHEETS D4 & P1 S,E S RIM 694.1 SE� ' SSE \ r7' FOUNDATION. TRIPLE / TEMPORARY ACCESS \�E - S S SS �' S �` _'`�D � / OAK rX z S q INV OUT 90.7 ' / i o DO NOT DISTURB SHED S S II �� — — — _ / SSE SS SSE ss781 / T m PLANTER \ / SE P � \ _ _ E _ _ SSE- � / NO POWER. f z SSE I I SS S \ X I / - - - _ SS SS - - - -SSE JI DBL o NO PERMANENT SE \ \ ' - - - i 12" FOUNDATION. .i 1' / S \ S // SSE ,-'-----------' /��- OAK , FFE=695.33'• S SSE SSE S i P R OANRUSSSLLS TROUECy AND ARC€L 1 -114-05 G ApE RIGHT SIDE OF CHAN / I I SS SS % S�/ � �� / . -' D 22234 PG. 19 BANK ONLY AT A 2H:1 V — — I I \ /-- _ i/ SS ' SS ' L 10 B24 P, 11 PG / HEDSLdPE BETWEEN STA. 3+25 D4 — —12" I a II '�N� /e s IN'/ e4 -�S 12 SSE - /' _ /moi AND 3+75 RT INSTALL LIVE STAKES, oAK SII /' SS �� 685. E �' \ �' 59 6 AM PLAN/ II I �RIM 697.14' ` _ '' INO POWER. I i i OAK TEMPORARY MATTING, &SEEDING r II / E w SSMH / SEE SHEETS D4 & P1 \\-- ,' ',��' SSE w NO PERMANENT ------_--_-` _ - k I I - 1 FOUNDATION. Z \ _ _ - - / - ED _ /// I I. \ _-_--- ii / /' 1 TRIPLE i k C.L. F �- ' v er i E= \� - - _ �' 24" ` ' � ° 4' FEN \ / \ _ _ �X \/' \ II / ii' �_� `r -�\ 697.82'*i i I i q K _- ---- __----- -----'/ / /O CONC. -- '11i//i .W�OOiDPA�ASPHALT ------ ASPHALT DRIVE DRIVE CSFFEiO696.17 �_697/3TTRIPLE O 696.09VAqG - -W--A --- 24" Cs.T __ ' OAK i 699.79 NII PATIO ` / CONC./ 5\0 '� r �'�' \\\III ,'' � 2 STORY r ,� � FFE_ _ _ BRICK/FRAME i ' 698.83'AACi `'�'/ 1FFEPI✓81�14-03�'`, 702.03' / '613 27755, PG 616 i TI MB -11PG _1_9_1- B24L12 '--- ' i' J _ r^ , 1 STORY BRICKWILMA B. NELSON BRICK/FRAME DRIVE 5930 AMITY PLACE SLAB W/BASEMENTTAX PARCEL # 133-153-08 HVAC= DB 2689, PG. 313 FFE 702.50' 00.95 MB 11, PG 189, 1322, L1 6000 AMITY PLACE I Iii' /r -------------- ---- -------- 1 i CJ1 \ /g O I II I�I �� 1 STORY JAMES F. FRED ENGLISH Y , / i FFE BRICK/FRAME 700.51 1 SLAB KAREN H. ENGLISH lI �,/ II �' / `-___ PI: 133-114-04 r wiDeNi / I}� C `� II / / - --__ i DB 5353, PG. 605 j�t8g NC R/W u C I �� / / --`-- --- - ' i 1 STORY BRICK "--'""-" \ M B 11, PG 191, B24, l W/BASEMENT "' � 5922 AMITY PLACE LESLIE COHEN TAX PARCEL # 133-114-01 \ 1 / DB 21682, PG. 797 LT14, B24, PB 11, PG 191-------------------------- `` 5944 AMITY PLACE I WANDA SUE BEERWINKLE AND LYNN L.LEANDER / IIS TAX PARCEL # 133-114-02 ' / II 1 PLANA DB 20325, PG. 393 I A41 �� nL LT1 5938 AMITY4, P13 IPLACE 191 50 UB I �� // H;V 0/ Wla� -- SCALE 1" = 20' \ LIC 1slxa, . V/ ,zti S69=ino nrvl SS \ '�NiIg s zo/NIS:'' ss �x PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION ,I,1.eW f� I W 0 0 Z Lo U r - CMD ~" CD I �-+ N C,4 LL N ccn o E z� N U 0 CO o � L U J CD U z rn m to N 698j 698 R�1 o 0 0 W 1 II '^ V J(RETAIN) I EXIST. SSMH U F a i II RETAI Lu I 694 Ljj 694 3 Q W END CONSTRUCTION EXIST. 311" CMP p Lo TIE TO EXIST. CHANNEL (RETAIN) N MAINTAIN EXIST. -A- STA. 3+93.00 - c o o ca -�- CHANNEL GRADE ELEV. = 686.42 EXIST. GROUND i, Ico 1 J CHANNEL CENTERLINE o ¢ w 690 690 O0. EXIST. SSMH (RETAIN) (RETAIN) — — — 0. ------------------ -_------ -- -- I Q -- ---- ---- ------I _--------------- - —— — ------ --- ------------------- ---------- ----------------- 686 ---- _____ __=+---------- --- ----------------- ----- 686_ ---------- ----- ��_______= II ---------- ---------- -- ------- II - - - - -- - - 682 C) 682 � A•I w � Q75 Z 678 678 674 , 674 CD Co i, M N M CC N C Cc J �0 CO N CE �O C6 �J CO ^W' CC CC C6 of Ur co O a) i\ a i� Cc i� ^-J i� of i� i� {� of x Cp of C1i, co 1 L. f,p Cp <O CO O Ur Cp O O ... CO O O O 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 w PROFILE I/ql SCALE: AL 1"4 20' 20' � � L'. � VEORTICCAL � GARAGE ANlKA,NASSAN __ -�.3 -I - `_ RESET 187 LF OF _ w�ni wER �� YANY VELOZ AND , TCE Q O / - TA PARCEL -1a3-41-4-23_-----_ -4� 4 CL FENCE TCE SUSAN WY TT o PowER. Q / coN��PAD -DB--2Q864, PG. 264 z ROGELIO VELOZ 1 TCE SHE N7 y7 — _ ° Z * ` ' p.15 INSTALL APPRAX. 68 LF PI: 133-114-18 2ERMAN & `` FFE 08.721 ' - _ PI: 133-114-21 _ _ _ _ _ _ PI: 133- 1 DB 28826, PG 176 FouN�a ; _ / WI�LI H. AN SON JR. AND v,1�6 ME%4OaNS_ _ LT9, BF, �O �4,_PG 447 �r - m---- DB 20851 PG. 441 OF GEO-GRID FROM STA. 13+58 ��85 PG. 13 MB 14, PG 447, BF, L4 1 / ISY . ANDERSON €�- 6�09 CEDAR SPRINGS ROAD-- 1 Z I I m 1 4 DWAYNE HORTON AND TO STA. 14+26 ON LEFT SIDE G / TAX PACEL -3 7, .J D MB 14, PG 447, BF, L7 M -�F, L5 6611 CEDAR SPRINGS ROAD / 133-114-16 BRIAN H. ROWLEY AND m TRACY NORTON AT A SLOPE OF 1.5H:1V Z (JT � 18 B ,237, PG. 774 o �_� _� _--- 66 _ _ 6 6®" IN RAD 18' �,,\ B 4009, PG. 269 CHERYL L. ROWLEY m PI: 133-114-20 TRANSITION TO PROP. & m J� — — a" J EDAR �� / LTI, PB 15�PG-245 _ Imo` PI: 133-114-22 0 ��' DB 25504, PG. 741 EXIST. BANKS _ ��� / i i-__; - _ _ 18" o @51:1 / B 15, PG 245, BF, L2 - TRIPLE 6-1 EDDMAN ROAD _ NO POWER - - - - _ K R STEP POOLI NO PERMiCNE _ - / / /_ _ / 6825 REDDMAN ROAD „ DB 21897, PG. 170 ' MB 14, PG 447, BF, L6 / // / - �t J I FOUNDATION.---. 1 / --�4 - _ _- MB 14, PG 447, BF, L8 6" '�-oINSTALL ENDWALL NCDOT STD. 838.01 23 CEDAR SPRI ROAD---- /" s TV OAK � / / / d O Z / DOG HARDWOOD � v EMOVE APPROX. 10 LF OF PIPE � w - � � �!r � , Q' INSTALL APPROX. 94 LF / _ 6701 CEDAR SPRINGS ROAD I lm STAL ENDWALL NCDOT STD. 83>3a1 .�// q PEN _ I ANSITION FROM EXIST. SLOPE j I -a INSTALL RIP RAP APRON W/ CLASS I RIP RAP I c,0�' REM PROX. -8 LF 0 PIPE ��/ - _ - OF GEA -GRID FROM ST . 1 00 - _ c EST. 4 TONS CLASS -1 RIP RAPINSTALL/ TO STA. 15+94 ON LEFT SI TOP �K'-OF 2H' 1 V — — / RIP W fGLA _RAP 24^ _ Z I /' O 1 - - FSE PDE T'AFSLOPE�1 P --------------- T. 5 L I IP A UT -- 0 E BETWEEN ST . 11+25 TCE _5 GEOTEXTILE TYPE 2 FABRIC I _ „F - t oA TCE TRANSITION TO EXI B KS AND 11+50 LT INS T K TC - - _ .5 GRADE LEFT SIDE OF ANNE L CONIC. v� / SY G LE 2 ABRIC - TCE TC TEMP MATTING, & DING- /' TV -BANK AT A 2H:1V SL E 1 --pq _ _ / 12"E6', -Al2- ' =1.5' T�E �_ TICE __ � I I "cl- ���A: 1 .. 4 � � - � � -4 S E SHEETS D4 & P1 1 sWTGU AK T F 12+06 LT INST LL LI S,.�- — ' DF OAK 30 d o / TV �P — TV ED SDE E TEMPORARY SEEDIN vZ E / o S — — E INSTALL APPROX.-S9F 3 0" o" 6g5 \ �\ DE- - GE - ID - ------ -- - 1a" Es pct 1ROM S D�06 21e" �F - - - - � TOv STA. 12+45 LEF I i - - 12" 10" P -- ------ — — �� ` G G AT A SLOPE F��SH:1V s" 'MAP IWNSLMON.40 PROPis-&" --- - E BANKS . E IST X K ------ i SS ---- - -- - - _ S �- -- — _ PD E SS _ - - _ _ _ - - P D 20' SYOSM DRAINAGE EASEM�NT _ _ � MB.11, PG.191 SSE SSE - Q E D, E --- - --- _ 15" , � � ` / � � -y 1 s3��F�T�D FROM BASELINE SE -SDE-' --------- SSE .) S � 695 _ OA / I -� TCE 11 x I DE SS SSE -A- STA. 15+94.00 INV INV PROP. BOTTOM ((��F BANK (TYP.)