HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170413 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170504Environmentul
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Durhsm Counri
NCDWIi Project No. 2017G413
Brid�e 20 on SR 1616
TIP No. R-4943
i�ic Philip S. Ha�ris, Ill, PE, Section Head
1JCDOT, Na�ural Environment Section
�59E Mail Scrvice Czntcr
Raleigh, L1C 27699-1598
Dear Mr. Harris:
You have nur aoproval. in accordance with the conditions listed below. for the following impacts for the purpose of
r;plzcing Bridge 20 in Durham Coimb�:
Stresm Imuncts in ii�e
tu Pere�miul Slrean
Total Stream Impact for Projecr 57 iinear feet.
H'etland Im
Permanent Fill (ac)
in fhe Nc��s: River Basin
Ta[al N'etland ImNact :o: Project: 0.02 acres.
Stream I
Total Wetland 1
___Opcn Watrr ILa6e� in�acts io the Neuse Ricer Basii� _
Site Permaneot Fill in Open Waters Temporary Fill in I fotal Fill in Open
_ (ac) ___ O�cn Waters (ac I ___ N'aters (ac
�---- G �_ -- G.02 -- Q.17
I Total 0.1_
'------1------------------i----------- ----- �
Total Ooen Water Impact for Project: 0.17 Ncres.
-= %'Nothing Compares =.�
Sla�c oi Nun4 i;wlinti', Ei;v'runr,�ental Qaality
ifil7 Mnd Srrv¢eCeuie! � Raiei�5, Nmdi Caolm�u;:ie99-i617
Neuse Rioarian Buffer
�ite � �on� ? Iinp�ct ZonQ 1 Buffer Mit�gatiea� Req�1i�•ed
I(s ft ___ using 3:1 ratioL_ _
I �
Totals 10101 N/A
* n/a = Site impact Allowable, no mitiaation required
`�'�ta� i�uifer .�npact fa� Pra.peci: 14��7 sy�ar� ze�i.
�one 2 impa�t
Zo�e 2 Ruffer Miti�ateon
�eauired (usin� 1.5:1 ratio
The �rojeat s��ll be aonsrnzct�d in acc,ardance witt� yout• a�plicaii:in received �`.prii f, 2G�1? a�:d ac!diti�nal.
information received Niay 3, 2017. After reviewing your application, we have decided that these impacts are
COVCrG.��( �� Generai �Vater (�t�aiity � ertifica�ion Nurr�bers 40$i, 4GR3; ar� 4094. This Certii CatiU�� ev�'esponds to
ine Nationwide Perrriits 13, 2�, and 3� issued by the Coms oi �,ngineers. This approvai is also valid for the Neuse
i'�ly?ai'lall BLifIST Ru:es �15A NCAC 2E.0233}. Ir, a�'ditian, you shculd acqui,e any ot;�er federal, staie or iocal
��.imits before you praceed witf; ycur project inclu�ing �but not iim:ted to j Sediment anu Erosion Contro;, i�1on-
Disci-iarge and �`dater Suppiy �Vaterslied regulations. This approval will expire with the accompanying 404 pennit.
'�is approval is vaiid s:,l�iy :ar tne pu:pase ar�d desi�-� described �n yot:: appiication (unless riodified be:ow j.
Should ,your pr�ject change, you rnust notify the i�CDWFc and submii a new appiicatian. Ii the propery is sotd, 'ri�e
new owner must be given a copy or this Certi ication and approval letter, and is tnereby responsible for complying
-�vith ail �lie c�ndii;oiis. If total weilar��i fills for tkis project (now or u-� t;�e futt::e) exceed one acre, ar of total
irn�iacts io�streams (now or in the future) exceed i5� linear feet, compensatoty mitigation may be requued as
described ia 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). Additional buffar impacts may require compensatory riitigation
as described in 15A NCAC 2B.0233. For this approval to remain valid, you must adhere to the conditions listed in
the General certifications and any additional conditions listed below.
