HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080793 Ver 1_More Info Received_20080903D8-??3 4190 Hwy. 16 South • Newton, NC 28658 • (828) 465-2205 • Fax (828) 465-5878 September 2, 2008 Sue Homewood NCDENR Water Quality Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Re: BREMCO (Ashe County) Ms. Homewood, Attached are the following as requested for the BREMCO project located in Ashe County. 1) Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Agreement. 2) Wet Detention Basin Supplement. 3) Revised Detention Basin Plan per the Wet Detention Basin Supplement. 4) Revised Detention Basin Calculations based upon revisions per the Wet Detention Basin Supplement. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, r,X7 'tMiles A. Wright, P Ian McMillan (NCDENR) ? File ?'.s? [;:?(i 9..:. , i + 1 2008 UENIk - WATER QUAL17Y "ETLANDg AND STORM4yATER BRANC;i CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one): ? does ? does not This system (check one): ? does V r7l does 1-i not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the wet detention basin is established, the plants on the vegetated shelf and perimeter of the basin should be watered twice weekly if needed, until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). - No portion of the wet detention pond should be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the plants on the vegetated shelf. - Stable groundcover should be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet detention basin. - If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain should be minimized to the maximum extent practical. - Once a year, a dam safety expert should inspect the embankment. After the wet detention pond is established, it should be inspected once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance should be kept in a known set location and must be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is resent. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the wet Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to detention basin erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of long. -approximately six inches. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.3 Page 1 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The inlet device: pipe or The pipe is clogged. Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the Swale sediment off-site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged. Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the swale if necessary to swale. smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erosion. The forebay Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than the sediment and remedy the problem if original design depth for possible. Remove the sediment and sediment storage. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. The vegetated shelf Best professional practices Prune according to best professional show that pruning is needed practices to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. The main treatment area Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than the sediment and remedy the problem if original design sediment possible. Remove the sediment and storage depth. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Algal growth covers over Consult a professional to remove 50% of the area. and control the algal growth. Cattails, phragmites or other Remove the plants by wiping them invasive plants cover 50% of with pesticide (do not spray). the basin surface. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The embankment Shrubs have started to grow Remove shrubs immediately. on the embankment. Evidence of muskrat or Use traps to remove muskrats and beaver activity is present. consult a professional to remove beavers. A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist to the embankment. remove the tree. An annual inspection by an Make all needed repairs. appropriate professional shows that the embankment needs repair. The outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The outlet device is damaged Repair or replace the outlet device. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the local NC Division of damage have occurred at the Water Quality Regional Office, or outlet. the 401 Oversight Unit at 919-733- 1786. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 2 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 2 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) Sediment Removal Bottom 0 Permanent Pool Elevation 968 966 Pe anen Pool ----------------- Volume Sediment Removal Elevation 964 Volume -ft Min. -------------------------------------------- 964 Sediment Bottom Elevation 962 1-ft n. Storage Sediment Storage FOREBAY MAIN POND Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.3 Page 3 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name:BREM BMP drainage area number: Print name:Glenn Grubb Title:Director of Purchasing & Facilities Address:P.O. Box 112• Lenoir NC 28645 Phone: 828-758-23$3 x,3234 Signature:' Date:- SI Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me thisc__2? day of , andg, and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet etention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, 1)?0>6 sA f d SEAL My commission expires !Y-- a g 10 13 Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev. 3 Page 4 of 4 Permit No, (to be provided by DWQ) aF W A rF9 ©' ? big - NCDENR c.. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part Ill) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. I.' PROJECT INFORMATION Project name BREMCO Contact person Miles A. Wright, PE Phone number 828-465-2205 Date 8/26/2008 Drainage area number 1 111. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 513,572.00 ft2 Impervious area 315,810.00 ftz % impervious 61.49 % Design rainfall depth 1.00 in Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided ft 3 Storage Volume: SR Waters 1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth 2.98 in Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff 5,463.00 ft3 Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff 26,503.00 ft3 Minimum volume required 21,040.00 ft3 Volume provided 63,473.00 ft3 Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth 2.98 in Rational C, pre-development 0.70 (unitless) Rational C, post-development 0.90 (unitless) Rainfall intensity: 1-yr, 24-hr storm 0.36 Whir Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow 2.14 ft3/sec Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow 2.76 ft3/sec Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow control 0.62 ft3/sec Basin Elevations Basin bottom elevation 962.00 ft Sediment cleanout elevation 965.00 ft Bottom of shelf elevation 966.00 ft Permanent pool elevation 968.00 ft SHWT elevation 968.00 ft Top of shelf elevation 967.00 ft Temporary pool elevation 970.17 ft Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev 4 Parts I. & 11 Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 a Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) Ill. DESIGN INFORMATION Volume and Surface Area Calculations SA/DA ratio 0.02 (unitless) Surface area at the bottom of shelf 4,881.00 ft Volume at the bottom of shelf 4,581.00 ft3 Permanent pool, surface area required 9,757.00 ft2 Permanent pool, surface area provided 9,839.00 ftz OK Permanent pool volume 29,800.00 ft3 Average depth for SA/DA tables 3.03 It OK Surface area at the top of shelf 9,441.00 ftz Volume at the top of shelf 20,798.00 ft3 Forebay volume 6,527.00 ft3 Forebay % of permanent pool volume 21.90 % OK Temporary pool, surface area provided 16,933.00 ftz Drawdown Calculations Treatment volume drawdown time 3.90 days OK Treatment volume discharge rate 0.09 ft3/s Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr discharge 10.62 ft3/s OK Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr discharge 2.40 ft3/s OK Additional Information Diameter of orifice 1.5 in Design TSS removal 90 % Basin side slopes 3.00 :1 OK Vegetated shelf slope 10.00 :1 OK Vegetated shelf width 10.00 ft OK Length of flowpath to width ratio 100 :1 OK Length to width ratio 3.00 :1 OK Trash rack for overflow & orifice? Y (Y or N) OK Freeboard provided 2.50 ft OK Vegetated filter provided? N (Y or N) Design must be based on 90% TSS removal Recorded drainage easement provided? Y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build-out? Y (Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies 12" SLUICE GATE Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev 4 Parts I & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, se arately list im acts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) Total Wetland Impact (acres) 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams milgt ha inr.hidetl To calculate acreage. multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Number indicate on ma) Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Intermittent? Average Stream Width Before Impact Impact Length linear feet) ( ) Area of Impact (acres) ) P 14Z a ems. .;s?1 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill- excavation- dredging. flooding. drainage, bulkheads, etc. Open Water Impact Site Number indicate on ma) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc. Area of Impact acres Total Open Water Impact (acres) Page 8 of 12 Storm Drainage & Erosion Control Calculations For BREMCO Ashe District Office Prepared By %All 11,II CAR 0 0 ° °F E S S? °°o i . a o • ° y • ?