� SS SESDE SE SSI- - -- -s' - __ s-� `b G Ste, S 1$ CE CS TIE TO C A_NN1r�0 Po SS ------69 6SSMH3.76' P E Ip s.7 ��RESET LF OF / - 11 S S � s- 00 NO -PE RMxcNeN�. SHED RIM 700.71' INV PDE S, D DF - :'O�� ' FEN o R SET t " O SEO.O SSE A TCE TC Nv s 3 S� ----- FOUND SnoN. - J+. - Sl CE sass3 SS PDE _S�sS PROP., S 1 SSE BRIM 69 .9 SSE �� a 6 S \ ts" 18" 4 CL STT--QE-BAo T DE OAK 1 �O / OAK o OAK S �� iu c' SE o� SE E( -- -� SSE SSE SSE iaA RESET -2'L LF OF CF 11a" 18" INSTALL END NCDOT STD. 8358.01 SE S 0 4 CL FE1JC 0 1 - t a"0 POWER. ---- 1 INSTALL RIP RAP ON W/ CLASS I RIP RAP m 18" 0E 5,�. ti PROP. S P POOLe OAK )(, NO POw�, Z / 0 PERMANENT RET 1��� `-'' 1 / P �G�_c D1 \ y o 1 No ►l�a1V�N f5 TONS4C P RAP PDE OAK m / TRANSITION FROM PROP.:1 V SLOFK r OUNDAnON. m TO EXIST. BANK BETWEEN STA. 15+75 - 4" . , , , m r---- -------- SSE S`'" PROP. TOP � \ OAK � m N \ 1 FOUNDA$�$7Co 5 Y 6 W2XD� T 1.5 IC ' � NC. � -^ - 4tiACL FENCE SSE -- Alw" D mo , �_ � � AND 15+94 RT INSTALL LIVE STAKES 4 PLANTER - c / OF BANK (TYP.) } i __ Z§ - AVERS \ Z O SSE —I _�.� _ SHE ,_ — �?�; r � � ' � TEMPORARY MATTING, &SEEDING / m ', i- �c- _ FFE (` II SHED TR SITION FROM EXIST. SLOP m JS ' TC SS' ---/ 5F '_ ` o V , /' ` _ SEE SHEETS D4 & P1 \ FEE= 0 1 SDE F �G� S ' REMOVE/REPLACE 68 LF �7g0.oa' _ _ _ - _ J 1 TO PF��P JBANK OF 2H:1 V 18" D4 SD SS INV g5 4' CL FENCE 1 -'- o Z 1) , 24" ' DBL nn - - 7o2.aT� o y SHED / REMOVER 105 LF SLOPE BETWEEN STA. 10+90 OAK E TCE 9 6� % m 1 FFE= I OAK O / 8" / � As%1AL S'S TC / WITH POWER. I * i / HARD OD ' OF 4 CI�'PEN% 9' DRIVE\ I 2 ------ r AND 11+25 RT INSTALL LIVE STAKES`, E 0 1 SMH S TRANSITION FROM PROP. 1.5H:1V SLID I 700.85' i ON CONC. PAD 24" m TEMPORARY MATTING, &SEEDING GRADE RIGHT SIDE OF CHANNEL SSE M 699 _ 1 ` _� o Z TO EXIST. BANK BETWEEN STA. 12+88 I FOUNDAnON. ------ �,1 -------------------- OAK m SEE SHEETS D4 & Pl n -I J I I t_ _ �I _ / _y -- REMOVE %REPLACE WITH , 2.5 CALIPER n BANK AT A 1.5H:1 V & 2H:1 V VARYING SLOP I \ 1 / ., m n � AND 13+00 LT INSTALL LIVE STAKES, \ m (SEE CHANNEL CROSS SECTIONS) TEMPORARY MATTING, & SEEDING I I 11 , -'' REWOYOSN@N ERRY TRE��'a6 EGIN CO STRUCTION BETWEEN STA. 11+25 AND 1 __--, SEE SHEETS D4 & P1 _� I I 11 �' ASPHALT 1 �/ S. DOOR= 705.35' I WITH POWER -A- STA 10+90.00 15+75 RT INSTALL LIVE STAKES, D4 ---- 1 I I .'�\ 0 1 ��/ DRIVE 3.92' ON CONC. PAD. TIE TOE ST. CHANNEL I TEMPORARY MATTING, & SEEDING I - ----tel n SEE SHEETS D4 & P1 INSTALL APPROX. 66 LF D4 / \ _ , , 1 STORY I 1\ RESET 68 LF OF I FFE=7ot.2s RESET 30 LF OF -� - _ HVAC= , SHED I ` 4' CHAIN LINK FENCE m m OF �GEO-GRID FROM STA. 12+45 --- - �� 7ots4' 4 ',CL FENCE BRICK ------ TEMPORARY TEMPORARY ACCESS - r TO tTA. 13+11 ON RIGHT SIDE // o O 1\ C.S. DOOR= j (SEE SHEET TC -1 FOR701.98'-----r" TEMPORARY ACCESS __ __- Z 5 I -_ AR PORT I AT A SLOPE OF 1.5H:1V NO POWER. // X11 - FFE (SEE SHEET TC -I -FDR----_ IC AMITY PLACE ACCESS) GA AGE TRANSITION TO PROP. & NO PERMANENT_ -'I 4^ 11 c" C.S. VENT= 705.06' / _ _ m WI POWER FOUNDAnON. - DOGWOOD 703.67 'i AMITY PLACE ACCESS) WILLIAM E. EARLY AND - - - - - _ _ z EXIST. BANKS / _ _ \ \ m �� m FOFN'E= of 81PAD.- j FFE=701.08'* // C.S. VENT= J LOPRI RAI33-114 EARLY / m �� --_ - - _-- i CONC. __---- 1 STORY n ____---------- DB 3900, PG. 893 --1� - i 704.12' r� 11 1 ' RESET 6 LF OF sPtD. , _ _ DRIVE / - l I ___------" C.S.DOOR= BRICK �^ --- MB 11, PG 191 B24, L2 / / I I 4' CL FENCE 1, T ------ 701.47' 0 and STF�IP -------------- -------' -- _ ------ ------ _------- 1 STORY FFE ', HVAC= 111 5808 AMITY PLACE BRICK 705.17 701.72' A / Cly I C.S. VENT- SHED i - ENT i i O M n 'i FFE= \� — J H C= m ii 704.16_*�-- --- --- --- 1 CONC SHED' \ / // \�\ �� I DRIVE ------------- I �r 11 L --- 4 REMOVE I r- FFE C.S. DOOR= i Z L = 85.05 - - - - 0 POWER. / ii � �'\ \ � - - - - ' � � _ _ � � ii 705.28' 702.49' i i , � 0 PERMANENT __�_� \ _ 11 ------ FFE uNDAnory. -- ----------- L-----, �, 1 11 MICHAEL R. JONES and R = 786.36' 709.0' F�E=707.86(* C7 -I _----- Q - - _ - — m -n i - FFE 1 STORY __ -'-J w 11 MELISSA S. JONES PIN �BIRALEN S 73'51'10 W ____ `----------"- CONCRETE SIDEWALK — — --- m 708.22' BRICK PI: 133 114 12 a DB 7899, PG. 533 ---------------------------- � 11 m REMOVE & REt� LEN 7 • 5, STREET wlaE I R Z � MB 11, PG 191, 624 L3 � OF ALK MB.11, P'-'l C 191 --, — — — -- I - va 1 0 11 and MB 14, PG 447, �F, L4 -- -CS DOOR= I FFE I -- �o� 5816 AMITY PLACE 707.13' 709.11' i 11 I n I ____--� TUAN HOANG TRAN AND o°- M n I ------ PHUONG NGUYEN NGUYEN PHAM 11 1 STORY m 1 STORY ______-- - - I PI: 133-114-11 11 REM PLACE 15 LF OF 2'-0" VALLEY GUTTER 1 STORY BRICK BRICK _--- BRICK % I I j 2 DB 12674, PG. 580 v 11 POWER ___-_--__- MB 11, PG 191, B24, L4 & PL3 a POLE ___--- -1 I TERESA M. SHOUFLER and 5824 AMITY PLACE o 11 1 g 2 Q LLOYD B n . MORTON - -- -J I `----- I m KENNETH L. COVINGTON AND PI: 133-114-101 ----------- 0 -NOT DISTURB UTILITY POLE GLORIA AMPARO PAZ URRUTIA I EILEEN H. COVINGTON DB 29369, PG 742 ---_ --D UNIVEE E. WALLACE I MB 11, PG 191, B24, LS i1 (FIELD LOCATED) f - PI: 133-114-07 PI: 133-114-08 PI: 133-114-09 DB 3316, PG. 579 DB 11395, PG 804 DB 10651, PG. 339 5832 AMITY PLACE J _ CB MB 11, PG 191, 624, L8 MB 11, PG 191, B24, L7 m -a MB 11, PG 191, B24, L6 _ RIM 728.07 r 5900 AMITY PLACE 5848 AMITY PLACE m 5840 AMITY PLACE �J I I .� REMOVE &REPLACE 7 SY MOF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS M � 5' STREET WIDENING RAW M13.11, PG.191 _--' REMOVE & REP -0 VALLEY GUTTER PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION D 00lC'4 H I l CCD, O I LL - 05 00 N ()0 zE •�� �z a 0 `f) L � � O U � U � CD U z M m Lo 702 INSTALL ENDWALL NCDO STD. 838.01 702 , LJ o ¢ C 0 F- AIN EXIST,18"--R_ vi w rn NEW INV.=698.15 c z O v INSTALL ENDWAL. NCDOT STD. 838.01 _ Of BEGIN CONSTRUCTION RETAIN EXIST. 11- CMP TIE TO EXIST. CHANNEL NEW INV.=694.2 EXIST. SSMHI w MAINTAIN EXIST. .a 698 I I I I EXIST. SSMH (RETAIN) I 698 3 Q -A.-_SIA. 1 I I EXIST. SSMH I I (RETAIN) I I CHANNEL GRADE ELEV. = 690.19 A EXIST. GROUND ALONG _ _ _ _ IST. 18" RCP a O REMOVE APPROX. U PROP. THALWEG I I o s' & EW) 2 o0 � OD N 1 O O ON r7 NI I = EXIST. SSMH 0.0- N+ pNj +0) O O U Q Q II (RETAIN) + + > _ ' / / O X w 694 MAI TAIN EXIST. co co ¢ w ' ., a _ - - - - - - - - - 694 co a0. CHA t -GRADE o ----- - - - - -- i a I ¢w Qw I tnW-------------------- ___ ----- j �w r ------ ----- --� _-= -�------ ------ oo _1i_.EE - - - - -- - - - -- EXIST. 15" CMP - - - II U)w tnW ------------ — —------------------ ------ (REMOVE APPROX. 10') I I � - - - - - - - - - O T{� EXIST CHANNEL ��---- _ --------- �f-----�I +1.007 - ----- - ---------- - ---------1- I _----- - - - ------------------ -- - L0 co A- A. 15+94.00 �— ��.