C��ditior�s of Certific�tion:
�_ I.�1:. }�GSt-�:l?ii5=l'Cl:L1G[? 1'.`�.�Ill<)�l'dl t?i 'c1Tij' tV'Cf�Or£ii}r 57'1��0 S":i LC�lll'ES i111.1S� iE:tUll"i t�3C �7!'CT�FC� �L:P. tv l`CC
�i:.Ct3I1Sifli�i101i ��ri�GUI'� iiTi4� "Clevaticrs. Th:, impactec: �r:,as sl-i3ii JE :�Yc'�2tut�C1' Wii�2 a��,rcpr:aie na�1VE S}i2C1c5.
�_i�.4 NCAC 02H .G506�b)(2j
2. As a condition of this 401 Water Qualiry Certificatiori, �he bridge deinulition and consrruciion rriust Ue
accomplished in strict compliance with the most recent version of NCDOT's Best Management Practices for
:,'or.structiai� and Ma�.ntEnance Act:�ities. [15A idCAC J2�1.�SC7(u)(2) a�� 15A N:.AC 02H .050�(bj(5)�
3. ?�ridge deck drains shall not dischar;e directly ir:ta the stream. �tormwaier �ha1_l be ��rected across the bridge ar.d
pre-irrealed through site-appropriate means (gr2ssed swales, pre-formen scour holes, vegetated buf�ers, etc. j before
entering the ctream. _ To meet the req�ir�ments of NCDOT's NPDES permit NCSGQ0025G, please refer to the most .
recent vei•sion of the IVorth Caroiina Departme.nt orTransporiutiar. Storm?vater Be.st Mar.ugement Practices .__ .
Toolbox manual for approved measures. [i�A NCA� 02H .0507(dj(2j and 1�A NCAC 02H .0�06(17j(5)j
a. :i11 bridge c�r.siructior. shall be perfarmed from t:�� existir:g �ridbe, tempo:ar� werk b::dges, tem�orary
causeways, or tloating or sunken barges. If work conditions requue barges, tney shali be fioated into position and
tri�n simk. The barges shalt not be sunk and then dragg�ci into positian. Under r�n circumstances should barges be
dragged along the bottom of the surface water. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3)]
5. TurEidity c�tains sl:ali be as�u to isc,ate all work areas from R�ater Supp:y �;riticai Ar�a (1�'S �,A) :�aters,
::�clucirg �,ile a� case�rien� instalia�ion, �lacen�ent cf riprzp, �Y�avatinr, er t;l.in�. Strict adhz:�ence io the
C�nstruction an�s Maintenance Best i��anagemer.i t ractices v'ill bs �•equired. �1 S A i�l��AC ?_H.O�Ub(bj(3) and
6. NCBOT shall �e in complianee witl-� the NCS0025C issued ta the N�DCT, ir�cluding the applicubl� requirements
nf the NCGO1 GO?. Flease nofe ±tie extra �rotecti�ans for the sensitive watershe�ls.
7. Aii sio�m«�ater runoif shail be direcied as sl:eei�ow t:�roug,h slrezm euft�rs at nori-erosive velocities, unless
oEhe;wise apfrove� by this certi icatio7. [l5A TIC�C 2t .02.3�]
3. Ail riparian buffers impacted by the placeinent of temporary fiil or clearing activities siiall be restored to the
pr�construction contours and revegetated. Maintained buffers shaJl b� permanently revegetated with non-woody _
species by tne enci oi the growing season following completior. of construction. ror the purpose of this condition, _
maintaine� buffer areas are defined as areas within the transportation corridor that will be subject to regular NCDOT
maintenance activities including mowing. The area with non-maintained buffers shall be permanently revegetated with
native woody species before the next growing season following completion of construction. [15A NCAC 2B.0233]
- 9. pursGant to i5A Itii,AC 2B.G233(Gj, sedim�nt and �rosicn cont:ol cie��ices st!all ;�oi ��e �;�ced in Zone ? o'� any
I*ie�:sz Buffer �N;thout pri�r a�r�,r��-al byt}:e NC��iT�. At this ti�r.z, �-�e NCD�VR has a��roved n� sed:.�rer�: and
- eresion conirol ��<�ices in 7.�ne.1, +�utside of the a��rovee proje�t im��cis, �nyv�here on inis projec±. :�ioreover,
sediment and erosion controi devices shali be allowed in Zone 2 of tne buf_fers provided ihat Zon� 1 is not
compromised and that discharae is reieased as diffus� tlow.
