HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071818 Ver 1_Other Agency Comments_20070116DEC-19-2007 07:59 Frorrl:DOT OFF OF NRT EHUI. 519 715 5501 To :9197-33689-31 NCDO T-PDEA NA'I`U E?RONME Fax UNIT To: From: n ? ?20?A Fax: -3 - 6e V? 73 Pages: l IC( ? Phone: Date: Re; CC: P.1?3 ? Urgent ? For Review ? Please Comment ? Please Reply ? Please Recycle 9 Comments:. - q-Z-1 t1'?t/S tx ?h ?--.. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 818.715-1335 or 816.715-1334 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TW4FDRTATION FAX. 919.715-5501 PAkkER UNCXXH EII11„OIt4G PROJECT DEVEL9PUENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALY$15 272B GAPI IALSLVD.. SUITE 240 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT UNIT WE9S1TE: wwwAIC00T ORG RALEIGH, NC 27604 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTEk RA_FIGrI NC 27699-1598 DEC-19-2007 WED 09:08 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWO-WETLANDS P. 1 DEL;-1'9-2007 07:59 From:DOT OFF OF NHT EhIVI. 919 715 5501 To:919 7 3 36893 ar:xr.,,z ?Cy 4 \? V 6 2007 FPDEA-OFFICE IVED "i ATF. OF NORTH CAROLINA ?Y$ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA'I ON flAf.EHIflRONMENT MICHAELF. EAY r. y LYNDO't'IPIr E'r i Gi wtR.NDR SEC KL I AMY January 10, 2007 Mr. Robert G. Healy New Hope Creek Corridor Advisory Committee P. 0. Box 51531, Durham. NC 27717 Dear Mr. Healy: SUBJECT: Project: 33563.1.1 (B-4218) Orange County F.A. Project: BRZ-1730(5) Bridge 108 over Now Hope Creek on SR 1730 I appreciate your comments regarding the design and construction of TIP Project B-4218. Listed below are NCDOT's responses to your comments. Our comments will follow it the same order as your letter dated December 02, 2006. An off-site detour is planned for the construction of this project. The off-site detour is planned to follow the following roads- SR 1731 (Whitfieid Road), NC 86, and SR 1718 (Mt. Sinai Road). • The new bridge is proposed to be a 2-span structure and have one bent in the creek. To span the creek will require a significant grade change with a much longer bridge, as the 100-year overflow will be blocked. New Hope Creek is a FEMA rogulated stream and would require a floodway rnodification if the grade were raised. Eliminating the bent from the creek, increasing the roadway grade, and increasing the bridge length will increase the project cost significantly. The cleariii and grubbing operation will include areas that are necessary for protect construction. • HOW, ORW or WS-I or WS-11 waters are not listed for Turkey Creek in the project vicinity. There are no federally protected species located within the study area. Therefore, standard erosion and sedimentation measures were recommended in the Programmatic Categorical Exclusion. However, there is a diverse mussel assemblage located in the project vicinity. Several of the mussels found near the bridge are state listed. NCCDOT will adhere to " Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" during project construction. `Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" is the highest level of erosion control design. This standard requires the erosion control plans to be designed to provide protection from the runoff of a 25 year storm event. The proposed bridge will have at least 10 feet from the top of the creek brink to the toe of the end bent fill slope with 8 feet of clearance from normal pool elevation. • No decK drains will be on the proposed bridge. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEHHUNF " ti14:)5&401C NC: CEPAPT MtrjT 0V THANSPUk I Anna FAX 41 B-;?511-4ny R?ADWAV DE116N Uran 1582 rv1a1. SFHVV;E C EWT H WEtlSfrC: WWW PJ(7r7T.ORGiDUH RALCIG)A NC 27599-158',' LOCATION: i;Fnn IHr ?;Erir?? GuinF•tt x GUIU,i ; A Mfl'? HIAC-t RD,?C DFivC RAIEKH NC DEC-19-2007 WED 09:08 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWO-WETLANDS P. 2 DEF--29-2007 07:59 Frorn:DUT OFF OF NAT EtFJVI. 919 715 5501 To:919T336893 P.3'3 Mr. Robert G. Healy January 10, 2007 Page 2 • Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition & Removal will be implenientr d. Although the timber columns for the interior bents are encased it) concrete, temporary fill is riot anticipated with respect to bridge demolition. All other components will be removed without dropping components into New Hope Creek during construction. • Below is a typical section of the bridge. The bridge will have two ten (10') foot vehicular travel lanes and 3'-85' offsets on each side. The proposed shoulder widths will be usable by both pedestrians and bicyclists. The bridge will not Have sidewalks. r.-2. nr-1.1 V-2' • Ms. Sarah McRae of the Natural Heritage Program was contacted concerning the project. She said that the project is located in an area identified as the New Hope Creek Floodplain Macrosite. This macrosite has state significance most likely because of the mussel diversity found at the site. She recommended that efforts be made to reduce sedimentation during construction and recommended that Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds be used during project construction. Again, NCDOT will adhere to " Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" during project construction, Agair, we appreciate your comments and concern regarding the project. NCDOT values the public's comments as we design and construct our projects in a manner that both enhances the citizens' safety and provides a strong environmental commitment. Please note that these plans are still preliminary and s ub ect to change without notice. If you have questions or concerns regarding the project work, please contact Mr, Robert J. Stroup, PE, Project Design Engineer, or me, at 919-250-4016. Sincerely, Cathy S. ouser, PE Project Engineer - Roadway Design CSH/rjs cc: Mr. Mika Mills, PE, Division 7 Mr. Tracy Walter, Project Development & Environrrrental Analysis Branch Ms. Susan Thebert, Natural Enviroment Unit File DEC-19-2007 WED 09:06 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWO-WETLANDS P. 3 4