---------------- V ��+-I---- --------- ---- ----� --- ---- - ------------+ ! o �� = 695.93 --- - ------ E — --1_ 1---- O ¢w --- -----L- -- - - --------------------- __ L0 Mme- �� 690 --------- n -- - - - - ----- - - - --- 00� oOiM �� W N0) O co EXIST. GROUND K) ccoo ALONG BASELIINE� -i Q > tow v tow 686 N w 686 p.l 682 682 A w U C 678 678 I� co���.; 10 c� � CCo c i� rn v o o o N 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 w PROFILE 'A� SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 20' 5 c 00 VERTICAL 1 - 4 REMOVE '4c REPLACE 16 LF OF 2'-0" VALLEY GUT1E' _------__ - --, 11 �RivE'wAY 2 --- - - �I REMOVE` &,REPLACE 10 SY OF ONCRETE DRIVEWAY /'.N , RONNETTE CHERYL KUNTZ 1 ��'' o \ N ;° \1, / REMOVE & REPLACE 7 SY f / PI: 133=261-16 �� 3 oo 1 co \, OF CONCRETE\ SIDEWALK / o of � oAK \ Ln DB 13927, PG. 439 1 -' 18" ,n TUA BIK and 0 REMOVE & REPLACE -22 SY o MB 15, PG 245, BG, 16 -PAn(� OAK RUSSO PROPERTIES LLC �•�� \ \ OF CONCRETE DRIVEWAY INSTALL APPROX. 60 LF 6531 EAGLECREST RO D PI: 133-261-13 PAE NAW _ OF GEO-GRID FROM STA. 19+25 0 3s"� PI: 133-261-12 — _ DB 16264, PG 348 z DB 28946, PG. 784 /, \ 1 5.70' TO STA. 19+85 ON LEFT SIDE _ MB 15, PG 245, BG, L13 MB 15, PG 245, BG, L12 / AT A SLOPE OF 1.5H:1 V — — 6513 EAGLECREST ROAD RG 22.04'27 32' TRANSITION TO EXIST. BANKS oa.K 6507 EAGLECREST ROAD / LE S 2746' I AN THALWEG WITH 25' CURVE RADIUS c� r_LF__ ,SPACE EVERY 15' FROM STA. 23+75 TO 4+1 2 v i P. TOP OF BANK (TYP) Z _ _ _ _ - - - s� --- OAK D MEANDER THALWEG WITH0" URVE RADIUS OAK NREMOVE/REPLA 7REMOVE TREE LE/ OVER OF 4' CL FENC (APPROXIMATE LOCA ON) - _ SPACED EVERY 25' FROM STA 22+50 TO 23+65 HWS �'� _ - - _ 00 - INSTALL APPROX. 175 LF P ROSEMAN PROPERTIES LLC / ` OF GEO-GRID FROM STA. 22+50 PI: 133-261-17 // P q° — °` J _ e TO STA. 24+25 ON LEFT SIDE 24" ` RESET 85 LF D3 AT A SLOPE OF 1.5H:1 V OAK �\ - DB 11487, PG 545 - a ` w A MB 15, PG 245, BG, 17 /'- — — / OF 4 CL ENCE c tST TV - /� t�` 6537 EAGLECREST 0qD _ � \ I 'An - TC _ p�ECL FENCE - \ n _. �\ -,t, �i F TCE T E O� ---- -- ---- _ _ - I ---- PD ----_T - E EC _ ❑ P AN OR n , _ - - LTi l SD - --- - PROP. TOP OF BANK (TYP.) POWER SDE19. CE p FENCE - - - - - °i %E - SDE POLE � E � � TCE----T�-- __ -- -- � 1 " QO 0 E I08 s� ----- 1 ;� moi------------- — _ — � S —�__ __—_---�— '' _ — PDE- -PDE_-- �9, 9:43=�6$- -�—--_--__ 4,. — _ J S &4!-41`SIIrW --- ----- 4' 0.0 FENCE P EECICE18. -- _ ��- a ' �� � --15"4 � 1 « PD_E =T— PDE_-- QE -K - -Q HICK OAK aEN CO OAK g• IS„ STRUCTION O OAK OA �12" -A�,S,A. 19+85.00 ------- o \ o OAK 3" - TIE TO EXIST. CHANNEL 1 ��GWOOD 0 O OAK IN NSTRU 0 / 0 ---- -A- STA. 19 2 .00 J— — L, \ — — / TIEI TO EXIST° I L � / � 24 y J OAK �� ?OAS / OAK � (may - �AI K�O\ / _ 0- - - - W 18" o \ o OAK / w o - �� 11 J - � 1� CONO. \ e- O M OAK - - _ \ ------------------------------ JAMES L I ----------------- -' I 4' C.L. FENCE r ------ \ THUMAI KIM JAMES N. MYERS AND PI: 133-261-18 DB 28885, PG 614 JENNIFER G. MYERS \ \ � MB 10, PG 303, 626, L16 1 PI: 133-261-19 5720 AMITY PLACE I I DB 11616, PG. 399 \ \ MB 10, PG 303, 1326, L15 5710 AMITY PLACE I I I \ \C\ I I I PLAN W SCALE 1" = 20' MENH D. SAM AND 0POWL LnPOLE m MUI THU VAY _ x l .IST C 1 m 704{85' 699125' EXI T CB RIM 704.93 1 I INV 99.84' 1 I / 1 I I I I I I I i I 1 I DOGWOOD ----- 1 ;� moi------------- — _ — � S —�__ __—_---�— '' _ — PDE- -PDE_-- �9, 9:43=�6$- -�—--_--__ 4,. — _ J S &4!-41`SIIrW --- ----- 4' 0.0 FENCE P EECICE18. -- _ ��- a ' �� � --15"4 � 1 « PD_E =T— PDE_-- QE -K - -Q HICK OAK aEN CO OAK g• IS„ STRUCTION O OAK OA �12" -A�,S,A. 19+85.00 ------- o \ o OAK 3" - TIE TO EXIST. CHANNEL 1 ��GWOOD 0 O OAK IN NSTRU 0 / 0 ---- -A- STA. 19 2 .00 J— — L, \ — — / TIEI TO EXIST° I L � / � 24 y J OAK �� ?OAS / OAK � (may - �AI K�O\ / _ 0- - - - W 18" o \ o OAK / w o - �� 11 J - � 1� CONO. \ e- O M OAK - - _ \ ------------------------------ JAMES L I ----------------- -' I 4' C.L. FENCE r ------ \ THUMAI KIM JAMES N. MYERS AND PI: 133-261-18 DB 28885, PG 614 JENNIFER G. MYERS \ \ � MB 10, PG 303, 626, L16 1 PI: 133-261-19 5720 AMITY PLACE I I DB 11616, PG. 399 \ \ MB 10, PG 303, 1326, L15 5710 AMITY PLACE I I I \ \C\ I I I PLAN W SCALE 1" = 20' MENH D. SAM AND MUI THU VAY \ PI: 133-261-22 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION DB 6263, PG. 484 -A- STA. 22+50.00 MB 10, PG 303, B26, L12 TIE TO EXIST. CHAN E 5638 AMITY PLACE LO W 2" 0 � DOGWOOD PEAR I ' 714 I I I — Co Loo LO uL I 0 I I I I � I � ' I I i�'1 ky I DB 3451, PG. 227___ N I� U PLANTER��� ' I MB 10, PG 303, b26, L11 LO N i I L_J I 5630 AMITY PLACEooIi- / .� I I � I I � I ------------ L_j I I I PLAN W SCALE 1" = 20' ENCS 15"SG \ 714 714 m �W LO W 01 15SG 0 714 x a uL W� -1 C.) �w .a RICHARD WELC AND LENA WELC Ci. PI: 133-261 10 0 LL, DB 12610, PG. 236 z >T �M MB 15, PG 245, G, L10 6443 EAGLECREST ROAf i p p m CENTERLINE OF V m Q x w a > Q W a ROAD .OPE --- .00 STAKES,- ._ - - - - - - - 4 -15 T MAP DBL 1�55� MAP =R. I fANEN-1 ' MAP .92ND < o t PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION 714 714 714 m �W LO W 01 v 0 714 x a W� C.) �w .a Ci. _3 ca E�XIST. GROUND a p p m CENTERLINE OF V m Q x w a > Q W a DIGHT CHANNEL co 0 o0 710 710 710 0o 00 710 ��' AfINE� -A-STA.--24+4-3.96 . o^ ALONG THALWEG -B- STA. 0+00.00 00 00 0o ELEV.=701.45 N N 0to �� r, OO to to�HJ HJ EXIST. GROUND + o + o "? cam' ? (n w N W ALONG BASELINE N N I� o 706 706 706 ¢ w ¢ w co N � N > � °'. LO II II � 706 (nW tnW co n _ HJ �J ------ (n Lu (nW ----- o _ �_.. "--- _ _ 0o d NII CO ,A + N i EXIST. GROUND \ — — + Cl, N UJI ALONG BASELINE ---- c�1 II d w V' W �_.- __-- _-- --- - - - - -- --- ---- - - - - -- > I -J - - Q w to w END CONSTRUCTION 702 702 702 _ _ 702 -- - - "- +0.50% +0.50% W TO -EX IP 111171 E" L. +0.50% -A- STA. 25+10.0 — ELEV. = 705.18 -- -- �— rnto rn rnto rn to 698 ---- ----- ��� 698 698 a_ o �Q r -q �� 698 Mtp ^ EXIST. GROUND N� 4O^ *� d rl NII NII NII NII BEGIN CONSTRUCTION a; + TIE TO EXIST. CHANNEL N CENTERLINE OF N J J J END CONSTRUCTIONII LEFT CHANNEL >cn w (n w N w (n LL BEGIN CONSTRUCTION TIE 0 EXIST. CHANNEL -A- STA. 22+50.00 Q W H J TIE TO EXIST. CHANNEL ELEV. = 700.48 (~n w N W 694 _A STA. 19+85.00 694 694 694 -A ST�1-9+25 00 -698.72 ELEV. = 698.83 690 690 690 690 686 686 686 686 r M I� O co of 00 O q O O O C\!O CO Ln cc CO O O O .^. OA 11 1 M In Ln N cc CO 00 N CA i O of x Cc of N z O O O O O O 0 O - 0 O O N O rF O O O O O •- O O O O �- ^^ O O O O r i, •- i, O O O O LO �n O O co O co o 19+00 19+50 20+00 PROFILE 'A' SCALE: VEERTI OANL Al if L 141 20' 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 PROFILE W SCALE: VERTICAL 1'L 14' 20' 25+00 25+50 29.- W m Ln _ U � � HANO v� cn 00 $-- CV 4 (ten U � z� a� a 0 W~_In 0 U BUJ CD U CD Z m w W W w 0 W �. M o= NLJ m �W LO W 01 v 0 x a W� C.) �w .a Ci. _3 ca a p p m ° Go V m Q x w a > Q W a w W W w 0 W �. M o= Q�. 5 -\K- 0 CSVENT 24" �2AK�Gj6 CS DOOR , 713.61' OAK���JONIC. 711.83, , PR_1IBEGIN C UCTION RIVEWAY \ ��INTO 1 BO LVE 1 12\MAGNOLIA 2 STORY TIE ROP. CHANNEL I\FRAMED BRICKSTA. 0+00.00 71z 3' / ° / NO CRAW SPACE ST 24+43. 