t0. If conerete is used d�u7ng construction, a dry work area shali 6e rnaintained to prevent direct confact 6etweer�
curir�g concreie aYnd srean, water. Water ihat inadveirten�iy contacts uiieured concreie s;�all not be ni�charged �o
_ st3rfaGe waters di�e to the pctentia] far elevated pN an.d p�ssible a���ati_� life and fish Y�?ls. [1SA NCA.0 02B.Q200]
-1? . I'.,uring the constructian �Fthe pr�ject, no sta�ing �f ec�uipmeni of any kind i� permiited in waters af the U.S.; or
�,ratet•t;;d r•ip�•ia,-�. i,�ffers. [I SEi itiT���C O�H.OS�E(b1(2)]
12. The dimension, patiern and profile of ihe stream above and bPiow the crossing shali not be modified. Disturbeci
ticcdplalins and str�ams shall be restore�' to nati:ral geom�rphic corditions. f: SA NCAC 02H.Q505(b�(2)]
13. Any rip-rap pl��e� for s�eam stabilization shall bP placed in s+��am char.nels in such a manner that it do�s net
impede aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)]
14. The Permittee shall ensure that the final design drawings adhere to the permit and to the permit drawings
submitted for approval. [15A NCAC 02H .OSU7 (cj and 15A NCAC U2H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] �
15. A11_ work in or adjarent to stre�m waters shall be �onducted �n a 1ry work axea. A�nmved BMP measures from •
thP m.ost c;irrPr,t ver�i�n of N��DQ'1' �;or.s�*uctior. anc� Mainten�^ce Activities mantial such as sanc!bags; roek be:�ms,
�offerdams and oth:,r diversion-stru��u;es shall �e used ta prevent excavation in flowing wute:. f 15P� ^1CAC
.ri2H.�'SE:S(b}(3; ur:i 1�i�3)� � .
l6. Heavy eau:nment shall.be ope;ated frorn the �anks rather than in the stream c�:ann�l in order to mirimize
sedimentation and reduce the introduction ot other pollutants into the stream. [ 15A NCAC U2H.U506(b)(3) j
17. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent
co�iami�ation c�f: strdam waters fi-am fuel�, l���r�c�ats, hydraniic fiuic?s, or ot;er *.oxic materials. [15A NCAt;
3 8. No rock, sand. or other materials shall be dredged from the stream channel except where authorized by this
certification. f15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)1
� 4.'Jischarging hydroseed m:xtures and washing o��t hyr��oseeders ar.�+ �ther equipment ;n or a�jacent to su:-face waters
is prohibiTe�l. [l5A NrAC 02HA5�6(�)(3)]
�0. The permittee and its autliorized agents silall conduct its activiiies in a manner consisteiit with Sta�e water quality �
standards (ir�c:ud:ng any reqairer:.ents :zsalting �om compliance wi�h §303(d) of the C:ean �Vater Act} z:�d any other
ap�roprizte rec{uirements of. State �n_d Federa! law. If ti:e I�TCDlNR det�rmines that such stantlards or i��xs arP not bein� �
met (includ_ing ±he failLre to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is beinQ violated, or that
fiirther cenditions are necessary to as;ure com.pi:ar.c�, t?�e NClljril?t may reevzl��ate a;:d mo�i{y th�s ce:�:tication. �i� �
NCt`�C �J2�.02�J�J] .
21. A copy of this Water Quality Certification shall be maintained on the construction site at all times. In addition, the
Water Qualit:t� Certification and all sabsequent modifications, if any, shall be maintaired with the Division Engineer and
±he �n-site Nr�j�c� �rarager- [l5A �IC_'�C C2f-� .���';�l anc� l SA. Tvt��� �LH .GS:ib ���2; at�d (ci:2};
22. The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary located within the construction corridor approved by this
authoi•ization, inciuciing ali non-commercial norrow and waste sites associateci with tne project, shail be cleariy marked
. by highly vi.sible fencingn� ior to any ]and disturbing activities. Impacts to areas within the fencing are prohibited unless
other�vise authorize� by this certiiication. [15A 1vCAC 02H.G�01 and .U502J
23. The issuance of this certification does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules,
regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e. local, state, and federal) having
j:lC?S(?1Ci1�SS1, ll?Cl'1�1II5 �Jtli I1G`� .�ll1111CC� l0 a�3j!�,C3'��� buffer �-u1PS, stvr:�water iri3lEaa01:1�I21 CU�t;S, S�fi 2ff!S!CT: 31(;
s�dir.ienta�ior� c3ntrol reqizirements, e[c.
