HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080356 All Versions_2016 Monitoring Report Review Division 1-8_20170406Wa�Pr b�esoctrt cts ENVIRONMENTA� OUHLRY Mr. Randy Griffin NC Departmen? of Transportatior. Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 MSC Rzleigh, NC 27699-L48 ROY COOPER rni..,-u�rr MICHAEL S. REGAN seor�or �. S. JAY ZIMMERMAN �„�-�m� April 6, zev Subject: NC Divisior. of Water Resources comments on the NC Department of Trensporta:ion Annual 2016 MonitorinE RepoKs ior Divisions 1-8. Dear Mr Griffin: The following review comments are for the NC DOT annual monitoring reports submitted to NC DWR as per requirements of the permit conditions associated with each TIP. Thank you for your timely submittal of the monitoring reports. Review comments were generated from review of the monitor plans as well as site permit files, site inspections (done prior to Hurricane Matthew), and any other site specific meetings or commur.ication. A�I site :pecific comments are listed below. Mitigation sites nave been observed to be missing signage (often along the back side away irom the roa� as �vas disnissed in the Decemb2� 33, 2016 IettFr to DCT regardi�g on-site mitigarion. ;;gnaoe i; ❑eeded ±o Cemarcate and ens�re better �rotection of the conservation easem=nt and mitigated nztura! resource permitted'oy DWR io offset the transportation project impacts. Appropriate signage is required for sites proposed for closeout in 20ll and future years. The addit�an of the mitigation ratio tc most monitering reports as requested last year was noted. It was noted in sume of the monitoring reports [hat <780 days had passed between planting and ttie Tirst monitoring event. Please be reminoed that the 2003 Guidance requires five years of monitoring and the ACOE 2013 Compensatory Mitigation Site Update requires "veget�tion to be in :he ground for at least 180 days prior to the initiation of the first year of monitoring". Sites that are monitored just three months after planting will result in only 4 years and 3 months of monitoring. In regards to credrting for future projects, it sfwuld also be notzd that Enhancement Level II stream (typically cattle removal, vegrtation pianting in the buffer. ocr.asionally mino� bank work or a structure addition) and Enhancement Level I projects (typically some bank improvement or addition of structures or both and planting of the buffer) have been generally been credited different�Y for DMS and bankers; EII at 25:1 and EI at ].S:t. Projects that have very minimal improvements proposed (e.g. solely live staking the bark ;nd remov2l cf exotics) have also received 5:1 fer EII. DWR vaould !ike tc see more consistent crediting for future UOT projeds in regards to identifying the difference between sices that are Enhancemer�t I and Enhancement 11 and not lumping all stream er�hancement into one category of enhancemeni at 2:i. ��'Nothing Compares�.. ScateofNorthCarolina I EnvironmeNalQualiry I h'atcr Resources SRN.SalisburyStrecl � 1611MailServiceCen[cr I Raleigh.NC27699-1611 919]079000 When downloading well data, please make sure all monitoring wells are sealed properly with bentonite at the base of the well. Division 1 Hardison Mill Creek Wetland Mttigatian Site (TIP B-4185, DWR# 20121133) — October ,�.016 field site visit letter comments it was noted (as a commenting agency) that the elevation on this site does not match the adjacent wetland although the plansheets indicated the etevations matched. Parts of the restored wetland appeared to be over 2 feet higher elevation then the adjacent reference we:land. Even six days after tropical storm Hermine this area was still dry. Please keep monitoring. Northwest Fork Alligator River (TIP B-4647, DWR# 20110427) —The DWR 9/8/2016 field visit and 2016 monitoring report indicated the site is meeting success criteria. DWR's most current plansheet records are dated 9-28-20:2 on the bottom left corner with 8/17/99 stamped on the upper left. The same date stamp, 8J17/99, is located on the upper left of the 2016 monitoring report plansheet. The mitigation area appears tu be reconfigured in the 2016 monitoring report. Please expiain this discrepancy and confirm which plansheet has the corred mitigation configuretion. Please keep monitoring. Division 2 Grimesland Bridge Road (B-3684, 20080356) —The 2.86 acres of riverine riparian wetland restoretion appear to be meeting performance criteria based on the 2016 field review and MYS monitoring report. Please schedule a closeout site visit for the 2.86 acres of restoration. The 0.52 proposed acres of enhancement and 3500 sq ft of voluntary buffer restoration can be insp2ded and discussed during the closeout visit. UT to Maple Brarch (TI? K-3800, DIVR# 20130649) - Supplemental planting of liv2stakes is needed as the silky dogwood and buttonbush planted in 2014 were not observed during the September, 2016 field visit. Please document the mitigation retio in the debit ledger, please keep monitoring Banks School Buffer (TIP R-2719A, DWR# 20080334) - Please schedule a field site visit in 2017 during the Banks School Road Wetland Closeout visit. Please keep monitoring. Banks School Road Wetland (TIP R-2719A, 20080314) — What were the mitigation ratios for the Banks Scliool Road Wetland site, these are not stated in the Debit Ledger. Was baseline hydrology data collected for the enhancement wetland assets? Please schedule a closeout site visit. UT Falling Creek (TIP R-2719A, pDWR 20080314) - The additional supplemental planting along the perimeter and signage as discussed in the 2016 monitoring report meeting was noted and appreciated. Please discontinue vegetation monitoring and stream stability monitoring as requested and continue wetland hydrology monitoring for one more year. Have credits been adjusted for the waterline located near IJS70? Please schedule a closeout site visit for the stream site assets. Harris Miil Run Creek (TIP U-5018A, DWRq 20096261) — Please add 1G,000 sq ft of buffer, the buffer mitigation retio and amount of stream mitigation on the debit ledger for the 2017 monitoring report. For verification, the 100' of stream mitigation included stream footage with forested buffer and non- forested buffer (areas under the bridge and within a bridge maintenance zone), correct? What is the �Nothing Compares�. State ofNorth Carolina I Environmental Quality � Water Resources SRN.Salisbury5treet � 16IIMaIISerNceCenter � Raleigh.NC2 76 9 41611 919.707.9000 width of the bridge maintenance zone? Please state in the 2017 monitoring report the approximate amount of stream footage that is forested and non-forested. Three feet of aggradation was noted in cross-section monitoring on left bank which should be mentioned in the report. Also, stream bank instability was noted under the bridge outside of the mitigation site which DWR would recommend monitoring to make sure it does not affect the mitigation site. Overall the mitigation site appeared to be stable and functionin� during the 9/9/2016 DWR site visit, although it was not clear if there had been some enaoachment from maintenance. Please keep monitoring. Qivision 3 Bridge #26 over Shelter Swamp Creek (TIP 17BP.3.R.1, DWRit 20140182) - For the 2017 monitoring repon, piease add the mitigation retio to debit ledger and defineate the approximate location of the herbaceous and forested wetland types on the aerial. The site appears to be meeting success requirements, please continue monitoring. Please keep monitoring. Site 6 Temporary Impacts (TIP R-3324, DWR# 20120711) - Odober 2016 letter field site visit comments — Phregmites has coionized on the SE side of the brldge and should be treated. Please add the credit ratio to debit ledger. Please keep monitoring. Bishop Branch (TIP R-2633A, DWR# 20300867) — The 40 Alders planted in May 2016 was noted in the monitoring report. A short rough section that could benefit from some additional livestakes was observed in the upstream restored section of the stream, 9/28/2016. Signage will need to be installed along the boundary of the conservation easement, including preservation areas (along the road and back side). Have two bankful events been observed? Please schedule a closeout site visit. Charles Branth {TIF' U-3462, DWR# 20081177) — Octcber 2016 IeYer field site visiY comments. The trea:men: oi Phagmites on the SW side of the wetla�d was noted. The credit amo�nt and retio �vas not listed in the Debit Ledger. Please verify what the current situation is with the adjacent landowner that has pruned some vegetation along Charles Branth. D'JdR has concerns about closing out