HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170413 Ver 1_Certified Return Receipt_20170502■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. S�gnacur� item 4 if fiestricted Delivery is desired. ❑ age�c ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑ naaressee so that we can retUm the card to you. g, q�eived by (Pnnted Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permRs. 1. Article Atltlressed to: Mr Philip S. Harris, III. P.E . CPM Natural Environment Section Head Project Development and Environmental Analysis NCDOT 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 2. Article Number (Ilans/er /rom servlCe labep PS Fortn 3811, February 2004 � YES, O No �;�;-. 1� �� ..�,�'� I i 3. SeN�ce Type ❑ Certifled Mall � ❑ 6cpress Mall ' ❑'RepisOBreQ��� � ❑ReturnReceiptforMarcheridise ❑ fnemeAMail� � ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restrictetl Delivery? (Extra FeeJ ❑ yes 7008 130� 0000 1124 2593 Domestic Return Recaipt 102595-02-M-154( UNRED $TATES POSTAL SERVICE I I I II I P� Sn ���O Peld � • Sender. Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 ��n�l�'I��I�I�����n�i'�1��1'�III�ii����til���ul�n���i���l���� n n u r u a a , n o"' J e. � �=a s. ':�_' _,. � r�m� � s CeNlletl Fee � Poetrnark � (Endorsement Raqu�IreO) Hare � Reatrlcted OeI1vBry Fee ^ � � (EnGorsemantReqWreO� e�OnO�� 7 n Tolel Posl a Mr. Philip 5. Harris, III. P.E . CPM _ 0 °f ° Natural Environment Section Heatl 7 5��.,�� Pro�ect Development and Envimnmental Analysis ___.. � aPoeoxN NCDOT � � cirysieie,i 1598Mail5erviceCenter --- Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 � Certi(fed Mail Provides: ■ AmailingreCeipt ■ Aunqueidentlfierforyourmellplece ■ A record W dalivery kept by the Postel Service for two yeare hnporlenf Rem/nden: ■ CertiXed Mail may ONLV be combinetl wiM Flrat-Class Maib er Prio�ity Mal{ ■ CertiHed Mail is nat evalleble for eny clasa of Intemational meil. ■ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED wilh Cerdfletl Mail. FC veluebles, please conskier Insured or Reglsteretl Mail. ■ For en etldNbnal fee, a Retum Receipf ineY be requestetl ro Provitla proof o tlelivery. To obteln Retum Receipt semce, pleeae complete entl etfech a ReWn Receipt (PS Fortn 381 t� to the arHcle and edd epplicabla postepe M cover Mi tae. Endorse meilpiece ReNm Receipt Requested'. To receNe e fee waiver fo e dupIlceta remm receipt, a USPSA postmark on your Certifietl Mail receipl I: requlretl. ■ For an atldillonal fee, dellvery mey be restActetl to the atlOreasee a eddressee's authorizetl e9ent Ativisa the clerk or mark the mellpiece wflh t�� entlorsement 'Reshicfed Delivery'. ■ If a postmark on the Certitietl Mail recelpt is tlesired, please preaent t�e e�tl cle et the post oHice for postmarking. Ii e pastmark on tha Certihed M8 receipt is not neetletl, tletech antl aRix label with postage and meil. IMPOHTANT: Save lhis recelpt and present It w�en makin0 an Inqulry. �S FOrtn 3800, Auguet 2008 (flewme) PSN ]53UO2-000-904]