HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071470_Meeting Minutes_20071017Page 9of14 Date October 17, 2007 10 30 am to 11 00 am NC Turnpike Authority Office Budding Ground Floor Conference Room (G-13) Project STIP R-2635 Western Wake Freeway Western Wake Freeway Spotlight: Additional Attendees: ?I=illiltit?i! Rob Ridings, NCDWQ i , John Hennessy, NCDWQ Greg Price, NCDOT- Natural Environment Unit Tracy Roberts, HNTB- NCTA/GEC Ross Andrews, EcoScience Corporation Len Hill, ARCADIS Knstina Miller, ARCADIS t'l'it Martha Register, ARCADIS 11011,111 '=iJi f?islEi Presentation Materials: (posted on the TEAC website) • Meeting Agendas • October 17, 2007 TEAC Handout ,i 111;l;t ! • PowerPoint Presentation `;1', ;f `bill; ` =i General Discussion: il. ifitr?}Elirlr { ! Note: The meeting was held twice (on 10117 and '(QQ/18) to`better accomm9,61 to environmental resource and regulatory agency schedules. The discussion sect%on is Jrla" igecl;byldate as noted t t Purpose: iil?li? ?41s! The purpose of the me project concept due to environment, natural n w as to revieiy;'the Reevaluationfeport including its purpose, the change in updates/chdh§es to the huma`iienvironment, cultural resources, physical s;1indirect ad cumulative impacts; `and conclusions 14 iT({ i3 4ib `?€Itfit !( {j( !St I iE41+?k1 ?icli awarding the Design-Bfiudd contract in July 2008 and opening the facility to ',,tones are g§ject to the availability of funding ) neflore the UjS1(Ahn?icorps of Engineers (USAGE) can issue the 404 permit ?Ir Et, lrr -A ation (JD)'I;sust be finalized by completion of the Rapanos forms Local npletedi?forms ill take 5 days, followed by Environmental Protection Agency auart`ek=s, review which will take an additional 15 days If there is no response the 4'i0,4 permit can be issued ARCADIS is under contract with NCDOT to cor>a0leted by October 31, 2007 Schedule: Stllli;`illli r The current sdhedu a incl de traffic in Fall.Nl1 (Both'ml(e • 1 Q1117hi-Ot was noted that that th'e,iurisdictional det USAC [eV, w of the co (EPA) a41151 CE head within the 15i a lRenod, have the Rapenosiform. • 10/17 - The next s(eps;?olcompleting the permitting process include forwarding the completed Rapanos forms to NCDWWQ, and the state issuing the 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) Other items needed prior to iissuing the 404 permit include the EEP acceptance letter and the Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement, both of which have been received by USACE • 10/18 - it was noted that the WQC cannot be issued without a signed NEPA document. The Record of Decision (ROD) was signed in 2004 and remains the final NEPA document The Reevaluation Report is a decision-making document for FHWA in determining whether a Supplemental EIS is needed The Reevaluation Report concludes that the FEIS is still valid and no additional NEPA documentation is necessary • 10/18 - The noted change in median width to 78 feet may require additional review and avoidance measures before NCDWQ will issue the WQC NCTA reminded NCDWQ that the change in median Turnpike Environmental Agency Coordination Meeting 10/17/07 Page 10 of 14 width was addressed in the FEIS and ROD This additional width has been included and addressed previously through the Merger Process and accepted by NCDWQ NCDWQ agreed no additional review is required • 10/18 - NCDWQ will need to review the Rapanos forms and receive confirmation that the USACE has accepted them as complying with the new Rapanos guidelines prior to completing the WQC NCDWQ may need to put the permit on hold (though review of the permit would continue) as incomplete until they receive these forms Additionally, if USACE determines that any waters are not isolated and are without a significant nexus, NCDWQ may have to hold the WQC There currently is no state mechanism for permitting this category of wetlands, which are