2�5. Tne Fe:�r_i�tee shali rep�rt-an}� :�iolzkil�s of.Ehis �ertiFcatien to the L�ivision of `vVater Res��.�raes w�thin 2%+ hours �f
discovery. [1�ANCAC 02B.OSOo�b)i2)j _
25. Upon cempleti�n ai the graject (i.nciu�ing any ixr_pacts at ass�ciated borroEv or vraste si±�s�, t?;e I��CT,�OT D:vision
Engineer sf�all complete ac7a i•eiurt� #he eziclosed "Ce�lir"ication of Compietion Forni" to noiiify the �iCD�n/R wl�en aIl
wark inclucied i;i ihe 4�1 Certificaciu�� lias oee�i compieied. [15A i�C�C G2H.OSG2(�j]
26. .I�Ia±ive ripar�an vegetation (�.e., trees. and shrubs native to you.r geo�raphic region; must be reestablished ir_ the
r:parian areas. witi:in.the cor_s�ruct�c�n -lim�ts:of th� nroject by the en� of ihe growing s�ason following vompletion of
cons�ructi�ri. [15A NCAC 02B.0233(101]
2%. i'here sha�i.be.no excavation from,.o.r waste disnosai inio; jurisdirtional weilands or waters �ssociateci wiih this _
perm:t witheut app:opr:ate madificaticn. Shauld waste or borrew sites, or access rcads to waste or'�or�cw• s:tes, be
_ located in wetlands or streams, compensatory mitigation will be required since that is a direct impact from road
�onstruction actiE�ities. [15P. NCAC 02�I.0506(�)(3; and (c)(3)]
28. Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design,
installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters
standards [15A NCAC U2H.05U6(b)(3) and (c)(3)]:
._ , a. I'he.e_rosi�n and seclimen± control meas�ves for th� proiect must be �?esi�ned, installec�, operated, an�i
m.air.±?in�� �*: accord�nde with t�.` ?LZO$t ?'event vCrciO� Cf t�78 ?`10Yth C�rc��ir,a S'ec�inzenz �nd .�rosior,
Cc�zt-ral Planning af;d DEsig;� ���lanua!-
b. _�':�e :1_esigr., inscaliatiOsl,.O�JPI'1i,:en, a,ld maintena^ce of �re sedir.:ent ar:1_ :f-osion cnnrrcl :r,easares must
b., such that thay equai, or exceed, tlie reyuirements specifed in the inost recer,t version of tnz No�ih
� Ca;•nlir�a Sediment an� Ero,sion Cr,nn�ol Manual. The dev:ces shall be main�ained ar all construction
siies, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits
asso.iai�d tivith ihe proje�t.
c.. For borrow_nit sites, the erosion and sediment control rneasures must be designed, installed, onerated,
. and r�.air�taineil in �ccordan:,'e with �hA most f•ecenr �•ersioi� af the _'�o-rth Cnrolrna �4.e;,�:ce �tili��ing .
� d. �T;�P reclamut;on measures an� inl�lem�rtation mus± co�nply witl-� the ;ecla�nation in acc�rdance �;th u'�e
requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act.