1 3 _ENQ 2 \\ \ PRO D UBLE CATC B NB3_ I�1A O �` O\ \ RIS 134- 3-7� STA. 1+52.06 \ \ s' CL TD. 20.03 \\ ) DB'299 9 9A ,,FFE DOOR FE ST N MCLURE \ \ / )\714.92' \\o\\\\/MB 15 IOG BDAT ROP. RI RAAS 714.67 T)kX" A EL 133-26-111 \ / X500 AC3�EC�T' _A Od N \ / E T. 165 TONS CIL RIP 2 STORY DB, 11 PG. 959 ^ / ES� 125 SY GEOTEXIILE TYPE 2 FABRIC FRAMED/BRICK LT11, G, PB 15, PG 245 / $V r , , 2r� \ L= , W1=23 , W2=30 , P CS VENT rj 4 R ` \\ Gp� 4� \\ `� \ 715.46ARAGE \\ 1y00O \713.61' 650,1 EAGLECREST ROAD p \ a v A REMOVE EXIST. 60 CMP®B-1` v <� < / v�v A -7 c'C�`� E vv & HEADWALL, O� t o" E v` A� �o \\ \\ A A \ \v p ELd712.� ' vV CS DOOR \` �� s \ \ \ G // \712.21' o�E AKP / / /QO 1s \ �`\ \ \ \ \ N� M PR_I\ \\\\cs \ c / \ - _ ^EL -718.76' . i \�\'�` PROP. HEADWALL B-1 In B- STA. 0+21.66 O oAK P / POOM oRP\� p '1 � " \ 117 LIV OF 2 0 VALLEY GUTTER - O 11 \�\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ 4'K RELOCATE S / / 1 " 2T / \ OAK Q � V A , A OUNOATIAON. HVAC 0 15" 1 \ \ FE 711.9bj* / c�p� S 21 \ / / EL=719.94' ~ O I OAK SWING OAK \ \/ 18 \ \� \ \\ �E 24" 'O \ / \ > N v �swEEr v v.. S E E �� o. " C v v vc \ QO / PO O� o<A�- �o� �r� �� r I EM VE EXIST. 60 CMP 4 A ate, °N° a� \ ° 0� 1 V A k / / / Z�S' \ A \ �cJ V vv \ X- 3 ( 18" o� ct3 (n E x \ s oAKJERRY T. MANGUMv \ 1 E �,0, PROP. MH` W/LID O O \ Al B BEALS AND 1 \\ \ C PO /,- B-2 F` O \ �'�o� I and SANDRA W. MANGU � g PROP. DROP INLET y a> !v/L D. HALL v 1 v v �� �NCDOT STS\ 840.1 vV, �'� �.�< PI: 133-263-16 A FFNCDOT STD. 18��1�5 , �1 � b�A \\ \ �' DB 3732, PG. 808 FRAMED/BRIG V v1 F- (n 92 \ P1:�133-261-24 \ �� 0�/ FFE \ 721.42' rTl o \ �� 3 " S I\\ 713.83' C B 15 PG 245 BD L16 CS VENT FFE w L v �DBB) 17251, PG. 676 �v v o \ % "\\I 5 E T GI j13\18 CONIC \\\ FRAMED BRICK S� O " 6 \ \ 436 �AGLECR�ST LOAD �\ ® EL=719.98' 721.42' a U `�.- \ ^�B 0, PG 303, B26, L10 E/� I PAD \\ / -o \ F` -\ \; 12" a CO 2622 AMITY PLACE o - 18^ " ., - _ -1 \ SPLIT-LEVEL <� ° ° AK ROAD TO RECD U DEPTH [� \ G SWEETGUM \ \ \ \ 2� 3 3 \ ° ASPHALT C NT � O 0 RE LA TEPA-' O O Z 713.30 \ ` A , PROP. 78 LF F '- LLEY\GUTTER 1 1 / vv ;y I 1 E / ,��,� , R1�C LENA i ANS coN�F \ V `�J'A\, 0 R & EP AC q5 716.98' P LAN B �I Sp PROP 447 LF 12X8 BOX CULVERT \ AK cs NIr SOE O - \ 30" iL AI I CS DOOR �`v FFE -'P1: 13 61-10 SCALE 1 - 20 OA r� A " 15" / i EL=713.95' \ CS VENT 716.89', DB �L610, PG. 236 / V A \ 3^/ 20" I SQE Sl e tS ° 1 G i 1 �v EL=715.61' X10 -1117 POWER. r�- y \ NOEPO R. S �'' \v 15, PG 245, BG, 1�1�0� tp A � \ CEP � I C +� �� 12" 15" � AK r 0 PF\RMANENT i \ NO PERMANE o EMOVE/REPLACE X� \ ,\ -'- 6443 EAGLECRE$T--ROAD I OAK ° \ FOUND P110N. �� \ < 3 ^ FOUNDATION. o \ I E FF =713,77* \\ ; \\ \ \ 1 OA C FFE 711.66'* 0 LF OF 4 CL REMOVE & RE�ACFl252'$Y /��- CONI. \ \,' \ - ,• \ m �, /' I OF CONCRE DRIVE K DRIVEWAY I 1 \ \ 1, z 1 BEND 1 ) CONIC. " -B- STA. 0 34.1?,• / DRIVEWAY Q 1b \ 3' C FENC V - E / j 4 /L \ I 1 \\ J'a TOP OF WALL sc / / \ / / / \ ,Mi TI_ 2 5 M Nl SDE z \ 1 \\ 0 1 ELEV=712.06 ° // / / O20"AK \ EPEC - ' os 5 P EP �� C 4%REA IS WITHIN }'' / i MAGN LIA \ PB ORA\NPS SOE E LIMITS S 1s^ �OOO</ i �N << N 3 <. ^ PE �O SOE y 6 P11Q g2 I \ w / ° NF 6 / i -STA. 2+88.17 \ \ a sc _ <� Dc 2/ , / �,� \� Y&TL REMOVE/REPLACE 140 LF 0 -7,- LJ Q�. 1 / L = 120.60' 3' S� ' _ _ < g � / o � 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE / 24" \ \ p \ w / /� �\ 6g. < / R = 199.51 _ OA \\ \ o I I 1 oZ II / 1 / <' ��< BRG = N 80'24'23" Ss ` li f Y TLE / SOS --------- -JOHN �. GEORGULAKOS \ I C LEN = 118.77' F E AND WIFE GEORGIA S. ALLEN M. BEALS AND C F1'o� I / / / �/ 50 " 45 GEO GOULAKOS (� E \ cn C', / 2" \ PROP. 18 RCP OUTL T PI: 133-263-15 BETSY J. BEALS T 7 (3 / I / SEE SHEET 7 FOR / - �aGrouA > � PI: 133-261-25 ` \ \ \\ v-- � 1 / INTO 12X8 BOX CUL RT; BS -1 MB 15 PW 245 BD L15 DB 1723 61 708 A CHANNEL INFORMATION I 11 \\\ \\\ %l a / /-----PROP. " � \ I R�+ � �v; / / / � / SANITARY SEWER (TYP.) � \ 6430 tAC�LECR�ST F�OAD \ \ \ m / / / /_ PROP. 15 RCP HVAC MB 10, PG 303, 626, L9 I I I I I om // / / /^ ° w`' i I m 1 \ b l II a / z EL=720.29' 5616 AMITY PLACE o I 1 I _ I / / / / / \ \ PROP. WATERMAI -, \ \ kn 1 I / / � � O PROP. MH W/LID \ g � 1 STORY � HVAC= 716.26'\ \ I I I \ I I! / / / / / NCDOT STD. 840.51 1� �RO .CATCH BASIN FRAMED/BRICK FRAMED/BRICK NCD T STD. 840.01 5 NO CRAW SPACE \ OAK / / 4" / / SPLIT-LEVEL 6" 1 I I / / / I CHICK / / / - t rT -1 ��� FFE \ \ ° 12., \II AK 1\ I i Il I I / / / / // / / FFE I O 1 1' / PRELIMINARY PLANS 715.57 K \ I I / / / / / / / i CS DOOR 724.02' ,--' DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION I �.I / / �(1 / < , JOSEPH B. UM09A�4 I FFE ,EL=718.87 ', PI: 133-261-09 L 79.9 ' ELT=718.56' ' 721.89' Z ° DB 10296, PG. 444 Q R 249. 1' 1 I 1 \ i � T BRG N 75' 5'48 W 1 BRICK to^ \\ I I I 1 11 1 I I r cn I I I I / / \ MB 15, PG 245, BG, L9 '�1n1 CH LEfb79 65' i o SLAB OAK \ MYR ( I I 1 1 ( I "I I I / / I EL VENT v, vii y,y I \ �� 11 11 I1 \ I I 1 ' I I I ,' / ; I',1 EL=722.64 J 6437 EAGLECREST ROAD I \ �, I / I a �� SEE SHEET U4 FOR WATER & SEWER PLANS I 1 rn / �� I I / / i I I � >'o c SEE SHEET S3 & S4 FOR STRUCTURAL PLANS ri y v I N i I dl � 726 w i -4 W 1 726 726 726 ` y �I of wi B-6 �I �0 1 00 N 1 1, -- B5-1 (n I O w w1 Nn3 UI O U I II N w w = � J I ^ 722 722 0 722 B_2 w l o N w a w M 06 PROP. ROUND 0 J Z m> m m I ¢-: EXIST. GROUND o v a — m I Z CL F I EXIST. CB O II B3�-1 H m0 oa Q I EXIST. SSMH_/� I APP OX. LOCATION OF m x 3- N ~ Z 1 (REMOVE) I EXIST. 8" WATER MAIN I a m LU I W _ EXIST. GROUND 718 EXIST. GROUND LONG 1 GROUNDI --- ---- ---- = 718 O J 718 m > 718 --CHANNEL-CENTERLINE o Nrn o i -® j O o ,aor� N I o- -B5- STA. 0+10.95 5-2 cli III PROP. CB `4 + o^ + 3 EXIST. SSMH I CID -i/ PROP. 8" WATER MAI L j o z (6 o+ M 0 POP. GROUND II rn REMOVE) —1. " ¢ zo 0 0 o GRATE=717.09 + PROF. 18" RCP w i� PROP. 15 RCP LU v~i F II 0 N ^ w o II EXIST. HEADWALL B3_1 CONINECTION TO `� (/� w N • ^ CONNECTION T BS -1 U) w z N o INV. OUT=708.74 c m �n 714 w (REMOVE) 12 8 BOX CULVERT z I I o II — 714 M z I a_ k 714 714 0 > o o_ � -� I I � 12'X8' BOX CULVERT I z- o .° � � c � uj 04 - 11dIN-708.34 w = m l? lo_� — o — PROP. 12. SANITARY O w I > _ — — -- SEWER W 20" CASING CONF ICT — — — I o �I m I Z — B -1 1 / --- C) EXIST. CB 5q x — SEE SHEET U8 — — — — — O (REMA-YE) 710 i~ --------------- --- - — — — — — - - - - - - - _ REMOVE EXIST. 60" CMP 710 710 710 - --- -- ---- - ----------- ------ < 3 ------ I_1--------- ---- -- EXIST. 15" RCP a U) (REMOVE) (RETAIN) 2 U y" EXIST. CB \_ EXIST. 8" TCP V ) I o = m m (REMOVE) (REMOVE) PROP. 5 LF OF U Q > Q 15" RCP ® 8.00% m - ----- m � O o � w� 706 -------------------- --�- - - 1 706 706 _I 706 co w a �- - - - - ----- Lu U i ---- ------ -- -- z J/ \—+f------— _ PROP. 16 LF OF J 18" RCP 0 0.50% 702 - - 702 702 702 +0.50% CC PROP. 180 LF 12X8 O w PROP. HEADWALL EXIST. 