considered Waters of the State The Environmental Management Commission (EMC) is scheduled to issue a temporary rule to permit impacts to these Waters of the State in November ,iiill'tt€it, • 10/18 - It was noted that the project will be implemented under a Design-B; lied contract. NCDWQ cautioned NCTA that any changes to the hydraulic design during the Dt?;sigif }uild process would likely tugger a permit modification There is no guarantee that a modificatid'will be` pFg'rmitted and that NCTA is ultimately the party held responsible for the permit and q0t a esign-B44 lt1eam t'ili€iti , IIlHt • 10/18 - NCDWQ is waiting on information about the stream restoratiop north of Olivel,G+,?pe1 Road Specifically, there are questions about the suitability of thelreference reach - it is in a dift?e?pt watershed and it is a different type of stream from the strewn proposed for restoration NC;[7Atiill t "' till follow-up with NCDOT to obtain additional information an j lc#lanfication about th e reference reach l (UPDATE Representatives of USACE, NCDWQ, NCDOT, NCTA;s Geperal Engrneerrng Consultant (HNTB and EcoScience) and Sungate Design Group met on-site, ;1, 0{29Y07 to'drscuss the reference reach If NCDWQ is unable to locate a more suitable reference +rdec/l? within the Tnass?c Basin, it was agreed that the proposed reference reach wotuld be acceptable andi?liaf is planting plan would be developed The planting plan would likely be`€ cue a condition of the per,{ Additional coordination between NCDWQ and NCDOT to occur] fla?llli € '1 r4 , + _ ?I 1? €,tiii i,s • 10/18 -NCDWQ suggested that NCTA hold mo iiihly on-site, neetings with t' regulatory agencies once construction has started NCDWQ has fou'' these ,' ee?irjgs, to be eneficial in identifying concerns quickly and in providing an opportunity tole proactiv?ti!Ia'fsdlelps the agency in handling 3`d party complaints, because€t'by are able to state at they are aware of the issues and they are !-Olt 0 ,ti " " il i+ being addressed The meetings 1&d on-going coordination also minimize NOVs for protects NCTA agreed that on-site meetings would!be}benefcial ;? Q&A: '1 • 10/97 -Did NCTA+make/cti1ai`ges to?h 1?}} pro ect design b9sed on comments as part of the public involvement tiwties? }?fli III }i ?'?lI lilt' llllli€it:, Nc comtr,,, receiVedltrom the+p?Nic resulted' in esign changes Section 7 of the Reevaluation Repor iprovides a surn,maof the ?IJI?Iic comments received • 90/ Is NCTA still planning to use the,, Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) for its mitigation ,nteeds1i1it ii I .E, Yes Thi d9ACE is clarifying, internally whether NCTA would be handled the same as NCDOT with respect l %he ;use of EEP 11 s • 10118-1 ho ltil??o?n the nghfioof way (ROVt9 for the project? NCTA or NCDOT? NCDWQ may have to issue the Dermitlto!the 00-owner NCDOT currently owns?soMe parcels and NCTA is buying the remainder Dunng construction there will be dual ownership ,Aq some point NCTA will transfer their ROW to NCDOT and lease the entire corridor back for the duration of toll operations NCDWQ stated that the permit could be issued to the ROW owner or a public agency with condemnation authority NCDWQ needs to discuss the ownership issue internally It is possible the WQC would be issued to both NCTA and NCDOT 10198 - Does NCTA have its own NPDES stormwater permit? This is a concern for the WQC particularly regarding Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the stonmwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the facility NCTA has coordinated with NCDENR (Mike Randall) and is in the process of obtaining its own NPDES stormwater permit that is similar to NCDOT's NCTA expects to have it in the final review stages/public comment period by the end of the year and anticipates the final permit will be issued Turnpike Environmental Agency Coordination Meeting 10/17/07 Page 11 of 14 pnor to awarding