24. Sed�ment ard �r^sien controi measures sh31i not be plaaed i.n wetla,nds or waters �nless o±herr�visP a�prcvec� b; this
Certification. [15A NCAC 02H.05061b,(3) ancl (cl(31]
I�S �nL� ��ISi: lO CC�iT�tASI �ny SSCZlPiITIPPY �LT. L:1Pi atta�hed Certitica±ion you must file a peiition for an adminisNat�v�
hearing. You may obtain the p?ti+.ion ferm from the office of Adminisir�ti�e hearings_ You must file the petition
v�:;h the officP of A�?ministrative Hea: ���s �vithia six±y (5�? days ef receipt ef this r_o�i�e. .� petition is censi�ered
fled when it is reeezved in the affce cf Adtni:►ist�utive Hcar:ngs �u.:n� normal cffae hours. The Uffice of
� f!' � � i 1- z � tt• r ��, c �;(?:�• �• i;Qn � r
R.�ministrat:�e ileari�gs acc�;Ees _:_�a�.: P✓'c,nday c.:,c��h I'iida�� N_�� e�n ., e hour., o� am ��iu _ �:�_, e�.,ept
for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petiiion must be filed with the Office of
Administrative Hearings.
The petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of
Adminishative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission.
1'he mailing address for the Of6se of Administrative Hearings is:
Office of Administrative Heazings
6714 Mail Service Center
Ralei�h, NC 27G99-67[4
A copy of the petiUon must also be served on DEQ as foliows:
Mr. Sam M.Hayes, General Counse!
Departrnent of Environmental Quality
1601 Maii Service Center
This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Secdon 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you
have any quesfions, please contact Rob Ridings xt 919-707-8786.
� ��,
S. Jay Zimmerman, D'uector
Division uf Wa[er Resources
F,lectronic copy only distribution:
Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office
Civis Murray, Division 5 Envirunmental Otlicer
Chris Rivenbark, NC Department of Transportation (only for PDEA projects Div. l, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 8)
File Copy
NC4�YP. Fru,ject Yu,: __
rlppii.anh ---------
Project Name:
Date af lss�!an�r of 4n1 W�!er Q�i;tlitv Certifir�.inn:
Cuunty: —
CertiTirate of CompleTion
Upon cornpktio!i of alI work approved wi[hio the 401 Wnier Qua!ity Certifitation ur applicahle [3!iffe±' Rules, and
any s:;hsequent modifica!ior,s. !he applicant is requirod to re:um [his ce�ti;icate to the �QI 'frar:sponation Fermittin�
Unit. North Carolina Division of Water Resources I617 Mail Servicc Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1 6 1 7. This fonn
may be rziurned [o NCD�v R by the apolican[, the aUp���ant's au[ho� ized ageni, ur ihe proieci zueineer. It is noc
❑ecesssry ro ser.d certifica!es from all ot'these.
qpplicant's Certiftcati�r!
1, , hereby s[ate [ha[, [o [he best of my abilities, due care and dili�ence
was used in the observation of the construction such that the wnstruction was observed to be built within subs[an[ial
compliance and intent ofthe 401 Water Qualiry Certificatiun and Butier Rules, the approved plans and
specificntiona, and olher supporting matei iais.
���„sb�re: _ I�atN: ------ -- --
i{gent's Certifrrr�lian
(, , hereby srate that. to tl�e besY of my ebilities, due care and dilioence
was used in the observation oT Ihe construction such tha[ the constraction was observed to be built wi[hm substantiai
compiiance ai:d intr:d ef the ?01 Wa[er Uuali?y Certilica[:�r: and t3uffer Ru!es, th:: approvad plans anu
specifications. and odier suononing ma[erials.
Signature: Date:
E�igineer's Certificnlrnn
Partia! Final
�, , a: a du!y register�d Prefessional Engi���er in the Statr nfNerth
^arol;na, ha•; inb heeu au'harize.d to ub,erve (aeriodically. �cei.11y., foll �un.) the cor:structica of �hz proje:i f��� tL•e
Permittee hereby state that, [o the besi of my abiii[ies, due care and diligence was used in the obsxrvation uf tha
consiruciinn su.h thnl ti�e ronsvuctiun was ooserved to ne buil� wi[hin suos!aniial cumplia�icr aud intriu uflLz d0l
Wa[er Qualir: Ce�Yiticatior, aad 3utTer Rul�s. [he appreved plans zr.d sozcitications, and othe: supparting r.�a:erials.
Signalure __
P.e�istr�tion Ne.
�i�lalhin9 Compares - ,
?[nrv c� MrvZh : arol��an ��. Fnviroemtelni �;�.:ah�}
i6i 7 Maii Scrvice Cznte� i Xulagh, ironii Caiulinx 2759S-i6i i