60" CMP BOX CULVERT ® 1.23% 698 _B_ ST • 0+21.66 J 1 (REMOVE) PROP. 26 LF 12'X8' TOP ELE .- I- 698 698 698 A•I INV. ELEV.=701.56 PROP. DOWNSTR AM CHANNEL TIE-IN GRADE A BEGIN CONSTRUCTION 694 TIE TO PROP. CHANNEL 694 694 694 BEGIN B GRADE r.T� Fil 4 -B- STA. 0+00.00 -A- STA. 24+43.96 0 ELEV. = 701.45 PROP. RIP RAP APRON �I a 690 CL -II RIP RAP 690 690 690 illti oo cc 00 Lo C) co 00 00 - �: �� o o x O co N Lf� O O N M o co C N o N N N n M M M cfl co x o 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 0+00 0+50 0+00 0+50 w PROFILE ' B' SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 20' PROFILE ' B T PROFILE ' B 5' 00 VERTICAL 1 - 4 V � HVAC s'JERRY T. MANGUM w. Irdv 7ts.2� �vclsr. DI _- andAlB DR W. MANGUM I $ o <'bROP INLET / RM 719.63' \ i / \P�� "- Qo ° o\ R k 133-263-16 = PROP: DROP INLET B-8 ` _ \\ ASPH PARKING D732, PG. 808 4L� �,,� vo NCDOT STD. 840.15 O i -'/ ssM MB 15 PG 245 BD L16 o w \ FFE 1 / �Q w�-� 6436 �AGLECR�ST LOAD 12" a- \ 6E0M0 P,E81ST. �2 .61' `� i / �`� \ / P FFE S R 724.2 y�' �a 5 PROP. 447 LF o p \ I 1 I / ABUL D NG T '' S� 1y • BEND M 30" �^ RESET APPROX. 125 GF F �� � v L, 722.7x' "- HVAC SX8P BOX CULVERT o HEADWALL' I ;Z ti �+ q 6 > EL=724.00' OAK -B- SWE U 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE \ I ��11v�11 I o i2" IVAC E STA. .78 rn \ \ \� �/ "R°a JARMEG LLC HVAC SS r L=721. i` �"' EL=724.01' S SD A - RESET APPROX. 115 LP'\ OO�s EXIS. DI PI: 133-111-16 S / 2 C f M �20.1s RjM T. DI / ^\ DB 25616, PG. 472 SSS e° o\P SDE pG _ 8 PRIVACY FENCE / CEDARS EAST COURT 1 HA- nR ��F-� STA. 4+75.64 B-9 \�\,�,��'-Fz2.7s' OL ��� ' S Q 20 DRP _ - 4 co y STA. O+OO.00 / ' `C LPC ---'HVAC �, 3" TLE i--------- T�EE PR JUNCTION BIH �`�� FFE <S> EL=�22.28f SSS S UE > s L S 722.73' SSM"� ��� �� S3» PEMYRTLE / s" \ So 0 H 10 �� j A � RIM= 1.70' PROP. SANITARY\ SE*R S PE RTLE r E ° A' `\ W ID �OP. 19 LF 12'X8' BOX CULVERT �2 HVAC 5 `' SS 12:-b K�YRTLE j7 J I ELA721.91' HVAC HVAC HVAC y �E I / \ \ J\ 5� APARTMENT a L EL=7 9' �" p ((� TREE X75 �4'C BEA EN LL K HOL / PROP. DROP INLET 11- BUILDING ' / �� r-- - - HVAC J u EL=721.96 EL=72LJ ET�2t PATIO EL=722 09' 1.88' oA ° "� o /, NCDOT STD. 840.15 J - slra=52osY - ,� ❑ ELA721.82' ❑------------- ----- SD`� i 2" T MH W LID EDF PROP. 24" RCP �U _ _ I �1y�y 3.. / \ \ W Ln NCDOT STT). 0.51 EL=7�L2.19'I �y / \ / 3" CREPE ` \ \ S i2 - g p PROP. 24" RCP OUTLET -'811_1 '�G 5 0 5 EPE MYRTLE I CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT I q �� o AREA IS WITHIN I U INTO 12X8 BOX CULVERT y // BUILDING PLANTERS a� o A \ GU m TCE LIMITS I APARTMENT 1n 1 - W + N G �\\ A �-"'T\\SI BUILDING I --- o PARKING LOT ASPHALT 0012OA w D" RIM�CREMOVE &REPLACE HVAC SEE DETAIL SHEET D6'^ rN I', PROP. 2 TRAFFIC 65 SY OF SIDEWALK a v! U O \\ m s u 0' o / _ SS " CL -72o 72' \\ \I BEARING GRATED INLETS B-16 FE REMOVE EXIST. DI z \ n cT 3 M 0 ROP -1 SIDE PROP. 793 LF�S / SS, C NCDOT STD. 840.35 =22.39' w o -z W _ \ - 6 2 0 E.F N 0• e _- DOUBLE 8'X4' _ _ _ E f �NTER -TC -LANTER -TCS w a w RESET 110 LF OF \ T S - S SIDE SDE BOX CULVERT I j�S T SEES S E SS SSE SSE SSE SS w // \ S O a> 4' CHAIN LINK FEN o "\ �� - D 5 �SDE �_ �- SDE �'�� S ---- SS -SS- S a ami �.� r^ --STA5+ii45L _ _ / SDE, S SDE SDE SDE SDE_ SDE --SDEJ = SD SDE S E SDE SDE SDE (D [� U v ° / o . �S - - DSS - - - - _ - / `111 SSM s;- _ ---- - W - B-6 SSS ESS ESS N k - - �v�s - _ _ RIM -�E ___ _--- ® PLAN'B' (D j U \ ° 08 / S N 7 .1 oe - - - - = - - - _ SS BSS 60 - - - - - - SE - S SSE SSE SSE r - _ �E SAF SSE SSE SSE SSE SSE N „ _ _ _ - - �� - _, SCALE 1 - 20 - 2, 11 S �� - 18.9 SDE SD� s SS t vi�� SSS_ - 3S _ - _ 8 �0 Exisi. D3 ��E SDESS Vo 0 1 �� y SE APPARE E SD SS S - $ E S ---- - - -- - ESS 2 a �� SS 5 S S� SANITARY�SS 3S 5SE S SS E7 ------- - - _ - - - - - - - - - - = - - - BSS_ - - -_ - �SS E m P�\\ S WER EASEMENT. E E� E� SSE SDE v'V=----_--- BSS \ 2' SSE S �� - SSE-R-e��2 ESS 3" Nv_ SSE SSE SSE - -SSE -SSE- fsS�o _ SSE- - - SSS - - Ste€ \ _ B 8 ® FOUND SS MYR A4_7 SDE c ?� - -STA. 5+35.67 _ - M D E _- _ _ - - - - v OP. JUNCTION BOX 8- HVAC1E SBE ° M DE f '• J I c S HVAC E=719.73' A I SDE , W/ MH EL=719.SVAC EL=719.54' r, -r 3' I -xj<x S - SD - SD !y C ,g� E IN E RGREE SSE SSE SSE r7EL�'N'.1-2--ESSE r _E � LJ CREPE SSE SSE SSE SSE SSE -SSE SSE SSE SS SSE I oA ° ��f TCE- PROP. MH W/LID L --- -'--- ----------------- - sw w - \ B-14 ----- z - 4 -------HVAC------ HVAC TC T - - - - - Ise � 1 / <. ii HVAC __I�C�O>• �1D�-64E}:51- ---- EL -719.83' 719.97 � � - Z S EL=719.47' ------------------------- EL=719.41' n < PLANTER�� 11' - ---------TGE FeE E W-- CE- T i�f \BSS 1 I 12'/ / PROP. DROP INLET O PROP. DROP INLET O PROP. TRAFFIC ��� I REMOVE EXIST. 60" CMP J 13326315 / / B-11 B-15 I JOHN P. GEORGULAKOS �. 1 I o K NCDOT STD. 840.15 APARTMENT NCDOT STD. 840.15 �, �eCONNECT BEARING GRATED INLETAND WIFE GEORGIA S. \ s °" \I X \\ \ TCE TCE BUILDING I NCDOT STD. 840.35GEORGOULAKOS a w n EXIST. 8" TCP DB 4105/PG 650 S \ �S - 1 �\ PROP. 32 LF DOUBLE 8X4 BOX CULVERT U) w \\ o PB 15� G 245 \ \ \ \\ �\\\ I SEE SHEET 12 FOR INFORMA11ON I cin ASPH PARKING ' i Q 6430 EAGL CREST ROAD ` \\ \ \ \ \\ ---- FFE / RaW IF \ \ \�\\\\ \ �\ I I 720.06'---------------------------------� // r of SyR�eS ; PLANTER I __ PLANTER ° - SHED \ \\ \\ I FFE PLANTED- -11( 6"1N M IQ m \ \\ \ \ I 1 720.02' --------------- \ \ _----------- -- PLANTER I- W / Z \\ \ \ I 1 �--------- ------------ �_ SW 0 W r. > / > r HVAC ----- \\ \\\\ I PLANTER �K o �� uEL=723.06' Sw / SWoo/�FFE / �� AC HVAC LS F, / ; 722'35' HVAC \ EL=723.03' - PRELIMINARY PLANS RESET APPROX. 1160 LF 4 z / EL=722.14' ELECT. EL=722.86 L _J TRANSFORMEf�- DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION �w \p� \\ \�\�\�7 OF 8' PRIVACY FENCE__ JARMEG LLC J w �nizomwo / �/ �� _���" -- U U) W1D� z / _-- \ PI: 133-111-01 \ p 1 6K4 \ \� \ \ _ ---- DB 25616 PG. 472 -- 0 °O w�¢Zo / _; /� o�� SINK` o ,DS z WIFE FIB \\ \ - � L w I S, ,.p�\ HOLEIY, GEORGE CEDARS E dST COURT woo a V \\ \ \ r- �_ ASPH PARKING 0 U b$ 7837/ Q \�\�\\ \� / I 1 >� ASPH PARKING / �� 0- 0. i p /P 24 E,AC�LECR RSP\\\\.. \ \ a / I / w w } o i EL=722.24)x, /\ / \\\�\ \\\ / ¢�nmz / HVAC \ / i SEE SHEET U5 & U6 FOR WATER & SEWER PLANS SEE SHEET S3 & S8 -S11 FOR STRUCTURAL PLANS Em wy V 'a 730 730 B-1 -17 PROP. GROUND o v EXIS . GROUND B-7 CB- ^ X X B-11 B-12 B-14 B-15 z N ao 726 x 00 ao + 22 co 0 726 OD t� O � N v to 0 .- O) N W J O toto rRl - - N� I�� ^ n O Z0 co �� �LO llq � H N m Z^ 00 < w x N� 00 00 NO O ++ F N n O g } N M Z OBD +O + + N a W < m z N W O O X30 SII } o d oZLOO r 00 u) ^ +F rno rn m in3� �° 00 mm<mm N �o W w +-i + 0No• < 2 Q i e} F Hm 0; I I N ¢- n Z g N LO 0 0^ co H w H r- EXIS . SSMH 0 1- I d C9 C9 I OLL-<<< Z W D U N F �I� �HW NN r,Z_Z_0 N ~0 II <� n II _ -J r (RE AIN) IIXST 722 to .