the Design-Budd contract NCDWQ will require either the completed NPDES stormwater permit, an MOA for NCTA to work under NCDOT's existing NPDES stormwater permit, or a project specific Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement for the stormwater BMPs prior to issuing the WQC The WQC will be on hold pending the resolution of this issue • 10/18 - What is the status of a Sedimentation and Erosion Control permit? NCTA is covered under NCDOT's Sedimentation and Erosion Control permit and this has been accepted by the NC Division of Land Resources • 10/18 - Is the project located entirely within the Cape Fear River Basing Does it all drain to the B Everett Jordan Reservoir? . t , The project is located entirely within the Cape Fear River Basin, but only the, n6 i &n,half of the project area drains into the B Everett Jordan Reservoir NCDWQ and the, Emb are developing buffer rules, similar to the Neuse River Rules, for streams draining into the B E',6W'e1 Jordan Reservoir This is likely to become an issue if the Design-Build team requires any 4001 pefri?itimodiflcations in the northern half of the project area If a modification is requested in a location that.dfains into B Everett Jordan Reservoir, then the site with the modification would become stt fact to the`ni?ffer rules and retrofitting may be required The proposed rules are likely to t te'e'ffect at the end of=ilvlay 2008 =!1111!, , 111111111 Previous Action Items: Ii li lei t,i11= 4 11111 ?f !fit, • No action items were identified 1111;t;<it Ii. I =I1 .if1' t ! 1€;Iii New Action Items 1llilii? ;i `ii • The Rapanos forms, once completed and aocleptedlby USACE, will be1p1 v ad to NCDWQ The WQC will be on hold pending completion of tai ? orrin?5i? ;1 i ?11iir • NCTA will follow-up with NCDOT to obtain additional inform do and clarification about the reference reach for the proposed stream restoration The WQC will ,be'on$81 pending resolution of concerns about the reference reach ( i , t!Ili` 1{l;i }Iii !II(fli}1111, ?il?+i' • NCDWQ will require fromACTAi either the completed' NPDES storm, ter permit, an MOA for NCTA to work under NCDOT's,existing NMESistormwater permit, or a project specific Operations and Maintenance (O&M)iAgj?'etement for'the stormwater BMF prior to issuing the WQC The WQC will be on hold pending the resolution of this' issue 1;j! i g t Resolutions: i is11i!I ; <l 1? ?1l e?{?l?l?';11,' • None ;1111,??i1?,I1fE?#fl{?s3ls,li! h fall, Next Sfe ss+ • No addit?h I TEAC meeting# ?1fir 1 anticipated NCTA will continue to work with USACE and NCDWQ throughouiltfhe permitting pros C. i 1???11i<< i ,?l it Turnpike Environmental Agency Coordination Meeting 10/17/07 Page 12 of 14 Date October 17, 2007 130 pmto330pm NC Turnpike Authority Office Building Ground Floor Conference Room (G-13) Project STIP R-3329 Monroe Connector- NHF-74(21) STIP R-2559 Monroe Bypass - NHF-74(8) Monroe Connector / Bypass Spotlight: Attendees ,,16(11{ii Donnie Brew, FHWA Ryan White, NCDOfTi- PDEA George Hoops, FHWA Jennifer Harns 1114 Chris Militscher, USEPA Christy Shurnita,`FiiNTB Steve Lund, USACE (by Phone) Michael Gloden, EcoSciepce Marla Chambers, NCWRC (by Phone) Carl Gibdaro,!t?BS&J Polly Lespinasse, NCDENR-DWQ (met on Kersteri3GiugPBS&J `11116 ii 10/18/07) ri`e3j}il'I ` i i1 i Presentation Materials (Posted on the TEAC website). iVnild iii ';;? € ??# 1?#1111 • Meeting Agenda ,i6t1,i 4 1#(i ?, • Preliminary Corridor Segments for Quantitative Third Screening Fig re revised 10/11/07)1 • Preliminary Study Alternatives Figure ;1l( f • Preliminary Recommended Detailed Study Altematives Figure; f' • Quantitative GIS Analysis Screening Re' PltsTable • Preliminary Field Assessment of Corridor S;egrpehtI, 8A !!f€ ?;Iti Dili! General Discussion: Note: The meeting was held twice (on 10/17 and 10/18) to Pe er cc`?on podate environmental resource and regulatory agency schedules. (((fThje! discussions wergt(s0lar and are consolidated in the summary below. 