HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080540 Ver 1_EEP Acceptance Letters_20080910,� Ecos�stem �. _N_ �%°� �< �v���:.�.'�. PROGRAM September 4, 2008 Steve Dewitt NC Turnpike Autharity 5400 Glenwood Ave, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27612 ��a5��� ���� � �r, � ��� SF� ��d/'p�j� { �, ���eQ � � � � �`��? ��S�T`� Q�� �"� o�� ����� � Pro�ect Tr�angle Parkway; TIP Number U-4763B County Durham/Wake The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willmg to accept payment for impacts assoc�ated with the above referenced pro�ect prov�ded that payment is made after October 1, 2008 Th�s letter replaces the letter �ssued on Apr�l 16, 2008 Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment to EEP will be approved by the permit issumg agencies as mitigation far pro�ect unpacts It is the respons�bility of the apphcant to contact these agencies to determme if payment to the NCEEP will be approved It is the apphcant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to NCEEP Once NCEEP receives a copy of the permrt(s) an mvoice will be issued based on the requ�red mitigation m that permtt and payment must be made prtor to conduct�ng the authorized work The amount of the In Lieu Fee to be paid to NCEEP by an apphcant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed at www nceep net Based on the mformarion supphed by you the impacts that may require compensatory mrtigation are summarized m the followmg table Cape Fear Stream (feet) Wetlands (acres) Buffer 03030002 (Sq Ft) Cold Cool Warm Ri arian Non-Ri anan Coastal Marsh Zone 1 Zone 2 Impacts 0 0 3,718 1733 0 0 0 0 Credrts 0 0 7,436 3156 0 0 0 0 Upon receipt of payment, EEP wtll take responsibility for providmg the compensatory mit�gation If the regulatory agencies requ�re mit�gation credrts greater than mdicated above, and the applicant wants NCEEP to be responsible for the addrtional mitigation, the apphcant wtll need to submrt a mitigation request to NCEEP for approval prior to permit issuance The m�t�gation associated with th�s pro�ect w�ll be performed m accordance w�th the Memorandum of Understandmg between the N C. Depa: tment of E►ev�ronment and Natural Resources and the U. S Ar�ny Corps of Engmeers dated November 4, 1998 If you have any questions or need additional mformation, please contact Beth Harmon at (9 i9) 715-1929 Smcerely, <' , �� ✓'��, / �/ � L�;{.� L�Ly��Gyl��.. F !�./�.�,��] Wilham D Gilmore, PE D�rector cc Eric Alsmeyer, USACE-Raleigh �rian Wrenn, NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit Linda Frtzpatrick, NCDOT File R.P�St"DYl,�L�... � � ... PYDtP,C,tl.yL� OGLY StU,tP� ��L, ACDE dR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 /www nceep net �04-1h-'08 19 03 FFOM-DENF EEP 3137152001 , os�stem � ��i,�� ��� ;i������� PROGppM Apnl 16, 2008 T-35? P02 U-752 Mr Steven b DeWitt, F E, Chief Engmeer North Carol�na I urnpike Authonty 1578 Ma�l Serv�ce Center Ralcigh, NC 27699-1578 Exp�rvtion of Acceptance: October 16, 20D8 pra�ect TYP U-�t763B, Tr►angle Parkway Counues Durham/Wdke The purpose of th�s letter �s to not►fy you that the Norch Carolma Ecosystem Enhancement Program (N'C��P) is will�ng to accept payment for impacts assocaated with the above referenced pro�ect please note that this dec�sion does not assure that the payment will be approvect by tha pernut issu�n� agenctes as mingat�on for pro�ect impact� It is the respons�bdrty of the �ppl�cant to contact these agencies to determme if paymont to the NCEEP will be approved Th�s acceptnnce �s vnl�d f�r ��x months from the date of tlus letter and �s not transferable If we have not received a copy of the issued d04 Permit/d01 Cart�ficat�an w�ithm this time [rame, this acceptance will exp►re. Yt u the ap�licant's responeibility to send copies of die permiu to N'CEEI' Once NCEEF recerves a copy of the pernttt(s) ar► invoire �vill be �ssued bascd on the requ►red mttigat�on m that perm�t and payment musi bc n�acie pnoi to conduct�ng the authorized work. The amount of the Tn Lieu Fee [u he paid to NCEEP by an apphcant is calculated bsised upon the Fee Schedule and pol�c�es l�sted at www nceep aet Based on the infumiaaon supplieci by you the �mpacts that may requ�re compensatory m�hgation are summanzed �n t,he CApe 1 eac 03030002 Credits Sh eam Cao! 0 Warm Ri ar�a 3,718 1 353 7,436 2 71 Non-It�par�an ,Coastal Marsh 038 0 0 45 0 Buflfer (Sq Ft ) � Upon rece�pt of payment, ��P will t3ke responsibil�ty for providin� the compensatory mitigation If thc regulatory agcnc�es requ�ro mitigat�on credits ,,r.reater than indicated above, and the appl►cant wanGs NCF.EP to be responsible for the addit�onal mrt�gation, the appltcant wdl need to submit a rait►gation request w NCEEP for approval pnor to permit �ssuance The mit�gation will be perform�ci in acruzdance wrth the Memorandum of Understanding be[ween the N C Department of �.avaonment apd Natural Resources and the �U' S Army Corps af Engmeers dated November �4, 1993 If you liave any questions ur need additional �nformation, please contact Beth Harmon ac (919) 715-1929 Stn cly, �� �-�" t,[,� m �' --• �r' V Wtlliai Cr�lmore,l'F Directo cc Bnnn Wrenn, NCDWQ Wetlands/4U1 Clnic Eric Alsmeyer, U'SAC�-�t�leigh Cmdy Carr, Mulkey Eng�neers & Consuttsnts Fde Re.st�ovut�... � ' ... n�otectr,�t� ocu� lta,t� : :�.�-.� �� . North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 MaU Service Center, Rale�gh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476/ www nceep net