� N ; a II N �� rm II ~ a� NW N '� N REMOVE MH �I ����U = 722 II II U 0-� >>> m I ^- 0 Z T I O I < EXIST. SSMH E IST. SSMH �- 1 O z cn 0 _ o < a. II o_ m> m a m ----- (� II EXIST. 60 CMP (REMOVE) (EMOVE) _ B-6 wm> I I o_�zzz I mcrm 1 0xQ- II I o< w Z �- �� ----- �Z w I a. 2 m 1? I < I acs m Ix 0 Z Z � m m I_ 1 0_ � REMOVE 1 o_ c� I w_ I o - - EXIST. DI O < • w m - I a m H- � _ _ I a 0 PROP. GROUND � � � (REMOVE) w 00 =o Z °° � � Z I C9 _ _ I W m (REMOVE)MH � B-8 i II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N J m \ F- LO HA -9 I - - - - EXIST 8" TCP d U - - - - - < 718 EXIST. - - - - - (RETAIN) Q 71 8 °rl U rn U p HEADWALL I I I o W (REMOVE) / I I EXIST. 8" TCP Ln 1 I_ I I I (REMOVE) x / Of QI / \ f-��_ �^ EXIST. 8" TCP ----------------- 714 I EXIST. 8" I (REMOVE) I I ---------------------- EXIST. RC ----------- ------------------------ ---- - - - --- - ---- - - - - -- --- = .a • TCP I __---1 ---------- ------------------------------- -- ---- 714 I I N L4 (RETAIN) o 1 I I -- ------- ---------------- 3 CL C) ---- --I- ar-T--- -- --- - ----- + _ _ _ _- I --- ------------------------------- --- -----rt-----I --- U Ci.] I I m o X W> , 00 o 710 710 � _ STA. 5+30.59 a -B- STA. 5+01.79 I w 24" RCP ® 8.00% IN INV.=705.51 I INV. -705.88 z m I I -B- STA. 5+38.59 J -B- STA. 4+68.20I I INV.=705.99 w INV.=705.11 U 706 z I 706 J - - - BOX CULVERT 0 1.397o Q CC rwh w V PROP: -12" SANITARY SEWER G V 0 w �- PROP. 27 702 Q PROP. 181 LF 12'X8' CONNEC ON TO 611-1 702 a G BOX CULVERT ® 1.23% OREMOVE EXIST. 60" INV. IN= 10.54 P F-, Fil PROP. 29 LF 12'X8' BOX CULVERT 1.28% � Q 698 698 A w U 0 694 694 tl• O 00 O i\ O Iri i.. O N U M� o O O 0 N 0) O� cc o o t\ cf 00i\ ti i\ In r c r �. ti r.. � �.:, � CO CcC\l ^ O O o) N i\ O ( 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 0+00 w SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1 20' PROFILE 'B PROFILE ' B 11VERTICAL 1 4' 0 PROFILED' END CONSTRUCTION 17E TO EXIST -30" -D- STA. 0+74.26 730 ELEV. = 729.89 •- LLEV" PROP. RIP RAP APRON CL -I RIP RAP EV.=727.79 EXIST. GROUND ELEV. 725.75 - 726 -- / �PROP. I CHANNEL GRADE I � 4 722 ELEV.=723.71 ELEV.=721.67 O� ELEV.=719.63 + N 718 Iq ")°' ~- +F (nw_ +0.50% TYP O HJ 0o "'I, to w 714 ¢ w _0 w I04 awZ 066 —2 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION + W EXIST. 54" CMP ITE TO PROP. CHANNEL Lo + 0 BEGIIT-B GRADE II (REMOVE) 1000 cq -D- STA. 0+00.00 < w 710 -B- STA. 13+50.00 (REMOVE) cn o co � w U w coo v w w m W Z z z z z� N r 1 n N PROP. FOOTER ROCK PAD Nam \ r,- r- )+00 0+50 734 0 CONTRA BUILDIN( REMOVE U 54 SY uj --� y cn W W U 0 O _—�- ILD I IN E- J Co S _- ' 3 \ � � � 4, gvj / /yam/ � r• �\ �u�� fes, � i �� �y� y��� - --- 20-1 PROP M W/LID Q ��� HVAC / PAno �3 �_ C <' PROP. TRAFFIC - N�� STD. 84o.s1 �� �a e / , , , EL -726.50', y� o� PRELIMINARY PLANS [� fOR-TO PROTECT BEARING GRATED INLET B 18 E ,` PLANTERS NCDOT STD. 840.35 O m ICRPE� / 7` EXIST. 36" RCP �y� �� < \ DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION &4 REPLACE MYRTL gO�kIV.CL=719' j o INV.CL=718.00' / SC i l -20 CONNECT PROP. 18" RCP � r �\ !o;� / , / `�� APARTMENT �� � \ SIDEWALK BUILDING /// FIFE `d TO 8X4 BOX CULVERT / / �' HVAC �' Q a 726.85' EL=726.59' ` / PROP. SANITARY �ca < > HVAc� COSDEBB ENTERPRISES LLC Kg Q' \ S EI -t726.77' ' Q� �SEWER T PLAN�E� v :J R =129. ,',� `� <�� `� PI: 133-111-02,1, CE- VT718. FFE ,� `� y v DB 21889, PG: 843 Iz FFE TCE �T�_ - -= SS S ETAIN EXIST. MH 21-1 726.82' �\ A� �o L�EDARS EAST COURT �'i 723.26' PLANTEt - - _ SSE / /` , CO \ / 2\ - T m7ER SSL SE � " �� � REPLACE 3205 SY OF PARKING L � P � AsuR BUILDING - ' '�S SDE c,0 PROP. 36 PIPE OUTLET PLAN 'M v B-21 ���,� SEE DETAIL SHEET D6 INTO 8X4 BOX CULVERT SSE \ SSE SD SSE --. ���'FFE SS - SS SDE � _ � DE SDEXx 725.89' RESET 32 BEND 8 SSE -_N :SSE ,8' PRIVACYiG"� y� -B-STA. 12+81.64 SSE DB 425. G 764 ,. �.. \ -B- STA. 10+83.30 LJ HVAC ELA723.39'---------HVAC F, EL=723.11' _-- EL=723.41'-� I I APARTMENT ---�-HVAC EL=723 44'- BEND 7 ---- 3n i -B- STA. 3n TRANSFORMER i HVAC <�>�� -3n , _ — EL=725.22' HVAC EL=725.42'<> �Z L' s E��72s.7s' JARMEG LLC PI: 133-111-01 DB 25616, PG. 472 j ELECT. CEDARS EAST COURT , >TRANSFORMER 'tJ I. 3V JT ULU ILA IILL I TI'L "L FAtJtgl , W(MIN)=3', W(MAX)=10', T=1.5' EXIST. RETAINING _ WALL TO REMAIN HVAC i APARTMENT EL=728.00 BUILDING � PROP. STEP POOL% / 2 PLACE F00-TtR R9 AT / ASPH PARKING , h D2 END OFIST.� PHALT SIRE NORTH CAROLUX2ap4pp �� PI: 133-081-12 AIN EXI Ar DB 28108, PG. 992��- FIFE MB 44, PG $76 727.92' 5401 E. INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD PLAN '13' SCALE 1 - 20 730 1 B-,9 �� _0 w I04 awZ 066 —2 - + W EXIST. 54" CMP ^ Lo + 0 - 8'X,V BOX CULVERT II (REMOVE) 1000 cq N < w Nw B-18 °D001n (REMOVE) J fnW o ao 0+ w U w HMW" CO w w m W Z z z z z� + +� + z PROP. FOOTER ROCK PAD Nam W m> W co O auj Jn1II r l W J sF - w co Lo Z_ Q m Z� TIE TO EXIST. PIPE Z C4 I j m I� V 722 ELEV. = 720.96 726 = + O N N V O II O W J O II EXIST. DI B-2 Q mZ� " m0¢¢a m afwix l? wm� m�a�� v o II EXIST. 54 CMP I CL m I? I a o c� -- --------�-_ W d LL- (REMOVE) EXIST. SSMH (REMOVE)— — ` — __ w p-<( ma�00 ---- B-3 ® - B-4 (D _------- _�� 722 O - B-rJ — — — — — EXIST. 1 RCP EX ST 1 „ RCP CD ( ) Fi i (REMOVE) 48 `o 11 V n rn DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION o OF NORTH CAROLINA I"{ :t-- c) I PI: 133-081-23 �j DB 26059 PG. 347 c'n N 0 CONFERNCE DRIVE N c j U -0 9`00 " PROFILE '1320' � i �z Fp:oaso z �- oo C -0.L ?ADE A 'i�i9CCONG WING WALL ;tA.%S-I RIP RAP ,OTEXTILE TYPE 2 FABRIC =2', W(MAX)=18', T=1.5' , E FOOTER ROCK AT2 OF STEP POOL AND 1E CONTROL STRUC . D2 0 CULVERT ENTWANCE �0 �, �TIEi IT EXIST. PIPE SEE SHEET U6 FOR WATER & SEWER PLANS SEE SHEET S3 & S6 -S7 FOR STRUCTURAL PLANS tn O 20N=� �� _0 w I04 awZ 066 0 - + W EXIST. 54" CMP ^ Lo + z - 8'X,V BOX CULVERT II (REMOVE) 1000 cq N < w Nw II (REMOVE) J fnW 706 III _3 w U w HMW" CO w w m W Z z z z 0 In www PROP. FOOTER ROCK PAD Nam W m> CIO a END PROJECT I oz � EXIST. 36" RCP i I aalF-00 _/ PROP. GROUND J Ln - -- --- - - -- - --- ------ t- Ilk 1 XIST. 8" TCP � � � I 718 REMOVE) Q I -- 1 1 I I - �---------------------- ---�� I I — — — --- -- -- -- -- ------- --- ----J- ----------- ---------- W ------------------------EXIST. DI 714 I (REMOVE) w z PROP. 793 LF DOUBLE _J 8'X4' -BIOX CULVERT ® 1.39% CONNECT PROP. EXIST. 36" RCP 36" RCP TO 8-21 710 (REMOVE) 8'X4' BOX CULVERT INV. IN=713.92 Q CONNECT PROP. O 20N=� �� +F, rncp II HJ w I04 awZ O J Lim +-j tnw + Ur� II '-Huai w - 73 18" RCP TO H Oa ^ ¢ w O O� - 8'X,V BOX CULVERT II CMP 1000 cq EXIST. 