° ° ° o ° r ° o °o o • WRIGHT & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 4190 HIGHWAY 16 SOUTH NEWTON, NC 28658 (828) 455-2205 OFFICE (828) 465-5878 FAX 'OD S 2008 WE1LA'%n, x vyAr,nQIJAL - ?n. a s u'AVE.R BRAN IJ Detention Calculations BREMCO 8/28/2008 Existing Conditions: On-Site Drainage Area= Off-Site Drainage Area= Total Drainage Area= Curve Number Data On-Site: Impervious On-Site: Pervious On-Site: 11.79 Ac. 0 Ac. 11.79 Ac. 11.79 Acres (Total Area) 1.2 Acres Curve Number= 10.59 Acres Curve Number= Existing On-site Conditions Composite Curve Number Off-Site Drainage Area= 0 Ac. Curve Number Existing Conditions Curve Number 68 Developed Conditions: On-Site Drainage Area= 11.79 Ac. Off-Site Drainage Area= 0 Ac. Area Diverted Around System 0 Ac. (Assume this area will have same Total Drainage Area= 11.79 Ac. runoff in Post Dev. As in Pre. Dev.) Curve Number Data On-Site: 11.79 Acres (Total Area) Impervious On-Site: 7.25 Acres Curve Number= Pervious On-Site: 4.54 Acres Curve Number= Developed On-site Conditions Composite Curve Number Off-Site Drainage Area= 0 Ac. Curve Number Developed Conditions Curve Number 83 95 65 68 69 (Meadow) 95 65 83 69 (Meadow) Work-sheet 3: Time of concentration (Td or travel time (Tt) ?rojecc &;Z E M C 0 Location Circle one: Present Developed By Date Checked Cate Circle one: Tc Tc through subarea NC7:3: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic, or description of flow segments. Sheet flow (Applicable co Tc only) Segment ID 1. Surface description (cable 3-1) ............ 01p?d 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (table 3-1) .. D•O(I 3. Flow length, L (total L < 300 fc) .......... ft Ob 4. Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 3 .fZ 5. Land slope, s .............................. fc/ft D.0 *7 6. T OP C0.5 (nL) 0.8 Compute 7c . ' ,O Z c ..... hr 2 Shallow concentrated flow Segmenc ID 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) ..... 8. Flow length, L ............................. fc 9. Watercourse slope, s ....................... fc/ft 0 ''4D 4 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) ........... ft/s I'.. Tc ' 36L V Compute Tt ...... hr + ?. 0 Channel flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a .....,,2 eC .......... f- 13. Wetted perimeter, p v fc .2 '3 L4. Hydraulic radius, r - a Compute r ....... ft p. 37 pw 15. Channel slope, s ........................... fc/ft 0•00S 16. Manning's roughness coeff., n .............. Q.Ol3 17. V 1.49 r2/3 s 1/2 Compute V ....... ft/s n 18. Flow length, L ............................. fc 19. T L C 3600 V Compute Tc ,,,,,, hr 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19) ......, hr .? SM ?, (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) D-3 Table 3-11 Runoff Curve Numbers' Cover Description Curve Numbers for Hydrologic Soil Groups Cover Type and Hydrologic Average Percent A B C D Condition Impervious Area' Fully Developed Urban Areas (vegetation established) Open space (lawns, parks, cemeteries, etcT Poor condition (grass cover <50%)' 68 79 .86 89 Fair condition (grass cover 50% to 75%) 49 69 79 84 Good condition (grass cover >75%) 39 61 74 80 Impervious areas: Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Paved streets and roads 98 98 98 98 Paved; open ditches (including right-of-way) 83 89 92 93 Gravel (including right-of-way) 76 85 89 91 Dirt (including right-of-way) 72 82 87 89 Urban districts: Commercial and business 85 89 92 94 95 Industrial 72 81 88 91 93 Residential district by average lot size: 1 /8 acre or less (town houses) 65 77 85 90 92 1 /4 acre 38 61 75 83 87 1 /3 acre 30 57 72 81 86 1 /2 acre 25 54 70 80 85 1 acre 20 51 68 79 84 2 acres 12 46 65 77 82 Agricultural Lands Pasture, grassland, or range (continuous forage for grazing)' Poor hydrologic condition 68 79 86 89 Fair hydrologic condition 49 69 79 84 Good hydrologic condition 39 61 74 80 Meadow (continuous grass, protected from grazing and generally 30 58 71 78 mowed for hay) Woods6 Poor hydrologic condition 45 66 77 83 Fair hydrologic condition 36 60 73 79 h d 1 dition 30 55 70 77 Good y ro og?c con Developind Urban Areas Newly graded areas (pervious areas only, no vegetation) 77 86 91 94 3-30 Table 3-12 Roughness Coefficients (Manning's n)' for Sheet Flow Surface Description 2 Smooth surfaces (concrete, asphalt gravel, or bare soil) 0.011 Fallow (no residue) 0.05 Cultivated soils: Residue cover < 20% 0.06 Residue cover > 20% 0.17 Grass: Short grass prairie 015 Dense grasses' 0.24 Bermuda grass 0.41 Range (natural) 0.13 Woods' Light underbrush 0.40 Dense underbrush 0.80 'The n values are a composite of information by E ngman 0 986). 'Includes species such as weeping lovegrass, blue grass, buffalo grass, blue gamma. grass, and native grass mixture. 'When selecting n, consider cover to a height of about 0.1 ft. This is the only part of the plant cover that will obstruct sheet flow. Source: SCS, TR-55, Second Edition, June 1986. 3-33 .50 - .20 - .10 - w _ r.. a .06 0 N - d! .04 - 0 U L V - A 2 .02 .01 _ .005 1 2 4 6 10 Average velocity, ft/sec Souza: USDA,' SCS, TR35(1"6) Figure 3-5 Average Velocities. Shallow Concentrated Flow 3-35 1 20 3.10 Simplified SCS Method Overview The following SCS procedures were taken from the SCS Technical Release 55 3.10.1 (TR-55) which presents simplified procedures to calculate storm runoff volum es, peak rate of discharges and hydrographs. These procedures are applicable to small drainage areas and include provisions to account for urbanization. The following procedures outline the use of the SCS-TR 55 method. Peak The SCS peak discharge method is applicable for estimating the peak runoff rate Discharges from watersheds with homogeneous land uses. The following method is based 3.10.2 on the results of computer analyses performed using TR-20, "Computer Program for Project Formulation- Hydrology (SCS 1983). The peak discharge equation is: Q9 q AQF, (3.26) Where: Q. qu A Q FP The input i = peak discharge (cfs) = unit peak discharge (cfs/mi2fin) = drainage area (mil) = runoff (in) = pond and swamp adjustment factor equirements for this. method are as follows: 1-T, - hours 2. Drainage area - mil 3. Type II rainfall distribution 4. 24-hour design rainfall 5. CN value 6. Pond and Swamp adjustment factor (If pond and swamp areas are spread throughout the watershed and are not considered in the T, computation, an adjustment is needed.) Computations Computations for the peak discharge method proceed as follows: 3..10.3 1. The 24-hour rainfall depth is determined from the following table for the selected return frequency. Freavencv 24-Hour Rainfall 2-year 3.12 inches 5-year 4.32 inches 10-year 4.80 inches 25-year 5.76 inches 50-year 6.48 inches 100-year 6.96 inches 3-44 Table 4-2 (continued) J Type of channel and description M inimum Normal Maximum C. EXcAvATED oR DREDGED a. Earth, straight and uniform 1. Clean, recently completed 0.016 0.018 0.020 2. Clean, after weathering 0.018 0.022 0.025 3. Gravel, uniform section, clean 0.022 0.025 0.030 4. With short grass, few weeds 0.022 0.027 0 033 b. Earth, winding and sluggish 1. No vegetation 0 023 0.025 0.030 2. Gras, some weeds 0,025 0 030 0.033 . 3. Dense weeds or aquatic plant9 in 0.030 0.035 0.040 deep ebannels 4. Earth bottom and rubble sides 0.028 0.030 0.035 5. Stony bottom and weedy banks 0.0^_5 0.035 0.040 6. Cobble bottom and clean sides 0.030 0 040 0.050 c. DragliDe-excavated or dredged 1. No vegetation 0.025 0.028 0.033 2. Light brush on banks 0.035 0.050 0.060 d. Rock cuts 1. Smooth and uniform 0.025 0.035 0.040 2. Jagged and irregular 0.035 0.040 0.050 e. Channels not maintained, weeds and brush uncut 1. Dense weeds, high as (row depth 0.050 0.080 0.120 2. Clean bottom, brush on sides 0.040 0.050 0.080 3. Same, highest stage of flow 0.045 0.070 0. 110 4. Dense brush, high stage 0.080 0.100 0.140 D. NATURAL STREAMS D-1. Minor streams (top width at flood stage <100 ft) a. Streams on plain 1. Clean, straight, fullbtage, no rifts or 0.025 0.030 0.033 deep pooh 2. Same as above, but more stones and 0.030 0.035 0, 040 - weeds 3. Clean, winding, some pools and 0.033 0.040 0.045 Shoals 4. Same as above, but some weeds and 0.035 0.045 0.050 stones 5. Same as above, lower stages, more 0.040 0.048 0 055 ineffective slopes and sections 6. Same as 4, but more stones 0.0145 0.050 0.060 7. Sluggish reaches, weedy, deep pools 0.050 0.070 C. 080 8. Very weedy reaches, deep pools, or 0.075 0.100 0.150 floodways with heavy stand of tim- ber and underbrush 4-12 Storm Drainage 10 Year Flow Calculations ? I Structure Number Drainage Area C ! I(in/hr) Q(10) Total Q(10) G14 17 0.15 0.70 6.50 0.68 0.68 GI# 18 0.21 ! 0.70 j 6.50 0.96 1 1.64 YI#16 1.57 j 0.70 6.50 7.14 7.14 GI# 15 0.69 0.70 6.50 3.14 10.28 GI#14 0.51 ! 