HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150035 Ver 4_Permit modification request for W5516 04172017_20170417� ySUTFy� J� e <� ��� yv u i y �� yY .y e� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVER\OR April 17, 2017 James Lastinger U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 JnMEs H. Txo�no�, II[ SECRE'fARY SUBJECT: Permit modification no. 3 for Section 404 Nationwide Permit 14 and Section 401 Water Quality Ceirtification for the relocation of SR 1221 (Old Beatty Ford Road) from SR 1210/SR 1221 to SR 1337 (L,entz Road) Rowan County, NC. Division 9. Federal Aid Project No. HISP-1221(18), TIP NO. W-5516. USACE Action ID no. SAW-2013-01905. DWRNo. 2015- 0035. Due to instream instability at pertnit site 6, we propose to covert 13' of temporary impacts at permit site 6 to pennanent fill, and add an additional 12' of permanent ftll impacts due to the construction of a rip rap lined V ditch. The original 404 permit was issued on January 28, 2016 with modifications on June 5, 2016 and February 16, 2017. The origina1401 permit was issued on January 28, 2015 with modifications on June 8, 2016 and February 21, 2017. Below is an impact table for the project �vith the changes to site 6 in bold. Site # Stream/Wetland Id Im act t e Im act amount 1 SC Permanent(culvert) 158' 1 SC Tetu ora 61' 1 SC Permanent bank stabilization) 11' 2 SA Permanent(culvert) 140' 2 SA Tem orai 114'* 2 SA Permanent (bank stabilization) 88' 2 WB Pennanent (fill/excavation) OA1 acres 2 WB Tem ora 0.03 acres 3 SB Permanent (culvert) 182' 3 SB Temporary 19' 3 SB Permanent (bank stabilization) 14' 4 SG Permanent (bank stabilization) 18' ,LfnilingAddr'ess: KC DGPAR7TIENT OF TItANSPORTATION DMSION 9 375 SILAS C2EGK PARKWAY WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27127 Telephone:(336)747-7800 Fax:(336)703-6693 G�s[omer Service: I-87Z368-4968 VVebsi(e: www.ncdoLgov ���t�an: 375 SILAS CREEK PARKWAY �VINSTON-SAI.Ph� NC 27127 5 WF Tem ora 0.02 acres 6 SJ Permanent (culvert) 223' 6 SJ Tem m•ary 10'" 6 SJ Permanent (bai�k stabilization- lY outlet) 6 SJ Permanent ri ra v-ditch 25' 7A SE Permanent (culvert) 79' 7A SE Tem ora�y 20'- 7A SE Pe�manent (bank stabilization) 76'� 7B SF Permanent (culvert) 80' 7B SF Tem orary 23' 7B SF Permanent (bank stabilization) 38' 'Modified trom 31' on June 5, 2U16 (USACL) a[�d Junc 1�, 2U1 (UN'li) +Modificd from 32' on Pebrunry 16, 2017 (USACE) and February 21, 2017 (DW2) ^ModiGed Gom 23' tcmporary in original permit approvnls By copy of this letter we also request that the Division of Water Resources also provides an in-field modification to the 401 permit. Let me know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, ✓ �� ARty Euliss Division 9 Environmental Officer AttachmeMs: Revised plan sheet and revised PCN impact table electronic cc: Dave Wanucha, DWR Transportation Permitting Unit Amy Chapman, DWR Transpoitation Permitting Unit Revised PCN sheet page 6 T ❑ Rr�r p awQ s��e s❑ P� cuive� UT Town Branch (SB) � p�� � co`ps �-a �s T ❑ fNT ❑ C}WQ Site 3� P[] gtabilization l!T Town Branph (SB) � PER � Carps b_8 �� T ❑ iNT ❑ DWp Site q� P � ��ayatlon Cold Wa1er Creek (SG) ��ER � Corps �p 18 T ❑ INT ❑ laWQ S�te 8� P❑ �ulvert liT Cold Water Creek {SJ) ❑ PER � Corps 2-3 223 k�� 7 � INT �] CIWQ � Site 8❑ P� �ulver� UT Cald Weter Creak {SJ) Q PER � Corps 3-3 �2�, `t1 � T � IIVi ❑ DWQ � Site 8� F' ❑ Stsbilization E1T Cold Water Creek (SJj � pER � Corps �_� �� T � INT ❑ DWQ Site 7A � P Cul�ert UT Cald Water Creek (S�) � PE� ��°�� 6•8 79 ❑ T ❑ I�IT � DWQ Site 7A ❑ P Cul�ert UT Cold Water Creek (SE} � pER � Corps �$ � T ❑ IN7 ❑ DWQ � � Site 7A � P 5#�bilfzation UT Cotd Water Creek (S�) � P�R � Corps 8^g w� t_ ❑ T ❑ IiVT ❑ DINQ �17 pT�B �� Gulvert UT Cold Water Creek (SF) ��N7 � p�Q 8-8 8� Slte 7B ❑ t' culve�t UT Cold Water Creek (SF) ❑ PER � Coirps �S 23 �T �INT OpWQ 5ite 7B � P gt����ixalion UT Coid Walar Creek (SF) ��'ER EBI Corps $-g �� r ❑ T � INT ❑ DWQ ?Q�'1i '1�,� 3h. Yokal atream anc! tributary Impacb Perm `�+�` � Temp � 3f. Cornments: see tabEe 1.2 for mititagtion ratias .- � d. Qpen Water Imgacts �,�� If there are propased Imgacts to IaEces, ponds, estuaries, kributarles, sounds, ihe At�antEc Ocean, or any ok�er ppen water of the U.S. ther� indi�iduall Iist all a en waler 6m ac#s beCow. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. Ae. O,pen watev Name of impact number wakerbody 7ype of impact Waterbody rype Area of lmpact (aeres) -- Perrnenent (if applicable} {p) or Tem ra 01 ❑ P p T Chaose One Chaose �ne 42 ❑ P❑ 7 Choose One Choose �ne a3 C� P p T Choose C�ne Ghaose one �4 ❑ P❑ T Choose �ne Chpose One �Si. Tota1 apen water Irnpaotg x Permanent X Tamporary 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Const�`�ok�o�1 If ond or leke canstruction ro osed, then com lete the ehart below. S ����}l� �\�c ��� : Am 0 Sp 4 2 7 �] �i 5CA1.'=: I'= 100' HdRl7_. 1NETLAND ANE7 SU'ftFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT ENLARGE❑ PLAN uIEW �ITE 6 ti. �'. UEPT.OF TRASS�nRTATIc1N �[VIs70I� aF Hl.r.[{ri',�7°S 1{v1l`A[� C'Ul� V.�.1. Pgn.)E[`T� 1s-55fi. 4LU IStA'1 i 1 l�(iHD IfUAU F'HUh1 N'�ti'l' Vl� BOST]:1N RVAU ]i�TGR5CC74D� 7`7 7.[::1"1`Z P,oAD SEIGQ7 6P F'ERMIT 6RAWING SHEEi OF ���rTrc�. LEGEND �Ll:JCIlS ItMPU}.iY IMPAC#5 IN SSIRFACE wqiEF �OENOifS fERn'.RNENI IM.fAti�15 IN SL�:YAGt wRIiY