54, INV. IN=714.80 Nw NN- (REMOVE) J fnW 706 + r, r� �2 w U PROP. FOOTER ROCK PAD 702 �M ti 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 PROFILE ' 13' SCALE: HORIZONTAL AL 14- 20' 13+00 �O �O CO N EXIST. GROUND EXIST.RC (RETAIN) EXIST. \ HEADWALL (RETAIN) PROP. UPSTREAM N EL nE-GRADE \ ELEV=720.91 _ �--' IEEE _ +0.50% - ELEV.=71891 ELEV.=717.91 +0.50% 1 13+50 14+00 B O 20N=� �� +F, rncp II HJ w I04 awZ O J Lim +-j tnw + Ur� II '-Huai w O� 00 H Oa ^ ¢ w O O� Qz� II � F 1000 cq I W QW H Nw NN- 00 J fnW m + r, r� �2 w U PROP. FOOTER ROCK PAD w w m W Z z z z www PROP. FOOTER ROCK PAD c} CIO a END PROJECT I oz � EXIST. 36" RCP -B- STA. 14+27.71 .a r� TIE TO EXIST. PIPE 2) 722 ELEV. = 720.96 13+50 14+00 B O 20N=� O N Lo 1 O •ISO II �> w I04 awZ O J O a� O� 00 H Oa C:) z O O� Qz� 17 H X O W (nW�j� �H � F n I W z O z - 00 `�I m Z 0+00 734 18" RCP 730 1-- 1 o,1 N O of r7 O J m rn,ri,FF- 0- r o - ■ tNI 1 ,.I. — � O�f� XO 41 w y a O a� �C C:) z N Q Z �O� 17 H X O W (nW�j� �H W N W rn ■ tNI 1 ,.I. — � O�f� XO w y W w a O a� W w Q�^XUj CL N Q Z �O� 17 H X O W (nW�j� �H W N W O W F 726 �' v li I z ^moi > > j a II `�I �_ w U d o I Wz N Z m0Z m W Z z z z c} F. a EXIST. 36" RCP .a r� 722 (REMOVE) EXIST. 36" RCP c (RETAIN) c z xj v i m 718 i PROP. 4 LF OF P @ 4.00% FILL TO INV. I 714 .r'� ELEV. / CONCRETE m i� 0+00 PROFILE '1321' ° w A � W w a � i� 0+00 PROFILE '1321' ° >d SEE SHE E 10 FOR'IFORMA 1 STORY CON NO CRAW SPACE FFE PADC 726.13 ' / PROP. 793 LF 8'X4',,O0 SEE SHEET 10 F01,%INJ'ORI i i i i Y i / L/RES& APPROX. 160 LF OF ,8' PRIVACY FENCE PROP. 32 LF 12'X8' BOX / ,SEE SHEET 10 FOR INFOI P.� 32 LF DOUBLE 8'X4' BOX 01 EL66AD7' RIP ALO WIN W L ST. 7 TONS CLAS ° I IP RAP T. 5 SY GEOTEXTIL E '21 FABRIC / t�13', W=8', T=2:8' .6e- §T.. 56.22, -1 / ROP. HAD \ i I LVERT TION i J 1A4,11 i PH PARKING 721.42' J ' Qv � HVAC EL=721.12' HVAC i4 EL=720.98' n i/ TMENT _DING ; HVAC ----------- FFE 721.79' ------F ------- FE 721.80' / 1 HVAC ` FFE / J I -----------HVAC EL=721.28' --- / 721.39' HVAC— PATIO EL=720.95' i / EL=720.65' r, 8� — qq6L-i —_—L-- 1 EL= E HVAC / \ / Al EL=720.93' — — — /J ---------- ----------------rt --- ___--- ---_—--- _���___ OODLINE PLAN 'C' SCALE 1" = 20' PDE \p�.9NTER \ SHED / 13326308 /A COLE MATTHEWS DB_8021,/PG_ 425 V�xCARPORT SEE SHEET U5 FOR WATER & SEWER PLANS SEE SHEET S8 -S11 FOR STRUCTURAL PLANS 0+00 0+50 1+00 PROFILE 'C' 1+50 2+00 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1" = 20' VERTICAL 1" = 4' 2+50 L./ PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION -B- STA. 4+75.64 E IST. GROUND N Q � m HN� � V)OLL_ CB- 9 -C- STA. 0+00.00 ALONG BASELINE 00 _N w NvE z:3 \ F o PROP. JUNC11ON BOX - W L — VQ)) rn U z C) U CD Z TOP=719.50 0') x F- O 722 a w 722 .a -PROP'.-GROUNU c� PROP. 32 LF DOUBLE 8X4 � w _ N rl M 004 ,d BOX CULVERT ® 7.99% 0 0) N 718 I I. L 718 m I (RETAIN) M END CONSTRUCTION _ 11E TO EXIST. CHANNEL \ -C- STA. 0+70.80 -C- STA. 0+80.80 — 714 ELEV.=710.68ELE V = — — — — 714 �j EXIST. 8" S 71 0 I I '� (RETAIN) 710 r UPSTREAM cq CR ANNEL TIE-IN GRADE +0.50% � o; +0 0 0 II kI '99% 706 706 +3.44% PROP. FOOTER R CK PAD -C- STA. 0+56.22 Cl PROP HEADWALL 702 -C- STA. +23.97 TOP ELEV. = 714.32 ' 702 PROP. BE)IJ LE . 08:3 BOX CULVE T CONNECTION TO JUNCTI BOX INV.=705.7 -C- STA. 0+08.4 INV.=705.20 698INV- = 698 EXIST. GROUND CENTERLINE OF EXIST. CHANNEL 694 o m 694 CD o �U-)�: u) �� o, (] : L6 w 6 V M c�CN i\ I` 0+00 0+50 1+00 PROFILE 'C' 1+50 2+00 SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1" = 20' VERTICAL 1" = 4' 2+50 L./ PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION m 0 z s I 0 zz m m O N Q � m HN� � V)OLL_ rw 00 _N w NvE z:3 \ F o Q W L � VQ)) rn U z C) U CD Z 0') m 0 z s I 0 zz m m O 0 in x N m � to rw w U \ F ¢ Q U � rn z O U x F- O a w .a � w _ N rl M 004 0 in x N � rw O � w _ N rl M 004 END MILLING & RESURFACING 2 BEGIN WEDGING -R1- STA. 11+80.00 I RICHARD L. SPADA AND REMOVE & REPLACE 11 SY JEANNE M. TATAR OF ASPHALT DRIVEWAY PI: 133-153-04 AND 11 SY OF CONCRETE DB 8842, PG. 112 MB 11, PG 189, B22, L5 PROP. 277 LF OF 6106 AMITY PLACE 2'-6" CURB & GUTTER \ BEGIN MILLING & RESURFACING -R1- STA. 11+46.95 \ REMOVE 156 SY OF 4' SIDEWALK BRICK/FOR ME FFE= 713.36 T REPLACE WITH 195 SY OF 5' SIDEWALK 714.86' 10 LF TRANSITION (TYP.) \� M7TCH SIDEWALK TO NEAREST J01��' PROP. 10 LF CURB TRANSITION BEGIN CONStRUCTION \ -R1``6- STA. 111+39.39 ' DBL 2 CA RCH \ PINE D \ \ \ \ \ P , PINI IN ! G PIN N / v \ \ \ o \ PINE \ \ \ \ DB 4" PINE i U PINE/ 18" \\ \\\' J /J �/ / 0 PINE 0 i RETAIN EXIST. ��- OAK 13+50 N co R 1 ' SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1" = VERTICAL 1" = 4' 20' -R1- STA. STAFFORD US , LLC \ TAX PARCEL 13 -134-61 DB 29551 P . 52 / MB 11, PG 1L51 6111 AMITY L�� FFE=704.41' 0)0 704 7oo ••. 676 DB 12167, PG. 348 �' \ MB 11, PG 189, B21, L5 6101 AMITY PLACE \ \ \Y CONC. PATIO \ i BEGIN MILLING & RESURFACING BEN -GRAD -R1- STA. 11+46.95 ELEV. = 699.06' END MILLING & RESURFACING BEGIN WEDGING -R1- STA. 11+80.00 END WEDGING BEGIN FULL -DEPTH ASPHALT -R1- STA. 11+98.00 co o ALAN B. CORDER PI: 133-153-06 �1 "z DB 9779 PG. 432 1 I I \\ MB6026PG J8 ,PBACE L3 L - J BRICK/FRAME I //� / �� r — — — — — —I I I \ RY OHO ' 696.17' SLAB �G 4/ �� I I CONC. PATIO I PROP. WINGWALL A-2 `� I I I - - J \ 2 STORY \ a \ JOVE 19 LF C.S. NT=AV / I I M \ BRICK/FRAME �ONCRf� ALL 697.78 / / Q I SPLIT 'ROP. 7�5 LFSAFEIY-RAtL— 41 BRI K/FRAME HVAC= �G' I 694.14' EMOVE PLACE 33 SY GF 8 \� F CON RE DRIVEWAY 1� / PROP. SANITARY ss3.o2' . I FFE CS. DOOR= ND FULL DEPTH PAVEMENT WILMA B. NELSON NE EST JOINT ����``e o� SEWER 693.95' �EGIN WEDGING \ EYOND E o ��� �,G' Q I FFE �R1- STA. 14+08.00 PI: 133-153-08 �� 1 ��0 / / n I 667.66` _DB 2689, PG.--- pn \ \ _ 1 I 1L VALLEY UU I L! ' 'ADWALLS 5 I I BSPLIT LEVEL RICK/FRAME FFE I — CHRISTOPHER MASON AND r 696.60' IIE MASON AND WIFE LINDA MASON I I CLARENCE W. SIMPSON JR. ANd CS. VENT= PI: 133-124-59 / MARTHA S. SIMPSON 695.33' DB 26649, PG. 457 PI: 133-124-58 MB 11, PG 189, B21, L4 6 DB 3723, PG. 150 602 csA NT PLACEss4.s7'� MB 1, PG 189, B21, L3 -6.914 1 STORY FFE I ' 6017 AMITY PLACE BRICK/FRAME REMOVE & REPLACE 35 SY RCH SLAB OF ASPHALT DRIVEWAY AND 13 SY CONCRETE 1 I PLAN 'R1' - AMITY PLACE ROADWAY SCALE 1" = 20' END FULL DEP1 I BEGIN BEWEDGING i O i .� HORNA o / REMOVE & REPLACE 12 OF ASPHALT DR'1% D 5 e� N 17 SY OF CONCRETEItl CE D TCE CH SIDEWALK - i' SS �-NE-ARES _T �� / 3 W - - SS 9 SS ------ - 0 -- Ss ADJ. SSMH /-30 M \ 10" (D \\ CHERRY \\ 1 10" \\ Al -6 ---- _ of M I END CONSTRUCTION CHERRY \\\ M I I -R1- STA. 15+25.00 \\ END MILLING & RESURFACING \\ F w w w \ REMO & REPACE 5 SY \ A OF CO ALKWAY I/ REMOVE & REPLACEI 36 SY TIE TO NEARE T JOINT I OF CONCRETE DRI WAIY BEYOND TCE TIE TO NEAREST JINT II I m BEYOND TCE I \ i' FFE= I I 703.10' Q II RETAIN EXIST. 