Charles Branch due to recent non authorized cuttings as discussed in the winter monituring report. Piney Green Road Wetland Mitigation Site (TIP U-3810, DWR# 20110931) - During the August DWR site visit, the riverine wetland restoration area was observed to be heavily vegetated with cattail which were out competing planted trees. DWR recommends supplementing with obligate wetland species only (e.g. Nyssa aquatica, Taxodium distichum, Myssa 6iflorp, Cephalanthus occidentalis). Please continue monitoring. Division 4 UT to L�ttle River (TIP R-2554A, DWR# 20080570) - All the stream cross-section figures appear fairly stable, although the XS area sq footage results don't appear to match the greph and vary considerebly for XS3 (MY3-6.26, MY2-0.72, MY3 — 7.54, MY4-11.37). Are the MY4 cross section footage area results correct? Please continue monitoring. Tomm�s Road Mitigation Site (R-25548� — Please provide as an addendum to the monitoring report a figure that clearly delineates the stream (restoration and preservation) and buffer assets along with the �'/'Nothing Compares�. 5[areofNorthCarolina I EnvironmentalQualdy � Wa[er Resources 52N.Salisbury5[reet � 16IIMailServiccCmter � Raleyh.NC2 76 9 9-1 611 919707.9000 wetland assets forTommy's road (please see 2016 monitoring report comments). What was the credit ratio for the Buffer restoration zone 1 and zone 2 assets? Please schedule a closeout site visit. Mark Edwards Road, Site 9(TIP R2554BB, DWR# 20050570) - October 2016 letter field site visit comments - The section of mitigation on the east side of I-70 needs signage. The culvert was placed 7-8" above the thalweg of the stream which caused minimal flow through the culvert, plus water has backed up causing ponding that has enabled cattail to establish in the stream bed. In the 2016 monitoring report, the XS results in MYl show that aggradation is occurring. Please provide a current aerial with the stream and easement boundary overlaid. Please also include as-built XS results in MY 2017. DWR recommends setting up a site visit with the Tommy Road closeout. Please continue monitoring. Benton Site (TIP R-2554C, DWR# 20080570) - October 2016 letter field site visit comments - The stream is extremely slow mor•ing allowing cattail to flourish, more like a wetland, especially in the lawer section. About 40' from the confluence with the mainstem there is a small earthen dam (not clear if this is beaver) which is causing same impoundment and reduction of flow that should be removed (alth�ugh the dam may have been washed out by the recent hurricane). Additionally, the entire back side of the site needs signage. In the 2016 monitoring report, some was aggrading noted in cross sections. Please provide a current aerial with the stream and easement boundary overlaid. Please also include as-built XS results in MY 2017. DWR recommends setting up a site visit with the Tommy Road closeout. Please continue monitoring. Daniel's Street (TIP U-3826, DWRp 20090134) — Please include latitude and longitude in next year's report. Please check the well data results reported on Table 2, DSGW-2 should be 69.8 and DSREF-1 should be 14.9 according to the results of the hydrogreph data. Were the Reference Well and DSGS-1 lo:.ated in the upper part of the site resealed as was discussed durng the 8/3/2016 field visit? Please keep monitoring. UT Neu�e River —Telecris Site (DV6'Rri) -- Please update :he debit ledger Lable with credi; ratios and credit availability when this information is determined (see above comments on debit ledgers). Some channel instability was noted during the site visit and was also mentioned in the monitoring repott, has this site been visited since Hurricane Matthew? Please continue monitoring. Division 5 UT to Reedy Creek (TIP R-2635C, DWR q 20071A70) —The Odober 2016 site visit and XS monitoring results indicated UT to Reedy Creek is stable after repairs. Has this site been visited since Hurricane Matthew? Please include the original dates for construction, as-built, monitoring, redesign etc in the History sect�on or a brief paragraph that summarizes this information in next year's monitoring report. Please also include a figure in the 2017 monitoring report that shows the Planting Plan, new stream design, and conservation easement boundary. Ple2se