0.70 6.50 2.32 12.60 GI# 13 1.14 0.70 6.50 5.19 17.79 GI#12 0.88 j 0.70 6.50 rt 4.00 21.79 CB#7 0.42 0.70 6.50 1.91 23.71 CB#8 0.07 0.70 6.50 0.32 I 24.02 CB99 0.08 0.70 6.50 0.36 25.07 CB#6 0.15 0.70 1 6.50 0.68 0.68 CB910 0.17 0.70 6.50 0.77 25.84 CB#11 0.21 0.70 6.50 0.96 26.80 CB44 0.45 0.70 6.50 2.05 41.09 CB#5 0.15 j 0.70 6.50 0.68 41.77 CB# 1 0.18 i 0.70 6.50 0.82 0.82 G141A 1.52 0.70 6.50 6.92 7.74 G142 0.67 0.70 6.50 3.05 12.24 GO 19 0.32 0.70 6.50 1.46 1.46 1" Volume Calculation Vh= (1.00) [0.05 + 0.009 (1)] * A * 1/12 1 = % of Watershed Impervious= 61.5 A = Watershed in Acres= 11.79 Vh= 0.593 AC-FT = 25818.08 Cubic Feet Depth of 1" Storage (See Storage Volume Calculations) Stage Volume 969 14274 Bottom Elev of Pond= 962 970 19594 Interpolate between 969 1" Elev= 971.17 & 970 Orifice Size Calculation t= (2A/(C*a*2*g^0.5)) * h1^.5 - h2^.5 A= Pond Surface Area (SF)= C= Coefficient of Discharge = a= area of orifice (SF)= g=acceleration due to gravity h1= h2= 10740 SF (Avg) 0.6 0.0167 SF (1.5" Orifice) 32.2 Feet/Sec^2 3.17 Feet 0 Feet t= 93.49 Hours (Time to dewater Basin) Proposed Conditions Storage Volumes Contour Surface Area Change in Elevation Sub Volume I Total Volume 968 13758 0.0 &0 0.0 969 14790 1.0 14274 14274 970 15849 1.0 15320 29594 971 16933 1.0 16391 45985 972 18043 1.0 17488 63473 Proposed Pond Outflow I Elev Spillway Emergency Total Flow 968 0.00 0.00 0.00 969 0.08 0.00 0.08 970 0.11 0.00 0.11 971 0.12 ! 0.00 0.12 972 0.14 21.63 21.77 973 0.16 73.02 73.18 tmp#12.txt storage indication method Given Input Data: File Description .... Time increment . 0.1000 hrs Input Files: Pre-Dev Hydrograph curve .. G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\1-year storm (pre).hdc Post-Dev Hydrograph curve . G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\l-year storm (post).hdc stage-Storage curve ....... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stagestorage.ssc Stage-Discharge curve ..... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stagedischarge.sdc Output Data: Routed Peak Flow ....... Routed Peak Time ....... Pre-Developed Peak Flow Pre-Developed Peak Time Post-Developed Peak Flow Post-Developed Peak Time Support calculations: 2.4025 cfs 12.7000 hrs 10.6269 cfs 12.1000 hrs 26.6157 cfs 12.1000 hrs ---------- Time ---------- Inflow ----------- (11+12)/2 --------- H1 -------------------------------- S1-(01/2)T S2+(02/2)T H2 ---------- Outflow hrs cfs ft3 ft ft3 ft3 ft cfs ---------- 11.0000 ---------- 0.6325 ----------- 113.8413 --------- 0.0000 ----------- 0.0000 ----------- 113.8413 ---------- 968.0080 ---------- 0.0006 11.1000 0.7203 243.4939 968.0080 113.6119 357.1058 968.0250 0.0020 11.2000 0.8081 275.1165 968.0250 356.3860 631.5025 968.0442 0.0035 11.3000 0.8960 306.7391 968.0442 630.2297 936.9688 968.0656 0.0052 11.4000 1.0629 352.5919 968.0656 935.0802 1287.6721 968.0901 0.0072 11.5000 1.2298 412.6748 968.0901 1285.0766 1697.7514 968.1188 0.0095 11.6000 1.3967 472.7577 968.1188 1694.3294 2167.0871 968.1517 0.0121 11.7000 3.8650 947.0965 968.1517 2162.7191 3109.8156 968.2176 0.0174 11.8000 6.3333 1835.6913 968.2176 3103.5474 4939.2387 968.3457 0.0277 11.9000 8.8016 2724.2861 968.3457 4929.2831 7653.5692 968.5356 0.0429 12.0000 17.0498 4653.2640 968.5356 7638.1425 12291.4065 968.8602 0.0688 12.1000 26.6157 7859.7946 968.8602 12266.6317 20126.4262 969.3770 0.4268 12.2000 16.5492 7769.6702 969.3770 19972.7648 27742.4350 969.8688 0.8793 12.3000 5.7184 4008.1632 969.8688 27425.8853 31434.0485 970.1064 0.5318 12.4000 3.8738 1726.5934 970.1064 31242.6181 32969.2115 970.2035 0.2160 12.5000 3.2413 1280.7149 970.2035 32891.4574 34172.1723 970.2601 1.7471 12.6000 2.7406 1076.7492 970.2601 33543.2139 34619.9630 970.2812 2.3171 12.7000 2.2663 901.2438 970.2812 33785.8240 34687.0678 970.2843 2.4025 12.8000 2.0028 768.4289 970.2843 33822.1809 34590.6099 970.2798 2.2797 12.9000 1.8710 697.2781 970.2798 33769.9206 34467.1987 970.2740 2.1226 13.0000 1.7392 649.8442 970.2740 33703.0573 34352.9015 970.2686 1.9771 13.1000 1.6207 604.7820 970.2686 33641.1318 34245.9138 970.2636 1.8410 13.2000 1.5021 562.0915 970.2636 33583.1665 34145.2581 970.2589 1.7129 13.3000 1.4230 526.5161 970.2589 33528.6319 34055.1480 970.2546 1.5982 13.4000 1.3440 498.0558 970.2546 33479.8109 33977.8667 970.2510 1.4998 13.5000 1.2781 471.9671 970.2510 33437.9403 33909.9075 970.2478 1.4133 13.6000 1.2122 448.2502 970.2478 33401.1205 33849.3707 970.2449 1.3362 13.7000 1.1595 426.9050 970.2449 33368.3220 33795.2270 970.2424 1.2673 13.8000 1.1068 407.9314 970.2424 33338.9873 33746.9187 970.2401 1.2058 13.9000 1.0541 388.9578 970.2401 33312.8142 33701.7721 970.2380 1.1484 14.0000 1.0014 369.9843 970.2380 33288.3541 33658.3384 970.2360 1.0931 14.1000 0.9662 354.1730 970.2360 33264.8220 33618.9950 970.2341 1.0430 14.2000 0.9311 341.5240 970.2341 33243.5060 33585.0299 970.2325 0.9998 14.3000 0.8960 328.8749 970.2325 33225.1039 33553.9788 970.2310 0.9603 14.4000 0.8784 319.3882 970.2310 33208.2806 33527.6688 970.2298 0.9268 Page 1 tmp#12.txt 14.5000 0.8608 313.0636 970.2298 33194.0260 33507.0897 970.2288 0.9006 14.6000 0.8433 306.7391 970.2288 33182.8764 33489.6155 970.2280 0.8784 14.7000 0.8235 300.0193 970.2280 33173.4090 33473.4283 970.2273 0.8577 14.8000 0.8037 292.9042 970.2273 33164.6389 33457.5431 970.2265 0.8375 14.9000 0.7840 285.7892 970.2265 33156.0324 33441.8215 970.2258 0.8175 15.0000 0.7642 278.6741 970.2258 33147.5145 33426.1886 970.2250 0.7976 15.1000 0.7484 272.2705 970.2250 33139.0447 33411.3152 970.2243 0.7787 15.2000 0.7326 266.5784 970.2243 33130.9864 33397.5648 970.2237 0.7612 15.3000 0.7168 260.8864 970.2237 33123.5365 33384.4229 970.2231 0.7445 15.4000 0.7010 255.1943 970.2231 33116.4163 33371.6106 970.2225 0.7282 15.5000 0.6852 249.5022 970.2225 33109.4747 33358.9769 970.2219 0.7121 15.6000 0.6693 243.8102 970.2219 33102.6299 33346.4400 970.2213 0.6961 15.7000 0.6535 238.1181 970.2213 33095.8375 33333.9555 970.2207 0.6802 15.8000 0.6377 232.4260 970.2207 33089.0734 33321.4995 970.2201 0.6644 15.9000 0.6219 226.7340 970.2201 33082.3248 33309.0588 970.2195 0.6485 16.0000 0.6061 221.0419 970.2195 33075.5845 33296.6264 970.2189 0.6327 16.1000 0.5956 216.2985 970.2189 33068.8488 33285.1473 970.2184 0.6181 16.2000 0.5850 212.5038 970.2184 33062.6294 33275.1332 970.2179 0.6054 16.3000 0.5745 208.7091 970.2179 33057.2039 33265.9130 970.2175 0.5936 16.4000 0.5639 204.9144 970.2175 33052.2084 33257.1228 970.2171 0.5824 16.5000 0.5534 201.1197 970.2171 33047.4459 33248.5656 970.2167 0.5715 16.6000 0.5481 198.2736 970.2167 33042.8097 33241.0834 970.2163 0.5620 16.7000 0.5429 196.3763 970.2163 33038.7559 33235.1322 970.2161 0.5544 16.8000 0.5376 194.4789 970.2161 33035.5316 33230.0105 970.2158 0.5479 16.9000 0.5323 192.5816 970.2158 33032.7567 33225.3382 970.2156 0.5420 17.0000 0.5270 190.6842 970.2156 33030.2253 33220.9095 970.2154 0.5363 17.1000 0.5218 188.7869 970.2154 33027.8258 33216.6127 970.2152 0.5309 17.2000 0.5165 186.8895 970.2152 33025.4978 33212.3873 970.2150 0.5255 17.3000 0.5112 184.9921 970.2150 33023.2086 33208.2007 970.2148 0.5202 17.4000 0.5060 183.0948 970.2148 33020.9403 33204.0351 970.2146 0.5149 17.5000 0.5007 181.1974 970.2146 33018.6834 33199.8808 970.2144 0.5096 17.6000 0.4954 179.3001 970.2144 33016.4326 33195.7327 970.2142 0.5043 17.7000 0.4902 177.4027 970.2142 33014.1852 33191.5879 970.2140 0.4990 17.8000 0.4849 175.5054 970.2140 33011.9396 33187.4449 970.2138 0.4938 17.9000 0.4796 173.6080 970.2138 33009.6949 33183.3030 970.2136 0.4885 18.0000 0.4743 171.7107 970.2136 33007.4508 33179.1615 970.2134 0.4832 18.1000 0.4664 169.3390 970.2134 33005.2070 33174.5460 970.2132 0.4773 18.2000 0.4585 166.4929 970.2132 33002.7064 33169.1993 970.2130 0.4705 18.3000 0.4506 163.6469 970.2130 32999.8096 33163.4565 970.2127 0.4632 18.4000 0.4427 160.8009 970.2127 32996.6981 33157.4990 970.2124 0.4556 18.5000 0.4348 157.9548 970.2124 32993.4704 33151.4253 970.2121 0.4479 18.6000 0.4269 155.1088 970.2121 32990.1797 33145.2885 970.2118 0.4401 18.7000 0.4190 152.2628 970.2118 32986.8548 33139.1176 970.2115 0.4322 18.8000 0.4111 149.4167 970.2115 32983.5115 33132.9282 970.2112 0.4244 18.9000 0.4032 146.5707 970.2112 32980.1581 33126.7288 970.2110 0.4165 19.0000 0.3953 143.7247 970.2110 32976.7993 33120.5240 970.2107 0.4086 19.1000 0.3900 141.3530 970.2107 32973.4376 33114.7906 970.2104 0.4013 19.2000 0.3847 139.4556 970.2104 32970.3313 33109.7869 970.2102 0.3949 19.3000 0.3795 137.5583 970.2102 32967.6203 33105.1786 970.2099 0.3890 19.4000 0.3742 135.6609 970.2099 32965.1235 33100.7845 970.2097 0.3834 19.5000 0.3689 133.7636 970.2097 32962.7428 33096.5064 970.2095 0.3780 19.6000 0.3637 131.8662 970.2095 32960.4250 33092.2912 970.2093 0.3726 19.7000 0.3584 129.9688 970.2093 32958.1413 33088.1101 970.2091 0.3673 19.8000 0.3531 128.0715 970.2091 32955.8760 33083.9474 970.2089 0.3620 19.9000 0.3478 126.1741 970.2089 32953.6207 33079.7948 970.2087 0.3567 20.0000 0.3426 124.2768 970.2087 32951.3708 33075.6476 970.2086 0.3515 20.1000 0.3413 123.0909 970.2086 32949.1238 33072.2148 970.2084 0.3471 20.2000 0.3399 122.6166 970.2084 32947.2640 33069.8806 970.2083 0.3441 20.3000 0.3386 122.1423 970.2083 32945.9993 33068.1416 970.2082 0.3419 20.4000 0.3373 121.6679 970.2082 32945.0571 33066.7250 970.2081 0.3401 20.5000 0.3360 121.1936 970.2081 32944.2897 33065.4832 970.2081 0.3385 20.6000 0.3347 120.7192 970.2081 32943.6169 33064.3361 970.2080 0.3371 20.7000 0.3334 120.2449 970.2080 32942.9954 33063.2403 970.2080 0.3357 Page 2 tmp#12.txt 20.8000 0.3320 119.7706 970.2080 32942.4016 33062.1722 970.2079 0.3343 20.9000 0.3307 119.2962 970.2079 32941.8230 33061.1192 