1' f, i • Purpose: The purpose of the?lmeiing was to disc?wss comments on the second qualitative screening and present findingsiofjth`e quantitative?third screening 1111, • Second Qualitative ScreeingrL,, JewsgBond quanta ive screening results were presented at the Septembq? 2T, P, 007 TF''? 4nie?ting ?oi(18,kIhg i at,meeting, written comments were received from NCVV11jj1Rw, icl?ig¢r{erally note;d 7th at it seemed! emature to eliminate some corridors without quantitative d ,Jt? J{particularly sprrie,of the u?grhde existing roadways options General discussion regarding the second iii111i1 ?, There was dis' 0,41on with ??`i?A?decision to eliminate Corridor Segment 13 (upgrading Secrest ! Shortcut Road)'fro' urther analysis because there would be less impacts to natural resources with 1 ?> improve existingiloadway alignment than a new location roadway Shifting Corridor Segment 13 b, 61 rd to minirrlize impacts to residences on the south side of the road would result in an al@ gent very similar to on Segment 30 NCWRC requested quantitative data for these segments NcTIAK'e{ninded tf'olse present that in the NCDOT Merger 01 process, they would not be involved to th is ext'ept inle rly alternatives screening Agencies are accustomed to being provided quanbtadvI61 is on all alternatives still under consideration at Concurrence Point 2, however, by that point, rli`iiany alternatives have been considered and eliminated without agency coordination and input'iAlso, the screening process for this project was discussed at several TEAC meetings and the second screening was always intended to be a qualitative comparison of potential impacts o NCTA noted that a population of Schweinitz's sunflower had been located adjacent to Secrest Shortcut Road (Corridor Segment 13) dust north of Poplin Road o USEPA noted that SCDOT used a qualitative screening process for the 1-73/74 interstate project that agencies generally liked and offered to provide a copy of this screening (CAT Tool) to FHWA and NCTA Although this project has progressed beyond the point of being able to implement this tool, it can be considered for other future NCTA projects o Corridor Segments 5 and 6, which would include upgrading Old Monroe Road/Old Charlotte Highway to a freeway with frontage roads, were also discussed NCWRC commented that these Turnpike Environmental Agency Coordination Meeting 10/17/07 Page 13 of 14 segments are similar to Corridor Segments 8 and 9, which are proposed for evaluation in the quantitative third screening NCTA explained that the Corridor Segments 8 and 9 follow existing US 74, which is an existing 6-lane facility, while Corridor Segments 5 and 6 would upgrade an existing 2-lane roadway, resulting in substantial impacts to adjacent properties Additionally, Corridor Segment 6 would pass through downtown Monroe USEPA and NCWRC agreed that Corridor Segment 6 was probably not reasonable to implement and noted that documentation for eliminating Corridor Segment 5 qualitatively should be thorough o Agencies noted that the elimination of any corridor segments should be fully justified and documented o USEPA and FHWA expressed concern that the number of alternatives to be studied in depth should be kept to a reasonable number ,tliii3li,?! NCTA pointed out that agency comments related to Relative Segment. omparison Areas 3 and 4 have been addressed After further evaluation of the comdor segments in(those areas, NCTA felt that there was not sufficient data to screen out some segments Corridor Segments 34+94'Ad?41 will be retained for the quantitative third screening Corridor Segment 41 can be shiftd to;6void direofii `pacts to two agricultural industries on US 74, which had been a primary factor in the,16`141, recommendatioqj eliminate this corridor ????IF,, • Corridor Segments 18/18A and 22122A - As