HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWS - Homeowner Notification_20170421�> DUKE ENERGY. April c 1, eu I I Mr. Jay Zimmerman I4orIM Carolina Department of Environmental ucaliry Diviaium of Wate, Rasoorcas 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 Subject: Permanent vvater Supply: Homeowner Notification Dear Mr. Zimmerman: Peal Oraa:iten Senior vlce-FresMent En-im"FRurdA. 1`6_ ri K b-10ty 5z8 5Ouin Urlardl wreei Mail Code ECUP URSrlotte, A% eszOe 9130-3 (3-twos At this time Doke Energy respectfully iegoests that NCDEQ acknowledges that Duke Energy has fulfilled the April 15, cu 1 t requirement within House Bill 630 that Duke Energy notify resid-nta identified in the appr-.,,ad plan of their eligibility for establishment of a permanent water supply. Since NCDEu'a conditional approval of the plupused plans in January 2017. Doke Energy has strived to educate all eligible well owners or trle approved alternative water supply options that were available t.,, them. Edccat;on included: Developrrlent of a public wabuite (www.duke-enerpy.comlwaterplan5), whit:h Contains the proposed plan Is submitted in December and answers to frequently asked questions. o Also, letters were issued to all ..all u.vner and tcnanta In Decamber 2016 informing them that plans had been sub,i itted to NCDEQ and that they were posted on the aforememionea website. • Developme, it of a database to track interaction with homeowners and tenants throughout this process. 155oantue of letters in Janoary 2017 to all well owners, tenants, mid homeowners who utilized a neignlsor-s eligible well as their drinking water source. The latter Zontained information on the options available and an invitation to community information sessions. Well owner's IBILers also included a 5tamp8137 selr-aatlressed selection card, where well owners could indicate their prufuum'--a for a sulut;cn from thi,se available. • Hosting community information sessions; also attenaea and supported by NCDEQ staff, at the locations and datea shoyvn in the table beluvv. • Providing additional information to well owners and tenants when they called Duke Enargy-'a dadicatad prujact phone nomber (800-653-5304) or a,, ailed os at about their bottled water delivery or ine solutions available for their homes. • Issuance of additional civRified mailings between Riarcll 0 ana April 12 to well owners who had not returned their suluctiun card. Community lnf;-,rrrratiz;n Seasiuns Plant Attundanuo Fub. 6 Asheville 10 Feb. 8 Marshall 35 Feb. 13 HF Lee 8 Feb. 15 & 16 Back 22 & 24 Feb. c i Rugers Energy Complex Cliffside 12 Feb. 20 & 27 Allen 75 & 27 Feb. 28 Mayu & Ruxburu 50 Mar. a nelews 15 Mar. 1 Weatherspoon 6 Dining the coarse of this process, the aligible list was adjusted firs, 940 to 884 eligible households. Through discassiuns with properry owners, iMeir legal counsels, or through additional in,,eatiyat;vn of property tam raixr& and cuunty GIS databaaea, adjustmeenta were made because the prperty: • Did not contain a hoasehold or multiple huosehulds. but rather had a barn or shed on it: Was already ivnnccted to municipal treater; ur • Had multiple hoaseholos on it. The huosehulds identified as eligible in December e-V M but removed from the list due to upuatet7 inrormation are included as Attachment A. A list uf eligible households with untstantling selection carts as of Hpril 15; 2017, including the tracking number of the certified letters) sent to them and other Outreach attempts mada by Duke Energy, is included as Attachment B. Thu table beluwv aummari.Les out successful Outreach attempts. Note that the Uotreach attempts listed below are not exclusive. For example, a household fur wRflm we receiveza a signeu confirmation of receipt from USPS or UPS may alau have been �;alled by at Duke Energy representative, or may be un bottled water. The list below is to help show our effuRs to reach all homeowners. We consider the activities listed below as proof that we have successfully communicatet with the eligible households identified in the pr�-,pused plans. Outreach Attempt 1 Confirmation Households Confirmed in Outreach Remaining Households Total Households Contacted Households Contacted Returned Selection Card by April 15, 2017 688 196 688 77.8% Aqua and their customers _ (decision still to be made by NCDEQ on who will make 80 116 768 86.9% selection Page 2 of 3 USPS/UPS Signed Confirmation of Receipt (March io ZF17 844 95.5% and/or A roil letters Phone Call with Property 18 22 862 97.5% Owner USPS/UPS tracking showing delivery in hand without 7 15 869 98.3% customer signature Household Currently Receiving Bottled Water 7 8 876 99.1 % Two certified mailings with no 99 customer response. 6 2 882 j 8% Utilizing all of the uatruoach attumpta i5mpluyed by Duke Energy, over 990/. uf the huasehulds have been Lontacted. Duke has made multiple attempts to contact the remaining Me% ano will continue to attempt to contact the vvull uvwmars. Based upon the extent of outreacfl contlaciela By DaRe Energy, we respectfully request that NCDEU ackn%..hdges that Dak-W has fulfilled the April 15, 2017 requirement that Dakc notify residents identified in the approved pldn of their eligibility for establitshmern of a permanent water supply. We look forward to your rspt3nse. If you have comments antlror questions. please direct them to me at 980-373-0408. Sinuer ly, Paul Dray uh Senior Vice -President Envi,ri,,mental, Health 8, Safety L_X: Sheila Hul,,,an, AsAutant Secretary, DEQ Debra Watts_ Division Of Water Resuares_ Animal Feed Operations & Groanawater Encl: Attachment A: Hi-josGholds Removed from Eligible List Attachment r0: Ootstant]ing selection Cards - Outreach Log Page 3 of 3