970.2079 0.3330 21.0000 0.3294 118.8219 970.2079 32941.2525 33060.0743 970.2078 0.3316 21.1000 0.3281 118.3475 970.2078 32940.6864 33059.0339 970.2078 0.3303 21.2000 0.3268 117.8732 970.2078 32940.1227 33057.9959 970.2077 0.3290 21.3000 0.3254 117.3989 970.2077 32939.5603 33056.9591 970.2077 0.3277 21.4000 0.3241 116.9245 970.2077 32938.9986 33055.9231 970.2076 0.3263 21.5000 0.3228 116.4502 970.2076 32938.4372 33054.8874 970.2076 0.3250 21.6000 0.3215 115.9758 970.2076 32937.8761 33053.8520 970.2075 0.3237 21.7000 0.3202 115.5015 970.2075 32937.3151 33052.8166 970.2075 0.3224 21.8000 0.3189 115.0272 970.2075 32936.7542 33051.7814 970.2074 0.3211 21.9000 0.3175 114.5528 970.2074 32936.1933 33050.7461 970.2074 0.3198 22.0000 0.3162 114.0785 970.2074 32935.6324 33049.7109 970.2073 0.3184 22.1000 0.3083 112.4183 970.2073 32935.0715 33047.4898 970.2072 0.3156 22.2000 0.3004 109.5723 970.2072 32933.8682 33043.4404 970.2070 0.3105 22.3000 0.2925 106.7262 970.2070 32931.6742 33038.4005 970.2068 0.3040 22.4000 0.2846 103.8802 970.2068 32928.9436 33032.8238 970.2065 0.2969 22.5000 0.2767 101.0342 970.2065 32925.9222 33026.9564 970.2063 0.2895 22.6000 0.2688 98.1881 970.2063 32922.7433 33020.9314 970.2060 0.2818 22.7000 0.2609 95.3421 970.2060 32919.4790 33014.8211 970.2057 0.2740 22.8000 0.2530 92.4961 970.2057 32916.1684 33008.6645 970.2054 0.2662 22.9000 0.2451 89.6500 970.2054 32912.8329 33002.4829 970.2051 0.2583 23.0000 0.2372 86.8040 970.2051 32909.4837. 32996.2877 970.2048 0.2504 23.1000 0.2293 83.9580 970.2048 32906.1272 32990.0851 970.2045 0.2426 23.2000 0.2214 81.1119 970.2045 32902.7667 32983.8786 970.2042 0.2347 23.3000 0.2135 78.2659 970.2042 32899.4040 32977.6699 970.2039 0.2267 23.4000 0.2055 75.4199 970.2039 32896.0402 32971.4601 970.2037 0.2188 23.5000 0.1976 72.5738 970.2037 32892.6757 32965.2496 970.2034 0.2109 23.6000 0.1897 69.7278 970.2034 32889.3109 32959.0387 970.2031 0.2030 23.7000 0.1818 66.8818 970.2031 32885.9459 32952.8277 970.2028 0.1951 23.8000 0.1739 64.0357 970.2028 32882.5808 32946.6166 970.2025 0.1872 23.9000 0.1660 61.1897 970.2025 32879.2157 32940.4054 970.2022 0.1793 24.0000 0.1581 58.3437 970.2022 32875.8505 32934.1942 970.2019 0.1714 24.1000 0.1502 55.4976 970.2019 32872.4853 32927.9829 970.2016 0.1635 24.2000 0.1423 52.6516 970.2016 32869.1201 32921.7717 970.2013 0.1556 24.3000 0.1344 49.8056 970.2013 32865.7549 32915.5605 970.2010 0.1477 24.4000 0.1265 46.9595 970.2010 32862.3897 32909.3492 970.2007 0.1398 24.5000 0.1186 44.1135 970.2007 32859.0245 32903.1380 970.2004 0.1319 24.6000 0.1107 41.2675 970.2004 32855.6593 32896.9267 970.2001 0.1240 24.7000 0.1028 38.4214 970.2001 32852.2940 32890.7155 970.1998 0.1209 24.8000 0.0949 35.5754 970.1998 32847.2023 32882.7777 970.1993 0.1231 24.9000 0.0870 32.7294 970.1993 32838.4584 32871.1878 970.1986 0.1264 25.0000 0.0791 29.8833 970.1986 32825.6917 32855.5750 970.1975 0.1308 25.1000 0.0712 27.0373 970.1975 32808.4934 32835.5308 970.1963 0.1364 25.2000 0.0632 24.1913 970.1963 32786.4138 32810.6051 970.1947 0.1435 25.3000 0.0553 21.3452 970.1947 32758.9571 32780.3023 970.1927 0.1520 25.4000 0.0474 18.4992 970.1927 32725.5772 32744.0764 970.1904 0.1622 25.5000 0.0395 15.6532 970.1904 32685.6727 32701.3259 970.1877 0.1743 25.6000 0.0316 12.8071 970.1877 32638.5811 32651.3883 970.1845 0.1884 25.7000 0.0237 9.9611 970.1845 32583.5726 32593.5337 970.1808 0.2047 25.8000 0.0158 7.1151 970.1808 32519.8432 32526.9583 970.1765 0.2235 25.9000 0.0079 4.2690 970.1765 32446.5073 32450.7764 970.1716 0.2450 26.0000 0.0000 1.4230 970.1716 32362.5896 32364.0126 970.1660 0.2694 Page 3 tmp#13.txt storage indication method Given Input Data: File Description .... Time increment . 0.1000 hrs Input Files: Pre-Dev Hydrograph curve .. G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\2-year storm (pre).hdc Post-Dev Hydrograph curve G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\2-year storm.hdc stage-Storage curve ....... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stagestorage.ssc stage-Discharge curve ..... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stagedischarge.sdc output Data: Routed Peak Flow ....... Routed Peak Time ....... Pre-Developed Peak Flow Pre-Developed Peak Time Post-Developed Peak Flow Post-Developed Peak Time Support Calculations: 3.4543 cfs 12.5000 hrs 11.8896 cfs 12.1000 hrs 28.7233 cfs 12.1000 hrs ---------- Time ---------- Inflow ----------- (11+12)/2 --------- H1 -------------------------------- S1-(01/2)T S2+(02/2)T H2 ---------- Outflow hrs cfs ft3 ft ft3 ft3 ft cfs -- -- ---------- 11.0000 ---------- 0.6825 ----------- 122.8562 --------- 0.0000 ----------- 0.0000 ----------- 122.8562 ---------- 968.0086 - ----- 0.0007 11.1000 0.7773 262.7757 968.0086 122.6085 385.3842 968.0270 0.0022 11.2000 0.8721 296.9024 968.0270 384.6075 681.5099 968.0477 0.0038 11.3000 0.9669 331.0291 968.0477 680.1362 1011.1653 968.0708 0.0057 11.4000 1.1470 380.5129 968.0708 1009.1272 1389.6401 968.0973 0.0078 11.5000 1.3272 445.3536 968.0973 1386.8391 1832.1927 968.1282 0.0103 11.6000 1.5073 510.1944 968.1282 1828.4997 2338.6941 968.1637 0.0131 11.7000 4.1710 1022.0951 968.1637 2333.9802 3356.0753 968.2349 0.0188 11.8000 6.8348 1981.0558 968.2349 3349.3107 5330.3664 968.3731 0.0298 11.9000 9.4986 2940.0164 968.3731 5319.6224 8259.6389 968.5781 0.0462 12.0000 18.4000 5021.7460 968.5781 8242.9906 13264.7366 968.9284 0.0743 12.1000 28.7233 8482.1949 968.9284 13237.9999 21720.1948 969.4799 0.5215 12.2000 17.8596 8384.9337 969.4799 21532.4464 29917.3801 970.0092 0.9596 12.3000 6.1712 4325.5610 970.0092 29571.9397 33897.5007 970.2472 1.3975 12.4000 4.1805 1863.3186 970.2472 33394.3986 35257.7172 970.3112 3.1288 12.5000 3.4980 1382.1319 970.3112 34131.3551 35513.4870 970.3232 3.4543 12.6000 2.9576 1162.0146 970.3232 34269.9295 35431.9442 970.3194 3.3505 12.7000 2.4457 972.6114 970.3194 34225.7502 35198.3615 970.3084 3.0532 12.8000 2.1614 829.2792 970.3084 34099.1966 34928.4757 970.2957 2.7097 12.9000 2.0192 752.4941 970.2957 33952.9742 34705.4682 970.2852 2.4259 13.0000 1.8770 701.3040 970.2852 33832.1502 34533.4542 970.2771 2.2069 13.1000 1.7490 652.6734 970.2771 33738.9541 34391.6275 970.2704 2.0264 13.2000 1.6210 606.6023 970.2704 33662.1133 34268.7156 970.2647 1.8700 13.3000 1.5357 568.2098 970.2647 33595.5204 34163.7302 970.2597 1.7364 13.4000 1.4504 537.4958 970.2597 33538.6400 34076.1358 970.2556 1.6249 13.5000 1.3793 509.3412 970.2556 33491.1819 34000.5231 970.2521 1.5286 13.6000 1.3082 483.7462 970.2521 33450.2154 33933.9616 970.2489 1.4439 13.7000 1.2513 460.7106 970.2489 33414.1529 33874.8635 970.2461 1.3687 13.8000 1.1944 440.2346 970.2461 33382.1339 33822.3685 970.2437 1.3019 13.9000 1.1376 419.7586 970.2437 33353.6924 33773.4510 970.2414 1.2396 14.0000 1.0807 399.2826 970.2414 33327.1892 33726.4718 970.2392 1.1798 14.1000 1.0428 382.2192 970.2392 33301.7362 33683.9554 970.2372 1.1257 14.2000 1.0048 368.5685 970.2372 33278.7011 33647.2696 970.2354 1.0790 14.3000 0.9669 354.9178 970.2354 33258.8250 33613.7428 970.2339 1.0363 14.4000 0.9480 344.6798 970.2339 33240.6604 33585.3402 970.2325 1.0002 Page 1 tmp#13.txt 14.5000 0.9290 337.8545 970.2325 33225.2720 33563.1265 970.2315 0.9719 14.6000 0.9100 331.0291 970.2315 33213.2368 33544.2659 970.2306 0.9479 14.7000 0.8887 323.7772 970.2306 33203.0182 33526.7954 970.2298 0.9257 14.8000 0.8674 316.0987 970.2298 33193.5528 33509.6515 970.2290 0.9039 14.9000 0.8461 308.4202 970.2290 33184.2644 33492.6846 970.2282 0.8823 15.0000 0.8247 300.7417 970.2282 33175.0718 33475.8135 970.2274 0.8608 15.1000 0.8077 293.8310 970.2274 33165.9311 33459.7622 970.2266 0.8404 15.2000 0.7906 287.6882 970.2266 33157.2346 33444.9229 970.2259 0.8215 15.3000 0.7735 281.5454 970.2259 33149.1948 33430.7402 970.2253 0.8034 15.4000 0.7565 275.4026 970.2253 33141.5107 33416.9133 970.2246 0.7858 15.5000 0.7394 269.2598 970.2246 33134.0194 33403.2792 970.2240 0.7685 15.6000 0.7223 263.1170 970.2240 33126.6325 33389.7495 970.2233 0.7512 15.7000 0.7053 256.9742 970.2233 33119.3022 33376.2764 970.2227 0.7341 15.8000 0.6882 250.8314 970.2227 33112.0026 33362.8340 970.2221 0.7170 15.9000 0.6712 244.6885 970.2221 33104.7196 33349.4081 970.2214 0.6999 16.0000 0.6541 238.5457 970.2214 33097.4455 33335.9913 970.2208 0.6828 16.1000 0.6427 233.4267 970.2208 33090.1764 33323.6031 970.2202 0.6671 16.2000 0.6313 229.3315 970.2202 33083.4646 33312.7961 970.2197 0.6533 16.3000 0.6200 225.2363 970.2197 33077.6094 33302.8457 970.2192 0.6406 16.4000 0.6086 221.1411 970.2192 33072.2183 33293.3594 970.2188 0.6286 16.5000 0.5972 217.0459 970.2188 33067.0787 33284.1246 970.2184 0.6168 16.6000 0.5915 213.9745 970.2184 33062.0754 33276.0499 970.2180 0.6065 16.7000 0.5858 211.9269 970.2180 33057.7005 33269.6274 970.2177 0.5984 16.8000 0.5802 209.8793 970.2177 33054.2209 33264.1002 970.2174 0.5913 16.9000 0.5745 207.8317 970.2174 33051.2262 33259.0579 970.2172 0.5849 17.0000 0.5688 205.7841 970.2172 33048.4944 33254.2785 970.2170 0.5788 17.1000 0.5631 203.7365 970.2170 33045.9049 33249.6414 970.2167 0.5729 17.2000 0.5574 201.6889 970.2167 33043.3926 33245.0815 970.2165 0.5671 17.3000 0.5517 199.6413 970.2165 33040.9220 33240.5633 970.2163 0.5614 17.4000 0.5460 197.5937 970.2163 33038.4741 33236.0678 970.2161 0.5556 17.5000 0.5403 195.5461 970.2161 33036.0385 33231.5846 