10 TCP�_CS. / 1 STORY (� V �IIR MOVE &I REPLACE 37 SY g 701.27ENT= BRICK (� 0 ASPHA T DRIVEWAY AND - 11/5 SY OF ONCRETE _ — — SPLIT LEVEL CS. VENT= BRICK/FRAME 697.52' ANN CHRISTINE McCOULLOUGH WILLIAM BRENT ALLEN and ANTONIO McCOULLOUGH Ipl Sta 14+42.44 PI: 133-124-57 PI: 133-124-56 IIS= 32' 47' 57.2" (LT) DB 27515, PG. 687 DB 28383, PG 775 MB 11, PG 189, B21, L2 MB 11, PG 189, B21, L1 A), = 15' 54' 55.8" 6011 AMITY PLACE HVAC= 6001 AMITY PLACE L = 206.08' 667.66 T = 105.95' iR = 360.00' END WEDGING BEGIN MILLING oq AND -RESURFACING u i M 0) co EXIST. 10" SAN. SEW. A-2 PROP. WING 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 N co R 1 ' SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1" = VERTICAL 1" = 4' 20' -R1- STA. 14+27.00 + • w rrw� 0)0 F (7 II REMOVE EXIST. 72' CMP w LOW POINT d N II U >: -R111 STA. 12+92.89 STA. 13+66.73 w 9 W 13.50' LT A-3 J w T�+H ELEV. = 693.25 w XIST. F(RETAIN SMH GRA =693.65 ADJUST) �1 0 w IST. S _ _ I I � fETNSAD EA IJUST) 0 PROP. TRIPLE BOX CUL RT MOVE 10'X7' BOX CULVERT! BURIED 1 FOOT � a 2-8X4 BOX CUL\'EgTS XIST. CBs PROP. 26 LF OF EXIST. (RETAI 10" TCP ) ((REMOVE) 15 RCP ® .69% i I— �I PROP. 67 LF OF W PROP. 71 LF OF 15" RCP 1.04. l - - 18" RCP 01.05%Yls A1-4PROP. 18 RCP CO NECTION - - - vs I 1 TO BOX CULVERT - - _ 4 -� PROP. 26 LF Ll OF ^^ - - m ao I _ INV. IN= 686.95 1 1 - - - 15" RCP ®1. 5% r _ - - i ► ¢ "> N `� o 1 1 XIST. 1 RC 1 IST. S MH - - 0 _----a Lod --- `' oo __ (6----vvo co r� + I� + a rl --F(REM0VE)" --- 1 E (IST. 8" �- ' -r, IKEMOVE} _ - - �- - _ - co to Lo I- m 0) to n M 00 o6 o0 01 00 SAN_ SEW --------- - - - - L_ _---___---- rt - - - (� o> < H N c0 00 m (occo N t0 m II Q ui l0 m II ~ - I, --_-------- `- ----- ---- _ - r= ____--- PROP. CHANNEL CENTERLINE � - _ _ - - - _ — - - - - I- cn N N w Q co n co I n U p II II F- z z p q- N -i U II N w p i-) d � 0 - M II z p _ J�II w"iww»� I ��0:W 1 04 0_ oil A-1 PROP. WINGWALL W04 I �a_c5??? I a -o I .-a-w EXIST. 10" SAN. SEW. A-2 PROP. WING 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 PROFILE ' R 1 ' SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1" = VERTICAL 1" = 4' 20' 14+50 15+00 H q w O i PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION SEE SHEET 4 FOR AMITY CULVERT PLAN & PROFILE SEE SHEET U3 FOR WATER & SEWER PLANS SEE SHEET S1 & S2 FOR STRUCTURAL PLANS END MILLING AND RESURF CING -R1- STA. 1 �+25.00 ELEV.=696.64 15+50 16+00 704 c N 700 ••• .r 0 C oz I m 692 o 0 Ln _ °NCD 0 1 ANLL_ � N N ccn U a) zE os -2 O co a U U U C:) z 0) 688 [rel w rrw� w 684 w 680 A 0 w U 0 0 � a 676 Appendix IV - Mitigation Credit Reservation Letter Uv ilm ri 0 rt> ,4rac Vkw51a rg STORM ER7 May 11, 2017 Matthew Anderson City of Charlotte Storm Water Services 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject Project: Cedars East SDIP HUC#: 03050103 (Lower Catawba) 600 E. Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Fax 704.336.6586 The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the City of Charlotte Umbrella Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank ("Umbrella Bank") is willing to accept the mitigation responsibility associated with the subject project. Please note that the decision by the Umbrella Bank to accept this responsibility does not ensure acceptance by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. It is the responsibility of the applicant to coordinate with these agencies to determine if payment to the Umbrella Bank for impacts associated with this project is appropriate. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter. The following documents must be submitted to the Umbrella Bank within this time frame for this acceptance to remain valid: 1. 404 Permit Verification 2. 401 Water Quality Certification 3. Executed Departmental Transfer Invoice (DTI) between Flood Control cost center and the Mitigation Bank cost center detailing the use of and payment for the credits described in the table below. Based on the information supplied by your office, the stream and wetland credits that are necessary to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements and the total mitigation credits available for this for this project are detailed in the table below. Stream linear feet Wetlands acres Credits Requested for This Project 352 N/A Credits Available for This Project 352 N/A Mitigation Project Name(s) Dairy and Sedgefield Park Branch The stream and wetland mitigation will be provided as specified in the Section 404 Permit or corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification for impacts associated with the subject project in Hydrologic Unit 03050103 of the Lower Catawba River Basin. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Agreement to Establish the City of Charlotte Umbrella Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, dated June, 16, 2004. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (704) 336-4495 or ihinsonAcharlottenc.gov. Sincerely, Isaac Dlgiwlysigne bylsaacHf— CN:cn=Isaac Hinson, o, ou, malkihlnson®chaHottencgov, Hinson Date 2017-1107:29.28 W Isaac J. Hinson Mitigation Administrator cc: Crystal Amschler, USACE Alan Johnson, NCDWQ Erin Shanaberger, CMSWS File bTo report pollution or drainage problems, call: 311 http://stormwater.charmeek.org io 6 / �- 6 5-9 d-, 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ❑ Yes No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ❑ Yes E] No impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. - 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? Field review did not indicate the presence of protected species or their habitat. Project area and vicinity are not located in a Designated Critical Habitat. Review of Element Occurrences on the NC NHP files found no occurrences of threatened or endangered species within a 1 -mile radius of the project 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ❑x No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? http://ocean.floridamarine.org/efh—Coral/ims/viewer.htm 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes ❑x No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? A review of the HPOWEB GIS Web Service indicated that there were no properties currently listed or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within a mile of the project area. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑x No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? The proposed project will be constructed outside of the 100 -year FEMA floodplain. http://polaris.mecklenburgcountync.gov cm.we.,*k[.mora Digitally signed by Erin STORM Shanaberger Date:2017.05.11 Erin Shanaberger .WATER 11:39:48-04'00' 5/11/2017 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Date Applicant/Agent's Signature (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant isprovided.) Page 10 of 10