continue monitoring. Division 6 �Nothing Compares� State of North Carolina I Environmental Qualay I Wa[er Resources SRN.SalisburyStrcet I I611MailServiceCenlcr I Raleigh,NC2 76 9 9-1611 919.707.9000 Waccamaw River OverFlow Temp Impact Site (TIP 178P.6.R.40, DWR# 20140598) — Please veri`y that the 0.2 ac temporary fill area has been seeded with a native seed mix as well as mulched. Please continue monitoring. Division 7 hlile Branch (TIP R-O6C91A, DWR#120060331) — Please schedule a closeout visit for Mile Branch. UT to Reedy Fork Site i(I-73 site, T!? R-2413A, DWRM 20130517) -- Please see the above comment an ledger formatting, did the enhancement section of the stream receive a 1:1 ratio as noted in the ledger? The approved mitigation plan for April 23, 2013 states 2:1 for enhancement reaches. Please include the planting pian and an aerial with the enhancement and restoration reaches clearly delineated in the MY17 report. Please continue monitoring. UT to Reedy Fork Sne 2(I-73 site, TIP R-2413A, DWR# 20130517) - Please see the above comment on ledger formatting, did the enhancement section of the stream receive a 1:1 ratio as noted in the ledger? The approved mitigatiun plan for April 23, 2013 states 2:1 for enhancement reacl�es. Please include the planting plan and an aerial with the enhancement and restoration reaches clearly delineated in the MY17 report. How much of the site will be replanted? Please see above comment on monitoring 6 months after planting. This site was observed to be very stable during an August 2016 site visit but there was issues with flow in the upper section. Please continue monitoring. Division 8 Aberdeen Creek (TIP B-36S0, DWRti 2012004U�- Please add the lat and lon and brief comments on how the stream restoretion is performing for MY17. This site had some stunted trees but overel! appeared to be meeting success crite� ia as obsenfed dw�ing a site visit ir August 2016. Please cortinue mooitcring. Is 2016 considered the'irs: monitoring year for the stream restoration as the stream Gank was just planted in lanuary 2016? Please continue monitoring. Lumber River Bridge (TIP B-4273, DWRti 20120535) - DWR visited this site on 9-1-2016, it appeared to be meeting success criteria, please monitor for one more year. Please contad the DWR NCDOT Mitigation Coordinator, Ginny Baker at 919-707-8788 with any concerns or questions regarding site comments or these can be discussed at the upcoming DOT Division 1-8 annual Mitigation Monitoring Report meeting. Sincerely, � � � Amy Chapman, DWR Trensportation Permitting Branch Supervisor amv.chapman@ncdenr.�ov, 919-707-8784 �Nothing Compares�.�. StareofNorthCarolina I EnvironmentalQualiry I Water Resources SRN.SalisburyS[reet I 1611MailScrviceCenter I Raleigh.NC2 769 9-1 611 919.707.9000 CC: Virginia Baker, NC Division of Water Resources Rob Ridings, NC Division of Water Resources, Central Office Joanne Steenhuis, NC Division of Water Resources, Wilmington Regional Office Garcy Ward, NC Division of Water Resources, Washington Regional Office Cathy Brittingham, NC Division of Coastal Management David Bailey, US Army Corps of Engineers Bill Biddlecome, US Army Corps of Engineers Andy Williams, US Army Corps of Engineers Tom Steffens, US Army Corps of Engineers Brad Shaver, US Army Corps of Engineers Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Engineers Todd Bowers, Environmental Protection Age�cy Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Gary Jordan, US Fish and Wildlife Service Clay Willis, NCDOT Division 1 Environmental Officer Jay lohnson, NCDOT Division 2 Environmental Officer Mason Herndon, NCDOT Division 3 Environmental Program Supervisor Chad Coggins, NCDOT Division 4 Environmental Officer Chris Murrey, NCDOT Division 5 Environmental Officer James Rerko, NCDOT Division 6 Environmental Officer Jerry Parker, NCDOT Division 7 Environmental Supervisor Art King, NCDOT Division 8 Environmental Officer Jason Elliott, NCDOT, Natural Environment Engineering Group Byron Moore, NCDOT, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Matthew Green, NCDOT, Roadside Environmental Unit Pese AIlen, N.rJOT, �Nothing Compares�_ Stare of North Carolina I Environmental Quali[y I Watrr Resources 512N.Salisbury5treet I 1611Mail5erviceCenter � Raleigh.NC27699�1611 9I9.107.9000