970.2159 0.5499 17.6000 0.5347 193.4985 970.2159 33033.6095 33227.1080 970.2157 0.5442 17.7000 0.5290 191.4509 970.2157 33031.1841 33222.6350 970.2155 0.5385 17.8000 0.5233 189.4033 970.2155 33028.7607 33218.1639 970.2153 0.5328 17.9000 0.5176 187.3557 970.2153 33026.3383 33213.6940 970.2150 0.5272 18.0000 0.5119 185.3081 970.2150 33023.9165 33209.2245 970.2148 0.5215 18.1000 0.5034 182.7486 970.2148 33021.4950 33204.2435 970.2146 0.5151 18.2000 0.4948 179.6772 970.2146 33018.7963 33198.4735 970.2143 0.5078 18.3000 0.4863 176.6057 970.2143 33015.6701 33192.2759 970.2140 0.4999 18.4000 0.4778 173.5343 970.2140 33012.3123 33185.8466 970.2137 0.4917 18.5000 0.4692 170.4629 970.2137 33008.8290 33179.2919 970.2134 0.4834 18.6000 0.4607 167.3915 970.2134 33005.2777 33172.6692 970.2131 0.4749 18.7000 0.4522 164.3201 970.2131 33001.6895 33166.0097 970.2128 0.4665 18.8000 0.4436 161.2487 970.2128 32998.0814 33159.3302 970.2125 0.4580 18.9000 0.4351 158.1773 970.2125 32994.4625 33152.6399 970.2122 0.4495 19.0000 0.4266 155.1059 970.2122 32990.8378 33145.9437 970.2119 0.4409 19.1000 0.4209 152.5464 970.2119 32987.2098 33139.7562 970.2116 0.4331 19.2000 0.4152 150.4988 970.2116 32983.8575 33134.3563 970.2113 0.4262 19.3000 0.4095 148.4512 970.2113 32980.9319 33129.3831 970.2111 0.4198 19.4000 0.4038 146.4036 970.2111 32978.2374 33124.6410 970.2109 0.4138 19.5000 0.3981 144.3560 970.2109 32975.6682 33120.0242 970.2106 0.4079 19.6000 0.3925 142.3084 970.2106 32973.1668 33115.4752 970.2104 0.4021 19.7000 0.3868 140.2608 970.2104 32970.7022 33110.9630 970.2102 0.3964 19.8000 0.3811 138.2132 970.2102 32968.2575 33106.4707 970.2100 0.3907 19.9000 0.3754 136.1656 970.2100 32965.8236 33101.9892 970.2098 0.3850 20.0000 0.3697 134.1180 970.2098 32963.3956 33097.5136 970.2096 0.3793 20.1000 0.3683 132.8382 970.2096 32960.9707 33093.8089 970.2094 0.3746 20.2000 0.3669 132.3263 970.2094 32958.9635 33091.2899 970.2093 0.3714 20.3000 0.3654 131.8144 970.2093 32957.5987 33089.4132 970.2092 0.3690 20.4000 0.3640 131.3025 970.2092 32956.5820 33087.8845 970.2091 0.3670 20.5000 0.3626 130.7906 970.2091 32955.7537 33086.5444 970.2091 0.3653 20.6000 0.3612 130.2787 970.2091 32955.0277 33085.3064 970.2090 0.3637 20.7000 0.3598 129.7668 970.2090 32954.3569 33084.1238 970.2090 0.3622 Page 2 tmp#13.txt 20.8000 0.3583 129.2549 970.2090 32953.7162 33082.9711 970.2089 0.3608 20.9000 0.3569 128.7430 970.2089 32953.0917 33081.8347 970.2088 0.3593 21.0000 0.3555 128.2311 970.2088 32952.4760 33080.7071 970.2088 0.3579 21.1000 0.3541 127.7192 970.2088 32951.8651 33079.5843 970.2087 0.3565 21.2000 0.3526 127.2073 970.2087 32951.2567 33078.4641 970.2087 0.3550 21.3000 0.3512 126.69S4 970.2087 32950.6498 33077.3452 970.2086 0.3536 21.4000 0.3498 126.1835 970.2086 32950.0436 33076.2271 970.2086 0.3522 21.5000 0.3484 125.6716 970.2086 32949.4379 33075.1095 970.2085 0.3508 21.6000 0.3470 125.1597 970.2085 32948.8323 33073.9920 970.2085 0.3493 21.7000 0.3455 124.6478 970.2085 32948.2269 33072.8747 970.2084 0.3479 21.8000 0.3441 124.1359 970.2084 32947.6215 33071.7574 970.2084 0.3465 21.9000 0.3427 123.6240 970.2084 32947.0162 33070.6402 970.2083 0.3451 22.0000 0.3413 123.1121 970.2083 32946.4109 33069.5230 970.2083 0.3437 22.1000 0.3327 121.3205 970.2083 32945.8056 33067.1261 970.2082 0.3406 22.2000 0.3242 118.2491 970.2082 32944.5069 33062.7560 970.2079 0.3350 22.3000 0.3157 115.1777 970.2079 32942.1393 33057.3169 970.2077 0.3281 22.4000 0.3071 112.1063 970.2077 32939.1924 33051.2987 970.2074 0.3205 22.5000 0.2986 109.0349 970.2074 32935.9318 33044.9666 970.2071 0.3124 22.6000 0.2901 105.9634 970.2071 32932.5011 33038.4645 970.2068 0.3041 22.7000 0.2815 102.8920 970.2068 32928.9783 33031.8704 970.2065 0.2957 22.8000 0.2730 99.8206 970.2065 32925.4056 33025.2263 970.2062 0.2873 22.9000 0.2645 96.7492 970.2062 32921.8059 33018.5551 970.2059 0.2788 23.0000 0.2560 93.6778 970.2059 32918.1915 33011.8694 970.2056 0.2703 23.1000 0.2474 90.6064 970.2056 32914.5692 33005.1756 970.2052 0.2618 23.2000 0.2389 87.5350 970.2052 32910.9426 32998.4776 970.2049 0.2532 23.3000 0.2304 84.4636 970.2049 32907.3137 32991.7773 970.2046 0.2447 23.4000 0.2218 81.3922 970.2046 32903.6835 32985.0757 970.2043 0.2362 23.5000 0.2133 78.3208 970.2043 32900.0526 32978.3734 970.2040 0.2276 23.6000 0.2048 75.2494 970.2040 32896.4213 32971.6707 970.2037 0.2191 23.7000 0.1962 72.1780 970.2037 32892.7899 32964.9679 970.2033 0.2106 23.8000 0.1877 69.1066 970.2033 32889.1583 32958.2649 970.2030 0.2021 23.9000 0.1792 66.0352 970.2030 32885.5267 32951.5618 970.2027 0.1935 24.0000 0.1706 62.9638 970.2027 32881.8950 32944.8588 970.2024 0.1850 24.1000 0.1621 59.8924 970.2024 32878.2633 32938.1557 970.2021 0.1765 24.2000 0.1536 56.8210 970.2021 32874.6316 32931.4526 970.2018 0.1679 24.3000 0.1450 53.7496 970.2018 32870.9999 32924.7495 970.2015 0.1594 24.4000 0.1365 50.6782 970.2015 32867.3682 32918.0464 970.2011 0.1509 24.5000 0.1280 47.6068 970.2011 32863.7366 32911.3433 970.2008 0.1423 24.6000 0.1194 44.5354 970.2008 32860.1049 32904.6402 970.2005 0.1338 24.7000 0.1109 41.4640 970.2005 32856.4732 32897.9371 970.2002 0.1253 24.8000 0.1024 38.3926 970.2002 32852.8415 32891.2340 970.1998 0.1207 24.9000 0.0938 35.3211 970.1998 32847.7735 32883.0946 970.1993 0.1230 25.0000 0.0853 32.2497 970.1993 32838.8075 32871.0573 970.1985 0.1264 25.1000 0.0768 29.1783 970.1985 32825.5479 32854.7262 970.1975 0.1310 25.2000 0.0683 26.1069 970.1975 32807.5585 32833.6654 970.1961 0.1370 25.3000 0.0597 23.0355 970.1961 32784.3590 32807.3946 970.1945 0.1444 25.4000 0.0512 19.9641 970.1945 32755.4205 32775.3846 970.1924 0.1534 25.5000 0.0427 16.8927 970.1924 32720.1602 32737.0529 970.1900 0.1642 25.6000 0.0341 13.8213 970.1900 32677.9360 32691.7573 970.1870 0.1770 25.7000 0.0256 10.7499 970.1870 32628.0409 32638.7908 970.1837 0.1919 25.8000 0.0171 7.6785 970.1837 32569.6959 32577.3744 970.1797 0.2093 25.9000 0.0085 4.6071 970.1797 32502.0430 32S06.6501 970.1752 0.2292 26.0000 0.0000 1.53S7 970.1752 32424.1370 32425.6727 970.1700 0.2520 Page 3 tmp#14.txt storage Indication Method Given Input Data: File ...... Description .... Time increment 0.1000 hrs Input Files: Pre-Dev Hydrograph curve .. G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\10-year storm (pre).hdc Post-Dev Hydrograph curve G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\10-year storm.hdc Stage-storage curve ....... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stageStorage.ssc stage-Discharge curve ..... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stagedischarge.sdc Output Data: Routed Peak Flow ......... 29.5921 cfs Routed Peak Ti me ......... 12.2000 hrs Pre-Developed Peak Flow .. 32.3484 cfs Pre-Developed Peak Time .. 12.1000 hrs Post-Developed Peak Flow 55.7016 cfs Post-Developed Peak Time 12.1000 hrs support calculations: ---------- Time --------- Inflow ------------ (Il+i2)/2 --------- H1 -------------------------------- S1-(01/2)T S2+(02/2)T H2 ---------- outflow hrs cfs ft3 ft ft3 ft3 ft cfs ---------- 11.0000 ---------- 1.3236 ----------- 238.2483 --------- 0.0000 ----------- 0.0000 ---------- 238.2483 ----------- 968.0167 ---------- 0.0013 11.1000 1.5074 509.5866 968.0167 237.7681 747.3547 968.0523 0.0042 11.2000 1.6913 575.7667 968.0523 745.8483 1321.6149 968.0925 0.0074 11.3000 1.8751 641.9468 968.0925 1318.9511 1960.8978 968.1372 0.0110 11.4000 2.2244 737.9079 968.1372 1956.9454 2694.8533 968.1886 0.0151 11.5000 2.5737 863.6500 968.1886 2689.4215 3553.0715 968.2487 0.0199 11.6000 2.9230 989.3922 968.2487 3545.9098 4535.3020 968.3174 0.0254 11.7000 8.0887 1982.0933 968.3174 4526.1605 6508.2539 968.4555 0.0364 11.8000 13.2544 3841.7535 968.4555 6495.1357 10336.8892 968.7234 0.0579 11.9000 18.4201 5701.4137 968.7234 10316.0539 16017.4676 969.1117 0.1827 12.0000 35.6821 9738.3984 969.1117 15951.6870 25690.0854 969.7363 0.7574 12.1000 55.7016 16449.0583 969.7363 25417.4306 41866.4889 970.6220 11.5404 12.2000 34.6342 16260.4451 970.6220 37711.9450 53972.3901 971.1522 29.5921 12.3000 11.9676 8388.3248 971.1522 43319.2413 51707.5661 971.0675 25.2380 12.4000 8.1071 3613.4322 971.0675 42621.8681 46235.3004 970.8275 17.1010 12.5000 6.7835 2680.2931 970.8275 40078.9389 42759.2320 970.6640 12.6767 12.6000 5.7356 2253.4316 970.6640 38195.6275 40449.0591 970.5553 9.7363 12.7000 4.7429 1886.1322 970.5553 36943.9907 38830.1229 970.4792 7.6757 12.8000 4.1914 1608.1759 970.4792 36066.8615 37675.0374 970.4249 6.2055 12.9000 3.9157 1459.2707 970.4249 35441.0436 36900.3143 970.3884 5.2195 13.0000 3.6399 1360.0006 970.3884 35021.3036 36381.3042 970.3640 4.5589 13.1000 3.3917 1265.6940 970.3640 34740.1073 36005.8013 970.3464 4.0809 13.2000 3.1436 1176.3509 970.3464 34536.6622 35713.0131 970.3326 3.7083 13.3000 2.9781 1101.8983 970.3326 34378.0315 35479.9298 970.3216 3.4116 13.4000 2.8127 1042.3362 970.3216 34251.7484 35294.0847 970.3129 3.1751 13.5000 2.6748 987.7377 970.3129 34151.0588 35138.7964 970.3056 2.9774 13.6000 2.5369 938.1026 970.3056 34066.9246 35005.0272 970.2993 2.8072 13.7000 2.4266 893.4310 970.2993 33994.4493 34887.8803 970.2938 2.6581 13.8000 2.3163 853.7230 970.2938 33930.9799 34784.7029 970.2889 2.5267 13.9000 2.2060 814.0150 970.2889 33875.0790 34689.0939 970.2844 2.4050 14.0000 2.0957 774.3069 970.2844 33823.2787 34597.5856 970.2801 2.2886 14.1000 