discussed gat the Sepi ember 27, 2007 T I ,EC?FmIeeting, based on public comment Corridor Segments 18 and 22, nevlr' Corridor Segments 18A and 22A Were added to minimize direct impacts to neighborhoods impacted by Corridor Segments 18 and 22 Based on agency comment, NCTA requested the natural systems consultant ifor, this'project to conduct a cursory field assessment of the natural resources in Corridor Segment 1W;Tihe Area included in Corridor Segment 22A was studied during previous NCDOT studies of the project and, therefore, resources are known Field reviews in the area of Corridor Segment %Aldid snot identify any lar`ge?o }ihigh,quality wetlands in the area NCTA asked if any of the agencies represented'?hadlconcerns with elim;nabpg Corridor Segments 18 and 22 and retaining Corridor Segments 18A and}22A The?`ager cies represetrted (USACE, NCWRC, USEPA, and NCDWQ) had no concerns with eliminating Corridpr',J9egrnen,is 18 and 22 e. `I'.i?1llilil"' • Quantitative Third S Study Alternatives (P3, segments not elirn 'a, developed The+imp' the impacts, NCTA re of existing US 74 and .111, ?6fifl g?,-`A table shows ig?) S) was'psetsented for revie? by the sectond qualitative were calcWated for the co rime nde?tlJelimrnating nine > di pta'c a and arge numbe 1tiu" •.?i 11els "altes?, "Ad" it;l1; constt = an ctl recommend the remainin III devbloplm!11 ent and screenil 2007410,6, a newsletter v Agencie'Wwiil Ibe asked to for discuss?o9 16t the TEAT I TEAC meeting,NTpere wil agencies time to Ire" -ewRi preliminar ilithpacts associated with the Preliminary The 25 PSAs are combinations of the corridor ,reernng Conceptual alignments for each PSA were .eptual alignments using GIs and field data Based on s,t,f fthe PSAs These PSAs use all or a substantial length )f'businesses along the route In addition, impacts to i costs were substantially higher for each of these 16 PSAs for detailed study in the Draft Environmental I -I, s Ir `v ment an Analysis Report - A report documenting the alternatives h,rocessfis being prepared and will be distributed to agencies on November 5, tie distributed and the report will be available for public review and comment view and provide written comments on the draft report by December 5, 2007 heating that day A summary of public comments will also be provided at the of be a TEAC meeting in November for this project in order to allow the report Previous Action Items: 40 • Agencies to review presentation of second qualitative screening of preliminary study corridors and provide comments by October 17, 2007 (Written comments were received via email from NCWRC on October 11, 2007] • NCTA to prepare and distribute a summary of the qualitative screening results [A wntten summary of the first and second qualitative screenings was distributed and posted to the TEAC webs?te on October 2, 2007 ] • NCTA will post relevant impact information from the Monroe Bypass EA/FONSI and the Monroe Connector DEIS to the TEAC website [These documents were posted to the TEAC webs?te J Turnpike Environmental Agency Coordination Meeting 10/17/07 Page 14 of 14 New Action Items: • Agencies to review the Draft Altemadves Development and Analysis Report when it is made available on November 5, 2007, provide written comments, and be prepared to discuss at the December 5, 2007 TEAC meeting Resolutions: • Co or Segment 18 and 22 will be eliminated from further consideration Next Steps: • There will not be a November TEAC meeting to facilitate the agencies' revi? oit?e Draft Alternatives Development and Analysis Report The December TEAC meeting wi}1(be a spotlight update and the findings and comments received on the Draft Alternatives Developm' t and Analysis Report will be discussed #{E ?'E{i}i€ ti{i{€ } (3314 _{° €€3? ?it ((fit i i!Jill ; } <<' 11111,hil Till. t i ll111iiE I?€14{x,, ??{t E „i Turnpike Environmental Agency Coordination Meeting 10/17/07