2.0222 741.2169 970.2801 33773.7001 34514.9169 970.2762 2.1834 14.2000 1.9486 714.7448 970.2762 33728.9107 34443.6555 970.2729 2.0926 14.3000 1.8751 688.2728 970.2729 33690.3017 34378.5745 970.2698 2.0098 14.4000 1.8383 668.4188 970.2698 33655.0413 34323.4601 970.2672 1.9397 Page 1 tmp#14.txt 14.5000 1.8016 655.1828 970.2672 33625.1806 34280.3634 970.2652 1.8848 14.6000 1.7648 641.9468 970.2652 33601.8311 34243.7779 970.2635 1.8382 14.7000 1.7234 627.8835 970.2635 33582.0093 34209.8928 970.2619 1.7951 14.8000 1.6821 612.9930 970.2619 33563.6506 34176.6436 970.2603 1.7528 14.9000 1.6407 598.1025 970.2603 33545.6364 34143.7388 970.2588 1.7109 15.0000 1.5994 583.2119 970.2588 33527.8088 34111.0207 970.2572 1.6693 15.1000 1.5663 569.8105 970.2572 33510.0823 34079.8928 970.2558 1.6297 15.2000 1.5332 557.8981 970.2558 33493.2174 34051.1155 970.2544 1.5930 15.3000 1.5001 545.9856 970.2544 33477.6261 34023.6117 970.2531 1.5580 15.4000 1.4670 534.0732 970.2531 33462.7247 33996.7979 970.2519 1.5239 15.5000 1.4339 522.1608 970.2519 33448.1972 33970.3580 970.2506 1.4902 15.6000 1.4008 510.2484 970.2506 33433.8722 33944.1206 970.2494 1.4568 15.7000 1.3677 498.3360 970.2494 33419.6569 33917.9929 970.2482 1.4236 15.8000 1.3346 486.4236 970.2482 33405.5011 33891.9247 970.2469 1.3904 15.9000 1.3015 474.5112 970.2469 33391.3775 33865.8887 970.2457 1.3573 16.0000 1.2685 462.5987 970.2457 33377.2714 33839.8701 970.2445 1.3242 16.1000 1.2464 452.6717 970.2445 33363.1747 33815.8464 970.2434 1.2936 16.2000 1.2243 444.7301 970.2434 33350.1588 33794.8889 970.2424 1.2669 16.3000 1.2023 436.7885 970.2424 33338.8042 33775.5927 970.2415 1.2423 16.4000 1.1802 428.8469 970.2415 33328.3496 33757.1965 970.2406 1.2189 16.5000 1.1582 420.9053 970.2406 33318.3827 33739.2880 970.2398 1.1961 16.6000 1.1471 414.9491 970.2398 33308.6799 33723.6290 970.2390 1.1762 16.7000 1.1361 410.9783 970.2390 33300.1960 33711.1743 970.2384 1.1604 16.8000 1.1251 407.0075 970.2384 33293.4481 33700.4556 970.2379 1.1467 16.9000 1.1140 403.0367 970.2379 33287.6408 33690.6775 970.2375 1.1343 17.0000 1.1030 399.0659 970.2375 33282.3431 33681.4089 970.2370 1.1225 17.1000 1.0920 395.0951 970.2370 33277.3215 33672.4165 970.2366 1.1110 17.2000 1.0809 391.1243 970.2366 33272.4494 33663.5737 970.2362 1.0998 17.3000 1.0699 387.1535 970.2362 33267.6584 33654.8119 970.2358 1.0886 17.4000 1.0589 383.1826 970.2358 33262.9113 33646.0940 970.2354 1.0775 17.5000 1.0479 379.2118 970.2354 33258.1880 33637.3999 970.2350 1.0665 17.6000 1.0368 375.2410 970.2350 33253.4776 33628.7187 970.2346 1.0554 17.7000 1.0258 371.2702 970.2346 33248.7742 33620.0444 970.2342 1.0444 17.8000 1.0148 367.2994 970.2342 33244.0745 33611.3740 970.2337 1.0333 17.9000 1.0037 363.3286 970.2337 33239.3770 33602.7056 970.2333 1.0223 18.0000 0.9927 359.3578 970.2333 33234.6805 33594.0383 970.2329 1.0113 18.1000 0.9762 354.3943 970.2329 33229.9846 33584.3789 970.2325 0.9990 18.2000 0.9596 348.4381 970.2325 33224.7512 33573.1893 970.2320 0.9847 18.3000 0.9431 342.4819 970.2320 33218.6887 33561.1706 970.2314 0.9694 18.4000 0.9265 336.5257 970.2314 33212.1771 33548.7028 970.2308 0.9536 18.5000 0.9100 330.5695 970.2308 33205.4221 33535.9916 970.2302 0.9374 18.6000 0.8934 324.6133 970.2302 33198.5353 33523.1486 970.2296 0.9210 18.7000 0.8769 318.6571 970.2296 33191.5770 33510.2341 970.2290 0.9046 18.8000 0.8603 312.7009 970.2290 33184.5800 33497.2809 970.2284 0.8881 18.9000 0.8438 306.7447 970.2284 33177.5620 33484.3067 970.2278 0.8716 19.0000 0.8273 300.7885 970.2278 33170.5327 33471.3212 970.2272 0.8551 19.1000 0.8162 295.8249 970.2272 33163.4973 33459.3222 970.2266 0.8398 19.2000 0.8052 291.8541 970.2266 33156.9963 33448.8504 970.2261 0.8265 19.3000 0.7942 287.8833 970.2261 33151.3227 33439.2061 970.2257 0.8142 19.4000 0.7831 283.9125 970.2257 33146.0975 33430.0100 970.2252 0.8025 19.5000 0.7721 279.9417 970.2252 33141.1151 33421.0569 970.2248 0.7911 19.6000 0.7611 275.9709 970.2248 33136.2644 33412.2353 970.2244 0.7799 19.7000 0.7500 272.0001 970.2244 33131.4849 33403.4850 970.2240 0.7687 19.8000 0.7390 268.0293 970.2240 33126.7441 33394.7734 970.2236 0.7576 19.9000 0.7280 264.0585 970.2236 33122.0241 33386.0827 970.2232 0.7466 20.0000 0.7170 260.0877 970.2232 33117.3156 33377.4033 970.2227 0.7355 20.1000 0.7142 257.6060 970.2227 33112.6131 33370.2191 970.2224 0.7264 20.2000 0.7114 256.6133 970.2224 33108.7208 33365.3340 970.2222 0.7202 20.3000 0.7087 255.6205 970.2222 33106.0741 33361.6947 970.2220 0.7155 20.4000 0.7059 254.6278 970.2220 33104.1023 33358.7302 970.2219 0.7118 20.5000 0.7032 253.6351 970.2219 33102.4962 33356.1313 970.2217 0.7085 20.6000 0.7004 252.6424 970.2217 33101.0881 33353.7306 970.2216 0.7054 20.7000 0.6976 251.6497 970.2216 33099.7874 33351.4372 970.2215 0.7025 Page 2 tmp#14.txt 20.8000 0.6949 250.6570 970.2215 33098.5449 33349.2019 970.2214 0.6996 20.9000 0.6921 249.6643 970.2214 33097.3338 33346.9982 970.2213 0.6968 21.0000 0.6894 248.6716 970.2213 33096.1398 33344.8115 970.2212 0.6940 21.1000 0.6866 247.6789 970.2212 33094.9551 33342.6341 970.2211 0.6913 21.2000 0.6839 246.6862 970.2211 33093.7754 33340.4616 970.2210 0.6885 21.3000 0.6811 245.6935 970.2210 33092.5984 33338.2919 970.2209 0.6857 21.4000 0.6783 244.7008 970.2209 33091.4229 33336.1237 970.2208 0.6830 21.5000 0.6756 243.7081 970.2208 33090.2481 33333.9563 970.2207 0.6802 21.6000 0.6728 242.7154 970.2207 33089.0738 33331.7893 970.2206 0.6775 21.7000 0.6701 241.7227 970.2206 33087.8998 33329.6225 970.2205 0.6747 21.8000 0.6673 240.7300 970.2205 33086.7258 33327.4559 970.2204 0.6720 21.9000 0.6646 239.7373 970.2204 33085.5519 33325.2893 970.2203 0.6692 22.0000 0.6618 238.7446 970.2203 33084.3781 33323.1227 970.2202 0.6664 22.1000 0.6453 235.2702 970.2202 33083.2043 33318.4745 970.2200 0.6605 22.2000 0.6287 229.3140 970.2200 33080.6859 33309.9999 970.2196 0.6497 22.3000 0.6122 223.3578 970.2196 33076.0944 33299.4522 970.2191 0.6363 22.4000 0.5956 217.4016 970.2191 33070.3797 33287.7813 970.2185 0.6215 22.5000 0.5791 211.4453 970.2185 33064.0565 33275.5019 970.2180 0.6058 22.6000 0.5625 205.4891 970.2180 33057.4036 33262.8928 970.2174 0.5898 22.7000 0.5460 199.5329 970.2174 33050.5721 33250.1050 970.2168 0.5735 22.8000 0.5294 193.5767 970.2168 33043.6438 33237.2205 970.2162 0.5571 22.9000 0.5129 187.6205 970.2162 33036.6630 33224.2835 970.2155 0.5406 23.0000 0.4964 181.6643 970.2155 33029.6538 33211.3182 970.2149 0.5241 23.1000 0.4798 175.7081 970.2149 33022.6293 33198.3374 970.2143 0.5076 23.2000 0.4633 169.7519 970.2143 33015.5964 33185.3483 970.2137 0.4911 23.3000 0.4467 163.7957 970.2137 33008.5590 33172.3547 970.2131 0.4745 23.4000 0.4302 157.8395 970.2131 33001.5191 33159.3586 970.2125 0.4580 23.5000 0.4136 151.8833 970.2125 32994.4779 33146.3612 970.2119 0.4415 23.6000 0.3971 145.9271 970.2119 32987.4360 33133.3631 970.2113 0.4249 23.7000 0.3805 139.9709 970.2113 32980.3938 33120.3646 970.2107 0.4084 23.8000 0.3640 134.0147 970.2107 32973.3512 33107.3659 970.2100 0.3918 23.9000 0.3474 128.0585 970.2100 32966.3086 33094.3671 970.2094 0.3753 24.0000 0.3309 122.1022 970.2094 32959.2660 33081.3682 970.2088 0.3587 24.1000 0.3144 116.1460 970.2088 32952.2232 33068.3693 970.2082 0.3422 24.2000 0.2978 110.1898 970.2082 32945.1805 33055.3703 970.2076 0.3256 24.3000 0.2813 104.2336 970.2076 32938.1378 33042.3714 970.2070 0.3091 24.4000 0.2647 98.2774 970.2070 32931.0950 33029.3724 970.2064 0.2926 24.5000 0.2482 92.3212 970.2064 32924.0523 33016.3735 970.2058 0.2760 24.6000 0.2316 86.3650 970.2058 32917.0095 33003.3745 970.2052 0.2595 24.7000 0.2151 80.4088 970.2052 32909.9668 32990.3756 970.2045 0.2429 24.8000 0.1985 74.4526 970.2045 32902.9240 32977.3766 970.2039 0.2264 24.9000 0.1820 68.4964 970.2039 32895.8813 32964.3776 970.2033 0.2098 25.0000 0.1655 62.5402 970.2033 32888.8385 32951.3787 970.2027 0.1933 25.1000 0.1489 56.5840 970.2027 32881.7958 32938.3797 970.2021 0.1767 25.2000 0.1324 50.6278 970.2021 32874.7530 32925.3808 970.2015 0.1602 25.3000 0.1158 44.6716 970.2015 32867.7103 32912.3818 970.2009 0.1437 25.4000 0.0993 38.7153 970.2009 32860.6675 32899.3829 970.2003 0.1271 25.5000 0.0827 32.7591 970.2003 32853.6248 32886.3839 970.1995 0.1221 25.6000 0.0662 26.8029 970.1995 32842.4308 32869.2338 970.1984 0.1269 25.7000 0.0496 20.8467 970.1984 32823.5392 32844.3859 970.1968 0.1339 25.8000 0.0331 14.8905 970.1968 32796.1681 32811.0587 970.1947 0.1433 25.9000 0.0165 8.9343 970.1947 32759.4567 32768.3910 970.1920 0.1554 26.0000 0.0000 2.9781 970.1920 32712.4564 32715.4345 970.1886 0.1703 Page 3 tmp#15.txt storage indication method Given Input Data: File Description .... Time increment . 0.1000 hrs input Files: Pre-Dev Hydrograph curve .. G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\100-year storm (pre).hdc Post-Dev Hydrograph curve G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\100-year storm.hdc stage-Storage curve ....... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stagestorage.ssc stage-Discharge curve ..... G:\Land Projects 3\101-027\hd\stagedischarge.sdc Output Data: Routed Peak Flow ......... 68.0510 cfs Routed Peak Time ......... 12.2000 hrs Pre-Developed Peak Flow .. 62.8482 cfs Pre-Developed Peak Time .. 12.1000 hrs Post-Developed Peak Flow 92.8454 cfs Post-Developed Peak Time 12.1000 hrs support calculations: ---------- Time ---------- Inflow ----------- (I1+12)/2 --------- H1 -------------------------------- S1-(01/2)T S2+(02/2)T H2 ---------- outflow hrs cfs ft3 ft ft3 ft3 --------- ft ---------- cfs ---------- ---------- 11.0000 ---------- 2.2062 ----------- 397.1208 --------- 0.0000 ----------- 0.0000 -- 397.1208 968.0278 0.0022 11.1000 2.5126 849.3973 968.0278 396.3204 1245.7177 968.0872 0.0070 11.2000 2.8191 959.7087 968.0872 1243.2068 2202.9155 968.1542 0.0123 11.3000 3.1255 1070.0200 968.1542 2198.4753 3268.4953 968.2288 0.0183 11.4000 3.7077 1229.9715 968.2288 3261.9073 4491.8787 968.3144 0.0251 11.5000 4.2899 1439.5630 968.3144 4482.8248 5922.3878 968.4145 0.0332 11.6000 4.8721 1649.1546 968.4145 5910.4506 7559.6051 968.5291 0.0423 11.7000 13.4825 3303.8247 968.5291 7544.3678 10848.1926 968.7592 0.0607 11.8000 22.0929 6403.5735 968.7592 10826.3267 17229.9002 969.1900 0.2548 11.9000 30.7033 9503.3222 969.1900 17138.1885 26641.5107 969.7977 0.8139 12.0000 59.4762 16232.3142 969.7977 26348.5072 42580.8214 970.6556 12.4496 12.1000 92.8454 27417.8844 970.6556 38098.9657 65516.8501 971.5839 51.7858 12.2000 57.7296 27103.4970 971.5839 46873.9531 73977.4501 971.9002 68.0510 12.3000 19.9480 13981.9628 971.9002 49479.0984 63461.0611 971.5070 47.8337 12.4000 13.5131 6022.9993 971.5070 46240.9450 52263.9443 971.0883 26.3077 12.5000 11.3069 4467.6094 971.0883 42793.1853 47260.7947 970.8757 18.4062 12.6000 9.5603 3756.1012 970.8757 40634.5451 44390.6464 970.7407 14.7531 12.7000 7.9056 3143.8733 970.7407 39079.5173 42223.3905 970.6388 11.9947 12.8000 6.9864 2680.5656 970.6388 37905.3120 40585.8777 970.5618 9.9104 12.9000 6.5268 2432.3651 970.5618 37018.1181 39450.4832 970.5084 8.4653 13.0000 6.0671 2266.8981 970.5084 36402.9687 38669.8668 970.4717 7.4718 13.1000 5.6535 2109.7044 970.4717 35980.0358 38089.7402 970.4444 6.7334 13.2000 5.2398 1960.7841 970.4444 35665.7269 37626.5110 970.4226 6.1438 13.3000 4.9640 1836.6839 970.4226 35414.7523 37251.4362 970.4049 5.6664 13.4000 4.6882 1737.4037 970.4049 35211.5392 36948.9429 970.3907 5.2814 13.5000 4.4584 1646.3968 970.3907 35047.6503 36694.0471 970.3787 4.9569 13.6000 4.2286 1563.6633 970.3787 34909.5494 36473.2127 970.3683 4.6759 13.7000 4.0447 1489.2031 970.3683 34789.9027 36279.1058 970.3592 4.4288 13.8000 3.8609 1423.0163 970.3592 34684.7369 36107.7532 970.3512 4.2107 13.9000 3.6770 1356.8295 970.3512 34591.8991 35948.7287 970.3437 4.0083 14.0000 3.4932 1290.6427 970.3437 34505.7407 35796.3834 970.3365 3.8144 14.1000 3.3706 1235.4870 970.3365 34423.2010 35658.6880 970.3300 3.6391 14.2000 3.2481 1191.3625 970.3300 34348.5985 35539.9610 970.3245 3.4880 14.3000 3.1255 1147.2380 970.3245 34284.2730 35431.5109 970.3194 3.3500 14.4000 3.0642 1114.1446 970.3194 34225.5154 35339.6600 970.3150 3.2331 Page 1 tmp#15.txt 14.5000 3.0029 1092.0823 970.3150 34175.7512 35267.8335 970.3117 3.1417 14.6000 2.9416 1070.0200 970.3117 34136.8360 35206.8561 970.3088 3.0640 14.7000 2.8727 1046.5789 970.3088 34103.7989 35150.3777 970.3061 2.9922 14.8000 2.8037 1021.7588 970.3061 34073.1993 35094.9581 970.3035 2.9216 14.9000 2.7348 996.9388 970.3035 34043.1733 35040.1120 970.3009 2.8518 15.0000 2.6659 972.1187 970.3009 34013.4580 34985.5767 970.2984 2.7824 15.1000 2.6107 949.7807 970.2984 33983.9112 34933.6918 970.2959 2.7164 15.2000 2.5555 929.9246 970.2959 33955.8002 34885.7249 970.2937 2.6553 15.3000 2.5004 910.0686 970.2937 33929.8121 34839.8806 970.2915 2.5970 15.4000 2.4452 890.2125 970.2915 33904.9739 34795.1865 970.2894 2.5401 15.5000 2.3901 870.3565 970.2894 33880.7589 34751.1154 970.2874 2.4840 15.6000 2.3349 850.5005 970.2874 33856.8815 34707.3820 970.2853 2.4283 15.7000 2.2798 830.6444 970.2853 33833.1870 34663.8314 970.2832 2.3729 15.8000 2.2246 810.7884 970.2832 33809.5916 34620.3800 970.2812 2.3176 15.9000 2.1695 790.9323 970.2812 33786.0499 34576.9822 970.2792 2.2623 16.0000 2.1143 771.0763 970.2792 33762.5373 34533.6136 970.2771 2.2071 16.1000 2.0775 754.5296 970.2771 33739.0404 34493.5700 970.2752 2.1562 16.2000 2.0408 741.2922 970.2752 33717.3451 34458.6373 970.2736 2.1117 16.3000 2.0040 728.0549 970.2736 33698.4188 34426.4736 970.2721 2.0708 16.4000 1.9672 714.8175 970.2721 33680.9927 34395.8102 970.2706 2.0318 16.5000 1.9304 701.5801 970.2706 33664.3794 34365.9596 970.2692 1.9938 16.6000 1.9121 691.6521 970.2692 33648.2066 34339.8587 970.2680 1.9605 16.7000 1.8937 685.0334 970.2680 33634.0653 34319.0987 970.2670 1.9341 16.8000 1.8753 678.4148 970.2670 33622.8177 34301.2324 970.2662 1.9114 16.9000 1.8569 671.7961 970.2662 33613.1378 34284.9339 970.2654 1.8906 17.0000 1.8385 665.1774 970.2654 33604.3074 34269.4848 970.2647 1.8710 17.1000 1.8201 658.5587 970.2647 33595.9371 34254.4959 970.2640 1.8519 17.2000 1.8018 651.9400 970.2640 33587.8162 34239.7563 970.2633 1.8331 17.3000 1.7834 645.3214 970.2633 33579.8304 34225.1518 970.2626 1.8145 17.4000 1.7650 638.7027 970.2626 33571.9178 34210.6205 970.2619 1.7960 17.5000 1.7466 632.0840 970.2619 33564.0449 34196.1289 970.2613 1.7776 17.6000 1.7282 625.4653 970.2613 33556.1934 34181.6587 970.2606 1.7592 17.7000 1.7098 618.8466 970.2606 33548.3535 34167.2002 970.2599 1.7408 17.8000 1.6914 612.2280 970.2599 33540.5200 34152.7480 970.2592 1.7224 17.9000 1.6731 605.6093 970.2592 33532.6899 34138.2992 970.2585 1.7040 18.0000 1.6547 598.9906 970.2585 33524.8616 34123.8522 970.2579 1.6856 18.1000 1.6271 590.7172 970.2579 33517.0344 34107.7516 970.2571 1.6651 18.2000 1.5995 580.7892 970.2571 33508.3112 34089.1004 970.2562 1.6414 18.3000 1.5719 570.8612 970.2562 33498.2060 34069.0672 970.2553 1.6159 18.4000 1.5444 560.9332 970.2553 33487.3522 34048.2854 970.2543 1.5894 18.5000 1.5168 551.0052 970.2543 33476.0927 34027.0979 970.2533 1.5625 18.6000 1.4892 541.0771 970.2533 33464.6135 34005.6906 970.2523 1.5352 18.7000 1.4616 531.1491 970.2523 33453.0152 33984.1643 970.2513 1.5078 18.8000 1.4340 521.2211 970.2513 33441.3523 33962.5734 970.2503 1.4803 18.9000 1.4065 511.2931 970.2503 33429.6546 33940.9476 970.2492 1.4528 19.0000 1.3789 501.3651 970.2492 33417.9378 33919.3029 970.2482 1.4253 19.1000 1.3605 493.0917 970.2482 33406.2109 33899.3026 970.2473 1.3998 19.2000 1.3421 486.4730 970.2473 33395.3748 33881.8478 970.2465 1.3776 19.3000 1.3237 479.8543 970.2465 33385.9179 33865.7723 970.2457 1.3571 19.4000 1.3054 473.2357 970.2457 33377.2083 33850.4440 970.2450 1.3376 19.5000 1.2870 466.6170 970.2450 33368.9035 33835.5205 970.2443 1.3186 19.6000 1.2686 459.9983 970.2443 33360.8181 33820.8164 970.2436 1.2999 19.7000 1.2502 453.3796 970.2436 33352.8515 33806.2311 970.2429 1.2813 19.8000 1.2318 446.7609 970.2429 33344.9493 33791.7102 970.2422 1.2629 19.9000 1.2134 440.1423 970.2422 33337.0820 33777.2242 970.2415 1.2444 20.0000 1.1950 433.5236 970.2415 33329.2336 33762.7571 970.2409 1.2260 20.1000 1.1904 429.3869 970.2409 33321.3954 33750.7823 970.2403 1.2108 20.2000 1.1858 427.7322 970.2403 33314.9075 33742.6397 970.2399 1.2004 20.3000 1.1813 426.0776 970.2399 33310.4959 33736.5734 970.2396 1.1927 20.4000 1.1767 424.4229 970.2396 33307.2092 33731.6321 970.2394 1.1864 20.5000 1.1721 422.7682 970.2394 33304.5320 33727.3003 970.2392 1.1809 20.6000 1.1675 421.1136 970.2392 33302.1851 33723.2986 970.2390 1.1758 20.7000 1.1629 419.4589 970.2390 33300.0170 33719.4759 970.2388 1.1709 Page 2 tmp#15.txt 20.8000 1.1583 417.8042 970.2388 33297.9459 33715.7501 970.2387 1.1662 20.9000 1.1537 416.1495 970.2387 33295.9273 33712.0768 970.2385 1.1615 21.0000 1.1491 414.4949 970.2385 33293.9371 33708.4320 970.2383 1.1569 21.1000 1.1445 412.8402 970.2383 33291.9623 33704.8026 970.2381 1.1522 21.2000 1.1399 411.1855 970.2381 33289.9960 33701.1815 970.2380 1.1476 21.3000 1.1353 409.5309 970.2380 33288.0341 33697.5649 970.2378 1.1430 21.4000 1.1307 407.8762 970.2378 33286.0747 33693.9509 970.2376 1.1384 21.5000 1.1261 406.2215 970.2376 33284.1166 33690.3381 970.2375 1.1338 21.6000 1.1215 404.5669 970.2375 33282.1592 33686.7261 970.2373 1.1292 21.7000 1.1169 402.9122 970.2373 33280.2022 33683.1144 970.2371 1.1246 21.8000 1.1123 401.2575 970.2371 33278.2455 33679.5030 970.2370 1.1200 21.9000 1.1077 399.6028 970.2370 33276.2888 33675.8916 970.2368 1.1154 22.0000 1.1031 397.9482 970.2368 33274.3322 33672.2804 970.2366 1.1108 22.1000 1.0755 392.1568 970.2366 33272.3757 33664.5325 970.2362 1.1010 22.2000 1.0480 382.2288 970.2362 33268.1779 33650.4067 970.2356 1.0830 22.3000 1.0204 372.3008 970.2356 33260.5246 33632.8254 970.2348 1.0606 22.4000 0.9928 362.3728 970.2348 33250.9992 33613.3720 970.2338 1.0359 22.5000 0.9652 352.4447 970.2338 33240.4595 33592.9042 970.2329 1.0098 22.6000 0.9376 342.5167 970.2329 33229.3701 33571.8869 970.2319 0.9831 22.7000 0.9101 332.5887 970.2319 33217.9831 33550.5718 970.2309 0.9559 22.8000 0.8825 322.6607 970.2309 33206.4347 33529.0954 970.2299 0.9286 22.9000 0.8549 312.7327 970.2299 33194.7990 33507.5316 970.2289 0.9012 23.0000 0.8273 302.8046 970.2289 33183.1158 33485.9205 970.2278 0.8736 23.1000 0.7998 292.8766 970.2278 33171.4071 33464.2837 970.2268 0.8461 23.2000 0.7722 282.9486 970.2268 33159.6844 33442.6330 970.2258 0.8186 23.3000 0.7446 273.0206 970.2258 33147.9542 33420.9747 970.2248 0.7910 23.4000 0.7170 263.0926 970.2248 33136.2199 33399.3124 970.2238 0.7634 23.5000 0.6894 253.1645 970.2238 33124.4834 33377.6479 970.2228 0.7358 23.6000 0.6619 243.2365 970.2228 33112.7457 33355.9822 970.2217 0.7083 23.7000 0.6343 233.3085 970.2217 33101.0073 33334.3158 970.2207 0.6807 23.8000 0.6067 223.3805 970.2207 33089.2686 33312.6491 970.2197 0.6531 23.9000 0.5791 213.4524 970.2197 33077.5297 33290.9822 970.2187 0.6255 24.0000 0.5516 203.5244 970.2187 33065.7908 33269.3152 970.2177 0.5980 24.1000 0.5240 193.5964 970.2177 33054.0517 33247.6481 970.2166 0.5704 24.2000 0.4964 183.6684 970.2166 33042.3126 33225.9810 970.2156 0.5428 24.3000 0.4688 173.7404 970.2156 33030.5735 33204.3139 970.2146 0.5152 24.4000 0.4412 163.8123 970.2146 33018.8344 33182.6468 970.2136 0.4876 24.5000 0.4137 153.8843 970.2136 33007.0953 33160.9796 970.2126 0.4601 24.6000 0.3861 143.9563 970.2126 32995.3562 33139.3125 970.2115 0.4325 24.7000 0.3585 134.0283 970.2115 32983.6171 33117.6454 970.2105 0.4049 24.8000 0.3309 124.1003 970.2105 32971.8780 33095.9782 970.2095 0.3773 24.9000 0.3034 114.1722 970.2095 32960.1389 33074.3111 970.2085 0.3498 25.0000 0.2758 104.2442 970.2085 32948.3998 33052.6440 970.2075 0.3222 25.1000 0.2482 94.3162 970.2075 32936.6606 33030.9768 970.2065 0.2946 25.2000 0.2206 84.3882 970.2065 32924.9215 33009.3097 970.2054 0.2670 25.3000 0.1930 74.4602 970.2054 32913.1824 32987.6426 970.2044 0.2394 25.4000 0.1655 64.5321 970.2044 32901.4433 32965.9754 970.2034 0.2119 25.5000 0.1379 54.6041 970.2034 32889.7042 32944.3083 970.2024 0.1843 25.6000 0.1103 44.6761 970.2024 32877.9651 32922.6412 970.2014 0.1567 25.7000 0.0827 34.7481 970.2014 32866.2260 32900.9740 970.2003 0.1291 25.8000 0.0552 24.8201 970.2003 32854.4868 32879.3069 970.1991 0.1241 25.9000 0.0276 14.8920 970.1991 32834.6352 32849.5272 970.1972 0.1325 26.0000 0.0000 4.9640 970.1972 32801.8315 32806.7956 970.1944 0.1445 Page 3 ~ . A 10' 8U 10' SAFETY A~ BENCH 10' LITTORAL :Ai w'~Yu'~~ OA ~ ~ ~ . l \ 90 G',~ SHELF g ti 90F F PERMANENT STATIC POOL EZEV= 968.D0 ..tee ° s e . ~ \ TOP OF BERM poet office box xz$9 967.00 zzd aecand street nw ~ ~ ~ SEDIMENT FOREBAY Q~ hickory,norkhcarolina286ox y~0 phone - (8z8) 3zz~34o3 9 ~ ~ , ' POND fax (8z8)3zz-x8oa ~ _ _ SEDIMENT CLfANOUT BENCHMARK email -cbsa@cbaa~architects.com ~'c- ~,.--''TOP OF POLE = 966.00 o Wf/R CORE TO 8E w q~s 95% COMPACTED CLAY ~.ti OBTAIN MATERIAL ON SITE o AS DESIGNATED BY ENGINEER . BorroM ELEV= ssa.oD N cONSU~TANTs LINER - 12" MIN, THICKNESS \ 100% COMPACTED CLAY a4° TAYLOR & VIOLA ~ ~ ~DESIGNAT TED B~ ENGINEER ~ °~~aoF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SECTION A-A AT FOREBAY R BorroM BRITTAIN ENGINEERING Not ro scALE fLEV= sszoo PLUMB'GMECHANICAL & ~ ~ ~ l SEDIMENT CLEANOUT BENCHMARK ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS ~ . • TOP OF P01f = 965.0 CHARLOTTE, N.C. .,ti \ti... i 1 ~ t CJ ~ , C9 ~ ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1S VITAL TO THE OPERATION OF THE WET' DETENTK)N BASIN. NO TWO WRIGHT ASSOCIATES U1 • PONDS ARf THE SAME, BUT EVERY POND W11L REQUIRE MAINTENANCE AT SOME POINT; ANO U~ ~ E ~ , THEIR MAMfTENANCE NEEDS WILL VARY WITH THE SIZE TYPE OF WATERSHED, LOCATION, ETLr CIVIL ENGINEERS 1 2 AND ~NTE7JANCE PROGR4M~F THE MOST (MPORTANT FACTORS IN A SUC~SSFUL OPERATION NEWTON, N.C. ' • 3 DESIGNATION OF A RESPONSIBLE PARTY !S IMPORTANT TO ASSURE INSPECiiDN AND MAINTENANCE. r ' 4. ESTIMATED ANNUAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (0&M) COSTS FOR WET DETENTION BASINS OF 5% OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS WERE FOUND !N A SURVEY CONDUCTED BY 7Hf STATE OF MARYLAND ON THEIR WET DETENTON BASINS IN ADDITION THE NURP STUDY IN WASHINGTON D,C„ ESTIMATED 0&M COSTS TO Bf 5% OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS, 5, A STUDY OF MARYLAND BASINS FOUND THAT, IN GENERAL, PEOPLE NAD MORE FAVORABLE 1MPRESSIQNS OF WfT DETENTION 8AS1NS, WERE LESS LIKELY TO THROW LITTER IN TERM, AND WERE MORE UKftY TO CLEAN AND PERFORM ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ON THEE BASINS WHEN'THEY WERE PROVIDED A PROMINENT POSITION 1N 7NE OEYELOPMETVT 6. A PERMANENT EASEMENT MUST Bf PROVfDED TO ASSURE EASY ACCESS FOR MAINTENANCE. CARE SHOULD BE TAK£P1 TO SECURE ALL APPROPRIATE LfG4L AGREEMEAITS FOR THE EASEMENT I i 7, A BENCHMARK FOR SEDIMENT REMOVAL SHOVED BE ESTABLISHED TO ASSURE ADEQUATE STORAGE FOR WATER QUALITY AND FLOOD CONTROL FUNCflONS. 8. THE MAINTENANCE NEEDS OF ANY PARTICUL4R WET POND ARf HIGHLY DEPENDENT ON THE CONOli10N OF THE WATERSHED THAT CONTRIBUTES RUNOFF TO THE POND. MAINTENANCE SHOULD ALWAYS INCLUDE MINIMIZING EROSION PROBLEMS AND POLLUTANT ExPORT TO THE POND FROM THE CONTRIBUANG WATERSHED. 9. AGAIN, ONE MUST REMEMBER THAT WHILE GENERAL MAINTENANCE TASKS ARE IDENI7FTED HE7,'E ACTUAL NEED W1Et VARY FROM Stif TO SIZE !N GENERAL, PL4NS MUST INDICATE';WHAT OPETtAAON AND MAINTENANCE ACTIONS ARE NEEDED, WHAT CRlIfRW WILL 8E USED TO DETERMINE WHEN THESE ACTIONS ARE NECESSARY, AND I WHO 1S RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE ACTIONS. EXAMPLES OF !TENS THAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED ON AN OPfRAT10N AND MAINTENANCE PLAN INCLUDE BUT ARE NOF LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING. A DEBRIS AND. LITTER COMROL CHECKS FOR INLET, OUTLET AND ORIRCf OBSTRIICTKXJ AFTER EVERY STORM ` PRODUCING RUNOFF: B. PROVISIONS FOR ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT/ MOWING AND A .SCHEDULE FOR IHE5E ACTN(TJES. C. CHECKS EVERY 6 MONTHS, OR MORE FREQUENTLY, FOR: J) SEDIMENT BUILDUP AND THE NEED FOR REMOVAL. g 1 2) EROSION ALONG THE BANK AND THE NEED FOR RESEEDING OR STABkIZA1TON AND IF RESEEDING IS NECESSARY, A RESEEDING SCHEDULE. ~ 3) EROSION AT THE INLET ANp OUTLET AND METHODS OF STABlIIZATION J 4) SEEPAGE THROUGH THE DAM 5) OPERATION OF ANY VALVES OR MECHANICAL COMPONENTS D. AGREEMENT SIGNED ANA NOTARIZED 8Y THE RESPONS18Lf PARTY TO PERFORM THE ' TASKS SPECIt7ED 1N THE PLAN, INCLUDING INSPECTIONS, OPERATION, AND ANY NEEDED 0 i MAINTENANCE ACTIVlT1ES _ ~ INSPECTIONS ~ i 1. NORTH CAROLINAS STORM WATER RULES REQUIRE ANNUAL 1NSPECTfONS BY THE REGUL4RNG AGENCY OF THE WET DETENTION PONDS AS A MINIMUM. MORE FREQUENT INSPECTIONS BY THE LAND OWNER, OR POND OPERATOR ARf STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TD ENSURE THE PROPER OPERATION OF A WET DETENTJON POND. LOCAt GOVERNMENTS CAN Rf01IiRE MORE FREQUENT tNSPECTTONS, AND ALL LOCAL CODES SHOULD Bf CONSULTED. 2. THE D!UlS10N OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND SEVERAL LOCAL GOVERNMENTS HAVE DEVELOPED INSPECTION SHEETS THAT SFRVf AS CHECKLISTS TOR INSPECTORS. AT A MINIMUM AN fNSPEC110N SHOULD INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE FOLLOWING. I ! A, OBSTRtiCAONS OF THE INLET AND OUTLET DEVICES BY 1P~'ASH AND DEBRIS 8. EXCESSNE EROSION OR SEDlM£NTATION !N OR AROUND THE BASIN C. CRACKING OR SETTLING OF THE DAM D, DE7ERlORAT70N OF INLET OR OUTLET AlPfS E. CONDDION OF THE EMERGENCY SPllLWAY F; STABILITY OF SIDE SLOPES G. UP AND DOWNSTREAM CHANNE2 CDNDBIONS H. WOODY VEGETATION IN OR ON )HE DAM i \ i V 1 FOUNTAIN ` AERATOR r KASCO 34OOYFX 'J OR APPROYEO EQUAL WIrH UGMDNG KIT r V TRASH HOOD/ ~ 1 ANTE-VORTEX W RACK 10' LITTORAL TOP OF DAM ounEr smuc>uRE 974.00 SHELF PROP, GRADE ~ r SEE OETAIL THIS PAGE 1 TOP OF RISER (1} 1.5" ORIFICE HOLE AT 971,20 IQ FOR DETENTION 10:1 i INV AT 988A0 SLOPE PERMANENT STATIC POOL ELEV= 988A0 ° SIN AQUATIC PLANTINGS (1) 1.5" INLET PIPE FROM ACCEPTABLE DESCRIPTION r • E ENDED 1' BELOW SPECIES LISTING FOR SCHEMATIC PHASE POND #1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PERMANENT POOL SURFACE ALONG THE OUTER PERIMETER DE51GN DEVELOPMENT r r • PROP. q LITTORAL SHELF ANO NOT: PROP. STEPS ®ND MORE THAN 38" RC o ® 15" O.C. RISER IN THE WEIR SECTION. • SLUICE SUPPORTS O~ (SEE PLANTING DETAIL BELOW) PER MANUF. ~ WEIR CORE T4 BE NOTE: USE THE FOLLOWING AQUATIC PLANTING, IN THE OUTER PERIMETER OF THE POND ~UATIC PLANTING 95% COMPACTED CLAY i OF THE POND'S 6x8 CONC. OBTAIN MATERIAL ON SITE LITTORAL SHELF IN AN ALTERNATING PATT _TERNATING PATTERN BOX AS DESIGNATED BY ENGINEER AS SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL (ALTER PLANT ' FROM THE "SELECTION AND PLANTING GU L (ALTER PLANTS TOP OF VD PLANTING GUIDE BOX= 985.00 FOR AQUATIC AND LAND PL NTA SIN T +!d P,~ NTH SIN THE - ~ PIEDMONT REGION OF NORTH CAROLINA A iRTH CAROLINA MANUALI. 12"~ SLUICE RISER GATE PROPO 328' - 30" HOPE LET AT 1.00 ~ I W.H, PICKERELWEED - 1 GAL. SIZE SIZE ELEV. 963.00 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R,I,S. LIZARD'S TAIL - 1 GAL. SIZE SIZE °w!o BOTTOM - CBSA ARCHrTECTS, INC. 2005 ELEV= 982.00 SFP ~ ~~~8 SOFT STEM BULRUSH - 1 GAL. SIZE 1 GAL. SIZE ~ LINER - 12" MIN. THICKNESS 7' x 9' x 6" THK. pE,yR.~F+AfEROIi,?L;IY 100% COMPACTED CLAY CONC. FOOTING WETLAi~[1S A~JD STC~t~I~ATER BRl~C;~ ARROWHEAD - 1 GAL. SIZE r CAR , GRAPHIC SCALE ~ WRIGNT ASSOCIA E"S ~ , ZE ~ OBTAIN MATERIAL ON SITE WITH 10x10x8/8 WWM, ~ ENGINEERS ~ $URVi~I'ORS ;,~t~~F~SS~OA„ A;~ .A ~o o s l0 2a ao MARSH SEEDBOX - 1 GAL, SIZE AS DESIGNATED BY ENGINEER ~L, SIZE ~ Tun rnNr. anon-sFFP cni i aRS .e , e°Q ('0YV V IN THE UPPER 'R, /Y -0, F -DAM- QUALITY 4190 HIGHWAY 16 SOUTH o & NEWTON, NC 28658 0 9 4 p°~ % °TYPICAL PLANT DETAIL OF LITT OF LITTORAL SHELF SECTION A-A AT DAM PON17 NOTE: ALL JOINTS MUST BE SEALED NOT TO SCALE AT E 8128108 ( IN FEET ) (828) 465-2205 OFFICE 1 inch - 10 ft. NOT TO SCALE WATER TIGHT. /'~Q 828 465-5878 FAX V.7i 0